How vengeful are you according to your zodiac sign? The kindest Zodiac Sign

This zodiac sign never takes revenge. He simply cannot do this for two reasons: he quickly forgets evil; gives an answer immediately, without waiting time. That is, Aries has a healthy psyche, and he reacts to insults like a normal, balanced person. If his offender seriously hurt him, he immediately gets punched in the teeth. Of course, there are times when you can't hit. Then Aries quickly forgets the insult and becomes friends with the person again. But if Aries is brought to a boil, he will literally wear out the enemy. It’s unlikely that he’ll commit murder, but he won’t want to come across anyone’s attention.


He takes revenge extremely rarely. To become his enemy, you need to try long and hard. If Taurus has written down someone as an enemy, then there will be no turning back. You can, of course, repent, but you will have to do it for a long time, sophisticatedly, bending as low as possible. While the culprit does all this, he himself will want to commit suicide. And revenge will be insidious. Taurus will block the air wherever possible. He either unexpectedly becomes a boss in key places, or has influence over the right people. Strong people trust him and listen to the opinion of Taurus. And regarding the enemy, he will express an unambiguously negative position.


They are not as terrible in their revenge as other zodiac signs. And there are several reasons for this. The first is that their mood changes too quickly: in the evening they will want to take cruel revenge, and in the morning they will offer to earn a tidy sum together. The second is that they simply do not know how to take revenge; at most, they will “introduce” a virus onto the computer. Third, if they cause pain, it is unconsciously: they just talk a lot and, in a fit of strong emotions, can blurt out too much. They can spread bad rumors and misinformation. But if you yourself have good connections and at least as much information, you can resolve the situation.


Usually Cancer, when offended, simply goes nowhere. And everyone feels bad about it. But then he comes back and forgives everyone. But if you hurt him too much, he will completely break off the relationship without any hesitation. He will not pay attention even if the offender is in danger of death: he will turn away and continue to mind his own business. But if you “sting” him even more strongly, then in a fit of anger he may throw out or drown securities, break/throw out the TV. In general, the property will be significantly damaged. It rarely comes to physical violence. But even if he has to, he hits with the forces at hand. Most of all, Cancers know how to put pressure on guilt, and it really kills.

a lion

In the light version, Lion's Revenge is very offensive and humiliating: this animal will prove to everyone that the enemy is a complete nonentity. And they will believe Leo. The worst thing it can do is drive the enemy to madness. He can do this like no one else. The lion will intimidate so much that a person will even be afraid of his own toilet.


Her revenge is sophisticated, similar to the torture of Japanese fascists. But it can act more softly. For example, he will skillfully falsify documents so that the enemy will lose all his fortune. Sometimes you can make your enemy fall in love and drive him crazy. But most often they take revenge at the official level: they will write a complaint to all possible authorities, and goodbye peace and nerves.


Libra simply cannot take revenge at all. Even if they try, they fail. First they do minor dirty tricks, then they start fighting with them, and in the end they get confused about who they wanted to do nasty things in the first place. Usually they have revenge according to the principle “Live in such a way that your enemies will envy.” And they know how to do it. They will make a career such that their enemies will cry long and bitterly with envy.


The most terrible of all zodiac signs. If they take revenge, it is always in a black way. Scorpios will do this for a long time, painfully, until the enemy dies from pain. They usually show revenge against their own people, because it’s easier that way. Knowing the sore spots, they will apply their poison there. They can sting anyone except Geminis. The latter have a strong immunity in the form of humor, and this allows them not to feel pain.


Sagittarians are still thinking about whether to take revenge or not; the enemy is already far away. Moreover, they cannot do this outside the public; they definitely need a theater. They are vindictive, so if they were unable to respond to the insult immediately, they will do so after 15 years. If Sagittarius works in the field of bureaucracy, then they have no equal here. They will torture you with certificates, stamps, and signatures so much that you won’t want to live.


For Capricorn to take revenge... This is something from the fantasy of a parallel reality. But if you still managed to finish it, then you need to run. No opportunity? It’s better to crawl, but if not, you have to turn into a molecule, because there will be no mercy. No, Capricorn will not kill you, but will harass you wherever the enemy appears. If you want the death of the offender, you won’t want the usual one. Capricorn needs the enemy to suffer for as long as possible, and the suffering to be as intense as possible.


