Museum of Ancient Slavic Architecture "Slawenburg-Raddusch" Dolna Lusatia - Germany. Slavic Germany

Men love to cook shish kebab on coals. Any task (even cooking) becomes interesting for a man if it is associated with danger.

Men with earrings are better prepared for marriage. Firstly, they have already experienced pain, and secondly, they know what it’s like to buy jewelry.

Marrying a divorced man makes sense from an environmental point of view. In our world there are fewer men than women - and everyone knows that any resource that is not abundant should be reused.

Men are extremely arrogant people. Some of them are so confident that when they watch sports on TV, they think that if they concentrate hard enough, they can help their team.

Men love phones with a lot of buttons. This helps them feel important.

All men hate the phrase “We need to talk about our relationship.” These six words could terrify General Schwarzkopf himself.

Men are sensitive in a strange way. If a man lit a fireplace and the last log did not burn out, he may regard this as a personal insult.

On average, men have a higher body temperature than women. If your apartment is cold in winter, it is recommended to sleep in the same bed with a man. Men are portable heaters who snore.

Women take clothing much more seriously than men. No one has ever seen a man who would come to a party and say in despair: “Oh, God! I’m at a loss! It’s probably better to leave. I see another man wearing a black tuxedo!”

Most men hate shopping. That is why the department men's clothing, as a rule, are located on the first floor two inches from the front door.

If a man has prepared dinner for you and the salad contains more than three ingredients, consider that he has serious intentions.

If you are dating a man and you think he is the best for you because he:

a) got older

6) got a job new job,

c) consulted a psychiatrist,

get ready for unpleasant surprises. The fact is that the cocoon and butterfly theory can only be applied to cocoons and butterflies.

When four or larger number men get together, they talk about sports. When four or more women get together, they talk about men.

Most women are introspective:
- Am I really in love?

Am I emotionally and creatively fulfilled?

Most men are extrospective:

Will my team win?

How's my car?

If a man says: “I'll call you” and doesn't call, it doesn't mean he forgot to do it, it doesn't mean he lost your phone number, it doesn't mean he died. This means he doesn't want to call you.

It can be difficult to free yourself from a man without hurting his masculinity. The phrases “Get away” and “I don’t want to see you again” can sound like a challenge. If you really want to get rid of a man, try telling him: “I love you... I want to marry you... I want to have children from you.” Sometimes they leave a smoking trail on the parquet.

Men are self-confident because they identify with superheroes as children. Women usually have low self-esteem, because as children they identify with Barbie.

Menopause is much more funnier in men than in women. When a woman goes through menopause, she becomes fat and often gets feverish. When a man goes through menopause, he tries to meet young girls and ride a motorcycle.

Men forget everything, while women forget nothing. This is why replays are often shown when sports are broadcast.

Facts about women

Cats, like women, love with their ears. Otherwise the cats wouldn't scream like that.

Have you noticed that naked women never seem stupid?

A woman seeking a way to a man's heart through his stomach is aiming too high!

Only a woman can move her hips in bewilderment

To turn a woman's head, it is enough to walk around her 200 times.

There is no equality between the sexes, because women's panties peeking out of their trousers is considered erotic, while men's panties peeking out of an unfastened fly is simply indecent!

To avoid feeling like an idiot, never consult women about anything. They simply overwhelm with their competence in any matter.

If a woman gives herself to a man for money, then she is not a gift.

The best way to force a man to firmly hold his position in life is to fix him with a female heel

Despite all the efforts of women, it is impossible not to love them

Being a woman is very difficult just because you mostly have to deal with men (Joseph Conrad)

Adult uncles and aunts, remember: children are not the fruits of your imagination, but the fruits of its absence

Never tell a woman that you are unworthy of her love; she knows it herself.

The real tragedy is when you marry for love, and then discover that this asshole has not a penny to his name!

Women know how to keep secrets together

If a woman is silent, you need to listen especially carefully

A woman believes that two and two equals five if you cry and make a scandal

Nothing makes a woman look better than a gas mask. She immediately has perfectly smooth skin and BIG SHINY EYES!

Men are divided into two categories: those who admire feminine beauty, and on those who use it!

