Which museums are open on January 2? Naturally - science museums

1. Architectural complex"Provision stores"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow " Museum Association"Museum of Moscow") Zubovsky Boulevard, 2

2. Moscow Museum of Archeology
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “Museum Association “Museum of Moscow”) Manezhnaya Square, no. 1a

3. Museum of Russian estate culture “Estate of the Golitsyn princes Vlakhernskoye-Kuzminki”
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow") Poplar Alley, 6, Starye Kuzminki, 13

4. Museum of Russian Harmonica A. Mirek
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “Museum Association “Museum of Moscow”) st. 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 18

5. Museum of Local Lore"House on the Embankment"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “Museum Association “Museum of Moscow”) st. Serafimovicha, 2, unit 1

6. Garden Ring Museum
(Moscow State Budgetary Institution “Garden Ring Museum”) Prospekt Mira, 14

7. Panorama Museum “Battle of Borodino”
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “Museum-Panorama “Battle of Borodino”) Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 38

8. Museum of Heroes Soviet Union and Russia
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “Museum-Panorama “Battle of Borodino”) st. B. Cheryomushkinskaya 24. building 3

9. State Museum of Defense of Moscow
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "State Museum of Defense of Moscow") Michurinsky Prospekt, 3

10. Museum of Gulag History
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Museum of the History of the Gulag") st. Petrovka, 16

11. Museum and memorial complex “History of the T-34 tank”
(GBUK of the city of Moscow “Museum and memorial complex “History of the T-34 tank”) Moscow region, Sholokhovo village, 88-a

12. Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics”) Prospekt Mira, 111

13. Memorial House-Museum Academician S.P. Queen
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics") 1st Ostankino St., 28

14. State Darwin Museum
(State Darwin Museum of Moscow) st. Vavilova, 57

15. State biological museum them. K.A. Timiryazeva
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazev") st. M. Gruzinskaya, 15

16. Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “State Historical-Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno”) st. Dolskaya, 1

17. Estate "Kolomenskoye"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow State United Art Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve") Andropov Avenue, 39

18. Lefortovo Estate
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow State United Art Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve") st. Krasnokazarmennaya, possession 1.

19. Estate "Lublino"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow State United Art Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve") st. Letnyaya, 1, bldg. 1

20. Estate "Izmailovo"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow State United Art Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve") Town named after. Bauman, 1, building 4 (Bridge Tower).

21. Estate "Kuskovo XVIII century"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “State Museum of Ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th Century.”) st. Yunosti, 2

22. Memorial Museum of A.N. Scriabin
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Memorial Museum of A.N. Scriabin") B. Nikolopeskovsky lane, no. 11

23. Memorial apartment A.S. Pushkin
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “State Museum of A.S. Pushkin”) st. Arbat 53

24. Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely

25. Exhibition halls of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “State Museum of A.S. Pushkin”) st. Arbat, 55

26. Museum of I.S. Turgenev
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “State Museum of A.S. Pushkin”) st. Ostozhenka, 37

27. House-Museum of V.L. Pushkin
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "State Museum of A.S. Pushkin") St. Staraya Basmannaya, 36

28. House N.V. Gogol - memorial museum And science Library»
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "House of N.V. Gogol - Memorial Museum and Scientific Library") Nikitsky Boulevard, 7a

29. House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva”) Borisoglebsky lane, no.6

30. Moscow literary museum-center K.G. Paustovsky
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow Literary Museum-Center of K.G. Paustovsky") st. Starye Kuzminki, 17

31. Moscow state museum S.A. Yesenin"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow State Museum of S.A. Yesenin") B. Strochenovsky lane, no. 24

32. State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky") is temporarily located in the exhibition hall "Chekhov's House") st. Malaya Dmitrovka, 29, building 4

33. Museum of M.A. Bulgakov
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “Museum of M.A. Bulgakov”) st. B. Sadovaya, 10, apt. 50

34. House of Russian Abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn"
(GBUK Moscow “House of Russian Abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn”) st. Nizhnyaya Radishchevskaya, 2

