Starlight lights.

At the end of May, namely on the 28th, we will not indicate the year, the singer, already popular today, was born. This happened in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The name of this already full-fledged star is simple and modest - Sveta.

Everyone knows the songs of this singer, you have often heard them on the radio, seen clips on TV. All lyrical songs performed by Sveta sound very sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, so that every listener perceives them with all my soul. Her work has no expiration date, just like love, which is the main theme of all the singer’s work. Love - happy and unhappy, eternal and unrequited - all these are Sveta’s songs. Her gentle and pleasant voice is pleasant to the ear, and looking at her is a pleasure, she combines all the best.

The highest quality music is real music

Sveta not only sings songs with a deep lyrical meaning, but also participates in the processing of songs and the creation of music best composers and DJs.

Star recipe

Even as a little girl, Sveta was already close to music. She received two at the same time music education- vocals and piano class. After this, she entered and successfully graduated from the Rostov School of Arts, then the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts with honors.

She began her lighting career in her small homeland. Her very first appearance on stage occurred when she was only 5 years old. Only 10 years passed and she heard the track performed by herself on the radio. This was already a significant reason for pride. But the first serious breakthrough big stage happened in 1999. at that moment her album “Love” was released. The album was made together with famous musicians, members of the PPK group Sergei Pimenov and Alexander Polyakov. Sveta wrote all the lyrics and music herself, but they made a high-quality and fashionable arrangement.

This the album brought simply stunning success to the singer. Her songs began to take first place in all possible charts on radio and television. it sold several million copies. Lights began to arrive great amount proposals for cooperation from record companies, radio stations, channels, newspapers and magazines.

In 2001, in his hometown Sveta presented her next album, “Other”. The concert took place at the local sports palace, but even that could not accommodate all those who wanted to attend the concert of their favorite singer. The track of the same name from the album became the leader musical hit parades of the country, later a video clip was shot for the song, which was actively played on all popular music channels.

Just a year later, the singer’s new disc “Come Back, My Love” is released. This was the first album without the help of the PPK project, so Sveta was more worried than usual. This album marked the beginning of a new stage in the singer’s life, her independent creative path. But Sveta was worried in vain, because already in the first weeks three songs from the album hit the charts of many radio stations, including the popular Dynamite FM radio. Then both Sveta and everyone around realized that independent work was no less successful, because now the arrangements for all compositions were made by Dj Grove, Vyacheslav Tyurin and Dj Vartan. The songs filled all the dance floors of all discos in Russia and beyond.

Despite constant trips and tours, Sveta finds time to write down her new album"The most tender". It was released just in time for Valentine's Day - February 14, 2003. The love songs in this album are dedicated to all lovers on the planet. Songs such as “Fly Beyond the Clouds,” for which another video of the singer was shot, and “Blue-Eyed Dolphins” became undeniable hits. Success did not leave the artist.

But Sveta didn’t stop active work. A year later, on May 28, 2004, a new album, “Where to Find Love?” appeared on store shelves. On her birthday, she signed autographs for everyone in one of the large Moscow stores. wonderful video clips were shot for the songs “Or maybe yes...” and “You’re not mine.” The video of the work was shown on all popular TV channels in the country and throughout the CIS. The song of the same name "Where to find love?" became another new step in the singer’s work. She wrote it together with the producer of the Reflex group Vyacheslav Tyurin. Until this moment, Sveta herself was the author of poetry and music, but this time, Vyacheslav wrote the music. And only then Sveta wrote the lyrics to a popular song.

The singer's next disc will be released on May 1, 2005. “A Month”, “What Love”, “Sky and Sea” - all these songs are from this album. The music in this album is heavier and more intense. electronic sound, which was not previously characteristic of Sveta’s work. The artist's fans liked him. After some time, the album was released again, but with an addition in the form of two songs, “Tanned” and “What Are You?”.

In 2007, there was an unusual turn in the singer’s creative activity. Sveta collaborates with the Rostov group "Amsterdam", which performs rock. And this experiment became quite successful. But, despite the support of fans, Sveta still returns to her usual course and begins to work in her usual style. Dance music is more harmonious to her state of mind.

In the winter of 2009, a new album, “My Heart,” was released. which was produced by the Mystery Sound company. This disc simply delighted all fans of Sveta’s work. It contained completely new songs, as well as new versions and arrangements of well-known and beloved songs from early albums singers.

