Description of the painting: Cranes are flying Stepanov. Traditional Japanese painting and engraving

In our collection you can find amazingly beautiful works depicting beautiful and noble cranes. All works are original and high quality execution. Is not simple work! The paintings presented in the catalog depicting cranes, made according to ancient technology working with silk on silk. For their production only natural silk, which is selected manually. These masterpieces are created by masters from the province of Suzhou (China). This is the only place in the world where the technology for creating silk paintings has been preserved and continues to develop. Please note that this unique technology originated many centuries ago. The emperors of China greatly valued these works - the palaces and houses of the nobility were decorated with embroidered paintings made of natural silk.

We provide you with the opportunity to purchase these exclusive works for your interior or as a gift. If you are interested in a painting of cranes, buying an image created using silk embroidery on silk technology is worth a lot! You will really get unusual picture, which will surprise you with its realism and richness of colors.

Paintings depicting cranes made from natural silk have enchanting beauty and a unique aura. The silk seems to play with light and it seems as if the image of a crane comes to life and fills the space with harmony, goodness and well-being. Using this technology, it was possible to combine the beauty and grace of these beautiful birds with the unique properties of silk - the result is amazing! Separately, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that this handmade. A silk crane painting takes 6 to 8 months to create. The master selects each thread for use in the painting. The process itself is very complex and time-consuming. But over the centuries, many magnificent masters of silk embroidery on silk were born and achieved perfection in Suzhou. The subtleties of this art have been passed on from generation to generation. And today, thanks to “Living Silk”, you have access to a painting of cranes made by the best masters this province. Here you can select the image you are interested in and buy this exclusive work. Use unique opportunity purchase a magnificently beautiful image of cranes - the paintings look amazing and will become a real decoration for your home or office.

If you are interested in a painting of cranes, it is also important to buy it from the point of view of the symbols that these birds represent. It has been known since ancient times that the crane symbolizes immortality and supremacy. His image will bring longevity, wisdom, devotion and honor. It is a symbol of success and high position in society. In countries such as China and Japan, the crane is highly revered. And it is probably no coincidence that these countries have achieved such amazing success. We recommend buying an image with cranes - this is an excellent choice and a valuable symbol that will lead you to happiness and success.

In the catalog you can choose a painting to suit every taste. From us you can buy a pair of cranes, which symbolizes a long-term and lasting union, purchase images with ten cranes, etc. The selection is very good and will allow you to really choose interesting option, which will suit your wishes. A magical properties, which this bird personifies, will bring you prosperity and success.

Contact us if you are interested in the painting of cranes - you can buy it now with delivery to any region of the country. We guarantee the quality and exclusivity of the work - you will receive a valuable painting and will be able to appreciate its beauty and grace.

Stepanov - Cranes are flying

The painting “The Cranes Are Flying” was painted by the great Russian artist Alexei Stepanovich Stepanov in 1891. This is the artist's most popular work. People are amazed by the incredible beauty of the painting and how many feelings Stepanov reflected in it.

The painting depicts peasant children admiring the landscape. Special attention the artist pays attention to their clothing - bast shoes, tied scarves, onuchi. These details show how hard life is for them, but despite this they do not lose their childish curiosity and observe nature with special interest.

The nature of this picture is incredible. It was in this painting that the artist depicted the true and unique beauty Russian land: endless meadows, forests and villages. Spring has come and nature has begun to wake up after a long winter: the grass has already turned green and very soon the first buds will bloom on the trees. And against the backdrop of all this beauty, a crane’s cry can be heard. The cranes have returned home! And it seems that this is the beginning of something new and necessarily good!

The painting “The Cranes Are Flying” evokes ambivalent and uncertain feelings. First, one feels admiration for the incredible beauty of the Russian landscape, and then one feels unbearable bitterness from the realization of how difficult the life of Russian peasants was. I think this is one of the most amazing and sensual paintings throughout the history of Russian art.

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cranes in feng shui 8 dancing

Hi all. With you Natalya Gramotkina and “Your Feng Shui” - a site about a great and interesting teaching that can change a person’s life in better side. In this article, I would like to tell you about such interesting birds, like cranes according to Feng Shui.

Background about cranes according to Feng Shui

Many ancient legends tell about the wonderful properties of this sophisticated bird.

So, for example, in ancient mythology, the crane was a companion of the god Apollo as a spring solar bird.

The crane became a companion to the god Hermes, the patron saint of travelers, because of its powerful wings that never tire.

figurine “pair of cranes”

In the service of the goddess Demeter, the crane is a companion - a harbinger of a rich harvest.

Among the ancient peoples of Europe and Asia, the arrival of cranes in their lands was considered good sign, promising a bountiful harvest and favorable events in people's lives.

There is a myth that when Hermes invented the alphabet, he wrote the first 7 letters while watching the flight of a crane wedge.

In Eastern countries, especially in China and Japan, the crane has been revered and respected since ancient times. It is a symbol of health, longevity, wisdom, prosperity, high position, nobility and justice, and is also considered a talisman of good luck. A pair of cranes symbolizes strong marriage bonds and family happiness.

mating dances of cranes

The Chinese also believe that cranes accompany angels in the sky, as well as the souls of the dead, to the other world.

