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Everyone puts a piece of their experience into the concept of betrayal. For some, it’s casual flirting. For others – consumption after long journey together, even if not ideal. The spouse is allowed to cheat, society justifies him by the nature of the flesh. One-time adherence to nature usually does not pose any danger to your partner.

Female betrayal is a tangled tangle of wounded pride, grievances and ideas about true happiness. She opens herself to sin completely - mind, body and soul. But going “to the side” is a manifestation of an acute illness in relationships, the source of which is hidden in the history of two people.

Why do wives cheat on their husbands? Let's figure out what makes them create a love triangle.

1. Lack of emotions

The first reasons for a wife’s betrayal are lack of tenderness, admiration and desire to possess her. Psychology claims that she has a need for acceptance and approval from her loved one. She dreams of feeling desired, and not having to deal with endless financial and everyday matters, which is what most couples end up with.

Often she directly communicates what does not suit her. But if she doesn’t receive a response, her sensuality is neglected, and she is left to find evidence of attractiveness on her own.

An established couple needs a sip" fresh air”, drive and in confirmation of their unity. Then the question will not arise - why is my wife cheating on me, and will not have to find out about the “horns” when documents are already being prepared for the court.

2. Dissatisfaction in bed

Wives can “go to the left” due to a banal lack of passion, following the lead of physiological desire. Love turns into a routine, performing only the technical function of marital duty. But she needs experiences; intimacy without a spiritual component is not interesting.

Mismatch of temperaments and male inability to be sensitive - common reasons wife's betrayal. Sex with a bored lover becomes inert, fades away, and pleasure disappears. It is important for a man to see the relationship between “satisfaction and feelings”, then he will be able to understand why his wife wants to cheat on him.

3. Falling in love

Happens, new novel comes unexpectedly. The culprit is the basic instinct, which at the subconscious level makes you forget about responsibility. If there was trust in the family before, the first signs of infidelity are quickly noticed.

The girl is trying to fight temptation, to block it. Why does a wife cheat in a dream? The subconscious desire to surrender to another manifests itself in a dream, because the criticism of consciousness disappears at this time.

An offense committed out of passionate obsession jeopardizes the existing lifestyle. A woman is sometimes afraid to burn her last bridges because of financial dependence or children. If not for the restraining circumstances, she would have packed her bags and left.

4. Lack of love

A common reason why a wife cheats is lack of love. The one she chose earlier is not attractive or turns out to be unpleasant. It happens that they marry an adult wealthy applicant. But you have to get along with the cute one interesting person for physical pleasures.

The chronic “cuckold,” tormented by jealousy, asks himself why it seems that his wife is cheating. The answer is simple - she fell out of love or never loved, using her as a source of financial benefits.

5. Family discord

Signs of a wife’s betrayal, physiological and psychological, are an unwillingness to be alone anymore and annoying nagging. There is no real unity, understanding between spouses, only regular quarrels. There is a heavy emotional atmosphere in the house, like after a scandal. A deep breakdown in relationships results in minor disagreements on everyday grounds.

Psychology advises you to look carefully at these signs of your wife’s betrayal. It’s not a fact that she has already been, but reality is pushing her to choose other options for organizing her personal life. A thought stuck in my tired head: change the gentleman and everything will come to its senses. But after the implementation of the plan, no changes occur, because main factor An unfavorable fate lies in the attitude towards marriage. Soon events unfold according to a familiar algorithm.

6. Women's unfulfillment

She realized herself as a mother and homemaker. But there is no confidence in the coming future, despite general plans. She feels that she is losing her beauty with age. Expects to be exchanged for another. She is capable of fidelity, but the fear of being abandoned forces her to play it safe and look for an “alternate airfield” at work or among friends.

Another scenario is that she directly says that she is given little time, not enough affection, not enough touches. Her need to be the only one, to be protected, is not satisfied. Then the deceived husband realizes the signs of his wife’s betrayal - at work and in everyday life it took place, and now he strives to feel the inspiration of passion.

