Which is better, true satin or false bows. Luka and Satin: which one is right?

1. Truth and lies are a philosophical choice.
2. Luke’s life views.
3. Satin's philanthropy.
4. Comparative analysis two points of view.
5. My view on the dispute between Luke and Satin

There are situations in every person's life when they have to make difficult choices for themselves. What to choose - the ugly truth or the sweet lie? Probably, everyone in this regard is guided by their own life experience and the nature of the situation itself.

The classics also thought a lot about difficult choices. In their works they offered different visions of this problem. Some tried to persuade readers to one side or another, others simply suggested thinking about this topic. TO philosophical reflections Maxim Gorky’s work “At the Depths” is also inclined. The play very figuratively reveals two opposing points of view. Two heroes - Luke and Satin - enter into a complex ideological dispute on the pages of the work regarding what better truth or “golden dream”? According to the author himself, this dispute is the main issue of the work. What did Luke preach? As he himself says: “...what do you really, badly need?.. Think about it, the truth is, maybe it’s a pain in the ass for you.” At the heart of his fabrications is compassion, which was expressed in so-called comforting lies. Luka sympathizes with the inhabitants of the shelter. To Dying Anna he talks about the life in paradise that awaits her after death. He promises that she will rest from earthly suffering. He advises Ash and Natasha to start new life in the golden country of Siberia. He tells the actor about a free hospital for alcoholics, the address of which he has forgotten, but will definitely remember. The actor receives hope for a new life, for recovery from alcoholism.

It is possible that in other circumstances we would not call Luke a deceiver. After all, for example, many people sincerely believe in the existence of heaven and life after death, and at the same time no one says that they are living in a lie. And a hospital where they could help a lost alcoholic is also quite real... However, Luka himself absolutely does not believe in what he says to other people. Moreover, he tries to deliberately deceive the inhabitants of the shelter because he considers them powerless to change the situation on their own.

Satin has a completely different position. “Whoever is weak at heart and who lives on other people’s juices needs a lie... Some people are supported by it, others hide behind it... But whoever is their own master, who is independent and does not take what belongs to others, why does he need a lie?” Satin speaks with pride about a person and believes that everything in life depends on his actions. In his statements, an image emerges of a beautiful, strong-hearted person who is able to withstand any truth, who knows how to pave the right path for himself and move along it despite interfering circumstances. Such an unbending person is wonderful, you want to be like him.

It would seem that such a philosophy seems very attractive. But what is confusing about such wonderful statements? Why can’t the reader unconditionally accept Satin’s idea and elevate him in comparison with other inhabitants of the shelter? Yes, because Satin himself is an inhabitant of that very “bottom” scary picture which is talentedly depicted by M. Gorky. And we cannot assume that Satin is somehow different from the rest of the heroes of the work, that his position is correct, and his verbal research is prophetic/After all, with his example, Satin proves completely the opposite of that, what he is talking about.

It turns out that both Luke and Satin are very contradictory heroes, in whose images there is both truth and lies. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine which point of view is closer to me - Luke or Satin. The pursuit of ideal calls me to strive for some kind of collective philosophy, in which the ideas of both heroes will be present, but significantly ennobled. So, I would probably try to build my life on the principle “Truth is God free man”, emphasizing that man is the main perfection of nature. However, I would hardly be able to completely exclude the factor of lies. After all, the concept of a white lie really exists, but the truth is often very cruel, and not everyone needs it... I think that the factor saving lie, which is discussed in the work “At the Bottom,” must be used very carefully and subtly. In certain circumstances, a lie appears to me good tool for solutions complex issues. But you shouldn't introduce lies into ordinary life, making it an integral part of one’s self. The person is truly worthy of respect, and strong man capable of managing own destiny, doubly so. It is right for me to be such a person, keeping the lies in my life to an ideal minimum.

