Twins. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers

Each Zodiac Sign is protected by a specific planet. The planet of the Zodiac Sign sets the basic character of a person, bestows abilities and talents.

In order to attract the patronage of your planet, you need, firstly, to know its characteristics, and secondly, to follow its principles. Find out which planet is your patron according to your horoscope.


This planet is the patron Aries and Scorpios. Mars symbolizes willpower, activity, courage, masculinity. Representatives of the Signs of Aries and Scorpio often lack restraint and inner peace - this is also the result of the influence of Mars. In order to use the beneficial influence of the patron planet, you need to train yourself fortitude, confidence and determination.


Venus patronizes Taurus and Libra. This planet symbolizes love, family, harmony, beauty. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign need to develop their spirituality, strive for beauty and aesthetics, love art and pay more attention to their personal life, then everything will work out well for them in other areas of life too.


Mercury is considered the patron Virgo and Gemini. The planet bestows excellent intellectual data, communication skills, a flexible mind, talents in trading, and good public speaking skills. The strength of representatives of these Zodiac Signs lies in the ability to communicate, speak, and find a common language. They can achieve a lot through communication.


Moon is the ruler Cancer and Pisces. She bestows, first of all, a rich inner world, creative talents and the ability to empathize. Cancers and Pisces should not forget about their strong side - the ability to help, create and develop.


The sun is the patron Lviv. The Sun bestows representatives of this Zodiac Sign with the energy of creation, creative talents, brightness, and beauty. Leos should always be the center of attention and gather useful people around them to attract the favor of the Sun.


Pluto is the patron Scorpios and Aries. This planet bestows insight and keen intuition. To achieve success in life, Scorpios should listen to their inner voice more often and be able to read the signs of fate.


Jupiter patronizes Sagittarius. She bestows business qualities and luck. And for luck to always be on the side of the people of this constellation, they need to follow their life principles, without deviating from their ideas, ideas and goals.


Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius. The planet is not very favorable for development in life. It symbolizes limitation, philosophy, internal laws. At the same time, it forces a person to become an individual and a person. Dissimilarity from others is the main requirement of Saturn.


Uranus patronizes Aquarius. Grants unconventional thinking, creativity, clairvoyance. Uranus forces you to be a pioneer and innovator. To attract the luck of this planet, it is enough to simply bring things to an end and begin to implement your ideas.


Neptune patronizes Pisces and symbolizes harmony, creativity, nature, sensitivity and love of life. In order to find harmony and enlist the support of Neptune, Pisces should live in unity with the whole world, realize themselves as part of it, rejoice more often, be in nature and be in a positive mood. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.05.2015 09:16

Astrologers claim that many representatives of one or another zodiac sign have their own ideal image...

The energetic connection between people and animals was noticed in ancient times. Each Zodiac Sign is protected by...

Planets in the mobile Air sign Gemini do not like it when we are left alone. They constantly force us to come into contact and interact with the world. They encourage us to be interested in what surrounds us and to constantly be aware of the latest events. Geminis are often in a split state: they have a light side that they willingly show, and a dark side that they hide from the world. They hide the fear of loneliness and boredom that arises when their sensory hunger is not satisfied.

Planets in Gemini make us interested in everything in the world. They don't want us to concentrate on one thing, because in doing so we may miss much that is equally new and interesting. Evil tongues believe that planets in Gemini make us superficial and frivolous, and this, in principle, is true. Obviously, we cannot do without the influence of planets in Gemini even when we are doing several things at the same time.

You may find that planets in Gemini have a significant impact on your life if you:

  • Always easy-going;
  • Wherever you go, you usually take a book with you;
  • Constantly care about diversity;
  • You are interested in many things and have a broad outlook;
  • Train your intellectual abilities;
  • Pay great attention to your contacts;
  • You are curious and don’t hide it.

Planets in Gemini make us act as if we are always young and full of energy. Thanks to this arrangement of planets, even in deep old age we remain mobile and flexible.

Under the influence of the energy of the planets in Gemini, we can become nervous and restless. We get distracted by everything and forget to focus on the main thing. We strive to take part in a conversation, even if we have nothing to say.

Planet Ruler of Gemini: Mercury

Mercury is the ruler of the sign Gemini. This planet is named after the cunning god of trade. Gemini, whom this planet patronizes, knows how to establish contacts with the right people, they always know how to win over their interlocutor. Also, an important quality of Mercury is that it teaches its wards to always keep the situation under control.

The ruler of the Gemini zodiac sign, Mercury, the planet of reason, information, movement, and communication, brings curiosity, mobility, and a love of communication to the character of a typical Gemini zodiac sign. But in the negative version, the excessive curiosity of the Gemini sign turns into superficiality - I know a lot, but not deeply. Also, the love of communication can make a person of the Gemini sign a gossip.

Knowing the distinctive properties of zodiac signs makes people more tolerant of each other. Many are interested in the character traits of Gemini, the name of their patron planet and the nuances of its influence on the lives of those born under this zodiac constellation.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

Those born from May 22 to June 21 were born under the predominance of the constellation Gemini, the “heads” of which are marked by the greenish second-magnitude star Castor and the orange-yellow first-magnitude star Pollux. Here two principles are symbolically united: the feminine exudes potential energy, and the masculine exudes realizing power.

Gemini symbolizes the change of season and represents the mind. They are highly intelligent and are partial to learning foreign languages. Information for Gemini - source of nutrition. Without it, they wither and fall into deep melancholy. Those born under this constellation are drawn to knowledge, although their approach can be felt to be superficial. Such people like the process itself, but are not too interested in the result.

