Stoloto winning table 6 out of 45. Secrets of luck or step-by-step algorithm for winning the lottery

Getting a draw table for any Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw on the Lottopeda lottery portal is as easy as checking your ticket. Just enter the number of the circulation you are interested in in the form on this page and click the “Get circulation table” button. The result will immediately be displayed under the form - the numbers of the balls drawn in this draw.

Why might you need the Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw tables? They can be useful in different cases. For example, in this way experienced players can check a ticket - simply compare the winning combination of the draw with the combination on your ticket and determine the number of matching numbers. If there are two or more than two, the ticket is a winner. Draw tables are also useful if you collect statistics on numbers being drawn to determine which ones are drawn more often, which ones are drawn less often, and by how much.

What data is contained in circulation tables?

You no longer need to look through multiple pages of results; all results are collected in one place. All information about draws comes directly from the Stoloto lottery company, so the draw tables do not contain errors. If you are busy developing your own system for playing Gosloto 6 out of 45 (based on the most frequently drawn numbers or, conversely, on the most rarely drawn numbers, it doesn’t matter), such a function as obtaining circulation tables will certainly make your work easier.


My name is Ivan Melnikov! I am a graduate of the National Technical University “KhPI”, Faculty of Engineering and Physics, specialty “Applied Mathematics”, a happy family man and just a fan of games of chance. Since childhood, I have been interested in lotteries. I have always wondered by what laws certain balls fall out. Since I was 10 years old, I have been recording lottery results and then analyzing the data.


Ivan Melnikov.

  1. Mathematical odds of winning

    • Simple calculation with factorials

The most common lotteries in the world are games of luck such as “5 out of 36” and “6 out of 45”. Let's calculate the chance of winning the lottery using probability theory.

An example of calculating the possibility of receiving a jackpot in the “5 out of 36” lottery:

It is necessary to divide the number of free cells by the number of possible combinations. That is, the first digit can be selected from 36, the second from 35, the third from 34, and so on.

Therefore, here is the formula:

Number of possible combinations in a “5 out of 36” lottery = (36*35*34*33*32) / (1*2*3*4*5) = 376,992

The chance of winning is 1 in almost 400,000.

Let's do the same for a lottery like 6 in 45.

Number of possible combinations = “6 out of 45” = (45*44*43*42*41*40) / (1*2*3*4*5*6) = 9,774,072.

Accordingly, the chance of winning is almost 1 in 10 million.

  • A little about probability theory

According to a long-known theory, each ball in each subsequent search has an absolutely equal chance of falling out compared to the others.

But not everything is so simple, even according to probability theory. Let's take a closer look at the example of tossing a coin. The first time we got heads, then the next time the probability of getting tails is much higher. If heads come up again, then next time we expect tails with even greater probability.

With the balls coming out of the lottery machines, it's about the same story, but a little more complicated and with a more significant number of variables. If one ball is drawn 3 times and the other is drawn 10 times, then the probability of the first ball being drawn will be higher than that of the second. It is worth noting that this law is diligently violated by the organizers of some lotteries, which change lottery machines from time to time. A new sequence appears in each new lottery machine.

Some organizers also use a separate lottery machine for each ball. Thus, it is necessary to calculate the probability of each ball falling out in each individual lottery machine. On the one hand, this makes the task a little easier, on the other hand, it complicates it.

But this is just a theory of probability, which, as it turns out, doesn’t really work. Let's see what secrets there are, based on dry science and statistical data accumulated over decades.

  1. Why doesn't probability theory work?

    • Less than ideal conditions

The first thing worth talking about is the calibration of lottery machines. None of the lottery machines are perfectly calibrated.

The second caveat is that the diameters of lottery balls are also not the same. Even differences of the slightest fraction of millimeters play a role in the frequency of a particular ball falling out.

The third detail is the different weight of the balls. Again, the difference may not seem significant at all, but it also affects the statistics, and significantly.

  • Sum of winning numbers

If we look at the statistics of winning numbers in a “6 out of 45” lottery, we will notice an interesting fact: the sum of the numbers that players bet on ranges between 126 and 167.

The sum of the winning lottery numbers for “5 out of 36” is a slightly different story. Here the winning numbers add up to 83-106.

  • Even or odd?

What numbers do you think are most often found on winning tickets? Even? Odd? I can tell you with complete confidence that in the “6 out of 45” lotteries these numbers are equally divided.

But what about “5 out of 36”? After all, you need to choose only 5 balls; there cannot be an equal number of even and odd balls. So here it is. Having analyzed the results of lotteries of this type over the last four decades, I can say that slightly, but still more often, odd numbers appear in winning combinations. Especially those that contain the number 6 or 9. For example, 19, 29, 39, 69 and so on.

  • Popular groups of numbers

For a lottery of the “6 to 45” type, we conditionally divide the numbers into 2 groups - from 1 to 22 and from 23 to 45. It should be noted that in winning tickets the ratio of numbers belonging to the group is 2 to 4. That is, either the ticket will contain 2 numbers from the group from 1 to 22 and 4 numbers from the group from 23 to 45 or vice versa (4 numbers from the first group and 2 from the second).

