Everything about the movie “Warcraft”: background, plot, filming. Directors and actors

Russian movie poster

Warcraft(English: Warcraft) is a long-awaited film adaptation of the game universe of the same name, which was released on May 26, 2016. The film is a collaboration between Blizzard Entertainment and Legendary Pictures, and was first talked about back in 2006. The distribution was handled by Universal Pictures Corporation. For various reasons, the film's premiere was postponed several times.

The film was directed by Duncan Jones, known for the films Moon 2112 and Source Code. He also co-wrote the script with Charles Leavitt and Chris Metzen. Filming lasted 123 days, from January 13 to May 23, 2014, and was followed by almost two years of post-production.

A separate universe

The film belongs to a separate universe, the events and characters of which are described differently than in games and other sources, including books, comics and manga. Two books and a comic book (Warcraft: Durotan, Warcraft, Bonds of Brotherhood) released to accompany the film also belong to the new universe.

Information from the film is not canonical to the main universe that this encyclopedia is dedicated to. Information from the film and accompanying literature, which may appear in articles, is placed in a separate section and marked with the appropriate label.


The information in this section belongs to a separate universe of the film Warcraft.

Please note that the events shown in the film are based on the official novelization. The text below includes scenes missing from the theatrical version of the film and in some cases rearranges the order of scenes. The text is divided into ten fragments, the titles of which do not always fully describe the content.

Orc Invasion

Toby Kebbell as Durotan

Garona is sitting in the king's personal dungeon when Medivh comes to her to ask about who showed Gul'dan the gates and brought him to Azeroth. Garona said that the warlock called this creature a demon. But she herself did not see him, she only heard a voice like fire and ashes. Medivh, carefully examining Garona, asked how old she was, but the unexpected clang of the door leading to the dungeon made him leave immediately. Lothar and Taria came to Garona. The king's wife brought blankets and hot drinks to the half-breed, After telling about the burned-out human settlements, Taria asked Garona to help return peacetime to Azeroth.

Durotan and Orgrim sit on a hillock, looking at the snow-capped mountains and green trees in the distance. The leader of the Frostwolf clan has a topic for serious conversation with his deputy. He recalls how Draenor perished and compares it with what is happening to the lands of Azeroth, where the warlock visited. Durotan believes that the destruction of Draenor began for a reason when Gul'dan came to power. The warlock must be stopped before he destroys new world, and Orgrim notes that the clan does not have enough strength for this. Durotan agrees and says that there will be enough strength if you unite with people.

Taria returns to her husband from prison and reports that Garona will lead them to the Horde camp. Motherly care helped reach the half-breed, as Llane had suggested, sending his wife to her. The scout squad included five: Lothar, Garona, Khadgar, Karos and Varis. The half-breed is given the armor of Stormwind, which will help protect her in the event of battle. Having reached Deadwind Pass, they stop for the night, and Khadgar is appointed as the first sentry. Lothar could not fall asleep and watched the young magician, who kept glancing at the lying Garona. The half-breed calmly tells Lothar that the boy wants to lie with her, and the commander-in-chief laughs. Garona, not understanding the reason for the laughter, says that people are too fragile, and tells how difficult it was for her to survive among the orcs. Her mother was burned at the stake for giving birth to such a small and weak creature, but Gul "dan saved the baby's life. Garona's name meant "cursed" in the orc language. Khadgar, wanting to support the half-breed, talks about his childhood. His parents sent him to the Kirin Tor when he was six, and since then he has never didn't see the family.

That night, Gul'dan watched over the Horde camp, and stood next to him as his mentor and advisor, who allowed the invasion to take place. Seeing people running in the distance, Gul'dan asks where they are running, and the mentor, hiding his face with a hood, mentions Stormwind. The same place where Garona fled. Gul "dan reports that he brought the half-breed here specifically for him, but the mentor does not react in any way. Then the warlock suggests first of all capturing this city after the portal is fully opened and naming it in honor of the one who organized everything.

The scouting party finally reached the Horde camp, and Lothar watched in amazement at the huge number of orcs. He also saw the prisoners who were kept in a cage to open the gate. Garona said that soon the captives would die, and the Fel, saturated with their lives, would open the gates through which the entire Horde would come. Lothar orders Karos to return the half-breed and the boy to Stormwind, and he and Varys gallop forward. Garona wonders if she's doing the right thing by helping the humans defeat the orcs, and remembers Durotan. The leader of the Frostwolf clan appears suddenly, stunning Karos with one blow and covering Khadgar's mouth. Durotan asks Garona to tell the king of people that he wants to meet him at the northern black rock so that together they can stop the spread of Fel. Garona, on a sudden impulse, asks Durotan if he will allow her to join the Frostwolf clan if she returns. But the leader replies that it is much safer for Garone to remain among the people. Durotan, having released Khadgar, goes into the forest, and Karos comes to his senses.

Meeting at Blackrock Mountain

Medivh, in the guise of a raven, returns to Karazhan and falls almost exhausted at the Guardian's Well. Morose approaches him, and Medivh tells him that Fel is everywhere. People needed the Guardian's help more than ever, and Morose suggested turning to Khadgar for help. This idea suits Medivh, but behind Morose he suddenly sees a ghostly black silhouette pointing directly at him. Medivh asks the silhouette to leave, and Morose, turning around, sees nothing.

A meeting of diplomats arriving from other kingdoms is taking place in Shtomgrad. It is attended by representatives of Kul Tiras, Lordaeron, Quel'Thalas and Ironforge. They demand help from King Llane, despite the fact that Stormwind suffered the most from the war. Llane asks the kingdoms to unite, but no one agrees, wanting to take care only of own lands. Lothar bursts into the meeting and immediately reports about a portal created by orcs and capable of conducting huge army from Draenor. The diplomats angrily ask where the Guardian is, and Llane asks for a break. Lordaeron's ambassadors leave, not wanting to continue the conversation. A courier delivers a message announcing an attack on the fortress. Stone Guard. Callan, son of Lothar, was among the wounded. Llane immediately sends his friend to his son. At the hospital, Lothar makes sure his son is okay and learns about the orc attack. Most of the detachment was captured. Lothar asks his son to be careful, because he is all he has left after the death of his wife during childbirth.

Garona returns to Stormwind and informs Llane of Durotan's proposal. The king suspects that the orcs are trying to lure him into a trap, but Garona defends the honesty of the leader of the Frostwolf clan. Taria, hearing that Durotan is a strong leader, says that such leaders must earn the trust of their clans. And people must earn Garona's trust. Taria, approaching the half-breed, gives her her elegant dagger so that she can defend herself. Llane, having decided to meet with Durotan, asks to find the Guardian so that he will protect them in case of a trap.

Khadgar returns to his room at the inn, where he has collected many notes, open books, and drawings. He sees Medivh studying the boy's research. Khadgar says that he saw orcs in the Black Marshes, but Medivh demands to know where he copied the drawing with the portal and others. Khadgar justifies that he was conducting his research, but the Guardian, confident that this is not his business, in a rage destroys all the notes with magical flame. Before leaving, Medivh also notices a book stolen from Karazhan. Khadgar travels to Stormwind Keep and sees Garona leaving a meeting. He shows her the only remaining drawing, and she asks in surprise how the boy knows about what the arrival of the orcs in the Black Marshes looked like. Khadgar realizes that he must urgently take the drawing to Lothar.

The commander-in-chief was just examining the boxes that had arrived from Ironforge. Magni sent him several thunderbolts at once. Khadgar suddenly burst into the room and gave him a drawing, showing a hooded figure towering over the Dark Portal. This meant that the orcs were called from Azeroth, with Medivh burning all of Khadgar's materials that could lead to this. Lothar, assuming that the Guardian was simply trying to protect the boy, nevertheless began to suspect something.

The meeting was soon to begin at the black rock in the north. Durotan saw a group of people heading there, and Orgrim wanted to check the sentries again to make sure there was no ambush. Llane, Lothar and Garona rode forward, and a conversation began through the half-breed, who knew both languages. The king asked if the orcs were ready to return back to their world after defeating Gul'dan, and Durotan replied that there was nowhere to return, because Draenor was dying. Despite this, the leader of the Frostwolf clan arranged a meeting to save both peoples from the Fel and the warlock In two days, the Dark Portal was supposed to open, and Durotan suggested that people distract the orcs so that the Frostwolf clan could deal with Gul'dan. Llane agreed when Durotan promised that he would try to protect the captured humans until then.

Robert Kazinsky as Orgrim Doomhammer

Suddenly they rang out battle cries, and green-skinned orcs rushed at those gathered from all sides. Durotan realized who exactly betrayed him - best friend Orgrim. The battle began and Lothar gave Garona a spear so she could fight. Blackhand and Orgrim Doomhammer stood on the cliff, watching the battle. While fighting, Garona was saved by Khadgar and managed to save Llane from death herself. Callan also took part in the battle and tried to protect the soldiers when Blackhand entered the battle, replacing his severed hand with blades. He and Lothar recognized each other. Medivh cast a shield spell to allow the people to escape, but Callan and several soldiers remained behind the shield. Lothar tried to break through the shield to save his son, but the magic was too strong. Blackhand, realizing from Lothar's behavior that this teenager was important to him, personally pierced his body in front of his father's eyes.

Medivh again lost a lot of strength due to the spell and could not transport himself to Karazhan. Llane offered Khadgar and Garona one of his griffins to quickly take Medivh to the Guardian's Well. In Karazhan they were met by Moroz, who demanded that Medivh be placed in the waters of the spring. When the Guardian began to come to his senses, Khadgar managed to notice the fel in his eyes and immediately went to Dalaran to ask for help from the Kirin Tor. Morose, who needed to prepare potions, asked Garona to sit with the Guardian.

End of the Frostwolves

Durotan returned to his wife and son, immediately declaring that they should leave. But Blackhand had just entered the hut, accusing Durotan of treason. The leader of the Frostwolf clan did not fight and said that he appreciated the orcs they all used to be. Blackhand, realizing that the traitor was right, indifferently replied that now the orcs are just food for Fel. Dreka intervened in the conversation, claiming that hope was still alive. There was no longer anger in Blackhand's voice, but he was still obliged to carry out Gul'dan's orders. Durotan asked to take only him, leaving the clan alone, but Blackhand remained silent. It was time for the spouses to say goodbye. Before leaving, Durotan said the name he wanted to give his son - Go"el.

