What does it mean to have a spoonful of honey in a barrel of ointment? A spoonful of honey in a barrel of ointment

measure of tar in a barrel of honey

Alternative descriptions


Dining accessory

Russian drum musical instrument

. “Dry... mouth hurting” (last)

. "Breading" cutlery

. "Scoop" by Antoshka

The main "working" tool of the eater

Road to lunch

Antoshka prepared her for dinner in a song

G. a tool for slurping, for eating liquids; bread-bowl, shevyrka, eater. Pouring spoon, ladle. A type of iron ladle used to pour copper for small castings; the same, flatter ladle, which is used to remove the heated kernels, or bayonets, ingots from the molds; wide drill blade; wide earth drill bit; the lower end of the sternum, spoon, dimple under the sternum. A wooden spoon (the main craft of the Lower Gubernia region) is cut from the shell with a hatchet, hewn with an adze, sharpened with a knife and cut with a crooked cutter, and the handle and forging on it are sharpened with a saw, by hand. The spoon can be: mezheumok, simple Russian, wide; butyrka, burlatskaya, the same, but thicker and rougher; bosque, long, blunt-nosed; half-bare, rounder than that; big-nosed, pointed-nosed; thin, generally fine, clean finish. White i.e. unpainted, comes first hand

measure of tar

Musical instrument for dinner

The weapon of one when there are seven with a bipod

An item of household utensils, in rituals - a symbol of a family member, living or deceased

An item that goes up in price by lunchtime

Device - slurp cabbage soup

Glutton's working tool

Russian folk musical instrument

Russian percussion musical instrument

Dining room "colleague" of knife and fork


Soup scoop

What Antoshka prepared for dinner

Percussion instrument of a folk orchestra

The closer it is to lunch, the more expensive it is

Scoop for Antoshka


I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am mouthless (a mystery)

A part of a drilling device intended for extracting liquid, semi-liquid and crumbly rock from a well

By lunchtime it gets more expensive

One of the most ancient cutlery

She's on her way to dinner

An object for scooping up liquid crumbly food

Household item, one of the handicraft goods

Eating device


IN Ancient Greece Even in rich houses they served dried crusts of bread for dinner, but what do we use now instead?

The barge haulers called her “butyzka” and wore her hat ribbon on her forehead like a cockade

Eater tool

. “I don’t eat myself, but I feed people” (riddle)

The most important table tool

It would be very difficult to eat soup without her.

A musical instrument that can be used to sip cabbage soup

Mediator between soup and eater

Minimum required amount of honey to spoil one barrel of honey

One with a bipod, and seven with it

A soldier has cutlery behind his boot

Cutlery for seven

A dose of tar that is lethal to a barrel

Broth scoop

Soup drinker

. "scoop", dear for dinner

. "scoop" for shoes


The main “working” tool of the eater

In Ancient Greece, even in rich houses, dried crusts of bread were served for dinner, but what do we use now instead?

The barge haulers called her “butyzka” and wore her hat ribbon on her forehead like a cockade

. “I don’t eat myself, but I feed people” (riddle)

. “dry... mouth hurting” (last)

Bread cutlery

. “scoop”, dear to dinner

. Antoshka's "scoop"

Dining room "colleague" of knife and fork

Device - slurp cabbage soup

. "scoop" for shoes

A fly in the ointment

1. Razg. Joking-iron. About a small, insignificant addition that spoils the big and good. BTS, 93, 245, 503. 2. Jarg. school Joking-iron. Summer assignment for a struggling student. Bytic, 1999–2000. 3. Jarg. they say Joking. About parents staying home for the weekend. Maksimov, 225. /i> From the proverb

Big dictionary Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .


See what “fly in the ointment” is in other dictionaries:

    a fly in the ointment- About a small, insignificant addition that spoils the big and good... Dictionary of many expressions

    Jarg. school Joking. Turn. VMN 2003, 77 ...

    Cucuteni cultures, late Neolithic ... Wikipedia

    Adam's spoon. People's A handful of. SRNG 1, 206; DP, 314. Big spoon. Razg. Joking. Shovel. Home. 1, 515. Who has a spoon in front of his mouth. Kar. About a person who, breaking the rules of etiquette, starts eating earlier than others. SRGK 3, 140. A spoonful of shit in a barrel of honey.… … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Vulg. simple Disapproved What's l. about? unpleasant, although small, but spoiling the whole. /i> Vulgar punning alteration famous saying a fly in the ointment. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 189 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    This article is about the liquid; other meanings: Tar (meanings). Souvenir tar Tar is a liquid product of dry distillation of wood, as well as solid fuels of stone and brown... Wikipedia

    barrel- And; pl. genus. check, date chkam; and. see also barrel, barrel, barrel, barrel 1) a) A large wooden vessel with two flat bottoms and convex walls bound with hoops or a cylindrical metal container (usually used as ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    BARREL- A large wooden vessel in the form of a cylinder with two flat bottoms and convex walls tied with hoops, as well as an ancient Russian measure of the volume of liquids and granular bodies, used before the introduction metric system measures (1918), equal to 492 l ... Linguistic and regional dictionary