I came to a similar conclusion when analyzing the statistics of lotteries like “5 out of 36”. Only in this case the groups are split up a little differently. Let's designate the first group that includes the numbers from 1 to 17, and the second the one that contains the remaining numbers from 18 to 35. The ratio of numbers from the first group to the second in winning combinations in 48% of cases is 3 to 2, and in 52 % of cases – on the contrary, 2 to 3.

  • Is it worth betting on numbers from past draws?

It has been proven that in 86% of cases, a new drawing repeats a number that has already appeared in previous drawings. Therefore, you just need to follow the draws of the lottery you are interested in.

  • Consecutive numbers. To choose or not to choose?

The chance that 3 consecutive numbers will appear at once is very low, less than 0.09%. And if you want to bet on 5 or 6 consecutive numbers at once, there is practically no chance. Therefore, choose different numbers.

  • Numbers with a single step: win or lose?

You should not bet on numbers that appear in the same sequence. For example, you definitely don’t need to choose step 2 and place a bet with this step. 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 are definitely a losing combination.

  • More than one ticket: yes or no?

It’s better to play once every 10 weeks with 10 tickets than once a week with one. And also play in groups. You can win a big cash prize and split it between several people.

  1. World lottery statistics

    • Mega millions

One of the most popular lotteries in the world was carried out according to the following principle: you need to choose 5 numbers out of 56, as well as 1 out of 46 for the so-called golden ball.

For 5 matched balls and 1 correctly named golden ball, the lucky winner receives the jackpot.

The remaining dependencies are shown in the table:

Statistics of dropped regular balls for the entire duration of the above lottery draws.

Statistics of golden balls drawn throughout the Mega Millions drawings.

The most frequently drawn combinations in the lottery are shown in the table below:

  • Powerball lottery where more than a dozen lucky people have managed to hit the jackpot. You must select 7 main game numbers and two Powerballs.

  1. Winners' stories

    • Lucky compatriots

Evgeny Sidorov from Moscow received 35 million in 2009, before that Nadezhda Mekhametzyanova from Ufa hit the jackpot of 30 million. “Russian Lotto” sent another 29.5 million to Omsk to the winner, who did not want to identify himself. In general, winning jackpots is a good habit of Russian people

  • 390 million US dollars in one hand

In the lottery we already talked about, Mega Millions, a lucky winner who wished to remain anonymous won $390 million. And this is far from a rare case. In the same lottery in 2011, two people managed to hit the jackpot, which at that time consisted of an amount of 380 million. The cash prize was divided into two parts and awarded to people who guessed the winning numbers.

A pensioner from South Carolina decided to participate in the Powerball lottery and won 260 million, which he decided to spend on the education of his children, and also bought a house, several cars for the family, and then went traveling.

  1. conclusions

So, here is a summary of the most effective rules, following which you are sure to win:

  1. The sum of all the numbers you bet on on a lottery ticket must be calculated using the following formula:

Amount = ((1 + n)/2)*z + 2 +/- 12%

n – maximum bet number, for example, 36 in a “5 out of 36” lottery

z – the number of balls you bet on, for example 5 for the “5 out of 36” lottery

That is, for “5 out of 36” the amount will be like this:

((1+36)/2)*5 + 2 +/-12% = 18,5*5+2 +/-12% = 94,5 +/-12%

In this case, from 94.5 + 12% to 94.5 – 12%, that is, from 83 to 106.

  1. Bet equally on even and odd numbers.
  2. Divide all the numbers into two large groups in half. The ratio of the number of numbers on a winning ticket is 1 to 2 or 2 to 1.
  3. Follow the statistics and bet on the numbers that came out in previous draws.
  4. Don't bet on numbers with one step.
  5. It’s better to play less often, but buy several tickets at once, and also get together with friends and relatives.

In general, be brave! Follow my rules, place bets, analyze statistics and win!

The number drop frequency graph in the draw archive shows the actual number of drops of each ball in the lottery machine for the entire duration of the game. This chart will be applicable to any of the circulation archives selected in the menu above, for example, 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, or the Gosloto circulation archive 7 out of 49.
In a tabular version and in more detail, you can familiarize yourself with the frequency of numbers appearing within the frequency analysis service.

Graph "Number of numbers drawn."

This graph shows how many times the sums of combination numbers were drawn in the circulation archives.
In order to understand how the number of times the sums of numbers appear is calculated, let’s turn to any of the fragments of the archive of draws 5 out of 36 ( see explanation and picture below).
Circulation No. 7222, the numbers came out: 15, 33, 21, 36, 18 .
Let's calculate the sum of the numbers of this combination: 15+33+21+36+18 = 123 , And
circulation No. 7231, the numbers came out: 18, 24, 34, 11, 36 .
Let's calculate the sum of the numbers of this combination: 18+24+34+11+36 = 123 .
As you can see, these completely different combinations have the same number sum - 123. It follows that during the period of the games from draw No. 7222 to draw No. 7231, the sum of numbers 123 appeared only 2 times, this is the number of sums of numbers.
If we close this help and look for this sum of numbers (123) on our chart along the horizontal axis, we will see that throughout the entire duration of the game this sum has appeared much more times. At the time of writing this certificate, this amount appeared 61 times (draws No. 1 to No. 7254) in the archive of circulations 5 out of 36. If you select other archives of circulations in the menu, for example, 6 out of 45 or 7 out of 49, then the graph will be built specifically for these circulations archives.

