Numbers in the lottery. What do you need to play the lottery using a pendulum? Effective secret ways to choose the right winning lottery numbers

Tell me straight, are you often lucky in love? If you gave an affirmative answer, then we can be sincerely happy for you. But much more often the opposite situation happens: in love there are continuous problems and failures. It all starts out simply fabulous, but after some time it turns out that your lover is married or single, but does not plan to start a long-term relationship. Including you. And in general, you can easily list right now the names of those who disappeared after the first date, or the first night spent together. And no matter how sad it is, one thing is obvious - there is a problem and it must be solved. Perhaps - at a consultation with an astrologer.
The first step is to evaluate the share of Saturn's participation in your personal life. Sometimes its position in the natal chart, as well as transit aspects with other planets, are strongly associated with defeats on the love front. And if negatively aspected Mars and Pluto are responsible for ardent but unrequited passion (and passion in general), then Saturn is entirely responsible for obstacles in love.
First of all, let’s remember at least the school astronomy course and imagine Saturn - what does it look like? A celestial body squeezed into rings suggests limitations and their continuous overcoming. In classical astrology, Saturn was called “great misfortune”, and therefore one cannot count on gifts and indulgences from him. At least when it comes to feelings, emotions and passions. However, there is some good news here, but more on that in the final part of this article.

Steeplechase in Saturnian style.
Saturn involves working, including on yourself. And in order to work more enthusiastically, he periodically presents us with difficult, crisis situations.
Situations according to Saturn are usually characterized by gloom emotional background, a state of depression and a feeling of helplessness and limitation in one’s own actions. So you seem to understand what to do, but something is holding you back, preventing your active actions. Let's look at an example: you know very well that you should lose those extra 10 kg a long time ago. Your figure will acquire the much-desired sophistication and your self-esteem will increase, which means the opposite sex will begin to pay attention to you. increased attention. It's simple, you just need to go on a diet. But you recently broke up with your boyfriend and spend all your evenings at home, in front of the TV, eating various delicacies in huge quantities. And maybe today you will pamper yourself a little more, and work on your figure tomorrow?
No, tomorrow nothing will change - by the evening your mood will drop again, and pizza smelling of aromatic cheese and spices, coupled with an excellent adventure film, will help you get your well-deserved dose of joy.
And here you completely violate all the principles to which Saturn calls you. You lost love for a reason - perhaps, to a certain extent, you were not ready to work on yourself. And if you follow Saturnian logic, then you should start now great job above yourself - entertainment and pleasure will wait a little. From Saturn's point of view, you didn't deserve either pizza or evening movies, which should have been replaced by going to the gym and something more serious than a movie. This is Saturn’s program - to help a person accept the situation and correct it through working on himself. And escape from reality will certainly result in something more - in our case, overweight, the number of which will only increase.
Saturn sends obstacles to train our abilities for self-organization and discipline. Sound boring? But such is the will of this harsh planet.

In the footsteps of Saturn.
Astrologers have long known that in individual horoscope(either Natal chart or a forecast for the current month), you can always track the problem area in which the influence of Saturn is most clearly manifested. And since in this article we are considering the influence of this planet on love, close attention should be paid to the appearance of Saturn in the 5th house of the horoscope. This part of the zodiac circle is responsible for love and pleasure in general. And the appearance of Saturn in this sector of the horoscope usually promises delays, obstacles and problems in the love sphere.
The same situation occurs when transiting Saturn passes through the sign of Leo. Saturn shows us the area in which it is currently observed greatest number restrictions and where, accordingly, hard work is required.
What should you do if you look at your horoscope (for example, next year), have you discovered this planet exactly where long-awaited love should be?
The first rule that applies to the transits of all planets is do not resist the influence celestial bodies, give in to him. It makes no sense to compete in terms of energy level with the whole planet - you will simply waste your energy in vain and will not advance one step in solving your situation.
It’s worth thinking about and honestly answering the question “What do you need to do to change yourself in this situation?” As a rule, any answer involves work, action, and setting certain self-limitations.
According to the Saturnian program, any self-restraint can be effectively overcome only through hard work on oneself, voluntary renunciation of certain pleasures in order to enjoy them a little later - but to the fullest.
Saturn is opposite in its influence to Venus and Jupiter, who are responsible for pleasures, entertainment and enjoyment. But if you follow the program of this harsh planet, then you can put an end to failures, at least in the love sphere, and move on to a more pleasant part of the planetary energies.
The same can be said about the appearance of Saturn in the 7th house of the horoscope. Clients who want to get married should understand that in this case there are very likely either delays and obstacles in getting married, or its complete absence. However, not everything is so gloomy - the marriage may take place, but you will get such a serious partner that it is difficult to talk about lightness and romance further relations with him.