35. State Cultural Center-museum V.S. Vysotsky"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “State Cultural Center-Museum of V.S. Vysotsky”) N. Tagansky Tupik, no. 3

36. State Museum - humanitarian center"Overcoming" them. ON THE. Ostrovsky
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “State Museum - Humanitarian Center “Overcoming” named after N.A. Ostrovsky”) st. Tverskaya, 14

37. Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Museum and Exhibition Association "Manege", Manezhnaya Sq., 1

38. Moscow State Exhibition Hall "New Manege"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Museum and Exhibition Association "Manezh") Georgievsky per., 3/3

39. IEC “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Museum and Exhibition Association "Manege") Mira Ave., 123 B

40. Museum - workshop of D.A. Nalbandyan
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Museum and Exhibition Association "Manege") Tverskaya St., 8, bldg. 2

41. Moscow Museum contemporary art(on Petrovka)
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow Museum of Modern Art") st. Petrovka, 25, building 1

42. Moscow Museum of Modern Art (in Ermolaevsky)
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow Museum of Modern Art") Ermolaevsky Lane, 17

43. Moscow Museum of Modern Art (on Tverskoy)
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow Museum of Modern Art") Tverskoy Boulevard, 9

44. Moscow Museum of Modern Art (on Gogolevsky)
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow Museum of Modern Art") Gogolevsky Boulevard, 10

45. Museum-workshop of Z.K. Tsereteli
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow Museum of Modern Art") B. Gruzinskaya, 15

46. ​​Moscow House of Photography (Multimedia Art Museum)
(GBUKiO Moscow “Multimedia complex contemporary arts") Ostozhenka st., 16

47. Museum V.A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Museum of V.A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time") Shchetininsky lane, 10, building 1

48. Ilya Glazunov Gallery
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow State Art Gallery People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Glazunov") st. Volkhonka, 13

49. Gallery A.M. Shilova
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow State Art Gallery of the People's Artist of the USSR A.M. Shilov") st. Znamenka, 5

50. House of Burganov
(GBUK Moscow “Moscow State Museum “House of Burganov”) B. Afanasyevsky lane, 15, building 9

51. Museum of Naive Art
(Moscow State Budgetary Institution “Museum of Naive Art”) Soyuzny Prospekt, 15-a

52. Museum of Folk Graphics
(Moscow State Budgetary Institution of Culture “Museum of Naive Art)” M. Golovin lane, no. 10

53. Exhibition hall “ART-Izmailovo”
(Moscow State Budgetary Institution “Museum of Naive Art”) Izmailovsky Boulevard, 30

54. Muzeon
(GAUK of the city of Moscow “Moscow Association for Museum and Exhibition Work “Museon”) Krymsky Val, no. 10

55. State Zelenograd Museum of History and Local Lore
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "State Zelenograd Museum of History and Local Lore") Zelenograd, st. Gogolya, 11-V

56. Exhibition hall "Zelenograd"
(State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "State Zelenograd Museum of History and Local Lore") Moscow, Zelenograd, building 1410

57. School of watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka
(GBOU Moscow “Moscow State Specialized School of Watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka with museum and exhibition complex") Gorokhovsky lane, 17

58. Museum and Memorial Complex of Military History -marine fleet Russia)
(GAUK of the city of Moscow “Museum and park complex “Northern Tushino”) st. Svobody st., property 44-48

During the New Year holidays, 77 museums of the Moscow Department of Culture will operate free of charge. Everyone will be able to visit the most interesting and current exhibitions without purchasing a ticket from January 2 to January 7. For example, these days the exhibition “The Immense Ryazanov”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of director Eldar Ryazanov, will continue in the New Manege. The exhibition is divided into three parts introducing his filmography, biography and poetry. And in the Museum of M.I. Tsvetaeva will host the exhibition “Where is My Home?”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the poetess. Her workbooks, notes and notes, plans for future works and drafts will be presented there. Visitors will be able to see everything in different years was associated with creative laboratory Tsvetaeva.

“The New Year holidays are an excellent chance to visit not only the sensational projects of 2017, but also new, premiere thematic exhibitions in Moscow. In addition, many venues have prepared special holiday programs for visitors,” said the press service of the Department of Culture.