Using this graph, you can identify more promising ones that are growing in terms of the number of times the sum of numbers appears. This, in turn, during further analysis will help us to weed out a huge number of combinations that are unlikely to occur, and to create combinations whose number sums are more promising in terms of the probability of bets appearing in the near future.

Number of number sums drawn
from 1 to 4577 circulation (for the entire duration of the game).

Table and graph "Frequency of even and odd numbers".

These tables and graphs will allow us to see how many combinations with a certain number of even and odd numbers in combinations occurred during the entire period of the game.
Let’s say that most rarely, as practice shows, combinations consisting only of all even or odd numbers appear. For example, in the archive of circulations 5 out of 36 the following combinations are present. Circulation No. 7112, numbers: 11, 13, 25, 15, 33 (even numbers = 0 , odd numbers = 5 ), falling combinations of this format are summarized in the first line of our table in the column “Total combinations dropped”. And also vice versa:
Circulation No. 7141, numbers: 32, 16, 12, 8, 20 (even numbers = 5 , odd numbers = 0 ), falling combinations of this format are summarized in the last line of our table in the column “Total combinations dropped”.
Combinations of this format appear extremely rarely and with a large number of drops ahead of other combination options, so when composing combinations for your bets, you can safely weed them out. Another thing is that there are the most promising combinations for a high probability of occurrence, consisting of 2 even and 3 odd numbers or vice versa,
consisting of 3 even and 2 odd, respectively, for the archive of circulations 5 out of 36.
In order to get results for other circulation archives, in the menu above you need to select the circulation archive you are interested in, for example 6 out of 45 or 7 out of 49.
To make the examples clearer, there is a graph below the table that fully demonstrates the results of the tabular data.

Frequency of even and odd numbers
from 1 to 4577 circulation (for the entire duration of the game).

Even Odd Total combinations dropped
0 6 63
1 5 393
2 4 1156
3 3 1549
4 2 1031
5 1 347
6 0 38

Table "When was the last time a ball fell out."

In this table, we can see in numbers the last time the ball number was drawn in a particular archive of Gosloto draws. Such information is also quite valuable when choosing numbers for a future bet.
There is a maximum probability that a number that has not appeared for quite a long time will definitely appear and from circulation to circulation will begin to gain momentum in terms of the number of occurrences.

So let's give a description of the columns of this table.

Column "Ball number" is clear, it displays the ball number from 1 to 36 for the Gosloto lottery 5 out of 36, from 1 to 45 for the Gosloto lottery 6 out of 45 and from 1 to 49 for the Gosloto lottery 7 out of 49. This is our input data.
Column "Circles ago", the most valuable, it is by this column that the results of all other columns are sorted. In this column you can see how many draws ago the number we are interested in came out. The result - “in the current draw” means that the balls fell out in the draw that was just held.
results in the "Number of drops" column show the frequency of occurrence, that is, how many times the ball number has appeared in draws over the entire existence of the game.
In the column "Circulation No." The number of the draw in which the ball number participated is displayed.
In the "Combination" column The draw combination in which the ball number fell is shown.
In the Date and Time column we see the date and time of past draws.

When was the last time a ball fell out (during the entire game).

