Natalie real name is Natalya Rudina, popular Russian. The singer who literally immediately captivated listeners with her beauty and unique vocals

There are many different rumors circulating around this woman. She is one of the interesting personalities that the press never ceases to discuss. But in fact, this is the simplest person with a difficult fate. There have been many tragedies in her life, she lives and works with great pain in her heart.

Height, weight, age. How old is Zemfira

It’s no secret that it’s important for fans to know everything about their idols, and Zemfira is no exception. On the Internet, a frequently asked question is “height, weight, age, how old is Zemfira.” AND this information is not a secret to anyone. For example, the singer is 173 centimeters tall and weighs 58 kilograms.

Today, the artist is 40 years old. The woman tries to take good care of herself, has loved sports since childhood and is now actively involved in it, which is why she looks great. Of course, she can’t spend much time on him, but free time enjoys dedicating himself to sports. Because she believes that sport is the key to health.

Biography of Zemfira

The birth of the future artist occurred in glorious city Ufa. The girl’s family was intelligent, her father was a historian, and her mother was a specialist in physical therapy. Zemfira had an older brother, whom she loved madly and trusted him with all her secrets. And he doted on her, and constantly protected her from everything and everyone.

The girl's musical talent was discovered from childhood. Therefore, from the age of five she studied at a special music school. She learned to play the piano, sang in the choir, and was a soloist. She even performed on TV with a children's song. Which I was very happy about. She liked this debut.

The girl wrote her first song at the age of seven. She then sang it at her mother’s work. When she was at school, she really liked the work of the Kino group. She claims that it was their songs that became the foundation for her work. Her idol was Viktor Tsoi, she looked up to him.

Zemfira's biography was very common. In addition to music, she was actively involved in sports. When the girl was in school, she liked to play basketball. And despite the fact that she was the smallest on the team, the girl became the captain of her team. So at the end of school she had to choose between two favorite activities. Despite the fact that the girl loved sports very much, she chose music. So she went on to study her favorite business. She began to combine study and work. She performed songs that were popular at that time in restaurants. But she very soon got tired of this one. And then she went on the radio. Zemfira voiced commercials, and there she soon recorded her first demo.

Her whole life changes dramatically in 1997. When at the next rock festival, a cassette with Zemfira’s songs, through her journalist friends, ends up with a famous producer. At that time he had wards, the Mummy Troll group. Leonid decides to give the girl a chance, as he saw promise in her work. So in 1998 she recorded her first album.

Ilya, the leader of the group, helped make the album, and the drummer and guitarist were also involved. The debut took place in May 1999, although some songs had been played since February. Slowly preparing the people for the rise of a new star.

This album was a stunning success. About seven thousand copies were sold. Videos were shot for several of these songs. But only one video won the hearts of viewers.

The first tour took place three months after the album was released. The concerts were completely sold out, which no one expected and could not even imagine such success. After the singer returned from the tour, recording of a new second album began. Its title is “Forgive me, my love.” Zemfira admits that names have always been difficult for her. This album became the most popular in 2000. And commercially successful, of all the singer’s discs. And then the singer began best performer, according to the magazine.

Such popularity did not make her so happy, and maybe even the opposite. And at the end of 2000, she decided to take a break from this success and went on vacation, taking part in only one concert, which was dedicated to the memory of Viktor Tsoi, since this was her idol, she could not miss.

The singer’s next breakthrough was the album “Fourteen Weeks of Silence.” It came out in 2002. During this time, she rethought a lot of things in her work, and in life in general. This album was special, not like the previous ones. Completely changing the stereotypes that her producer imposed on her. But, despite everything, the group also participated in this album. The circulation of this disc has passed one million. The singer even received an award for it.

In 2004, there were two significant events for Zemfira. She had two of the most striking duets. One is paired with Lagutenko, and the second with by Queen. Which was an even greater success for her.

Soon, the girls wanted to get higher education. She entered the philosophy department at Moscow State University, but she never managed to finish her studies. Music took up all her free time.

Singer Zemfira and Renata Litvinova got married photo 2015

The year 2005 began with a new collaboration, with producer, actress and director Renata Litvinova. Zemfira created music for her film. And after, Litvinova became the director of her many videos. There are rumors that Zemfira and Renata got married back in 2015 secretly from everyone in order to hide their relationship.