Falling in love with Saturn? More than easy!
Assessing the influence of this planet with a superficial glance, it is easy to go to extremes and begin to see only its negative manifestations. However, it is not. If in your individual horoscope men are designated by Saturn, then this is simply wonderful. The most attractive lovers and the most desirable candidates for husbands have pronounced aspects with Saturn. How is this possible? Let's try to figure it out.
Saturn is not very talkative, but prefers to act consistently, overcoming all obstacles in its path. Tell me, what lady does not dream of just such a lover who will conquer her, regardless of any obstacles. He sees a goal and strives precisely for it - not in dreams, but in reality. He is not a flighty playboy - Saturn is constant and takes care of everything he values.
You are wrong to think that a Saturnian is a boring and predictable bore. Yes, Uranian eccentricity is completely out of character for him - that’s a fact. But he values ​​the stability of relationships, which means he is ready for any unexpected actions, fully understanding that spontaneity and slight unpredictability are vital.
Saturn is serious and does not miss a single detail from his work, but it is possible that he will achieve success much earlier than any genius - gifted, but flighty. And Saturn’s success is not fleeting, it develops over the years, which means it is thorough.
Saturnians are very sexual - this is a fact that many astrologers can confirm. If your lover has an aspect of the Sun to Saturn in his personal horoscope, then personal magnetic charm is combined with increased sexual energy. This is not an anecdotal “15 minutes a week”, but a completely free-flowing relationship. Saturn personifies the earthly element in its material, physical form - relationships with a Saturnian easily develop into a powerful sexual attraction. And besides, Saturn is the very point where any restrictions... are lifted. I think your imagination can easily complete what is possible in this case.
The Saturnian lover is a little old-fashioned, but he is the one who will present you with a classic bouquet of Red roses, decorated with a vintage postcard - I think even the most modern young lady cannot resist such a sign of attention.
And one more important detail related to Saturn’s predilection for causing obstacles. Relationships where everything develops smoothly and predictably from the very beginning soon become boring. No, you don’t consciously want to find your chosen one has a wife and a couple of cute kids - he swore to you that you are the only one. But a certain amount of difficulties in relationships adds spice and adrenaline to them. If your loved one has an aspect of the Sun to Saturn, then there will be difficulties. Perhaps it is you who will have to seek his favor in all imaginable and inconceivable ways. And at the same time, overcome in yourself what limits your possibilities in love.
It is possible that you will have to work not only on your spiritual qualities, but also think about your external attractiveness and sex appeal. The Saturnian only seems completely immersed in work - in fact, he easily assesses the attractiveness of the object of his interest. He evaluates not in order to indulge in dreams and fantasies, but for active actions designed for a second victory.

In this article:

A person who has never bought lottery ticket- quite a rare occurrence. We all believe in Her Majesty - Lady Luck. We just don’t know how to attract luck to win the lottery. How to calculate, find out lucky numbers? Let's call on the wonderful science of numerology to help.

After all, thanks to numerology, our chances of winning increase several times.

There are patterns by which people have won million-dollar jackpots. Sometimes, to attract luck into your life, you can use the advice of those who have already won the lottery. Many of them used numbers based on numerology. The lucky owners shared their secrets, which was confirmed by numerology experts.

Destiny numbers and their influence on the result

Have you often crossed out numbers on a ticket that are close to you? Dates of birth of loved ones significant dates from life. Why does a person choose these particular numbers? It’s simple - our subconscious begins to help even in such a matter. Numerology experts fully agree with this action, because the vibration of the selected numbers doubles, which inevitably leads to positive result. Your chance to win increases.

Here is the example of Tony and Robert Harris. They bought a lottery coupon, the numbers being the birth dates of their six grandchildren. The Kharisov couple won $270 million. A simple numerology secret brought the couple a huge fortune. It’s a sin not to take it into service.

