How many years has the Paustovsky Museum been located in the outbuilding? Moscow Literary Museum-Center K

Analysis of the poem
1. The history of the creation of the work.
2. Characteristics of the work lyrical genre(type of lyrics, artistic method, genre).
3. Analysis of the content of the work (analysis of the plot, characteristics of the lyrical hero, motives and tonality).
4. Features of the composition of the work.
5. Analysis of means of artistic expression and versification (presence of tropes and stylistic figures, rhythm, meter, rhyme, stanza).
6. The meaning of the poem for the poet’s entire work.

The poem "Silentium!" was written F.I. Tyutchev in 1830. It had three editions. It was first published on March 16, 1833 in the newspaper “Molva” No. 33. Secondly (with an error in the 16th verse) it was published in “Sovremennik” for 1836. Then it was published for the third time - again in Sovremennik in 1854 and 1868, in the so-called “Sushkov-Turgenev edition”. "Silentium!" was L.N.’s favorite poem. Tolstoy. He included it in the “Reading Circle”, accompanied by the epigraph: “The more secluded a person is, the more he hears the voice of God always calling him.” In his collection of poems, Tyutchev marked “Silentium!” with the letter “G”, noting the special philosophical and lyrical depth of the work. D.I. was also very fond of this poem. Mendeleev, who quoted him in the preface to “Treasured Thoughts.”
The word “silentium” translated from Latin means “silence”, “silence”. However, researchers note that this word was used in Germany as a call to guests before toasts, a call to students for silence in the audience before a teacher’s speech or before a speech by one of the students. This meaning of the expression was probably also familiar to Tyutchev, who from 1822 served in Munich, at the State College of Foreign Affairs, and attended lectures at the local university. Thus, we discover a new meaning of the title - a call for concentrated listening, for full concentration of attention.
The work belongs to philosophical lyrics, its style is romantic, revealing the ambiguity of meaning. Genre: lyric poem. The famous researcher Yu. Tynyanov called Tyutchev’s poems lyrical fragments. We also note the oratorical, didactic intonations of the work, the possible influence on the style of his speeches by Cicero and ancient philosophers, with whose works the poet was well acquainted.
The main theme is the eternal confrontation between the external world and mental life. Researchers have repeatedly noted that the dualism and polarity of Tyutchev’s worldview are reflected in his works. The poet’s feeling and phenomenon, as a rule, are given along with the antipode. The poem “Silentium!” is constructed according to the same scheme. In the first stanza, the poet addresses an invisible interlocutor, perhaps a friend, perhaps himself. Here the action from the external world seems to be transferred to the internal world. The poet persistently and passionately convinces his interlocutor:

Be silent, hide and hide
And your feelings and dreams -
Let it be in the depths of your soul
They get up and go in
Silently, like stars in the night, -
Admire them - and be silent.

Energy and strong-willed pressure are conveyed in this stanza by verbs of the imperative mood (“be silent”, “hide” and “hidden”) and a special construction of the phrase, in which three sentences are combined into a single phrase. And already here we see a contrast between the internal and external worlds. The poet correlates inner life with the night; he compares feelings and dreams with silent night stars. So in this comparison, with light strokes, Tyutchev the romantic designates the “signs” of the life of the soul: subtlety, elusiveness, vagueness, uncertainty and unpredictability of our desires, thoughts, dreams. At the same time, “feelings and dreams” here acquire a certain autonomy and significance - they live an independent, full life: they “get up” and “go in.” Sometimes a person himself is not able to understand his own feelings - this is precisely the conclusion that the first stanza of the poem leads us to.
The second stanza represents an appeal from the inner world to the outer world, and then, on the contrary, back to the inner. Energetic pressure and persistence are replaced by cold reasoning and logic. First the poet puts rhetorical questions, in which there is doubt about the very possibility of fruitful contact between the world of the heart and the world external life. This doubt is emphasized in the text by the particle “li”. These questions play the role of a kind of thesis in the poet’s reasoning:

How can the heart express itself?
How can someone else understand you?
Will he understand what you live for?

Then he gives a clear answer to his questions:

A spoken thought is a lie,
Exploding, you will disturb the keys...