There is never a dull moment with the dreamers Gemini. They have an innate gift of communication. Informed, inquisitive, curious representatives of this sign have no difficulty in conducting discussions on any topic. A quick reaction to what they hear and the ability to flexibly direct a conversation in the right direction makes them brilliant speakers and pleasant interlocutors.

Gemini's language is lively and expressive. They like to amaze others with their bright speeches. But at the same time, they often do not know how to listen to others. Their communication with a large number of people is mostly formal and superficial.

Geminis are good at avoiding responsibility.. In this they are helped by mental constructs, eloquence and cunning. Sometimes they look for weak points in people and play on feelings, using a sharp tongue and a quick mind.

Observant and resourceful Geminis know how to give advice in a difficult situation and will always help someone else find a way out. They themselves are able to get out of any circumstances easily and gracefully.

Dreamy Geminis are intolerant of conservative people. Philosophers, existentialists, constructivists have a keen sense of models of the world. Gemini can organize, inspire and direct other zodiac signs to great things. Endowed with creative abilities, they do not like any restrictions. At the same time, such difficult individuals cannot always find their true purpose. The support of loved ones is important for Geminis; it gives them confidence and strength.

Representatives of this sign belong to the air element, which gives character variability. Fickle and unpredictable individuals often do not take into account the opinions of others. This is one of the coldest signs of the zodiac in psychological terms. At the same time, Geminis are capable of showing care for people.

The Gemini girl is frivolous and strives for novelty. She perceives novels as a game and strives to conquer young men with passion and mystery. For an amorous girl, one young man is not enough. She gets bored quickly. To conquer such a girl you will have to use ingenuity.

The Gemini woman is a thrill-seeker. Smart and dreamy, she knows how to charm and interest. It combines spiritual improvement and a desire for financial well-being. A romantic nature is capable of deep passion. Such a lady tries to diversify her intimate sphere and shows imagination in sexual relationships. A freedom-loving woman often becomes a mother of many children who loves her children.

The Gemini man is a public favorite, an excellent conversationalist, has refined taste and refined manners. Resourceful, generous, mysterious, caring Gemini knows how to amaze the ladies with surprises and unusual dates. He is amorous, easy to meet, quickly makes decisions and instantly declares his love.

Such a man has a need for regular care and affection, is afraid of loneliness, and invariably looks for new hobbies and experiences. Gemini's mood and likes can change with incredible speed. Today he can tell a girl about his eternal love for her, but tomorrow he may not show up for a date. Life positions and goals are also endlessly transformed and revised. Emotional and passionate men explain their frivolity by the desire to find kinship of souls. They also easily exchange old loyal friends for new acquaintances.

Both sexes born under this zodiac sign lack depth. Such people are changeable, tend to often reconsider their opinions, and are able to easily switch from one thing to another.

Geminis are advised to increase their sleep time, but they do not always follow this advice. They do not know how to give rest to their regularly working brain. This zodiac sign needs an abundance of air and sunlight. The threat is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and joints. May be overcome by migraines. Insomnia leads to nervous exhaustion.

Ruling planet

Mercury is located much closer to the Sun than the other planets. On one side, the surface temperature of Mercury reaches plus 400 degrees, on the other - minus 200. One half is hot stone, the other is ice blocks. Mercury rules the affairs of Gemini, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.

The function of Mercury is mutual exchange, interconnection, everyday practical reason, design of thought. The planet beckons into the sky-high distances, promising new unexplored horizons. Two people get along with such a ruler in the zodiac sign.

Geminis have an uncertain character and live with constant duality. The planet gives its wards flexibility, the ability to adapt to any situation, even the most unexpected.

Mercury patronizes not only Gemini, but also Virgo. True, its influence manifests itself in different ways. By date of birth, you can immediately distinguish between the prudent, practical Virgos and the flighty, fickle Gemini. Those born under the zodiac constellation Gemini take on many things, but are not always able to complete them or organize their thoughts.

Passive perception of the information flow often prevents a person from really understanding what is happening. If other planets, for example Jupiter or Saturn, do not help, then the sharp mind of Gemini will be wasted. Then those around you will only have memories that in childhood this person had brilliant abilities.

The planet is inextricably linked with the day of the week Wednesday and the number 7. The influence of Mercury forms the characteristic features. The planet controls individuals who know how to behave and what to do under any circumstances. It is impossible to keep track of their incredible number of ideas. Geminis are always comfortable in new surroundings. They have a wide circle of friends, are able to destroy conservative opinions, and motivate people to invent.

Thanks to the rule of Mercury, Geminis are always extraordinary personalities. The patron provides ease, curiosity and passion for travel. Such people easily control situations and know how to conduct business superbly.

Friendly and charming, Geminis are interesting conversationalists who can flirt. It is not difficult for them to change their goals, standards, morals, which allows them to interact with a variety of people. Such people do not linger on their laurels, they want to conquer unknown heights, and do not tolerate monotonous work.

Charming Geminis attract the attention of others. They have the ability to persuade and can “twist ropes” out of people using psychological techniques. Sharp-tongued Geminis can easily drive any interlocutor into a dead end.

The influence of the ruling planet is very strong. When exposed to negative influences, Gemini becomes restless and restless. It is impossible to calm or restrain them.

What qualities does Mercury impart?

The planet bestows luck, enterprise, eloquence, intelligence, quick wit, a great sense of humor, curiosity, interest in everything new, and rapid adaptation to rapid changes. With the help of Mercury, ease of communication and speed of reaction are achieved.