Your birth number will increase your chances of winning

The second step to increasing your chances of winning is to buy a lottery ticket on a day that is identical to your birthday. It is also good to use your numerology code in playing lotto. It can be recognized by adding full date your birth to one digit.

Lucky Eight

Number 8 is responsible for material success, luck in money. The second meaning of the number 8 is reliability. This is because if we divide it in half, we get equal parts 4 and 4 - a double square. We divide more fours - again we get equal parts, only twos. This knowledge can be successfully applied in lottery numerology. It makes sense to bet on the numbers: 2, 4 and 8 to increase your chance and win. This way we will enlist the support of number 8 - the most monetary and favorable in material terms.

Number of tickets and chance to win. Experts' answer

There are people who buy lottery tickets in batches. They think that more is better. Do the chances of winning depend on the number of coupons?

Experts on this issue give a clear answer - no. After all, even from a mathematical point of view, by buying one more ticket, you do not exclude millions of possibilities for other combinations. It's like a small grain of sand on the ocean coast. What can she change in the fate of the whole beach if she is gone?

Sometimes it is enough to buy just one ticket and hit the jackpot. It would be better to be in right time and in in the right place. It is better to apply the tips described above, then the chance of winning and being among the list of lottery winners is much greater. It is better to attract the beneficial influence of the number 8 into your life so that it will help you be where you need to be at the right time.

Apply this advice exact science, use the lucky number 8, and then your chance of winning the lottery will increase significantly.

Everyone has played the lottery at least once. But very few win. Most people think that winning the lottery is something unrealistic. Their opinion is very biased, since in most cases the experience was sad.

Why are some lucky and others not?

There are people who bet on the same sets of numbers and don't win for several years! Meanwhile, there are exceptions - lucky ones who win the jackpot¹ almost immediately. Although there are very few of them on earth.

However, despite the statistics, there are ways to significantly increase your chances of winning the lottery.

They will be discussed in this article. First you need to understand and accept the fact that luck in the game lies somewhere between good strategy, intuition, patience, persistence and a positive attitude.

There are many terms, but the right approach you will learn how to stop worrying about your lottery winnings because you will act for sure. A powerful course will help you tune in to the energy of money and abundance and attract wealth into your life.

"Valuable" strategies for winning the lottery

Before buying lottery tickets, remember this rule:

Never buy more lottery tickets than the minimum winnings in a given lottery!

So, if minimum amount, which you can win in the drawing is 100 rubles, then you can spend no more than 100 rubles in one game. Buying more tickets will not increase your chance of winning the lottery.

In fact, overspending on a game has the exact opposite effect. Stress, anxiety and worries only waste your energy and put a strong barrier to your intuition.

As the sages say: “only in calm water can you see the reflection of the starry sky.”

If your feelings and emotions are calm, then you will be able to see the clues of your intuition. Do the right thing from the start by managing your financial investments wisely. This way you increase your chance of luck, because good mood and peace of mind is the foundation of your success.

There are two methods used by lottery players. What are their features?

Method one. elemental luck

You take randomly selected numbers each time and constantly change them, trying new numbers and hoping only for spontaneous luck. One of the benefits of random numbers is that they are different every game, but your success is entirely dependent on the randomness of fate.

Using this method, you are powerless to do anything. This is a very controversial method of winning the lottery, based on random selection.

Method two. Persistent consistency

You pick up a static (unchangeable) set of numbers that can be chosen from dates, ages, addresses, etc. In any case, you always rely completely on the luck of these numbers alone, fixating on them.

But this psychological trap static numbers. Some people are attracted by strange superstitions associated with numbers. Some people have favorite numbers, some have significant numbers, some are marked in their destiny. That's why people try to take only them. They believe that these numbers should win, and not any others.

Often such players bet on the same numbers year after year. They fall into the trap of their mind and fear, thinking that as soon as they stop betting these numbers, they will immediately win.

There are, of course, exceptions - people who received numbers in a dream, or they have strong intuition. , in fact, is a very important part of the strategy for playing the lottery. She is like a beacon that illuminates the numbers and guides your ship to victory.

How to play the lottery correctly?

You can choose one of the three methods below. All of them are based on a certain choice of numbers and drawing up a game plan. Based on these methods, you can develop your own strategy that will work for you.