If a man has seen a lot of women in his life, this does not mean anything except that he is a very big-eyed man.

Women are just like us, only more pleasant to the touch.

If a woman tells a man that he is the smartest, it means she understands that she will not find another such fool.

Both jokingly and seriously

1. If a woman wants to cheat on her husband, she will definitely do it, no matter how handsome or boxer he is.

2. The main thing for a man is to guess what a woman wants now, at this very moment, and do it.

3. First of all, a woman cheats to take revenge on her husband, and only then - out of curiosity, out of pity, for pleasure or in order to have something to remember in retirement.

4. Don't be too annoying. The worst thing is to bore a woman. The worst thing is to be greedy...

5. You can almost 100% find out what kind of woman will be good at sex by watching how she dances fast dance. The smoother, the more feminine, the more selfless, the better for you, weirdo! If it is temperamental, but rude, defiant - this is a woman stuck on school level, even though she’s over 40. If she dances like a man, don’t waste her and your time, it can’t be cured even with cunnilingus. I don't mean dance technique, but temperament.

6. Only over the years a real man understands that it is not a matter of quantity, but of quality. It happens that sex with ten “chicks” is not worth defeating one Woman.

7. Often, for a woman to give herself to a man, you need to help her find a reason for self-justification. (“I was drunk, he used force, it was too late to return, no one sees us, no one will know about this, he did so much for me, he wants me so much”). Well, in general, you’re not a fool yourself, you’ll figure it out...

8. Very rarely does a woman take you on a whim, otherwise she needs to get used to you, get to know you better, and you should listen to her stories about herself, her family, etc. for several months. Tell her jokes more often, for example.

9. Never spare money on women. Especially for HER - her beloved. They will always pay off. Not now, but in a year, three, five. Women hate greedy people.

10. Is it worth continuing to pursue a woman if she doesn’t pay any attention to you? Costs!!! There are many reasons for this, but the main one is the fickleness of women. If she doesn’t even look at you today, then in a year, for example, you will do things with her in bed that you never dreamed of! Tested and tested many times...

11. Try not to have sex with prostitutes (or as little as possible). This atrophies the skills of conquering a woman. But chatting with them about life is terribly interesting!

12. Early ejaculation in men... How to justify it to a woman? Well, tell her that you want her SO bad and... pray that she believes it.

13. But it’s interesting, if a woman gives you a chance, and you don’t take advantage of it, then the hell will you ever get from her again... Why???
Well, everything is clear here - I was mortally offended! And revenge for this is “when will you ever get horseradish again.” Or your train has really left. Catch up if you think necessary.

14. Every woman wants to be mysterious to a man. And she thinks that she will succeed. As sad as it is, she has only one riddle for a man - why doesn’t she give her when he wants her? :)

15. Be afraid of women who have many more male friends than female friends! These are usually ungrateful egoists, and often “dynamos” too...

16. A woman becomes a friend only at the third stage. The first stage is an acquaintance, then a lover. And only then - friend. But Chekhov noticed this, not just me. Once, however, I had an anomaly - everything was the other way around.

17. Be careful with gifts for smart women! They are very afraid of being obliged to a man for something.
Gifts must be given! TO YOUR FAVORITE women and those you want to conquer. For a woman, this is like a “favor” for him...

18. If you give a gift to a woman, never expect a response. Her best gift is herself. When a woman gives herself to you, she gives you a gift, she fooled you... And you can’t find a better one!

19. Attention! Very important! Never lose your head over a woman you slightly like. No need. Either he will sit on your neck, or he will send you three letters. And there is no third option. Unfortunately.

20. Women view sex very differently than men. If for men it is a physiological need, then for them it is like, for example, ice cream. If you wanted it, you bought it, if you didn’t want it, you didn’t buy it; I wanted it, but I don’t have the money, “ah-ah, I’ll buy it from my payday.” Hence the conclusion: if she doesn’t want you today, she will want you tomorrow, don’t be sad...

21. If you see that a woman is not in the mood, or her head hurts, then it is better to go somewhere, completely disappear from her field of vision. Otherwise it will be worse for you. Wait for a good mood.