This is the end of the group. In 2007, another masterpiece was released whose title sounds like “Thank you.” She released him on her own behalf, and then she told everyone that there was no more group, but only her, Zemfira Ramazanova.

In 2009, Zemfira released another collection. She also often tours throughout Russia and abroad. She also started working on a track for her friend's film.

The next album created by Zemfira also became another breakthrough in the world of rock. It was called “Living in Your Head.” It combined minimalism, simplicity, and much more. positive qualities, which brought music to a new stage. A new record was set for online sales.

She also received another award.

It happened soon new tour, entitled " Small man" Having visited more than 20 cities in Russia and abroad. Also, in 2016, a huge tour took place, which began in Omsk and ended in Moscow.

Soon three songs were posted, somewhere in 13, they, frankly speaking, blew up the chart. The performers were the group “The Uchpochmack”, from the Bashkir word meaning triangle. The band consisted of guitarist Bro, drummer Luka and vocalist Rocket, who were introduced as animated characters. No matter how she tried to hide her identity, everyone recognized her by her vocals. Soon she herself presented her project, where she revealed all the secrets to the viewer. The identities of Bro and Luk were revealed. They turned out to be none other than Zemfira’s nephews, twin brothers Artyom and Arthur.

So, the family gathered in in full force, and this project was a sensation, a breakthrough.

Personal life of Zemfira

For the whole labor activity, all kinds of rumors and gossip circulated around her. Zemfira’s personal life mainly consisted only of rumors, which is her merit. At the very beginning of her career, she started rumors about her upcoming wedding with a famous young man. Which turned out to be just a PR stunt. Since then, the press has not connected her with anyone. Either with some oligarch, or with its director Nastya Kalmanovich.

A last years, they constantly say that there is some kind of relationship between the friends. It's like they have a relationship. The women themselves do not comment on this. Since the singer has a very secretive character and a dislike for the press, they give journalists a chance to make only guesses about her personal life.

Husband of singer Zemfira

Today, she does not have a partner in life, or perhaps she is hiding it. But she was never married. There have been various rumors about the singer’s sexuality and have been for quite some time.

Whether this is true or not, no one knows. Zemfira tries to keep her personal life secret. But this is unlikely. She is a woman with principles, and would hardly engage in such nonsense.

Zemfira's family

For the singer, family has always come first. She loved her parents and older brother madly. But it so happened that fate deprived her of everything. In 2013, Zemfira's family was shaken by grief. Her older brother died, he drowned in the river while hunting underwater.

But before this incident, a year before, the singer’s father died of illness. And in 2015, a woman lost her only loved one, mom. She has only nephews left, Arthur and Artyom, whom she takes care of as if they were her own, and loves them endlessly.

Children of Zemfira

It so happened that the singer has no children, and she was not married. She very carefully hides her personal life. Zemfira's children, after the death of their brother, became Arthur and Artyom. After her brother died tragically, she began to actively take part in their upbringing.

She helped them in every possible way to become popular. Now little is known about them, only that the brothers are now studying in London. The singer also contributed to this. They love their star aunt very much, and she dotes on them. The singer is still at such an age that perhaps she will decide on her children.

Photo of Zemfira before and after plastic surgery

There is no reliable information that Zemfira turned to specialists for help. But still, photos of Zemfira before and after plastic surgery flooded the Internet. The singer herself does not comment on this fact. This is just speculation.

They say that people began to notice that the artist had suddenly become younger and prettier. And so gossip spread online. No one really knows if this is true or not. But the singer is such a person that it is unlikely that she would go under the knife, but who knows, there are different situations that push one to take such a step.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zemfira

Zemfira is a very progressive person, she is for all innovations in modern world. She believes that it is simply impossible to live in this world without social networks. They allow you to communicate closer with your fans, to be a little closer and more accessible to the people. Zemfira's Instagram and Wikipedia are simply teeming with various information, photographs and videos from her personal and creative life. But she doesn’t show off her creative or personal life anymore. But she still has a lot of subscribers, and all sorts of interesting things that fans like. Social networks are a world where a common person may approach the star. It’s right that our celebrities start such pages and share their lives with ordinary people.