    A proverb is a phrase, a figure of speech reflecting some phenomenon of life, one of the small genres of folklore. Often has a humorous character. Of the simplest poetic works, what a fable or proverb is, can stand out and... ... Wikipedia

    There are other meanings to this term, see Bowie. David Bowie David Bowie ... Wikipedia


  • Jealousy. How to cope? , Alexey Michman. They say that God gave jealousy so that love would not seem too sweet to people. She's like a fly in the ointment. Even a little or very little jealousy can destroy a big one...

In August, we traditionally celebrated the Honey Savior. In the summer, when fair stalls and store shelves are full of jars with bright labels, it seems as if nothing will happen to the bees. But hardworking insects face several dangers at once. Loud statements that “soon real honey will disappear,” scares few people: they’re not used to such horror stories. In fact, there are enough reasons to worry.

Beekeepers are sounding the alarm: the profession is dying out, young people do not want to engage in painstaking but unprofitable work, the quality of honey is falling, and to add to all the troubles is the mass death of bees, which has been observed for several years now. Experts' assessments are pessimistic: by the end of this century there may not be any of them left on the planet at all. Last loud scandal began with a statement from beekeepers in Bashkiria: “Our bees are dying en masse, and we don’t know why.” Indeed, in some areas of the region, family mortality rates reached 100 percent. For a republic where this product is the same as bread, a reason for pride and one of the export items, what is happening is a real disaster.

“Over the past 10–15 years, the number of bee colonies has decreased by 15 million, there were 50 - only 35 remain, and this process continues,” says Vyacheslav Lebedev, a famous Russian scientist-apiologist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.

To find out what threatens the unique product and the insects that produce it, “Culture” went to Bashkiria, where beekeeping has been an important part of people’s lives since ancient times, then to Moscow - to the Russian National Union of Beekeepers, and, finally, to the only one in the country scientific institute near Ryazan, where they study honey bees.

There are no oligarchs among beekeepers

When royal Russia sold Bashkir honey abroad, it was so hard that they cut it with a knife. Gone are those days... The region produces only six and a half thousand tons annually. Skeptics believe that this figure is also somewhat overestimated. “Many simply legalize their own product through Bashkiria, bring it here, negotiate with some peasant from a remote village, he receives all the required certificates for it, allegedly producing it himself. It’s so unclear where the honey taken from becomes noble Bashkir honey,” the beekeepers spoke about the painful issue.

They have something to worry about. The profession is becoming obsolete.

“Children of beekeepers do not strive to follow in the footsteps of their parents. If this happens, then only in the southern regions, where there is a return from this business, says Margarita Kharitonova, scientific secretary of the Beekeeping Research Institute, candidate of biological sciences. - They earn good money there, for example, in Adygea. But they mainly breed bees, queens for sale, and do not engage in production.”

“There are no oligarchs among beekeepers. You still have to put in more work than you get in income,” says 37-year-old Andrey, a second-generation beekeeper who dreams of reaching the international level.

When foreigners ask: “Why should we buy Bashkir honey?” “I answer them simply: “Because ours is the best,” says beekeeper Eldar from Ufa. “And indeed, in most regions of the world there are twenty honey plants, and in our republic there are two hundred; mixed-herb honey is our know-how.”

Officials, just in case, deny everything. “It is at least hasty to announce the possible appearance of an infection in the republic that has affected bees,” says Vakil Buranbaev, head of the Veterinary Department, chief state veterinary inspector of Bashkortostan.

Not many of officials keep abreast of the latest world scientific events. At numerous international conferences there is only talk about how to save apiaries. Bashkir practicing beekeepers also agree with the scientists. Who else, if not them, should be sad about the fate of honey. “Canada, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain - absolutely all European countries are affected by this problem, for last years in some states of America, up to 90 percent of bee colonies died,” lists Vyacheslav Lebedev.

The most dangerous thing is that it is still not very clear what is happening to the bees and what is the main reason for their death. And, most importantly, what to do now?