7. Disappointment

Ladies tend to be bewitched at the very beginning of romance; they voluntarily fall into captivity of illusions. At first, her new acquaintance captivates her with his decisive personality and crazy charisma. But then she realizes that she was mistaken and stops trusting. To realize the wrong choice occurs, you have to try hard - most of those who were deceived in their expectations cling with all their might to their “rose-colored glasses”, in no hurry to take them off.

When sobering up occurs, she begins to observe her husband with open eyes, to notice weaknesses and bad habits. After that, he switches to another, more worthy one. If she allows him to come to her, it means that she is deeply disappointed in her former partner, and looks at the new suitor as a potential companion.

8. Increased self-esteem

Excessive attention causes the envy and respect of friends. Of course, in conversation they condemn her for her promiscuity, but in her heart they are deeply jealous. She doesn’t know how to feel her own importance differently. Multiple bed adventures - the most affordable way realize yourself and love yourself.

9. Curiosity

Try how it will be with other representatives of Adam’s race. What if she gets exciting and unusual sensations? A woman’s inquisitive mind is a dangerous thing; she asks the question: “What will happen if...?” She is curious if she can seduce someone else. Why not flirt with that cute guy? She is not particularly interested in the consequences of an unseemly step at this moment.

10. Revenge for wrongs caused

Even if it seems that she has forgiven the traitor, she torments herself with suspicions inside. An irresponsible, immoral act will forever leave an unhealed wound. It takes at least three years to “lick” it, then conscious or involuntary reproaches will stop, or the union will fall apart.

An offended lady, meeting with her lover, longs for internal revenge. She won't tell anyone about it, but she will feel better.

Seeing signs of your wife’s infidelity, how can you find out what prompted her to do so? Analyze the relationship. If there are the symptoms described above, physical or moral infidelity is present. It may not have happened in reality, but it certainly happened in my head.

She indulges in infidelity at the moment when she thinks about finding a suitable candidate. For her this is a more responsible move than for her companion. She approaches it with determination, having weighed the pros and cons.

Male betrayal will not surprise anyone today. Moreover, society does not sharply condemn men for their partisanship. The explanation of their polygamous physiology is most often limited to one phrase, “He’s a man!”, implying permission to cheat. And, despite the fact that cheating on a husband is one of the common causes of divorce in the world, most often men’s fleeting hobbies with their wives are forgiven.

The attitude in society towards female infidelity is the opposite. Since ancient times, a woman was considered a beregin, a keeper of the hearth. Her modesty and loyalty to her husband were considered the most valuable qualities. In some cultures, a wife could be executed for treason; more often, the crowd would throw stones at the traitor. Today, a woman who cheats on her husband does not face such a severe punishment. But, if a man’s infidelity is justified by nature itself, then female infidelity is a complex concept that requires a detailed explanation.

Psychology of female infidelity

The nature of female infidelity can be explained by one phrase from an old joke: “It’s not difficult to take someone else’s wife, but it’s difficult to get her back later.” Although many wives deny that they could ever cheat on their spouse, in fact, statistics prove the opposite. A woman, unlike a man, is guided not by the physiological needs given to him by nature, but by feelings. Therefore, it is a married woman who is easiest to seduce and fall in love with. Against the background of a stagnant relationship with a spouse and a lack of romance, it is very easy to awaken a woman’s extinguished feelings. After all, every woman dreams of being loved and desired, and words are often more important for her than actions. Think about why, at all times, out-and-out romantics and vagabonds were revered by women more than sensible businessmen? Why do women leave a reliable husband for a street thug? As already mentioned, women live by feelings, and betrayal for them is an action dictated by their emotional sphere. No woman will cheat on her husband just because she liked the biceps or butt of her intended lover. Among the reasons for female infidelity lie deeper roots.

Common reasons for female infidelity

So, why does the wife decide to take such a risky step? For many, this is, first of all, a step of despair, searching for a way out of the situation, solving problems. The reasons for a wife’s betrayal should be sought only in the family.