The patron bestows energy, observation, wisdom, mental agility and the ability to convey information efficiently. Cheerful, sociable, cheerful Geminis prefer to talk with intellectuals. They can divert an “uncomfortable” conversation, eventually blocking it.

The planet bestows commercial and intermediary abilities that contribute to success in small business. Geminis find themselves in the field of teaching, psychotherapy, publishing and journalism, and PR work.

Personalities patronized by Mercury are brilliant speakers and amazing students. The planet gives them natural charm and pleasant appearance. The patron is responsible for speech, dexterity, and creative abilities. Such people reach unprecedented heights in acting and literary activity.

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of trade and the messenger with winged sandals. The planet of Gemini and Virgo gives representatives of these signs curiosity and interest in everything new. However, representatives of these signs are literally different, like Earth and Sky.

Mercury represents logical intelligence, sociability, information, communication and speech.

Planet of Gemini and Virgo Mercury

Mercury symbolizes study, education, lecture and literary activities, oratory. Mercurians are friendly, sociable, cheerful people. They are inquisitive and open, active and full of enthusiasm, forever young at heart. They are characterized by innate literacy.

Characteristics of Gemini

It is interesting to observe the constant changes that occur in Gemini under the influence of Mercury. Their movement in space occurs completely suddenly. Geminis change their clothes, jobs, loves and locations as quickly as they change their decisions, and this sometimes happens instantly.

Most Geminis speak quickly and are always very impatient listeners. Both men and women of this sign quickly grasp what they hear, and begin to feel burdened by slow conversations with slow-witted people or with people who cannot clearly formulate their point of view on the issue under discussion. Gemini always knows what he thinks about one thing or another, at least at the moment.

Geminis usually make contact easily, they are very welcoming and friendly, and are distinguished by unusually fast, but extremely graceful movements. They have a sharp tongue and will easily drive you into a dead end in an argument. In general, they are much smarter than other zodiac signs. Gemini can do two things at once, putting much less effort into it than the other sign spends on doing one thing. If you keep Gemini busy with some monotonous work, they will begin to feel unhappy. They always protest against difficult and monotonous work.

They are usually not punctual. Most often, Geminis arrive everywhere late, not because they cannot calculate the time, but simply because something interesting caught their attention along the way, as a result of which they can get distracted. The restless spirit of Mercury, the planet of the Zodiac sign Gemini, pushes them to constant change and encourages their constant liveliness. If they do not have the opportunity to realize these inclinations, then they become gloomy and gloomy, and sometimes even become depressed.

Dreamy and impatient Geminis always strive to find their ideal. And it can be anything because their imagination is limitless. Money, fame, prosperity, love and career - all this is not enough. Mercury carries them along, beckoning them higher and higher, always promising something that will be a little better.

Geminis are endowed with many talents. They can always be recognized by their shining eyes. They are distinguished by a great sense of humor, tact, great diplomacy and resourcefulness. They quickly abandon the old for the unknown new. And then they regret that it all ended so quickly.

Although there are always a lot of people around them, they share their most intimate experiences with their only constant companion - with their soulmate. With incredible charm, Gemini can lure even a bird from its nest, but due to the restless mind guided by Mercury, they may miss the blue bird of happiness that may be sadly waiting in the backyard of their own home.


Amazing versatility and the ability to speak well allow them to become amazing politicians, not to mention the fact that they have no equal in the field of human relationships. Gemini knows how to talk you out of doing what aligns with your deepest beliefs. They can literally twist ropes out of you with the help of their intellectual techniques; it costs them nothing to ensure that you eventually agree with them, and besides, you will thank them for what they have done for you. But if something goes wrong, they will instinctively sense where your weak spot is and are able to use their quick mind and tongue to play on it.

Geminis have a rather strange relationship with written language. Surprisingly, they hate responding in writing to incoming correspondence. The fact is that Mercurians do not want to be taken at their word, so they are reluctant to commit their thoughts to paper. Almost all Geminis know several foreign languages, with their favorite being French. Often they achieve their victories with the help of words.

Sometimes the influence of Mercury, the patron planet of Gemini, a god who knew how to deceive people, can even lead them to criminal activity, although this does not happen often. Mercury gave them outstanding abilities to succeed in this field, however, most Geminis are romantics and idealists, which practically does not allow them to lead a life in a criminal environment.

Being absolutely irreplaceable workers in their field, they are always at an unattainable height. Geminis act by honest methods, and there are few people who can withstand the pressure of a person who so successfully combines charm, insight and intelligence. After all, you must admit that this combination alone can dispel suspicions that they want to deceive you. By nature, all people ruled by Mercury are excellent sellers.


To give rest to their tired brain, Geminis need to sleep twice as much as others. Nervous exhaustion is a real and constant threat for them. They also need plenty of fresh air and sunlight, otherwise they may completely wither away. In addition, their weak point is the lungs, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.

Characteristics of Virgo

What is Virgo's patron planet? The same as for Gemini - Mercury. However, due to the location of other planets in the horoscope, and especially the Sun, the characters of the representatives of these signs cannot be called identical.

It's safe to say that Virgos are sincere and that you can rely on them.

Virgo is a sign of purity and purity. However, this symbol should not be taken too literally. Most of their Virgos, according to their horoscope, decide to marry in real life. But they do not know how to suddenly ignite with love and passion for someone. However, all married Virgos are extremely devoted to their families.

A Virgo can be recognized by one single sign: she will not stand out, she speaks little and stays somewhat aloof from everyone. Virgos have a punctual mind, they notice everything, down to the smallest detail, they really count literally every minute so that it does not go to waste. If people of this sign have formed a certain habit, then, as a rule, it is forever.