He can take revenge, but in such a way that it will look like a joke. True, the enemy will not find it funny, but those around him will laugh heartily. Remember the movie "Home Alone"? This is from the same series.


The most unpredictable and insidious zodiac. Unlike Scorpio, Pisces will not be brought to a painful state. But their revenge is slippery and insidious. They will spread such rumors that those around them will not want to deal with the offender. Under the guise of help, they can advise something that will cause big problems. They have great skill in “planting” all kinds of complexes.

Under ordinary living conditions, vindictive people can exhibit rare, noble human qualities. But if they are touched to the quick, these touchy individuals will do anything to take sophisticated revenge on their offenders. Who are they, the most vindictive signs of the zodiac, with whom you certainly shouldn’t spoil your relationship?


The fact that Japan is under this sign speaks volumes about how subtly Virgo can take revenge. The Japanese are capable of simply cutting off your head and slowly tearing your body and soul away piece by piece.

Virgos are in honorable third place in the zodiac rankings. And there is no need to be surprised that they are present in the list of the most substitutive astrological symbols. Yes, representatives of this earth sign are quite peace-loving natures, advocating justice and preferring restraint and order in everything. Nevertheless, it is very easy to upset Virgos, because they know how to make mountains out of molehills like no one else. Perhaps it is the touchiness of the Virgos themselves that often serves as the root cause of their malicious impulses and insidious plans for retribution.

The most banal example is everyday revenge. As a rule, Virgos who hold a grudge “turn on” the mode of protest and excessive indifference: a married woman stops cooking and cleaning, deprives her lover of intimate joys and at the same time does not express her indignation out loud. And the Virgo man seems to forget about the purchases he promised or joint plans with his chosen one. Such manifestations can hardly be called the most sophisticated methods of revenge. But if we take into account the fact that Virgos will remain silent until the last moment and behave this way for a very, very long time, everything becomes obvious.

It is actually difficult to bring earthly representatives of the zodiac circle to true bitterness and anger. But if you happen to cross the path of these quiet people, good luck, they will repay silently and slowly until they bring you to nervous exhaustion. Virgos take the official sphere of life seriously: securities, property and financial issues are not an empty phrase for them, and it is in these areas that they manage to create cunning and sometimes cruel intrigues.


Taurus will take revenge only after carefully collecting statistical information about the harm caused or losses incurred. If the number reaches a critical level, expect big troubles

And silver in our ranking of the most vicious zodiac signs and capable of fierce revenge goes to Taurus. According to astrologers, representatives of this earthly sign are not inherently thirsty for revenge; they are not at all hard-hearted. However, with all this, Taurus are incredibly stubborn, they never put up with lies and betrayal, so they are more than capable of starting a real vendetta for their offender. In addition, it is their innate stubbornness that does not allow them to forget about someone’s mistake and let go of the situation. Unfortunately, here the inner core and perseverance play against them.

Before you contact a Taurus, think carefully. These people have a high position in society, the absolute majority listens to their opinion, they are stable, organized and attract others to them in some magical way. An angry person of this sign will not throw around loud words, will refuse to sort things out, all this is not his strong point. But you may be removed from your circle. Moreover, the authority of Taurus is so great that any person who supports your position will be forced to leave their usual social circle after you.

If you have already managed to annoy Taurus with something, do not rush to apologize - it is useless: even if you are forgiven, it will not be soon, and maybe never at all.

Scorpio is the most vindictive sign of the zodiac

Annoyed Scorpio? Urgently move to another city, remove yourself from all social networks, change your name and get personal security

At the top of our list of avengers are, of course, Scorpios. These representatives of the water element are identified by astrologers as the most touchy, vindictive, incomprehensible, unpredictable and dangerous personalities, capable of poisoning the life of anyone. Scorpios are contradictory natures. They are vengeful primarily because their spiritual world is significantly different from their outer shell: these unshakable and independent individuals often feel extremely vulnerable and unprotected. And self-confidence, which is based on internal disharmony and complexes, is a terrible thing.

Those born under the constellation Scorpio often display qualities such as bitchiness, jealousy and ferocity. Cheaters and traitors will never be forgiven by them; the best way to avoid Scorpio's retribution is to under no circumstances come into his sight. But even then, people of this poisonous sign will scroll through various ways of revenge in their heads, and what if they still manage to get even with you.