Among the thematic exhibitions, the exhibition “Winter Kaleidoscope” will be open for free in the Vysotsky House on Taganka. Watercolors, paintings and graphics are dedicated to nature, people and cities in winter. And in the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, everyone will be able to see unique souvenirs, figurines, busts, vases and porcelain services related to space themes. At the Garden Ring Museum you can visit the Christmas Moscow exhibition for free. There they will present paintings by Natalya Sokolovskaya, which depict ancient areas of the city on the eve of the New Year and Christmas.

Regarding special holiday programs, then on January 6 at the Museum of A.N. Scriabin, according to tradition, there will be a gala concert of laureates and diploma recipients of the competitive audition for the scholarship named after A.N. Scriabin, dedicated to the anniversary of the composer’s birth. You can attend this concert by pre-registration on the museum’s website. And on January 7, guests of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve will be able to find themselves at the Christmas festivities. On street party“Christmas time in Kolomenskoye” is planned folk entertainment, songs, games, carols, as well as performances by buffoons and folklore ensembles. Visitors will learn about Yuletide rituals in different areas Russia and the traditions of the Yuletide feast.

Some sites can only be visited by appointment. For example, if you want to plan a visit to the “Daughter” exhibition in memorial apartment Mayakovsky family on Krasnaya Presnya, the opening of which was one of the most exciting events of this year, register for the session on the official website of the State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky.

The main exhibitions of city museums in New Year holidays will be available free of charge, but some events may still require a fee. The schedule and operating hours of all sites can be found on their official websites.

Museums open for free during the New Year holidays:

