Make a list of the first phenomena of ancient Russian culture. Writing and enlightenment of Ancient Rus' - vadim_pelin

The heads of many budgetary organizations would prefer to make purchases under 223-FZ rather than comply with the numerous requirements of 44-FZ. To work under 223-FZ, a number of conditions must be met. Let’s take a closer look at what conditions must be met in order to be able to make purchases under a “softer” law.

Who can work under 223-FZ?

Among other lists of organizations that can be purchased in accordance with 223-FZ, the law identifies budgetary and autonomous institutions.

What funds can be spent on purchases?

According to 223-FZ, budgetary institutions can spend on the purchase of goods, services or work only funds received from a certain type of source:

1. Grants that are provided free of charge:

2. Funds received from entrepreneurial activity within the framework of statutory purposes (for example, funds from the provision of paid educational services).

In addition, you can work with this law and in the case when a budgetary institution, as a contractor under a contract, attracts other persons to perform its duties under the contract.

Autonomous institutions may spend budget subsidies under 223-FZ, with the exception of funds allocated for capital investments in capital construction projects owned by the state or municipality, as well as for the purchase of real estate owned by the state or municipality. In this case, it is necessary to work according to 44-FZ.

What documents are needed?

The main condition for working under 223-FZ for budgetary institutions is the presence of an approved Procurement Regulations. The standard regulations were developed and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science on January 17, 2014. This provision regulates the procurement activities of institutions and must contain:

  • the procedure for preparing and conducting procurement procedures;
  • procedure for concluding and executing a contract;
  • other provisions related to procurement.

This document must be approved by the budgetary institution by its founder, and in autonomous institution- supervisory board. The procurement regulations must be posted in the Unified Information System, but until it is operational, such a document must be posted on the government procurement website:

Budget institutions in order to start working under 223-FZ, they had to post an approved procurement regulation before 04/01/2014. Those institutions that did not manage to do this will be forced to spend all funds by the end of 2014, taking into account the requirements of 44-FZ. Please note that the provision must be posted on the website within 15 days from the date of approval.

In addition, it is necessary to issue procurement plan, which should also be posted on the government procurement website. The form of such a plan was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 932 dated September 17, 2012.

To work under 223-FZ you will need:

  • obtain an enhanced electronic signature;
  • register Personal Area on the government procurement website:;
  • post the procurement regulations and procurement plan on the website;
  • place orders according to the rules established in the approved procurement regulations.

More details on the steps that must be taken to register on the site can be found in road map, posted on the government procurement website.

How to automate work under 223-FZ?

To do this, it is convenient to use the free version of the Economy Expert program. You can download the program

  • On 05.10.2017
  • 223-FZ, 44-FZ, Purchases from a single supplier, Request for quotations, Request for proposals, Tender, FAS, Electronic auction, ETP

Procurement legislation is represented by two main laws - 44-FZ and 223-FZ. The first of them regulates government procurement, the second applies to purchases carried out by state corporations and other companies with a state share. Purchases in the field of corporate orders (under 223-FZ) are carried out several times more than under 44-FZ. At the same time, the latest law is considered very strict, but 223-FZ is called much more loyal. Let's consider the principles of this law, the mechanism of its operation and.

Differences between laws

Law 44-FZ is a procedural regulatory act - it defines all the rules for conducting procurement. The customer has practically no opportunity to choose anything, with rare exceptions - he is forced to follow the clear requirements of the law. 223-FZ, on the contrary, is a framework law and gives the customer all the cards. He can set his own rules, the main thing is that they do not contradict the requirements of the law. This, perhaps, is the main difference between 223-FZ and 44-FZ.

More specifically, the difference is as follows:

Registration in ERUZ EIS

From January 1, 2019 to participate in tenders under 44-FZ, 223-FZ and 615-PP registration is required in the ERUZ register ( Single register procurement participants) on the portal UIS (Unified Information System) in the field of procurement

We provide a service for registration in the ERUZ in the EIS:

  1. Within the framework of government orders, uniform rules apply to all customers. In procurement under 223-FZ, each of them sets its own rules and reflects them in the Procurement Regulations.
  2. 44-FZ allows procurement through strictly defined procedures - auctions, tenders, requests for quotations and proposals, as well as procurement from a single supplier. Federal Law 223 does not contain a closed list of procedures, so the customer can determine the supplier using a variety of methods.
  3. Different approaches to purchasing from a single supplier: 44-FZ defines a list of cases when this is possible, and customers under 223-FZ compile this list themselves.
  4. Within the framework of 44-FZ on electronic trading platform(ETP) only auctions are held, within the framework of 223-FZ - any purchases.
  5. The customer under 44-FZ is obliged to conclude a contract with the winner of the procedure, but the customer under 223-FZ does not always enter into a contract with the winner.