When he woke up, Medivh saw Garona next to him, and his chest felt warm. She was so strong, beautiful and proud, despite her incredible hard life. Garona said that King Llane was saved, but Lothar's son died. Since she was the one who insisted on the meeting, Lothar should now hate her. Medivh, noticing that the half-breed was upset, told the story of his love. In the past, the Guardian traveled a lot and met with strong and noble people, among whom was a woman who fell in love with him. Although this was not the life that was intended for the Guardian, the woman taught him that for the sake of love one must be ready to wander from end to end of the world and even step beyond the edge. Medivh demanded that Garona immediately find Lothar rather than babysit him. He, knowing that he would lose his last strength, created a magic circle of the portal and turned part of the energy into a flawless flower. When Garona stepped into the circle, he handed the flower to her and called it his gift. As soon as the half-breed disappeared, Medivh fell.

Lothar, meanwhile, was drinking in a tavern in Goldshire. When Garona entered, he was surrounded by empty bottles. She said she was sorry, but Lothar remained silent. After a long pause he spoke: long years Lothar blamed Callan for the death of his mother and now he will not blame Garona. Garona, realizing how much the man suffered, came up to him and touched his cheek with her lips. She knew the pain of her heart and soul that could not be healed with herbs or stitches. Garona saw desire in Lothar's eyes, and their lips touched.

Orgrim Doomhammer stood next to Gul'dan, looking at the portal under construction. He thought about Durotan, whom he had betrayed, and only now understood what his friend was fighting against. Gul'dan explained to him that the two statues that stood at the edges of the gate depict benefactor of the orcs. Instead of Garona, the warlock got himself a new human slave, from whom he gradually drained life energy. Gul'dan said that after the arrival of the Horde, all people would be given over to the Fel. Seeing Orgrim's disagreement, the warlock demanded that the Frostwolf clan finally have a new leader. It was time for Orgrim to receive the gift of the Fel and change the color of his skin. The traitor proposed to gather the entire clan , so that the Fel would be bestowed on Orgrim in front of everyone, and Gul "dal, narrowing his eyes, agreed. Having finally consumed the slave's life, he walked away, and Orgrim ran towards the Frostwolves camp, hoping that he had enough time. But the camp was already burning. Green-skinned orcs destroyed the Frostwolf clan. Orgrim ran into Durotan's hut and begged Dreka to flee with his son while he watched their back. Dreka, scornfully saying that Orgrim should have trusted his leader, took her son, cut through the wall of the tent and disappeared into the darkness. Orgrim killed the Bleeding Hollow orc who ran after her.

Secrets of the Guardian

Arriving in Dalaran, Khadgar hastily rushed to the Chambers of Air and met with the Archmages. Although they ordered him to leave for refusing his vows, the boy told him that the Fel was poisoning Medivh. The mention of Alodie's name was enough for silence to reign in the hall: the teenager should not have known about him. Khadgar was taken to the depths of the Violet Citadel, where a huge black cube was located. It hung above the floor and seemed to consist of a thick sticky liquid. Antonidas said that this was Alodi, an entity from ancient times who probably served as a Guardian. A hole suddenly appeared on the surface of the cube with steps leading into its dark depths. Surprised, Antonidas noted that this had never happened before, and Khadgar went inside.

Glenn Close as Alodie

He called Alodi and heard a hoarse female voice. A clot of energy appeared in front of him, forming into a figure that the teenager had already seen in the Karazhan library. Alodi said that Medivh betrayed everyone and was consumed by Fel. This was due to the loneliness that the Guardian found himself in after being entrusted by the Kirin Tor to guard Azeroth. During the study magical powers Medivh encountered the Fel, and this disgusting energy began to consume the Guardian. According to Alodi, Khadgar was supposed to fight against Medivh, but the young man doubted that he could cope with him. Alodi, showing her face, which showed visible scars from the Fel, replied that he should not fight against the darkness alone. Khadgar realized that Lothar would help him in battle, and Alodi, smiling before disappearing, added that he must trust his friends and remember that from light comes darkness, and from darkness comes light.

In Karazhan, Morose found Medivh cowering on the floor and, seeing the portal runes, realized where Garona had disappeared to. He helped the Guardian get to the source, and Medivh, waking up, thanked him for the opportunity to spend time with his daughter. Suddenly, the energy of the source began to be polluted by the Fel emanating from the Guardian. Medivh apologized to Morose and said that it seemed that it was he who brought the orcs to Azeroth. The corruption had corrupted him, and he did not remember how many monstrous acts he had committed. He could no longer control the Fel. Morose saw Medivh's eyes turn completely black, and then former Guardian absorbed his life energy.

Rebellion against Gul'dan

Llane holds another meeting with Lothar and several officers, discussing tactics for waging war against the orcs. The king offers to contain the enemy, but Lothar wants to first prevent the opening of the Dark Portal so that the orcs do not become much more numerous. Stormwind had to gather all its forces and destroy the portal, as well as free the prisoners. Medivh teleports into the hall, looking much better than before. The Guardian reports that he met with Durotan and learned that the rebellion against Gul'dan was gaining strength. Stormwind could join the Frostwolf clan to destroy the portal together. Llane still doubts, not wanting to leave the kingdom unprotected. Only three legions of soldiers could be send to eliminate the warlock. Medivh promises that three legions will be enough, because the power of the Guardian and the Frostwolf clan will help them. Lothar refuses to send soldiers, not believing in Medivh, and an argument begins between them. The Guardian provokes Lothar with a reminder of his son, and is furious The commander-in-chief attacks him. By order of King Lothar, he is imprisoned. Medivh promises Llane that together they will save the kingdom.

Garona comes to the dungeon and reports that Llane will personally enter the battle against Gul'dan. Lothar asks her not to trust Medivh and not to go along with the three legions. He does not want the half-breed, who has become so close to him, to suffer. Garona takes off his neck an amulet with her mother's fang and gives it to Lothar. Before she leaves, Lothar asks her to return alive.

Durotan is sitting in one of the cages in the Horde camp when Orgrim suddenly kills two guards and frees him. The traitor apologizes to his leader, saying that he did not understand how one could unite with people against their own people. But this was a mistake: Fel led the orcs to death. When Durotan asks about his wife and son, Orgrim confidently says that they are safe, but most of the clan has died. Durotan realizes that he must show the other orcs what a monster the warlock is. He heads to the Frostwolf camp and sees many corpses, but Dreka and Goel are not among them. His gaze falls on the burnt banner of the clan with a bloody palm print, and the leader, who has lost his clan, decides to challenge Guldan.

In Stormwind, King Llane says goodbye to his wife, daughter Adariel and son Varian. He orders the prince to take care of his family until his return. Medivh interrupts the farewell, and the two of them head to the city gates. It's hard for Llane to go to battle without Lothar, but the Guardian assures him that they can handle it. He himself plans to return to Karazhan to prepare for battle, and promises to meet with Llane at the portal. Garona takes the place next to the king, vacated by Medivh.

Lothar, whose knuckles are broken after trying to break down the door, talks to the guard and asks to let him out, but he does not listen to anything. Lothar throws the cup at him, and the guard suddenly turns into a sheep. Khadgar appears and frees the commander-in-chief from the dungeon, after which he hands him a bag of armor and weapons. Lothar is about to go to Llane's aid, but Khadgar convinces him that all of Azeroth must be saved first by stopping Medivh. The boy draws a runic circle and teleports himself to Karazhan along with Lothar.

Dreka, mortally tired from a long run, knows that Gul'dan's servants are still pursuing her. She considers her husband dead from the moment Blackhand took him, and is ready to give her life for her son. She runs up to the river and turns to the river with tears. To the Spirit of Water, asking for protection for the baby. Wrapping him in a blanket with the sign of the Frostwolves, Dreka lowers the basket with him into the water. One of the orcs finally catches up with the fugitives and rushes after the baby, but Dreka attacks him and kills him with fangs and claws. The Orc manages to impale him her stomach with a dagger, and Dreka, continuing to appeal to the Spirit of Water, dies.

All the leaders of the Horde and most of the warriors have gathered at Gul'dan's tent. Durotan, in his ceremonial robes, shouts that he has come to kill Gul'dan. Blackhand replies that a leader without a clan cannot invoke the sacred right of mak'gora - a mortal duel between two orcs. Orgrim stands next to Durotan and says that some of the Frostwolves are still alive. Gul'dan leaves the tent and accepts Durotan's challenge , although Blackhand warns him that the warlock should be prepared to create a spell to open the portal. Gul'dan is confident that the battle will not take much time, and takes off his cloak, revealing an incredibly powerful body, distorted by the effects of Fel. Durotan, realizing that he will die, rushes into battle.

last fight

Khadgar and Lothar see the shriveled corpse of Morose in Karazhan, lying near a green spring. Medivh, standing on the upper platform, does not notice them immediately, and they approach him from different directions. Lothar calls his friend and sees how much the Fel has changed him: his face was covered with wrinkles, small horns took the place of the beard, and his eyes became completely black. Medivh tries to kill Lothar with a spell, but Khadgar suddenly fires a magical blast at him. Although the Guardian fights off the spell, he is forced to let Lothar go. Khadgar manages to hide, and Lothar lies there, pretending to be dead. Medivh begins to cast a spell, and the commander-in-chief manages to crawl to Khadgar, who is hiding under the golem. The boy says that this is a spell to open a portal, and Medivh, hearing two opponents, begins to look for them.

Khadgar tries to defeat him with another spell, but to no avail, and Medivh awakens the golem with fel magic. Lothar, sending Khadgar to deal with the Guardian, promises to take care of the golem. The monster's fist breaks through the floor, and Lothar falls to the floor below. Khadgar and Medivh cast increasingly powerful spells at each other, but the magic was taken over by the Fel. Gathering all his strength, the boy pulls the remaining magic over the source and throws it at Medivh. The Guardian manages to hide from a huge amount of energy. When Khadgar creeps up to his hideout, no one is there anymore.

Durotan and Gul'dan hammer each other with their fists. Despite enormous power, the warlock has a hard time, and finally he quietly presses his palm to the enemy’s chest to absorb his life energy. This makes Gul'dan even more powerful, and he breaks Durotan's arm. The leader of the Frostwolves evades fatal blow and begins to strike blow after blow at Gul'dan. The voice of Medivh begins to ring over the Horde camp, casting a spell to open the gate. Gul'dan should begin to drain the lives of prisoners to fuel the portal, but he is busy dueling with Durotan. He turns to Blackhand for help, but the war chief replies with a grin that the mak'gora, the tradition of the orcs, must continue until victory.