Empty hive

Some of the versions are worthy Hollywood movie horror. Just imagine: a beautiful September morning, a hive full of honey, like a ghostly flying Dutchman, because the owners are no longer in it, they have flown away. Where, why - no one knows.

The widespread distribution of cellular communications, more than twenty types of mutated viruses, for which medicines do not help. Infected bee colonies - they are sold for pennies for profit, and then they destroy everyone else. “Our former neighbors in the CIS, residents of the Central Asian republics. Beekeeping was once widespread among them, but now there is nothing left - keeping an apiary is expensive. And so they breed bee colonies, they bring queens to us in trucks to sell - they don’t care whether they are healthy, they just need to make money quickly and that’s all,” one of the Bashkir beekeepers shared on condition of anonymity. - And many inexperienced amateurs want to buy cheaper, they don’t look at the quality. Even if such bees bring two or three jars of honey, and then they all die, then the person will justify the purchase.”

As soon as the massive and uncontrolled sale of bee colonies began, new diseases spread throughout the world - mixed with old ones. Neither border guards nor customs officers are holding them back.

Even in the purest Siberia, where there are no telephone towers, no Wi-Fi, no environmental problems, strange things are also happening with wild bees - why? Maybe because the planet is a single ecosystem and you can’t, having pretty much cluttered one part of it, expect that everything will be fine in another in perfect order?

“The fields are treated with pesticides,” Vyacheslav Lebedev is indignant. - There are substances that cause a sharp loss of memory and orientation in space in bees; they can also be the reason for their mass gathering. In Russia it is prohibited to plant genetically modified crops - and this is correct, because it has long been established that such plants sharply reduce the resistance of bees to all adverse factors external environment. In addition, consumption of nectar from such flowers leads to a loss of sensitivity to antibiotics. The bees get sick, and the medicine stops helping.”

We tried to change the situation and cross different types bees to take from everyone best qualities, but somewhere in the second or third generation the family becomes somehow abnormal: the bees stop bringing nectar, fly on their own, have fun, multiply, there is a mess in the hive... “Apparently, you cannot interfere with the laws of nature without consequences,” - experts note.

What is surprising is not that bees are dying en masse, but that some of them survive. And this is all thanks to enthusiastic apiologists.

The vertical control has been destroyed

A real scientific institution, as it should be, with complex system stairs and corridors, glass flasks in laboratories, employees in white coats. “Why are there so few people around?” “Everyone is working,” explains Lyubov Savushkina, leading researcher at the Beekeeping Research Institute.

The Museum of the Scientific Research Institute is an old one; it arose under the Romanovs on the basis of the royal apiary. Back then, representatives of noble families did not shy away from tinkering with bees. Everyone made a hive to their liking; there was no single modification of bee houses; the most incredible specimens were brought here to the royal collection, which has now become the largest in the world. There is a lot to see: beehives in the form of a bell tower and a church, decks “Tsar”, “Tsarina”, “Tsarevna”, which belonged to Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov.

There is only one such beekeeping research institute in Russia. In the small town of Rybnoye, Ryazan region, in the shadow of a luxurious park guarded by honey bees.

“Alas, we now have only 150 families. And in former times there were several thousand of them. But restructuring, optimization - you understand,” says Vyacheslav Lebedev - he used to be the director of a research institute, now, retired, he works as its scientific director.

This institution was first opened in Tula region, then moved to the village of VILAR in the Moscow region, and in the mid-50s Nikita Khrushchev thought that since there was a horse breeding research institute near Ryazan, why not place bees there as well. The decision turned out to be wrong. “The age of our employees today is quite young - from 65 to 84 years,” the scientist jokes. - Those who came here during the USSR still remained. The salary is small, the institute is in the outback, far from other cities - which young specialist will come here today?”

Previously, there was a production department to which experienced beekeeping farms in the country were subordinate - the so-called vertical management - all the developments of scientists were immediately put into practice, their recommendations were implemented throughout the Union. “There was a classical system, and it was all destroyed, now we’re just trying to restore it,” the scientist sighs.

For three years now there has been no unit for the prevention and control of bee diseases - simply because there are no specialists. That is, the solution to one of the pressing issues of world beekeeping is passing by Russia. And then we wonder why people refuse to buy our honey abroad.

Show your documents

The problem with exports is determining the quality of domestic honey. “It turns out that in some respects Russia is currently not as demanding about quality as, for example, European, Japanese and even Chinese manufacturers. Their standards are much higher than ours. Abroad, there is a more accurate detection limit for prohibited substances. We tried to sell Bashkir honey to Germany. A barrel costs $1,000, and analysis of its contents costs $2,000. We decided to save money, but a Polish laboratory immediately discovered the impurity, and we lost all our money,” the businessmen complain.