Now the artist is actively engaged in her profession. Recording new albums and film soundtracks. She is practically never at home; she is constantly on tour. She really likes what she does. She lives and breathes music too. She cannot imagine herself without music. So far, there are two loves in her life, music and nephews.

She has been pursuing her dream since childhood, and has achieved almost everything she dreamed of. Yes, because of her career, she never built her personal life, but she knew what she was doing and consciously walked towards the goal. Not everyone is able to lose one thing in exchange for another, but she did.

Her personality is the most talked about in in social networks, since she is not like everyone else, she is the only copy of her kind. A strong, persistent woman who always follows her own path, without listening to anyone. And this is the most best quality, in order to achieve something in this life. She is not a singer for one day, but for centuries. Not everyone likes her work, but she is special. People like her are one in a million. Therefore, various negative rumors and gossip revolve around her.

This woman has achieved almost everything in her life. All that remains is for her to wish to find family happiness. Love, happiness to experience motherhood. She already has everything else, success, public recognition, talent. In the meantime, the singer is doing great.

The singer is now trying to appear less in public and contact the press. Since it is often unreasonably thrown with mud. Yes, she is an extraordinary person, but very simple and interesting. She has experienced a lot of grief in her life. She lost almost all the people close to her, but did not lose heart. Only to a strong man It is natural to rise up after such troubles.

Zemfira is an incredibly talented Russian singer who opened a completely new movement in Russian rock, called “women’s rock.”


Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova was born on August 26, 1976 in the city of Ufa, which at that time was part of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The girl grew up in an intelligent Bashkir-Tatar family. The girl's father, Talgat Talkhoevich, taught history at school. Zemfira also has an older brother named Ramil.

From the early age Zemfira woke up musical talent. From the age of 5, the girl took piano lessons at a music school, and later she was accepted as a soloist in the school choir.

Also, at the age of 5, the future singer first appeared on television: on a local TV channel, a girl sang a song about a worm.

As a child future singer she had many hobbies, she attended 7 clubs at once, but paid more attention to music and basketball. Despite the fact that in school team In basketball, Zemfira was the shortest on the team; the future singer became the captain of the Russian junior team.

Zemfira in her youth

After graduating from school, Zemfira decides to take music seriously and enters the pop-jazz vocal department at the Ufa College of Arts. In parallel with her studies, the girl performs hits of her favorite performers on the street: “Kino”, “Nautilus Pomilius” and “Aquarium”, and also sings the original compositions of Freddie Mercury and George Michael.

After graduating from college, Zemfira, together with her classmate Vlad Kolchin, who plays the saxophone, performed songs in restaurants in Ufa. But soon the girl got tired of it, and she decided to find another place of work.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1996, Zemfira was hired as a sound engineer at the local branch of the Europe-Plus radio station. At the same time, she begins to write her first songs in the Cakewalk program. Using this program, the compositions “Snow”, “Forecaster”, “Rockets” and “Why”, which were included in the singer’s first album, were recorded.

The girl also manages to work as a backing vocalist in the popular band of that time, Spectrum Ace. In the same year, Zemfira persuades Arkady Mukhtarov to record the performer’s demo disc.

In the same year, Zemfira decides to form her own group. The first participant was bass guitarist Rinat Akhmadiev, then Rinat brought his friend drummer Sergei Sozinov, next year keyboard player Sergei Mirolyubov and lead guitarist Vadim Solovyov join the team.

The newly-minted group goes to Moscow to promote its team. In the capital, at the Maxidrom festival, Zemfira, through journalists, hands over a disk with songs recorded by the group to Leonid Burlakov, producer of the Mumiy Troll group. After listening to the songs, he decides to record an album.

Since 1998, active work began on the creation of the first album. The Mumiy Troll group actively helped the newcomers with the recording - vocalist Ilya Lagutenko acted as sound producer, and Yuri Tsaler and Oleg Pungin participated in the recording. In January 1999, the album was mixed in London. On May 10, the first album called “Zemfira” is released, which incredibly quickly gained popularity among listeners.