Maxim Gorky’s play “At the Depths” shows the life of the lower strata of society, reflects the hopes and aspirations of its poorest strata, and opens up for readers the spiritual and moral world of people who were previously considered outcasts. The work shows two main life positions, two “truths”, they are professed by two heroes: Luke and Satin. With the help of this antithesis, Gorky showed the fermentation of thought at the bottom of society.
Luke is a wanderer, a vagabond, he has developed his own understanding of the truth. This hero puts a person’s feelings above all else; he believes that “...to caress a person is never harmful...” - one must treat him humanely. In fact, this is expressed in the fact that Luke tells almost every character in the play what he wants to hear. Ash, for example, is that he can get out of the bottom; Anna, what exists better world after death, the Actor that there is a hospital for alcoholics, where he (the Actor) can be returned to normal life.
At first glance, it seems that these actions of his are justified: indeed, Anna receives consolation in her last hour, Actor and Ashes - hope, but further development The play completely refutes Luke's truth. Ash goes to prison, and the Actor, realizing that there is no other choice, commits suicide. The hopes that these heroes had were crushed, crushing them with their weight.
It turns out that there is no way out from the bottom, that the characters in the play are at a dead end in life, that they have neither hope nor chance to change anything.
No! At the end of the play, the most striking monologues are delivered by the hitherto undistinguished Satin. It’s strange to hear such words from the lips of an ordinary tramp, but this was the great writer’s idea, to show how a person who finds himself on the edge of an abyss has a desire to jump over it, break the shackles that are sung in the tramps’ favorite song, and live fully again. life.
Satin’s truth is to look at things soberly, in order to boldly move forward towards your goal, so as not to deceive yourself with false hopes. The reader cannot but agree with this point of view; it is confirmed by the entire course of the play. “Do not humiliate a person with pity!” - says Satin, and indeed, after reading the play, we understand that pity only humiliates a person, makes him even more unhappy. And man, “man—that sounds proud!”
However, the truth of Luke and the truth of Satin are far from being opposed to each other in everything. So, Luke says: “You need to respect a person,” and Satin says about Luke that he “... is smart!.. He... acted on me like acid on an old and dirty coin...”
The play “At the Bottom” reflects one of eternal problems human existence: white lies - evil or good?
According to Gorky’s work, it is difficult to make a choice between two truths: it is difficult not to say words of consolation to a dying person, on the one hand, and one cannot but agree with Satin, with his understanding of the truth. This is where Gorky’s genius manifested itself: in the ability to stage philosophical question and illuminate it from different sides, show different points vision. The writer was able to act not as a judge, but as an “impartial witness of life.” And more than once a person who finds himself faced with a choice will turn to the great work of Russian classics.

/ / / “Own” truth using the example of the image of Luke and Satin in Gorky’s play “At the Depths”

Maxim Gorky's play "" is a very multifaceted creation with complex plot of intertwined human destinies. In his work, Gorky showed us two approaches to understanding the meaning of human life, without giving any of them his preference. It is these two approaches that are reflected in the images of the main characters Luke and Satin.

Luka was an old man; one day he appeared in the shelter where the rest of the characters in the play lived. He was a man who did not want to quarrel with anyone, he had no enemies. By nature, Luke was kind and soft person, for everyone he knew how to find words of compassion and consolation. His movements, like his speech, were soft and drawling. Later, Satin will note that with his appearance, Luka “leavened” the inhabitants of the shelter; he awakened in them those feelings that had long faded away, feelings of self-esteem.

Thus, with his speeches, Luka painted a picture of a free and happy life in Siberia for Vaska Pepel. He told the heavy drunk Actor about a free clinic where he would be cured of alcoholism. To the dying Anna, Luke said that after death she would find peace and get rid of earthly suffering.

All these good words and Luke’s consolations did not lead to the desired result, because they do not push a person to take active action, but force him to accept what already exists. So, being in her death throes, Anna wanted to live a little more, and not listen to stories about a beautiful afterlife. The ashes soon end up in Siberia, albeit in hard labor. And about what free and happy life can we talk now? A former theater attendant, Actor, takes his own life after learning that there is no free clinic.

In my opinion, in such a situation, the logical question would be: “Does Luke himself believe his words?” Of course not! He believes that a person weak creature unable to fight life's difficulties. Therefore, Luke's main task is to try to lighten the burden that these people bear. His truth is a “sweet” lie.