In desperation, Gul'dan attacks Durotan, but he dodges and is not going to give up. The warlock, realizing that time is running out, begins to drain the enemy's energy in front of everyone, and the orcs watching the battle shout that this is a violation of sacred tradition. From last bit of strength Durotan shouts that Gul'dan has no honor, after which the warlock kills him. Orgrim Doomhammer, having caught his friend's last glance, understands that he must now speak on behalf of the Frostwolves. He steps forward and addresses the Horde, asking if they are ready follow the demon into which Gul'dan has turned. He manages to bend down and pull out Durotan's fang in order to pass it on to his son in the future.

Several of the most indignant orcs are about to leave, and Gul"dan in a rage destroys them, tearing the life force from their bodies. The Warlock defiantly asks if anyone else is ready to leave, and the orcs are silent, not wanting to die. Gul"dan directs a stream of Fel at Blackhand , announcing that he will transform and become the most powerful orc. The warlord's muscles bulge and his eyes burn with fel fire. His body is surrounded by processes that look like veins filled with green blood. Orgrim goes into the forest, hearing Gul'dan demanding that the Horde conquer this new world.

Three Stormwind legions, led by Llane, arrive at the Black Marshes. As promised by Medivh, they are met by the Frostwolves: dead bodies, impaled on stakes. Llane, realizing that only Stormwind remains, leads his soldiers into battle.

Gul'dan watches the dark portal, not understanding why Medivh, who is casting spells, is interrupted every now and then. Through the portal one can already see Draenor and the moving figures of orcs ready to burst into Azeroth. Gul'dan drains the vital forces of the captives and directs the flow of Fel to the portal . Orcs begin to appear through it.

Lothar fights the golem and climbs onto its neck. He notices Khadgar lying on the lower level, unconscious and covered in rubble. Medivh turns his attention to the commander-in-chief and throws a spell that hits the golem in the chest. The golem almost falls from the tower, and Lothar, with difficulty holding on and jumping from his neck, rushes to Khadgar. He brings the young man to consciousness with a slap in the face, and he, waking up and assessing the situation, comes up with a plan. Khadgar asks Lothar to force the Guardian to enter the source, and he runs to the golem. Medivh reads the spell to open the portal, and Lothar fails to distract him. Finally, after mentioning Llane, he forces Medivh to enter the spring. The fel turns the Guardian into a huge horned monster, similar to a demon. Lothar shouts to Khadgar, who teleports the golem into the air above Medivh's head with a spell. A lump of clay weighing thousands of pounds lands directly on a demonic figure in a pool filled with Fel.

Gul'dan's triumph ends when the spell for the portal is not renewed. The picture of Draenor fades and disappears. The Warlock angrily declares that those who are here will be enough to conquer Azeroth.

Fel from the source fills Khadgar, who fell there along with the golem. Surrounded by streams of green magic, the youth creates a shimmering shield around Lothar and bends over the demon's head. Khadgar puts his hand on his forehead and drives the entire huge amount of Fel into himself. Medivh returns to his normal appearance, and the young man lowers both hands into the pool. It seems to Lothar that the Blight is about to consume the teenager, but his eyes suddenly flash with a blue glow of magic. Having said that from light comes darkness, and from darkness comes light, Khadgar purges the Fel from himself, from the source and from Karazhan. A wave of green energy kills the trees around the fortress. The Guardian's Well is empty. Lothar runs up to the young man, who has fallen on all fours, and demands to show his eyes. Khadgar looks up and the commander-in-chief sees that he is fine. Lothar’s griffin, sent during his release from prison, just flies up to Karazhan. Lothar tells Khadgar that he is proud of him and jumps from the tower onto the griffin's back to fly towards the Dark Portal.

Left alone, Khadgar heard quiet muttering: the dying Medivh was still trying to cast the spell. It felt familiar, but it was different. Llane, who is fighting against the orcs with his soldiers, suddenly notices that Stormwind appears in the Dark Portal, flickering with the blue light of magic. The King understands that the Guardian saved them and provided them with an escape route. The soldiers continue the battle with renewed vigor, and Llane places Garona on a horse behind him. They gallop past the cages, and the king gives the order to free the prisoners and send them to Stormwind through the portal. He himself is going to hold back the orcs to the last.

Khadgar approaches the dying Medivh and sees the blue glow of magic in his eyes. Tears roll down the Guardian's cheeks. Noticing Khadgar, he says that loneliness makes the Guardians weak. Medivh is sorry that everything happened this way, because he wanted to save the whole world. His gaze goes blank and he falls silent forever.

At the Dark Portal, many prisoners have already been freed and redirected. Llane waits until all the cells are open when he sees the portal's glow fade. The picture of city blocks melts, and through the portal only a wasteland is visible. The orcs, noticing that the enemy will not leave, rush into battle, and Llane realizes that Medivh is dead. He is ready to die because he has done what he came for: saving his people. The king sees Blackhand walking towards him, and a plan is born in his head. He doesn't want everyone to die and asks Garona to kill him. Killing the king will bring honor to the half-breed and make her a heroine. Garona had to survive at the cost of Llane's life, who could not be saved at all, and establish peace between the two peoples. The corrupted monster that Blackhand has become comes closer and closer, and Garona, realizing that there is no way out, cuts Llane's throat with the very dagger that Lady Taria gave her.

Lothar flies over the battlefield on a griffin, looking for Llane, and notices a corpse below, which the orcs are passing among each other. He recognizes the king by the rich armor and guides the griffin down, entering the battle. He makes his way to the dead body and sees a familiar dagger sticking out of his friend's throat. Lothar, realizing that Garona has betrayed them, places the king's body on the griffin and is about to fly away, but Blackhand intercepts them. The orcs are clearing the area where the poppy gora should pass between the war leader of the orcs and the commander-in-chief of the people. They throw the king's sword to Lothar, and Blackhand is going to use only the steel claws that replaced his hand. When the leader rushes at the enemy, Lothar slides under him with a precise and precise movement , killing him with one blow of the sword.

The orcs who were watching the battle are furious, and some of them are going to kill Lothar. But others stop them, because the rules of the mak'gora must be followed. Then Lothar sees Gul'dan and Garona heading towards him. The warlock demands that the orcs kill the commander-in-chief, but they do not carry out the order. Garona tries to explain to him that the mountain is sacred, and Gul'dan is going to personally kill Lothar. Garon still convinces the warlock that no one will listen to him if he goes against tradition. Lothar is given back the griffin and allowed to fly away with dead body Lleyna.

A new beginning

Khadgar, back at the inn, is looking out the window at Stormwind when Lothar enters. The commander-in-chief shows Garona's dagger and explains that he pulled it out of the king's neck. Khadgar refuses to believe in the half-breed's betrayal and stares at the dagger for a long time even after Lothar leaves.

The king's funeral begins in the human capital. Thousands of people gathered, including people from other kingdoms. Lady Taria gives a speech according to which Llane sacrificed himself for his people, and people must respond to this sacrifice with dignity by uniting. The crowd agrees with the queen. Khadgar, approaching Llane's funeral pyre, takes the royal blade and gives it to Anduin Lothar. The crowd asks the commander-in-chief to lead them against the orcs and continues to shout his name. Lothar, knowing that representatives of many kingdoms have gathered here, raises his hand with a sword and shouts: “For Azeroth! For Azeroth and for the Warcraft Alliance.

Character descriptions contain spoilers for the film's plot.

Main characters

  • Llane Wrynn (played by Dominic Cooper) is the just and wise king of the human kingdom of Stormwind. He is not afraid to personally enter into battle and is ready to do anything to save his people. In the final battle, he gives his life to save Garona so that she can establish peace between humans and orcs.
  • Anduin Lothar (played by Travis Fimmel) is a famous knight of Stormwind from a noble family who has been friends with the king and the Guardian since childhood. His wife died giving birth to their son Callan, who wishes to become a good soldier like his father. He defeats Medivh along with Khadgar when it becomes known that it was the Guardian who brought the orcs to Azeroth. Lothar falls in love with Garona, but after killing Lleyna, he considers her a traitor.
  • Medivh (played by Ben Foster) is the chosen Guardian, trained by the Kirin Tor and protecting Azeroth from the forces of darkness. As a child, he was friends with Anduin and Llane, and later saved Stormwind from a troll invasion. While researching magic, he was infected with Fel. Although he tried to resist, he was unable to contain this green magic. Having reached Draenor, he met an orc who fell in love with him and gave birth to Garona. He taught Gul'dan to use the power of Fel to absorb lives and showed a Dark Portal that could lead the orcs to a new world. Medivh dies at the hands of Khadgar and Lothar, who learned of the betrayal.
  • Khadgar (played by Ben Schnetzer) is a young mage who was trained and desired to become the next Guardian. Khadgar abandoned his vows when he realized that he was unhappy with the politics of the Kirin Tor. When the war begins, he is the first to discover the Fels and convince the king to contact Medivh. He accompanies Lothar to many events and together with him defeats the Guardian, having learned the reasons for the appearance of orcs.
  • Taria Wrynn (played by Ruth Negga) is the Queen of Stormwind and has two children with Llane. She treats Garona kindly, who was captured, and supports her husband in everything. After Llane's death, she convinces the kingdoms to unite to honor his sacrifice.
  • Garona (played by Paula Patton) is a half-breed born of an orc from Medivh. Gul'dan saved her life and made her his slave to deliver her to Azeroth for his benefactor. She agrees to help people save their kingdom and falls in love with Anduin Lothar. last battle She kills King Llane at his own request and becomes a hero of the Horde, but in Stormwind she is considered a traitor.
  • Gul"dan (played by Daniel Wu) is an ominous warlock to whom Medivh showed the way to Azeroth. He is able to absorb the life energies of other creatures and turn them into fel. Gul"dan gathers all the orcs into the Horde and begins an invasion of Azeroth, intending to use the lives of people to fully open the Dark Portal.
  • Durotan (played by Toby Kebbell) is a noble leader of the Frostwolf clan, forced to join the Horde due to the destruction of Draenor. He quickly realizes what a threat Gul'dan is, and makes an attempt to unite with the people to defeat him. Durotan gives his life to show all the orcs that Gul'dan does not honor their sacred traditions.
  • Orgrim Doomhammer (played by Robert Kazinsky) – true friend Durotan and his second-in-command in the Frostwolf clan. Orgrim betrays his friend, not understanding how to unite with people against his people, and this leads to the death of most of the clan. Orgrim regrets the betrayal and tries to do everything to prevent Gul'dan's plans from coming together.
  • Blackhand (played by Clancy Brown) is the war leader of the Horde, dissatisfied with the way Gul'dan is breaking traditions and turning orcs into food for Fel. Throughout the war, he constantly clashes with Lothar, whose son he later kills, until he finally dies at his hand .