It is not easy for Virgos to relax and enjoy communicating with people, because they always feel discomfort when they find themselves in a noisy company or in a crowd. When you look at Virgo, it seems that she has some serious problem that she is trying to solve and which depresses her. In fact, this is true. Representatives of this sign are often visited by worries. You could even say that this is their natural state. And when you see how charmingly they smile, it seems that behind this smile they are simply hiding what worries them most.

Virgos have clear ideas about what is right and good. They can hardly stand slackers and lazy people. No romantic illusions can deceive them and mislead them about the shortcomings of their friend and loved one.

Putting things in order everywhere is a Virgo habit that works on an instinctual level. They are as blind to their own shortcomings as they are to the shortcomings of other people. Despite the patronage of the frivolous Mercury, the planet of Virgo, they are not too inclined to rush into the ocean of feelings or spend money recklessly; they behave very prudently and prudently. Their love is not characterized by an abundance of emotions; they, as a rule, are faithful to their partners. They are not at all characterized by demonstrative behavior.

As for money, they are not inclined to throw it away; they prefer high quality and pay in cash only on special occasions. They in no way want to be obligated to anyone and do not want to depend on anyone but themselves.

Virgos can be forgiven for their sharp criticism, because they are no less demanding of themselves than of everyone else. They cannot help but notice all sorts of imperfections, as they are endowed with the ability to see even the slightest cracks on a vase. Virgos are as intolerant of being late as they are of wasting money. They believe that being late is simply wasting time. Time for Virgos is the substance of which life consists.

They rarely dream of something unattainable. If they become fed up with other people's behavior, such as vulgarity, stupidity, or carelessness, they may suddenly become irritable and nervous. But in most cases they are calm and sweet, so it is very pleasant to communicate with them, and they carry such a charge of calm and compassion that it is fair to say that they will make the best nurses and nurses.


The eyes of Virgos glow with intelligence and purity of thought. Venus, the patron planet of Virgos, endows its wards with extraordinary attractiveness. Their facial features are neat and thin: an elegant nose, neat ears, beautifully shaped lips. Both men and women have extraordinary charm. They are very critical of their photographs and worry about whether they look good, both in life and on film. They usually take great care of their clothing, sticking mostly to a traditional style. Neat Virgos always look as if they just stepped out of their souls.

Many Virgos have a brilliant wit and an irresistible charm that is difficult to resist. A striking example of this is Sophia Loren, whose zodiac sign is Virgo. However, you can also meet a Virgo who is so busy with herself, putting her inner world in order, that she may not show any concern for her appearance, clothes and her environment. If you find such a Virgo, you can still notice how she picks up a pin from the carpet or removes specks of dust from her shoulder.


Representatives of this sign can withstand intense stress for a long time, if only they manage to avoid nervous strain. Although they know how to organize their work wisely and behave very judiciously and calmly, internal anxiety unsettles them, often leading to indigestion and disturbing their emotional balance. They are overly scrupulous and demanding of themselves in everything related to personal care, food, work and love. When Virgo takes on more work than she can handle, she has to strain all her strength, and this affects the state of the nervous system.

Planet Mercury in astronomy

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. The sun heats Mercury 7 times more than it does Earth. On one side of Mercury it is very hot, the temperature rises to +400 degrees. But on the other, night side, there is always severe frost, and the temperature reaches -200 degrees. Mercury is an endless desert. On one side there is hot stone, on the other ice. The distance from the Sun to the planet is 58 million km. Mercury has no satellites.

Planets of other signs

Table: planets of the zodiac signs and chart for calculating the strength of the planets

Compatibility horoscope: Gemini zodiac sign which planet - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Zodiac signs are inextricably linked with planets. The zodiac sign itself is like a frame; it comes into force only under the influence of certain planets; their locations play a role here. The planet of the Gemini zodiac sign is Mercury, which gives them a lively mind and speed.

A legend is associated with Mercury: the god of Olympus Jupiter chose his son Mercury to play the role of messenger - he handed him a shepherd's crook, which was decorated with white ribbons. Therefore, the planet of Gemini - Mercury personifies connections between people, the ability to adapt, adapt easily and communicate. Indeed, this is given to Geminis with particular dexterity; the communication process brings them pleasure.

Gemini - Patron Planet

Since people began to observe Mercury, they have associated this mysterious planet with dexterity and speed of movement. The mythological character Mercury - a creature with wings on his legs - was a messenger of the gods. He was not only fast as the wind, but also handsome and young. He was credited with the invention of mathematics, astronomy, and music. In Ancient Rome, thieves considered Mercury their patron, because... this mythological character loved all kinds of tricks and was extremely cunning. The influence of this planet helps to activate the work of the mind and spirit, move to higher levels of consciousness, and connect different time periods. The planet affects hearing, vision, and the ability to absorb information. You can often hear that thanks to Mercury a person makes sense of his life.

If the influence of Mercury is strong in a person’s horoscope, then he is distinguished by his ability to assimilate information on the fly, be intellectually receptive, and show flexibility of mind. Under the influence of this planet, Geminis are drawn to research work, they become good mediators, imitators, talentedly convey the information they have learned, are fluent in languages, including foreign ones, have the gift of eloquence, can sing and dance well, and are never lost at public speaking. Many Mercury wards show excellent trading abilities. Their movements are usually fast and somewhat nervous. Mercury is also considered to be the patron saint of travelers; it facilitates the communication process.

What qualities does the planet Mercury give to Gemini?