The vengeful manifestations of Scorpios in the sphere of partnership are especially terrible. We are talking about both personal life and business interaction. They know how to feel for the weak points of others, so they will rush to hit you where it hurts. In business and career, these wayward madmen will not disdain to use all sorts of frauds and scams, because for them all means are good, as long as revenge is successful. And when breaking up with former lovers, they can resort to blackmail, will actively use methods of psychological pressure and will not even hesitate to leave their beloved with empty pockets.

Forewarned is forearmed. Now you know about the dark sides of Virgos, Taurus and Scorpios. True, you should not judge a person solely by his zodiac sign. Moreover, all signs of the zodiac pantheon, without exception, are capable of harboring grievances and repaying them in kind. The astrological opinion about the most vengeful signs of the zodiac has a right to exist, but is not an indisputable judgment. Try not to offend others, and then fierce revenge will not affect you.

Some people, under ordinary circumstances, are kind and noble, sociable and cheerful. But if you touch a nerve, individuals are capable of severely punishing their offender. Knowing how representatives of different zodiac signs take revenge will help you decide with whom you can spoil relationships and with whom it is better not to cross the road.


Aries are very patient, but if they get angry, don't expect mercy.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are quite patient people. It takes a lot of effort to touch them. But if it works, then hide away. Revenge will be harsh and quick; Aries will not harbor a grudge for a long time. They can simply beat you, but in more serious circumstances they will try to ruin your life quite thoroughly.

And the more seriously you offended Aries, the more terrible the revenge. This is a fiery, decisive and even aggressive sign. Aries will systematically and purposefully ensure that the offender disappears from sight. So, if you have such an enemy, get ready to change your job, or even your place of residence.


It is very difficult to anger a Taurus, but if this happens, the life of the offender will turn into hell

Taurus are not those who will scoff over trifles. It is even more difficult to offend them than Aries, but revenge will be much worse.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are thorough and calm. They make all decisions only after thinking them through thoroughly. Typical bulls, which in their normal state calmly nibble the grass in the field, but when enraged they sweep away everything in their path.

The opinion of Taurus is usually taken into account by everyone around them; they secretly become leaders in their social circle. Even management sometimes listens to their words, and therefore, if you offend representatives of this sign, get ready to become an outcast. Taurus' revenge will turn your existence into hell. You will most likely have to quit your job, and also change your place of residence. Well, in the family, divorce will most likely follow.

It is very difficult to rehabilitate yourself in the eyes of people of this sign, since they are consistent in their decisions and do not change their opinions without special reasons.


Geminis take revenge on the offender with mocking words and gossip.

A friendly and calm sign, and therefore many do not take it seriously. And in vain. Maybe they won’t rush into a fight, like Aries, and won’t crush you with authority, like Taurus, but they have the art of oratory. And words can sometimes hit pretty hard.

The gossip that Gemini will spread about you will live for a very long time, and it will not be possible to wash off the dirt quickly. And not everything said is necessarily true, but “there was some kind of unpleasant story there.”

Modern technology provides this sign with very fertile ground for revenge. Letters with viruses, forums, compromising photos and videos - these are just some of the weapons that people born under the sign of Gemini will use against offenders. The advantage is that they are not particularly vindictive, so making peace with representatives of the air sign can be done quickly and easily.


Cancer is so secretive that it is sometimes difficult to understand when and how he was offended

A very touchy sign. He prefers to take revenge morally, skillfully causing pangs of conscience in you. If this does not work, he may well take revenge physically, but he rarely resorts to this method, only under the influence of a momentary mood.

If you seriously offend Cancer, then revenge will be merciless and total. Having taken revenge, he will simply forget about your existence. And the difficulty is that you yourself must guess how and when you offended him. Communication with Cancer may end suddenly. And this will be the most terrible retribution.

a lion

Leo takes revenge decisively and mercilessly

No person will deliberately anger Leo, but this can be done accidentally. And if this happens, you should immediately apologize, deeply and sincerely. Or prepare for the worst, since Leo will take revenge cruelly and mercilessly.

He will not stoop to physical violence, and he will not spread gossip, but he will demonstrate your complete insignificance. At the same time, he will have evidence. If the offense inflicted on Leo is too serious, and you have not tried to make amends, then “heavy artillery” will be used, up to and including intimidation and mental breakdown.


Virgo is a very self-possessed sign, and will take revenge implicitly, but seriously.