Principles of 223-FZ

As mentioned above, 223-FZ provides the customer with the opportunity to determine almost everything independently. However, the rules it establishes must not contradict the law itself and its principles. And they are like this:

  1. Information openness. Any interested party should have the opportunity to see what the customer of this purchase is purchasing and on what basis.
  2. Targeted and efficient spending Money . This principle means that it will not be possible, for example, to purchase goods from a single supplier at inflated prices, because such spending of money is not effective.
  3. Any organization or individual entrepreneur can become a supplier. This principle eliminates the difficulties that small companies previously faced when trying to get a contract with a state corporation.
  4. Fairness and non-discrimination towards participants. This means that customers must not allow unreasonable restrictions on competition.

Due to the fact that the law does not establish specific requirements, its principles are from beautiful words become a mechanism through which participants can assert their rights. For example, the customer established that the supplier under the contract cannot be a company with a turnover of less than 10 million rubles. On the one hand, 223-FZ does not prohibit the customer from establishing his own rules of the game. On the other hand, this requirement directly violates the principles of the law on the participation of any person and the equality of participants. And on this basis, a supplier who cannot take part in the procurement due to low turnover has the right to go to court. note that this kind claims are considered by the courts, since .

Who should work under 223-FZ

Subjects economic activity who apply Law 223-FZ in their work are:

  • state corporations, state companies, natural monopolies, as well as organizations in which the state’s share is more than 50%;
  • subsidiaries (“subsidiaries”) of such organizations, as well as subsidiaries of these “subsidiaries”;
  • budgetary institutions, if their purchases are made at the expense of grants or funds that they earned independently, as well as in the case when they themselves are executors under the contract and attract other persons to perform it.

Procurement Regulations

The main document on the basis of which customers carry out procurement activities under 223-FZ is Procurement Regulations. It must be developed and published on before the beginning of the year.

The regulation is a kind of “law” according to which procurement activities will now have to be carried out. It is necessary to provide for the methods by which procurement will be carried out, the procedure for their preparation and implementation, the procedure for concluding contracts, a list of goods, works and services that will be purchased from small and medium-sized businesses.

The customer can change anything in his Procurement Regulations at any time - the law does not establish restrictions on this. When the Regulations are changed, it must be published new edition and a document that lists all changes.

If the customer does not approve the Regulations on time, then he will not be able to work under 223-FZ and will be forced to make purchases under 44-FZ. If in this case he neglects the norms of the legislation on public procurement, he will be fined under Part 3 of Article 7.32.3 of the Administrative Code. In accordance with this norm, the fine for legal entities is 50,000-100,000 rubles, for officials - 20,000-30,000 rubles.

In addition to the Procurement Regulations, the customer must develop a Procurement Plan for one year. Before each specific procedure, a procurement notice and procurement documentation are published.

Technical task

The parameters of the procurement object are indicated in Terms of reference. The quality of the product, work or service and their compliance with the customer’s needs directly depends on its correct preparation. According to experts, a well-written technical specification accounts for 80% of the success of a procurement, so special attention should be paid to its preparation.

The terms of reference must first of all contain a qualitative description of the procurement object. Unlike the law on public procurement, 223-FZ allows not only to specify its parameters in detail, but also to indicate trademark, as well as exact, rather than range, values ​​of certain of its characteristics. In addition, the terms of reference include requirements for configuration, quantity, timing and places of delivery, quality, installation, maintenance and training of personnel, as well as guarantees of the supplied goods. This is the minimum set of requirements that should be specified in the Technical Specifications.

Electronic signature

Both the customer and the supplier cannot do without electronic signature. And if 44-FZ determines what types of electronic signatures should be used by one or another procurement party, then 223-FZ only requires the presence of a qualified certificate. On the one hand, it is simpler - theoretically, any type of electronic signature will do. On the other hand, procurement under 223-FZ is carried out on many different platforms, which have the right to set their own requirements for the electronic signature certificate. So, a certificate obtained for working on one ETP may not be accepted by others. Thus, you need to apply for a certificate having already identified a list of sites where the supplier intends to work.

1. Old Russian folklore.

3. Writing and education.

4. Old Russian literature and social thought.

5. The influence of Christianity on ancient Russian architecture.

6. Painting Kievan Rus.



In the introduction, in our opinion, it is advisable to define the basic concepts and outline chronological framework work. So, in this work we will talk about ancient Russian culture. Let's find out what culture is and what is the subject of the history of Russian culture.