Other characters

  • Callan (played by Berkeley Duffield) is the son of Lothar, whose mother died during childbirth. He would like to become as good a soldier as his father and is unwilling to avoid battle. Callan is killed by Blackhand during an ambush at Blackrock Mountain.
  • Dreka (played by Anna Galvin) is the faithful wife of Durotan, who goes to Azeroth with him and gives birth to a son, Go"el. She dies at the hands of orcs sent by Gul"dan, but before that she manages to send a basket with her son along the river.
  • Morose (played by Callum Keith Rennie) is a castellan of Karazhan who, without aging, served a huge number of Guardians. He knows many of Medivh's secrets, and he hopes that the Guardian will be able to cope with the Fel. Morose dies by his hand.
  • (played by Michael Adamthwaite) – King of Ironforge who is friends with Lothar.
  • Alodie (played by Glenn Close) is a mysterious ancient entity who once performed the same tasks as the Guardian. She tells Khadgar about Medivh's betrayal and how the young man can defeat the Guardian.

There is an opinion that in Hollywood they make movies like grandma makes pancakes on a clear summer morning: quickly, smoothly and in large quantities. Those who agree with this can laugh in their faces: there are films here, the production of which stretches in time and space from approximately the fence to lunch.

Sometimes even the most devoted fans, waiting for the film adaptation, crawl away in mortal anguish in search of something that grandma has already riveted. Since the mid-nineties, 6 million people around the world have been desperately playing World of Warcraft, and Hollywood men could not decide on a screenwriter, or a director, or something else. And so 10 years! We are happy to announce that the long-term construction has finally moved forward.

Preparing a film adaptation

Legendary Pictures (which is almost the same as the movie giant Warner Bros.) decided to turn the toy into a movie back in 2006, when they bought the rights to it. Blizzard Entertainment, the producer of Warcraft, was enthusiastic about the idea and got involved. However, the Warner Brothers were in no hurry to name the exact date release of the picture.

The film promises to become one of the highest grossing films in the history of cinema.

The company's immediate plans included "Superman" with "Batman" and several other high-budget projects, so adding another item to this list was almost impossible. Realists and pessimists, having eyeballed the deadlines and budgets, predicted a long wait - according to their gloomy forecasts, the film should be released on the screen only by 2008-2009. But the enthusiasm did not disappear: preparations for filming were in full swing.

Plot and prototype

The first toy from the Warcraft series appeared in 1994 and told the story of the struggle between orcs and humans. More than 20 years have passed since then, and the plots have changed significantly. Charles Leavitt, who turned out (also after a long search) to be the screenwriter of the film, was full of water, so the intrigue remained around the storyline.

What exactly will happen on the screen is not yet known for certain. It is only clear that the plot will revolve around the first two games. So those who played Warcraft on MS-DOS in the dashing nineties will be able to shed a few tears of nostalgia: Warcraft: Orc & Humans and Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal got a sequel.

The Alliance and the Horde will face each other - however, it is known that the picture will not repeat the events of the game. The creators took the time and place of action (as well as some of its details) for the film adaptation, and remade, modified and invented the rest from scratch. There are at least two reasons for this move. Firstly, even those who have played and already know the details will not be bored.
And secondly, starting from the very beginning means leaving the opportunity to develop the story further.

New promo posters for the movie "Warcraft"

Director Duncan Jones has already said that 2016's Warcraft is the first film in a trilogy. The fate of the remaining two films must be decided by the audience: how they accept the first part will determine the format, release date and other details of the following parts. Nothing more is known about the future films of the trilogy, nor is the name of their creator. An excellent incentive for Jones to work at 300%: the director of the film adaptation of “Warcraft” in three parts - that sounds proud!

Project director

“War of the Worlds”, “Jurassic Park”, “Men in Black”... Spielberg was considered perhaps the greatest director not only of his time, but in the entire history of cinema. Inviting him into the project was obviously something of a kind gesture. According to a mysterious insider, the Warcraft producers were polite and respected tradition, so Spielberg was allegedly made an offer, and he allegedly agreed. And he even clarified that the film would not be released until 2009. And then everything went quiet.

Talk about a film adaptation of World of Warcraft resurfaced six years later, in 2012. During this period, rumors about Christopher Nolan swirled around the film for some time, but they quickly died down. To soon be replaced by accurate information that another director refused to film. It was Sam Raimi. There was no limit to disappointment! Sam managed to come up with several interesting “tricks” for the film.

In particular, he was going to leave the “framework” of the game, but create a new story. It could surprise not only those who are getting acquainted with the Warcraft universe for the first time, but also the 6 million users who play the toy. However, Sam turned up Oz the Great and Powerful. Raimi did not hesitate and began filming the story of Ellie, blown by the wind to distant lands. And Legendary Pictures did not wait for him to become available.

Duncan Jones is the final director of Warcraft

Sam himself announced this after the fact: he briefly commented on the Warcraft plot, talking about the filming of Oz. He simply said that the film company could not wait - they had to start working. And to finally decide on the name of the director, Legendary Pictures needed another six months. In January 2013, the long-suffering project was finally entrusted to the one who, it seems, would bring it to fruition - Duncan Jones.

This appointment, frankly speaking, surprised many. Spielberg, Nolan, Raimi - Jones looks very modest in this row. By that time, his creative treasury included “Moon 2112” and the more famous “Source Code” with the handsome Gyllenhaal. But both of these things were in the semantic field of scientific pop and were inexpensive by Hollywood standards. “Luna 2112” cost a maximum of $5 million, and “Source Code” cost $32 million.

Legendary Pictures dumped $100 million and the same amount of responsibility and expectations on Jones. Although, on the other hand, there are also motivations - the director is simply forced to jump above his head and produce a mind-blowing product, mastering new genre: he hasn’t had to work with fantasy yet. By the way, Jones had to face a difficult choice. To direct the filming of Warcraft, he was forced to abandon the biopic about the legendary scientist Alexander Fleming. The orcs turned out to be stronger!


The long-term history of the director's search could not do without the epic that affected the list of actors. Over the years, both Johnny Depp and Colin Farrell have been matched to a place in the cast. But none of them were included in the list. But Ben Foster, Travis Fimmel, Toby Kebbell, Robert Kazinsky, Dominic Cooper and Paula Patton will definitely be there. More specifically, these are the characters the viewer will see in the film and try to recognize in the makeup.

Alliance participants

Travis Fimmel - main character from the Alliance (people)
  • Anduin Lothar. He will be played Travis Fimmell(TV series “Vikings” and “The Beast”);
  • Medivh performed Ben Foster(“Hostage”, “Alpha Dog”, “Pandorum”);
  • Lady Tharja, whom I changed into Ruth Negga("Breakfast on Pluto")
  • Khadgar - in the world Ben Schnetzer(“The Book Thief”);
  • King Llane Reed, whose role was assigned Dominic Cooper(“Dracula”, “The Devil’s Double”).

Participants from the Horde

Toby Kebbell - main character from the Horde (orcs) side
  • The permanent leader of the orcs Durotan, whose role he played Toby Kebbell(Rock 'n' Roller, Wrath of the Titans, Planet of the Apes: Revolution, Fantastic Four).
  • Gul'dan, whose form he took Daniel Wu(“Around the World in 80 Days”, “To Kill an Emperor”);
  • Orgrim Doomhammer, as he introduced himself Robert Kazinsky("Pacific Rim");
  • Blackhand the Destroyer - “second self” Clancy Brown(“A Nightmare on Elm Street”, “Lost”, “Sleepy Hollow”);

The third force, as in the Warcraft universe, is represented by Garona the Half-Worc, whose mental suffering because of Medivh was imagined Paula Patton(“Deja Vu”, “Mirrors”).

Director's opinion

Jones was already asked if he had any favorites on the set. Like a good parent, the director evasively replied that he loves all the characters equally. He promised to depict even the opposing forces in equal detail:

"I'm hopeful that audiences will see what the Horde and Alliance were like in the past and embrace the idea that there are heroes on both sides."

By the way, there were rumors that the director was going to shoot a trailer for each side. Jones nevertheless noted the work of some actors with special comments: it is known that special meaning for the director is Durotan, embodied by Toby Cabbell. In addition, Jones noted the excellent work of Daniel Wu, who played Gul'Dan. The director said:

“Daniel was happy to take on the challenge posed by the long-standing Warcraft audience, which has a keen understanding of who the characters are. But Daniel did a great job. Both he and his wife have been playing for a long time. She was determined to ensure that Gul'dan turned out exactly the way it should be. It will be great, but completely unexpected for you, you’ll see.”

Photos from the filming

Well, that sounds promising. Although we have some doubts regarding objectivity. Still, both characters, which Jones spoke about in detail, are in conflict with the Horde... Whose side are your sympathies on, Mr. Jones?

Project status

Filming for “Warcraft” started in early January 2014 and lasted until May. The process took just under four months, which is not that long for a film. However, the main work should not take place on the set, but in the laboratories responsible for special effects. By the way, this is another reason why the process has been extended. Thomas Tull, director of Legendary Pictures and producer, stressed that the team will need a lot of time for post-production.

In total, almost two years remained from the end of filming to release, and almost all of this time was planned to be spent on processing the footage and creating special effects. They were taken over by ILM. One of the members creative group studio - Carey Phillips - has already dubbed the work on Warcraft the most difficult in the last two decades:

“If my memory serves me correctly, problems that made the group tear their hair out with difficulty have appeared three times in the last 20 years. The first time we found ourselves in this situation was when we had to create concepts for the film "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace." The second challenge was Davy Jones, whom we did for Pirates Caribbean Sea" But the concept art prepared for Warcraft cannot be compared with them. We have never done anything like this before!”

Movie scene concept
Another fantasy concept art

Thomas Tull says:

“We don't want to rush. Some episodes will be produced using Newest technologies, and we won’t take risks, we’ll do everything right.”

It will take the guys from ILM about a year and a half to draw the picture. And then the long-awaited rest will finally come for the group involved in the preparation of the film. Duncan Jones will even have the opportunity to take a break from the large-scale action and turn to other projects - in particular, he is going to finish work on the film Mute.