A deluxe edition of the album is also available for sale. Along with the disc you can receive pleasant gifts in the form of posters, lyrics of all songs, music videos main song, as well as a wonderful collection of children's and family photos singers. The slide show is designed to be easy to view and features an acoustic version of "Don't Tell" as background music.

Throughout her creative career, in each album of the singer there were those songs that are called fateful. Many compositions performed by Sveta are well-known and beloved. But still, we can highlight those songs that will forever remain in the hearts of fans: “The Road to the Airport”, “Your Eyes”, “Another”, “What Should I Do”, “Enough, Enough” and the completely new “My Heart”. But Sveta is not going to stop creative path and cooks new program, a new album, is constantly touring throughout the country.

Now Sveta is cooking pleasant surprise For all the fans, this is a re-release of all albums. This collection of creativity will become not only a collection of well-known and favorite tracks, but also what was not included in any album: songs in various arrangements (lyrical and electronic), numerous remixes.

The main task that Sveta sets for herself is to continue to create and delight her fans more and more often. Therefore, we wish the singer frequent meetings with her muse, happiness in her personal life, health, prosperity and love as beautiful as in her songs!

“I can’t say why you love me so much. But I’m good, and that’s why I love myself.”

Singer Sveta is the owner of a clear, ringing voice, which in the first decade of the new century attracted full houses. The beautiful brunette drove the male half of her fans crazy, and the girls tried to imitate her. With the theme (all singles are dedicated to love) and sincere performance, Svetlana managed to easily reach every heart of the younger generation.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Koltunova was born and raised in Rostov-on-Don. The singer does not talk about her parents, trying to protect her fans from unnecessary attention. Musical talent and a sense of rhythm appeared in early childhood. The baby first appeared on stage at the age of five, and her song was later played on local radio.

Her abilities required sharpening, and Sveta joined the students of two music schools at once: in one she learned to play the piano, in the other she polished her vocals. She got acquainted with touring life early, performing as part of a folk ensemble in Russian cities and even abroad.

At the end high school The question of where to go to study did not even arise. A long-decided matter - of course, at the art school. I didn’t have to go anywhere; there was a good cultural institution in my hometown.

At the Rostov School, the girl received a diploma in the specialty " choral conductor” and left for the city on the Neva for additional knowledge. At St. Petersburg University, Svetlana Koltunova received another profession - stage director.


Creative biography took off in 1999. The girl became friends with musicians Sergei Pimenov and Alexander Polyakov, who played in the Rostov group PPK. The guys once heard Svetlana’s soft, but at the same time deep voice and offered to collaborate. Koltunova joined creative duo, fruit collaboration became the album “Love”.

After the presentation of the record, Sveta was overwhelmed by a wave of love from Russian music lovers, the songs instantly turned into hits. This album sold half a million copies in a few months, providing the musicians with both popularity and money.

Songs "What Should I Do?" and “Your Eyes” sounded incessantly from the radios. Svetlana began to fill the halls; listeners wanted to see the performer “live.” And in the fall of 2001, the Rostov Sports Palace was bursting with an influx of people - Sveta gave a presentation of the new album “Other”.

Sveta’s song “What should I do?”

The discography expanded rapidly, and the singer had enough energy to release records every year. Less than 12 months have passed since “Come Back, My Love!” was released. The famous composer and director Vyacheslav Tyurin had a hand in the creation of this work. The singer was already expected in every corner of Russia. But she organized her first large-scale tour along the Black Sea coast.

In 2003, Sveta gave a wonderful gift to all lovers - she created an incredibly romantic, lyrical album “The Most Tender”, which was released on the Day. And a year later she united popular songs, a particular fan favorite, with the cover of “Where Can I Find Love?”

Then the performer suddenly decided to add electronics to her music, releasing the album “No More” as an experiment. Expectations were justified: not only loyal fans appreciated it, but the audience was significantly expanded by newcomers.

The collaboration with the Amsterdam team turned out to be fruitful. With this group, Svetlana created an entire album in which creativity acquired unexpected but pleasant features. In 2009, the singer’s last disc to date, “My Heart,” was released. This is a collection that mixes new compositions with remixes of old ones popular songs. The talent of the Rostov resident was awarded the Golden Gramophone award in the same year.

Sveta’s song “What about love”

For the next decade, although the artist did not please with albums, she continued to write songs and organize concerts. In the interview, she promised to give fans a gift - to re-release all the records, adding compositions that had been shelved.