Mental life is here compared to unclouded keys. In this, again, Tyutchev emphasizes her autonomy and whimsicality. Feelings and experiences sometimes completely dominate a person, completely subjugating his external behavior. This was obviously the poet’s own worldview. In addition, a person is not able to convey his true thoughts and feelings. There is an insurmountable gap between consciousness and speech. And this is one of the laws of human society that we must accept. And as a final conclusion, the appeal to the interlocutor follows again: “Feed on them - and be silent.” Here one can guess the idea of ​​self-sufficiency of the individual. Man, according to Tyutchev, is a whole world, the depths of his consciousness and soul are endless. He must find the desired harmony in his own soul.
And this is exactly what the poet talks about in the third stanza:

Just know how to live within yourself -
There is a whole world in your soul
Mysteriously magical thoughts;
They will be deafened by the outside noise,
Daylight rays will disperse, -
Listen to their singing and be silent!..

The poet’s thought here returns to the first stanza. As noted by N.F. Queen, “mysteriously magical thoughts are... romantic dreams, shades of states, which are so interesting for the young romantic imagination to eavesdrop on in oneself. IN mature age they may make you smile, but they won't be funny if they were sincere. They can’t stand contact with real life.” A person must have a special “subtlety of hearing” in order to fully enjoy the magical “singing” flowing at certain moments in his soul. External life here is correlated with daytime: it is transparent, simple and understandable. In addition, she is fussy and noisy: “They will be deafened by the outside noise.”
The idea of ​​the work echoes the main idea of ​​the passage by V.A. Zhukovsky "The Inexpressible". The latter writes about disabilities artist “to keep the beautiful in flight”:

Barely, barely one of her features
With effort you will be able to catch inspiration...
But is it possible to transfer living things to the dead?
Is the inexpressible subject to expression?

According to Zhukovsky, the artist’s soul is the only repository of direct impressions and living feelings: “Holy sacraments, only the heart knows you.” The artist is subject only to the external designation of a phenomenon (“what is visible to the eyes”), but not the transmission of its deep essence (“This enchanting voice, heard by one soul”). Tyutchev the romantic, it seems, goes further than his predecessor. A person is not able to convey his thoughts and feelings to others, the soul is inexpressible in words - this is the opinion of this poet. It was in this regard that many critics perceived this work. Thus, V. Gippius wrote about Tyutchev: “In the mythology with which his poems are filled, the bright goddess Freedom also takes its place... But her appearance is unclear, just as the whole poetic theme in Tyutchev’s poetry of these years is unclear - “the poet and the people.” " And next to the greeting to public freedom appears the deeply gloomy poem “Silentium!”..., in which sharp formulas are given that separate the “I” not only from Pushkin’s “uninitiated” mob, but also from any kind of human communication...”
Compositionally, the work is divided into three parts (post-strophically), each part “is completely closed in itself – in meaning, intonation, syntactically and musically. The connection between the parts lies only in the development of lyrical thought, which... constitutes the lyrical plot...<….>The only formal detail with which the poet allows himself to reinforce and emphasize the unity of the three parts is the persistently repeated rhymes and the last lines...” The poem begins and ends with the motif of silence: “Be silent, hide and hide” - “Listen to their singing and be silent.” In this regard, we can talk about a ring composition.
The poem is written in iambic tetrameter (with the inclusion of amphibrachium), sextins, and the rhyme scheme is paired. The poet uses very modest means of artistic expression: epithet (“mysteriously magical thoughts”), comparison and metaphor (“Let them rise and set silently in the depths of their souls, like stars in the night...”). We find words of high style (“one”, “stars”), aphorisms (“How can someone else understand you?”, “An uttered thought is a lie”), alliteration (“They will be deafened by the outside noise”).
"Silentium!" clearly characterizes Tyutchev as a poet-philosopher and romantic poet. By depth of content philosophical thought it echoes such works of his as the poems “Oh, my prophetic soul!”, “We are not given to predict,” “My soul is an Elysium of shadows.”