Videos were soon shot for the songs “AIDS”, “Arividerchi” and “Why”, which only increased Zemfira’s popularity. The band went on tour three months after the release of the record, and the concerts attracted full audiences.

Upon returning from the tour, the Zemfira group began recording their second album. On March 28, 2000, an album called “Forgive Me, My Love” was released, which was called the most popular album of 2000. Zemfira herself received the title of “Performer of the Year” from the publication “OM”.

The album includes famous songs, which are still popular: “I was looking”, which became the soundtrack of the film “Brother 2”, “Do You Want”, “City” and “Dawns”. After the release of the record, Zemfira organizes all-Russian tour, which was a runaway success.

April 1 Zemfira with solo concert performed at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. At one of the concerts held in Ufa, an unpleasant incident occurred - 19 people were injured in a stampede. After the incident, the singer announced that she was taking a “sabbatical,” canceled all concerts and did not appear on stage for a year.

The exception was participation in the “FILM Test” project, organized in honor of the memory of Zemfira’s favorite performer, Viktor Tsoi.

Zemfira after a “sabbatical”

After a year of silence, the singer decides to completely change her style, so from that moment on, the Zemfira group disbands. The singer asks musicians from Mumiy Troll - Oleg Pungin and Yuri Tsaler - to help with the recording of the new album.

The release of the new album “Fourteen Weeks of Silence” took place on April 1, 2002. The number of discs sold quickly passed the one million mark, critics began to actively discuss new record. In 2003, the singer received the Triumph award for this album.

In 2004 there were two significant events: first Zemfira performed with Ilya Lagutenko at the Maxidrom rock festival, then at the MTV Russia ceremony Music Awards Together with the group Queen, the singer performed the legendary composition “We are the Champions".

In the same year, Zemfira recorded the track “Goddess: How I Loved” for the film by Renata Litvinova. In gratitude, Renata directed Zemfira’s video for the song “Itogi”.

Also in 2004, the performer decides to get a higher education and enters the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. But the singer spent all her time on music, so she did not have time to study. During the first session, Zemfira took an academic leave, but then never recovered, for which she was expelled in 2006.

In March 2005, the performer’s fourth album, entitled “Vendetta,” was released, consisting of 15 songs. The album received only positive reviews from listeners and critics, and was also called the second “take-off” album after her debut “Zemfira”. On May 10, a tour began in support of the record.

In the fall of 2007, the album “Thank You” was released, which consisted of 12 songs. On October 21, a tour began in support of the album, and the end of the tour was a performance at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. The following year, the singer won in the “Soloist of the Year” and “Music” categories at the “Chart Dozen” awards.

Since 2011, Zemfira begins work on her sixth album, “Live in Your Head.” Prior to this, Zemfira also released a collection of her B-sides called “Z-Sides”. On July 8, 2012, Zemfira closed her official website for some time, dissatisfied with the fact that too many users were discussing her image and appearance on social networks.

In 2013, work on the album “Live in Your Head” was completed and on February 15 the album was released, which again made a splash in the world Russian rock. This album set a record for domestic online sales, collecting 2 million rubles in a month.

Before the release of the album, the singer organized a tour in which she visited 51 cities. In the fall of the same year, Zemfira received an award in the category “Best Russian performer"at the MTV Europe Music Awards.

In February 2016, a new tour, “Little Man,” began. The singer traveled to 20 cities of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, the tour ended enchanting performance in Moscow. On this tour, Zemfira announced that she was completing her touring activities.

Personal life

There are many rumors about the singer’s personal life, but the singer does not give any comments on this matter.

It all started with the singer announcing her wedding to Vyacheslav Petkun, the lead singer of the group “Dancing Minus,” but this statement turned out to be just a PR stunt. After this, Zemfira was credited with an affair with Abramovich and Anastasia Kalmanovich, the singer’s director.

IN Lately Zemfira is credited with an affair with Renata Litvinova, a friend of the performer and a film director, but they do not comment on the information.

What do you know about Natalie? A singer whose biography characterizes her as versatile and creative personality, puts family first in life. Only then comes a career and realization in show business. What else is interesting about the life story of a stage star?