  • Trying to forget family problems. More than 10 years of marriage have passed, there are children in the family, but there are certain problems that do not make a woman happy in marriage. Young girls are more likely to file for divorce, and a woman with decades of experience family life, will not dare to destroy the created world. Because of my own insecurities, because of my children, because of the fear of change. She will find an outlet in the form of a lover. But over time, this illusion will be destroyed, the woman will understand that she is deceiving, first of all, herself.
  • Satisfying your own ego. Psychologists say that unmarried woman can be distinguished by her gaze, by a certain sparkle in her eyes, by the aura emanating from her. Once married, a woman loses these signs and becomes uninteresting to men. And the fact that she is married also pushes fans away from her. It is in search of male attention and romance that a woman decides to cheat. Moreover, often in such cases it is she who becomes the initiator of extramarital relations.
  • Problems in sex life. Intimacy plays a big role in family life. But over time, passion dulls, and many married couples are overtaken by a crisis. Without trying to find a joint solution to this problem, the spouses find it on the side. Sexual dissatisfaction pushes the wife to cheat.
  • Women's revenge. Cheating for this reason is a huge mistake. Having learned about her husband's infidelity, the wife, overwhelmed by feelings and under the influence of extreme stress, commits adultery. But the result is spiritual emptiness and perhaps even a broken marriage. After all, a man, unlike a woman, is not always ready to forgive betrayal.

  • New love. No matter how old a woman is, she constantly needs love and romantic courtship. And, if on her way she meets a seducer who will give her all this, then she will rush headlong into the maelstrom of a new relationship.
  • Frequent separations. A spouse's long business trips can also serve as a catalyst for his wife's infidelity. In this case, a number of other reasons arise that contribute to discord in the relationship: lack of attention, suspicion of the husband of infidelity, sexual dissatisfaction.
  • First love. As you know, first love leaves the strongest emotional memories in the soul. And if the object of youthful infatuation (provided that he did not drink himself to death or degenerate) comes across a woman’s path, then her memory will awaken past memories and the relationship will continue.
  • Marriage without love. Unfortunately, such marriages are becoming common in society. A childhood friend, by convenience, by chance - it’s hard to surprise with such reasons for getting married.

And one more important aspect - a woman cheats not only with her body, but also with her soul. Therefore, if a man breaks up with his mistress easily, then for a woman such a choice is very difficult. And when such a situation occurs, it is very important to stop being guided by feelings, and begin to act according to the arguments of reason.

Signs of a wife cheating

The nature of a woman is such that it is difficult for her to hide the changes that happen to her. The female powerful emotional sphere is again to blame for everything. Therefore, if the wife does not admit to infidelity herself, which often happens, her husband can find out about her affair by a number of signs:

  • the wife hides her phone from her husband and does not talk on the phone in front of him;
  • there were changes in appearance, the wife began to take better care of herself;
  • a woman has lost interest in sex, constantly finds a reason to evade intimacy;
  • the spouse is emotionally distant;
  • she no longer cares about housekeeping;
  • absences from home have become frequent, and the wife also returns late from work;
  • any words or actions of the spouse now irritate the woman;
  • and the most important sign of infidelity is the appearance of sparkle in the eyes, mystery and mystery.

But no matter what reasons a woman has for cheating, its consequences are most often very sad. How does a woman feel after her betrayal?

Most likely, an exorbitant burden of guilt will fall on women's shoulders. Even if the husband never finds out about the fact of the betrayal, the wife will worry and suffer for a very long time because of what she did. Because of the fear of condemnation and disclosure of the secret, a woman is unlikely to tell anyone about her action. But in such situations, it is best to speak out and cry on someone’s shoulder. Appearing in in this case herself a lawyer, a judge, and an executioner, a woman can easily reach nervous breakdown. And then only a psychologist or a husband who has forgiven her can help.

