Collect proverbs where there is courage there is victory.


There is nothing impossible in the world -

it's just a matter of whether you have the courage.

J. Rowling.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the power over it. To achieve success and victory, every person needs to cultivate courage and courage. Of course, for this you need to work on yourself: become more decisive and serious in your intentions, be able to soberly assess the situation and cope with your emotions.

A striking example of courage and courage is Andrei Bolkonsky from the work “War and Peace”. In the Battle of Shengraben, Andrei is not afraid of enemy bullets, acts calmly and boldly, and alone goes to the Tushin battery, remaining there until the guns stop working. It was after this battle that he spoke out in defense of the captain at the military council. And in the battle of Austerlitz, Andrei accomplished a real feat.

He raised the regimental banner and, shouting, led the battalion into the attack. During battles, Andrei Bolkonsky never becomes cowardly and acts boldly, showing courage and true heroism. Being a true patriot , he was ready to sacrifice own life

for the sake of his homeland. Such qualities are definitely highly valued. Prince Andrei proved himself in the war as an excellent and brave officer, as a result of which Kutuzov made him his adjutant. As a second example, I will take another hero from the same work - Pierre Bezukhov. Most he spent his life in search of harmony and peace of mind , its purpose.

This is not the end, continued below.

  • Useful material on the topic

Courage is the beginning of victory. Where there is courage, there is victory. Courage and cowardice. Composition. Arguments of the Unified State Exam Examples from the literature His path was not easy: he participated in military battles and spent some time in Freemasonry. And yet, in the future, he was not afraid to reject his wealth in order to become morally and spiritually developed person

, which later turned out to be endless happiness for him. I am convinced that courage does not only manifest itself in military actions. This includes independence from other people’s opinions and confidence in own strength , and overcoming life difficulties

To summarize, I would like to say that without such a quality as courage, human existence would be almost impossible. After all, our whole life is a series of successes and failures, victories and defeats. Although success largely depends on the person himself, for this he needs to have necessary qualities. And one of the most important qualities- this is courage.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) -

In our Center on February 22, 2018, within the framework of the “Moscow childhood - golden time” program, a festive military-patriotic sport's event, dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day “Where there is courage, there is victory.”

On festive event veterans of the Great were present Patriotic War, head municipal district Novo-Peredelkino Mitrofanov A.V., Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Vnukovo region Kuznetsov A.V., representatives of public organizations.

The director of the center O.V. Krasnova congratulated all those present on the holiday, thanked the veterans for their courage and heroism, wished them health, and gave the children, as future defenders of the Motherland, parting words about the need to cultivate courage, perseverance and courage, the ability to keep one’s word, and make friends and lend a shoulder to a friend in difficult times.

Then, at the courtyard site, together with representatives of the Trizna search association, the Night Wolves motorcycle club of the Solntsevo branch and the First Knot rope sport school, military sports competitions were held. This time the children had to compete with their fathers and grandfathers. Three teams: “Navigators”, “Paratroopers” and “Pilots” were able to show their dexterity, skill and team spirit. During the competition, everyone was able to hold exhibits of military weapons in their hands and receive a lesson on assembling and disassembling a machine gun. The winners of the competition received certificates, and then all participants were treated to hot tea and bagels.

For children who were unable to participate in competitions, master classes were held on creating military equipment, and even a master class on playing noise instruments.

The event was very positive, the guys were able to test their strength and endurance, and feel like future defenders of the Fatherland.

Holiday, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland.
“Where there is courage, there is victory.”
Teacher: Fadina Natalya Nikolaevna
3 "B" class
MBOU "Secondary School No. 15"
Irkutsk region
Goal: fostering love for our Motherland, respect for the army;
develop ingenuity, ingenuity, Creative skills children; stimulate
interest in this topic; bring up humane relations between boys and
girls; unity children's group.
(hall, 3rd grade children, invited parents, guests)
Quiet music is playing.
Teacher: Hello dear children and adults! On the eve of February 23rd we
gathered with you to talk about this holiday. Congratulations to all dads,
grandfathers and boys, future defenders of our Motherland.
The holiday - “Defender of the Fatherland Day” gives us an occasion once again
remember and congratulate all living warriors and honor the memory of heroes
past battles. After all, in Russia, in almost every family, there are guys
a person who can be called a defender of the Fatherland. In every family, if not
grandfather fought, then, probably, dad served in the Army or has some kind of
attitude towards her.
1 study We celebrate this date for 2 academic days. We are on the school path
With the dream of happiness for everyone, we enter life
The firmer the soldier's step And we remember, we remember to the end,
The louder the childish laughter. That Chapaev paved this path
And shielded the Sailors from the lead.
3 studies Then she goes to the invisible planets, 4 lessons. We dream, we study, we build