Having conceived it after watching Blade Runner, the director put off the project for several years. Perhaps it will be implemented approximately in the same time frame as Warcraft. In Mute, Jones will return to his favorite genre of sci-fi (science fiction, Science fiction), with whom he was already well acquainted before his grand transition to fantasy.

Project deadlines

It is obvious that the creators have high hopes for the film. Having gone a long way from purchasing the rights to the filming process, they did not rush to present the film to the general public. Initially, the release date was called December 18, 2015, but then the premiere was shifted by three whole months - until May 26, 2016. And all so that “Warcraft” does not get lost against the background of other bright premieres - this is how Thomas Tull explained it.

Presentation of the film "Warcraft" at the Blizzcon conference

Mostly, of course, it was about Star Wars. The continuation of the cult movie will be released on December 16, 2015, and showing a picture about people and orcs against this background would be cinematic suicide. The creators of Warcraft gave Americans and the whole world five months to breathe in, watch Star Wars, breathe out, discuss, and only after that they will present their creation.

Along the way, we note that you shouldn’t miss Star Wars either. Since they postponed the premiere of a film based on a super-cult game on which a couple of generations of usernames and gamers have grown up, it means there will be something to see – the producers can be trusted 100% in this regard. At the same time, you can brighten up the agonizing days and months of waiting, although against the backdrop of nine years of preparation they look like a mere trifle.

Warcraft movie video

First official teaser - "Sky of Azeroth"

The creators of Warcraft have finally become generous and posted the first video material on the Internet that has at least some relation to the film. Alas, this is not a full-fledged trailer. This video presents us with a fantasy world, available for viewing at an angle of 360 degrees (of course, if your browser supports panoramic viewing). Want to take a look at Stormwind from griffon flight?

(UPD from 11/06/2015) The official trailer has been released!

Warcraft movie trailer

Warcraft movie review (part 1)

Warcraft movie review (part 2)

The colorful world of Warcraft in concept art

We offer you photographs from the presentation of the project, as well as bright, detailed concepts with which the film is created.

Creators of a film about the WOW universe
Props created for the presentation of the film
"Warcraft" is rich in enchanting fantasy landscapes
Development of the main characters of the film
Volumes computer graphics in "Warcraft" no one will be surprised
One of many "landscape" sketches
Film scene sketch
Graphic elaboration of the scene

Ben Foster
Dominic Cooper
Toby Kebbell
Ben Schnetzer
Robert Kazinsky
Clancy Brown
Ruth Negga
Daniel Wu Operator Simon Duggan Composer Ramin Djawadi Film company Legendary Pictures
Blizzard Entertainment
Atlas Entertainment (English)
Universal Pictures (distribution)
Duration 123 minutes Budget 160 million Fees 433 677 183 A country USA USA Language English, general, orc Year 2016 IMDb ID 0803096 Official site

The film is directed by Duncan Jones, who co-wrote the script with Charles Leavitt based on a story by Chris Metzen. Starring Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Ben Foster, Dominic Cooper, Toby Kebbell, Ben Schnetzer, Robert Kazinsky, Clancy Brown, Ruth Negga and Daniel Wu.

Release in the United States began on June 10, 2016. The film was a box office failure in the United States, but was eventually released in 3,406 theaters and grossed 433,677,183 worldwide. . Distribution in Russia began on May 26, 2016

Plot [ | ]

Under the influence of fel, demonic magic, Draenor, the home world of the orc race, is dying, and in order to save their race from imminent death, the leaders of all clans lead everyone to the Dark Portal, where the orcish warlock Gul'dan, who possesses fel and at one time infected The bloodthirstiness of the orcs, with the help of the blood of the ruler of the underworld, Mannoroh, is going to open a portal to another world suitable for life. All clans unite at the portal into a single Horde, led by Gul'dan. Drawing strength from the life energy of the captives, Gul'dan activates the portal for a short time, which is enough to transport the most powerful warriors of the Horde, including the Frostwolf clan led by Durotan.

Immediately after passing through the portal, Dreka (the wife of Chief Durotan) goes into labor, but the newborn is pale and shows no signs of life. The sorcerer takes the body of the orc baby in his hands and, using fel magic, breathes into it the life force of a deer that happens to be nearby. Gul'dan calls upon the orcs to welcome the new Horde warrior, and the crowd cheers.

Meanwhile, Lord Anduin Lothar, commander-in-chief of the human kingdom and brother-in-law of King Llane Wrynn, who is visiting the dwarven city of Ironforge, receives news of mysterious invaders - they are devastating nearby villages and taking the inhabitants captive. Wanting to examine the corpses of warriors in the fortress, he stumbles upon the young magician Khadgar, a former member of the Kirin Tor, who once renounced his oath as the future Guardian of Tirisfal. The sorcerer, examining one of the bodies, suddenly gets scared and begs to call the Guardian Medivh (the son of the Guardian Aegwynn, who defeated the Destroyer of Worlds Sargeras in ancient times), assuring Lord Anduin that he will explain everything to them. But calling the Guardian is not so easy, and Lothar goes for help to Llane Wrynn, the king of Stormwind, who can summon Medivh with his power.

Taking the royal ring, Anduin flies on his griffin with Khadgar to the Tower of Karazhan - the abode of the Guardian. Along the way, it turns out that Medivh had previously disappeared for six years for unknown reasons. Leaving Khadgar downstairs in the library, Lothar goes upstairs, where he finds an old friend at the Well of Magic constructing a clay golem.

Meanwhile, Khadgar is looking around the library, but suddenly notices a figure who disappears into one of the bookshelves, and the tattoo on his hand (the sign of the Kirin Tor) indicates an old book. Taking it in his hands, he finds himself attacked by the cautious Medivh. Skeptical of the sorcerer's story, Medivh agrees to visit the king. In Stormwind, convinced of the veracity of Khadgar's words, he is part of a reconnaissance party that also included Lothar, his son Callan and Khadgar.

Following one of the trade routes, stumbling upon destroyed carts and scattered provisions, they find traces of Fel. To the Guardian's horror, his worst fears have come true - orcs use fel magic, and fel and light are opposites. The squad was lured into an ambush set up by the orcs of Blackhand the Destroyer, among whom was Durotan, who had been in reserve throughout the battle. The battle shows that the orcs are much stronger physically and taller. If it were not for the help of Medivh, who used the enemy's weapon - fel magic, the squad would have been destroyed. And Durotan becomes convinced how bloodthirsty and at the same time vulnerable his brothers are, afflicted with Fel.

Wanting to get the prisoner to study his weak points, Lothar organizes a chase, as a result of which the old orc and Garona Half-orc, who passed with the Durotan clan through a magical portal, are captured. Only the captive reached Stormwind; the old orc was killed by Anduin. To everyone's surprise, Garona knows human language, making communication easier. After reconnaissance, people understand what Gul’dan is trying to achieve - with the help of the life energy of the prisoners, he wants to open the portal to Draenor again in order to summon the remaining Horde there. Then Azeroth will have no chance of winning the coming war. Khadgar, studying a book he found in the Karazhan library, finds illustrations of that same portal and understands that Gul’dan did not bring the orcs himself, they were called by someone from their human world. Wanting to help Guardian Medivh, he talks about his discovery, but he advises him to mind his own business, simultaneously burning all the notes and sketches, except for the one that depicts a hooded man opening a portal from the other side.

Meanwhile, Durotan realizes that the fel used by the orc warlock caused his death home world. Deciding to stop Gul'dan, he makes an appointment with the King of Stormwind, Llane, in a mountain gorge. Orgrim Doomhammer does not agree with Durotan's decision to rebel against Gul'dan, since from the outside it looks like a betrayal of his race. During negotiations between the two races, humans and the Frostwolves are attacked by a detachment led by Blackhand. The Guardian arrived in time last moment manages to fence off the army of orcs from a small handful of surviving people with an insurmountable magical barrier. But Callan remains outside the barrier with several warriors, who dies at the hands of Blackhand.

Having spent all his energy helping people, the Guardian falls unconscious. He is found by Garona and Khadgar. Old Morose, the ruler of Medivh's sorcerer's stronghold, places the victim in a Source filled with the energy of arcane magic. Seeing the green, fel-tainted eyes of the Guardian, Khadgar decides to seek advice from the Kirin Tor, whose leaders are located in the high-floating city of mages Dalaran, which was a haven for all people who were able to exchange knowledge with the High Elves. There he asks the elders about a certain Alodi, who was mentioned in the book of Medivh. Antonidas, the powerful leader of the Kirin Tor mages, leads the young mage to an ancient magical cube that only the Guardian and the council of sorcerers know about. Suddenly the cube comes to life and opens a passage for Khadgar. Walking along it, he finds Alodi, an artifact created by Medivh's mother, the first Guardian - Aegwynn. In ancient times, she created a special relic - the Guardian's Crucible. Alodi says that Medivh no longer protects Azeroth, but rather wants to destroy. Medivh admits that he lost the fight against Fel, and, having finally switched to dark side, takes the life of the castellan.

There is a heated debate in Stormwind about the future strategy in the war against the orcs, given that neither the elves of Quel Thalas, nor the dwarves of Ironforge, nor even the powerful Kingdom of Lordaeron will come to the aid of Stormwind. Lothar does not believe in victory - after all, as soon as Gul’dan opens the Dark Portal for the Horde, the battle will be lost. Medivh appears, and after a short conflict with Anduin, he convinces the king to throw all his forces into the decisive battle near the portal, promising to help from Karazhan and saying that Durotan managed to split the Horde. Lothar is locked in a prison cage, believing that grief over his dead son is preventing him from thinking straight. Khadgar realized that the Guardian is not who he claims to be, and hurries to notify Llane about this, but does not have time, and finds Lothar alone. They decide to stop Medivh and, through a teleport created by the sorcerer, are transported to the Guardian's tower. Medivh, meanwhile, reads spells that activate the Dark Portal. Lothar and Khadgar engage Medivh. Using fel magic, Medivh falls completely under the control of Sargeras, lord of the Burning Legion. A long time ago, a battle took place between Sargeras and Medivh's mother, Aegwynn, in which the guardian won, but the demon used her, and then her son, as a vessel.