The planet of Gemini - Mercury gives them personal charm, attractive appearance, sociability and an open character. In addition to the function of a messenger, Mercury took on the function of the patron of merchants and became the god of trade. A little later, he became the defender of all people who are engaged in mental work - from lawyers to thieves. Therefore, people born under the influence of Mercury have a special resourcefulness of mind, they look for easy ways to solve complex problems, they are characterized by cunning and an inquisitive, flexible mind.

In Greek mythology, the Gemini planet Mercury takes on the features of Hermes, a deity known for his intelligence, clairvoyance and communication. This is why Geminis are intellectual individuals, they have creative talent. Hermes gave Apollo the lyre and flute he had invented, and in return he was endowed with the gift of foresight. Apollo gave him a golden rod entwined with two snakes, which symbolize balance and opposition between evil and good forces. Therefore, Geminis themselves are contradictory natures, as if the eternal struggle in them does not fade away for a second. Their developed intelligence is combined with painful sensitivity, which gives rise to a not very pleasant tendency to constantly exaggerate trifles.

Although they often do several things at once, they are inconsistent, self-centered, fickle and overly emotional. This is explained by the fact that the Gemini planet Mercury is a “genderless” planet, and Gemini is less characterized by depth of feelings than other signs. When the Gemini planet Mercury has a strong enough influence, it helps even enemies find a common language. Diplomacy can be called the basis of Mercury in Gemini; you will not find a more tolerant and inventive interlocutor.

Planets in Astrology

Gemini Planet

Mercury is the planet of Gemini.

Features: the closest planet to the Sun (59,000,000 kilometers).

Diameter: three times smaller than on Earth.

Rotation around the Sun: completes a revolution in 87.9 Earth days.

Revolution around its own axis: 58.6 days, that is, in two revolutions around the Sun it makes three revolutions around its own axis.

Position: due to its eccentric orbit, it moves away from the Sun at a distance of up to 70,000,000 kilometers.

Characteristics: ability to exchange ideas and social integration, intellectual activity. Nature: uncertainty, duality.

The god of Olympus, Jupiter, chose his son Mercury to play the role of messenger: he handed him a shepherd's crook decorated with white ribbons. Therefore, Mercury represents connections between people, communication and the ability to adapt. The influence of Mercury is associated with Gemini's personal charm, attractive appearance, sociable and open character.

In addition to the functions of the messenger of Jupiter, Mercury took on the duties of the god of trade and the patron saint of merchants. He later became an advocate for lawyers and intellectual workers. and thieves. This is why those born under the influence of Mercury seek ease, which is where they have a taste for play, a tendency to deceive, cunning and an active, flexible mind. Among the Greeks, Mercury takes on the features of Hermes, a deity known for his intelligence, the gift of communication and clairvoyance. Therefore, those born under the constellation Gemini are intellectual and often have a literary gift.

Hermes invented the lyre and flute and gave them to Apollo. In return, he received the gift of foresight and a golden rod, which is depicted on the emblem entwined with two snakes, which means the confrontation and balance of evil and good forces. Indeed, Geminis are extremely contradictory natures and prone to scattering. Their developed intelligence is combined with painful sensitivity and a tendency to exaggerate trifles. They are unbalanced, inconsistent, do several things at once, but are practical, selfish and petty. Geminis are self-centered, often emotional and always fickle. This is explained by the fact that Mercury is a “genderless” planet; it affects Gemini and Virgo, who are less characterized by depth of feelings than other signs. They are resourceful, daring, inventive and accommodating, they love meetings, travel, fleeting contacts and connections.

Gemini zodiac sign what planet

1st mutable sign

Ruling planet – M E R K U R I Y

Lucky number: 5 and all numbers divisible by 5

Astrological symbol: Gemini

Astrological colors: sunny orange, pale yellow, blue-gray, and violet

Astrological stones: emerald, sapphire, agate

Gemini rules the 3rd HOUSE of the horoscope

General personality characteristics

The sign of Gemini is represented by the active, lively twins, the legendary sons of Jupiter and Leda, and, of course, people of this captivating, mysterious sign confuse everyone, including astrologers, with their wavering, fickle personality. What kind of joke did Mother Nature play? What makes twins similar, and the next moment completely different from each other? Perhaps only an astrological explanation of their ruling planet Mercury and its influence will help partially explain their duality, their “mercurial” mobility, and a wide range of character traits.

Mercury, the “winged messenger of the gods,” even rules our mental processes. Therefore, Gemini, directly ruled by Mercury, are very intellectual, often superior to other people in this area. Geminis are people of mood; in a bad mood they often do stupid, unreasonable things that they later regret. Diversity is the main characteristic of Gemini. They are extremely versatile, but must learn to concentrate on one thing and not scatter their energies. Mercury puts a pattern of curiosity into the Gemini brain, which forces them to analyze everything, split it, connect it again, and then move on to the next task.

Perhaps no sign attaches such importance to the impressions of youth, which influence the entire future life of Gemini. Witty and resourceful, subject to the influence of circumstances, young Geminis begin as guardians of ethics. If the correct moral principles and concepts are embedded in them from childhood, they will develop and strengthen them, turning them into a philosophy of productivity and satisfaction. But if the correct moral guidelines were absent in their youth, Gemini will rebel against conventions: they will break the family ties that bind them, and they will deny authority and society.

Some Geminis, aware of their mental powers, become complacent and prim, take on an attitude of superiority and begin to indulge their desires, which generally ends in intellectual exhaustion and fatigue.