22. If you think that it was you who chose the woman, then it only seems to you. Remember: a woman always chooses, she only pretends that you chose her... (remember catchphrase"A man chases a woman until she catches him."
So pretend that you achieved it (even if it was the other way around)))

23. Women love to laugh at men’s interest in women, i.e. over the basic instinct ("dogs", "womanizers", etc.). Being angry at a man for his love for women is like being angry at an elephant for being so big. It's not his fault...
Well, that’s why they laugh because you need to somehow protect yourself from what attracts you so much.

24. In company, a man should be at least a little bit, at least for 5 minutes, more sober than a woman.

25. Yes, if you compare 40-year-old women with 30-year-old women, the latter win big. I don't mean appearance, but sexuality and temperament. At the age of 40, some complexes appear and sometimes even a slight relapse into childhood. It's a pity.

26. If a woman does not understand a man, then there can only be two cases: 1) she is just a fool, 2) she does not want to understand him. And there is no third option.

27. By the way, what is feminism? In short, this is “I don’t want to write while sitting, like women. I want to write standing, like men.”

28. This is interesting! A woman who chews gum often and a lot is very temperamental and easily aroused sexually (according to the survey results).

29. If you put aside decency and take a closer look, it turns out that a woman basically sells herself all her life: to her husband, boss, lover, pimp, etc.

30. How can you live with a woman for many years and not get tired of each other? 1) You must have a similar sense of humor (this is extremely important!). 2) Sometimes let's be alone with each other, don't bother us. 3) Look for variety in sex (start everything differently today, not like yesterday). 4) Really love her (him)! Talk to each other about this.

31. A woman, of course, should be mysterious. But a man must also be difficult to calculate for her. Be also mysterious, different. Otherwise, they will quickly lose interest in you.

32. Sex is in a woman’s head, not her body. Find yourself a smart one, with good feeling humor girlfriend - you'll get great sex. The more sparkling and extraordinary her humor, from which you are delighted, the hotter she is in bed.

33. It’s amazing, but most women don’t know how to communicate with men, but it’s like a game. Both know perfectly well how this game will end, but the main thing is how everyone will play their role.

34. If you want to get to know a woman better, pretend that you are interested in her primarily as a person, and not as a sexual object. Although, in my opinion, only an idiot would not understand that the opposite is true.

35. Women really like to plunge headlong into their problems, worries, routine of days (or maybe they can’t do it any other way). Your task is to shake her up, pull her out of the swamp, hit...

36. “The abundance of women in one man is a consequence of failure in love. Unhappy people” (E. Steblov). Yes, yes, this is about those who have a series of wives, mistresses, cohabitants... That's right. But only for a man over 30 years old. Until then - create, invent, try!

37. Only a woman can marry and live with an unloved man for years. Man - in in rare cases. And all because a woman is a victim of a society that for thousands of years has burdened her with responsibility for the family, and if she did not do this, she was stoned to death, labeled an old maid. And then they accuse her of living with an unloved man for years.

38. Never tell a woman that she looks like or resembles someone. She is unique and inimitable. At least that's what she thinks. Try to argue with her...

39. Masculinity is not determined by the size of your biceps, or your courage, or anything else. But only in relation to a woman.

40. Never fall in love with mistresses! No need. Just take my word for it. That's what a wife is for.

41. Never stoop to insults when quarreling with a woman! The quarrel will pass, but the words will remain for life! They will not be forgotten.

42. If you like a certain woman, but you see, know and understand that she DEFINITELY loves someone else, leave her alone, be a man.

43. “If a man begins to talk about his problems, illnesses, relationships with women, then he is no longer perceived as a being of the opposite sex, but as a friend” (M. Zudina). God, how accurate! And how many fools have poured out their whining on the fragile female psyche - idiots, what can you say!

44. The idea is not mine, but how beautiful! “If you weren’t called impudent at night, then in the morning you will definitely be called an ass.”