Studying the pattern of numbers, you understand that randomness in pure form doesn't really exist. It's about about balance and equilibrium in the Universe. To be successful in the lottery, you need to observe how certain numbers behave. Then you need to draw conclusions and find the right numbers for your winnings.

Of course, there are exceptions to any strategy, however, by observing the statistics, you will be able to see patterns and use them to make money. To begin with, the winnings may be small, but by honing your skills, you will be able to win more often and more.

The essence of the strategies is based on studying the history of the game. This means that if an event happens at least once, it will definitely happen again, and you will be able to predict and calculate when it will happen.

What do these strategies guarantee?

  • Make the game more enjoyable and predictable.
  • Help you understand how numbers behave over time.
  • Inspire you to develop and improve your own strategy for selecting numbers.

Yes, on initial stage this will require patience on your part. You will also need a game history for at least the last few dozen draws. No matter what kind of lottery it is, you can even play lotteries online. You will be able to download the history of winning numbers directly from the lottery website. You need game history to develop your personal successful strategy.

Strategy #1. Combinations of the most frequently winning numbers

Selecting frequently winning numbers will give you the opportunity to win from time to time. It can even lead you to the jackpot. To do this you write winning numbers, if some appear several times, put this number opposite.

The list with the most frequently winning numbers needs to be updated from time to time, since after some period of time the numbers tend to be replaced by other numbers.

Looking at such a list, you can clearly see the frequency of “good” numbers and use them in your game. Do not forget to note the sample history.

In addition to this method, use your intuition - " Green color" Looking at the entire list of numbers, ask that the winning number in this lottery turn green. You will intuitively be able to see this color on some numbers - write them down separately. This will increase your chances of winning the lottery.

Strategy No. 2. Eliminate numbers that are out of play

This strategy won't take much time either. It is easy to calculate - you will need to carry out statistics on the participation of numbers in the game. To do this you need:

1. Write down all the numbers that participated in the lottery for a certain time.

2. Next to each number, put a number indicating how many times this number was out of the game, and how many times it was in the game.

3. Enter the average value into the table. For example, if the number “2” came up 3 times in games, and did not come up 1 time, then in the end you need to enter the number 2 into the table. If it’s a draw, it’s zero.

5. After each drawing, the data table must be updated in order to have up-to-date information on the participation of numbers in the game.

This way you can track which numbers play, how many times they appear, and which ones win. After this analysis, try to create your own numerical winning series. Use the Green Color technique described above.

Strategy No. 3. Select the numbers between the drop down ones

You probably noticed that, for example, in one game the numbers 8 and 10 came up, and in next number 9. Whenever you notice nearby numbers involved in an intermediate game, you observe their pattern.

This way you can predict what number will come up in the next game if, for example, you see 8 and 10 in this game. Based on these three strategies, you can create your own method and be sure to get your lottery winnings!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Jackpot - prize fund in some slots, lotteries and others gambling(Wikipedia). How to win

For a long time, humanity has used numerical values ​​as a method of predicting any events in the life of an individual or society as a whole. Guess lucky numbers and everyone wants to “grab” good luck, but not everyone is able to correctly understand what the signs bring and what their true meaning is.

The meaning of numbers in human life

Probably everyone has had to heard about numerology at least once. This science can tell everyone who is interested in numbers, their meaning and ability to influence one or another area of ​​human life. Numbers are of great importance to everyone. There are different categories to help you find answers to your question. We will consider the most important points that are probably of interest to everyone:

  • lucky numbers by date of birth;
  • numbers that will bring you winnings in the lottery;
  • favorable meanings for each zodiac sign;
  • signs of fate according to Feng Shui philosophy.

Operating with such categories has become popular not only among professional astrologers, but also ordinary people. In principle, learning to use numbers correctly is not such a difficult science that anyone can master.

Lucky numbers by date of birth for the lottery

Each of us has our own number, which influences its owner throughout his life. Thanks to him, we can become successful, achieve something in life, earn good money and even learn how to calculate winnings in the lottery! How to choose exactly your number on a number line? The day, month and year of your birth will help with this.

You can take a chance and buy a lottery ticket. Only one question remains: will it be successful? Well, it’s not always possible to emerge victorious, because fortune is very changeable. But still worth a try. Be careful! Don’t overplay yourself, because sooner or later you may feel that you can no longer live without the lottery, and this game has become the meaning of every day you live.

