Virtual Literary and Memorial Museum of Alexander Green. Memorial House-Museum A



Virtual Literary and Memorial Museum of Alexander Green

The sound is wonderful -
Green's name
a world of fiction and truth,
world shining, world
cradle and necropolis
quiet house, Old
Nikolay Tarasenko

2018 will mark the 138th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Green, the writer who created "a world of fiction and truth, a shining world, a kind world." “Alexander Green is a sunny writer and, despite his difficult fate, happy, because through all his works a deep and bright faith in man, in the good principles of the human soul, faith in love, friendship, fidelity and the feasibility of dreams victoriously runs through,” wrote Vera Ketlinskaya.- I love watching very young people reading for the first time." Scarlet Sails"or stories like "The Life of Gnor". When the young reader breaks away from the last line, it is pleasant to see a special expression of bright shock on his face, the sparkle of his eyes, which have just looked deeply, deeply into the world of human feelings." And indeed, Alexander Greene’s popularity is great especially among young people. The writer’s life was difficult, at times almost hopeless. She, it would seem, did everything to kill the romantic ideals in him, to harden and embitter his soul. But until the end of his days, Green remained an obsessed dreamer who retained the purity of feelings, kind eyes and a childish smile, Konstantin Paustovsky in his article " The Life of Alexander Green" wrote: "... Green created in his books a world of cheerful and brave people, a beautiful land full of fragrant thickets and sun - a land not mapped, and amazing events that turn your head like a sip of wine. The world in which Greene's heroes live may seem unreal only to a person poor in spirit. Anyone who has experienced a slight dizziness from the very first breath of the salty and warm air of the sea coasts will immediately feel the authenticity of Grinov’s landscape, the wide breath of Grinov’s countries.” Quiet, sunny Feodosia, which he called “the city of delicate watercolor tones,” became such a promised land for Alexander Grin. The writer forever fell in love with the bizarre outlines of the surrounding mountains, the azure sea off the coast. This love fueled his work and gave birth to Green’s original stories. He moved to Crimea in May 1924. “He wanted to live in silence, closer to his beloved sea,” Paustovsky wrote. This act of Green reflected the true instinct of a writer - seaside life was the real breeding ground that gave him the opportunity to invent his stories." The best creative years of Alexander Green passed in Feodosia. In house number 10 on Galereinaya Street, where the Writer’s Literary and Memorial Museum is now located, he created most of the works of the Crimean period. This small one-story house always attracts attention guests of Feodosia with its appearance, marine exoticism - a ship's anchor with a rod lying at the entrance, an oak door covered with copper, part of the foremast, a hanging lantern... The museum's exposition, dedicated to the life and work of Green, is decorated in an unusual way. This is a stylization of an old sailing ship. Small cabin rooms have peculiar names: " Wandering cabin", "Clipper wardroom", "Rostral", "Captain Ghez's cabin", "Ship's library". The author of the project for the artistic design of the museum is the Honored Artist of the RSFSR and the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, artist S. G. Brodsky. The museum was opened on July 9, 1970.

The romantic design of the museum helps numerous visitors better understand Green's immortal images and the inner, spiritual life of his heroes. Guests stop for a long time at a large relief map-panel of the fictional country of Greenland with the names of cities, islands and straits known to us printed on it -

Liss, Gel-Gyu, Reno Island, Strait of Storms... Through the corridor " Frigate hold"Visitors find themselves in Green's study, preserved in the same form as it was during the writer's life. It was here, at the card table, that his wonderful novels and short stories were created.

The next room of the museum is originally decorated - " Cabin of Green's wanderings". In its center there is a panel depicting a ship sailing on the ocean towards the sun, next to it is a globe, a colorful barrel organ, kerosene lamps... photographs, portraits, books, lithographs tell about the writer’s childhood and youth, about the years of difficult wanderings. IN " Clipper wardroom", decorated with original illustrations by S. G. Brodsky for the works of Alexander Green and a large model of the sailing clipper "Aurora", visitors get acquainted with the life and work of the writer in the pre-revolutionary years.