In the orc camp, Blackhand unravels Durotan's plans and asks permission from Gul'dan, together with Orgrim, to destroy the entire Frostwolf clan. When most of its members were killed (those orcs that were weaker were taken prisoner for the ritual), near the tent with Durotan’s wife and son, Orgrim realized what a mistake he had made and released Dreka. Orgrim helps stage Durotan's escape and makes peace with his friend, admitting his mistake. The young leader, wanting to delay the coming of the Horde and open the eyes of all the other orcs on true essence Gul'dana challenges the latter to Mak'Gora - a sacred duel. But the warlock is preparing for the ritual of opening the portal and, in order not to waste time, is forced to use magic, sucking out all the life force of Durotan, which causes extreme dissatisfaction among almost all orcs, who from time immemorial have respected traditions, recognize only strength and consider magic to be dishonest. Gul'dan, in order to maintain control, intimidates the orcs, draining the lives of several Horde warriors with one spell and using their energy to desecrate Blackhand. At this time, a portal opens; in turn, the remaining legions of Stormwind approached the orc camp. The battle begins.

And in Karazhan, the Guardian has changed beyond recognition. Khadgar lured Medivh into a trap by dropping a clay golem on him and exorcising the demon, but the sorcerer himself became under the influence of fel. Having regained his human appearance, Medivh repents before his death, advising the sorcerer never to fight evil alone, as this is doomed to failure. He finds the strength to help King Llane in the battle, instead of a portal to Draenor, briefly opening a passage to Stormwind and giving hope to the already thinned legions. Stormwind soldiers help the freed peasants escape from captivity through a portal.

Despite this, the king finds himself surrounded, and seeing that death is inevitable, he asks Garona to kill him in order to glorify the half-breed in the eyes of the orcs. Before his death, Llane makes the woman promise - she will do everything so that peace between the two races someday comes. In desperation, Garona performs last will king. Lothar, who arrived to help, does not understand the half-orc’s act and perceives it as a betrayal. He himself is captured. Having come to his senses, he sees how the killer of his son, Blackhand the Destroyer, the leader of the Horde, who accepted Gul'dan's gift - Fel - challenges him. Lothar won the duel; Having avenged his son, he wants to take Llane's body and fly to Stormwind. Gul'dan, seeing him as a dangerous enemy, is going to break the laws of the duel and kill Lothar, but, fearing to be left without the support of the Horde, he lets him go. The funeral of Llane Wrynn is taking place in the capital, which is attended by representatives of all the Eastern Kingdoms of Azeroth, as well as the High King of Khaz Modan Magni Bronzebeard - the creator of a magical sword called the Ashbringer in the future and the King of Quel'Thalas Anasterian Sunstrider. Anduin Lothar is chosen as the new leader of Stormwind, and he announces the creation of an Alliance that will crush the Horde in the future.

The son of Durotan and Dreka Go'el, whom his mother managed to save, is found by the people of the manager of the Durnholde Fortress, Edalas Blackmoore. The blue-eyed baby growls at the man holding him. Thus ended the story of the first clash between the orcs and the races of Azeroth, and began the story of Thrall, Leader of the New Horde.

Cast [ | ]

The film features over 50 actors, not counting the extras.

Alliance [ | ]

  • Travis Fimmel - Anduin Lothar(Anduin Lothar), the main character from the Alliance side. Commands the troops of Stormwind, a close friend of King Llane.
  • Ben Foster - Medivh(Medivh), the last of the Guardians of Tirisfal, an ancient caste of protectors with great power to fight demons.
  • Dominic Cooper - King Llane Wrynn(Llane Wrynn), leader of the human kingdom of Stormwind and a beacon of hope for his people in a time of darkness.
  • Ben Schnetzer - Khadgar(Khadgar), a talented young magician who dropped out of his studies in the Kirin Tor. Helps Anduin Lothar.
  • Ruth Negga - Lady Tharja(Lady Taria), sister of Anduin Lothar, Queen of Stormwind, Llane's wife and his most trusted advisor. Mother of the future king of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn.
  • Ryan Robbins - Karos(Karos), knight of Stormwind, chief of the king's guard.
  • Berkeley Duffield - Callan(Callan), son of Anduin Lothar.
  • Callum Keith Rennie - Morose(Moroes), Medivh's assistant.
  • Michael Adamthwaite - King Magni Bronzebeard(King Magni), ruler of Ironforge and friend of Anduin Lothar.
  • Anna von Hoft (English) - Aloman(Aloman), Stormwind officer.
  • Dylan Schombing - Varian Wrynn(Varian Wrynn), son of Llane and Tharja, heir to the throne of Stormwind.
  • Mackenzie Gray - Ambassador of the King of Lordaeron Terenas Menethil II(Lordaerian Delegate).
  • Callan Mulvey - warrior(Warrior).
  • Kyle Rideout - Officer(Officer #2).
  • Patrick Sabongui - infantryman(Footman #1).
  • Wesley McInnes (English) - gate guard(Gate Guard).
  • Chesney Hawks - cameo (bard in the tavern)
  • Chris Metzen - cameo (merchant in Stormwind)
  • Dean Redman - Varys(Varis)

Horde [ | ]

Mages of the Kirin Tor [ | ]

Production [ | ]

In June 2007, Legendary Pictures chairman Thomas Tull announced that their film studio was working closely with Blizzard designers and writers to adapt World of Warcraft to the silver screen.

The notorious German director Uwe Boll, known for his disastrous film adaptations, wanted to take on the film adaptation of the game. computer games. He reported this to Blizzard representative Paul Sams. To which Paul replied: “We won’t sell the rights to the film, and certainly not to you. Since the game was a huge success, perhaps a bad movie would greatly reduce the flow of new players."

In July 2009, it became known that Legendary Pictures had entrusted the director's chair to Sam Raimi, known for the Spider-Man trilogy and the classic horror films The Evil Dead. In addition to him, the film company invited the producer of the film “The Dark Knight” Charles Roven.

In 2013, it became known that Sam Raimi left the project, and Duncan Jones became the director of the film.

Filming took place from January 13 to May 23, 2014 - a total of 131 days. Post-production took twenty months.

Marketing [ | ]

The first private screening of the teaser took place at San-Diego Comic-Con 2013. According to viewers, it showed a meeting between a man and an orc before their fight. The first details of the future film were presented at BlizzCon 2013, where at the presentation the creators and producers of the film showed concept art and also told plot details. The new teaser was shown at the film's 2014 Comic-Con panel, where both humans and orcs were showcased. For most of the video, the audience was shown landscapes of Azeroth. The second half of the video showed the leaders of two opposing camps: humans and orcs. A clip from the upcoming film was shown at ComicCon 2015. The fifteen-second teaser, published on November 4, received more than 3 and a half million views in the first day. The official trailer for the film was released on November 6, 2015.

At the Dota 2 esports tournament in Moscow EPICENTER on May 15, 2016, director Duncan Jones and Rob Kazinsky, who played Ogrim Doomhammer, presented footage from the film, a trailer and a video about the making of the film, and interviews were also given [ ] .

Criticism [ | ]

The film received predominantly negative reviews from Western film critics. According to review aggregator Rotten tomatoes, 28% of 193 reviews were positive, and the average rating was 4.2 out of 10. According to Metacritic, the film's average score is 32 out of 100. He was crushed by such publications as the Village Voice, Variety, Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly, Washington Post,. Among the few who defended the film were writers for the Los Angeles Times and USA Today.

Russian publications were much more favorable to the film: according to the portal "Criticism", "Warcraft" received an average rating of 72 out of 100. It received positive reviews from the publications Kanobu, World of Fantasy, Gazeta.ru, Vedomosti and many others, and only three sharply negative reviews. The film has a user rating of 7 out of 10 on IMDb.

Rental and fees [ | ]

The release date was originally set for December 18, 2015, but due to the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it was moved to March 11, 2016, and then to May 25, 2016.

The total box office of the Warcraft film worldwide is $433.7 million (47.4 million in North America and 386.3 million outside of it). Thus, "Warcraft" became the first and only film based on video games, the box office of which exceeded the threshold of $400 million, breaking the record of the film "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" - $336.4 million. Taking into account various factors affecting profitability (share of box office in China, marketing expenses, spin-off income), analysts believe that the film was not a complete failure, but also did not make a profit.

From May 14 to May 25, 2018, an auction was held where items featured in the film were sold. It was possible to purchase the armor of Anduin Lothar, King Llane Wrynn, world maps, and more.

Awards and nominations[ | ]

Awards Nomination dates Category Recipients and candidates Result Links


The film is directed by Duncan Jones, who co-wrote the screenplay with Charles Leavitt based on the story by Chris Metzen. Starring Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Ben Foster, Dominic Cooper, Toby Kebbell, Ben Schnetzer, Robert Kazinsky, Clancy Brown, Ruth Negga and Daniel Wu.

The release in Russia began on May 26, 2016, and was released in the United States on June 10. The film was a box office failure in the United States, but was eventually released in 3,406 theaters and grossed 433,677,183 worldwide.

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    Under the influence of fel, demonic magic, Draenor, the home world of the orc race, is dying, and in order to save their race from imminent death, the leaders of all clans lead everyone to the Dark Portal, where the orcish warlock Gul'dan, who possesses fel and at one time infected Orcs with bloodthirstiness, with the help of the blood of the ruler of the underworld Mannoroth, are going to open a portal to another world suitable for life. All clans unite at the portal into a single Horde, led by Gul'dan. Drawing strength from the life energy of the captive draenei, Gul'dan activates the portal for a short time, which is enough to transport the most powerful warriors of the Horde, including the Frostwolf clan led by Durotan and Orgrim Doomhammer.

    Immediately after passing through the portal, Dreka (the wife of Chief Durotan) goes into labor, but the newborn is pale and shows no signs of life. The sorcerer takes the body of the orc baby in his hands and, using fel magic, breathes into it the life force of a deer that happens to be nearby. Gul'dan calls upon the orcs to welcome the new Horde warrior, and the crowd cheers.

    Meanwhile, Lord Anduin Lothar, commander-in-chief of the human kingdom and brother-in-law of King Llane Wrynn, who is visiting the dwarven city of Ironforge, receives news of mysterious invaders - they are devastating nearby villages and taking the inhabitants captive. Wanting to examine the corpses of warriors in the fortress, he stumbles upon the young magician Khadgar, a former member of the Kirin Tor, who once renounced his oath as the future Guardian of Tirisfal. The sorcerer, examining one of the bodies, suddenly gets scared and begs to call the Guardian Medivh (the son of the Guardian Aegwynn, who defeated the Destroyer of Worlds Sargeras in ancient times), assuring Anduin that he will explain everything to them. But calling the Guardian is not so easy, and Lothar goes for help to Llane Wrynn, the king of Stormwind, who can summon Medivh with his power.