Ball number Circulations back Quantity
Number of circulation Combination date and time
19 in the current circulation618 4577 39 27 32 19 23 10 16.08.2019 11:00
27 in the current circulation604 4577 39 27 32 19 23 10 16.08.2019 11:00
32 in the current circulation629 4577 39 27 32 19 23 10 16.08.2019 11:00
39 in the current circulation616 4577 39 27 32 19 23 10 16.08.2019 11:00
10 in the current circulation631 4577 39 27 32 19 23 10 16.08.2019 11:00
23 in the current circulation598 4577 39 27 32 19 23 10 16.08.2019 11:00
31 1 575 4576 31 45 27 28 40 18 15.08.2019 23:00
28 1 663 4576 31 45 27 28 40 18 15.08.2019 23:00
40 1 586 4576 31 45 27 28 40 18 15.08.2019 23:00
18 1 630 4576 31 45 27 28 40 18 15.08.2019 23:00
45 1 608 4576 31 45 27 28 40 18 15.08.2019 23:00
11 2 589 4575 19 33 11 42 07 28 15.08.2019 11:00
7 2 599 4575 19 33 11 42 07 28 15.08.2019 11:00
33 2 618 4575 19 33 11 42 07 28 15.08.2019 11:00
42 2 581 4575 19 33 11 42 07 28 15.08.2019 11:00
41 3 605 4574 05 23 31 41 39 16 14.08.2019 23:00
5 3 603 4574 05 23 31 41 39 16 14.08.2019 23:00
16 3 612 4574 05 23 31 41 39 16 14.08.2019 23:00
1 4 584 4573 31 22 01 36 44 10 14.08.2019 11:00
22 4 584 4573 31 22 01 36 44 10 14.08.2019 11:00
44 4 618 4573 31 22 01 36 44 10 14.08.2019 11:00
36 4 633 4573 31 22 01 36 44 10 14.08.2019 11:00
8 5 608 4572 14 36 20 41 08 18 13.08.2019 23:00
20 5 590 4572 14 36 20 41 08 18 13.08.2019 23:00
14 5 595 4572 14 36 20 41 08 18 13.08.2019 23:00
3 6 649 4571 34 07 03 10 11 06 13.08.2019 11:00
6 6 603 4571 34 07 03 10 11 06 13.08.2019 11:00
34 6 608 4571 34 07 03 10 11 06 13.08.2019 11:00
37 7 604 4570 26 23 24 29 34 37 12.08.2019 23:00
26 7 607 4570 26 23 24 29 34 37 12.08.2019 23:00
24 7 594 4570 26 23 24 29 34 37 12.08.2019 23:00
29 7 618 4570 26 23 24 29 34 37 12.08.2019 23:00
2 8 585 4569 22 40 06 44 02 36 12.08.2019 11:00
17 9 640 4568 11 16 08 09 17 31 11.08.2019 23:00
9 9 588 4568 11 16 08 09 17 31 11.08.2019 23:00
21 10 633 4567 18 10 21 17 45 44 11.08.2019 11:00
13 11 600 4566 09 20 13 08 33 26 10.08.2019 23:00
12 12 606 4565 13 38 12 15 21 29 10.08.2019 11:00
15 12 622 4565 13 38 12 15 21 29 10.08.2019 11:00
38 12 641 4565 13 38 12 15 21 29 10.08.2019 11:00
25 15 622 4562 13 25 06 42 45 09 08.08.2019 23:00
4 16 653 4561 04 33 22 41 20 23 08.08.2019 11:00
43 20 619 4557 02 15 09 22 06 43 06.08.2019 11:00
30 21 582 4556 40 39 03 41 16 30 05.08.2019 23:00
35 36 611 4541 26 05 30 35 29 38 29.07.2019 11:00

Table "Loss of ball numbers in a row from run to run."

In this table you can see when and with what intensity the numbers were re-dropped in the following circulations, and to what extent they transferred from circulation to circulation.

Let's consider and describe this table by columns.

Column "Ball number" it prints the ball number from 1 to 36 for the Gosloto lottery 5 out of 36, from 1 to 45 for the Gosloto lottery 6 out of 45 and from 1 to 49 for the Gosloto lottery 7 out of 49.
Column "Moved in a row from circulation to total circulation". In this column we can see the total number of times during the entire period of the game or for a separate period of time, depending on the settings, the number continuously appeared from draw to draw. It is by this column that all table results are sorted in descending order.
Data in the column "Last time in a row dropped (number of draws)" show how many times a certain number was last continuously drawn from circulation to circulation.
Column "Last consecutive appearance in circulation" complements the previous column and shows the very numbers of the draws in which the ball number fell out recently or for the last time in a row from draw to draw.
Column "Last consecutive draws occurred back" allows you to see how many runs ago the ball number fell out and then was no longer repeated from run to run.
Column "Maximum consecutive hits (number of runs)" shows the largest number of runs in which the ball number appeared continuously from run to run.
Column "Maximum consecutive occurrences in circulations" complements the previous column and shows the same draw numbers in which the ball number fell out the maximum number of times in a row from draw to draw.

The numbers of balls falling out in a row from one draw to another.

Shown are the results for the last 20 draws from 4557 to 4577 draws.

In order to use calculations for all completed circulations
execute login or register and
get full access to all services and reports.

The last circulation was No. 4577. Balls with numbers fell out: 39 27 32 19 23 10

Ball number Passed in a row
from circulation to circulation total
Last time dropped out in a row
(number of circulations)
Last time dropped out in a row
in circulation
Last time dropped out in a row
circulations back
Dropped out the most in a row
(number of circulations)
Dropped out the most in a row
in circulation
9 2 3 4562
13 3 from 4562 to 4564
20 2 3 4559
16 3 from 4559 to 4561
34 1 2 4570
6 2 from 4570 to 4571
27 1 2 4576
0 2 from 4576 to 4577
17 1 2 4567
9 2 from 4567 to 4568
31 1 2 4573
3 2 from 4573 to 4574
21 1 2 4564
12 2 from 4564 to 4565
36 1 2 4572
4 2 from 4572 to 4573
28 1 2 4575
1 2 from 4575 to 4576
13 1 2 4565
11 2 from 4565 to 4566
43 0 - - - - -
42 0 - - - - -
30 0 - - - - -
29 0 - - - - -
45 0 - - - - -
44 0 - - - - -
41 0 - - - - -
32 0 - - - - -
26 0 - - - - -
38 0 - - - - -
35 0 - - - - -
39 0 - - - - -
40 0 - - - - -
33 0 - - - - -
37 0 - - - - -
23 0 - - - - -
7 0 - - - - -
8 0 - - - - -
10 0 - - - - -
6 0 - - - - -
5 0 - - - - -
2 0 - - - - -
3 0 - - - - -
4 0 - - - - -
11 0 - - - - -
12 0 - - - - -
22 0 - - - - -
1 0 - - - - -
24 0 - - - - -
19 0 - - - - -
18 0 - - - - -
14 0 - - - - -
15 0 - - - - -
16 0 - - - - -
25 0 - - - - -