The lottery doesn't stand still. In order to make it more interesting, of course, more and more modifications of the popular hobby are being invented. Today there are types in which all the numbers are known initially, while in others you need to look for them. In any case, you can use a little trick that will increase the likelihood that you win several times. In this case, you don’t have to guess anything, everything is extremely simple: add all the numbers of the day, month and year of your birth together. You don't even need a calculator for this. That's all - now you know your number.

With one small number you can guide further development situations. You can even win if you know your lottery luck number. For example:

Knowledge of such elementary issues is extremely important, because it is the fundamental basis for obtaining the necessary results.

Vibration numbers

Numerology also explains the peculiarities of the influence of a number on a person’s luck or destiny. There is a law that talks about certain vibration numbers. It's no secret that each of us has our own patron planet, a special space communications, because we were born for unexplained reasons on this or that day. To find out which planet you are associated with, you just need to determine your number by calculating it by your date of birth.

Here are some examples to look at:

Experts say that you should always have your number with you. In this case, it will work when it is really needed. When you see your number, the connection becomes stronger and it receives strength, an energetic charge. Meanwhile, peace awaits you. Even in the most hopeless situation you can find a solution, remember this!

Concerned about uncertainty own strength, inability to search in everything better side? Help is very simple and always effective: you just need to have your number on you somewhere. You can embroider it on something, draw it, pin it. This will be both protection and an amulet of good luck and prosperity for you at the same time.

Luck according to zodiac signs

It would seem that astrology and numerology are something completely different and definitely cannot be combined in one article. This is understandable, because numbers and stars have different areas research. But when it comes to luck, search lucky talismans for a person, taking into account his horoscope, these sciences are combined. It is thanks to their cooperation that we can find out everything that interests us.

Each of us is completely unique in our character, preferences and capabilities. Zodiac signs are also responsible for this “difference” of ours. Therefore, everyone has their own lucky numbers, depending on the zodiac. Now you can find out what will bring you good luck and maybe even winning the lottery:

However, you should not completely surrender yourself to the hands of numbers, because the lottery, as you know, is played in accordance with the theory of randomness random numbers. It should be noted that even serious mathematicians with excellent knowledge of probability theory do not always become jackpot winners.

An important feng shui secret

Digital values ​​play a huge role in our lives.. In fact, much more depends on them than we can imagine. For example, the number of an apartment or car affects the comfort, mood, and well-being of their owner. In the teachings of Feng Shui there is also a separate branch relating to numbers.

All known numbers can be good or bad, white or black, those that bring good luck, and completely unlucky - there is no middle ground.

For example, number four is considered the worst. It brings panic, anxiety, a complete lack of luck. Four is a symbol of death. Some peoples fear it much more than the well-known unlucky 13.

The number that suits everyone and brings good luck to everyone is eight. It is responsible for your financial condition, so when it comes to winning, do not be afraid to choose 8. Eight also carries reliability, so for those who have problems in family improvement or running a business, it will become a lifeline.

Values ​​1 and 6 are also good. Both one and six symbolize prosperity and benefit. If you are solving important issues in monetary sphere- these signs will definitely help you.

You shouldn’t trust your luck to two, because it’s an unlucky number. A symbol of impermanence, sharp changeability. The ambiguity of this number adversely affects any undertaking, so nothing good will come of it.

A value of 3 brings good luck and is therefore considered favorable. It is no longer responsible for the material, but for the spiritual. Under the cover of this number, everyone will finally be able to feel peace, tranquility and a surge of new strength. It has a very good effect on the creative sphere.

Five is considered a neutral point. This is the only sign that cannot be confidently attributed to white or black. It keeps balance.

They count seven good value. This is a sign of stability, a symbol of teaching. Seven is the patron of new knowledge in any field.

Nine is a value that symbolizes moving up the ladder of achievement. Never be afraid to discover something new, especially under the influence of this sign.

Exact calculation by name

Each letter in the alphabet is located in its place and, accordingly, has its own number. Thus, you can count the numbers of the letters of the last name, first name and patronymic, add them up and get a number. This figure will indicate the owner’s character traits.

It would be appropriate to give the following examples:

It is important to understand that such calculations bring exclusively theoretical conclusions, which may not always have actual continuation. That is why a professional approach is important here.