1. See: Koroleva N.F. F. Tyutchev “Silentium!” Poetic structure of Russian lyrics. L, 1973, p. 147–159.

2. Koroleva N.F. F. Tyutchev. "Silentium!" Poetic structure of Russian lyrics. L, 1973, p. 147–159.

3. See: Gippius V. Introductory article. – Tyutchev F.I. Poems. L., 1936.

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without knowing shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind each poetic work of those times, a whole Universe was certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Speak not, lie hidden, and conceal
the way you dream, the things you feel.
Deep in your spirit let them rise
akin to stars in crystal skies
that set before the night is blurred:
delight in them and speak no word.

How can a heart expression find?
How should another know your mind?
Will he discern what quickens you?
A thought once uttered is untrue.
Dimmed is the fountainhead when stirred:
drink at the source and speak no word.

Live in your inner self alone
within your soul a world has grown,
the magic of veiled thoughts that might
be blinded by the outer light,
drowned in the noise of day, unheard...
take in them song and speak no word.

No word, keep secret and withhold
Your feelings and your dreams untold -
But in your deepest soul of all
Permit their rising and their fall
Like stars that shine at night, unheard;
Just contemplate them - and no word.

How can the soul itself convey?
How can another read your heart
And comprehend the how and why?
A thought once uttered is a lie;
So leave the crystal springs unstirred;
Be nourished by them - and no word.

Within yourself then learn to live -
The soul that lies within can give
A world of secret magic joys;
They would be drowned by outer noise
By light of day dispersed unheard -
Attend their singing - and no word! ...

Seal thou thy lips, to none impart
The secret dreams that fill your heart.
Within it let them blaze and die
As do the silent stars on high
When o"er the earth night"s shadows stray -
Delight in them - and silent stay.

Thy sentiments to none confide;
From those about your thoughts hide,
For when voiced what are they but lies!..
Churn up a stream, and silent will rise
And darken it... Drink, drink thou deep
Of waters clear - and silent keep.

Live in the world of self - thy soul
Of magic thoughts contains a whole
Bright universe... Let not the noise
And light of day dispel the joys
That meditation gives to thee...
Hear thy heart's song - and silent be!

Be silent, hide yourself, conceal
Your feelings and your dreams.
And let them rise and set
In your soul's depths
As soundless as the stars at night.
Admire them - and yet stay silent.

How can a heart reveal itself?
How can another fathom you?
All that sustains you to comprehend?
A thought once spoken is a lie.
Digging disturbs the spring.
Partake of it - and yet stay silent.

Learn how to live within yourself -
There is within your soul a world entire
Of enigmatic, magic thoughts.
Ambient noise will muffle them,
And daylight's rays will scatter them, -
Heed their melody - and yet stay silent!

Be silent, hide yourself, keep in
Your feelings and your sacred dream -
And let them, quiet, rise and set,
Soundlessly - in your heart's depth,
Like stars do on the nightly rut:
Admire them, but just be mute.

How could your heart express its view?
Could any other feel like you?
Will he discern your base of life?
The word, pronounced, is a lie;
While stirring springs, you'll cloud flood:
Drink their water, but be mute.

Within yourself, keep life in hold:
Your soul is a whole world
Of thoughts of mystery and charm,
They will sunk in daily hum,
And scattered by the sun’s rays, rude:
Hark to their song, and just be mute.

Speak not! Do not open your soul"s intimate abode.
What you may feel, what you may dream -
In profundi let it steam.
Safeguard it in your spirit"s mine
Let it ascend and then decline,
Like silent stars on heaven's dome.
Bathe in their light and watch them roam,
Admire them, splendid or bleak,
But in silence. Don't speak.

How can a heart be braced in words?
Another fathom what is yours?
And understand what you live by?
A thought becomes expressed a lie.
Don't muddy springs, lucid and unique:
Drink from their depth, but do not speak.

Learn to live within yourself. Explore a universe
That"s you. Behold between your soul"s shores
All the mysterious thoughts. Know: noise
Rips the enigmatic lace, destroys
The magic chorus. Noon rays will make it weak.
Listen to its song. But don't speak.