Sveta skillfully mixes different genres. The songs trace the motifs of synth-pop, pop-rock, house, vocal trance and, of course, dance music. The peculiarity of creativity is that the artist independently writes lyrics and melodies for songs.

Personal life

There have always been many rumors surrounding the personal life of the bright, tall brunette (the singer is 174 cm tall and weighs 65 kg). Fans attributed the girl's marriage to the oligarch. They said that she had left Russia long ago and was living happily in Europe. But this is nothing more than speculation.

Sveta actively maintains a photo and video page on "Instagram", which introduces all the ins and outs of her life today.

The singer remains faithful to her homeland and lived in Rostov for a long time. She managed to be married twice and has three children. The family with the first husband quickly broke up; a son, Nikita, was born into this marriage.

Soon Sveta got married again, and her chosen one was the popular DJ Jump, aka Mikhail Teplitsky. In 2009, the couple had a daughter, Diana. Three years later, news appeared on the Internet that the performer was pregnant again - she gave birth to a son, Yaroslav.

Sveta now

Svetlana continues to delight fans with her creativity: she performs at Russian scenes, records new songs, sometimes keeps company with other musicians. So, in 2017, Sveta presented fans with the video “The Road to the Airport.” The artist also tours European cities, for last years managed to perform at venues in Venice, Paris, Germany and Holland.

Song by Sveta and Timati “The Road to the Airport”

From time to time, the brunette beauty graces fashion magazines. He doesn’t hide from journalists and talks about life events with pleasure. Although the performer moved from Rostov to Moscow, she does not forget about small homeland: together with his family he often comes to the city of his childhood to visit or just relax on vacation. And the girl also managed to get a second higher education. Now she is also a psychologist, and with honors.

Sveta began the summer of 2018 with the “Big Disco of the 2000s”, which died down at the Yakutsk stadium. And on July 21, together with colleagues who were popular in the early 2000s, she became a guest on the show “Hello, Andrey!” In a program aired on the Russia 1 channel, the artist met with the singer, performers and participants and other stars of the early 2000s.


  • 1999 - “Love”
  • 2001 - “Other”
  • 2002 - “Come back, my love”
  • 2003 - “The most tender”
  • 2004 - “Where to find love?”
  • 2005 - “No more needed”
  • 2007 - “Sveta and the Amsterdam group”
  • 2009 - “My Heart”

Singer of Light - interesting person, whose biography clearly demonstrates that the personal life of stars differs little from the average, despite all beautiful photos, demonstrating success and wealth. Having started her training from childhood, the girl systematically climbed musical Olympus. But creative success and high earnings did not save the singer from the fate of a single mother.

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Koltunova was born in Rostov-on-Don. The future was born Russian star May 28, 1980, before the collapse of the USSR. About her family and parents popular singer Sveta tries not to tell, not wanting to attract too much public attention to her.

Gifted from early childhood musical ear and with a sense of rhythm, Svetlana insisted that her parents send her to a music school. But since in educational institution It was not possible to study vocals and piano at the same time; she had to go to different institutions, adjusting the schedule of her classes and performances with the teachers. In parallel with this, the girl was studying in folklore ensemble, in which she performed on tours in Russian cities and abroad.

After receiving a diploma of secondary education, the future artist entered the Rostov College of Arts to major in choral conductor, where skilled teachers helped her learn how to behave correctly on stage. Not wanting to stop there, Svetlana went to St. Petersburg, where she graduated from the University of Culture and Arts, choosing a specialty in production director.

Career rise

Sveta began writing her first songs in early childhood, from the age of five. Over the years of practice and study at a music school, Svetlana learned to create not only texts, but also music. Therefore, all the albums released by the popular performer from Rostov are her pride. The girl wrote the music and lyrics for her songs herself.

At the age of 18, the talented performer met the musicians of the PPK group Alexander Polyakov and Sergei Pimenov. Having heard Svetlana sing, the young people invited her to perform in their group.

The singer performed in the group "PPK"

And after much work, they created a unique album called “Love”, the songs of which became popular. Incredible success and a huge number of singles turned the unknown Svetlana Koltunova into a star. Behind short term half a million albums were sold and huge funds were raised, which not only paid for the recording of the album, but also brought in considerable income.

Already in 2001, the young star began to gather a large audience who wanted to hear the singles “Your Eyes” and “What Should I Do?” live. Thanks to the support of DJs working at radio stations, singer Sveta was able to gain huge song listening ratings and receive large audience listeners. In the same year, having already managed to create a stir for her first album, Sveta again pleased her many fans with the release of her second collection, “Another”.