The rooms look exotic" Rostral" And " Captain Ghez's cabin", dedicated to the period of Green's life from 1917 to 1932." Rostral"The rostra is decorated - the bow of an ancient ship with the head of a sea maiden carved from wood, bronze bollards, a bell, barrels, ropes, a lantern hanging from the bowsprit... The lifetime publications of A. S. Green, numerous photographs, a model of the galliot attract attention" Secret"under scarlet sails. I recall the well-known words of Konstantin Paustovsky: "If Green had died, leaving us only one of his prose poems "Scarlet Sails", then this would be enough to place him in the ranks of wonderful writers who disturb the human heart with a call to perfection." Captain Ghez's cabin"furnished with nautical accessories, half of its walls are covered with rope mats. The exhibition includes first editions of books" gold chain", "Running on the waves", "Road to nowhere", "White fire", "Jesse and Morgiana", "Heart of the Desert". IN " Ship's library"Collected books by Alexander Stepanovich Green, translated into the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and many languages ​​of the world.

Old Crimea... This ancient town is located 30 kilometers from Feodosia. The surrounding walnut groves and surrounding mountains, covered with forests, springs gushing out from under the ground, fascinated Alexander Green, whose health was undermined by a serious incurable illness. The writer moves to this “city of flowers, silence and ruins” in 1930. Here he continues what he started in Feodosia" Autobiographical story“, about which one of the researchers of Green’s work, V. Vikhrov, wrote: “When you read this confession of a suffering soul, with difficulty, only under the pressure of facts, you believe that the same hand wrote stories about sailors and travelers that infect with its love of life,” Scarlet Sails", "Glittering World"...".

November 1931 marked the 25th anniversary of the writer’s literary activity. In his work, Alexander Green was sincere and true to himself. “When I realized, realized that I was a writer, I wanted and could be one,” he said, “when the magical power of art touched me, then throughout my subsequent life I never betrayed art, creativity; neither money, nor career, nor vanity pushed me off the true path: I was a writer, and I will die as one; I never forgot Bryusov’s words to the poet: “Let your virtue be the readiness to go to the stake” (From a letter to N. N. Green).

In the memorial room of Green's house-museum in Old Crimea, the original modest furnishings of its owner are carefully preserved: a simple iron bed with a badger skin on the floor instead of a carpet, a narrow couch and a card table with green worn cloth, on the wall - a portrait of the beloved writer Edgar Allan Poe. In the other room there are photographs. telling about the life of Alexander Green in Old Crimea, documents, autographs, lifetime publications.

The writer's last unfinished work was the novel " Touch-me-not" - a novel about delicate, vulnerable and sympathetic natures, incapable of lies, hypocrisy and hypocrisy, about people who affirm goodness on earth. “Until the end of my days,” wrote Green, “I would like to wander through the bright countries of my imagination.” Writer died on July 8, 1932 in Old Crimea.

The works of Alexander Green are immortal. They are loved by everyone, because they make us dream of beautiful things, teach us courage and the joy of life.

“Writing has always been my external profession, and my real, inner life was the world of gradually revealed secrets of the imagination.”

Reviews about A. Green.

This is a wonderful writer, getting younger with age. It will be read by many generations after us, and its pages will always breathe freshness on the reader, the same as fairy tales breathe.

M. Shahinyan

Alexander Green is a sunny writer and, despite his difficult fate, happy, because through all his works a deep and bright faith in man, in the good principles of the human soul, faith in love, friendship, fidelity and the feasibility of dreams victoriously runs through.

V. Ketlinskaya.

He taught me courage and the joy of life.

E. Bagritsky.

When the days begin to gather dust and the colors fade, I take Green. I open it on any page. This is how the windows in the house are cleaned in the spring. Everything becomes light, bright, everything again mysteriously excites, as in childhood.

D. Granin.

In Old Crimea we were in Green's house. He was white in a dense garden overgrown with grass with fluffy corollas... The small house was tidy and silent... We did not speak, despite many thoughts, and with the greatest excitement we examined the harsh shelter of a man who had the gift of a powerful and pure imagination.

K. Paustovsky

On this topic, you can visit the site about the work of the writer Alexander Green: works, illustrations, photographs, articles, poems, a virtual museum.

