Darren Aronofsky with his girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence. Jennifer Lawrence explains why she broke up with Darren Aronofsky

Rumors about a romance between 27-year-old actress Jennifer Lawrence and 48-year-old director Darren Aronofsky have been circulating for about a year. The couple rarely commented on them and tried not to advertise them, but in September Jen and Darren appeared together for the first time at an event in New York. Everything seemed to be great with the celebrities, but the relationship did not last long. According to Entertainment Tonight, Darren and Jennifer broke up a month ago, maintaining friendly relations.

The parting was amicable. They're friends now,” the insider said.

Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky in New York at the premiere of the thriller "Mom!"

Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky in Venice

Jennifer Lawrence's first meeting with the director of the films "Black Swan" and "Requiem for a Dream" took place in the winter of 2015. Lawrence has been cast as the lead in Darren's new film Mama! Rumors about their romance appeared in October 2016, after paparazzi spotted the couple during lunch in a cafe.

According to sources close to the actress, Jen was mesmerized by Darren's talent and intelligence. The actress herself later confirmed the same in an interview with Vogue magazine:

When I watched the finished film, I once again noted how great and talented Darren is as a director. Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to get to know him as a person. I've been in relationships before where I didn't always feel comfortable, but with Darren I always feel comfortable.

Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky in New York on the eve of their "candy walk"

Aronofsky has been in a civil marriage with “The Mummy” star Rachel Weisz since 2001. In 2006, the couple had a son, Henry, and in November 2010, Darren and Rachel separated.

Jennifer Lawrence was in a relationship with Coldplay frontman Chris Martin for some time. In 2015, the couple broke up. Chris was spotted with British actress Annabelle Wallis, whom many took to be his new lover, while Jennifer focused on work and achieved great success in her career.

Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky made their first public appearance as a couple at the New York premiere of Mom! in September / Photo - Getty images

One of the most talked about couples in Hollywood in 2017, an Oscar-winning actress and an Oscar-winning director Darren Aronofsky broke up after a year of dating.

This was first reported by People, citing sources close to the couple.

According to insiders, 27-year-old Jennifer and 48-year-old Darren broke up even before they were last seen together. However, Lawrence and Aronofsky separated amicably and remained good friends.

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The first rumors about the romance between the Oscar-winning actress and director appeared in October 2016, after paparazzi spotted them together in a cafe. It is known that their relationship began on the set of a mystical thriller "Mother!", which was released in September this year and received mixed reviews from both film critics and viewers.

Let's remember that before this, Jennifer Lawrence met with her co-star. "X-Men" Nicholas Hoult and frontman of Coldplay Chris Martin.

Before Jennifer, Darren Aronofsky was in a nine-year relationship with another Oscar-winning actress. Rachel Weisz, who played the main role in his acclaimed film "Fountain". In 2007, Weiss gave birth to Aronofsky's son, Henry. But in 2010 the couple separated, and a year later, in 2011, Rachel married Daniel Craig, whom I met on the set of a thriller "House of Dreams".

0 November 29, 2017, 11:45

The Oscar-winning actress gave an interview to her colleague Adam Sandler, in which she talked about her relationship with Darren Aronofsky. As it turned out, the reason for the couple's separation was the movie "Mom!" (mother!), in which the actress played the main role, and Aronofsky acted as the director.

This film is like his child. He was ready to talk about it constantly. For me, having returned from another tour in support of the film, the last thing I wanted to talk about was the film.

None of us read the criticism. If I started reading these reviews, the only thing I would do is defend myself. Especially considering that the director of the film is my favorite person. We made a wonderful movie together. And even if someone hates it, I believe that this film does not need protection and we should not make excuses,” she concluded.

About the relationship between Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky last spring. The couple's liking arose while working on the film "Mom!" and soon developed into a romance. The Western press spoke about the breakup of the stars’ relationship just the other day.

In the interview, the actress also talked about why she is sometimes rude to her fans:

As soon as I go into a public place I become very rude. For me, this is a kind of defensive reaction. If a fan comes up to my table at a restaurant and asks for a selfie, I show my middle finger and categorically say “no”

- she said.

Having played the main role in the film "The Hunger Games", the 27-year-old actress very quickly became popular and acquired an army of admirers of her talent. However, Lawrence, apparently, is not very pleased with the increased attention to his person. She added that she often simply walks away from fans when they want to chat with her or take pictures:

I act like it's Sunday. “And I don’t work on days off,” she concluded.

Source Just Jared

Photo Gettyimages.ru

The relationship between Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky is not currently discussed in the Hollywood crowd except by the lazy. The talented actress and acclaimed director shocked the public with their passionate kisses while walking through the evening in New York. An interesting fact is that the couple hid their feelings from prying eyes for some time, and the paparazzi were at a loss: whether the colleagues were connected only by a working relationship or whether a spark ran between them. Adding spice to this news is the fact that Jen is 21 years younger than her chosen one. But is the age difference a barrier to true love?

Once upon a time there lived an ordinary girl...