“Once we sent a large batch of honey to China, the buyer said: I don’t care whether you have an analysis or not, but if our sanitary services stop at the border, then I won’t buy it. And we didn’t risk it, because sometimes, to be honest, you don’t even know what’s in your honey,” admits beekeeper Ilya Samsonov from the Moscow region.

“Ask any private owner whether his product is organic, and he will immediately, without blinking an eye, answer that it is the most organic,” says Margarita Kharitonova. “And when you start to wonder what exactly he feeds his bees and in what quantities, you grab your head!” Since the insects fell ill en masse, they began to be urgently treated, for some reason selecting medications on their own. “So it turns out that bee colonies are treated by eye, without even properly reading the instructions for veterinary drugs, and then they are surprised that they find anything in their honey,” she notes.

The problem with Russian honey is the high content of antibiotics, say Rosselkhoznadzor experts. Experts believe that confusion and carelessness occur due to the abolition of local veterinary supervision. Almost the entire beekeeping industry today is in the private sector, so it can sometimes be difficult to control what is happening where.

In Russia there are not many laboratories of the latest generation that can detect harmful impurities in honey. Their research is expensive, small producers cannot afford such luxury - help is needed. And for the state, beekeeping is, alas, too unprofitable an industry to spend money on.

“But saving bees should concern society. These humble insects play a huge role in increasing crop yields. Honey is only a by-product of bee activity; their mission in pollinating crops comes first,” emphasizes Vyacheslav Lebedev.

Now, on the basis of the research institute, they are trying to create a Federal science Center beekeeping, the only one in Russia. They want to add the Krasnopolyansk experimental station to it. There is also the Maykop stronghold, where bees are bred, and the Aleshinskoye Federal State Unitary Enterprise, where they are engaged in seed production of honey crops. And this is all that remains of the rich Soviet heritage. However, for now the indicated changes are only in the draft. Just like the law on beekeeping, which has not been passed since the 90s.

“Today there is not a single federal document that would clearly regulate the activities of beekeepers, and there are no recommendations to farmers on how to cultivate fields around beekeeping settlements so as not to kill insects. In addition, we still have not figured out what honey is, there is no culture of its consumption, it is not clear what kind of honey can be traded, and for which kind unscrupulous traders can be fined,” says Olga Chupakhina.

Multi-colored fakes

This substance looks like honey. It has the color and even taste of honey. But we're talking about about fake. The story is common, especially when trading hands.

“The latest technologies make it possible today to produce completely artificial honey; its physical and chemical characteristics can correspond to the real thing. This is a sugar syrup to which enzymes and plant pollen are added. Only an expert can identify such high-quality counterfeit high class. Of course, you won’t find such a specialist at the stalls,” explains Margarita Kharitonova.

Weekend fair. Dormitory area Moscow. A saleswoman in one of the tents is praising her product with might and main, and on the counter in front of her there are at least thirty types of honey in plastic containers. Yellow, red, blue - choose any. A picture familiar to everyone.

“Blue is cornflower blue,” she suggests trying. “What about brown?” - “Chestnut, from Bashkiria itself, best honey in Russia". - “Do chestnuts grow in Bashkiria?” - I’m having fun. But the deceiver does not hesitate: “Do you want me to show you the documents?” I don’t want to - I know that she has certificates.

“To avoid getting into trouble, you need to ask questions about where the honey was collected, what kind of apiary, how many families there are in it. Most often, at such fairs, goods are offered not by manufacturers, but by intermediaries; they simply do not know the details, advises Margarita Kharitonova. - Unfortunately, our fellow citizens are looking for different samples of honey from one seller, but a real producer never has more than two types, it is simply impossible to collect ten or even fifteen in one place. And this should also be alarming.”

Usually, unscrupulous intermediaries have everything in order with their papers. Most often, it is honest private owners who suffer from their absence. They come to the market with a small amount of their honey, and if they fill out all the documents correctly, they will never recoup these expenses, but admission ticket It's not cheap to go to the fair anyway. These small producers are fined for non-compliance with the rules. It turns out that resellers and scammers win.

Low-quality honey, or rather honey-containing products, are widespread everywhere. For example, Chinese honey appeared. This does not mean that it is brought from China - the components come from there, and they are “butted” already here, with us.

A jar with “supposedly honey”, next to three Chinese tubes - with brown-green paint that smells of pine, and also with red and yellow. Depending on which one you add, honey turns, turns... into taiga, raspberry or sea buckthorn exclusive! And it is in vain to convince our citizens that there are no such huge thickets of sea buckthorn that bees carry their nectar only from there, that this is all a clumsy fake and self-made. But how to deal with this?