Disguise, conceal, and do not whine
Of your emotions, hopes thine.
Keep them inside thy soul's gist
To rise and fall onto night's mist,
All tacit, like the starlets" string:
Enjoy it, and don't say a thing.

How does your heart expression quest?
How does another know how, best
He fathoms of thy being's sake?
A thought once mouthed is a fake.
Disturbed is an erupted spring:
Drink from it, and don't say a thing.

To live inside your soul thou learn:
A whole world inside is born;
A world of secret, magic muse,
That outer noise would once suffuse,
Permeated by a solar wing:
Hark to it, and don't say a thing!

Stay silent, out of sight and hide
your feelings and your dreams inside.
Within your soul"s deep center let
them silently rise, let them set
like stars in the night. Don't be heard.
Admire them, Don't say a word.

How can your heart itself express?
Can others understand or guess
exactly what life means to you?
A thought you"ve spoken is untrue.
You only cloud the streams you"ve stirred.
Be fed by them. Don't say a word.

Making living in yourself your goal.
There is a world within your soul
where mystery-magic thoughts abound.
By outer noise they will be drowned.
They"ll scatter as day is bestirred.
Just heed their song. Don't say a word!

Schweige, verbirg dich und halte
deine Gefuehle und Traeume geheim,
lass sie in der Tiefe deiner Seele
lautlos auf- und untergehen
wie Sterne in der Nacht;
erfreue dich an ihnen -und schweige.

Wie soll das Herz sich offenbaren?
Wie soll ein anderer dich verstehen?
Begreift er, wodurch du lebst?
Ein ausgesprochener Gedanke ist eine Luege.
Wenn du die Quellen aufwuehlst, truebst du sie;
zehre von ihnen - und schweige.

Verstehe, nur in dir selbst zu leben:
es gibt in deiner Seele eine ganze Welt
geheimnisvoll-zauberhafter Gedanken;
sie betaeubt der aeussere Laerm,
die Strahlen des Tages vertreiben sie;
lausche ihrem Gesang- und schweige!...

Tais-toi et garde en toi
Tes sentiments et tes rêves.
Dans les profondeurs de ton ame,
Qu"ils s"élèvent et déclinent
En silence, comme les étoiles dans la nuit.
Sache les contempler et te taire.

Le cœur - saurait-il s"exprimer?
Un autre - saurait-il te comprendre?
Peut-il entrer dans ta raison de vivre?
Toute pensée qui s"exprime est mensonge.
En les faisant éclater, tu troubleras tes sources.
Sache seulement t"en nourrir et te taire.

Apprendre a ne vivre qu"en soi-même!
Dans ton âme est tout un monde
De pensées magiques et mystérieuses.
Le bruit du dehors les assourdira
Les rayons du jour les dissiperont.
Sache écouler leur chant et te taire.

(Rais E., Robert J. Anthologie de la poésie russe. - Bordas, 1947)

Taci, nasconditi ed occulta
i propri sogni e sentimenti;
che nel profondo dell"anima tua
sorgano e volgano a tramonto
silenti, come nella notte
gli astri: contemplali tu e taci.

Puň palesarsi il cuore mai?
Un altro potrŕ mai capirti?
Intenderŕ di che tu vivi?
Pensiero espresso e giŕ menzogna.
Torba diviene la sommossa
fonte: tu ad essa bevi e taci.

Sappi in te stesso vivere soltanto.
Dentro te celi tutto un mondo
d"arcani, magici pensieri,
quali il fragore esterno introna,
quali il diurno raggio sperde:
ascolta il loro canto e taci!...

No parlis, fes-te fonedís,
oculta els sentiments i els somnis:
deixa que al fons de l'esperit
s'aixequin, muts, i muts, es ponguin
com les estrelles en la nit.
Atura't, mira'ls...i no parlis.

El cor voldries traduir?
Creus que algú altre t'entendria?
Que comprendria el que et fa viu?
Pensament dit és ja falsia.
Si mous la deu n'alces el llim:
Beu-ne les aigües... i no parlis.

Aprèn a viure dintre teu:
tens tot un món al fons de l’ànima
de pensaments i de secrets
que eixorda la remor forana
i un raig del dia pot desfer.
Escolta'n el cant...i no parlis!"

