All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in world artistic culture. During the Olympiad, participants




Moscow, 2017


1. Description of the specifics of the subject Olympiad in art (World artistic culture)
2. General provisions
3.Characteristics of content school stage
4. Principles of compilation olympiad assignments and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks for the school and municipal stages
4.1. General structure of a set of tasks for the school stage Five types of tasks for the first classroom round of the school stage
4.2. Recommended set of tasks for the first classroom tour
5. general characteristics second round tasks
5.1. Characteristics of tasks for participants in grades 5-6
5.2. Characteristics of tasks for participants in grades 7-8
5.3. Characteristics of tasks for participants in grades 9, 10, 11
6. Methodology for assessing the completion of olympiad tasks
7. Description of the necessary logistics to complete the Olympiad tasks
8. List of reference materials, communications and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad
9. Samples (examples) of tasks at the school stage
9.1. Examples and types of tasks for participants in grades 5-6
9.2. Examples of the first type of tasks
9.3. Examples of the second type of tasks
9.4. Examples third type tasks
9.5. Examples of the fourth type of tasks
9.6. Example of a fifth type task
9.7. Approximate topics of tasks for the second round

10. Municipal stage of VOS
11. Characteristics of the content of the municipal stage
12. Principles of compiling Olympiad tasks and creating sets of Olympiad tasks for the municipal stage
13. General structure of a set of tasks at the municipal stage Four types of tasks at the municipal stage
14. Recommended set of tasks
15. Methodology for assessing the completion of olympiad tasks
16. Description of the necessary logistics to complete the Olympiad tasks
17. List of reference materials, communications and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad
18. Samples (examples) of tasks
18.1. Examples of the first type of tasks
18.2. Examples of the second type of tasks
18.3. Examples of the third type of tasks
18.4.Examples of the fourth type of tasks
19. List of literature, Internet resources and other sources for use in preparing assignments for the school and municipal stages



Goals and objectives of the Olympics

The school stage of the All-Russian Art Olympiad for schoolchildren is one of the most important in the development of the Olympiad movement. It promotes

Identifying the orientation of students’ interests, the level of their knowledge and skills,

Identifying the level of development of key (general cultural, educational-cognitive, communicative-informational, value-semantic) and special subject competencies;

Identifying the level of general culture of the participants

Gaining experience of schoolchildren’s participation in the Olympiad movement,

Providing a test of strength and psychological preparation to participate in competitions.

Goals of the school stage of the Olympiad– updating knowledge on world artistic culture, awakening interest in its aspects, developing an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world, man and own creativity; awakening interest in the socialization of creative initiatives (sociocultural adaptation of schoolchildren); identification necessary conditions to satisfy the cognitive and creative aspirations of students.

An important task is to identify the participants’ understanding of their involvement in the world cultural process.

The specifics of organizing the school stage of the Olympics should take into account the capabilities of the schools and administrative centers in which the stage is held. Administrative-territorial entities that have close proximity To cultural values(museums,

libraries, architectural monuments etc.) can use them

space for organizing the school phase. Task school stage - to intensify the attention of schoolchildren to surrounding cultural objects, their sphere of activity, to provoke creative initiative to interact with them. It is this stage that involves the use of an activity approach that will help participants directly interact with objects of art and culture. Participants in the problem field are encouraged to independently search and discover personal meanings when communicating with cultural and artistic monuments in their area.

It is necessary to take into account that the process of mastering world artistic culture is carried out variably in different regions. This could be an integrative course "Art", elective and elective courses By different directions artistic culture and other elective courses that implement the objectives art education. In addition, one should take into account the introduction into the educational space of a modern school and other general cultural courses and subjects, for example, “History of World Religions”, ORKSE and similar disciplines. The procedure for holding the Olympiad requires that the proposed Olympiad tasks comply with the approved ones educational programs, which does not exclude the possibility of including in them, in order to test an in-depth level of knowledge, materials that are ahead of the calendar study of the material, as well as revealing the general cultural level of the participants

General provisions

In accordance with clause 2.28 of the Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the central subject-methodological commission sends recommendations defining the principles for drawing up Olympiad tasks, the formation of their sets and requirements for conducting the school stage of the Olympiad.

The Subject Olympiad in Art (SOC) is designed to help improve the status of both the subject itself and school education in the field of “Art”.