45. How do people become man-haters? From disappointment in men. But women choose them themselves! And constantly, over and over again, they step on the same rake. But there are still normal men, they just need to be treated not as harassing rapists, but as people. That's all. On the other hand, if a man becomes what a woman wants him to be, i.e. sensitive, gentle, understanding, etc., he will simply turn into another of her girlfriends. And this is the end without a silver lining. You'll never get out of being a "girlfriend"!

46. ​​Comrade women! If your man likes to stand in front of the mirror, combs his hair for a long time and carefully, washes for two hours, and even likes to sleep, then know that he is an EGOIST! Run away from him before it's too late. (And if he also folds his things neatly, then he’s also greedy).

47. “By changing, a woman seeks the best, and a man seeks something new.” What, really?

48. You should never take revenge on him. Be above it. There is a more terrible punishment - just deprive him of communication with you. He will find another (others), but will still return to where you can be (provided that he really cares about you).

49. Long live female friendship! Guys, take care, care and cherish your woman’s girlfriends! While they are alive, she has a great opportunity to pour out her envy, anger, intolerance, problems, etc. somewhere. ... Otherwise all these horrors listed above will fall on your already long-suffering heads!!!

50. Most common male error like this: for some reason he thinks that a woman always wants him very much. But in fact, not always, and often not very much. Be realistic.

52. If you see a handsome man in your reflection, this does not mean that your reflection is in her taste. Never rely on appearance. They are greeted by their clothes - yes, and take care of your appearance and a figure, of course, is necessary, but one should not forget about the development of mental qualities. Sometimes it is thanks to them that you can be liked.

52. SELF-CONFIDENCE (even if sometimes ostentatious) is one of the main keys to success among women. The main thing is that when you meet a strongman in the gateway, it (confidence) does not disappear anywhere.

53. “When a woman decides to radically dye her hair, it means she is dissatisfied with her partner.” Especially in red color. A woman who does not change her hair color or dyes it very rarely is more confident in herself and in communicating with men.

54. Never get into squabbles between women! They will figure it out on their own and even make peace. And you will remain a fool. The only exception can be if your old acquaintance (friend) does not speak flatteringly about the girl you like. Here old friends need to be delicately put in their place, otherwise their entire personal life will fall apart.

55. If you quarreled with her, and you are both to blame, or maybe she is more to blame, then it doesn’t matter, take the first step towards it. She will appreciate it. After. If you want...

56. Today, just like that, for no reason, buy your woman a bouquet of roses. Women do not forget such feats. And they remember! Check it out.

57. “A bitch is a shark, a pike, a predator and a consumer, she takes advantage of your care, your attention, gladly accepts gifts and services, but does not give anything away. She counts all her caresses and demands payment from you for each. stage of conquering such a woman, you experience excitement, because you are a man, strong, there are no peaks inaccessible to you, and the most difficult of them is like a hero’s medal. During this time, you get used to your bitchy chosen one, she becomes dear and beloved, and the more you spent effort and money on her, the more valuable she is to you. When a bitch, having squeezed you like a lemon, abandons you, having noticed a new victim, you, along with pain and resentment, feel a lack of adrenaline. So, love for bitches is a kind of extreme sport, like auto racing or skydiving" (A. Peskov). Perhaps brilliant observations in their accuracy.

58. “A wife’s reproaches are the best medicine for a man’s guilt.”

59. “If you want to seduce a woman, listen to her complaints.” Again A.P. Chekhov. Genius.

60. A woman almost always approaches a man with her own standards - “profitable - not profitable”, “needed - not needed” (there’s nothing wrong with that - that’s how the world works), and she will never admit this to you. Well, a man approaches a woman with his own standards. Well, you and I know with what...

Some ideas men and women have about each other need to be revised. We bring to your attention a few facts...

About men

1. 94% of men lie about their penis size. According to condom manufacturers, only 6% of men use additional oversized condoms.

2. Average length the erect penis is about 5 inches (5x2.54 = 12.7 cm). No matter what you've heard about it.

3. There are more circumcised men than uncircumcised men.

4. They say time is a healer) No matter what the sellers of effective enhancers for your penis think, nothing can ever make it grow. Except time. In most men, this organ grows until about age 20.

5. There is no relationship between the size of the penis and the size of the shoes, or the size of the hand or nose.

6. Testicles of blue color- this is not the result of the urologist’s fun on the eve of Easter. Such a pathology really exists.