Milcz i zazdrośnie wśród milczenia
Zataj i czucia, i marzenia.
Niech w głębi ducha zatajone
Rodzą się i zachodzą one
Cicho jak gwiazdy w nocnym cieniu:
Wpatruj się w nie - i trwaj w milczeniu.

Jak sercu wypowiedzieć siebie?
Innemu jakże pojąć ciebie?
Będzież twa dusza zrozumiana?
Kłamstwem jest myśl wypowiedziana;
Ryjąc zamącisz nurt w strumieniu:
Ze źródła pij - i trwaj w milczeniu.

Umiej żyć tylko w sobie samym.
W twej duszy cały świat schowany
Dum czarodziejsko tajemniczych;
Hałas zewnętrzny je przekrzyczy,
Zbledną w gwarnego dnia promieniu:
Uchwyć ich pieśń i - trwaj w milczeniu!

Ti šuti, sakrij, taji sve
I čuvstva svoja, maštanje –
Dubinom tajne duševne
Nek" sviću, kopne, skrivene
Nijemo, kao zvijezda svih lik, –
Divi im se – i šuti ti.

What do you mean?
Kako će drugi shvatit te?
Razumjeti tvog žića draž?
Izrečena je mîso – laž.
Kopom će vrelo mutiti,
Hrani se njim i – šuti ti.

U sebi samom živjet znaj -
U duši tvojoj svijet je sav
Tih misli tajnih – čarobnih;
A vanjski šum će prekrit njih,
I danje zrake tjerati, -
Pjevu ih daj i – šuti ti.

(Rafaela Sejić)

Šuti i taji, skrivaj,
Svu maštu i sav osjećaj,
Neka u dubini duše
Ustaju i tu se guse
Bez riječi, kao zvijezde sjaj,
Ti divi se - i ne prićaj!

Može l" srce sve kazati?
What drugi da te shvati?
Samu bit da prozre baš?
Izrečena je miso laž.
Naklapanjem se izvor muti
Napojen njime - ti zasuti!

U sebi samom živjet ući
Jer citav svijet u tebi hući;
Misao skrivena i viša
Uz vanjski sum ce biti tiša
Danju nestaju joj puti.
Slušaj joj pjesmu - i zasuti!...

(Drazen Dragović)

Movchi, take possession of life
I am sorry, and my senses!
Let's go into the abyss
I go and go in the stench,
Our dawns are clear and nights:
Admire them and admire them.

How can I hang my heart?
Do you know who you are?
I don’t understand the words of you,
Bo thought is settled - tlin.
Dzherel does not destroy souls at night:
Live by them and enjoy them.

Know how to live in yourself!
There is whole light in your soul
Secretly enchanting thoughts;
Drown out their everyday noise,
I will appear, in the dark of the day,
Listen to them and sing!

Move and cry and melt
Thoughts and feelings of their own.
Hail from the depths of the soul
I go and go in the stench,
The dawns are clear and the nights are clear.
Have mercy on them and love them!

How can my heart tell itself?
How can others understand you?
You think a thought - and take it in
It’s no longer true to ring it.
Oh, don’t make things cloudy or clear;
Movchi, movchi, live by them!

Live in yourself.
There is whole light in your soul
Mysterious and enchanting thoughts;
Let them drown out the noise of the market,
Let's go blind during the day;
Let your heart hear and move.






生活,要学会内向 外来的噪音


Silente kaŝu en la kor"
la sentojn viajn - ĝoj",angor"
kaj revoj en animtrankvil"
senvortaj estu, kiel bril"
de la stelplena firmament", -
admiru ilin - kaj silent".

Ĉu povas kor" eldiri sin?
Alia ĉu komprenos vin?
De l"tuta viv" internas log",
dirita penso - jam mensog."
Feĉigos fontojn la torent" -
aprezu ilin - kaj silent".

Nur vivu ene de l "anim" -
ĝi estas mond" sen ajna lim"
de pensoj, plenaj je mister";
surdigos ilin la ekster",
dispelos brua taga vent", -
aŭskultu ilin - kaj silent"!..