The breakdown of a family can also be a sad consequence of a wife's betrayal. Although, depending on which side you look at it. If the marriage is already bursting at the seams, maybe it’s not worth saving? And divorce is the only step to start life over with a new leaf. As a rule, men do not forgive cheating. A man understands perfectly well that if his wife cheated on him, it means that she gave vent to her feelings, which means that not only physical, but also spiritual betrayal has occurred. This means that his wife does not belong to him. And rarely can any spouse forgive this. Therefore, the consequences of a wife’s betrayal for a husband are always so categorical.

Another consequence of accomplished adultery is new relationships and, possibly, new family. There are many such cases in life. Having met true love, the woman goes to her lover and gets married. In this case, we can say that life after the betrayal has become happier.

Thus, we can conclude that the reasons for adultery on the part of the wife lie in the search for love, warmth, attention and understanding, which she lacks in the family. Cheating occurs when a relationship has outlived its usefulness. Therefore, in order not to blame yourself for the destruction of the family, you need to do everything to preserve it before the woman decides to desperate step. If in her own husband she sees at the same time a protector, a lover, a friend, then even thoughts about betrayal will not arise.

Cheating on a wife and cheating on a husband are the most popular topics romance novels. Where there is love, where there is, the fear of betrayal is invisibly present. Why is this happening? Cheating is already the result of a marital relationship. Most often this is a consequence of disharmony in the family, the accumulation of dissatisfaction with the needs of the spouses. We are used to discussing love affairs men, but female infidelity in our time also happens quite often. Although, according to statistics, representatives of the fairer sex cheat five to six times less than men. Cheating on women is most often the cause of divorce. Men easily justify their affairs, but are unable to understand why their wives cheat on them.

Why does your wife cheat?

Women's infidelity does not happen just like that or suddenly. This is one of the most important symptoms of psychological and physiological ill-being in family relationships. After all, female love, unlike male passion lies in the field of psychology, once it has arisen, love cannot end quickly. The husband cheats, and she, the woman, forgives him so-and-so and continues to love him, he offends and humiliates, but she still loves him, he drinks, but the love never goes away. This is the psychology of a woman. A lot of interesting information read on our website. What, however, can motivate a woman to cheat? Why is this happening?

Early marriage

Every girl dreams of love, recreates her life with her beloved in her dreams. And very often he mistakes the desire to love for a true feeling. The difficulties of family life and the inability to build lead to the collapse of all illusions about your partner. The chosen one turned out to be not at all as caring, loving and attentive as he was during the courtship period. A lack of emotional warmth leads to disappointment. And there is no romance in the family. A young woman unwittingly begins to seek understanding and support outside the family. And there is always such a person. This also applies to men. Hence, infidelity and divorce in the case of early marriages. Personal immaturity, unpreparedness for married life and decision.

Marriage of convenience and infidelity

Or a girl’s marriage for material gain, when the partner’s feelings and age are not taken into account. Such an alliance initially carries the possibility of betrayal. In this union, everyone gets what they want: she - financial situation, He - beautiful toy, which is not a shame to show in society. What high feelings can we talk about? Therefore, wife's infidelity is commonplace and does not cause much surprise. In love affairs, she receives what she cannot get from her husband: love and sexual satisfaction. The main thing is to maintain decorum. And here there is no pangs of conscience and there cannot be.


This feeling should be discussed separately. This is a serious experience of injustice towards oneself and the collapse of all hopes. It is no coincidence that in Christianity one of the sins is offense and there is a call to forgive those who have offended us. Why? Having arisen, resentment begins to corrode the soul, destroying us both physically and psychologically. It gives birth to a lot of negative feelings and emotions in the soul. How many crimes and unreasonable, absurd, and sometimes tragic actions are committed by people under the influence of resentment. Thus, resentment is the trigger that pushes women to cheat in order to take revenge on their husbands. For what? For a lot of things that happen in the relationship between spouses.


Yes, one of the reasons why a woman cheats is often revenge. These are responses to . Wives often forgive their unfaithful husbands. But what is hidden behind this forgiveness? If this was an isolated incident, then this is one situation. What if extramarital affairs are repeated regularly? Living with a feeling of resentment, with pain in the soul, experiencing torment is very difficult. Each husband’s betrayal leaves an indelible mark on the soul of a humiliated woman.