The Alexander Green Museum in Feodosia is one of the pearls of Crimea. Opened on July 9, 1970 in the house where the writer lived from 1924 to 1929. The museum's exhibition embodies the spirit of the writer's romantic creativity. The small one-story house retained the memorial character of its walls, but received a non-standard design. The rooms of this unusual museum resemble cabins with sonorous names: “Frigate Hold”, “Wanderings Cabin”, “Captain’s Cabin”, “Clipper Room”, “Rostral”. The white walls are clad in dark wood and sisal rope. In addition to photographs, engravings, and manuscripts, there are ship rostras, models of sailing ships, antique ship instruments and maps, and ocean shells. The rigor of taste, the impeccability of proportions, the complete absence of signs of everyday life preserve in the museum a state of spirituality untouched by the years, and you feel happy in it, having returned to a childhood time of dreams.
Russian writer Alexander Stepanovich Green spent the best years of his creative maturity in Feodosia. Here were born his novels “The Golden Chain”, “Running on the Waves”, “Jessie and Morgiana”, “The Road to Nowhere”, pages of wonderful stories. From the first day of its birth, the Green House gathered wonderful, enthusiastic, and talented people under its roof. The founder of the museum, Gennady Zolotukhin, together with the artist Savva Brodsky, united around themselves the first “Grinovites” - a unique galaxy of artists who created the museum as a living fairy tale. The main idea of ​​this House was and is - the union of the best, the “recognition” of close kindred souls. This is the Museum of Creativity. This is how the writer saw the world. Therefore, his House inspires musicians, artists, writers and actors. Fans of Green’s unusual prose can hear “live” music here and see in the exhibition halls the entire range of modern paintings, graphics, examples of plastic art and photography.
Through the gap in the street you can see the sea... Blue, festive in sunny weather and gloomy, gloomy, cold when the sky is overcast. The whistles of ships can be heard here, and the blue of the evening peeks through the closed shutters... At sunset, when the bustle of the day subsides, it is especially pleasant to wander through the small rooms of this amazing, unique museum... Let's open “Running on the Waves”: “I settled in an apartment right corner house of Amilego Street, one of the most beautiful streets of Lisse. The house stood at the lower end of the street... behind the dock, a place of ship debris and silence, broken, not too intrusively, by the language of the port day, softened by distance.” It seems that Alexander Green is talking here about himself, about the apartment where he settled in September 1924 and lived for several years, where his best books were written. Then the writer changed his apartment, and a year later he broke up with Feodosia altogether; the last two years of his life were spent in Old Crimea. And many years later, when the work of Alexander Green received worldwide recognition and his books began to be published in huge editions, and even former skeptics it became clear that Green’s romance was in tune with our time, people came to the house on Galereinaya Street who took on the difficult mission of creating Alexander Greene Museum and thereby perpetuate his memory... The museum is located in a building built in 1891, there are two memorial plaques on it: “The historical memorial building is a monument, protected by the state” and “In this house from September 1924 to April In 1929, the romantic writer Alexander Green lived and worked.”

- memorial house-museum of the famous writer Alexander Sergeevich Green (Grinevsky), where the writer lived in 1924-1929 in,. It opened in 1970, 4 years after the decision to create it was made. The famous artist and architect Savva Brodsky worked on it.

In part, the museum is a restored life of the writer, on the other hand, the surroundings largely refer to the works. An anchor at the oak doors, rooms stylized as ship cabins and holds from the stories of Alexander Green. Each room has its own name.

In “The Country of Greenland” there is a relief map-panel on the wall, which is recreated according to the writer’s work with the greatest accuracy. “The Frigate's Hold” helps to more fully experience the maritime theme: woven shrouds soaked in the sea, silhouettes of ships on the walls, lanterns near the ceiling, and a portrait of the writer hanging above the door. “The Cabin of Wanderings,” through the language of the exhibits, will tell about Alexander’s youth, about what most influenced his life and mind. The “clipper” room is so named because of the beautiful model of the sailing clipper “Aurora” from “Reno Island” hanging on the wall, the author of the model is Igor Rodionov. This has its significance, because this ship was the first that Green described in his works. The “Rostral Room” can be very surprising - the bow of the ship floats right through the wall at visitors - a rostrum, from the bowsprit of which hangs a model of the ship "Secret" with scarlet sails. The last room - “Captain's Cabin” - seems to be recreated from the novel “Running on the Waves”.

This is a very popular place in the artistic community; not only writers, but also painters and musicians hold their meetings in the museum’s rooms; temporary exhibitions and expositions are created; there are also permanent ones, for example, “Green and Modernity”.

Address: Galereynaya Street, 10. You can walk from the School No. 2 stop or from Kuibysheva Street, where minibuses 1, 14, 15, 2, 2A run and stop on demand. From the railway station along Aivazovsky Avenue north to Galereynaya.

Photo attraction: Alexander Green Museum

It is impossible to visit Crimea and not visit the Alexander Greene Literary and Memorial Museum in Feodosia. The writer, who gave us the gentle Assol and the faithful Captain Gray, spent the rest of his life in cozy Feodosia on the seashore.

and Feodosia

In 1924, the family moved from St. Petersburg to a small Crimean town. Away from revolutions, loud crowds, noise and closer to the sea and silence. Having bought a small house in Feodosia, Green finds on the Crimean land what he was looking for - peace.