Silently, kaŝu en kviet"
vi sentojn, revojn en sekret."
En la profundo de l"anim"
Circulu or en intimate",
kvazaŭ stelar" sur firmament", —
vi ĝuu ilin en silent".

Kiel la kor" esprimu sin?
Ĉu malfermiĝu via sin"
por aliulo kun report"?
Sed penson ne esprimas vort"!
La akvojn fuŝos turbulent", -
vi trinku ilin en silent."

En via kor" troviĝas mond":
mirakla kaj mistera rond"
de l" pensoj, pretaj por detru";
ĝin neniigos ajna bru",
blindigos sun", dispelos vent", -
aŭskultu ilin en silent"!..

Ćuti i skrivaj od svetla dana
I misli svoje i osećanja -
Neka se u dubini duše
Podižu, rastu i nek se ruše
Bešumno, kao zvezdani puti, -
Divi se njima - i ćuti.

What srcu sebe kazati?
What do you mean by drugi da shvati?
Zašto ti živis, da l on pojmi?
Kazana misao ko laž se dojmi.
Uzburkan se istočnik muti:
Hrani se njima - i ćuti.

U samom sebi život produži -
Ceo je svet u tvojoj duši,
Čarobne misli roje se tu -
A zagluši ih spoljni šum, -
Svetlost dana ih goni i muti -
Shvati njihovu pesmu - i ćuti!

Silently, kaŝu en profund’
Vi sentojn, revojn, kiel vund’
Ondiĝu ili en anim’
Sed nevideble por ali’
Silente, kiel stel’ en nokt’
Admiru ilin vi sen vort’

Ĉu povas kor’ esprimi sin?
Ĉu povas ul’ compreni vin?
Ĉu sentos vin alia hom’?
Dirita penso estas tromp’
En fontoj nur leviĝos kot’,
Pli bone trinku vi sen vort’

Vi naĝu nur laŭ via ond’
Ja en anim’ ekzistas mond’
De sorĉmistera pripensad’
Blindigos ĝin ekstera ard’
Surdigos ĝin tagmalakord’
Aŭskultu pensojn vi sen vort’


Today my grandson and I are learning Tyutchev’s poem “Silentium!” , asked about literature (grade 10), and also found an analysis of this work. Maybe someone will be interested.

Be silent, hide and hide
And your feelings and dreams -
Let it be in the depths of your soul
They get up and go in
Silently, like stars in the night, -
Admire them - and be silent.

How can the heart express itself?
How can someone else understand you?
Will he understand what you live for?
A spoken thought is a lie.
Exploding, you will disturb the keys, -
Feed on them - and be silent.

Just know how to live within yourself -
There is a whole world in your soul
Mysteriously magical thoughts;
They will be deafened by the outside noise,
Daylight rays will disperse, -
Listen to their singing - and be silent!..

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “Silentium!”
It's no secret that our early works Fyodor Tyutchev created exclusively for himself, formulating this way in an unusual way your thoughts and feelings. Being a diplomat and quite famous statesman, he did not strive for literary fame. And only the persuasion of one of his colleagues, who believed that Tyutchev’s poems were truly delightful, forced the poet to publish some of them.

Among the first works that were published in Russian magazines, it is worth noting the poem “Silentium!”, the name of which, translated from Latin, means “Be silent!” This work has undergone several editions, since the author considered it quite frank and very personal in order to present it to the readers. Nevertheless, it was this work that brought the aspiring poet and accomplished diplomat the fame of a very subtle, romantic and not devoid of philosophical worldviews of a writer.

The poem "Silentium!" was published in 1830, but it is assumed that it was created much earlier. And the reason for writing such an unusual work, both in form and in content, was Tyutchev’s marriage to Eleanor Peterson a few years after entering the diplomatic service. The poet was madly in love with his young wife and after the wedding he considered himself truly happy man. However, the premonition of imminent disaster still haunted Tyutchev. The poem “Silentium!” is dedicated to the comprehension of his anxieties and experiences, to attempts to understand what exactly causes a vague feeling of anxiety in him.