The Olympics are held on the territory of the Russian Federation. The working language of the Olympiad is Russian.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 77 Federal Law No. 273, charging fees for participation in the Olympiad is not allowed.

All participants in the Olympiad are provided with jobs that provide equal working conditions and comply with sanitary rules and regulations.

Representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad, organizing committees and jury have the right to be present at the venue of the Olympiad, officials Ministry of Education and Science, as well as citizens accredited as public observers.

Before the start of the school stage, a representative of the organizer briefs the participants, informing them about the duration, procedure, time and place of familiarization with the results, and rules for filing an appeal.

The parent (legal representative) of a student who has declared a desire to participate in the school stage of the Olympiad, no less than 10 working days before the start of the school stage in writing confirms familiarization with the procedure for its conduct and provides the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad with consent to publish the Olympiad work of his minor child, including on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

During the Olympiad, participants:

must comply with the Procedure and requirements for conducting the school stage, approved by the organizer of the Olympiad stage, the central subject-methodological commission;

must follow the instructions of the organizers;

does not have the right to communicate with each other and freely move around the classroom, use communication tools and access to the Internet, except in cases provided by the organizer and related to the completion of the final task of the school stage after submitting answers to the main block of tasks;

has the right to use spelling dictionaries in the audience.

The Olympics are held in a calm, friendly atmosphere.

At the same time, violations of the established Procedure are not allowed.

If a participant violates the approved Procedure or the requirements for holding the Olympiad, the organizer’s representative has the right to remove the violator from the audience by drawing up a report on the nature of the violation and removal, signed by the organizer’s representative and the person removed.

Those removed from the Olympiad are not allowed to participate in subsequent rounds and stages.

The participant is given the opportunity to ensure that his work A checked and assessed in accordance with established criteria.

In case of disagreement with the assessment of answers to assignments, the participant has the right to file an appeal in the prescribed manner.

The consideration of the appeal takes place in the presence of the participant who filed it.

Based on the results of consideration of the appeal, the jury decides to reject the appeal and maintain the awarded points or adjust the score.


Accepts participants' work in encrypted form to check;

Evaluates completed tasks in accordance with developed and approved criteria and assessment methods;

Conducts an analysis of completed tasks with participants;

Displays works for participants who want to see their proven work;

Presents the results of the stage to the participants;

Considers appeals of participants in person, recording video;

Determines winners and runners-up in accordance with the quota established by the organizer of the stage;

Submits results protocols to the organizer for approval;

Compiles and submits to the organizer an analytical report on the results of completing the tasks of the stage.

First type of tasks

aimed at identifying educational and cognitive competence: recognition of a work of art, identifying both the general knowledge of the participants on the subject and their ability to determine, learn more or less familiar piece art by its reflection in an artistic or art historical text and may include issues related to works of art ranging from textbook and popular to less famous works art. Inclusion

the latter allows us to determine the most prepared students who are able to take part in the next municipal round of the Olympics.

Tasks of the first type become more complicated along the way of identifying the range of knowledge from textbook and popular works arts at the school stage to those less known to a wide circle at subsequent stages.

Z assignments of the first type on regional stage contain less recognizable features of the work that require special subject knowledge.

Tasks of the first type on final stage often require special advanced knowledge of the subject.

Second type of tasks

aimed at identifying emotional, personal and communicative competencies. This type of task reveals the ability of schoolchildren to emotionally perceive and convey their perception of a work of art or cultural phenomenon of various areas, their vocabulary.

Participants are invited

Define your emotional attitude to a work of art;

Use figurative language descriptions to convey your emotional impression;

record your emotional impression in the proposed artistic or artistic-journalistic form (for example, to create the text of a poster or booklet).

For analysis, both works named in the task or reproductions of their images, as well as audio or video fragments of musical works or films can be offered.

At the municipal stage, this type of task (second level of difficulty)

to determine the mood captured in the work, offers

a little-known work, the analysis of which the participant most likely has not encountered.

At the regional stage (third level of complexity) it may be offered comparative description moods of two or more works, including different types arts that develop the same theme in different ways.

At the final stage (fourth level of complexity), the task can be complicated by the proposal to determine the means of expression that contribute to the creation and transmission of different moods, as well as to conduct comparative benchmarking two or more works of different types of art.