People born under the sign of Virgo are extremely phlegmatic and pedantic; it is generally difficult to anger them. Everything they undertake is done extremely thoughtfully and carefully. Few people know how inventive representatives of this zodiac sign can be.

You will not receive any gossip about yourself, nor physical or moral violence. Their revenge will not be obvious, but this will not make it any less painful. So, bureaucrats may simply not allow you access to the necessary documents. Attractive Virgos respond to insults by using their charms, making the offenders fall in love with them and leaving them.

Moreover, revenge can last for years if the aggressor does not ask for forgiveness. Unpleasant little things, such as an unset alarm clock or a wrinkled shirt at home, or an “accidentally” spilled coffee on a contract, a lost reminder note, an erased report at work, will eventually turn the offender’s life into hell.


Libras are not capable of cruel revenge; they prefer to completely exclude the offender from their social circle.

A very sensitive sign, but not capable of sophisticated or dangerous revenge. As a rule, he tries to hurt the offender with his own achievements. And it can also beat off the object of sighs. Since Libra is very successful and charming, they succeed in both the first and the second without difficulty.

But more often than not, they simply try to stop communicating with those who offended them in order to prevent a repeat. By the way, despite their goodwill, Libra is quite vindictive, and therefore will not forgive an insult.


Scorpio is the most vindictive sign of the zodiac

He is the one who leads. Despite his closeness with Libra, he is the complete opposite of this sign. It will take a long time to settle scores, carefully and with pleasure. Everything will be used - from moral to physical influence. Scorpio does not choose the means, nor the ways to achieve the goal. So it’s better not to quarrel with this sign, and if this happens, you should hide away for a long time. Ideally forever.


Sagittarians are vindictive, but inconsistent in revenge

You can easily escape the revenge of this sign, since in such matters they are somewhat inconsistent. True, it will be very unpleasant for Sagittarius’ relatives or subordinates, because your misdeeds will be subject to public discussion. They will expose you in front of everyone and start shaming you, and you will really feel ashamed. However, if they fail to gather an audience, then Sagittarius will most likely give up on revenge.

But, despite its inconsistency, this sign is quite vindictive. If there is an opportunity to hurt you with something, then even after years it will be done.


Capricorn will exclude the offender from his social circle, including in the business sphere

Capricorns are not particularly touchy, as they are busy with other things - building a career, organizing their life. But if you hit a nerve with a representative of an earth sign, then the revenge will be long, systematic, sophisticated and merciless. At the same time, he will take revenge not out of anger, but “to be discouraging.” Capricorn simply does not want you to remain in his social circle, even to breathe the same air with him. And since representatives of this zodiac sign have friends in all spheres of influence, it is better to apologize and try to become invisible.


Aquarians are great at taking revenge through ridicule.

A completely harmless sign, but you shouldn’t quarrel with him, since retribution will not be long in coming. You yourself will suffer from your intentions, and Aquarius will have “absolutely nothing to do with it.” He will simply laugh at your attempts, letting everyone he knows know about his merriment, so in the end you will be left a fool. However, representatives of the air sign did not want this at all, so this cannot be called full-fledged revenge.


Even if Pisces pretends to forgive you, don't believe them

This sign combines all the qualities of the others, as it closes the zodiac circle. Pisces' revenge will be long, thoughtful and sophisticated. Everything will be used - from physical violence to gossip and intrigue. Moreover, Pisces will find this not enough, so don’t expect a good life. And also, there is no need to hope that, having taken revenge once, they will calm down. You will face not only major troubles, but also minor dirty tricks. While on duty, they will “simply do their job,” reporting minor infractions to superiors. And if Pisces is your boss, then expect additional workload, because “there is no one to entrust such an important task to except you.” At home, as in the case of Virgos, the spouse may have an unheated dinner or an unwashed shirt waiting for them.

Sometimes Pisces pretend that they have forgiven a long time ago. Don't believe it, it's not true. If you have crossed the path of a representative of this sign in some way, never listen to their advice. By following them, you can do a lot of stupid things, for which you will have to answer, and Pisces will have absolutely nothing to do with it.

The vindictiveness of each sign depends on the depth of the offense. It’s better not to offend anyone at all, but if this happens, you should apologize as soon as possible.

Much has been said about the characters of the Zodiac signs, their habits, characteristics and hobbies. But, probably, not everyone thought that it would be nice to know how the signs of the Zodiac take revenge? Let's say how your Scorpio girlfriend will behave in an offended state or how the Libra man will take revenge.