Researchers believe that in the last years of his life spent in Feodosia, Green was truly happy. The house near the sea has become a place of constant inspiration. Green writes a lot and always goes to the sea every day, which he has passionately loved all his life. The writer is captivated by the gentle charm of ancient Feodosia, its surroundings and picturesque streets.

It was in Feodosia that “Running on the Waves,” “The Golden Chain” and other works were written.

In 1930, the writer’s health deteriorated; the doctor advised him to move to the neighboring town of Stary Krym, where Green died 2 years later.

Loyalty and love

The history of the creation of the Alexander Greene Literary and Memorial Museum is a story of great love and fidelity.

Alexander Green's wife, Nina Nikolaevna, unjustly sentenced to 10 years, returned from prison and began to strive for Green's house to become his monument, his museum. She wanted the memory of the dreamer writer to not disappear even in the years of harsh reality. First, she managed to achieve the return of the house in Old Crimea, where Alexander Green spent the last two years of his life. It was there that the first exhibition was located.

Museum history

The idea of ​​creating a museum space dedicated to the poetic writer who lived for many years on the Crimean soil had been in the air for a long time, but it only began to come to fruition in 1966, when Green’s name was returned to Soviet literature. The authorities decide to organize the museum.

Objects for the future exhibition are beginning to be collected, and researchers of Green’s work across the country are joining the process.

The artist Savva Brodsky, who had recently prepared amazing illustrations for Green’s collected works, was invited to decorate the museum space.

Brodsky managed to do what fans of Green’s talent wanted to see.

He created a non-traditional museum of an academic nature, with display cases and objects behind glass. He came up with and realized the Alexander Greene Literary and Memorial Museum as a romantic Dream, a fantasy Greenland.

So in 1970, a museum ship appeared on the seashore in Feodosia, carrying Grinov’s heroes into the world with full sails.

Over time, the museum has grown into an entire block, and now guests get inside by walking along an ancient cobblestone street, past lanterns, anchors and rope bays.

The “Brigantine” panel, which has been decorating the museum wall since 1991, has become a real decoration of the resort city.

Inside the museum

In accordance with the lyrical mood of the entire museum, its interior decoration and exhibition displays are unusually designed.

The Literary and Memorial Museum of Alexander Green (Feodosia) is like a ship setting sail in full sail to an unrealizable fantasy land. That’s why the museum’s halls have such unusual names that are associated with the sea.

  • Rostral room.
  • Clipper cabin.
  • Hold.
  • Wandering cabin.
  • Ship's library.

From the first steps on the wooden floor of the museum, you can’t shake the feeling that you are on board an ancient ship. From the walls, lined with tarred boards and decorated with hanging ropes, there are drawings, photographs, maps, on the tables there are huge outlandish shells, antique appliances, and lanterns hanging from the ceiling.

The museum space opens with a huge panel depicting a three-dimensional map of “Greenland”. The map occupies the ceiling and walls. Islands and bays, cities and straits - every reader will find names familiar from childhood on this map. The wind rose shows the right path.

In the hall called the Cabin of Wanderings, Alexander Greene’s youth, his passionate dreams of the sea, life in a provincial town and attempts to find himself appear before his eyes.

Many sailboats seem to be floating under the ceiling of the Clipper Cabin hall, and each of them is Green’s fantasy. The clipper "Aurora", the galliot "Secret" and other ships are waiting for a fair wind. Photographs, drawings, books and documents will tell how Green the writer appeared and where his work began.

The bow of the sailing ship - the rostra - decorates the next hall of the museum and escorts guests to the Cabin of Wanderings hall. This is the only room where memorial items are collected: the card table at which Greene worked, an armchair and a couch for relaxation, a chest where the writer kept his manuscripts...

In the Hold, the writer’s face emerges from the darkness in a portrait by S. Brodsky, and it seems as if Greene still lives in the house, as he always does on the pages of his books.

The amazing and unusual museum of the romantic Alexander Green leaves no one indifferent.

Greenovsky Museum in the life of the city

About 17 thousand exhibits have already been collected, and scientific work is ongoing. Lectures and a literary and musical lounge are held for the townspeople. For scientists - the conference “Green Readings”. For creative types - the “Meetings in Zurbagan” festival and photo plein airs.

The small hall constantly hosts exhibitions of contemporary artists.