A little about lotteries

In numerical lotteries, a single simple combination is equally probable and is “a single indivisible entity.” In other words, in the space of a complete array, all elements (mentally imagine “cubes”) have the same size, therefore, there are no priority individual combinations. It is impossible to single out “universal combinations” in the entire array that will “always” play better than others, since the lottery machine or circulation generator is equally likely! What is most striking is that even many experienced players do not understand this.

Equally probable distribution of played combinations –
simple proof #1

Let's move on to the most natural statistics in numerical lotteries - combinatorial. To do this, you need to translate all the winning combinations, for example, in the lottery 5 out of 36, into their serial number (index) in the full array. A scatter plot of the distribution of these combinations in the space of the full array can then be plotted, while respecting the interval and location in the circulation history. Each point on this graph represents a combination that actually played in the space of the full array. Since each individual combination is distributed equally likely throughout the entire array, we can divide this space into equal parts (sectors).

Let's divide the full array of 376992 combinations,
let's say - into 12 equal parts - sectors
- 31416 combinations.

All combinations actually played at the moment in the lottery 5 out of 36
(equiprobable distribution), selected sector - any

Let's count the number of matches of each sector over the last 500 draws.
On average, there will be approximately the same number of hits of a combination in any sector - 41 times.
The chance of any sector to match is 376,992/31416 = 1 time in 12 draws (average)
For 500 draws, any sector will play 500/ 12 = 41 times (average) or 4 times for 50 draws or 2 times for 25
If the combination plays in the selected sector, then the chance of the jackpot increases 12 times for one simple combination from this sector, and will be equal to 1 in 31416. If we have 10 combinations in the game, then 1 in 3141.

What is a single combination?

Let's see what a single combination is using the example of lottery 5 out of 36. There are 376,992 such combinations in this lottery. Each combination has its own serial number in the full array (index - cell).

First combination (000001) = 01-02-03-04-05 ...
Last combination (376992) = 32-33-34-35-36 = 376992 pieces

000001 _ 01-02-03-04-05
000002 _ 01-02-03-04-06
000003 _ 01-02-03-04-07
000004 _ 01-02-03-04-08
002024 _ 01-02-07-11-30
002025 _ 01-02-07-11-31
002026 _ 01-02-07-11-32
174078 _ 04-21-25-32-34
174079 _ 04-21-25-32-35
376992 _ 32-33-34-35-36

Absolutely any combination in the full array is no different from others in terms of the probability of a match.
To better understand this, you need to imagine 376,992 individual lottery balls, with all 376,992 combinations labeled.
It is difficult to imagine such a quantity, much less fit it into a picture; I will show only a few balls out of 376,992 pieces.

Let's do a thought experiment- let's place these balls in a huge lottery machine, which throws out only one ball with the combination indicated on this ball for each draw. We should not forget that after each draw, the dropped ball with the combination indicated on it is thrown back into the same lottery drum. Thus, for the next draw, all combinations will be in place again, and when the lottery machine starts, they will be mixed equally with everyone else.

If it is difficult to imagine the option with balls, then let’s try to imagine a huge roulette wheel, where each ball cell represents a combination. There are 376,992 such cells, since such a lined wheel also cannot fit into the picture, so for a general understanding we will draw only a tiny part with combinations - we have highlighted the initial and final ones.

Take a closer look at the picture - the “wheel” is divided into equal cells(equally probable combinations), and the ball (draw generator) can fall into any hole (cell - index), no matter how we designated these cells (even with pictures). After the draw (spin), the wheel does not decrease - all cells remain in place.

  • Note: I would like to draw your attention once again - I am writing about a whole simple single combination. For each individual combination (cell), the meaning of any even, odd, sums, intervals between numbers, repetitions, consecutive numbers, etc. is completely lost - since the combination is a single whole and denotes a cell (index) in the complete array, and their huge quantity.

We can trace only individual areas of the array (sectors, ranges, groups of numbers) for the upcoming games, therefore, we will increase our chances of winning the main prize (in individual draws) tens and even hundreds of times. Depends on which sector (array, range) we guess.

Equal distribution
combinations played - simple proof No. 2

Let's take an example of 24 numbers (lottery 6 out of 45), chosen at random.

Let's calculate the probability of complete and partial coincidence based on the real circulation history in a simplified manner (a simple calculation, and quite accurate for a large number of circulations), then use the special HYPERGEOMET function, which is present in Excel spreadsheets. This is a statistical function that can be used to calculate the probability of a complete or partial match.

(click to enlarge)

2311 lottery draws 6-45 have been loaded.