Completely opposite views on human life Satin was different. He categorically denied lies, he was a fighter for the truth. It cannot be said that Satin is devoid of compassion for people, but unlike Luke, he does not believe that simple consolation can somehow alleviate a person’s suffering. Gorky shows us Satin as a fighter for human rights, putting into his mouth a phrase about human freedom and responsibility for one’s actions.

The image of Satin gives me a double feeling. On the one hand, speed and purity of thoughts, and on the other, cozy accommodation in a shelter. Satin, even thinking about better life, doesn't do anything, he's just lazy. Namely, this character trait led Satin “to the bottom” of society.

It was in these two images that Gorky showed us the main conflict of the play - the struggle between “sweet” lies and “bitter” truth. And only time will tell who was truly right.

Literature lesson in 11th grade.

“Three truths” in M. Gorky’s play “At the Bottom”: the truth of fact (Bubnov), the truth of a comforting lie (Luke), the truth of faith in Man (Satin). The author's position and ways of expressing it.


    educational – continue to work on ideological content plays and in-depth analysis work; based on the text of the play, determine author's position in the question: “Which is better, truth or compassion? Is it necessary to take compassion to the point of using lies, like Luke?”;

    developing - develop thoughtful reading skills, the ability to reason about problematic issues, express and argue your opinion;

    educational - to cultivate faith in a person, in his limitless possibilities and exceptional potential forces.

Planned results:

    personal – the formation of a respectful attitude towards a person, his opinion, worldview, culture; development of competence in solving moral problems and formation moral qualities personalities;

    meta-subject – development of the ability to formulate, argue and defend one’s opinion; mastery of oral monologue speech;

    subject - understanding literature as special way knowledge of life; education of a reader with a developed aesthetic taste, capable of participating in a discussion of what he read, arguing his opinion and creating detailed statements of an analytical nature.


    text of the play “At the Bottom”;

    portrait of Maxim Gorky;

    portraits of I. Moskvin (1902), M. Tarkhanov (1922), K. Stanislavsky, Moscow Art Theater artists, performers of the roles of Luke and Satin.

Epigraph: Man - that's the truth!

M. Gorky. The play "At the Bottom"

Epigraph under the portrait of M. Gorky: Everything is in man, everything is for man! Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain! Human! It's great! It sounds... proud!.. We must respect the person! Don’t feel sorry... don’t humiliate him with pity... you must respect him!


    skeptic - a person who doubts everything and is distrustful of everything;

    parable - a moral story;

    illusion - deception;

    preacher - (translated) a disseminator of some teaching, ideas, views (book);

    credo - someone's beliefs, worldview.

Work in class.

    Motivation. Teacher's word.

One of the heroes of the play “At the Bottom,” Satin, said about Luke that he affected him “like acid on an old and dirty coin.” The play had the same resonance in the society of the early 20th century when it was written. 103 years after its creation, it continues to excite the minds of thinking people. Not by chance. You are reading a play-reflection, all situations of which are caused by one idea - the TRUTH. “Man – that’s the truth!” - Gorky M. proclaimed through the mouth of Satin. The writer himself spoke about the main question posed in the play: “What is better, truth or compassion? What is more needed? Is it necessary to take compassion to the point of using lies, like Luke?”

During the lesson we will look at the truth of Bubnov, Luka and Satin and find out what position the author takes in the dispute about a person.

    Record the lesson topic and epigraph.

    Working on the topic of the lesson.

    Question-and-answer conversation with elements of reasoning.

Difficulty reading and understanding dramatic work is that it lacks the author's speech. You can understand a character (his attitude to the world, people, etc.) if you carefully read what the character says and how.

- What does Bubnov say about the person?