    Taking the royal ring, Anduin flies on his griffin with Khadgar to the Tower of Karazhan - the abode of the Guardian. Along the way, it turns out that Medivh had previously disappeared for six years for unknown reasons. Leaving Khadgar downstairs in the library, Lothar goes upstairs, where he finds an old friend at the Well of Magic constructing a clay golem.

    Meanwhile, Khadgar is looking around the library, but suddenly notices a figure that disappears into one of the bookshelves, and the tattoo on his forearm (the mark of the Kirin Tor) indicates an old book. Taking it in his hands, he finds himself attacked by the cautious Medivh. Skeptical of the sorcerer's story, Medivh agrees to visit the king. In Stormwind, convinced of the veracity of Khadgar's words, he is part of a reconnaissance party that also included Lothar, his son Callan and Khadgar.

    Following one of the trade routes, stumbling upon destroyed carts and scattered provisions, they find traces of Fel. To the Guardian's horror, his worst fears have come true - orcs use fel magic, and fel and light are opposites. The squad was lured into an ambush set up by the orcs of Blackhand the Destroyer, among whom was Durotan, who had been in reserve throughout the battle. The battle shows that the orcs are much stronger physically and taller. If it were not for the help of Medivh, who used the enemy's weapon - fel magic, the squad would have been destroyed. And Durotan becomes convinced how bloodthirsty and at the same time vulnerable his brothers are, afflicted with Fel.

    Wanting to get the prisoner to study his weak points, Lothar organizes a chase, as a result of which the old orc and Garona Half-orc, who passed with the Durotan clan through a magical portal, are captured. Only the captive reached Stormwind; the old orc was killed by Anduin. To everyone's surprise, Garona knows human language, making communication easier. After reconnaissance, people understand what Gul’dan is trying to achieve - with the help of the life energy of the prisoners, he wants to open the portal to Draenor again in order to summon the remaining Horde there. Then Azeroth will have no chance of winning the coming war. Khadgar, studying a book he found in the Karazhan library, finds illustrations of that same portal and understands that Gul’dan did not bring the orcs himself, they were called by someone from their human world. Wanting to help Guardian Medivh, he talks about his discovery, but he advises him to mind his own business, simultaneously burning all the notes and sketches, except for the one that depicts a hooded man opening a portal from the other side.

    Meanwhile, Durotan realizes that the fel used by the orc warlock caused the death of his home world. Deciding to stop Gul'dan, he makes an appointment with the King of Stormwind, Llane, in a mountain gorge. Orgrim Doomhammer does not agree with Durotan's decision to rebel against Gul'dan, since from the outside it looks like a betrayal of his race. During negotiations between the two races, humans and the Frostwolves are attacked by a detachment led by Blackhand. The Guardian arrives in time at the last moment and manages to fence off the army of orcs from a small handful of surviving people with an insurmountable magical barrier. But Callan remains outside the barrier with several warriors, who dies at the hands of Blackhand.

    Having spent all his energy helping people, the Guardian falls unconscious. He is found by Garona and Khadgar. Old Morose, the ruler of Medivh's sorcerer's stronghold, places the victim in a Source filled with the energy of arcane magic. Seeing the green, fel-tainted eyes of the Guardian, Khadgar decides to seek advice from the Kirin Tor, whose leaders are located in the high-floating city of mages Dalaran, which was a haven for all people who were able to exchange knowledge with the High Elves. There he asks the elders about a certain Alodi, who was mentioned in the book of Medivh. Antonidas, the powerful leader of the Kirin Tor mages, leads the young mage to an ancient magical cube that only the Guardian and the council of sorcerers know about. Suddenly the cube comes to life and opens a passage for Khadgar. Walking along it, he finds Alodi, an artifact created by Medivh's mother, the first Guardian - Aegwynn. In ancient times, she created a special relic - the Guardian's Crucible. Alodi says that Medivh no longer protects Azeroth, but rather wants to destroy. Medivh admits that he lost the fight against the Fel, and, having finally gone over to the dark side, takes the life of the castellan.

    There is a heated debate in Stormwind about the future strategy in the war against the orcs, given that neither the elves of Quel Thalas, nor the dwarves of Ironforge, nor even the powerful Kingdom of Lordaeron will come to the aid of Stormwind. Lothar does not believe in victory - after all, as soon as Gul’dan opens the Dark Portal for the Horde, the battle will be lost. Medivh appears, and after a short conflict with Anduin, he convinces the king to throw all his forces into the decisive battle near the portal, promising to help from Karazhan and saying that Durotan managed to split the Horde. Lothar is locked in a prison cage, believing that grief over his dead son is preventing him from thinking straight. Khadgar realized that the Guardian is not who he claims to be, and hurries to notify Llane about this, but does not have time, and finds Lothar alone. They decide to stop Medivh and, through a teleport created by the sorcerer, are transported to the Guardian's tower. Medivh, meanwhile, reads spells that activate the Dark Portal. Lothar and Khadgar engage Medivh. Using fel magic, Medivh falls completely under the control of Sargerass, the ruler of the Burning Legion. A long time ago, a battle took place between Sargerass and Medivh's mother, Aegwynn, in which the guardian won, but the demon used her, and then her son, as a vessel.

    In the orc camp, Blackhand unravels Durotan's plans and asks permission from Gul'dan, together with Orgrim, to destroy the entire Frostwolf clan. When most of its members were killed (those orcs that were weaker were taken prisoner for the ritual), near the tent with Durotan’s wife and son, Orgrim realized what a mistake he had made and released Dreka. Orgrim helps stage Durotan's escape and makes peace with his friend, admitting his mistake. The young leader, wanting to delay the coming of the Horde and open the eyes of all other orcs to the true essence of Gul'dan, challenges the latter to Mak'Gor - a sacred duel. But the warlock is preparing for the ritual of opening the portal and, in order not to waste time, is forced to use magic, sucking out all the life force of Durotan, which causes extreme dissatisfaction among almost all orcs, who from time immemorial have respected traditions, recognize only strength and consider magic to be dishonest. Gul'dan, in order to maintain control, intimidates the orcs, draining the lives of several Horde warriors with one spell and using their energy to desecrate Blackhand. At this time, a portal opens; in turn, the remaining legions of Stormwind approached the orc camp. The battle begins.

    And in Karazhan, the Guardian has changed beyond recognition. Khadgar lured Medivh into a trap by dropping a clay golem on him and exorcising the demon, but the sorcerer himself became under the influence of fel. Having regained his human appearance, Medivh repents before his death, advising the sorcerer never to fight evil alone, as this is doomed to failure. He finds the strength to help King Llane in the battle, instead of a portal to Draenor, briefly opening a passage to Stormwind and giving hope to the already thinned legions. Stormwind soldiers help the freed peasants escape from captivity through a portal.

    Despite this, the king finds himself surrounded, and seeing that death is inevitable, he asks Garona to kill him in order to glorify the half-breed in the eyes of the orc people. Before his death, Llane makes the woman promise - she will do everything so that peace between the two races someday comes. In desperation, Garona fulfills the king's last wish. Anduin, who flew in to help, does not understand the half-orc’s act and perceives it as a betrayal. He himself is captured. Having come to his senses, he sees how the killer of his son, Blackhand the Destroyer, the leader of the Horde, who accepted Gul'dan's gift - Fel - challenges him. Lothar won the duel; Having avenged his son, he wants to take Llane's body and fly to Stormwind. Gul'dan, seeing him as a dangerous enemy, is going to break the laws of the duel and kill Lothar, but, fearing to be left without the support of the Horde, he lets him go. The funeral of Llane Wrynn is taking place in the capital, which is attended by representatives of all the Eastern Kingdoms of Azeroth, as well as the High King of Khaz Modan Magni Bronzebeard - the creator of a magical sword called the Ashbringer in the future and the King of Kael'Thalas Anasterian the Sunstrider. Anduin Lothar is chosen as the new leader of Stormwind, and he announces the creation of an Alliance that will crush the Horde in the future.

    The son of Durotan and Dreka Go'el, whom his mother managed to save, is found by the people of the manager of the Durnholde Fortress, Edalas Blackmoore. The blue-eyed baby growls at the man holding him. Thus ended the story of the first clash between the orcs and the races of Azeroth, and began the story of Thrall, Leader of the New Horde.


    The film features over 50 actors, not counting the extras.


    • Travis Fimmel - Anduin Lothar, the main character from the Alliance side. Commands the troops of Stormwind, a close friend of King Llane.
    • Ben Foster - Medivh, the last of the Guardians of Tirisfal, an ancient caste of protectors with great power to fight demons.
    • Dominic Cooper - King Llane Wrynn, leader of the human kingdom of Stormwind and a beacon of hope for his people in a time of darkness.
    • Ben Schnetzer - Khadgar, a talented young mage who dropped out of his Kirin Tor training. Helps Anduin Lothar.
    • Ruth Negga - Lady Tharja, sister of Anduin Lothar, queen of Stormwind, Llane's wife and his most trusted advisor. Mother of the future King of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn.
    • Ryan Robbins - Karos, knight of Stormwind, chief of the king's guard.
    • Berkeley Duffield - Callan", son of Anduin Lothar.
    • Callum Keith Rennie - Morose, Medivh's assistant.
    • Michael Adamthwaite - King Magni Bronzebeard, ruler of Ironforge and friend of Anduin Lothar.
    • Anna von Hoft (English) Russian - Aloman, Stormwind officer.
    • Dylan Schombing - Varian Wrynn, son of Llane and Tharja, heir to the throne of Stormwind.
    • Mackenzie Gray - Ambassador of the King of Lordaeron Terenas Menethil II.
    • Callan Mulvey - warrior.
    • Kyle Rideout - Officer.
    • Patrick Sabongui - infantryman.
    • Wesley McInnes (English) Russian - gate guard.
    • Chesney Hawks - cameo (bard in the tavern)
    • Chris Metzen - cameo (merchant in Stormwind)


    • Toby Kebbell - Durotan, the main character of the Horde. Durotan is the noble chieftain of the Frostwolf clan.
    • Anna Galvin (English) Russian - Dreka, wife of Durotan and mother of their newborn son.
    • Paula Patton - Garona Half-orc, a female half-orc, knows the language of people.
    • Clancy Brown - Blackhand the Destroyer, chieftain of the Blackrock clan and leader of the Horde. Gul'dan's protégé.
    • Robert Kazinski - Orgrim Doomhammer, member of the Frostwolf clan, Durotan's best friend.
    • Daniel Wu - Gul'dan, a sinister orcish warlock who wields fel magic.
    • Terry Notary - Grommash Hellscream, leader of the Warsong clan.
    • André Tricote (English) Russian - orc captain.
    • Dan Payne (English) Russian - clan member.
    • Dean Redman - captured orc from the Frostwolf clan.

