Download the winning generator for all lotteries. Random number generator

visualization of matches, counters and match indicator, exception field, highlighting, manual selection. Combinations of the selected length can be generated randomly or manually selected directly from this field. The generation algorithm is equiprobable. Absolutely any generated combination (without using the “exceptions” field and filters) is equally probable in relation to others. This implementation of the generator (in addition to obtaining random numbers) allows you to develop “individual” game strategies, direct the generator in the “right direction” and play more “meaningfully”, as well as understand the probabilities and periodicity, using a special probabilistic indicator (graph) - three types of display - linear 1, linear 2, point 3 - application depends on specific tasks - forecasting, visual-intuitive analysis, data for custom filter, how long ago combinations matched, groups and much more. Basic game strategy in the help information for the program.

Combinatorial generator- built-in combination generation strategy from the full array, with the function " advisor» the most probable range of combinations for a cycle of games ( an identical generator in the program, there are also tests in a series of games). Additionally, a “linear” and “dot” graph of the distribution of played combinations in the full array has been implemented - for independent forecasting (wide ranges). The simplest game algorithm: update the circulation archive, then use the advisor, then get several combinations for a series of games. The generator is capable in separate editions as close as possible synchronize with a draw (generator) lottery drum. In this version of the program, an additional sub-range has been added, which is used as a filter for the main range.

Probabilistic generator or a universal interval filter - based on distribution. Shown in detail examples and strategy applications of this filter: generation for complete or partial matches of pairs, triplets, fours... - as part of combinations, groups of numbers for incomplete systems, exceptions... and other conditions - for the game cycle. In this version of the program, automatic frequency calculator Full and partial matches are built into the generator.

Formation of game combinations and filtering systems, generation of the most probable groups for a cycle of games (probabilistic generator) - incomplete systems, for any lotteries, with any guarantees, and for any budget - you can load into the program. Basically, systems are used when it is necessary to use more numbers in a circulation, and the budget is limited. By incomplete systems a lot of all kinds of information on the Internet, but about ways and strategies to select numbers– there is very little information, one might say there is none at all... This question is usually avoided, since the group is subject to probabilities and chance (in contrast to the system itself, which is subject to combinatorics and clear algorithms). Links to systems, template preparation, loading into the program, and search methodology the most probable groups of numbers - in the help information for the program. The ability to filter received combinations has been implemented.

Analysis of the historical behavior of numbers, pairs, triplets, groups, and other combinations of numbers - using a probabilistic statistical indicator
Draw archive parser 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 7 out of 49, 4 out of 20, 6 out of 36, Matchball, Rapido (from the official website addition to the program.
Filtering combinations – several of the most important filters have been added to the program, among which a universal “custom” filter is implemented - the filter will replace dozens of others. Special statistical information is applied to each filter: statistics of numbers, pairs, triplets, sums, distribution of played combinations in the full array, coincidence counters, coincidence maps of any marked area of ​​the playing field, graphs of sums, combinations, and more...

Random Number Generator (RNG) is a hardware and software complex that is used to determine the winning lottery combination in lottery draws.
The RNG is built on noise diodes and ensures the randomness of the selection of a winning lottery combination.

Operating principle
The device generates a continuous stream of random noise, which is converted into numbers. At a given point in time, current values ​​are snatched from the stream, which are the winning lottery combination.
To conduct drawings, two RNGs are installed - the main one and the backup one. The backup device can only be used in case of problems with the main one. Both devices are certified.

The random number generator program, used to determine winning combinations of lotteries, meets the requirements of Federal Law-138 “On Lotteries”. Also, the RNG meets the recommendations of hardware and software systems approved by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VNIIMS.

In accordance with the conditions for holding lotteries of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation: “to conduct the drawing of the prize fund of each lottery draw, the lottery operator creates a draw commission, which conducts the draw of the prize fund of each lottery draw and confirms the results of the draw by signing the protocol and the official table of the results of the draw.”

The circulation commission draws up and signs a protocol that confirms the correctness of the drawings.

All lotteries distributed by the Joint Stock Company "Technological Company "Center" are conducted in strict accordance with the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 No. 138-FZ "On Lotteries". Below is an excerpt from an article of the law regarding the technical characteristics of lottery equipment:

Article 12.1. Requirements for lottery equipment and lottery terminals.