Natalie (singer). Biography: youth

The future singer was born in the city of Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod region in 1974. Since childhood, Natasha was active and Her everyday life at school could not be called gray. She stood out among her peers, demonstrated her “I” and was a leader in companies. Little Natasha took part in all school concerts, theatrical productions and other events. Besides everything else, the girl in adolescence started writing poetry and songs. Future star Russian pop singer never seriously thought about a musical career, did not practice this art professionally. The girl wanted to enter a pedagogical university and work as a teacher. Nevertheless, the future singer, whose photo is now of interest to millions of fans, was close to the world of music. She was attracted to creativity. After graduating from a pedagogical school and trying myself as a teacher primary classes Natalie decided that this was not her path and left for Moscow.

Natalie (singer). Biography: early career

Her path in the capital was not easy. After a while, producer Valery Ivanov pays attention to her. Thanks to him, Natalie's singing career began. The girl’s first songs and albums did not receive due fame, but after the hit “The Wind from the Sea Blowed” the whole country started talking about her. National love fell on the young singer like an avalanche. Natalie could not even dream that someday her songs would be heard on radio and television! Both adults and children knew her cute and playful compositions by heart. The army of fans increased after the release of each new hit. Natalie (singer), whose biography by that time was already quite interesting, successfully toured and collected full houses in each of the cities.

Until the early 00s, Natalie worked successfully, went to concerts, recorded videos and songs. Her album “The Wind Blew from the Sea,” released in 1997, broke all sales records. In 2000, the singer released the song “Turtle” and soon left the stage, devoting herself to her family and child.

Singer Natalie. Biography. Personal life

During the first wave of her popularity, little was known about the singer’s personal life. Recently in one of television programs Natalie spoke in detail to the public about how difficult it was to combine her career and personal life. The singer got married at the age of 17 and has been happily married for 22 years with her husband Alexander, who is a little older than her. It so happened that Natalie, who was successful in her creative work, could not give birth to a child for a long time. All of her pregnancies ended in miscarriages. She literally begged the saints for her long-awaited son. For 9 years the couple dreamed of a child, and God rewarded them. After the birth of the child, the singer left the stage for some time. Later a second heir was born.

Currently, Natalie is again at the peak of popularity. Her song “Oh God, What a Man” became a hit in 2013. Now the singer is successfully touring, participating in national concerts and recording new hits.

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In this article we will tell you how old Natalie is, tell you how interesting her biography is, and also analyze the path along which she became famous. So, how old is singer Natalie? We answer: As of 2017, she is 42 years old, she was born in 1974.

The beginning of Natalie's life journey

The singer's real name is Natalya Minyaeva. The singer’s homeland was small town Dzerzhinsk. Natalia was born on March 31, 1974. The girl’s parents were simple working people, Anatoly Nikolaevich and Lyudmila Pavlovna. Natalie's father worked as a power engineer at a factory, and her mother was a laboratory assistant.

From the early period In her life, Natasha was a very energetic girl who could not sit still for 5 minutes. Thanks to this energy, she developed excellent organizational skills. She was especially active in her school years, when, in addition to studying, I found time for creative clubs. Not a single event could take place without young Natasha. school event, she always took part wherever it was appropriate.

Because of her activity and determination, the future singer already had many fans at school. Needless to say that she was the undisputed leader in the class? The children trusted her with all their secrets, were always interested in her opinion and respected Natasha. As for the teachers, they could not be happier with what a wonderful girl they were raising at school. They always set Natalya as an example to other children. These were the singer’s school years.

The girl was always interested in music, so in 1993 she, along with her friends, entered the city’s music school. Natalia liked the piano most of all, so her parents allowed her to attend lessons on this instrument. Over the years, the girl studied vocal art and soon became a first-class singer. While she was studying at music school, many songs were written to her. In addition to the piano, Natalya became interested in the guitar. After she perfectly mastered this instrument, she won many prizes at numerous music competitions, in which the singer participated.

At that time, Natalie had already created her first music group, with whom she took part in music festivals and competitions.

In 1990, filming began for a documentary film that talked about Dzerzhinsk, the city in which Natalya lived. She was offered to star in this film, and the singer agreed with pleasure. True, to participate in the filming it was necessary to participate in the casting, but Natalya quickly passed it, charming all the directors. In the same year, the singer went to St. Petersburg to dub the film at the Lenfilm studio. After this, the young singer gained wide popularity in her hometown.