With her betrayal, she gives her husband the opportunity to experience everything that she went through. And then the man’s tolerance and philosophical attitude towards extramarital affairs disappear. But the lesson a woman teaches her partner rarely has positive result. If she is already capable of committing adultery in order to take revenge, then the marriage cannot always be saved.

New love

Often the reason women cheat is true love, which sometimes arrives very late. Marriage without love is not such a rare occurrence in our lives. A girl has been waiting for love for a year or two, but she is not on the horizon. The years go by inexorably. And I really want a family, children and a husband. And she accepts the proposal of a man for whom she has no feelings in the hope that everything will work out. But relationships don’t work out – this also happens. Disappointment sets in. And love often comes when it is no longer expected. Hence the betrayal and the woman’s leaving the family.

Crisis periods in a woman's life

They also occur in life and are even more acute than in men. . Marriage is very complicated psychological phenomenon. It is not always possible to preserve love and remain close people. Not only men are capable of times of crisis lose your head in love, but women sometimes also fall in love and cheat on their husbands. New love can capture and push them to betray and leave the family.

Problems of family relationships and betrayal

When a man strives to win the heart of his beloved, he is able to show miracles of courtesy, attention and demonstrate signs of love. But several years have passed. Where has everything gone? Where is this attention and respect? Perhaps he loves her, but in such a way that she does not feel it. She needs compliments from her husband, his attention, recognition of her merits and expressions of tenderness. If all this is missing, the woman feels deeply unhappy. Resentment arises. And when someone pays attention to her, she may involuntarily respond emotionally. The attention of the opposite sex is always pleasant for a woman, especially if her husband has already lost interest in her. It all starts with communication, harmless flirting, infatuation, falling in love, and ends with sex. This is why women cheat on their husbands, and sometimes they themselves don’t understand how it all happened .

Friendships and betrayal

Very often, an extramarital affair begins with a friendly relationship. Life in general, and family life in particular, is full of problems and disappointments. Not always a woman difficult moments can count on her spouse and his understanding. This is hampered by periodically occurring small ones. A woman shares her family problems and grievances with a man who is friendly towards her, sometimes she complains about her husband, who does not help her in anything, and so on. Ordinary everyday affairs and conversations. A family friend or work colleague begins to provide support and demonstrate understanding. The psychology of relationships is such that a person who understands you begins to attract you. Friendship deepens, feelings appear. Sooner or later, a woman ends up in a friend's bed. She may not have wanted this, but this happens very often. He seems to her the most caring and reliable, attentive and loving, unlike her husband. There are many illusions and little reality. The longer love affair, the more difficult it is to break it. This is how cheating on your husband with a family friend happens.

There are many reasons why a wife cheats on her husband. Each married couple has their own. But at the core are marital relations, which do not satisfy one of the parties.

Surviving your wife's betrayal: How?

Is it possible to understand that a wife is cheating? Yes, it’s easy and there’s nothing complicated here. And you don’t have to be an expert to know female psychology, it is enough to be attentive to your wife’s behavior and pay attention to new features of her behavior. What is the difference between a husband's betrayal and a wife's betrayal? As statistics indicate, half of women who cheat on their husbands leave their family for their lover. And only 4% of men go to their passions. These numbers suggest that for a woman, cheating is not a sexual adventure, as it happens with men. She strives to find what she does not receive in the family: emotional warmth, support, understanding, care and love. The psychology of a woman is such that she will not enter into an extramarital relationship with a man if she does not have any feelings for him.

Unlike women, most men are not able to forgive their wives for cheating. Without understanding the situation, they rush to get a divorce. But what happened is at least 50% their fault. And as often happens in life, many ex-spouses are no longer able to build a new relationship. This is how people who are offended by each other live and sometimes suffer ex-husband and wife. Getting a divorce is not a problem. But won't divorce become the main mistake in life? What can you advise a man if he intends to maintain a relationship with his wife?