  • architectural complex “Provision Stores” (Zubovsky Boulevard, building 2);
  • Museum of Archeology (Manezhnaya Square, building 1a);
  • Old English Court (4a Varvarka Street);
  • Museum of History "Lefortovo" (Kryukovskaya street, building 23);
  • Gilyarovsky Museum and Exhibition Center (Stoleshnikov Lane, building 9, building 1);
  • Garden Ring Museum (Mira Avenue, 14, building 10);
  • Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia (Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya street, building 24, building 3);
  • State Museum of Defense of Moscow (Michurinsky Prospekt, building 3);
  • Museum of the History of the Gulag (1st Samotechny Lane, building 9, building 1);
  • local history museum “House on the Embankment” (Serafimovicha Street, building 2, entrance 1);
  • Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics (Prospekt Mira, building 111);
  • Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Koroleva (1st Ostankino street, building 28);
  • State Darwin Museum (Vavilov Street, building 57);
  • State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva (Malaya Gruzinskaya street, House 15);
  • State Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno" (Dolskaya street, building 1);
  • museum-estate "Kolomenskoye" (Andropov Avenue, building 39);
  • Museum-estate "Lublino" ( Summer Street, house 1, building 1);
  • Museum-Estate “Izmailovo” (town named after Bauman, building 2);
  • State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century (Yunosti Street, building 2);
  • Memorial Museum of A.N. Scriabin (Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Lane, building 11);
  • Museum of Russian Harmonica Alfred Mirek (2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, building 18);
  • Memorial apartment A.S. Pushkin (Arbat street, building 53);
  • House-Museum of V.L. Pushkin (Staraya Basmannaya street, building 36);
  • Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely (Arbat street, building 55);
  • exhibition halls of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (Arbat street, building 55);
  • House N.V. Gogol - memorial museum and scientific library (Nikitsky Boulevard, building 7a);
  • House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva, (Borisoglebsky Lane, building 6);
  • Moscow Literary Museum-Center K.G. Paustovsky (Old Kuzminki street, building 17);
  • Moscow State Museum S.A. Yesenina (Bolshoi Strochenovsky Lane, building 24);
  • Moscow State Museum S.A. Yesenina (Klyazminskaya street, house 21, building 2);
  • Museum M.A. Bulgakova (Bolshaya Sadovaya street, building 10, apartment 50);
  • House of Russian Abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Nizhnyaya Radishchevskaya street, building 2);
  • State Museum - Cultural Center "Integration" named after N.A. Ostrovsky (Tverskaya street, building 14);
  • State Museum - Cultural Center “Vysotsky House on Taganka” (Vysotsky Street, building 3, building 1);
  • Multimedia complex of contemporary arts (Ostozhenka street, building 16);
  • showroom“New Manezh” (Georgievsky Lane, building 3, building 3);
  • Museum-workshop D.A. Nalbandyan (Tverskaya street, building 8, building 2);
  • Vadim Sidur Museum (Novogireevskaya street, building 37, building 2);
  • Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Petrovka Street, building 25, building 1);
  • Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Ermolaevsky Lane, building 17);
  • Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Tverskoy Boulevard, building 9);
  • Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Gogolevsky Boulevard, 10);
  • Museum-workshop Z.K. Tsereteli (Bolshaya Gruzinskaya street, building 15);
  • Museum V.A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time (Shchetininsky lane, building 10, building 1);
  • Fashion Museum (Ilyinka Street, building 4);
  • Moscow State Art Gallery folk artist USSR Ilya Glazunov (Volkhonka street, building 13);
  • Moscow State Art Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR A.M. Shilova (Znamenka street, building 5);
  • State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky (Krasnaya Presnya street, building 36, building 1);
  • Burganov House (Bolshoy Afanasyevsky Lane, building 15, building 9);
  • Museum of Naive Art (Soyuzny Prospekt, 15a);
  • Museum of Folk Graphics (Maly Golovin Lane, 10);
  • exhibition hall “Art-Izmailovo” (Izmailovsky Boulevard, building 30);
  • Moscow State Specialized School of Watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka with a museum and exhibition complex (Gorokhovsky Lane, building 17, building 1);
  • Museum of Zelenograd (Zelenograd, Gogol street, building 11c);
  • exhibition hall “Zelenograd” (Zelenograd, 14th microdistrict, building 1410);
  • Moscow State Art Gallery of Vasily Nesterenko (Malaya Dmitrovka Street, building 29, building 4);
  • museum complex “History of the T-34 tank” (Moscow region, Sholokhovo village, building 88a);
  • Museum and Memorial Complex of the History of the Navy (Svobody Street, Possession 44–48);
  • exhibition hall “Solntsevo” (Bogdanova street, building 44);
  • exhibition hall “Peresvetov Lane” (Peresvetov Lane, building 4, building 1);
  • exhibition hall “Gallery “Zagorye”” (Lebedyanskaya street, building 24, building 2);
  • exhibition hall “Gallery “Izmailovo”” (Izmailovsky proezd, building 4);
  • exhibition hall “Gallery “Belyaevo”” (Profsoyuznaya street, building 100);
  • exhibition hall “Gallery “Nagornaya”” (Remizova Street, building 10);
  • exhibition hall “On Kashirka” (Akademika Millionshchikova Street, building 35, building 5);
  • exhibition hall “On Peschanaya” (Novopeschanaya street, building 23, building 7);
  • exhibition hall “Bogorodskoye” (Otkrytoe shosse, building 5, building 6);
  • exhibition hall “Khodynka” (Irina Levchenko Street, building 2);
  • exhibition hall “Gallery “On Shabolovka”” (Serpukhovsky Val street, building 24, building 2);
  • exhibition hall “Vykhino” (Tashkent street, building 9);
  • exhibition hall “Pechatniki” (Batyuninskaya street, building 14);
  • exhibition hall “Gallery XXI Century” (Kremenchugskaya street, building 22);
  • State Exhibition Hall of the History of the War in Afghanistan (1st Vladimirskaya Street, building 12, building 1);
  • exhibition hall “Solyanka VPA” (Solyanka street, building 1/2, building 2);
  • Moscow exhibition hall “Gallery “A3”” (Starokonyushenny lane, building 39);
  • exhibition hall “Tushino” (Jana Rainis Boulevard, building 19, building 1);
  • State Exhibition Hall "Ark" (Nemchinov Street, building 12).