So, luck really depends on some numbers. It is important to learn to distinguish their characteristics and use their abilities correctly. We must not forget that luck depends not only on what number a person was born under, but also on his actual actions. Any calculations using numbers cannot bring fame and fortune to someone who simply desires it. Such knowledge can only guide a person, suggest an area where one can look for luck.

Lucky numbers by date of birth for the lottery are a very slippery thing, but they may well suggest the time when you need to try your luck. Of course, anyone can win the lottery, even without using such a complex science as numerology, but a professional approach to such knowledge and deep study is a source of greater confidence that sooner or later luck will smile on a person!

Attention, TODAY only!

Why do people play lotto? They want to make quick money this way. In many lotteries, the amount of the main prize will provide money for the winner for the rest of his life, and maybe it will remain for his children. Almost every person wants to become financially independent. That's why people play numerical lotteries. You can win the lottery by crossing out the same numbers from draw to draw. And wait until your combination of numbers matches the winning one. Or you can play according to the recommendations below.

Lottery Statistics

Keep statistics on the numbers of the lottery you play. Summarize data in tables and graphs.

Lottery analysis

Analyze the results of past draws. No need to buy for this special programs lottery analysis. The standard Excel program from Microsoft Office is suitable for this. By entering the appropriate formulas, you can obtain various analysis results. Try it various combinations and formulas:

  • sum of numbers
  • average value
  • number of even and odd
  • drop percentage

Apply various analyzes such as:

  • Numerology
  • Planetary movement solar system
  • Lunar cycle
  • Dates of birth or just events
  • Fibonacci levels
  • ... (anything, as long as it’s useful)

and you will soon notice that there is a pattern.


There is no need to immediately invest money in the next lotto draw. Based on your reasoning, make a forecast for the next circulation and see what happens. Although it would be very disappointing if next draw"five" or "six" will appear.

Game according to the system

The system is the inclusion of more numbers for playing lotto than those drawn in the draw.

There are two versions of systems - complete and incomplete.

IN complete system all included possible combinations. It is easy to create such a system. Let me give you this example: You need a complete system to play the 6 out of 45 lottery with 9 numbers (1, 4, 11, 20, 21, 33, 36, 40, 42). In the site menu you select 6 of... In chapter Complete lotto systems. In the form, select numbers 1, 4, 11, 20, 21, 33, 36, 40, 42, click on the button Create a system and you will have a complete system for playing lotto 6 out of 45 for 9 numbers. The number of combinations in the resulting system can be found on the page Number of combinations in lotto, where you need to enter 6 in the Lotto field, and 9 in the Number of Numbers field. You will receive the answer: 84 combinations. Such systems provide a 100% guarantee of winning the lottery: if 6 numbers match, you will guess a “six”, if 5 numbers match, you will guess several “fives”, four numbers – several fours, three rooms- several "threes", two - several "twos".

Incomplete lotto systems are designed to capture a specific winning combination. They have fewer combinations and increase the chance of winning the main prize. Let me give you an example incomplete system lotto for the same combination of numbers: Open Lotto system 6 out of 45 for 9 numbers from 12 combinations, in the form we enter our numbers 1, 4, 11, 20, 21, 33, 36, 40, 42, click on the “Create system” button and get 12 combinations. But the resulting system does not guarantee 100% winning if 6 numbers match, but only 3 fives 6 fours and 3 threes or 1 six 9 fours and 2 threes.

There is another difference in the examples given: 7 times less will be spent on an incomplete system Money than full. This is a very significant nuance.

You yourself need to decide which system to play.

Minimizing risks

Lottery is not free game. A ticket or combination must be purchased. Remember this. And always invest your free money, and not the money you need to live on, so as not to regret it. When pity appears, you will lose them. Always calculate your costs and possible profits.

To win you have to play

I remembered an old joke: One man was a believer all his life, observed all religious customs and always added during prayer: “Oh God, help me win the lottery.” The time of death of this man is approaching and his angel asks God: “God, you see that this man revered you all his life, observed all the rituals and customs. Why didn’t you give him the opportunity to win the lottery. He always asked you about this ". And God answered: “I would gladly give him the opportunity to win the lottery if he played the lotto at least once, because he has never done this in his life.”