1. One match showed in 128 draws
2311/128 = 1 to 18.1.
HYPERGEOMET = 1 to 16.6.

2. Two matches showed in 472 circulations
2311/472 = 1 to 4.9
HYPERGEOMET = 1 to 4.9

3. Three matches were shown in 754 circulations.
2311/754 = 1 to 3.1
HYPERGEOMET =1 to 3.02

4. Four matches were shown in 659 circulations.
2311/659 = 1 to 3.5
HYPERGEOMET = 1 to 3.6

5. Five matches were shown in 249 circulations.
2311/249 = 1 to 9.3
HYPERGEOMET = 1 to 9.12

6. Six matches were shown in 37 runs.
2311/37 = 1 to 62.5
HYPERGEOMET = 1 to 60.51

As you can see, the probability of complete and partial coincidence almost completely coincides with the calculated values. This means that the lottery generator produces combinations with equal probability. When generating or manually marking any markers, the values ​​will differ slightly, but they will be close to the theoretical ones. The more circulation history is loaded, the closer the result. Due to the fact that the circulation in the archive is catastrophically small, we use groups of numbers of sufficient length.

From the uniform (equiprobable) distribution, another conclusion follows: It doesn’t matter which numbers are included in the group of numbers - even, odd, the top of the playing field or the bottom, etc. The only thing that matters is the number of numbers in the group, on which the probability directly depends. We look at the screenshot - 18 numbers of markers are marked - random, top, even.

(click to enlarge)

There are no significant differences in the intensity of the coincidence of 5 numbers.
In other words, the circulation generator pays attention to any marked markers evenly, no matter what you “draw” on the playing field. Sometimes they “advise” to play with so-called “pieces” - this will not change anything in terms of the probability of a match - any “piece” will play with the same frequency as a “non-piece”...

Now we know for sure - any marked group of numbers, in equal numbers, has the same probability of coincidence. Why? Because it is made up of equally probable simple combinations. In this case, how can we even understand which group may be more likely to play in the coming games?

Strategic combination generators for numerical lotteries

When you realize that a particular combination is equally likely,
then some people have complete confusion - regarding common statistics :)

For example, why “even-odd” is played in the “majority” in a certain proportion, or why “sum” plays in the middle range and more. It turns out that the combinations seem to be not equally probable? This question is easy to answer, precisely after fully realizing that a single combination is equally probable. So why do combinations seem to “love to play” in certain proportions, ranges, amounts - if they are equally probable?

  • Because we “select” arrays of equally probable single combinations with this information. It is important to know here how many combinations obtained in dedicated sectors. Arrays of combinations, highlighted with statistical information - contain different quantities equally probable combinations, therefore, these arrays have different probability for a coincidence.

Let's look at the example of statistics
even, odd numbers

  • Let's try to understand one of the popular tips when choosing a combination:
    choose combinations that contain an equal number of even and odd numbers

Let's figure out why this happens. In lottery 5 out of 36, the most common odds and evens will look like this: 2 even – 3 odd, or 3 even – 2 odd. We count the number (even - odd) of all possible combinations in the lottery 5 out of 36

To better understand why a lottery machine or a draw random number generator tries to throw out such combinations of numbers in combinations, let’s turn for clarity to the roulette wheel, which is nothing more than an equally probable random number generator, unless, of course, it’s skewed :)

Let's distribute all combinations according to the even-odd criterion together, and according to the table,
Let's draw a circular graph - imagine that these are marked sectors on a roulette wheel

Mentally add the largest sectors that contain 124848 combinations together = 124848 pieces (2 even - 3 odd) + 124848 pieces (3 odd - 2 even) = 249696 combinations out of 376992 possible, or 66.23%, or the chance of these two sectors is 376992/ 249696 = 1 to 1.5 for each spin (draw) or approximately 33 numbers out of 36.

That is why, with each test (roulette spin) of a lottery machine or draw generator, combinations from this sector will tend, in most cases, to play in an odds ratio of 2-3 or 3-2.

  • In this example it plays not a separate combination– here a dedicated “huge sector” with combinations plays, in other words, we have marked approximately 33 numbers out of 36, naturally, almost always this number of numbers will “catch” all the prize money!

Why parity in combinations like 2-3 or 3-2? Everything is explained by the costs of the decimal system, which encodes the whole combination. Each individual whole (complete) combination simply represents a cell of 376,992 pieces. Recall the thought experiment with balls, in which the combination is indicated as a whole, or an example with a roulette wheel, where each combination simply designates a cell and is indivisible. But how we select the array of combinations does not matter. It’s just convenient to follow these signs (even-odd) for part of the array - the sector.

If we generate any random combinations for the same number of combinations (2,469,696 pieces), regardless of these proportions in general, then nothing will change in terms of the probability of matching the resulting array (sector) (1 to 1.5). Any equally probable random combination generator will seem to follow this advice on its own (without any filters) - What’s interesting is that no one specifically programs it this way, putting instructions (algorithm) into it to produce exactly these combinations of numbers.

Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself!

