Tina Karol official VKontakte page. Star Trek by Tina Karol: Songs and Awards

Today you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the popular Ukrainian singer who was born in Magadan region and became famous thanks to the competition " New wave"in 2005, and also sang at Eurovision. The girl has strong vocal abilities and natural charm. And you will also find out if Tina Karol has a page on social network in contact with.

Biography of the star

Official page and community

And now it’s time to find out if the star has a page on VKontakte, and how to find it. We hasten to disappoint you: this page Tina Karol does not exist on the social network. But VKontakte has an official community. You can find it at this link: https://vk.com/tinakarol

So, in open group consists of more than 118 thousand members. The community contains about 60 albums with photographs, among which you can find “Photos from Life”, “HooliganTina 2013”, “Television” and others no less interesting albums. The photo album “HooliganTina 2013” ​​was released for the star’s birthday.

Also in the group on VKontakte more than two thousand videos have been published, among which you can find clips, performances, concert recordings of the singer, for example: clips, a solo concert of the singer “9 Lives”, documentary“The Power of Love and Voice” and other interesting videos. You can like and do .

Managers official group VKontakte published a poll about a celebrity’s favorite song. You can find more than 110 topics for discussion, including interesting questions like: “When did you like Tina?” Published in the community last album performer, called “Nine Songs about War”. On the wall, each member of the community can leave notes and communicate with other fans of the singer.

So, if you are a fan of Tina Karol and want to listen to her new songs, as well as watch her new videos, then join the official community on VKontakte.

Tina Karol (real name Tatyana Grigorievna Lieberman) is a talented Ukrainian singer who became famous thanks to her outstanding performance at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006. Having conquered all of Europe, this talented girl became a real star and haven’t left since then musical Olympus. Today her songs are known and loved in all corners of the CIS, but what else can be said about this bright Ukrainian beauty? Find all the most Interesting Facts from the life of one of the most popular singers in modern history Ukraine, you can in our article today. What was Tina Karol's career path? Which the most important stages contained her life and destiny? More on all this and much more below.

Tina Karol's childhood and family

The future famous singer was born in the town of Orotukan, Magadan region, into a family of Ukrainian engineers. Our today’s heroine lived in this city until she was seven years old, after which she moved to small homeland mother - to Ivano-Frankivsk. Here, in fact, Tina Karol spent her entire childhood and youth. She, like all her peers, attended secondary school, and after lessons she studied singing and playing the piano with music teachers.

It is worth noting that already while studying at school, our today’s heroine became a real star. She performed at all concerts, was a soloist in the school ensemble, and also always received leading roles in all theatrical productions. Perhaps it was during this period that Tina Karol clearly understood that she wanted to become a singer. After graduating from secondary school, the girl moved to Kyiv, where she entered the Kiev Higher School of Music them. Gliera. Here she learned all the subtleties pop vocals, and also improved her innate talent. And very soon such diligence bore fruit. In 2005, one of the teachers advised the young girl to audition for a military ensemble. She agreed and very soon became a soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble Armed Forces Ukraine.

Finishing the conversation about early years in the life of Tina Karol, let us note one interesting fact. Besides music education The popular singer also has another diploma. So, our today’s heroine is a graduate of the Faculty of Management and Logistics of the National Aviation University of Ukraine.

Star Trek by Tina Karol: Songs and Awards

Tina Karol’s first serious success came after her performance at the Jurmala festival “New Wave 2005”, where the talented Ukrainian took second place. According to the results general competition the girl lost several points to the representative of Latvia. But Alla Pugacheva liked her inspired performance so much that she, without hesitation, gave her a special festival prize. The girl spent fifty thousand dollars received as bonuses on filming her debut video, “Above the Clouds.” At this moment about talented singer the whole of Ukraine spoke.