(Exemplary performance by students. Life has made Bubnov an indifferent cynic, a person who does not believe in anything. He states the truth of life: “But I don’t know how to lie! Why? In my opinion, throw out the whole truth as it is! Why be shy?” and Bubnov is not shy. He speaks his truths like a croaking raven. It is no coincidence that Ash calls him that: raven. Here Anna begs the night shelters not to make noise, to give her the opportunity to die in peace. Bubnov states: “The noise of death is not a hindrance." Here Ash says to Natasha about his love, promises to make her happy. And Bubnov says: “And the threads are rotten. He seems to be talking about his own, for he sews a cap using rotten threads, but this phrase also has another meaning: everything that Ash talks about is sewn rotten threads. Nastya, who has decided to leave the basement, exclaims: “I’m superfluous here!”, to which Bubnov reacts like this: “You’re superfluous everywhere... and all the people on earth are superfluous...” They report Anna’s death. Bubnov indifferently says: “Cough stopped, that means.” Bubnov declares the dreams of all people unnecessary. “Color the feathers, crow... go ahead!” he says to Nastya, who is dreaming of happy love.)

- What is the truth about Bubnov?

(Exemplary performance by students. All people on earth are superfluous. Man is dominated by ruthless laws that govern him. Man floats helplessly with the flow of life, powerless to change anything in his fate: “People all live... like chips floating down a river..." For Bubnov's man is a thing, and a thing cannot resist the surrounding reality, cannot experience feelings: "Everything is like this: they are born, they live, they die. And I will die... and you... why be sorry? " His man is nothing more than a dirty animal, and it is at the “bottom” that it opens real essence: a thief, a sharper, a pimp, a parasite - everything else is just rouge with which everyone tints the soul, not wanting to show their dirty authenticity: “Here... everything has faded, only one naked man remains.”)

Teacher. Bubnov’s truth is the truth of fact, against which from the very beginning creative path Gorky rebelled. It contains contempt for man, skepticism, which is based on the denial of the wonderful inclinations in man. True, Bubnova is devoid of spirituality, and this is scary.

- How does Luke feel about the truth of the fact?

(He doesn’t recognize her. “It’s true, maybe she’s a bitch for you...” he says to Ash. She, it’s true, is not always due to a person’s illness... you can’t always cure a person with the truth. And he tells a parable about the righteous land It sounds after Kleshch, who had just buried Anna, entered into a dispute about the truth. He shouts in a frantic voice: “What is the truth? Where is the truth? (Ruffles the rags on himself with his hands). Here is the truth! There is no work... no strength ! Here is the truth! There is no refuge... there is no refuge! I have to die... here it is, the truth! The devil! What... what do I need it for - the truth? Let me breathe... let me breathe! What am I to blame for? Why should I - the truth? Live - the devil - live it’s impossible... here it is – the truth!”

Against the background of this outburst of human rage from one’s powerlessness in the face of the circumstances of life, Luke’s story sounds about a man who believed in the existence of a righteous land, but, disappointed that there was no such thing on the scientist’s map, hanged himself.)

- What is the meaning of the parable of the righteous Earth?

(Luke wants to confirm his words about how dangerous and destructive the cruel truth can be for people.)

- What is Luke’s truth? What does it say about a person?

(“Someone needs to be kind... we need to feel sorry for people! Christ felt sorry for everyone and ordered us to do so... it’s time to feel sorry for a person... it happens well!”

“It’s never harmful to caress a person.”

“He (a person) – whatever he is – is always worth his price...”

“A person can do anything, if only he wants to.”

“Whoever seeks will find... Whoever wants hard will find!”

“A person lives differently... as his heart is adjusted, so he lives... today he is good, tomorrow he is evil...”

“And everyone is people! No matter how you pretend, no matter how you wobble, but you were born a man, you will die a man... And that’s it, I see, smarter people They are becoming more and more interesting... and even though they live, they are getting worse, but they want everything better - they are stubborn!”

"For better people live! That is why every person must be respected... we don’t know who he is, why he was born and what he can do... maybe he was born for our happiness, for our great benefit?.. We especially need to respect children... children! Children need space! Don’t interfere with the children’s lives... Respect the children!”

"I don't care! I respect swindlers too, in my opinion, not a single flea is bad...”

“We are all wanderers on earth... They say that our earth is also a wanderer in the sky.”

“Everyone endures life in their own way.”)

- How does Luka feel about the inhabitants of the shelter: Anna, Nastya, Ash, Actor?