So, in the first years of starting her musical career, Natalie managed to:

  • Take part in numerous music competitions.
  • Create your own Music band and perform with him at music festivals.
  • Star in a documentary.
  • Voice over the film.

Gaining popularity

Despite the fact that the singer adored music, she began to pay attention not to her own musical development, and the development of others. In other words, Natalie began teaching music to children. Thanks to her love for children and music, the singer graduated pedagogical institute in my city and got a profession music teacher. In 1993, she got married, after which she moved with her husband to the capital.

The singer called her first musical group “Chocolate Bar”. Alexander Rudin, who assisted the singer in her professional realization, helped to the young team record their first albums. By the way, it was him who Natalie married. Album titles:

  • "Pop Galaxy".
  • "Superboy"

The singer wrote most of the songs present in these albums herself while studying at school. Both Rudin and Natalie understood that they would not be able to achieve great fame in Dzerzhinsk, and since both spouses were purposeful and ambitious, they decided to go to Moscow and try their luck there. The singer’s husband gave his all so that Natalie’s talent would be noticed. And his efforts were not in vain. In the capital, Rudin managed to contact a producer named Valery Ivanov, who arranged an audition for the singer. After the audition ended, he decided to take Natalie under his wing to help her gain popularity. A year later, Natalie released her first professional album, which she called “The Little Mermaid.” The first few years after this, Natalie had to be the “opening act” at the concerts of her colleagues. However, after some time, the singer’s audience grew, and this allowed her producer, Ivanov, to organize concerts only for Natalie.

So thanks to which of her songs did the singer gain nationwide fame? It was the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea.” Few people know, but the singer composed this particular song at the age of 13, and when she learned to play the guitar, she wrote the music for it herself. Perhaps, after this composition “came out” and every second person began to hum it, Natalie herself was in a pleasant shock.

More modern stage The singer’s creativity is associated with the release in 2012 of the song “Oh God, what a man!”

The singer's personal life

  • Alexander Rudin is Natalie’s first and only husband, first producer. They got married when Natalie was 17 years old. Alexander Rudin always treated his wife very kindly, doing everything for her career and success. The couple is still happily married.
  • Natalie and Alexander have two sons. The eldest's name is Arseny, and the youngest's is Anatoly. Long years the couple could not have children. Natalie had many miscarriages, and so she decided to go to a healer to help her. True or not, after this the singer became pregnant and safely gave birth to her first son.
  • Despite his musical career, Natalie and Alexander are planning to have a third child, this time a girl.

Natalie's life path is full of ups and downs, but she experienced all this together with her husband, whom she continues to love to this day.

Recently on Russian stage Singer Natalie returned with an explosive hit. Her song “Oh God, what a man” broke all the hit parades. Also 15 years ago, the girl gained unprecedented popularity with musical hit"Wind was blowing from sea". Finally, she decided to tell fans the whole truth about her personal life.

On initial stage career, the singer was forbidden to tell the press that she was married; it was not easy. But now she's ready to show her cards. Wedding with Alexander Rudin young singer I played at the age of 17, and still haven’t regretted my decision. And the girl met her husband at the age of 16; the chosen one was 4 years older than her beloved. But this did not stop them from starting a family.

Wedding of Natalie and Alexander Rudin

Natalie met her husband at the festival where she entered. Alexander approached the singer and invited her to record songs. Thus began a romance, which later grew into marriage. The couple did not immediately think about children. Once a girl became pregnant, but had a miscarriage early on, and the same situation happened again.

Natalie with her sons

And it so happened that Natalie was able to give birth to her first child only 9 years later. It was very difficult, she had already stopped hoping for a miracle. But fate turned out to be favorable to the singer and gave her and her husband 2 sons. But the couple are not going to stop there; they really want a daughter.

Natalie and her husband

It also turned out that while Natalie was in the shadows, she managed to make herself plastic surgery on the chest. This gave her confidence. The singer made this decision after giving birth. She also had to touch up her lips a little with Botox. But these are minor changes, and they changed the girl for the better.