Love stories: Tina Karol's ideal relationship

In the spring of 2006, our today's heroine won the national qualifying round and went to Greece for the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 as a representative of Ukraine. The composition “Show me your love”, as well as its fiery performance with elements of Ukrainian folk dances The audience and fans of the competition really liked them. Ultimately, the talented Ukrainian took seventh place and returned to Ukraine as an established singer.

However, it seems that the popular favorite had no intention of resting on her laurels. In mid-2006, the artist released her debut album “Show me your love”, which very soon went gold. Some compositions presented within this album very soon became national hits in Ukraine, and also became very popular in other CIS countries.

Amazing everyone with her ability to work, at the end of the same year the singer released her second album, which also very soon acquired gold status.

The singer’s third album, “Pole of Attraction,” became no less popular, the release of which coincided with the start of the all-Ukrainian tour. Concerts took place in all major cities Ukraine, and already in the fall of 2007, Tina Karol established herself as the most popular singer in her country. Nine months after the official release of the third album, news came that the album “Pole of Attraction” had received platinum status.

At the beginning of 2008, VIVA magazine named Tina Karol “The Most beautiful woman Ukraine,” and a few months later, “Women’s Magazine” also awarded her the title “The Most Charming Woman in Ukraine.”

In the winter of 2009, our today’s heroine received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine, and just a month later - the proud title of “The Most beautiful singer Ukraine-2008" (as part of the Miss Ukraine Universe-2009 competition). This opinion was also supported by readers of VIVA magazine, who again called Tina “the very best.”

In the spring of 2011, the artist became one of the leading music project"Maidan's". It is worth noting that work on this program did not at all become Tina Karol’s debut as a TV presenter. A few years ago, the girl appeared as a permanent presenter for three seasons. Ukrainian project"Dancing with the Stars". For her work on this popular project, the girl was twice awarded the Teletriumph Award in the category “ Best TV presenter entertainment program."

Tina Karol now

IN last years Tina Karol tours a lot and works on several new projects. In the fall of 2012, the singer appeared before the public as a star coach of the show “The Voice. Children" (channel 1+1), and subsequently appeared in the same role within the framework of the project "Voice of the Country 3".

Personal life of Tina Karol

In January 2008, Tina Karol married her producer Evgeny Ogir. A few months later, the wedding of a young couple also took place in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. On November 18, 2008, the singer gave birth to her first child, son Benjamin.

For several years, the marriage of Tina and Evgeny seemed ideal. However, already in mid-2012, the husband of the Ukrainian pop singer was diagnosed with stomach cancer. After this, long wanderings in hospitals and an intense struggle for life began, which lasted for a year and a half, but, in the end, turned out to be unsuccessful. On April 28, 2013, the singer’s husband and producer died suddenly.

Tina Karol is the brightest star Ukrainian stage. The artist is actively involved in charity work, gives concerts that are attended by an army of thousands of fans, and becomes the face of major brands. Awarded the title " People's Artist Ukraine".

Tatyana Grigorievna Liberman - this is the real name of the famous Ukrainian singer Tina Karol. She was born in January 1985 in snow-covered and frost-bound Magadan. Here, in the north of Russia, in the town of Orotukan, the girl’s parents, engineers Grigory Samuilovich Liberman and Svetlana Andreevna Zhuravel, lived at that time. At the time of Tanya’s birth, their son Stanislav was growing up in the family.

When the daughter was seven years old, the family moved to the small homeland of Tina Karol’s mother - to the Western Ukrainian city of Ivano-Frankivsk. Children's and teenage years the girls passed here in one of the the most beautiful cities Ukraine. Like all children of age future star, Tatyana Liberman attended secondary school. In addition, the girl who has early childhood parents discovered good hearing and a beautiful voice, studied at music school, in piano class. Additionally, Tanya attended vocal lessons.

It seems even then, in school years, Tina Karol understood what she would do in adult life. She dreamed of becoming an artist famous singer and confidently walked towards the goal. Quite early, Tanya became the star of school concerts and was the constant soloist of the ensemble. The artistic girl was trusted with leading roles in theatrical productions amateur theater.