The positive traits that Mercury bestows on Gemini are: versatility, ease, courtesy, talent, diplomacy, understanding, intuition and insight. These are commendable qualities, and it is Gemini’s duty to use them correctly to achieve high goals.

There is a certain coolness in the nature of Gemini, which is often mistaken for high feelings by Gemini themselves and other persons. But they are not nearly as emotional as you might think, since the rapid change of their moods is a deceptive depth of feelings.

Geminis adapt well to change. They are democratic in their views, they love to travel and find satisfaction in professions that involve versatility.

This is a cheerful, seemingly forever young sign. This is also a classic “split” personality type.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. It also orbits the Sun faster than other planets. One of its sides constantly faces the Sun and constantly withstands high temperatures, while the other side does not see the Sun and maintains a temperature below zero. These extremes of hot and cold demonstrate Gemini's volatile and ambivalent sexual behavior. Among the negative types of Gemini we find an experimenter, a satyr (among men), a nymphomaniac (among women), an exhibitionist, a fetishist, a homosexual and a pervert.

Among the positive types are a person who takes a vow of celibacy, a self-denying artist, a poet, an athlete (maybe an esthete?), a scientist, an affectation, a highly moral person. In general, Gemini's passions are so connected to their mental processes that it is their mood, boredom or interest, that stimulates sexual relations. Here you will find an eccentric who at one time denies all social conventions and joins the group of hippies and their communal life, and then denies this bohemian life. If astrologers were allowed to give any other symbol for this sign, they would name the chameleon, which changes skin color for camouflage and protection.

A liberated Gemini will try any type of sexual intercourse at least once: nothing shocks a Gemini. Since Mercury rules writing, Geminis often keep a diary of their sexual victories, recording various strengths and weaknesses of their partners there. A Gemini man, my client, admitted that he keeps such a diary. He rates his partners using a star system: 5 stars means they're pretty smart.

Geminis are not too aggressive and will gladly come second in all areas, including sex.

Geminis are the most clever at non-sexual maneuvers. This is a sign that gives the world people who decide big things, write scripts for Hollywood and TV, agents - and all for a fee.

In essence, Gemini is a cold-blooded sign, people of this sign who turn their skills into advantage and into a means of moving forward. This sign produces more bigamists (two men) than all other signs combined. Geminis are impulsive and love to travel and change. When they decide to break family ties, they no longer have the patience to wait until all the divorce proceedings are completed. Their solution is to simply disappear. Geminis often develop the art of lying in order to always maintain the “ideal of the moment.” They rarely stop teaching: if something is acceptable to him, then it may be wrong.

How to Satisfy a Gemini

Since Geminis have a very sensitive nervous system, they love touch. Need I say here that Geminis are not constant in love? They often want to curb themselves, but cannot miss the opportunity to experience something interesting.

People of other signs can act in an easier way, more gracefully, but no one can act more successfully. With a keen mind, they are able to see both sides of every subject, which is a great advantage for their aspirations.

Geminis have an excellent memory. They make excellent writers, editors, publicists, typographers and traders. Mercury also patronizes teachers, accountants and translators.

Men born under this sign make excellent lawyers, bankers, diplomats and public speakers. Gemini women become good housewives and try to keep abreast of all topics that may interest their guests. They have many modern time-saving gadgets in their kitchens to prepare mouth-watering food for the guests.

Geminis need to eradicate feelings such as disorganization, lack of concentration, dissipation of energy, division of interests, and inability to complete things.

Geminis are prone to mental exhaustion, so they must beware of an irregular life. They have to force themselves to rest, their brain wants to work around the clock. Gemini must fight against negativity. A possible solution for overcoming Gemini duality is to develop both types of work simultaneously, but at the same time give great importance to one. Geminis should make an effort to become more compassionate towards their friends, loved ones and family. Slowness irritates Gemini, but they must realize that few are as fast and agile as the children of Mercury. They must develop patience.

Geminis must remember: moderation in everything.

Unless Geminis are born rich or inherit a special skill in their youth, then they are rarely adept at the economics of love before the age of 30. Geminis never seem to have enough time to devote themselves to money matters and thus be content with the joys that money can bring to their curious personalities. Therefore, the sign produces two extremes: the wealthy amateur, inherited financial power, and the carefree Bohemian, who gives away the treasures of his intellect.

Most suitable partners

First of all, I want to say that due to Gemini's high sensitivity to the influence of circumstances, they are able to get along with all 12 signs, and, of course, many manage to visit the 12 astrological bedrooms. But in general, until the age of 29.5, you should look for the best partners for Gemini among the signs of Libra and Aquarius. All three are air signs, and until the age of 29.5 they act with ease, are quite liberal, fickle and superficial.

After age 29.5, Geminis begin to mature (albeit more slowly than other signs) and learn their true nature, which gradually becomes less restless. Then they often find compatibility with the signs of Taurus and Aries. Taurus offers them stability and companionship; Aries offers them excitement and a good self-model.

After 41.5 years, Gemini should already have fully developed (slower than other signs) and acquired the highest intellectual strength and self-control. At this time they may be compatible with Sagittarius, the mental sign.

In youth it’s bad, with the exception of people of those signs who have many planets in four permanent signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. They stabilize Gemini's indecisiveness. In marriage - average. This is one of the real chronic “coquettes”.

The best period for acquiring loyalty is complete ignorance, uncertainty of one’s victory. In other words, Geminis are fascinated by the unattainable. They are most inclined to be faithful after 40 years, when they, experienced and tired, are ready to describe their adventures and want someone to wait for them in the evening.