Third type of tasks

is aimed at identifying the level of development of research and creative competencies, at identifying special knowledge and art history abilities to systematize material, arrange it in chronological sequence, and highlight phenomena that are not included in the proposed series when determining the logic of compiling a series. This type of task is aimed at identifying the participant’s ability to analyze a work of art. At the municipal stage, the task may be complicated by the proposal to identify a work of art from its fragment and analyze it in its entirety from memory, which makes it possible to identify general culture participant. The task may be complicated by the sentence

Answer questions that expand your understanding of creativity

A variant of the third type of task is to identify the characteristic features of the artist’s style from fragments of his works, from textbook ones to those less known to a wide range of viewers.

Third type of tasks is complicated by offering for work lesser-known, non-textbook works of art or less recognizable episodes of famous works, as well as asking to name the characteristic features of the artist’s creative style.

Tasks at the regional and final stages may include fragments of several works of art and be complicated by a task of the second type: to identify the leading mood of the works and artistic media its transmission; proposal to conduct a comparative analysis of the works. When completing a task, the participant can demonstrate a wider range of knowledge than defined in the task, for example, indicate the genre, note the genre characteristics of the work or name what movement in art it belongs to, name names from the environment of the author of the work, give additional information about the characteristic features of it creativity. This kind of answer extensions are assessed with additional points, which must be provided for when developing criteria and methods for assessing answers.

Fourth type of tasks

aimed at identification of special knowledge and art historical abilities to systematize material, arranging it in chronological sequence, highlighting phenomena that are not included in the proposed series, excluding from the series a sign or name that does not correspond to the series when determining the logic of compiling the series and includes test tasks for correlating definitions with the series of names of artistic phenomena, special terms related to different types of art.

It is recommended to complicate the task by inviting participants to briefly comment on the choice made, which will allow them to see the logic proposed by the participant, which may turn out to be original and not taken into account in the expected answers. It is advisable to include a point in the evaluation criteria that allows you to evaluate the originality of the approach to completing the task.

At the municipal stage, the task may be complicated by the proposal to continue a number of features of the proposed phenomena.

The fourth type of tasks reveals

The ability to identify significant content units in proposed works of art or art historical texts;

the ability to conduct a comparative analysis of works of art of a given series;

Knowledge of special terminology when comparing artistic phenomena, the ability to highlight them in the text, reveal their meaning and content, and use them independently when analyzing works of art.

Tasks to determine knowledge in the field of art historical terminology, names and characteristics of movements in art, and determine the genre of works can become more complicated both by increasing the volume of the task and by complicating the form of execution, for example, filling in the empty cells of a table when reproducing a system of genres of one of the types art.

An example of a task of the fourth type is a proposal to highlight significant content units in an artistic, art history or popular science text, or in the proposed text to highlight words denoting specific means of expressiveness of a particular type of art.

At the municipal level, the task can be complicated by the proposal to supplement a number of highlighted words with terms related to the same type of art.

For example, if, as a result of text analysis, words were isolated from it that mean means of expression sculptures: space, volume, material, shape, color, d completing the series I can be texture, scale, contour, movement, pose, gesture.

Fifth type of tasks

aimed at identifying the ability to independently search, structure and comprehend the necessary information related to MHC, the ability to navigate extensive material, mastery of search methods, as well as the knowledge of MHC necessary for such a search, as well as identifying the ability to present the results of work in the required form.

This type of task allows us to identify the level of information and communication competencies. At the first school stage, this type of task immediately represents the third level of complexity, focusing on collecting information from the Internet or in the library, but its first part (give preliminary keywords for the upcoming search) involves testing subject competencies, and the second (search and selection of necessary information) tests awareness of the forms and genres of information material (reproductions, art history articles, dictionary entries, audio files), as well as the ability to formulate the main results of the search (i.e. , reflect on your work and give a brief report).

Features of the procedure for performing the fifth type of task. It is important that the participant thinks carefully about what he will look for before approaching the books or computer. The success of the task depends on this. The participant makes preparatory notes in blue or purple ink on

a separate stamped sheet, which he is allowed to use after submitting answers to the main tasks, and use to supplement the records from the reference materials of selected resources, which he maintains in black ink. This type of task is present in a different form at subsequent stages of the Olympiad.