During the New Year holidays, many crave some unusual impressions; every person is waiting for a miracle, something mysterious and intriguing. At the same time, people want to learn something new while having fun. So why not brighten up your holiday leisure time with something interesting not only for adults, but also for younger Russians? Over the weekend, various institutions across the country will open their doors to their visitors, and some museums will even work for free during the 2018 New Year holidays.

In both capitals of our country, many museums invite you to visit them during the New Year holidays, which was done specifically so that young people actively delve into cultural heritage of their homeland. So which museums will be open for free during the New Year holidays in 2018?

As always, in New Year the weekend is quite long, so why not spend free time for the benefit of yourself and your family? Many people prefer to relax at home watching their favorite movies or go to visit relatives. However, there are many who want to spend time more meaningfully and intensely. This is the way to get new information and leave a pleasant impression for yourself. If you want to go to a museum or exhibition with your child, then always take into account his preferences. This will even allow you to get closer to him, learn more about what he lives and what worries him.

For example, in weekdays You can’t always afford to go somewhere, and weekends are usually busy with household chores. Therefore, New Year's time is an excellent opportunity to do what you have been planning for a long time.

Free museums in Moscow during the New Year holidays 2018

Every year the Moscow Department determines the number of museums that will be required to operate free of charge for their visitors. This tradition has already become the norm and is supported by more and more museums and galleries every year. Basically, free access to the exhibition hall is carried out from the second of January until the onset of the Old New Year. The exact number of free museums is still unknown, but there is already an indicative list.

Among historical museums will appear as follows:

  • the famous Garden Ring;
  • Museum of Archeology;
  • Space Museum;
  • Fashion Museum.

Artistic, musical and natural science museums capitals also did not fail to open their doors to visitors. The following will work for free:

  • museum of naive art;
  • literary museum named after Paustovsky;
  • Museum of Folk Graphics;
  • exhibition center “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”;
  • complex of contemporary arts;
  • apartment A.S. Pushkin;
  • Museum M.A. Bulgakov;
  • "Chekhov's House";
  • Darwin Museum;
  • biological museum.

Besides museum exhibitions Muscovites and guests of the capital can also visit estates that previously belonged to famous people. For example, such as:

  • Manor Santa Claus;
  • "Northern Tushino"
  • Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve;
  • "Lefortovo";
  • "Gallery Nagornaya";
  • "Zaskvorechye" etc.

Which museums will be open for free in St. Petersburg

Our cultural capital tries to keep up with merchant Moscow and also opens the doors of various museums that will be interesting to visit. However, Northern capital There is no custom every year to allow visitors into the halls of their museums for free, but once a month many cultural institutions organize free visits to their exhibitions. In the coming year, St. Petersburg residents and visitors will be able to enjoy visiting the following establishments:

  1. Hermitage Museum. This institution allows visitors for free on the first Thursday of every month, as well as on December 7 from 10 am to 5 pm, and preferential categories (students and pensioners) are given free admission every day.
  2. Russian Museum. Every Thursday, any citizen can visit the exhibition halls absolutely free. On the 18th of every month, minor visitors, as well as students who have chosen museum work as their future profession, can enter for free;
  3. Ethnographical museum. Every first Sunday every month free visit the museum is provided to minors, as well as large families;
  4. Museum of Printing. Minors can admire exhibits for free every third Thursday of the month.
  5. Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic. On the third Thursday of every month, minors and full-time students can enter the museum for free.
  6. Suvorov Museum. Every day according to working hours preferential categories citizens can visit the museum absolutely free, and every third Thursday every month, minor children also have this right.

However, museums will operate free of charge not only in the megacities of our country. Many cities in Russia have picked up this New Year's trend and also began to allow visitors to the winter holidays without a ticket. It will also be possible to become familiar with the culture of your country and beyond in Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg and other cities that did not remain indifferent to a kind of flash mob of intellectual enlightenment.

In days winter holidays city ​​museums, exhibition halls and estates opened their doors to everyone.

More than 80 museums, estates and exhibition halls in the capital became free until January 8. Pre-registration for most events is also not required.

Visitors are welcome at the Museum of Moscow, the Manege Central Exhibition Hall, the Moscow Estate of Father Frost, the Museum of Cosmonautics, the Darwin Museum, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve and other institutions run by.