  • Cheating on women is a powerful blow to a man's ego, and your reaction can be unpredictable. Therefore, you should pull yourself together, calm down, so as not to commit irreparable acts and think about your behavior in this situation.
  • To find a way out of this situation, a serious conversation is needed. It is important to understand what caused the betrayal and whether the wife is ready to restore the relationship. Listen, admit you're wrong, and don't blame. Discuss steps to repair the relationship.
  • If a woman is determined to end the relationship, convince her not to rush and set aside time to think about this situation. And if there are children in the family, then this problem must be approached extremely seriously. Don’t push for pity, don’t beg, give her the right to decide for herself.
  • Betrayal is hard to survive, especially for a man. Even if you forgive, it takes time to heal emotional wounds. Find the strength to get over it. To do this, load yourself up as much as possible with work, sports, or plunge headlong into your hobbies.
  • Be patient: time heals everything. Remember that female infidelity is not a reason to turn to alcohol. Life goes on, and new meetings and new relationships are guaranteed to you.

Cheating on your husband is a difficult test for a woman. This happens when marital relationships reach a dead end, when many unresolved problems accumulate. And it can be difficult to understand why a woman cheated on her husband. Any betrayal (of a wife or husband) is a path to breaking up family relationships.

Female infidelity is a rather complex phenomenon. Firstly, from a social point of view. Society has an extremely negative attitude towards female infidelity. Secondly, from the point of view of family life. Men rarely forgive their wives for infidelity, therefore, as a result of female infidelity, families often break up. At the same time, rarely does anyone think about why wives cheat on their husbands and what is the reason for this situation. Often men themselves lead a woman to cheating with their behavior.

The nature of female infidelity

Many men do not consider sex on the side to be cheating. For them, love and sex are separate things. A man can love his wife very much, but at the same time, periodically have affairs on the side with women he liked.

For women, everything is much more complicated. For them, love and sex are not separate. If a woman decides to sexual relations, in most cases, this means that she has feelings for her partner, a certain attraction. Therefore, the reason for betrayal married woman must be very weighty and serious. She clearly understands the consequences of this step, prepares for it for a long time, and if she decides, it means that she has already weighed the pros and cons, and is ready to take responsibility for her action.

In other words, we can say that a woman decides to cheat as a result of despair. If she stops believing that she can be happy with her husband, then she may decide to have an affair. Often, betrayal, the appearance of a new man in life, seems to be the only opportunity for a woman to feel happy again and find meaning in her life. After betrayal, it is rare for a woman to return to her family. Since sex without feelings is impossible for her, she stops loving her husband and the main thing for her becomes new man, so she rarely returns to the family.

Insufficient attention

The most common reason why women cheat is lack of attention. Often, as time passes, the relationship between spouses becomes colder. The husband and wife do not experience the same feelings for each other, communication becomes less intense, and distance occurs.

If a man does not show proper attention to his wife, she begins to feel as if she was abandoned, to think that no one needs her, and does not have her former attractiveness. Such thoughts instinctively push a woman to try to prove the opposite; she seeks attention from other men, which can lead to betrayal.

Some women themselves are to blame for this situation. After they get married, they begin to take less care of themselves and become homely. Of course, in such a situation, a man begins to pay attention to more attractive girls, and when a woman discovers that they are no longer paying attention to her, it is often too late - her husband already has someone else. Then the wife begins to take revenge, attracts men to her and as a result the family is destroyed - both spouses begin to cheat on each other.

Another common reason is the absence of the husband at home. If a man is always busy at work, providing for his beloved wife, she may still feel lonely and, if at such a moment she finds a person who will provide attention to the woman and show care, it is likely that the situation will end in betrayal.

Treason for revenge

It's no secret that many men cheat on their wives. There is not always a feeling behind this, often just a desire to win another woman, male egoism. When the wife finds out about the facts of betrayal, she, of course, is overwhelmed by emotions. Under their influence, she may even commit rash acts - for example, cheat on her husband, even with the first person she meets.