Cost of visit

For visiting the Alexander Greene Literary and Memorial Museum, a fee is charged in the amount of:

  • schoolchildren and students - 60 rubles;
  • pensioners - 75 rubles;
  • adults without benefits - 150 rub.

Visiting exhibitions is paid separately and amounts to 30 rubles. for schoolchildren and pensioners and 60 rub. for adults.

You can purchase a joint ticket to the museum and exhibition:

  • schoolchildren, students - 75 rubles;
  • pensioners - 90 rubles;
  • adults 200 rub.

The museum hosts fascinating interactive excursions on various topics for adults and children. During such excursions, they will talk about Green’s attitude to the war, about the women he loved and who love him, and the secrets of the house will be revealed. Children go on a quest trip around Greenland.

How the A. Green Museum works

The museum is open every day except Monday in summer and Monday-Tuesday in winter. The museum opens its doors at 9 o'clock and closes at 17 o'clock. From 13 to 14 there is a break in the museum's work.

The Literary and Memorial Museum of Alexander Green, whose address is Galereinaya Street, 10, is located in the city center near the embankment.

Find your way to Greenland

Probably every Crimean knows from childhood where the Alexander Green Literary and Memorial Museum is located.

You can get to Feodosia by any bus heading to Simferopol. From the bus station you need to take minibuses No. 2 or 4 (106), go 7 stops and get off on Galereinaya Street not far from the museum.

When traveling by car, you must remember that Galereinnaya is a pedestrian street.

The Alexander Green Museum in Feodosia, on Galereinaya Street, is located in the writer’s house, where he lived and worked from 1924 to 1929.

The Memorial Literary Museum has been operating in this building since mid-1970. At first, the development of the new exhibition site was supervised by the Feodosia Museum of Local Lore. The project of the literary museum was developed by the artist-architect S. G. Brodsky. The building is remarkable from afar and is very recognizable from photographs of Feodosia due to the large romantic relief panel “Brigantine”, which decorates the end of the house.

The permanent exhibition of the museum includes a recreated office of the writer, where attention is paid to everyday details, as well as rooms decorated in the style of the romantic world created by Green: these are the museum rooms “Frigate Hold”, “Clipper Room”, “Wandering Cabin” and others. The exhibition “Green and Modernity” is located in the large hall. The museum also periodically hosts temporary thematic exhibitions and meetings with musicians, poets and artists.

The image of the museum in the form of an old sailing ship and the whole atmosphere of the interior are imbued with the writer’s creativity, the romance of sea travels and contribute to a return to the joys and dreams of childhood.

Prices at the Green Museum in Feodosia in 2019

The museum's ticket office offers several types of tickets: you can separately visit the permanent memorial exhibition or temporary exhibitions (there are currently two of them in the museum), or buy a general ticket to visit all sites.

Entrance fee for visiting the main exhibition of the museum:

  • For an adult - 180 rubles,
  • For schoolchildren, students - 90 rubles,
  • For pensioners - 120 rubles.

Cost of visiting two exhibitions:

  • For an adult - 150 rubles,
  • For schoolchildren and students - 100 rubles,
  • For pensioners - 120 rubles.

Single ticket to visit the main exhibition and one exhibition:

  • For an adult - 230 rubles,
  • For schoolchildren, students - 120 rubles,
  • For pensioners - 150 rubles.

A single ticket to visit the main exhibition, two exhibitions:

  • For an adult - 300 rubles,
  • For schoolchildren, students - 150 rubles,
  • For pensioners - 210 rubles.


For a deeper acquaintance with the Green House Museum and immersion in its atmosphere, there is the opportunity to attend excursions conducted not only by professional, but also by enthusiastic museum staff.

The price for the excursion (participation in groups of up to 15 people) is 600 rubles. Self-guided tour with audio guide - 150 rubles. + entrance fee for visiting the main exhibition for the corresponding category (audio guide is issued against a deposit of 2000 rubles).

In addition to regular excursions, the Alexander Green Museum in Feodosia conducts interactive thematic excursions, which you can become a participant by submitting a preliminary application.

For adults (group of no more than 15 people) excursions are conducted on the following topics: “Secrets of the house on Galereynaya”, “Women in the life of Alexander Green”, “War and peace in the life and work of Alexander Green”. Tickets cost 300 rubles, for students – 200 rubles.

For children from 5 years old and adults (group of no more than 10 children) there is an opportunity to participate in the interactive game-trip “To the Shores of Greenland”. Ticket price: adult - 300 rubles, children and students - 200 rubles.