Gemini, we astrologers ask you:

Did you know that you are not the only zodiac sign who is mentally intelligent?

Do you realize that your ups and downs can be as annoying to other people as you are about their normal, seemingly routine life?

Did you know that eventually people will start to see through your façade of superiority if you don't start to stabilize and become aware of something?

And finally, why did the stars give you this superior intelligence if you are going to waste it on trivialities and superficialities anyway?

Patron planet of Gemini

The patron planet of the Gemini zodiac sign is Mercury. This planet received its name in honor of the winged God of Rome. Thanks to the influence of this planet, people become more flexible and adapt to any environment and to any situation.

People ruled by Mercury know exactly how to find a way out of a given situation. They can easily adjust their own affairs and coordinate themselves in any environment. Moreover, they are capable of changing ideals and morals.

They adapt to all changes in the outside world and feel quite comfortable. The influence of this planet is quite strong. If it happens on the negative side, then people become restless and it is difficult to calm them down and stop them if they are planning something wrong.

It is very difficult to stop or calm such individuals. Mercury, in the literal sense of the word, rules people. It has quite a strong influence on their mind. The planet imparts intelligence to people and makes them wise. The character of such individuals is very complex. This applies to both men and women.

Mercury is the planet of communications, along with it comes science, trade, wanderlust, way of thinking and excessive curiosity. People under the influence of this planet never stop there. They strive to conquer new heights and discover completely new, previously unexplored horizons.

For them there is nothing difficult about change. They adapt to their environment very easily and simply and feel quite comfortable in it. It is these individuals who are inclined to defend new beginnings; they are capable of violating all previously established conservative opinions. They are the ones who are establishing entirely new paths to invention.

The main elements that have a close connection with Mercury are lilies and azaleas, hazelnuts and walnuts, carrots and celery, beautiful monkeys, colorful parrots, chic and luxurious foxes and greyhounds. The closest metal to this planet is considered to be mercury.

The stones of this beautiful planet are agate, topaz and beautiful aquamarine. The happiest and most successful day for people ruled by this planet is Wednesday. The lucky flowers are considered to be the color of saffron, bright yellow and beautiful, indescribably beautiful azure.

People whose horoscope is closely related to the control of Mercury are very extraordinary individuals. It's hard to imagine what representatives of this sign will do next time. The fact that they strive to reach new heights is simply wonderful, but given the fact that they very quickly adapt to a new environment and new people, it is somewhat alarming. Now they are on your side, and tomorrow they will be on your competitor’s side.

These are very purposeful individuals who do not pay any attention to the opinions of others. They absolutely do not care what others say about them, since in their understanding, they always do what is right and honest. With the favorable influence of Mercury, these individuals are very interesting interlocutors and a pleasure to deal with.

Sun in Gemini

Gemini – Mercury – Third House

Gemini - Gemini. May 21 – June 20. Third Zodiac sign. This is a symbol of opposing mental processes, the interpenetration of spirit and matter, the connection between rhythm and form. Air sign, mutable, diurnal, warm.

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Gemini symbols

Yang energy. Symbols – brothers and sisters, close circle

Gemini Key: you need to engage their minds.

Gemini elemental energy image

This is the energy of world intelligence, rationality, changeability and flexibility.

Gemini talisman stone

Green aventurine, yellow-green beryl, jadeite, chrysoprase and peridot.

As a gift for Gemini Stones and any objects that are green, yellow-green or changing color, commercial and trade goods, books, communications equipment, and intellectual games are suitable.

Compatibility of Gemini with other zodiac signs

The compatibility of men and women of the sun sign Gemini with other zodiac signs can be considered only for additional detail of the relationship. Compatibility of zodiac signs does not play an important role either in love, or in friendship, or in work. Much more important in assessing relationships for any zodiac sign is compatibility by date of birth.

A typical Gemini sign

The Mercury type is alien to deep emotions and experiences, as well as deep philosophy. Such people strive to learn and do as quickly as possible. Therefore, their training is quick and superficial. Characterized by a craving for something new. For these people, the learning process itself is interesting, and not its final result. They are diplomatic, with a lively mind, and easily grasp new ideas.

Gemini - a breath of thought, the ability to do a variety of things at the same time, painless switching from one to another, intellectual strength, versatility and activity. Organizational skills, interest in information.

Advantage in character - intuitive and recipient of the necessary information, well-read and informed, curiosity in everything, knows how to find the right word, eloquent and cunning, commercial and intermediary spirit.

They are characterized by wit, react quickly in conversation and are good conversationalists. They easily make connections and easily break up with others. Driven by curiosity and curiosity, but without depth, “What I bought for, I sold for.” They don’t delve into the depth, the essence of the matter.

Negative traits with severe damage to the Sun: excessive fussiness and fussiness, nervousness, talkativeness and superficiality of actions, unreliability and fickleness of views, fickleness and scattered character, chaotic and disorganized thoughts, a tendency to fib and deceive, make fun of your interlocutor, be inaccurate in meetings, insincerity can become a vice. They may resort to lies and cunning. This is not out of anger, but to make everyone feel better.

Weakness - vulnerability - chaos, frivolity.

Planets in the zodiac sign Gemini

Ascendant in Gemini (rising sign)

You are very lively, speak quickly, are sincere, sometimes overly talkative and may seem frivolous to other, more serious individuals. But you have a strong personal charm, and because of this, all your sins are often forgiven. The character is light, changeable, the mood is fickle. During a conversation, they tend to gesticulate, shake or tap their feet, and their hands may shake nervously. You are terribly curious, always running to where something is happening. You feel bored when there is no one to talk to and there are no new events. You develop well under the influence of your environment, communication, and contacts.