7. Only 16% of men practice epilation of the external genitalia.

About women

1. Only 9% of women in the world consider themselves truly attractive.
43% of women believe that they “look natural,” 24% consider themselves to be “average-looking,” 8% consider themselves feminine, 7% say they are pretty, and only 2% openly say they are sexy.

2. Approximately 85% of women wear a bra size larger.

3. 60% of women in the world, statistics say, have ever had breast implants. Apparently, the bra I bought fits perfectly.

4. How unfair statistics are, and with it nature! It turns out that 75% of women do not like oral sex!

About everyone together

1. Masturbation is good for the health of both men and women. Hmm, it looks like the list of wellness treatments will have to be corrected...

2. 70% of students began to be sexually active before they received higher education. 27% of students lost their virginity immediately after prom. And only 3% were waiting for marriage. Praise and glory to the security forces.

3. 95% of men and only 10% of women, say researchers, would prefer to have sex after a month of dating. Apparently, the rest don’t want to wait even a month.

Features differences

1) the main and most important thing, of course, lies in the structure... of some organs - external and internal.

2) women and men have different average height, age, weight, physique, distribution and volume of muscle and fat tissue. So the power is on the side of men? No! The weaker sex is still stronger due to the weakness of the stronger sex towards the weaker sex.

3) hormonal differences include morphological (mustache and beard in men) and differences in temperament - a man is more aggressive due to a larger amount of the hormone testosterone in the blood, and the emotional imbalance of women can be explained by monthly hormonal imbalance.

4) neurophysical differences, primarily in types nervous system and in the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres. The man is left-hemisphere (mathematics, logic, verbal thinking - this is his strong point). Women are more active right hemisphere responsible for creative thinking, intuition, holistic grasp of the situation (women have a higher relative weight of the corpus callosum - a bundle of nerve fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres). Women are more successful in solving concrete practical problems, while men are aimed at solving abstract, creative problems with their head in the clouds (!!!).

In general, intuition is an amazing thing that tells a woman that she is right, regardless of whether she is right or wrong. It is this physiology that explains the notorious “female” logic, which defies formal description. But a woman's brain is much better suited for solving problems that require intuition, and besides, women are better at understanding the nuances of feelings (“I never liked the men I was in love with, and I never liked the men I liked”). This physiological difference in the functioning of the female and male minds must be kept in mind, and the correct conclusions must be drawn from them when communicating with a man (women have an illegal advantage over men: where the mind is powerless, they can use stupidity).

5) psychosexual stereotypes. Our differences are caused not only and not so much by real genetic differences, but by upbringing and social expectations, that is, roles that are imposed on us in childhood. This means that behavior of an emotional type, gentleness, and caring is expected and approved from a woman. From a man - determination, self-control, motivation to achieve. Accordingly, a woman with a seemingly “masculine” type of behavior is called a careerist, an emancipe, and a soft, emotional man is called a “woman,” a doormat, a henpecked man.

The conclusions suggest themselves: women live longer, they are more practical, more down-to-earth. Of course, there are fewer geniuses among ladies (many argue that the problem is historical inequality of the sexes), but in relation to life, the weaker sex is in a more advantageous position. Women never break down difficult circumstances when, say, they lose their job. Im in to a greater extent manages to reorient in the situation that has arisen, retrain and solve the problem. Men tend to dramatize and exaggerate the scale of difficulties; they have a harder time adapting to new conditions, or even fly off the boat of life for an indefinite period.

total mass:
1) curiosity! "Do you know how great a woman's curiosity is?" - Oscar Wilde wondered, and immediately answered: “It’s almost as good as a man’s!” I am not in the habit of arguing with the greats, and, in fact, there is nothing to argue about.

2) conversations. For the experiment, three representatives of the fairer sex and three of the opposite sex are needed, enclosed in different rooms(according to gender). What will the dialogue be about? More precisely, about what? It is clear, without words, what is “about this”! We share recipes and store addresses only in the presence of men, if we want them not to interfere. And men talk about cars and computers when they don't want us to bother them. With all this, both sides accuse each other of thoughts of a “horizontal” origin, not wanting to admit that everyone thinks about “this,” but to the extent of individual characteristics, and not due to “sex division.”