1. The technical characteristics of lottery equipment must ensure the random distribution of winnings when drawing the prize pool of lotteries.
2. Lottery equipment should not provide hidden (undeclared) capabilities, and it should not contain information arrays, components or assemblies that are inaccessible for verification.

The random number generator for lottery tickets is provided free of charge in an “as is” format. The developer does not bear any responsibility for material and non-material losses of script users. You may use this service at your own risk. However, no matter what, you definitely don’t want to take risks :-).

Random numbers for online lottery tickets

This software (RNG in JS) is a pseudo-random number generator implemented using the Javascript programming language. The generator produces a uniform distribution of random numbers.

This allows you to knock out a “wedge with a wedge” on the RNG with a uniform distribution from the lottery company to respond with random numbers with a uniform distribution. This approach eliminates the subjectivity of the player, since people have certain preferences in choosing numbers and numbers (Birthdays of relatives, memorable dates, years, etc.), which affect the selection of numbers manually.

The free tool helps players select random numbers for lotteries. The random number generator script has a set of pre-configured modes for Gosloto 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 7 out of 49, 4 out of 20, Sportloto 6 out of 49. You can select a random number generation mode with free settings for other lottery options.

Lottery winning predictions

A random number generator with uniform distribution can serve as a horoscope for a lottery draw, although the probability that the forecast will come true is low. But still, using a random number generator has a good probability of winning compared to many other lottery strategies and additionally frees you from the pain of difficult selection of lucky numbers and combinations. For my part, I do not advise you to give in to the temptation and buy paid forecasts; it is better to spend this money on a textbook on combinatorics. You can learn a lot of interesting things from it, for example, the probability of winning the jackpot in Gosloto is 5 out of 36 1 To 376 992 . And the probability of getting the minimum prize by guessing 2 numbers is 1 To 8 . The forecast based on our RNG has the same probabilities of winning.

There are requests on the Internet for random numbers for the lottery, taking into account past draws. But provided that the lottery uses RNG with a uniform distribution and the probability of getting one or another combination does not depend on each draw, then it is pointless to try to take into account the results of past draws. And this is quite logical, since it is not profitable for lottery companies to allow participants to use simple methods to increase the likelihood of winning.

There is often talk that lottery organizers are rigging the results. But in fact, this makes no sense, even, on the contrary, if lottery companies influenced the results of the lottery, then it would be possible to find a winning strategy, but so far no one has succeeded. Therefore, it is very profitable for lottery organizers that the balls fall out with uniform probability. By the way, the estimated return on lottery 5 out of 36 is 34.7%. Thus, the lottery company retains 65.3% of the proceeds from ticket sales, part of the funds (usually half) is allocated to the formation of the jackpot, the rest of the money goes to organizational expenses, advertising and the company’s net profit. Circulation statistics perfectly confirm these figures.

Hence the conclusion - do not buy meaningless forecasts, use a free random number generator, take care of your nerves. Let our random numbers become your lucky numbers. Have a good mood and have a great day!

One of the simplest random number generators for the lottery is the lottery drum. The lottery generator will help you generate several numbers from a given range. Give out numbers randomly. The combinations it gives cannot be predicted, since the answers are given randomly. It is used in various competitions, including quite popular in competitions on social networks. Provides assistance in filling out lottery tickets. Or maybe you need

Free random number generator for draws and lotteries

Online lottery generator

The lottery generator can also immediately generate up to 20 combinations for you according to the parameters you specify. Of course, you don't have to use all 20 number combinations. It is enough to choose two or three combinations of numbers. If fate wants to help you win, then you will definitely choose the combination of numbers you need. For the lottery, it's all about luck, not the system. Therefore, so as not to invent any combinations yourself. Just use the online number combination generator.

Is it worth generating a new combination for the draw every time?

If you generated a certain number combination here and it didn't win. What to do next? There are two options here. Or continue betting on this combination to win. Or generate a new one every time. It seems to me that the second option is better. You can passively wait for success for many years. Therefore, you need to constantly try some new combinations. And then luck will definitely smile on you.