Problems have been building for decades, and now quantity appears to have outgrown quality. If not corrected, then at least the situation can be improved, but the list of required measures is long, and so far there is no one in sight who would undertake to save the industry.

Photo at the announcement: PHOTOXPRESS

On September 1, information about the opening caught my eye new school built with the personal money of German Gref, the first thought... we now have philanthropists of the level of Gavrila Gavrilovich Solodovnikov, who donated more than 20 million rubles to charity (in today's money... about 10 billion dollars) out of 22 earned.

With his own money, Gavrila Gavrilovich built on Bolshaya Dmitrovka concert hall With theater stage, where ballets and extravaganzas could be staged (today the Operetta Theater is in this room). Thanks to the philanthropist, a Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases appeared in the city, equipped with all the most interesting things. Today, its premises house the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. A third of the capital, out of 20 million, went to the arrangement of zemstvo women's schools in a number of provinces, the other third - to the creation vocational schools and a shelter for homeless children in Serpukhov district, and the remaining part - for the construction of houses with cheap apartments for poor and lonely people. Such philanthropists as Solodovnikov pre-revolutionary Russia there were hundreds, well known by many... Morozov, the Tretyakov brothers, Mamontov, Soldatenkov...

With their donations, much was created and built for common people, including schools...

German Gref also built his own school.

The school is unique... its project received a prize international competition Re-thinking the Future, you can see this in the video and at the first moment I wanted to rejoice... rich people appeared in the country ready to donate millions of dollars to charity...

There was an error...
there was a fly in the ointment.
The school turned out to be not for ordinary children living in the neighborhood, but for very wealthy parents who can afford to pay 80 thousand rubles a month for a child’s education and
66 thousand for a child’s stay in kindergarten. It turns out that this is... not an ordinary charity, but a business project of a private school headed by the wife of German Oskarovich.
By Hamburg account... it’s okay, another private school has appeared, there are already hundreds of such schools throughout the country and it was possible to put on a video with the title “Gref opened private school"and forget about this business project of his... if not for one thing!

The second one was found... a fly in the ointment
The Khoroshevskaya School private educational institution is provided with a subsidy from the budget of the city of Moscow in order to reimburse costs in connection with the provision of preschool education to citizens of Moscow and the Moscow region.
Rich kids “cry too,” 66 thousand a month is not enough... without government subsidies, their childhood would not be as fun and carefree... as it is today... with budget funding.

Our new philanthropists have not grown up to Solodovnikov and Morozov... they are all drawn into business and into the state pocket (budget), and I really want to see the headline - “Herman Gref built a unique school with his own money and handed it over to the city”...
Dreams Dreams...

1. Razg. Joking-iron. About a small, insignificant addition that spoils the big and good. BTS, 93, 245, 503. 2. Jarg. school Joking-iron. Summer assignment for a struggling student. Bytic, 1999–2000. 3. Jarg. they say Joking. About parents staying home for the weekend. Maksimov, 225. /i> From the proverb

  • - Ingredients: 0.5 l water 100-150 g honey 1 tbsp. spoon of starch 0.5-1 glass of cranberry or lingonberry juice 2-3 pieces of sugar or 2-3 teaspoons granulated sugar Preparation: Honey...

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  • - "...: enzymatic digestion organic matter, mainly carbohydrates of honey, yeast contained in it..." Source: "BEEKEEPING. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS...

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  • - a method of protection against attempts hostile takeover by taking over or merging with another company. See See also: Protection from hostile takeover  ...

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  • - "...: removal of excess water from honey under conditions that ensure the preservation of its properties..." Source: "BEEKEEPING. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS...

    Official terminology

  • - "...: extracting honey from honeycombs using a honey extractor..." Source: "BEEKEEPING. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS...

    Official terminology

  • - it is produced from the hive partly gradually, during the bribe, partly at the end of it, when the honeycombs are cut out, or “the honey breaks”...
  • - see Resin and Tar...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - see Tree...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

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  • - See WEALTH -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The son of his father's tar will not work...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Vulg.-simple. Disapproved About smb. unpleasant, although small, but spoiling the whole. /i> A vulgar punning adaptation of the well-known saying: a fly in the ointment. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 189...
  • - Kar. About unbridled fun. SRGK 2, 268...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Zharg. school Joking. Turn. VMN 2003, 77...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 4 spoiled, darkened, poisoned, darkened...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 flaw disadvantage...

    Synonym dictionary

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