3) both men and women cheat over the years. Few women agree to admit their age; Few men behave according to their age.

4) both “we” and “they” get irritated when we are misunderstood... but when we are understood correctly, we become furious.

5) the intimacy between a man and a woman, according to both, is delightful, but the long-term presence of each other is unbearable for everyone.

6) to the same extent, both male and female prefer the company of... men.

7) men are always right, and women are never wrong.

8) men bare their soul, like a woman - her body, gradually and only after a stubborn struggle.

Lists of both differences and common features we can continue ad infinitum. What is the conclusion and what are the trade-offs?
Long live the men! If they want, they can achieve anything in the world.
Long live women! If desired, they can achieve any man.

Ladies! Remember: biting a man is stupid, he is not sugar. So there’s no point in blaming men if it’s not sweet.
Gentlemen! Remember: the first woman was created from the customer’s material. So there is no point in blaming women if they are tasteless. (source)

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Page creation date: 2016-02-12

A woman never takes off her T-shirt, holding it on her back.

Women don't scratch their heads. Firstly, they don’t like to show their confusion, and secondly, it ruins their hairstyle.

A woman often wraps strands of hair, even short ones, around her finger or tickles her cheek with a hair brush. Men rarely do this.

A woman will never truly understand why football players, when lining up in a wall, make such a funny slide with their palms. That's why she doesn't flinch when a hero gets hit in the crotch with a boot in a movie.

A woman does not bite a cigarette with her teeth. She does not leave it in her mouth, but always holds it in her hand.

When a woman yawns, she covers her mouth with her palm rather than her fist.

After taking a bath, a woman - no matter whether she has long hair, a cropped haircut or has had typhus - always wraps an amateurish turban made of a towel around her head, at least for one minute. The reasons for the emergence of this Eastern ritual are unknown.

A woman is practically not annoyed when her underwear gets stuck between her buttocks. The fair sex wears all these torture devices called “bikinis” with pleasure. In addition, a woman usually does not try to discreetly adjust her underwear from behind after getting up from her chair.

When swinging to throw something, a woman moves her hand not to the side, but back. This is why ladies are never sent to blow up tanks.

Women love these tattered brooms that produce so much garbage. They call them “dried flower arrangements.”

When shaking hands, a woman hardly shakes it. The poet Voloshin said about a woman’s handshake that it is like “throwing up a dead baby.”

When turning to a call, a woman usually turns only her head. The man also turns his body, because his neck is much less flexible and he is ready to face trouble.

Women are afraid of spiders, worms and mice. They also don't like caterpillars, even very beautiful ones.

The vast majority of women believe that washing with soap and water is harmful (What exactly do they wash with - look in the bathroom).

While having sex, a woman thinks about whether she looks beautiful.

When asked to show their hands, men honestly extend their open palms. Women hold out their hands, palms down, apparently to demonstrate their impeccable manicure and the size of their diamonds.

The words that a woman says after hitting her finger with a hammer can be broadcast on air without censorship." Good night, kids...” What a man says in such cases cannot be broadcast.

Women open beer bottles with beer bottle openers.

In women, the chest type of breathing predominates. In men, the abdominal muscles are actively involved in the breathing process. This is due to the additional weight on the chest))

Women don't like having their hands free. That's why they always carry a handbag with them - so they can tug at it by the strap, hold it by the edge and rummage through it endlessly. In the absence of a handbag, anything will do - a fan, gloves, a book, a flower.

Women try to go up or down the mountain sideways. Men simply spread their legs wider.

Women prefer to look at their heels by turning behind their backs. Men simply turn their raised foot.

Women have a rather indifferent, detached attitude towards their genitals; they are almost strangers to each other. Women don’t talk to them, don’t give them funny nicknames, and don’t get offended by them.

On hot pebbles or sand woman walking on tiptoe. The man only steps on his heels.

When sitting down, women squeeze their knees or simply keep them parallel. Therefore, on public transport it is preferable to have a lady neighbor.