Emotional and active Aries do not like to collect grievances and think about how they can take revenge on the offender. If he is angry, he will immediately express everything, and maybe even use his hands to punish the “unworthy.” If this does not happen, then after a few hours he may no longer remember what upset him.

Well, if something very bad happened, then Aries will have one goal - to destroy the offender. That is why the most reasonable and expedient thing would be to disappear from his life, or better yet, change his place of residence (city and country), since revenge can be simply stunning. And you won't have to wait long for her.

How Taurus take revenge

Reasonable and thorough Taurus also cannot be classified as a sophisticated avenger. Although it is much easier to offend and hurt him than Aries. And unlike the first, he will not use physical force. His revenge will be psychological.

He will do everything possible so that the offender is lonely, friends and acquaintances turn away from him, and his usual environment rejects him. And this is much more unpleasant than a physical blow. And since Taurus’s voice is valued in any company and his opinion is listened to, making the enemy persona non grata will be as easy as shelling pears.

It will be almost impossible to return friendship with a Taurus who harbors a grudge: he does not forgive mistakes, although he can leave him alone if the person repents and apologizes.

How Geminis take revenge

Geminis love to be listened to and appreciated. And those who betrayed their trust or offended them will be called enemies. They take revenge with pleasure. And this, as a rule, is not physical retribution; their retribution is covered in gossip and rumors.

They harass their enemies with verbal debates and humiliate them morally, which they do excellently. You can, of course, ignore it, but this is only if you have few mutual acquaintances. Mutual friends often listen to their fantasies and change their minds regarding the “twin” offender.

By the way, an apology with tears and repentance can bear fruit: Gemini will be flattered by stopping revenge.

How Cancers take revenge

This zodiac sign takes revenge in a very specific way. Eyes filled with tears, complete silence, withdrawal into oneself and ignoring the person who behaved incorrectly with them - all this is the Cancer technique. If he is very upset, he will most likely break off the relationship completely, getting rid of joint photos, phone numbers and other opportunities to keep in touch.

He will not notice his enemy, diligently avoiding meetings and any contacts. He will do everything so that the offender himself begins to reproach himself for the offense. As a rule, such influence bears fruit, and the person who offended Cancer realizes the complexity of the situation.

How Lions take revenge

Leo's revenge is terrible and unpredictable. He will punish any person who simply lies to him. Not to mention those who will do something more serious. He will be merciless with them. He will show fully that his opponent is a loser, a scoundrel and a low person.

Moreover, he will demonstrate this at any opportunity, using insults, gossip, revelations, and rumors. He can also resort to the help of influential people whom he will ask for a favor.

And if we take into account the fact that Leo, as a rule, has many high-ranking acquaintances, his revenge will be destructive. Therefore, it is better not to joke with Leos, their answer will be terrible. By the way, from revenge and payment according to deserts, he will receive real pleasure, enjoying your fall and collapse.

How Virgos take revenge

Virgo can take revenge in a sophisticated and thoughtful way on all those who offended her. Such people can respond immediately by destroying their offender, or they can slowly and deliberately inflict pain until they are completely exposed. When offended, they are scary and thoughtful.

But it’s quite difficult to bring Virgo to the point where she resorts to retaliatory actions. But if someone does... Then people of this sign will draw up a cunning plan, acting slowly and consciously. It may even take several years to implement the plan, which indicates their rancor.

You shouldn't joke with Virgos!

How Libra takes revenge

Libras are not considered the best avengers. They most often respond to grievances verbally, challenging the person to talk and humiliating him. In addition, they can act on the sly, separating lovers as payback or depriving the offender of something important.

They usually respond with the same thing that offended them, so you can prepare in advance. In general, Libras are considered peace-loving, since they do everything possible not to enter into open conflict and resolve any dispute without consequences and confrontations. By the way, they do this not on purpose, but often from the bottom of their hearts.

How Scorpios take revenge

Whoever is considered vengeful is Scorpio. This master of destroying offenders will direct all his forces and act thoroughly and from all fronts. Both physically and mentally – Scorpio will resort to anything, so you shouldn’t joke with him, because it’s very easy to become his enemy.

Such a person can touch where it hurts the most in order to deprive you of peace and turn life into existence. If you want to confront him, then turn everything into a joke, accepting his insults with a dose of humor. Although if the offense is strong, you won’t be able to escape the answer.