Patron planet Mercury

In the physical world– Mercury corresponds to the rotational force, the bipolar electrical force.

  • Rules also the second sign – Virgo
  • Ruler of the day of the week– Wednesday
  • Numbers 7 and giving a total of 7. For example 7, 16, 25, 34, 52, 115, 250
  • Substances– mercury, magnesium, alkaline acids.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects with paper, information media, emerging and disappearing cases.


Opening and hiding paths, mental navigator, figuring out connections between things, the ability to find ways and get out of the most difficult situations, ingenuity and agility.

Humorist, two-faced, versatility of thinking, game of chance, intelligence and talent of an inventor, spiritual and creative factor, speaker, student, philosophical abilities.

Memory, wealth of thoughts, numbers and numerology of the alphabet, psychosomatics, mental characteristics of a person, vitality of the body.

Browser, microblogs, content, messaging system, Spam. Brokerage and publishing activities, kiosks of printed materials, street trading, information service bureaus, transport services, psychotherapy, everything related to words and languages.

Small business, mediation, speculation from hands, instant sales, street advertising from words, flyer distribution, SMS payment, cyber intermediaries.

Manifestation of Mercury in the horoscope

Personal planet - Mercury is responsible for thinking, intelligence, speech, mobility and dexterity.

Mercury function- this is interconnection, interchange, i.e. the design of thoughts, everyday practical mind.

Qualities of Mercury– lightness, curiosity, ability to make quick changes.

The location of Mercury in the Zodiac sign shows how thinking, intelligence, ability to contact people are manifested, and whether there is dexterity and speed in solving problems. Mercury imparts psychological inclinations to the ability to make decisions and express one's thoughts to others.

Mercury in the houses of the horoscope indicates the type of thinking and learning ability, what kind of education suits a person better, what type of activity appeals to him, from which area he will receive more valuable experience. You can also determine his immediate environment, his disposition to communication and contacts.

Third – ΙΙΙ house

Information. Movements. Mobility. Connections

The third house is identical to the sign of Gemini and the planet Mercury.

Third house in the horoscope it symbolizes the way of thinking, assimilation (in books, audio, video, infographics), mental-intellectual property, exchange of ideas, rhetoric, changes and moves, short trips, visits. This is the receipt and transmission of information, acquaintances on the street or in transport, superficial communication, telephone conversations, certificates, any method of obtaining information, preliminary agreements and mediation.

Third house - encourages us to learn, to make attempts, to repeat, to relearn, and then to set off again in search of knowledge.

3rd house includes news by mail, telephone, Internet, correspondence, constant subscription to news, working with newspapers, establishing contacts in various forms, short-close trips within the city, region, courier and brokerage services, correspondence, copyrights, advertisements, IP address, link, CEO, copyright, analytics, propaganda activities, fragmented vision of things.

Unfavorable manifestation of the 3rd House: increased nervous excitability, aggressive manifestation of contacts through the interaction of the Internet, telephone, correspondence, in public places. Overexcitation of the nervous system greatly affects the understanding of how and what to do in everyday affairs. Increased danger in transport, on short trips, through careless speech. There may be frequent losses and forgetfulness of various items, inability to organize your management, rumors, gossip, and useless connections interfere with harmonious development. Problems with assimilation and awareness of knowledge. Neighbors, brothers, sisters, casual acquaintances do not do anything or interfere with business.

The material used the concept of SPbAA.

Events in predictive methods: passenger car, train depot, airplane ramp, magazines, social media post, atlas, hardware (computer), library, highways, brother, bicycles, reports, messages, sms, chat, mail order, record of court decisions, maps (geographic), cassettes (audio, video), copy machine, books, xerography, contracts, licenses, players, mother of an employee or employee, memorandums, place of residence of maternal aunt (uncle), location determination, primary education, sellers, players, profession , paternal aunt (uncle) career, transportation, writing, literary profession, supplier, postman, mailbox, postal services, courier, radios, advertisers, letters, pilot's permit, law, license, reporters, reputation of employee, employee; sister, employees (workers), neighbors of a government official, querent; reference books, notes, students, tests, textbooks, fax machine, ephemeris, exams, encyclopedia.

Astrologers Anna Ungar and Lillian Huber. Horary astrology.

Synthetic sign Gemini

You are always learning something and seem like a young, lively person, no matter how old you really are. Your mind is always active, curious, flexible, open to new knowledge. You may feel a bit scattered because you have so many ideas that it's hard to keep track of them all. You crave variety, change, food for thought and an active social life. You are always a fresh and interesting conversationalist. You enjoy meeting and interacting with many different people. They are friendly, love to flirt, charming, easy-going and playful. Even if you are not feeling well, you can never tell from your appearance that you are having a hard time, you never look gloomy, you have a sense of humor, and it may seem that you take things lightly that others consider very important. Consistency and reliability are not your qualities. Your strengths are a quick mind, eloquence, ability for languages, sophistication and sophistication in society, sociability, talkativeness, the ability to build bridges between people and ideas.

Your shortcomings: You may be excessively talkative (bragging, idle talk) if you do not have a job or activity where you can use your mental, verbal skills. Characterized by nervousness and fussiness if things do not move quickly enough.

Allegory for Gemini

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

“To you, Gemini, I give unanswered questions so that you can bring everyone understanding of what a person sees around him. You will never know why people talk or listen, but in your search for the answer you will discover my gift of Knowledge.”

And the Twins retreated back to their place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Rectification of the horoscope - element or planet of the earth on