When stretching, men spread or raise their arms, and women bend them at the elbows, pressing them to their sides.

The desire for compromise inherent in the female sex is reflected in the way they tell obscene jokes. They may decide to publicly tell even the most dirty joke. But keyword They will mumble so indistinctly that no one will understand anything. Even more often, they try to convey indecent zest through facial expressions, gestures and desperate facial expressions.

Women tie the belt on their robe above the navel, and men - below.

If a woman's fly comes undone on the street, she will be quite indifferent to this circumstance and calmly button up her trousers.

Women plug their ears with their fingers, and men with their palms.

When you ask a woman to pass you a lighter, she hands you the lighter rather than checking your jumping ability and reaction.

If a man, from the point of view of women, has moved very little away from the monkey in the process of development, then we, for our part, can also note some atavisms that our ladies inherited from their four-armed ancestors. For example, spend hours searching for insects in the fur of your male. In the absence of small arthropods, women are content with acne and pimples.

When dressing, a woman will first put on a shirt, then trousers. Men usually do the opposite.

A woman puts on gloves before going outside.

When lifting a heavy object, a woman will try to move it to its side. The man carries a load in front of him.

Women prefer to carry small change and large bills in the same place. Their pockets rarely jingle.

When hitting with a fist, a woman puts her fist forward thumb.

When women sit in a casual setting, they have a habit of tucking their legs under them and pressing their heels into their crotch. Men don't allow themselves to do this.

To manually wring out wet underwear, a woman holds it with her palms up, a man with his palms down.

And one more thing: after sex, a woman wants not to sleep, but to talk and kiss.
The charm of the stronger sex is less developed, which is why men choose their future wife by appearance.

The peak period of sexuality in men lasts until the age of 30.
At 20 years old a man is a playboy, at 40 – playman, at 60 – play-off, at 80 – game over

Even if he deeply loves and values ​​a woman, a man may not say “I love you” for years. Just not even understanding why we need to talk about it so often.

Men are very forgetful (that’s why there are a lot of repetitions in football broadcasts), unlike women, who remember what they should already forget.

Almost all representatives of the stronger sex hate shopping. They are more likely to do physical work, but not walk for hours in shops and markets.

If a man promises to call you and does not call that he had an accident or died, this does not mean that he is now with someone else, but he just forgot to call you while playing cards or drinking beer with friends. And this doesn’t mean that cards or friends are more valuable than you, but that’s just the way men are.

Men who speak poorly of women usually only mean one thing.

If a man has prepared dinner for you and the salad contains more than three ingredients, consider that he has serious intentions.

Men love to cook shish kebab on coals. Any task (even cooking) becomes interesting for a man if it is associated with danger.

If men gave birth to children, they would die from pain shock, because their pain threshold is much lower than that of the fairer sex.

Men prefer to spend time in company, drinking a glass of beer or solving some business, as they have a well-developed herd feeling. Women, by nature, are more individual personalities and gather only when they want to discuss some interesting news.

No matter how much you feed a man, he still looks at other women.

The main male disadvantage is unbridled " manhood»

If a man says, “It’s a stupid child’s game,” it means it’s a game in which he’s losing his girlfriend.

Everything that men do is done for the sake of women. And only idleness - for yourself!

The richest male fantasy is hidden under the shortest women's skirt.

By cheating, a woman is looking for the best, and a man is looking for something new.

If a man opens the car door for his wife, it means either a new car or new wife.

A man is like a bath leaf: first he sticks to a woman, and then washes off.

There comes a time in every man’s life when it’s easier to buy clean socks.

On average, men have a higher body temperature than women. If your apartment is cold in winter, it is recommended to sleep in the same bed with a man. Men are portable heaters who snore.

God gave the man two heads, but there is so little blood that you can only think about them separately.

94% - just think about this figure! 94% of men lie about true size your dignity! And reveal this terrible secret The banal statistics of condom sales succeeded, since only 6% of men buy rubber contraceptives of increased sizes, while the rest are content with standard ones and at the same time talk about their invented “XXXL”.
PS How did the guys finish the quarter? are there any threes? does mom know?