    Mages of the Kirin Tor

    • Glenn Close - Alodie, the first Guardian of Tirisfal, imprisoned inside the Dalaran Artifact.
    • Toby Kebbell - Antonidas, Archmage of the Kirin Tor
    • Eugene Lipinski - Finden, mage of the Kirin Tor
    • Kristina Yastrzhembskaya (English) Russian - archmage.
    • Frank S. Turner (English) Russian - archmage.
    • Daniel Cudmore - uncredited.


    In June 2007, Legendary Pictures chairman Thomas Tull announced that the studio was working closely with Blizzard's designers and writers to adapt World of Warcraft to the silver screen.

    The notorious German director Uwe Boll, known for his disastrous adaptations of computer games, wanted to take on the film adaptation of the game. He reported this to Blizzard representative Paul Sams. To which Paul replied: “We won’t sell the rights to the film, and certainly not to you. Since the game was a huge success, perhaps a bad movie would greatly reduce the flow of new players."

    In July 2009, it became known that Legendary Pictures had entrusted the director's chair to Sam Raimi, known for the Spider-Man trilogy and the classic horror films The Evil Dead. In addition to him, the film company invited the producer of the film “The Dark Knight” Charles Roven.

    In 2013, it became known that Sam Raimi had left the project, and Duncan Jones became the director of the film.

    Filming took place from January 13 to May 23, 2014 - a total of 131 days. Post-production took twenty months.


    The first private screening of the teaser took place at San-Diego Comic-Con 2013. According to viewers, it showed a meeting between a man and an orc before their fight. The first details of the future film were presented at BlizzCon 2013, where at the presentation the creators and producers of the film showed concept art and also told plot details. The new teaser was shown at the film's 2014 Comic-Con panel, where both humans and orcs were showcased. For most of the video, the audience was shown landscapes of Azeroth. The second half of the video showed the leaders of two opposing camps: humans and orcs. A clip from the upcoming film was shown at ComicCon 2015. The fifteen-second teaser, published on November 4, received more than 3 and a half million views in the first day. The official trailer for the film was released on November 6, 2015.

    At the Dota 2 esports tournament in Moscow EPICENTER on May 15, 2016, director Duncan Jones and Rob Kazinsky, who played Ogrim Doomhammer, presented footage from the film, a trailer and a video about the making of the film, and interviews were also given [ ] .

    Joshua Donen
    Stuart Finigan

    Warcraft is a fantasy science fiction film in the plot of which the events that took place in the game are described Warcraft I. The film was released on May 19, 2016 (world), May 26, 2016 (Russian Federation).


    The film begins in a world called Draenor, the home world of the orcs. A voiceover belonging to Durotan, leader of the Frostwolf clan, talks about the planet's past, and its sad end. Under the influence of an unknown force, the world began to die, and in order to save his clan from imminent death, the young leader leads everyone to the Dark Gate, where a certain orc shaman Gul'dan, who can control Fel, mysterious magic, wants to open a portal to another world, suitable for habitation. All clans gathered at the portal, forming a Horde. Drawing strength from the life energy of captive draenei, Gul'dan activates the portal for a short time, which is enough to transfer the most powerful warriors, including the Frostwolf clan. Meanwhile, in the world of Azeroth, in the kingdom of Stormwind, Anduin Lothar receives news of mysterious invaders who have already devastated several nearby villages and taken the inhabitants captive. Wanting to examine the corpses of the warriors, he stumbles upon Khadgar, a young mage from the Kirin Tor who once renounced his oath. The sorcerer, examining the body, suddenly becomes frightened and begs to call the Guardian (Medivh), assuring Anduin that he will explain everything to them. But summoning the Guardian is not so easy, and Lothar goes for help to Llane Wrynn, King of Stormwind, who has the proper power to demand a visit from Medivh. Taking the royal ring as proof, Anduin flew on his hippogriff to Karazhan, the home of the Guardian, taking Khadgar with him. Along the way, it turns out that Medivh, for unknown reasons, disappeared for 6 years. Leaving Khadgar downstairs in the library, Lothar goes upstairs. The young sorcerer, meanwhile, is attracted by a figure that disappears into one of the bookshelves, and a tattoo, the sign of the Kirin Tor, points to an old book. Taking it in his hands, Khadgar finds himself attacked by the cautious Medivh, and it becomes clear to the viewer what the Guardian is like. This is a magician who has sworn to protect the entire world from threat through the control of arcane magic. Skeptical of the sorcerer's story, Medivh nevertheless agrees to visit the king. In Stormwind, having seen with his own eyes the veracity of Khadgar's words, he agrees to join a scouting party that includes Lothar, his son Callan, and Khadgar. Following one of the trade routes, stumbling upon destroyed carts and scattered provisions, they find traces of Fel. To the Guardian's horror, his worst fears came true, because Fel and Light are opposites. At this time, it turns out that they were lured into an ambush set up by orcs, including Durotan. The battle shows that the orcs are much stronger physically and taller. If it were not for the help of Medivh, who killed the enemies with the power of Fel, the squad would have been destroyed. Wanting to get the prisoner in order to study his weak points, Lothar organizes a chase, as a result of which the old orc and Garona Half-Orc are captured. Only the captive reached Stormwind; the old orc was killed by Anduin. To everyone's surprise, Garona knows their language, making communication easier. After reconnaissance, people understand what Gul'dan is trying to achieve - with the help of the life energy of prisoners, he wants to open the portal to Draenor again in order to summon the Horde. Then the Alliance will have no chance of winning the war. Khadgar, studying a book he found in the Karazhan library, finds illustrations of that same portal, and understands that it was not Gul’dan who brought the orcs, they were called by someone from their own world. Wanting to help Medivh, he talks about his discovery, but he does not believe it, simultaneously burning all his notes and sketches. Meanwhile, Durotan realizes that the Fel, which the orc shaman uses, is Darkness itself, and it was it that caused the death of his home world. Deciding to destroy Gul'dan, he arranges a meeting with the king of Stormwind, Llane, in a mountain gorge. But Orgrim Doomhammer does not agree with Durotan's decision to rebel against his people, and sets up an ambush during negotiations between the two races. The Guardian arrives in time at the last moment and manages to fence off the orc army from a small detachment of people by an insurmountable magical barrier, but does not notice Anduin’s son Callan, and he dies at the hands of Blackhand the Destroyer.

    Having spent all his energy helping people, the Guardian falls unconscious. He is found by Anduin and Khadgar. Morose, the ruler of Medivh's arcane stronghold, places the victim in a bath filled with arcane energy. Seeing the Guardian's green, fel-tainted eyes, Khadgar decides to seek advice from the Kirin Tor, a magical cult whose leaders reside high in the skies in the city of Dalaran. Then it becomes clear - the Guardian no longer protects Azeroth, but on the contrary, wants to destroy. Medivh admits that he lost the fight with Sverna, and, having finally gone over to the dark side, takes the life of the castellan. In Stormwind, there is a debate about the future strategy in the war against the orcs. Lothar does not believe in a successful outcome of the battle. Medivh appears, and after a short conflict with Anduin, he convinces the king to throw all his strength into the decisive battle near the portal, promising to help from Karazhan. Lothar is locked in a prison cell. Khadgar, who realized that the Guardian is not who he claims to be, hurries to notify Llane about this, but does not have time, and finds Lothar alone. Having decided to stop Medivh, they are transported through a teleport created by the sorcerer directly to the Guardian's tower. Medivh, meanwhile, reads spells that activate the Dark Portal, while becoming disfigured by the Fel that has engulfed him.

    Meanwhile, in the camp of the orcs, Blackhand unravels the plans of Durotan, and asks permission from Gul'dan, together with Orgrim, to destroy the entire clan of the Frostwolf. When most of its members were killed (those orcs that were weaker were taken prisoner), near the tent with wife and son of Durotan, Orgrim realized what a mistake he made, and releases Dreka, while himself arranging Durotan's escape from captivity. The young leader, wanting to delay the coming of the Horde, and open the eyes of all other orcs to the true essence of Gul'dan, calls the latter to Mac “The mountain is a sacred duel. But the shaman, inferior to him in close combat, is forced to use magic, sucking out all the life force of Durotan, which causes almost all of the orcs, who have respected traditions from time immemorial, to be extremely dissatisfied. At this time, the opening of the portal begins. turn, the legions of Stormwind approached the orc camp, and the battle begins.In the tower of Karazhan, meanwhile, Khadgar managed to defeat Medivh, who had already practically changed beyond recognition, acquiring the silhouette of a demon. Having lured the Guardian into a trap, a stone golem was dropped on him. But Khadgar himself was under the influence of Fel. Anduin sees a battle between the Force and Darkness take place in the sorcerer, as a result of which the Light wins, thereby becoming the new Guardian of Azeroth. Medivh, who has already regained his human appearance, repents before his death, advising the sorcerer to never fight the Darkness alone, this is doomed to failure. Instead of a portal to Draenor, it briefly opens a passage to Stormwind, giving hope to the already thinned legions to fight new strength. The king finds himself surrounded, and seeing that death is inevitable, he asks Garona to kill him, because killing the leader himself is considered a great feat among the orcs. Anduin, who arrived to help, does not understand the half-orc’s act, and perceives it as a betrayal, but he himself is captured. Coming to his senses, he sees his son's killer, Blackhand the Destroyer, challenging him. Having avenged his son, he wants to take Llane's body and fly to Stormwind. Gul'dan, seeing him as a dangerous enemy, is going to break the laws of the duel and kill Lothar, but fearing to be left without the support of the Horde, he lets him go. The funeral of Llane Wrynn is taking place in the capital, at which representatives of all seven kingdoms of Azeroth gathered, as well as delegations. ruling clan dwarves and the elven kingdom of Quel "Thalas. Anduin Lothar is chosen as the new leader of Stormwind. The film ends with a scene where the son of Durotan, who managed to escape in the river, is found and taken by the people of Edelas Blackmoor.

    Directors and actors




    Other roles



      Blackhand actor at BlizzCon 2014.

      Actor of Durotan at BlizzCon 2014.

      Actress Garona at BlizzCon 2014.

      Llane's actor at BlizzCon 2014.

      Lothar actor at BlizzCon 2014.

      Actor Medivh at BlizzCon 2014.