It begins very atypically for the poet, who was later destined to become the founder of Russian romanticism. The first lines are a call to remain silent, hiding your feelings and thoughts, which can be explained by the type of activity of Tyutchev the diplomat. However, the poet further develops his thought, noting that dreams remind him of stars in the night, which are also ephemeral and distant. Therefore, the author calls, addressing an unknown interlocutor: “Admire them - and be silent!” By the second participant in this strange dialogue, many researchers of Tyutchev’s work mean his wife Eleanor. However, the poet’s appeals are addressed not to a woman, but to a man. Taking into account the fact that Tyutchev did not plan to show his first poems to anyone at all, it is not difficult to guess that the author is conducting this unusual conversation with himself. And it is he who orders himself to remain silent, believing that only in this way can he protect his personal happiness, his hopes and dreams from attacks. At the same time, the poet points out that “a thought expressed is a lie,” and this phrase contains a hint of biblical truths, which say that a person’s thoughts are subject only to God, and the devil can overhear words. Apparently, Tyutchev is desperately afraid of something, and this fear forces him to withdraw into himself, to be much more restrained in conversations, actions and judgments.

If we compare the facts, it turns out that it was at this time that the poet met his future wife and proposes to her. He does not console himself with the hope that the nee Countess Bothmer will agree to become his wife. However, contrary to expectations, he receives permission to marry from Eleanor’s relatives and for a long time cannot believe his happiness. Tyutchev is so grateful to fate for this unexpected gift that he is afraid to frighten off his family well-being with an unnecessary word or thought. That is why, occasionally breaking away from his “mysteriously magical thoughts,” the poet orders himself: “Listen to their singing - and be silent!” The author seems to have a presentiment that his personal happiness is not destined to last forever. And indeed, in 1838, after an unsuccessful return to Russia, accompanied by a shipwreck, Eleanor Tyutcheva dies in the poet’s arms. Thus, his fears become reality. According to eyewitnesses, after the death of his wife, Fyodor Tyutchev became completely gray in a few hours. And - I completely gave up my illusions that I could be happy.

Be silent, hide and hide
And your feelings and dreams -
Let it be in the depths of your soul
They get up and go in
Silently, like stars in the night, -
Admire them - and be silent.

How can the heart express itself?
How can someone else understand you?
Will he understand what you live for?
A spoken thought is a lie.
Exploding, you will disturb the keys, -
Feed on them - and be silent.

Just know how to live within yourself -
There is a whole world in your soul
Mysteriously magical thoughts;
They will be deafened by the outside noise,
Daylight rays will disperse, -
Listen to their singing - and be silent!..
* Silence! (lat.)

Firstly, it should be considered as a poetic appeal to the reader to keep the secret of the movements of the soul, the mysterious fullness of unspoken thoughts (“Be silent, hide and hide // And your feelings and dreams”).

Secondly, “silentium” can be understood as the forced “muteness” of the poet, his symbolic protest against the vulgarity of “external noise”, the world of everyday consciousness.

Thirdly, Tyutchev’s “silence” is a unique embodiment of the romantic motif of loneliness, the idea of ​​the impossibility of true and absolute mutual understanding between people (“How can someone else understand you?”).

Finally, another meaning of the concept “silentium” is the powerlessness of the word to convey the internal movements of the soul, complex human feelings and experiences (“A spoken thought is a lie”).

Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
She has a soul, she has freedom,
It has love, it has language...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You see the leaf and color on the tree:
Or did the gardener glue them?
Or the fetus is ripening in the womb
The play of external, alien forces?..

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

They don't see or hear
They live in this world as if in the dark,
For them, even the suns, you know, do not breathe,
And there is no life in the sea waves.

The rays did not descend into their souls,
Spring did not bloom in their chests,
The forests didn't speak in front of them
And the night in the stars was silent!

And in unearthly tongues,
Wavering rivers and forests,
I didn’t consult with them at night
There is a thunderstorm in a friendly conversation!

It's not their fault: understand, if possible,
Organa life of the deaf and dumb!
Soul him, ah! won't alarm
And the voice of the mother herself!..

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 24.12.2011. Tyutchev's poems
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