One can say with certainty about Jennifer Lawrence that the appearance of a gentle angel is just a shell. In fact, she is a strong-willed, purposeful and self-confident girl. Such character qualities manifested themselves in the cutie in early childhood. Born into the family of a children's camp worker and the owner of a construction company, Jenny has participated in various school productions since childhood. She was also in a group of cheerleaders at an educational institution, was fond of design and intended to connect her life with medicine. The future was determined by chance. When Jen was 14, she and her parents went to New York for a short vacation. On the street, a photographer approached the young beauty and asked permission to take her picture. It was the manager of Abercrombie & Fitch. The very next day the girl was at the casting for the brand’s advertising campaign.

The girl graduated from school two years early so as not to waste time and devote herself entirely to acting.

Some sources claim that Jen dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. She herself insisted on going to New York in order to find herself a decent agent, and with her parents she visited several reputable offices until she achieved her goal. Be that as it may, the result was achieved, Lolita from Kentucky was noticed by show business bigwigs, and she spent the next summer in New York.

Lawrence immediately started appearing in television series. Moreover, producers and directors highly appreciated her acting abilities, but the girl did not have any special education behind her. Lawrence simply has an innate gift of transformation, which she masterfully masters. By the way, the newcomer actress did not participate in a second-rate soap, but in decent projects such as “Detective Rush” and “Medium”.

Participation in the Hunger Games franchise provided the young actress with worldwide fame

As if by magic, Jen instantly jumped from a serial actress to the heavyweight division, receiving several leading roles in original films. Lawrence hit his finest hour in 2012, thanks to the Hunger Games franchise. It was the role of Katniss Everdeen that brought her worldwide fame. As for the critics' assessment, they unanimously recognized Lawrence as a “great” actress, giving her an Oscar for the leading female character in the comedy My Boyfriend Is Crazy. Now the 26-year-old beauty has about thirty works, a victory in the race for an Oscar and three Golden Globes. It’s not surprising that producers are vying with each other to send her scripts to get her into their next project.

Men Jennifer Lawrence

Despite her charming appearance, Jennifer is a serious girl, does not have affairs with anyone, and tries to hide her off-screen life from the press. However, the public knows about several celebrity affections.

The first official lover of the famous actress was her colleague in the film “X-Men: First Class” Nicholas Hoult. The blue-eyed handsome man and the sexy blonde seemed like an ideal couple, and their relationship lasted a long time by Hollywood standards - almost five years. The lovers quarreled and made peace, thereby fueling interest in their romance. In 2013, information appeared in the press about the final discord in the Holt-Lawrence couple. However, after a few months the couple reunited again. Moreover, the second take of their relationship was more serious; they even purchased a joint mansion in London. There were rumors of an engagement. But due to the busy schedules of both actors, their relationship slowly faded away. One of the versions of the final separation of Jen and Nick was the information about the sympathy that arose between Holt and Kristen Stewart during the joint filming of the drama “Equals”. Lawrence experienced a rather painful breakup with her boyfriend, but her favorite job gave her the strength to turn this page.

The actors dated for about five years

For some time Jennifer was in splendid isolation. She, of course, was credited with an affair with Bradley Cooper, but the actor flatly refused to fuel these rumors, calling himself an old man in comparison with the young actress. As for Lawrence, it turns out that she is attracted to experienced men.

For some time, the girl had an affair with Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, at least the paparazzi are sure of this. Although they did not provide any evidence of this fact. Several times celebrities were photographed together at lunch. Another photo confirmed the stars' joint flight on the musician's private plane; perhaps it was just friendship. Insiders close to the celebrity claim that Lawrence’s mother was categorically against her daughter’s communication with Chris. The reason for this is Martin’s too close relationship with his ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow, but all this is speculation and speculation.

Celebrities kept their romance away from prying eyes and rarely appeared together in public places

A guy from an ordinary family...

In just 10 years, Aronofsky has acquired the status of one of the most talented directors. His films fascinate the viewer; many celebrities dream of collaborating with him. The future talent was born in the Big Apple (as New York is also called), in a family of teachers, adherents of Conservative Judaism.

Aronofsky was born into a family of educators

Darren's family was very wealthy, despite the rather modest earnings of teachers. The parents managed to ensure that their offspring studied at one of the most prestigious New York schools and traveled around Europe and Asia after graduation.

After Darren had seen enough of life, he easily entered Harvard to take a course in anthropology, animation and cinema. He graduated with honors. The young bachelor's thesis work, the short film “Supermarket Cleaning,” was so good that it even won a special student Academy Award. On the wave of success, Aronofsky directed another short film, “Fortune Cookie.”

Talented director

Darren's student years did not end there. He went to Los Angeles to get his master's degree and entered the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Having received his diploma, Aronofsky immediately sat down to write the script for his debut feature film Pi. The film received a lot of positive reviews from film critics, several festival awards and paid off at the box office. With $60 thousand spent, she collected 3 million. Aronofsky did not waste time and began work on his new brainchild, “Requiem for a Dream.” It was an absolute success. The film collected 20 festival awards. The story of ordinary people who were destroyed by drugs became a real breakthrough of 2000.