At the municipal stage, it would probably be difficult to conduct this type of trial, verify and evaluate the submitted materials. Therefore, the task takes the form of systematizing the proposed material or selecting what is needed for disclosure specific problem. It is recommended that the material proposed for systematization be compiled in such a way that the participant can offer systematization according to various signs(by genres, by authors, by styles, by eras, etc.).

At the regional stage, the systematization of the material is complicated by the proposal to create an exhibition concept with the task of providing the available information on the plates accompanying the proposed works of art, compiling the text of the poster, and highlighting the iconic work that will be placed on the poster.

The task may include a proposal to arrange in chronological order suggested titles and/or images of artworks.

At the final stage, this type of task develops into an expanded creative task the second round, for which 3 hours and 55 minutes are allocated.

2 tasks of the second type, 1 task of the third type,

2 tasks of the fourth type, 1 task of the fifth type.

There are 8 classroom tour tasks in total.


The school stage of the Olympiad takes place in the 2017 calendar year. In the tasks of these stages, it is quite advisable to continue the theme of the Year of Ecology. Also, 2017 is the Year of Education and Science in Great Britain and Russia, so when developing tasks you can turn to cultural interaction these countries.

In connection with the celebration of 2017 and as a cross-Year of the Greek Russian cultures It is recommended to hold the second round of the school stage of the Olympiad as a competition of sociocultural initiatives and ideas for the interaction of cultures - developing stylized design of classrooms and recreation areas, organizing thematic exhibitions, concerts and evenings, preparing presentations for use in history lessons, fine arts, MHC, etc. Best projects At the same time, it is recommended to offer it to municipal authorities for implementation. Such an organization of the Olympics will correspond to the peculiarities modern schoolchildren, which are characterized by a departure from play as a substitute activity and an orientation towards implementation, the implementation of plans. When summing up the results of the second round of the Olympiad, it is recommended to stimulate successful creative initiatives, popularize the proposals made through the media, discuss the possibility of their implementation at the administration level, aimed at maintaining students’ interest in social and cultural activities. The significance of socio-cultural initiatives and the ability to conduct a search are assessed necessary materials for their implementation.

It is recommended to give one task to the participants of the second round of each age group to develop a project to saturate the socio-cultural environment, chosen by the organizers of the scale (school, or yard, or street, or district, or transport) and present it in the form of a presentation. It is recommended to give a list as a hint significant dates 2017-

2018, associated with literary and artistic events significant for Russian (and/or world) culture.

The task is given to all participants of each age group at the same time in one classroom so that they are in the same conditions for the time of its completion. The recommended completion time is one to two weeks. The preparation period, preparation time and topic are determined by the municipal subject-methodological commission in agreement with the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad.


It is recommended to include in the set of tasks for participants in grades 7-8 6-7 tasks, which by their nature prepare students to perform tasks of higher parallels in the future. Recommended time for completing assignments for students in grades 7-8 2.5 – 3 astronomical hours. The type of tasks may be similar to the tasks of other age groups, but correspond to the material of grades 7-8.

The execution time may be adjusted by the organizing committee depending on the specific conditions of the Olympics.


The specific number of points awarded for completing specific tasks is indicated in the keys prepared by the municipal subject-methodological commission for members of the Jury, which indicates maximum amount points for completing each task.

It is recommended to indicate possible differentiation of assessments. If the task indicates the need to indicate full name the author or the exact title of the work, a different number of points is awarded for an answer that indicates only the author’s first and last name, for example, “Ilya Repin” (2 points), the author’s first, patronymic and last name: “Ilya Efimovich Repin” (4 points) and initials and surname of the author: “I.E. Repin" (3 points).

If the task is related to a proposal to name an exhibition (presentation, documentary film) different numbers of points are awarded for a nominative name, a metaphorical name and a name using a quotation.