Halls of the museum-ship

The Green Museum in Feodosia is not an ordinary academic museum, since it is based not on the biography and life of the writer, but on the world created in his works, the world of his heroes. The entire museum exposition is imbued with the spirit of the writer’s romantic work.

The small one-story building, which was once the home of Alexander Greene, with the exception of only one memorial room - an office restored according to the appearance it had during the writer's life, received an unusual design and turned into a symbolic sailing ship. Here, the white walls are lined with dark wood and covered with intricate nautical knots of sisal rope, and the rooms resemble holds and ship cabins and have appropriately sonorous names:

  • Greenland map
  • Frigate hold,
  • Cabin of wanderings,
  • clipper room,
  • Rostral,
  • Captain's cabin.

The exposition of this museum house consists not only of photographs, engravings, manuscripts, there are also recreated parts of ships, models of sailing ships, ancient marine instruments and maps, lighthouse lanterns, and ocean shells.

The country of Greenland - a dream map

At the entrance to the Alexander Green Museum, behind the oak door, visitors are greeted by the “Wind Rose” and a relief panel map of the fantastic country of Greenland, created and described by the writer in his works.

This is one of the most interesting exhibits of the museum, created as a result of a careful study of Green’s work and painstaking calculations to achieve maximum authenticity. The surroundings of these islands, seas, bays on the ceiling and walls transport visitors to a world of adventure - cities with strange names, inhabited by strong, courageous people - hunters, travelers, sailors.

Frigate hold

The next room of the museum has a purely nautical name: “The Frigate’s Hold.” It is dominated by the theme of maritime romance, in fact, the leading theme of Greene’s work.

This is a small room, the walls of which are covered with shrouds woven from sisal rope, spreading the bitter-salty smell of the sea, with protruding silhouettes of sailing ships such as a barque, brigantine, and frigate. The lighting here is subdued, created by ship lanterns. “The Hold of a Frigate” helps to more fully experience the exciting poetry of the sailing fleet.

Wandering cabin

“Cabin of Wanderings” is a room dedicated to the childhood and youth of Alexander Greene. The peculiarity of its exhibition, as well as the writer’s “Autobiographical Tale,” is the combination of strict documentary with romantic sublimity: photographs and books on the shelves are adjacent to models of sailing ships, an old barrel organ in the corner.

Inside the house-museum of Alexander Green in Feodosia - panoramas on Google Maps


Upon entering this room, the first thing that attracts attention is a model of a clipper ship - the first sailing ship to appear on the pages of the works of Alexander Green. This fact determined the name of the room dedicated to the beginning of the writer’s literary career.

A ship’s hatch is built into the ceiling of the “Clipper Room”, from which the same sisal rope with intricate knots hangs; on the windows there are lattice shutters, carved zodiac signs, and on one of the window sills there is a ship’s lantern.


Following the Clipper is the Rostral, named after the rostra located here - the bow of a sailing ship, made almost life-size. It feels like a ship is floating into the room. A ship's lantern hangs from the bowsprit, and behind it are the famous scarlet sails. The model of a ship with scarlet sails attracts the attention of almost all visitors, because this is the work through which most of them became acquainted with the work of Alexander Green.

Captain's cabin

This is one of the most atmospheric rooms of the house-museum in Feodosia, recreating a corner of the captain's cabin: antique armchairs, a table decorated with inlay, a copper porthole, a telescope, a navigation map, a barometer, books and a star globe on the shelf. Everything here, including the captain's cap on one of the chairs, gives the feeling that the captain has left and will soon return.

It was in this room that the novel “Running on the Waves” was written - a work in which the mysterious and alluring theme of the sea sounds with particular force, which is associated with Green’s move to the coast - to Feodosia.

How to get to the Feodosia Green Museum in Crimea

Located in the central part of Feodosia, the museum is included in the classic excursion route around the city. You can visit it on the same day as the I.K. Aivazovsky art gallery: the exhibition areas are located a block away from each other. Two blocks from the Feodosia Museum of Antiquities.

In addition, you can quickly walk on foot from the pier and embankment (300 meters), from the railway station (400 meters).

The closest public transport stop to the Green Museum is the Electrical Goods Store, where quite a few bus routes stop: No. 1, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 4a, 4d, 5, 6, 14, 15, 20, 40 , 101, 107. Therefore, you can conveniently get there from almost any area of ​​the city.

Those who want to get to the museum as quickly and comfortably as possible can use the services of one of the taxi services operating in Feodosia, for example: “Maxim”, “Avangard”, “Desyatochka”.

Video about the Feodosia Museum of Alexander Green