- What is Luka guided by when he consoles Anna, promising a hospital to Actor and a new life to Ash?

(To alleviate suffering is what Elder Luke wants. Satin understood this best of all: “I understand the old man... He lied... but this is out of pity for you... There are many people who lie out of pity for their neighbor... They lie beautifully, inspiredly, excitingly! There is a comforting lie, a reconciling lie... Those who are weak at heart... and those who live on other people’s juices need a lie... some are supported by it, others hide behind it...")

- Why is Luka accused of lying?

(Ash: You’re lying well... you’re telling fairy tales, it’s nice! You’re lying, nothing... there’s not enough pleasant things in the world, brother!

Bubnov: Here - Luka, approximately... he lies a lot... and without any benefit to himself)

– Do you agree with this?

(After the children’s statements. The actor, Natasha, Ash, Nastya are having a hard time living at the “bottom” of life, and Luka strives to help them change their fate. The crafty old man awakens HOPE in the shelters, since hope certainly presupposes that conditions exist in the world, necessary for its implementation. But they exist in the world, and not in man himself. Luke does not rely on internal forces person, but seeks support for him outside of him. )

- How does M. Gorky feel about Luka?

(Another work by Gorky, written a year after the creation of the play “At the Lower Depths,” will help you find the answer to this question. This is the poem “Man” (1903), which the author called his credo.

(Man, the hero of the poem, proudly walks through the expanses of the Universe, forward and higher. He is constantly accompanied by a hostile retinue: Love, Friendship, Faith, Hope, Lies and eternal companion- Death. The poem says this about Hope: “Thought looks with a keen, sharp eye and mercilessly illuminates everything... the timid powerlessness of Hope and Lie behind her - her dear sister, elegant, painted Lie... In alliance with Lie, timid Nadezhda sings to him about joys peace, sings about the quiet happiness of reconciliation and soft, in beautiful words cradles the slumbering spirit, pushing it into the mud of sweet Laziness and into the clutches of Boredom, her daughter.” So, Nadezhda is the sister of Lie, she reconciles Man with life, lulls him to sleep and deceives him with “beautiful words.”

Thus, Luke is not lying in literally words, but, according to Gorky, he lies in principle. That is why Luke is a representative of lies. The actor speaks several times about the need for a person to believe in himself; in his opinion, due to the lack of faith in himself, he died. And instead of strengthening faith in own strength, in his ability to change life, Luke offers the heroes of the play the pitiful crutches of Hope. Lines of the poem French poet Beranger:

"Gentlemen, if the truth is holy

The world won't be able to find its way,

Honor the madman who inspires

Humanity has a golden dream,” -

of course, addressed to Luke. Luke seduces people with hope and destroys them. Perhaps the association is based on this: Luke is the evil one).

    Working with illustrative material.

- Why did the writer give the wanderer the name Luke?

(Luke is the name of one of the four apostles, the creators of the Gospel. Luke is a preacher of Christian morality. The Evil One is insidious, cunning.)

- Which side of Luka’s character was reflected by I. Moskvin and M. Tarkhanov?

(K. Stanislavsky - Satin. Gorky entrusted the most intimate thoughts about a person to him. Why? This truth is expressed in Satin’s famous monologue).

3. Reading Satin’s monologue “Man is the truth!” students.

- What person is Satin talking about?

(Student speeches).


Both Satin and Luke argue that a person must be respected. For Luke, man is not superfluous on earth, he is the center of the Universe, but still he is an accident in the world, just a wanderer on earth: “We are all wanderers on earth... They say,” I heard, “that our earth is also a wanderer in the sky.” " And if this is so, then the main thing is to endure: “Everyone endures life in his own way.” It is here, at the level of the goal of human existence, that Luka’s divergence from Gorky begins. No matter how much Gorky sympathizes with Luka, their union is impossible. The truth of Satin-Gorky is based on a deep faith in man, in his limitless possibilities, in his exceptional potential powers. Such truth is the God of a free person. Such a person does not need pity, he is worthy of respect. Man - that sounds proud.


Write an essay “Who is right in a dispute about truth?”