When assessing the performance of olympiad tasks final stage The following criteria are taken into account for the Olympiad:

Depth and breadth of understanding of the question: logical and justified expansion of the answer to the question posed using extra-curricular material;

The originality of the approach to revealing the theme and idea of ​​the analyzed work of art (finding justifiably original criteria for systematizing the proposed material);

Knowledge of special terms and ability to use them;

Ability to carry out artistic analysis works of art;

Ability to relate character traits works of art with the time of its creation, features of the cultural and historical era, direction or movement in art;

The ability to chronologically correlate the proposed works of art;

Ability to carry out comparative analysis two or more works of art (including different types of art);

The logical presentation of the answer to the question posed;

Reasoning of the position stated in the answer: citing facts, names, titles, points of view;

The ability to convey your impressions of a work of art (vocabulary, mastery of styles);

Literacy of presentation: absence of rough verbal, grammatical, stylistic, spelling (especially in terms, names

genres, movements, works of art, names of their authors), punctuation errors;

The presence or absence of factual errors.


In the first round of the school stage of the Olympiad, when completing written tasks, it is allowed to use only spelling dictionaries.

When completing a task to collect material, access to the Internet is allowed for a period of time determined by the organizing committee (recommended time 15 minutes).

By doing homework to participate in the second round of the school stage of the Olympiad use reference materials and means of communication is not limited and is encouraged.


First type of tasks

Illustrations for literary works are given. (Stills from cartoons or feature films may be given).

Plot knowledge is assessed literary works and their authors, the formation of ideas about illustration (In the case of cinema, knowledge of the names of performers is additionally assessed).

Second type of tasks

A fragment of a painting is given. Find out the work by its fragment.

Describe what surrounds this fragment, what is to the right and left of it.

Write 5-6 words or phrases that convey the mood of the work.

Knowledge of paintings is assessed, general ideas about composition, the ability to feel and convey the mood of a work.

Option for the second type of task.

Describe your favorite work of art from memory in 5-6 sentences, without naming it so that you can guess what work it is about we're talking about. Write its title and author in parentheses.

Knowledge of paintings, general ideas about composition, color, knowledge of details, and the ability to feel and convey the mood of the work are assessed.

Third type of tasks

A number of names are given. They can be divided into 2 and 4 groups. Suggest your breakdown options. Give each group a name.

Hercules, Ilya Muromets, Pushkin, Thumbelina, Winnie the Pooh, Marshak, The Snow Queen, Gerda, Chekhov, Alyosha Popovich, Aphrodite, Tyutchev, Dobrynya Nikitich, Andersen.

Table 1 for the assignment.

The ability to classify and generalize knowledge from different periods of cultural development is assessed. It is recommended to award points for each word included in a reasonably compiled series and separately for the accuracy of determining the principle of systematization. It is recommended to differentiate assessments for more and less precise definitions(for example, writers - 2 points, Russian (foreign) writers 4 points.

Fourth type of task

A series of words are given. Find the extra word in each line and cross it out. Briefly explain your decision.

Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Pushkin, Glinka,

paints, brushes, piano, watercolor, palette,

Are being assessed

knowledge from different areas art, the ability to see the principle of generalization and systematization, the ability to name a phenomenon that does not fit into the generalization. It is recommended to award points for each correctly excluded word and separately for the accuracy of its definition.

Fifth type of task

The evening is getting ready at school, dedicated to the Day Victory. Make up his program. Include excerpts from them literary texts, musical works. Indicate works of art that can be projected on a screen.

This type of assignment, according to the decision of the organizers, can be given as homework as a topic for defending the project. (See recommendations for organizing the second round).

Examples of the first type of tasks

For 9th grade

Examples of the second type of tasks

For 9th grade

Example 1 of the second type of task. 9th grade.

Consider the reproduction.

1. If you recognize the work, write its title, author and time of creation.

2. Write at least 15 definitions or phrases containing them that will be needed to describe the image captured in the reproduction.

3. Distribute the written definitions into groups. Explain the principle of grouping.

4. Name at least three famous works by the same author.

Example 2 of the second type of task. 9th grade.

The task is related to listening to musical episodes and is aimed at identifying the level of development of educational-cognitive, emotional-personal and communicative competencies and is focused on identifying knowledge of musical genres, determining

genre affiliation of each of the proposed musical fragments.

In the process of completing the task, the participant must demonstrate the ability to emotionally perceive a musical work and the need to convey his emotional state figurative language.

The task also contains a reflective component.

Since the task involves listening, probably collectively, to music files, it is recommended to put it first in the set of tasks so that each participant can then move on while completing the tasks at their own pace, without being distracted.