1. Look at the draw history - most odd-even combinations will be 2-3, 3-2 (5 out of 36) and 3-3 (6 out of 45).
2. Take any random number generator, combinations - generate and write down the resulting combinations, then check.


  • Most likely, such advice is addressed to those who manually fill out tickets, without any software; even a simple random combination generator will follow this advice on its own.
  • This advice is of little use to us, since the sector contains two-thirds of all combinations - not in roulette, because we play for dozens, where the chance is 1 in 3.
  • This advice is suitable for lotteries that take place very rarely, although it will not help much.
  • It is more correct to try to guess sectors 1-4, 4-1, and with fairly frequent circulations 5-0, 0-5 (we are waiting for the average period)

All strategies invented by players are far from perfect, because if there were a 100% gaming system, then the number of winnings would be large, and the winnings themselves would tend to zero. Therefore, it is necessary to use several systems simultaneously, and the more, the better. The main thing here is to select (take into account) the “influence coefficient” of each strategy on the final result. All strategies described below can be tested (each separately and in various combinations) using the program.


The system is quite simple; first, let’s count how many times different pairs of numbers appear. For example: Results of the first draw = 15, 17, 22, 23, 25, 33. The pairs drawn were 15-17, 15-22, 15-23, .. , 15-33, 17-22, 17-23, .. , 17-33, .., 25-33 - 15 pairs in total. Let's continue counting for the remaining circulations. As a result, we get a table with the results of the number of drops of all pairs of balls. Based on the results of 464 draws (see figure), it can be seen that the pair 6-13 appeared 5 times, the pair 10-11 appeared 18 times, and the pair 2-5 only once in 464 draws! Feel the difference! Now let's take 3 numbers, for example 3-11-18. SumPairs will be 14+11+13=38, and for three numbers 7-14-19 SumPairs = 1+3+5=9. The difference is 4 times! All that remains is to select 6 numbers with the largest sum of pairs and fill out this combination in each draw for a long time.

Creating a table and selecting 6 numbers with the highest SumPairs manually is quite tedious, especially since the results change little by little with each draw. For calculations, it is better to use a program that will help analyze the effectiveness of the game system in Gosloto 6 out of 45 “SummaPar”.

Let's look at an example of a simple analysis. Select the circulation for the forecast - 301, click the "Forecast" button. We get a list of the 50 best combinations, and immediately see the results of the 301st draw (highlighted in red). 21 pairs and 2 triplets were guessed. With costs of 50*50=2500 rubles, we are in the minus. The forecast for the 306th draw looks even sadder - only one pair was guessed. But the next draw, 307, is pleasing - 34 pairs and 12 triplets (48 out of 50 winning tickets). Even better is the 316 draw - 19 pairs, 23 threes and 5 fours! All that remains is to guess in which circulations to use the system. For this purpose, you can additionally use other systems. For example, display not 50, but up to 5000 results and select from them using additional criteria.

Ball Step.

Let's start with the definition: The pitch is the difference between the numbers of the runs in which the Ball was drawn. If the Ball is dropped in two draws in a row, then Step = 1, if through a draw, then Step = 2, etc. Now for each Ball we count how many times Step1, how many Step2, etc. were dropped. Let's summarize the results in a table. From the table (compiled for the forecast of 465 draws) it can be seen that Ball3 came up 8 times in a row, 17 times after a draw, and only 5 times after 2 draws. The working method is as follows: For each Ball, we calculate the Step that will happen if this Ball falls out and look at the table how many times the Ball fell out at this Step. We select the Balls with the highest amount. Although, take the same 465 circulation. For Ball15, Step=1 (dropped 15 times), and for Ball2, Step=3 (2 times), and Ball2 came up... Apparently, the system can be used as an auxiliary system, in conjunction with other systems. Although, for the 460th draw, using ShaguShar you can guess 31 pairs and 19 triplets...

It is more convenient to create a table for each circulation and determine the Steps using the program.


The easiest way to explain the “transition” is with an example: if “8” came up in a draw, and “20” in the next draw, then this is a “transition from 8 to 20” (8->20). For example, circulation No. 1= 15 17 22 23 25 33; No. 2= 19 23 24 29 44 45. Fill out the “Transitions” table: 15->19, 15->23, 15->24, ... 33->44, 33->45. There are 36 transitions in total. We take the next pair of draws No. 2 and No. 3, etc. Let's fill out the table for 300 circulations and see what happens. The transition 11->26 occurred 14 times, and the transition 11->9 only 3 times. Let's try to make a forecast of the 301st circulation based on the "Transition" table (we can't do without a program here). Out of 50 combinations, 30 pairs and 13 triplets were guessed (better than for "SumPairs"). If you use “SumPairs” and “Transitions” at the same time, you will guess fewer: 29 pairs and 8 triplets. This suggests that each system must be used with a certain “influence coefficient”, so that each system increases the overall result, and does not decrease it. Determining such “influence coefficients” is the task of future developments.

Filter Even/Odd.