In the summer of 2002, the most popular radio stations in the country played songs from the album “Come back, my love!”, recorded with the support and participation of the famous Vyacheslav Tyurin. Sveta went on an exciting and fulfilling positive emotions tours along the Black Sea coast, giving joyful emotions to their fans.

For Valentine's Day 2003, Sveta pleased her fans with the release of the romantic and very lyrical album “The Most Tender,” which sounded in all corners of the CIS countries.

And a year later, in May 2004, gaining huge concert halls Svetlana released a collection of songs called “Where to find love?”, which had more drive, positive emotions and joy.

In May 2005, singer Sveta decided to add more electronics to her albums, releasing the experimental album “No More,” which appealed not only to existing fans, but also attracted a new audience of listeners. Deciding not to deviate from the traditions of collaboration with various DJs, Sveta recorded the album with the participation of Roman Korotkikh under the guidance of sound engineer Evgeny Loginov.

After a temporary lull, in 2007 Sveta again surprised her fans by recording an unusual and unexpected album in collaboration with the Amsterdam group. Two years later, Sveta reached a new creative level. Her collection “My Heart” was recorded in 2009 famous company“The Mystery of Sound”, which is an indicator high level musician in the world of show business.

Personal life

Singer Sveta is a public figure whose biography and personal life are constantly visible, because she actively maintains a page on Instagram, where she regularly posts photos of her children. Therefore, if not everything, then a lot is known about the romantic page of Koltunova’s past and present.

Singer Sveta was married twice. The first marriage ended in a very quick divorce. Except for the girl unpleasant memories There is also a son, Nikita, born in 2001. The second time, Sveta took into account previous mistakes and tried to choose her partner more carefully.

Taught by the bitter experience of a quick divorce, the girl decided not to be alone and married the famous DJ Jump, aka Mikhail Teplitsky. THIS time the singer was lucky. In 2009 in happy marriage Svetlana gave birth to a daughter, Diana. And in 2012, the son of Yaroslav.

Currently, the singer Sveta, who has stopped releasing new albums, has not disappeared anywhere. She continues to perform on stage, recording new singles with popular DJs and musicians. Despite the fact that Sveta has three children, she often shoots for fashion magazines and does not mind giving interviews to journalists, talking about new events in her life.

Not wanting to stop there, singer Sveta launched new round in her biography, which made adjustments to her personal life: the young mother began to build her career in the capital of Russia, which can be seen from both the interview and the photo. According to Koltunova, she films in Moscow interesting clips and works, and relaxes in Rostov with his family.

Svetlana also regularly goes on tour to Europe, attending concerts at major and small towns. The singer has already managed to visit Paris, Venice, travel around the cities of Germany and Holland, delighting foreign audiences with her cheerful and popular songs.

Sveta does not forget about education. At a certain point in her life, the girl realized that she lacked the skills to communicate with her fans. Therefore, in order to better understand her audience, to whom she regularly performs at concerts, Svetlana entered the Faculty of Psychology.

On this moment She has already received a specialist diploma with honors and believes that the knowledge gained during her studies will help her in her future career.

Singer Sveta admits that her biography and personal life are regularly adorned with incredible rumors and compromising photos. As an example, we can cite the story that the girl is the wife of an oligarch and lives abroad, having long ago left the expanses of the Russian Federation.

According to the singer, such rumors are spread by those who are unable to come to terms with the fact that she is the same person as many of her fans. She goes to the store for groceries, cooks food for her family and regularly travels on the Rostov-Moscow flight, combining everyday life with her singing career.

On May 28 of a not very distant year, a star was born in Rostov-on-Don, who the current moment became a real star. The name of this star is very simple, but, nevertheless, very bright Light. Her songs are known to everyone, her popularity is clear and obvious to everyone: any lyrical composition Svety is imbued with true, genuine feelings that are close to many. In her songs always current topics, because love, according to the singer herself, is a feeling that will always live among people. It cannot be otherwise. Love is immortal. Another component of success is Sveta’s soft, amazing voice, which harmoniously combines with deep, multifaceted lyrics. Well, the third component of popularity is a very obvious element. Can music exist without music? In Sveta’s songs, the music is always of the highest standard; the arrangements are made by the most fashionable and sought-after DJs.