At the same time, the museums have prepared and New Year's program for your guests. For example, visitors to the Museum of Moscow will be able to take part in the interactive quest “How Muscovites celebrated the New Year.” They have to find ancient Christmas decorations, answer quiz questions and decorate Christmas tree"treasures" found. Quests will take place throughout the day, the main thing is that several people come together at the same time.

Guests are welcome at the Moscow estate of Father Frost exciting games on fresh air in the company of Santa Claus's assistants, favorite cartoons on big screen and disco. Every day until January 7 at 18:00 visitors will be able to see.

Historical reconstruction dedicated to the end Patriotic War 1812, will take place at the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum on January 7 at 12:00. A solemn ceremony will be held at the museum site, as well as the laying of flowers at the monument to Mikhail Kutuzov with the participation of military-historical reconstruction clubs.

The main exhibitions of city museums will be free during the New Year holidays, but some events may remain paid. Details need to be clarified in the museums themselves.

The schedule and operating hours of all sites can be found on their official websites, and you can also view the website.

List of museums that will be open for free during the winter holidays


Architectural complex “Provision shops”

Zubovsky Boulevard, building 2

Museum of Archeology of Moscow

Manezhnaya Square, building 1a

Old English Court

Varvarka street, building 4a

Museum of Russian Estate Culture "Estate of the Princes Golitsyn Vlakhernskoe-Kuzminki"

Poplar Alley, building 6,

Old Kuzminki street, building 13

Museum of History "Lefortovo"

Kryukovskaya street, house 23

Museum of Russian harmonic A.Mireka

2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya street, building 18

Local Lore Museum "House on the Embankment"

Serafimovicha street, building 2, entrance 1

Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino"

Kutuzovsky prospect, house 38

Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia

Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya street, building 24, building 3

Moscow State Specialized School of Watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka with a museum and exhibition complex

Gorokhovsky lane, house 17

State Museum of Defense of Moscow

Michurinsky prospect, house 3

Museum of Zelenograd

Zelenograd, Gogol street, building 11v

Exhibition hall "Zelenograd"

Zelenograd, Mikhailovka street, building 1410

State Museum of Gulag History

1st Samotechny Lane, building 9, building 1

Space Museum

Prospekt Mira, house 111

Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Koroleeva

1st Ostankinskaya street, building 28

Museum and memorial complex "History of the T-34 tank"

Moscow region, Sholokhovo village, house 88a

Garden Ring Museum

Prospekt Mira, house 14

State Cultural Center - Museum of V.S. Vysotsky

Vysotskogo street, building 3

State Museum - Humanitarian Center "Overcoming" named after N.A. Ostrovsky

Tverskaya street, building 14

Memorial apartment A.S. Pushkin

Arbat street, building 53

Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely

Arbat street, building 55

Exhibition halls of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin

Arbat street, building 55

House-Museum of V.L. Pushkin

Staraya Basmannaya street, building 36

Moscow estate of Father Frost

Volgogradsky prospect, house 168d

Moscow Literary Museum - Center of K.G. Paustovsky

Old Kuzminki street, building 17

Museum of S.A. Yesenina

Bolshoi Strochenovsky Lane, 24, building 2

Exhibition hall of the museum S.A. Yesenina

Klyazminskaya street, building 21, building 2

Memorial Museum of A.N. Scriabin

Bolshoi Nikolopeskovsky Lane, 11

Mikhail Bulgakov Museum

Bolshaya Sadovaya street, building 10, apartment 50

House of Russian Abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Nizhnyaya Radishchevskaya street, building 2

Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"

Manezhnaya Square, building 1

Moscow State Exhibition Hall "New Manege"

Georgievsky lane, building 3/3

Moscow State Museum of Vadim Sidur

Novogireevskaya street, house 37, building 2

IEC "Worker and Collective Farm Woman"

Prospekt Mira, house 123b

Museum-workshop D.A. Nalbandian

Tverskaya street, building 8, building 2

Exhibition hall "Chekhov's House"