And the Japanese used to consider cranes “people in feathers”, they believed that cranes were capable of taking on a human form, being messengers of God on earth.

According to one of Japanese legends, a person who makes a thousand cranes out of paper will gain health and long life.

The whole world remembers the story of the Hiroshima girl Sadako Sasaki, who at the age of 4 experienced atomic bombing and died at the age of 14 from radiation sickness. She started folding paper cranes with the hope of recovery, but managed to make only 643 figures. Sadako folded the last one, having already lost her sight. The remaining 1,357 cranes were folded by the children from the girl’s class. Sadako became the prototype for a sculpture installed in the Peace Park in Hiroshima in memory of the child victims atomic bomb. A bronze figure of a girl holds the last crane, which she managed to make herself. To some extent, the belief about a long life in relation to Sadako was justified. She died, but remained “to live in the memory” of millions of people. It has become a tradition according to which schoolchildren who come on excursions to Hiroshima must visit the Peace Park and come to the monument, leaving bundles of pre-prepared paper cranes with it.

Sadako Sasaki

In a word, the crane is a strong-winged, wise bird with many enviable qualities that have always been revered by people. Therefore, in Feng Shui, special attention is paid to it.

Cranes in Feng Shui - varieties

According to Feng Shui, cranes are used as a talisman that bestows health and long life, since in nature these birds live quite a long time. You can see both a “single” symbol and in combination with others.

Sadako Sasaki

For example, in China, a crane or cranes are often depicted (in paintings or panels) with other symbols of longevity - pine or cypress. In Japan - with chrysanthemum and pine.

Crane with turtle(most often the crane stands directly on the turtle) - means long life, happiness and protection from troubles and various troubles in life.

Crane with a stone in its paw- a symbol of vigilance and protection, faithful guard.

In order to protect its life from predators, the crane stands in the swamp on one leg and clutches a stone in the other. As soon as he dozes off and relaxes, a stone immediately falls and wakes up this sentry, tirelessly guarding his life and the life of his family. This characteristic feature The crane is reflected not only in Feng Shui, but also in world heraldry. The image of a crane with a stone was widely used on ancient noble family coats of arms.

Sadako Peace Garden in Santa Barbara

Crane with sand pouring out of its beak- means silence and prudence.

Crane with a snake in its mouth- This is the fight between good and evil.

Two cranes in a nest or crane mating dance- a symbol of a happy married life, fidelity and a strong union.

A flying crane means “high-flying bird,” that is, a symbol of achieving its goal.

Crane with peaches– good health and longevity.

Where to put the crane talisman?

cranes with pine

According to Feng Shui, cranes are a universal talisman. Suitable for almost every area. But most often it is used to activate the health zone. Well, this is not surprising. One can use it to activate other sectors. For example:

If you want your marital union to be strong and unbreakable, place a pair of cranes in southwestern sector. It can be a figurine or a panel. Your choice.

In the southern sector, the crane will help open up new prospects in life for its owner.

"Closed City", China

IN children and creativity zone The crane will bring good luck to children.

IN eastern zone(and one can say family origins) the crane will give good luck to the sons and the head of the family.

Crane with turtle installed anywhere in the house, as well as outside it, for example, in the garden or just in the yard, as a powerful protective talisman.

There is no need to use cranes according to Feng Shui, or there will be no benefit.

In 1891, the outstanding Russian artist A. S. Stepanov presented his painting “The Cranes Are Flying.” This painting is the most famous of all Stepanov’s works. Many people were and will be fascinated by the amazing beauty of the picture in which Stepanov conveyed the mood, feelings and emotions. He managed to combine the harmony of Russian nature with the unconscious experiences of the village children close to him. Presumably, the title of the painting was invented through its lyrical content.

In this picture, with the help of green colors, he was able to convey all the richness and at the same time modesty early spring. This is evidenced by the depicted puddles that formed after the snow melted. All nature begins to come to life: the grass changes its color green color, and very soon the first bunches will bloom on the tree branches, and the crane’s call indicates that spring has come. The author depicted in the background pictures of slightly visible villages, fields and forests, which show all the true and unique beauty of the Russian land.

In addition, the painting illustrates small children in soft and gentle tones. The author depicted them in the center of the picture, who apparently were walking and relaxing. It is clear that Stepanov wanted to focus on their clothing: bast shoes, onuchi, tied scarves, which maximally reflect the poverty of that time. But, despite the fact that children live a difficult, almost unbearable life, they still remain children, and observe changes in nature with curiosity. Their gaze is focused on the barely noticeable amazing flight of the cranes. The flight of the cranes in the film is presented as something that helped young children break away from their difficult and poor lives and fly along with the cranes far from the realities of life.

To summarize, we can say that the painting “The Cranes Are Flying” evokes contradictory and dubious feelings. At first glance, this painting demonstrates the special and unique beauty of the Russian landscape. But after looking closely at the subtle details, one feels sadness from understanding how terrible and difficult the life of Russian peasants used to be. According to most people, we can say that this picture is one of the most sensual and beautiful of all time.

Description of the mood of the painting by Stepanov - Cranes are flying

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