"Requiem for a Dream" became one of Aronofsky's most recognizable projects

Aronofsky is actively involved in social projects that talk about the dangers of drugs. The director shot several shocking thirty-second videos, in which he told young people in vivid colors about the consequences of using amphetamines.

  • In 2006, the director presented to the public a film discussion on the theme of eternal life - “The Fountain”. The film was shortlisted at many prestigious festivals, but never received critical acclaim.
  • Mickey Rourke's big return to cinema, by the way, happened with the light hand of the same Aronofsky. The director conceived a biopic about an old wrestler, a star of the 80s, who decided to return to the stage. The drama received the Golden Lion, and its main characters were nominated for an Oscar.
  • The director's most recognizable work was the thriller "Black Swan", which received many accolades and festival awards.
  • After a four-year break, Aronofsky released his interpretation of the biblical parable of Noah. The picture, like all of Darren's films, turned out to be controversial. Its distribution was even banned in some countries due to the director’s peculiar interpretation. The film paid off at the box office, but was not successful at festivals.

The director is currently working on a new project, which will feature Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem.

Darren Aronofsky: personal life

As for his personal life, Mr. Aronofsky does not show it off, which is why there are many rumors on this topic. One of the director’s most serious and long-lasting romances, which almost ended in marriage, was with the English actress Rachel Weisz. The young people met back in 2001, four years later they announced their engagement, but they were still in no hurry to get to the altar. In 2006, the couple had their first child, Henry. They were happy and planned a wedding, but it was not meant to be.

After 9 years of civil marriage, the celebrities decided to separate, remaining friends

The media rumored that the current James Bond, Daniel Craig, with whom Rachel was involved in the filming of the thriller “House of Dreams” at that time, was to blame. A strong attraction broke out between the actors, but both were not free at that time. Each of them tried to maintain their previous relationship, but their feelings took over. Soon, both Rachel and Craig said goodbye to their significant other.

At the end of 2010, Aronofsky and Weiss “parted as friends” so as not to traumatize their son Henry and agreed to raise the boy together. The tabloids claimed that the director was having a hard time breaking up with his common-law wife.

According to another version, Aronofsky’s sprees tired his girlfriend so much that she was simply tired of paying attention to them. Darren was credited with having affairs with almost all the actresses with whom he worked. One of the most striking gossip was the news about an affair with Natalie Portman. Just in 2010, celebrities worked on the joint project “Black Swan”. By the way, some publications even claimed that Portman’s son is not from her legal husband Benjamin Millepied, but from the star director Aronofsky. This information was from the category of rumors, and, nevertheless, it took place.

After breaking up with Weiss, Aronofsky completely “went underground”; practically nothing was known about his personal life. Paparazzi periodically caught him on walks with his son Henry. Apparently, Darren did not have serious affairs with anyone during this period. That is why the news about his relationship with Jennifer Lawrence shocked the public.

Darren Aronofsky and Jennifer Lawrence: romance on the set, photo

The tabloids began gossiping about the affection of celebrities back in the spring of 2016, it was then that the director approved Jen for the main role in his project.

The director is 21 years older than his new girlfriend

There was no confirmation of these speculations, but the media periodically published information that Darren and his muse became very close during the filming process, which took place this summer. By the way, production had long since completed, and a strong friendship had developed between Darren and Jennifer, such that Lawrence even consulted with him regarding her role in the new film.

In general, there is no smoke without fire, and so it is in this case. The paparazzi kept catching the stars together: either they were walking through evening New York, or they were having breakfast in a quiet restaurant in an informal atmosphere, or they were trying to sneak out of the hotel.

Darren and Jennifer completely ignore questions from the press about their personal lives, but, apparently, they no longer intend to hide their feelings. This conclusion suggests itself after recent photos of the couple. The famous director and his actress were caught kissing right on the street of New York.

The lovers absolutely did not notice the journalists surrounding them. Skeptics will say that this is a PR stunt, since Aronofsky is famous for his provocations in the process of making his films. So, after the release of his “Black Swan,” there were rumors in the press for a long time that Darren was trying to “pit” Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis in real life in order to give their on-screen rivalry a juicier tone. Perhaps now Aronofsky has decided to stir up interest in his new brainchild in this way.

By the way, on election day in the United States, the director appeared on the Duke University campus and encouraged young people to go to the polls. In exchange, Aronofsky promised fans a video call with his girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence. So several conscientious students were able to enjoy communication with the Oscar-winning actress, and hastened to write about it on their pages on the Internet.

In the meantime, foreign tabloids are at full speed discussing the news of a possible celebrity engagement. The actress arrived at the premiere of her new film “Passengers” in Madrid with a ring on her ring finger. Naturally, the paparazzi assumed that Aronofsky proposed to the beautiful Jen.

There was no official confirmation of the celebrity romance in the media. Only time will tell how serious the relationship is between Darren and sexy Lawrence. While Jennifer is delighted and fascinated by her new boyfriend, in an interview with Vanity Fair she tirelessly admired him and called him a visionary. Who knows, perhaps the actress’s dream of marriage will soon come true, and Lawrence has really found the man of her dreams.