After receiving her matriculation certificate, Tatyana Lieberman went to Kyiv. Here, in the Ukrainian capital, she easily entered the Gliere Music School, where she learned the intricacies of pop vocals. Soon hard work and talent led young singer to the expected success. In 2005, Tanya’s teacher recommended that the girl try her hand at an audition in a military ensemble. Tina Karol agreed without hesitation. She understood that this was the first career step, upon overcoming which she will be able to achieve her goal.

The singer successfully passed the audition and became a soloist of the Ensemble of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition to her musical education, Karol received a diploma from the National Aviation University of Ukraine with a degree in management and logistics.


The singer gained national recognition after participating in the popular song competition “New Wave” in Jurmala in 2005. It was on this stage that it began star biography Tina Karol. The girl’s life instantly changed when loud-voiced Tina, who did not believe in the happiness that had fallen, heard that she had taken second place. But the artist was even more delighted by the news that she had become the happy owner special prize Divas Russian stage. This money prize in the amount of $50 thousand.

Alla Borisovna turned out to be so fascinated by Tina Karol’s incredibly talented and “explosive” performance of the hit that without further hesitation she presented her award to the owner of the most beautiful contralto.

Tina Karol spent the money she received from Pugacheva on developing her career. Also in 2005, the star was removed debut video for the song “Above the Clouds”. It was then that the residents of Ukraine, and not only it, started talking about a new show business star.

The singer's career developed rapidly. In 2006, Tina Karol participated in the Eurovision Song Contest, which took place in Greece. She successfully passed the qualifying round in the country and represented Ukraine at the competition. The fiery performance of the song “Show me your love” captivated millions of viewers. Elements of Ukrainian folklore gave the performance a special charm. According to the voting results, the singer took 7th place.

A few months after arriving from Greece, Tina Karol released her debut disc, which she called “Show me your love.” It included English-language songs. The album received gold status.

Karol's songs from the "golden" CD soon became the most popular hits in Ukraine and CIS countries. The young singer’s ability to work was amazing. It seems that the girl was afraid of losing every minute of precious time. At the end of 2006, Tina Karol’s second album, entitled “Nochenka,” was released, which also became gold.

At the beginning of 2007, the popular singer changed producer and creative team. Now Evgeniy Ogir has become Tina’s producer. In June of the same year, at the Tavria Games festival, Karol presented new song“I Love Him,” which became a hit. In September 2007, the star was named the most popular singer country and the most beautiful woman according to Viva magazine.

At the end of 2007, Tina Karol held the first All-Ukrainian tour called “Pole of Attraction” and gave a solo concert at the prestigious National Palace arts "Ukraine". At the same time, the singer’s third album, entitled “Pole of Attraction,” appeared. It went platinum. Tina Karol's songs were played on radio and television around the clock.

In 2009, Karol received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. It seems that the girl used every day of her life as a step to the heights of Olympus.

In 2011, she tried herself as a presenter of the Ukrainian music show"Maidan's". Several years before that she worked as the host of the project “Dancing with the Stars.” For her work in this project, Tina Karol was twice awarded the Teletriumph Prize.

The singer actively tours the country and abroad. In 2012, she became one of the mentors of the popular show “The Voice. Children". Together with her, the judges of the project were also selected. In the new seasons of the project, Tina Karol appeared again as a judge, mentor and star coach.

In December 2016, the star gave fans the world premiere of the song in Ukrainian “Perechekati” (“Wait Out”). At the same time, the singer’s new hit appeared called “You Always Have Time to Surrender.”

Personal life

In January 2008, Tina Karol secretly married her producer Evgeny Ogir. This beautiful couple got married in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Tina Karol’s personal life was the envy of many.