This development of events will have an extremely negative impact on family relationships. Firstly, it is necessary to remember the difference in infidelity between men and women. For a man, cheating is not associated with feelings, but for women, as a rule, yes. Therefore, men very rarely can forgive their wife for betrayal, which means that if such a fact is discovered, the likelihood of family destruction increases significantly. In addition, such behavior of spouses sets a negative example for children, so before cheating, it is better to think several times whether this action is worth future suffering. This recommendation applies to men and women.

One should also keep in mind the fact that even if a man was able to forgive his wife for cheating, the family will not be the same. It will be unpleasant for the cheating wife to remember the very fact of infidelity out of revenge (after all, there were no feelings there, which means such sex was unpleasant for her). She will blame her husband. As a result, there will be a constant smoldering conflict in the family, which will not lead to anything good.

Desire for new emotions and sensations

When a romance just begins, there is a lot positive emotions. A man and a woman want to be close to each other all the time, to see each other as long as possible, to get to know each other better, and so on. Gradually, over time, falling in love is replaced by habit. Spouses are no longer connected by mutual feelings, but by habit or the presence of common children.

Husband and wife know each other very well, understand each other perfectly, but there is not enough emotion. In such a situation, you want to relive the feeling of euphoria, falling in love, and so on. And a woman, like a man, may well try to renew her feelings or seek new sensations, which is the reason for the wife’s betrayal of her husband.

According to some scientists, the matter here is in elementary physiology. As the strength of feelings decreases, the production of certain hormones that make a person happy also decreases, and in order to get their portion of happiness again, many are looking for new partners with whom they think they will experience this feeling again.

Sexual dissatisfaction

The reason for a wife's infidelity may also be a man's inability to please her in bed. The problems with this can be different. For example:

  • Health problems. It may well turn out that under the influence of stress, a man lost self-confidence and certain sexual disorders arose. A woman may have a similar situation. For various reasons, she may not be able to relax or enjoy sex, which leads to a lack of orgasm and, as a consequence, a desire to find a new partner. Another common problem is sexual incompatibility.
  • Living conditions. The reason for dissatisfaction may also be cramped living conditions, when it is difficult for a husband and wife to be alone, there is no time for foreplay or quality intimate relationships– everything needs to be done quickly.
  • Psychological problems. One of the spouses may be afraid to be uninhibited or to experiment in bed, which does not allow them to diversify the sensations and gain mutual pleasure.

Confidence that a man is not worthy of her

Many girls, especially if they were the only ones in the family, can consider themselves princesses. After all, in childhood they were allowed everything - best toys, the most tasty food, lots of attention - everything for them. And when they get married, and it turns out that the man also demands attention to himself, does not always take into account all the woman’s desires, they begin to cheat - to look for someone who will be able to fulfill all their desires.

At the same time, such women often do not want to get a divorce. They constantly nag their husband, express complaints to him, can even humiliate him and demand more and more benefits for themselves, but they categorically do not want to get a divorce - for them this is a deterioration in their social status.

It is also important to know about this type of women that they do not feel guilty after cheating. They blame their husband for having to go looking for better man. If the husband had met all the requirements (which is basically impossible), then nothing would have happened. At the same time, they are absolutely unaware that their demands are too high.

The result of this is that the woman starts relationships on the side, and the man also seeks understanding and love outside the family, therefore, the family gradually falls apart, despite the presence of formal relationships and cohabitation.

What do scientists think?

Research conducted on the topic of why wives cheat on their husbands suggests that women are unfaithful to their husbands, mostly if they are not happy in their marriages. The likelihood of cheating due to sexual dissatisfaction increases by 2.9 times compared to the standard situation (when a woman feels happy and in intimate life the family is doing well).

Most often, women cheat with work colleagues, their long-time friends, or former men. It is extremely rare that they can afford to cheat on their husband’s friend.

In general, it is necessary to remember that women value their reputation and do not strive to change if everything suits them. Therefore, you should pay attention to your loved ones, pamper them sometimes, and in case of problems in relationships, contact specialists.