How Sagittarius take revenge

Emotional and eccentric Sagittarius will express his resentment directly to your face. And most often in public, because he needs extras to show his acting talent. Before saying everything, he will gather the audience, prepare them and begin the speech.

Many people wouldn’t even call this behavior revenge, because everything happens in a comical and unrealistic way. The worst enemies will be bosses who will never help subordinates who have disrespected or insulted them. As for complex plans and sophistication, this is not about Sagittarius.

He will not hold a grudge for a long time, because he can simply forget about the problem.

How Capricorns take revenge

It is very difficult to offend a balanced and reasonable Capricorn, but with his stubbornness and pressure he can drive anyone into a fever. If you bother him, he will try to push you out of his social circle, eliminating any contacts.

Their revenge may resemble Virgo's response, although they also love to slander, adding fire to the conflict. For such a person, revenge is not a way of life, but an extreme measure, which they resort to relatively rarely and in relation to those who have offended them very much.

How Aquarians take revenge

Calm and good-natured Aquarians do not like to swear or take revenge, because kindness and responding to an insult are incomparable things. It is very difficult to make him unpleasant, since they respond to rudeness and other unpleasant actions with jokes. Often, such an answer can put the offender in a less than favorable light in the eyes of others.

It is possible to make Aquarius angry, he can immediately respond, but holding onto anger and thinking through retaliatory actions is not in his spirit. It is better not to quarrel with them, since there is no satisfaction or benefit from a quarrel.

How Pisces take revenge

It’s very easy to offend a Pisces: one wrong word, a reproach, or even a glance. This is especially true for close people who occupy an important place in the life of Pisces. They treat others in a specific way, not always noticing strangers, which means they have a unique attitude towards grievances.

When offended, they are soft and take revenge more often with words, reproaches and gossip. Pisces will tell friends and acquaintances about how badly they treated her and how she suffers, which has a strong influence on those around her. It is very difficult to refute the arguments of an offended person, so it is better not to bring it to such a state.

In addition, in this regard, Pisces can be unpredictable: they will take revenge on one for a very long time and in a tricky way, but will not even pay attention to the other.

How do the signs of the Zodiac take revenge - in a state of passion or with cold calculation? It’s worth finding out about this before we give some of their representatives a reason for retaliation! We offer a funny (and not so funny) horoscope of revenge.

How Aries take revenge

Aries reacts to a blow with the same blow. He does not have enough brains and/or patience to weave intrigues and build combinations at night on how to brutally take revenge on the offender. How an Aries man or woman takes revenge - he (she) simply reacts quickly. At the same time, he is not interested in who will suffer more in this fight. It is necessary, first of all, for him to feel better. He will kick you in the teeth, burn the things of his unfaithful partner, throw them out the window, puncture the tires in the car...

The anger will go away almost immediately, and Aries will consider himself avenged and the matter closed. The score is settled, so you can continue to maintain a good relationship or even give each other a second chance. Aries will even help heal the bruises that he himself gave to someone, and will again become his best friend.

How Taurus take revenge

The revenge of the Taurus zodiac sign can last for years. Comfort and convenience are the most important advantages for such a person. Why then violate them, strain, live with the awareness of an unresolved issue?.. Therefore, it is easier for Taurus to forgive and not take revenge. He will not forgive only if you take aim at something sacred - his property: you steal something, deceive in business, or take away the partner in whom he has invested so much. How then does a Taurus woman or man take revenge? He will answer you by taking away what is most valuable to you: clients, spouses, home, business. It may take some time, but Taurus is patient. His revenge lasts for years and can be quite large-scale.

How Geminis take revenge

Gemini will ridicule you and spoil your opinion both in real life and in virtual life. Arguing with representatives of this zodiac sign is the same as surrendering to the mercy of cruel and unscrupulous paparazzi. If a Gemini woman or man wants to take revenge on you, you have no choice but to change your name and move to the other side of the world. Because your secrets will be published on the front pages of newspapers, and inflated to such an extent that attempts to justify themselves will only have the opposite effect. It is Gemini, betrayed by their partners, who spread unpleasant rumors about their exes about their short minds and even shorter intimate organs.