Everything is simple here: Each draw can contain from 0 to 6 even Balls and resp. from 6 to 0 odd. We put a check mark against the desired number of even Balls and only such combinations will participate in the forecast. It should be noted that the real distribution of the number of even Balls exactly coincides with the theoretical distribution, so this filter does not provide any particular advantage.

Filter "Snowflake".

An interesting filter found on the Internet. The main idea is this: based on the results of the previous draw, we divide all 45 Balls into two unequal parts - the larger part (BC) and the smaller part (MC). The number and values ​​of Balls in warheads and warheads change all the time (maximum warheads = 23 and warheads = 22, minimum warheads = 44, warheads = 1). Let's see how many Balls in the next draw ended up in the larger part and how many in the smaller part. The BC/MC ratio can be from 0/6 to 6/0. From the statistics for 300 circulations it can be seen that the BC/MC ratio was 4/2 in 32% of circulations, 3/3 in 26%, 5/1 in 22%, i.e. in 80% of circulations the ratio was 4/2, 3/3 and 5/1. The ratio 0/6 (i.e. all 6 balls hit the smaller part) happened only once (circulation 295, Mch = 19), although the smaller part often happens = 15..22 balls.

Now let's talk about how the "Snowflake" filter is calculated.
We arrange all 45 Balls in a circle, mark the Balls of the last draw and connect them with straight lines. We find the center of gravity (CG) of the resulting hexagon, connect the CG to the origin point and draw a secant perpendicularly. The secant divides all the Balls into two parts - Bch (the one with more Balls) and Mch. The results of the next draw will give us the Bch/Mch ratio. According to statistics, in 80% of draws, the majority of draws end up with 3-5 Balls, and the minority, respectively. 3-1.

Ivan Ognev's system.

Ivan Ognev's gaming system is based on the assumption that for each draw it is possible to calculate the "Characteristic Number of Ognev" (HARCHO), based on it, create a series of several numbers, one of which is likely to appear in the next draw. Ognev's numbers are calculated based on the results of the circulation as follows. For example, take circulation No. 299 = 10, 29, 31, 34, 39, 40. Find the difference between neighboring numbers = 19, 2, 3, 5, 1. Repeat the operation until one number remains (= 17, 1, 2 , 4; = 16, 1, 2; = 15, 1; = 14). The number 14 is KharCHO. Often, the last number turns out to be 0 or 1. Then, in the penultimate step, we calculate not the difference of the two numbers, but their sum. Circulation No. 300 = 8, 15, 16, 31, 38, 45. Last pair = 2, 2; Because 2-2=0, then we accept HarCHO=2+2=4. If the sum of the last pair is again equal to 1 or 0, then we leave it that way. Real KharCHO were found from 0 to 40 (in circulation No. 354, 20-20=0, next 20+20=40). Next, from KharCHO we obtain a series of numbers as follows: KharCHO is squared, cubed, etc. (we discard numbers greater than 45). We successively subtract HarCHO from the square until we get zero. Examples: KharCHO=2, row= 2, 4, 8, 16, 32; KharCHO=3, row= 3, 6, 9, 27; KharCHO=14, row=14, 28, 42;

Now let’s analyze Ognev’s numbers using the GosLotoWin program (Menu->Analysis->Ognev). The figure shows the results of the draws, a series of Ognev Numbers for each draw, and the numbers that appeared in the subsequent draw are highlighted in blue. For each draw there are from 0 to 6 numbers (usually 4-5), one or two win. Out of 430 past draws, the Characteristic Number of Ognev (HARCHO) fell out in 200 (46.5%), i.e. in every second draw one of Ognev's numbers from the previous draw falls out.

The figure shows that the most common drops are HarCHO =2(18%), =3(18%), =4(13%). Because KharCHO does not win in every draw, so it is interesting to trace the trend over a certain period of time. An example of a small sequence (1- dropped, .- didn’t drop). =.11.111.1..11..11...111..=

A small example: according to statistics, KharCHO=2 came up in 18% of draws (95 times out of the past 519), of which in 54% of cases not a single number from Ognev’s series (2, 4, 8, 16, 32) won. More often than others, Ball 16 (16%) wins, less often 4 (4%), in 5% of draws two or more Ognev numbers win at once.

You can read more interestingly about Ivan Ognev’s system.

These formulas are almost the same.
Npr- number of the draw in which the Ball is expected to appear.
N- the number of the draw in which the Ball was drawn for the last time.
m- the total number of Ball drops.
An example of the Balls forecast using the Karnauch and Power function formulas for draw No. 526. The table shows: Ball; The number of the draw in which this Ball should appear; Deviation from the predicted circulation; Deviation is the same, only for clarity, shown from the range -1..+2. The Balls drawn in Draw No. 526 are highlighted in red.
It is clearly seen that Ball 3, according to calculations using both formulas, should have fallen out in draw No. 526, and it did. The winning of Ball 5 was predicted only by the Carnauch formula, and the predicted Balls 28, 29 and 30 never came out.

Groups and Markov Chains.

Description of Groups and Markov Chains will be ready later. A brief description is in the HELP for the program GosLotoWin.

Descriptions of other systems will be added soon. If you have interesting ideas, then I will add them to the program for analysis.