Culture is a historically established system of material and spiritual values ​​created by man, sociocultural norms, as well as methods of their distribution and consumption, the process of self-realization and disclosure creative potential individuals and society in various fields life. The subject of the history of Russian culture is one of components history of world culture - is the study of the nature of manifestation in Russian culture general patterns historical and cultural process, as well as the identification and study of private, national patterns of cultural development and features of its functioning in the data historical conditions.

Now let's look at the time frame. The first mentions of the Slavs in Greek, Roman, Arab and Byzantine sources date back to the turn of the 1st millennium AD. By the 6th century the eastern branch of the Slavs was separated. From VI to VIII centuries. in conditions of growing external danger, a process of political consolidation of the East Slavic and some non-Slavic tribes took place. This process ended with the formation of the Old Russian state - Kievan Rus (IX century).

We will consider the features ancient Russian culture from the time of the formation of Kievan Rus to the beginning of the pre-Mongol period (XII century).

1. Old Russian folklore.

Russian folk poetry has developed in Rus' since time immemorial. The mythological poetry of the ancient Slavs consisted of conspiracies and spells - hunting, shepherding, agricultural, proverbs and sayings, riddles, ritual songs, wedding songs, funeral laments, songs at feasts and funeral feasts. The origin of fairy tales is also connected with the pagan past.

A special place in oral folk art was occupied by “old times” - epic epic. The epics of the Kyiv cycle associated with Kiev, with the Dnieper Slavutich, with Prince Vladimir the Red Sun, and heroes began to take shape at the turn of the 10th – 11th centuries. They expressed it in their own way public consciousness whole historical era, reflected moral ideals people, the features have been preserved ancient life, events Everyday life. “The value of the heroic epic lies in the fact that, by its origin, it is inextricably linked with the people, with those smerd warriors who plowed the land and fought under the Kiev banners with the Pechenegs and Polovtsians.”

Oral folk art was an inexhaustible source of images and plots that fed Russian literature for centuries and enriched literary language.

2. Slavic paganism and the adoption of Christianity in Rus'.

The paganism of the Slavs was an integral part of a complex of primitive views, beliefs and rituals primitive man for many millennia. Of course, the term “paganism” is relative. It is used to denote the range of phenomena included in the concept “ early forms religion." The basis Slavic paganism consisted of the deification of the forces of nature, belief in the spirits that inhabited the world and accompany man from birth to death. Let us list some of the deities from which the pantheon gradually took shape

pagan gods: Svyatovit (god of war), Svarog (god of heavenly fire), Dazhdbog (son of Svarog, god of light and sun, giver of all blessings), Perun (god of thunderstorms), Stribog (god of wind), Volos (patron of livestock), Mokosh (female deity of fertility and household). The places of worship of pagans were pagan temples, temples, and temples, in which the Magi - the priests of the pagan religion - made sacrifices and performed many other rituals.

Having understood the ideological significance of religion for strengthening princely power, Vladimir Svyatoslavich in 980 tried to reform paganism, giving it the features of a monotheistic religion. A single pantheon of gods was created, primacy in the hierarchy of which was given to Perun (in these times he was revered as the princely warrior god of war).

But gradually developing into ancient Russian state the feudal system needed an ideology that would justify the social stratification of society. Such an ideology could only be a religion that developed in a class society and adapted to its justification. In the 10th century There were 2 such religions: Islam and Christianity. But Islam was mainly practiced in countries that were outside of active foreign policy interests. While “the connections of the Slavs with the outside world, with the centers of world culture of the Middle Ages, significantly strengthened at the time of the birth of the Kievan state... The Rus saw ships of different seas and different equipment, dozens of port cities and traded in such largest cities, like Constantinople, Rey, Itil, Belgrade.” In addition, Christianity more fully met the interests of the feudal system with its monotheism, hierarchy of saints, preaching non-resistance to evil, etc.

The introduction of Christianity (starting in 988) was a long and complex process that lasted for centuries. It was asserted not only by force, but also adapted to pagan worldview. With introduction new religion Rus' finally entered the pan-European historical and cultural landscape.

Epochs, styles; correlate ideas and images of works with various life situations; differ genuine work art from tasteless fakes. But most importantly, the course "Spiritual Culture Ancient Rus' in search of holiness" helps a growing person find a foothold and build his own system of value coordinates. Contents of the program SECTION 1. The image of Holy Rus' in history and...

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They note the openness and synthetic nature (from the word “synthesis” - reduction into a single whole) of ancient Russian culture. Heritage Interaction Eastern Slavs with the Byzantine and, therefore, ancient traditions created an original spiritual world. The time of its formation and first flowering was the 10th - first half of the 13th century. (pre-Mongol period). Let us first note the influence of the baptism of Rus' on the historical and cultural...

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