How Cancers take revenge

He will feed his imagination for years to come with visions of revenge and redemption. This man will not forgive, he never forgives anything. And the revenge of the Cancer zodiac sign can be terrible, although it will not pull the rug out from under your feet right away. “Stung” Cancer withdraws into itself and is capable of striking even after many years. This man or woman will take revenge not only on you, but also on your descendants - for the guilt of their ancestors. Cancer is stubborn, like Edmond Dantes from the book “The Count of Monte Cristo”.

How Lions take revenge

Leo is able to forgive a lot, as long as his ego has not been affected. Unless you completely undermined his authority or, God forbid, ridiculed him. He won't show that he's suffering. He will proudly raise his head and walk away with a majestic step. At the first opportunity he will challenge you to a duel. At a meeting of friends, he will demonstrate your incompetence and try to make fun of you. Another answer to the question of how a woman or man of the Zodiac sign Leo takes revenge is deliberately theatrical, with the audience in mind. At the same time, such a person cannot have even a shadow of a doubt that it is he, Leo, who will win and defend his honor. If you let him win, you'll get along great later.

How Virgos take revenge

The comic horoscope of revenge of the Zodiac signs assures that such a person plans revenge like a chess game. However, in most cases, Virgo manages to convince herself that retribution is an irrational undertaking. Unless a profit and loss analysis shows that the act of revenge will bring her some tangible benefits or teach you something. Then, purely out of a sense of duty, she will take on this thankless mission. A Virgo woman or man will develop a revenge plan in the smallest detail. He deftly sets traps and very accurately determines the targets of the attack. You will definitely lose your footing.

How Libra takes revenge

Libra hesitates until the last moment whether to forgive or ruin your life. In general, these are peaceful-minded people who give others a great deal of trust, so in fact you need to try very hard to provoke people of this zodiac sign to take revenge. If the Libra man decides to retaliate, he will do it with white gloves and use other people for this, whom he will fool and persuade them to avenge their honor. Libra themselves will not stop smiling sweetly at you at this time. After all, what happens to you has nothing in common with them: it’s just fate that restores justice.

How Scorpios take revenge

Scorpio will not forgive a single insult; it is the main avenger of the entire Zodiac. You can fall into his “millstone” for everything and for nothing, and he takes revenge most scrupulously. Patiently waits for the right moment to attack, simultaneously collecting any information about you in search of compromising evidence and weak points. That's where he hits it. He won't kill you right away, but will play like a cat with a mouse. Revenge from a Scorpio woman or man often has to do with sex. He, for example, can charm a partner and post a video from his bedroom on the Internet or post a phone number on the website of an escort agency.

How Sagittarius take revenge

Sagittarius forgives and forgets. After all, there are so many more interesting things to do in the world than insidious plans for revenge! However, if you offend him too much, he will deal with you - in his own way. How does a Sagittarius man or woman take revenge? For example, it will provoke you into sports competition: a game of basketball, a cycling marathon in the mountains, or an extreme knee-deep march in a swamp. He will overtake you, trample you with his victory and still have fun. After all, he will give you a sweaty hand, and you will understand that the painful issue between you has been resolved.

How Capricorns take revenge

If you break Capricorn's rules, you will be punished. He creates it coldly, without any special emotions or pity. The avenging Capricorn does not experience the slightest pleasure in this - he simply believes that he is doing what he must. Makes a list of his losses (including moral ones) and the amounts of money that, in connection with the insult caused, you must compensate him. He is ruthless in achieving what he believes is his due. This person will drag you around the courts and will not calm down until the bailiffs come to you.

How Aquarians take revenge

Aquarius puts himself above such mundane things as the desire to get even. The only way to be truly free is to forgive and forget. But if you offend him too much or encounter a less spiritually developed Aquarius type, you must reckon with the fact that your technology, equipment, and gadgets will suddenly stop cooperating with you. You'll lose your bank account password, your phone will end up in a terrorist suspect's database, and your ceiling shower will automatically start every hour.

How Pisces take revenge

Pisces women and men most willingly entrust revenge on the forces of darkness. They feel great in the role of a victim and love to evoke compassion. It is difficult to combine the desire for revenge with such a position. However, Pisces believe in the law of karma. They leave it to fate itself to decide when and how it will punish you for your sins. However, if fate is not in too much of a hurry and everything is fine with you, then Pisces will take matters into their own hands. Representatives of this zodiac sign commit acts of revenge with the help of black magic, curses and voodoo dolls pierced with needles. As a result, your hair falls out and you lose potency.