Participants are invited to listen to 5 musical episodes. Sample list of episodes:

1. P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker"

2. Ruslan’s aria from the opera by M.I. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (fragment).

3. “I remember wonderful moment» M.I. Glinka, words by A.S. Pushkin (fragment).

4. V.A. Mozart, “Rondo in the Turkish Style” (Sonata No. 11 A major, fragment).

5. "Cats" by E. Lloyd Webber ( Memory – fragment).

6. L.V. Beethoven, Symphony No. 5, 4 parts musical composition The teacher on duty in the audience offers participants

get acquainted with the contents

School Olympiad in art (world artistic culture)

9th grade

School stage.October 2014

(70 points)

Part A.A1 What or who is the odd one out in the series? Superfluous word underline. (5 points)
    Blue, brown, black, red Portrait, landscape, graphics, fantasy Painting, mosaic, sculpture, stained glass Ballet, opera, theater, stage F. Dostoevsky, A. Blok, L. Tolstoy, I. Turgenev

A2 A cultural historian must write art historical terms correctly. Enter letters instead of spaces (5 points)

    Gra__ity - inscriptions, drawings and signs scratched or painted on walls. Le__rovka - thin transparent or translucent layers of paint Uv__rt__ra - orchestral introduction to opera, ballet. M__taphor is the transfer of the properties of one phenomenon to another based on a characteristic that is similar for both. P__tri__tism - love for the Motherland.
Part BB1 This year marks the 250th anniversary of one of the world's largest art, cultural and historical museums - the Hermitage. (10 points)
    Where is the Hermitage located?
A) in Moscow, Russia. B) in Paris, France C) in St. Petersburg, Russia 2) What does it mean in translation from french word“Hermitage” (ermitage)?A) an art museumB) a place of solitudeC) a collection of valuables3) The Hermitage began as a private collectionA) Empress Catherine 2B) King Louis 14C) Empress Elizabeth Petrovna4) How many buildings does the Hermitage complex have?A) 1B) 3C) 55 ) During the Second World War, more than 1 million works of art were evacuated to the Urals in the cityA) ChelyabinskB) SverdlovskC) Perm6) Name the architect of the main building of the Hermitage - the Winter PalaceA) B, RastrelliB) D. QuarenghiC) J. Wallen-Delamot7) In which architectural style was the main building of the Hermitage made?A) BaroqueB) ClassicismC) Rococo8) In what year was the Hermitage opened to visitors?A) in 1764B) in 1852C) in 19179) Which hall is not in the Hermitage?A) the Hall of DionysusB) St. George's HallC) Main Hall10) Which painting is not in the Hermitage? A) P. Rubens “Perseus and Andromeda” B) N. Poussin “Descent from the Cross” C) Leonardo da Vinci “Mona Lisa”

B2 In 1924, a film concern was founded in Moscow Soviet Union– Mosfilm. Select from the list and write next to the name of the film director the name of the film he created: (15 points) Aleksandrov Georgy Vasilyevich_____________________________________________Bondarchuk Sergey Fedorovich________________________________________________Bondarchuk Fedor Sergeevich_________________________________________________Gaidai Leonid Iovich_______________________________________________Gerasimov Sergey Apollinaryevich___________________________________________Govorukhin Stanislav Sergeevich________________________________________________Daneliya Georgy Nikolaevich_________________________________________________Zakharov Mark Anatolyevich___________________________________________Menshov Vladi Mir Valentinovich______________________________________________Mikhalkov Nikita Sergeevich__________________________________________________Pyryev Ivan Aleksandrovich__________________________________________________Ryazanov Eldar Aleksandrovich________________________________________________Tarkovsky Sergey Arsenievich________________________________________________Shakhnazarov Karen Georgievich________________________________________________

“The Diamond Arm”, “Afonya”, “Jolly Fellows”, “War and Peace”, The Ninth Company”, “The meeting place cannot be changed”, “Moscow does not believe in tears”, “Andrei Rublev”, “Courier”, “Hussar Ballad” ", "Formula of Love", "One among strangers, a stranger among one's own", " Quiet Don", "The Pig Farmer and the Shepherd". Underline the name of the famous film director, a native of the Chelyabinsk region. Part B