Nine months later, the happy couple had their first child. The boy's parents named him Veniamin. The marriage of Tina and Evgeny seemed like an unshakable, beautiful island in the stormy and changeable ocean of show business with its scandals, betrayals and frequent divorces. The couple built own house near Kiev, where they dreamed of spending their whole lives.

That's probably why the news about incurable disease Evgenia Ogira shocked the singer’s friends and fans so much. The diagnosis that the doctors announced turned out to be terrible: stomach cancer.

A year and a half of battle for life, treatment abroad and in Ukraine, grueling courses of chemotherapy did not bring the desired relief from the disease and ended in Evgeniy’s death. He died in April 2013. The funeral of her husband at the Berkovetskoye cemetery in Kyiv became the most terrible and tragic event in Tina’s life. But the woman managed to gather her will into a fist and, instead of closing herself off alone with grief, four walls, held an all-Ukrainian tour “The Power of Love and Voice” in memory of her husband, which ended in February 2014. Tina Karol dedicated her fifth album, entitled “I Remember,” to her fans and husband. The collection includes the compositions “They Closed Your Eyes”, “Life Goes On”, “Infinity” and others.

From happy marriage Tina Karol has a son, Veniamin Ogir, with Evgeniy, who is surprisingly similar to his mother and father at the same time. Today the boy is the main consolation and main man in the life of a star. He is a frequent guest at the star mother's concerts.

After the political events that happened, Tina Karol made it clear that the girl is a patriot. Therefore, the singer refused a lucrative contract with Moscow: he wanted to produce the performer himself. At the same time, the artist gave up touring in Russia and began helping the children of ATO soldiers.

In one interview, Tina stated that Ukrainians like to feel sorry for themselves, this is their mentality, and called on the people to fight this “bad habit.”

Thousands of fans are watching their favorite star on social networks “ Instagram" The singer has an officially verified account there. The girl does not let her subscribers know about her behind-the-scenes life and only posts work photos.

Tina Karol now

In January 2017, the singer was awarded the title of “People’s Artist of Ukraine.” At the same time, again the girl’s participation in the “Voice of the Country 7” program could not be avoided. Tina returned to the role of star coach.

In parallel with professional activity Karol is the face of Garnier. And then the artist was recognized for the third time in her life as the most beautiful woman according to “Viva!”

In April, Tina Karol presented to the audience the composition “I Will Not Stop,” which was included in the program of the tour in Ukraine. A video clip of the song was released next. And three months later, the singer presented the collection “Intonations”, in which she collected the compositions “Wild Water”, “Several Reasons”, “Step, Step” and others. The girl went on tour in the fall of the same year.

Before the start of the tour, the artist released a red lipstick in her name. This cosmetic product sold at solo concerts Tina on tour in Ukraine.

In November, fans learned about another realized idea of ​​their favorite star. Karol presented a photo book called “One Shot”, where she appeared before fans in a new way.

French photographer Sebran D'Argent worked on the project. This book was created in collaboration with the Sanahunt Foundation. Those who bought a copy participated in a charity event, as a result of which the funds raised went to help children's cancer centers.

In December 2017, a photograph of Tina Karol graced the cover of Harper’s BAZAAR magazine. This event can be considered phenomenal, since this publication was the first on whose front side a Ukrainian star was placed.

At the end of 2017, the singer’s video for the song “Perechekati” was named video of the year.

At the beginning of 2018, Tina Karol was invited as special guest for the “VIVA 2018!” Ceremony. A tour called “A Christmas Story” is planned for the same year in America.

In April, the singer released a version of the song “Step, Step” on English language- “Step by Step”. And in May she presented a video for the song “The Man of My Dreams.”


  • 2005 – “Show me Your Love”
  • 2006 – “Night”
  • 2007 – “Pole of Attraction”
  • 2010 – “9 Lives”
  • 2014 – “I Remember”
  • 2014 – “Nine songs about war”
  • 2014 – “The Power of Love and Voice”
  • 2016 – “Carols”
  • 2016 - “All the hits”
  • 2017 – “Intonations”