How to become a star? Throughout her adult life, Sveta was devoted to music. She studied in two at once music schools by classes: vocals and piano. Then she graduated from the Rostov College of Arts, and later from the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts with honors. My creative activity Sveta started in her hometown. She first appeared on stage at the age of five. At fifteen she heard her voice on the waves of a local radio station. And I was very proud of it. But people really started talking about Sveta in 1999, when it was released. debut album called "Love". This was a joint work with musicians Sergei Pimenov and Alexander Polyakov participants famous project"PPK". Sveta wrote the words and music, PPK made the arrangements. “Love” bore fruit: the first lines in all kinds of music charts, enormous and irrevocable popularity. The album sold millions of copies, which attracted the interest of many record companies, radio stations, press, and television.

In the fall of 2001, a presentation of the new album “Other” took place in Rostov-on-Don. The Sports Palace, where the concert took place, could not accommodate everyone. Song with same name becomes the leader of the charts of the country's main radio stations. A little later, a video clip was shot for the song “Another”, which could be seen on air on all music channels.

In the summer of 2002, Sveta released a new disc, “Come back, my love.” Before the release of the album, Sveta was more worried than ever. After all, this record becomes a new stage in the singer’s work: previous works were the fruit of joint efforts with the PPK group. Now she worked without their participation. Fears and worries turned out to be in vain - three songs simultaneously entered the hit parade of the Dynamite FM radio station. It became clear to everyone, without exception, that the album was successful. And no wonder: the arrangements were made by DJ Groove, Vyacheslav Tyurin and DJ Vartan. The most fashionable discos in the country danced to these songs.

In between tours, Sveta writes songs for the new album “The Most Tender”, which is released on Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2003. Sveta dedicated her songs to all lovers. Several songs, namely “Fly beyond the clouds” (a video was also shot for this song) and “Blue-Eyed Dolphins” became absolute hits. And again success, and again first places in all the charts.

On May 28, 2004, Sveta’s new album “Where to find love?” went on sale. On her birthday, the singer held an autograph session in one of the large stores in Moscow. Video clips were shot for songs from this album “Or maybe yes” and “You’re not mine” , which were in rotation on all music TV channels in the country. The disc also presented the fruit of collaboration between Sveta and Vyacheslav Tyurin, producer of the Reflex group: the song “Where can I find love?”, something new in the singer’s work. Before this song, the author of the music and lyrics was always Sveta. Vyacheslav offered his music to the singer, and Sveta again wrote the words herself.

On May 1, 2005, the disc “No More Needed” was released, which included songs such as “A Month”, “What about Love”, “Sky and Sea” and other hits. By the way, the album differs from the previous ones in its more electronic, somewhat heavier sound. Nevertheless, the experiment was a complete success: the album was happily received by fans, and later even a re-release of this popular album was released, which was supplemented with two new hits “Tanned” and “What are you?”.

The year 2007 was marked by a new experiment Sveta recorded an album with the non-dance Rostov group “Amsterdam”. Sveta sang rock! And again a successful experience - the fans liked such new, albeit unusual music. IN next year Sveta, however, decides to return to her traditional sound. After all, dance music is its main element.

In February 2009, the company “Mystery of Sound” released Sveta’s new album “My Heart”. The disk has become the best gift for fans of the singer. It includes both completely new works and remixes of songs that have become real hits of our time. They sound new, but with the same soulful and bewitching voice of Sveta. The deluxe edition of the album includes many bonuses, including a poster, lyrics, a video for the title song and a unique gift for all fans an exclusive DVD slideshow consisting of Sveta’s childhood and family photographs, replacing each other with an acoustic version of the song “ Do not say".

It is difficult to determine or single out the main, fateful songs in Sveta’s work. Since almost all of them, after the release of each new album, became famous and loved by the listener. And yet we can name those that remain important to this day, both for Sveta herself and, of course, for fans, these are: “The Road to the Airport”, “Your Eyes”, “Another”, “What Should I Do” , “Enough, Enough” and a new composition “My Heart”. Creative plans the singer has a lot. A new concert program is already ready.

A magnificent gift for fans is being prepared for release: a reissue of all the singer’s albums. Owners of this updated, remastered edition will find many surprises: in addition to well-known tracks, it will include previously unreleased songs, many remixes that were not included in the first editions and completely fresh arrangements of good old hits.

In a word, Sveta will continue to delight her fans, whose army is growing from album to album. And we, all the fans, can only wish Sveta great creative success, endless inspiration, inexhaustible cheerfulness and, of course, great love!

“I don’t know why they love me. I love myself because I am a good person.”