IN 1 Name Russian folk crafts, which craft is located in the Chelyabinsk region? (10 points)

AT 2 Write 15 phrases that define your feelings when viewing A. Ivanov’s painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People” (15 points)

Part D Write an essay with a title. Take the words as an epigraph: (10 points)

Answers.A1 Blue, brown , black, red ( achromatic color, the rest are chromatic colors)Portrait, landscape , graphic arts, fantasy (art form, other genres)Painting, mosaic, sculpture, stained glass ( three-dimensional art, the rest are planar)Ballet, opera, theater, stage(chamber art form, the rest are monumental) F. Dostoevsky , A.Blok, L. Tolstoy, I. Turgenev (Russian poet, other Russian writers)

A2 A cultural historian must write art historical terms correctly. Enter letters instead of blanksGra ff iti – inscriptions, drawings and signs scratched or painted on walls.Le ss coating - thin transparent or translucent layers of UV paint e rt Yu ra - orchestral introduction to opera, ballet.M e Tafora - transferring the properties of one phenomenon to another based on a characteristic that is similar for both.P A three O tism - love for the Motherland. Part BB1 This year marks the 250th anniversary of one of the world's largest art, cultural and historical museums - the Hermitage. 1)Where is the Hermitage? A) in Moscow, Russia. B) in Paris, France B) in St. Petersburg, Russia 2) What does the word “Hermitage” mean in French? A) art museum B) a place of solitude C) a collection of valuables3) The Hermitage began as a private collection A) Empress Catherine II B) King Louis 14C) Empress Elizabeth Petrovna4) How many buildings does the Hermitage complex have?A) 1B) 3 AT 5

5) During the Second World War, more than 1 million works of art were evacuated to the Urals city

A) Chelyabinsk B) Sverdlovsk C) Perm6) Name the architect of the main building of the Hermitage - the Winter Palace A) B, Rastrelli B) D. QuarenghiC) J. Wallen-Delamot7) In what architectural style is the main building of the Hermitage made?A) Baroque B) classicism B) Rococo8) In what year was the Hermitage opened to visitors? A) in 1764 B) in 1852 C) in 19179) Which hall is not in the Hermitage?A) Dionysus HallB) St. George's Hall B) Main hall 10) Which painting is not in the Hermitage? A) P. Rubens “Perseus and Andromeda” B) N. Poussin “Descent from the Cross” B) Leonardo da Vinci "Mona Lisa" B2 In 1924, the film concern of the Soviet Union, Mosfilm, was founded in Moscow. Select from the list and write next to the name of the film director the name of the film he created: Alexandrov Georgy Vasilyevich, “Jolly Fellows”, Bondarchuk Sergey Fedorovich “War and Peace”, Bondarchuk Fedor Sergeevich “The Ninth Company”, Gaidai Leonid Iovich “The Diamond Arm” Gerasimov Sergey Apollinarievich“Quiet Don” Govorukhin Stanislav Sergeevich “The meeting place cannot be changed”, Danelia Georgy Nikolaevich, “Afonya” Zakharov Mark Anatolyevich “Formula of love” Menshov Vladimir Valentinovich “Moscow does not believe in tears”, Mikhalkov Nikita Sergeevich, “One among strangers, a stranger among one’s own” ", Ivan Aleksandrovich Pyryev, “Pig Farmer and Shepherd.” Eldar Aleksandrovich Ryazanov, “Hussar Ballad,” Sergey Arsenievich Tarkovsky, “Andrei Rublev,” Karen Georgievich Shakhnazarov, “Courier,”

Q1 Name Russian folk crafts, which craft is located in the Chelyabinsk region? Khokhloma painting, Vologda lace, Gorodets painting, Dymkovskaya clay toy, Filimonovskaya toy, Palekh lacquer miniature, Polkhov-Maidanskaya and Semenovskaya nesting dolls, Abashevo toy, Zhostovo trays, Kasli casting, Gzhel and others.

Q2 Write 15 phrases that define your feelings when viewing A. Ivanov’s painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People” (1 point per term)

Part GV3 Write an essay with a title. Take the words as an epigraph: “Art is a powerful means of correcting human imperfections” Theodore Dreiser

When summing up, take into account the presence of a title, disclosure of the topic, the use of examples, your own conclusions and judgments.