Malaya Dmitrovka street, house 29, building 4

Moscow Museum of Modern Art on Petrovka

Petrovka street, house 25, building 1

Moscow Museum of Modern Art in Ermolaevsky

Ermolaevsky lane, building 17

Moscow Museum of Modern Art on Gogolevsky

Gogolevsky Boulevard, 10

Moscow Museum of Modern Art on Tverskoy

Tverskoy Boulevard, 9

Museum-workshop Z.K. Tsereteli

Bolshaya Gruzinskaya street, building 15

Museum of Naive Art

Soyuzny Avenue, 15a

Moscow Museum of Folk Graphics

Maly Golovin lane, house 10

Exhibition hall "Art-Izmailovo"

Izmailovsky Boulevard, 30

Multimedia complex of contemporary arts

Ostozhenka street, building 16

Moscow state gallery People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Glazunov

Volkhonka street, building 13

Moscow State Gallery of People's Artist of the USSR A.M. Shilova

Znamenka street, building 5

Moscow State Museum "House of Burganov"

Bolshoy Afanasyevsky Lane, 15, building 9

Museum V.A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time

Shchetininsky lane, house 10, building 1

State Darwin Museum

Vavilova street, building 57

State Biological Museum named after. K.A. Timiryazeva

Malaya Gruzinskaya street, building 15

House N.V. Gogol - memorial museum and scientific library

Nikitsky Boulevard, 7a

House N.V. Gogol - memorial museum and scientific library (new wing)

Nikitsky Boulevard, house 7

State Historical-Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

Dolskaya street, building 1

Kolomenskoye Estate

Andropov Avenue, 39

Lefortovo Estate

Krasnokazarmennaya street, possession 1

Manor Lyublino

Letnyaya street, building 1, building 1

Izmailovo Estate

Town named after Bauman, house 1, building 4

State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century

Yunosti Street, building 2

Museum and Exhibition Center "Museum of Fashion"

Ilyinka street, building 4, entrance 1

Museum and park complex "Northern Tushino"

Svobody Street, building 56

Cinema club-museum "Eldar"

Leninsky Prospekt, building 105

Exhibition halls

Name of the museum and its separate structural divisions


State Exhibition Hall of the History of the War in Afghanistan

1st Vladimirskaya Street, building 12, building 1

Exhibition Hall "Tushino"

Jan Rainis Boulevard, 19, building 1

Exhibition hall "Solyanka VPA"

Solyanka street, building 1/2, building 2

Exhibition hall "Gallery A3"

Starokonyushenny Lane, 39

Exhibition hall “Gallery “Izmailovo””

Izmailovsky proezd, building 4

Exhibition hall "Peresvetov Lane"

Peresvetov lane, building 4, building 1

Exhibition Hall "Varshavka"

Varshavskoe highway, house 75, building 1

Exhibition Hall "Khodynka"

Irina Levchenko Street, building 2

Gallery "XXI Century"

Kremenchugskaya street, building 22

Exhibition Hall "Heritage" (Gallery "Zagorie")

Lebedyanskaya street, building 24, building 2

Exhibition hall "Rostokino"

Rostokinskaya street, building 1

Exhibition hall “On Kashirka”

Academician Millionshchikova Street, building 35, building 5

Exhibition Hall "Bogorodskoe"

Otkrytoye shosse, building 5, building 5

Gallery "On Peschanaya"

Novopeschanaya street, building 23, building 7

Exhibition hall “Gallery “Nagornaya””

Remizova street, building 10

Exhibition hall “Phoenix Gallery” (Skolkovo gallery-workshop)

Skolkovskoe highway, house 32, building 2

Exhibition Hall "Solntsevo"

Bogdanova street, building 44

Exhibition hall “Gallery “Belyaevo””

Profsoyuznaya street, building 100

Exhibition hall "Zamoskvorechye" (on Shabolovka)

Serpukhovsky Val street, building 24, building 2

Exhibition Hall "Creativity"

Taganskaya street, building 31/22

Exhibition hall “Art Hall “South-East”” (Vykhino)

Tashkentskaya street, building 9

Exhibition hall “Art Hall “South-East”” (Pechatniki)

Batyuninskaya street, building 14