He will lead the children into the bowels of the earth. In the vastness of the wide earth,
Let's walk calmly along this road Because fighters are heroes
Our soldiers are on duty. The planet was saved from the fire.
5 lessons Death is powerless! 6th lesson.Thanks to them, the heroes who fell in battle,
Bloody stroke of a bullet Thanks to those who are still in service!
I didn’t cross out the names of the heroes. Today we are defenders of the Fatherland
At their graves, on guard of honor, we carry our gratitude in our hearts.
My whole country is standing today.
Teacher: Let's remember the proverbs and sayings about the soldier. The beginning of a proverb
I say, and you finish.
 A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general.
 Either the chest is in the crosses, or the head is in the bushes.
 Fight not by force, but by skill.
 Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.
 A coward mistakes a cockroach for a giant.
 Guard the soldier’s honor sacredly.
 The quick-witted soldier also has a pomegranate glove.
 Where there is courage, there is victory.
 A skilled fighter is a great guy everywhere.
 Enemies are beaten not by numbers, but by intelligence.
Teacher: At the very difficult moments the soldiers did not lose their sense of humor, which helped
them to survive the war. They say about a soldier: he warms himself with smoke, shaves with an awl, and on occasion
and he cooks porridge from an ax - you'll lick your fingers!
Defender of the Fatherland Day is a national day and has been celebrated for a very long time,
But officially, it became a day off several years ago. The warriors themselves -

soldiers who are on duty, as on other days, stand guard, guarding
our peace with you.
The word "defender" implies strength, dexterity,
endurance. And today we will check how our boys are preparing themselves for
future title – “Defender of the Fatherland.” We will now divide the guys and their dads into
two teams. Teams choose names.
1. Getting to know each other. “Building” In order for everyone around to look at you, you must
carry out drill commands well. I will give commands, and you will give them
perform. Choose a commander. “Attention! Right! Left! All around!
Step by step!”
(Jury evaluates)
2. “Service is service, and lunch is on schedule,” the soldiers say. And this
right, what kind of soldier is a defender if he is hungry? So,
boys, imagine that the soldier’s kitchen has not arrived, but the soldier needs
prepare lunch from what he has on hand. Here is a set
products, the simplest, but necessary in the field. You need
choose food for lunch to feed your friends.
(The jury evaluates the “taste” of the dish)
3. “March” And so the soldiers are full, I hope it was delicious. And now
Let's test your speed and agility, which a man needs so much.
Imagine that you went on reconnaissance, and in front of you is a swamp that you need
definitely pass. Now I will give you 2 bumps (cardboards), you, moving them
in front of you, you will move forward. Whoever overcomes the obstacle first will
4.Intelligence received the encryption and needs to read it, but how? Need a key. Before
alphabet by you. Each number corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. Having calculated, you

read the word. And now each team will transmit the encryption for the opponent,
having compiled it also using the same key.
1 team: 14, 1, 18, 26, 1, 13 (marshal)
2nd team: 19, 16,13, 5, 1, 20 (soldier)
5. Competition at a rest stop: As a relaxation, we will answer questions and guess
Name epic heroes of our Rus' (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich,
Alesha Popovich)
Who owns famous words“It’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight.”
(To Suvorov)
Name military ranks(lieutenant, major, general, etc.) on pieces of paper
write in 1 minute.
What is written that will not be useful in battle (spoon, helmet, belt,
military ID, comb, grenade, plane, cannon, shell, chair, binoculars,
machine gun.)
6. Competition for fans.
a. He hums and draws with chalk, On the hill
He paints white and white. Old women are standing.
On paper blue - If they gasp,
He draws himself, sings himself. People will instantly go deaf (Guns)
What is this? (Airplane)
Swims bravely through the waves, soars high without acceleration,
Without slowing down, it reminds Dragonfly.
Only the hum of the car is important. Takes flight
What's happened? (Steamboat) Our Russian... (helicopter)
A turtle jumps - a steel shirt. The sparrow flew away
The enemy is in the ravine - and she is where the enemy (Tank) Nest remains. (Bullet)

7. Fans sing songs about pilots and sailors.
“And you are baht,”
"Because we are pilots"
"Song about the Captain"
8. Strength task. Choose two boys who will show us their strength. They
draw lots (leaves: push-ups, squats, jump rope, twist
The jury counts the time and number of times.
9. Radio operators. We went to reconnaissance, deciphered the report, and who in the army was behind
does this answer? Well, of course, this is the radio operator. There are 2 people from each team.
We look carefully at the poster (it has numbers and letters of different colors written on it).
The team that names the most numbers and letters of the same color wins.
While the jury is summing up the results, our girls prepared a little congratulations.
1dev. Our pugnacious half is 2 virgins. When to your brawls
We send our congratulations. We look at the changes
There are reasons for congratulations: We believe: with your preparation
Hurray for the defenders of the country! We will always protect the country! Let the 4devs blaze under your eyes. Therefore, friends, let's
The bruise is purple-blue. With all my heart, without unnecessary words
Studying can be difficult, protect us from all adversity,
The battle will be much easier. But just, mind you, no bruises.

All together: Boys!
Happy holiday to you.
We always wish you not to get sick!
Grow up quickly
And grow up quickly!
Teacher: Once again, allow me to congratulate the fathers and boys on the holiday and wish
to them health, happiness, success in everything. Thank you for coming.
The jury sums up the results. Team awards.

As a child, each of us turned our gaze to the sky. Seeing in it a steel bird flying into unknown lands, we rejoiced at it as if it were a miracle. But it is truly a miracle that man is able to create machines that can fly. A. N. Tupolev is one of those who made our dreams of flight come true. Thanks to his works, the moment of meeting our loved ones comes much earlier. Now we cross vast distances in a matter of hours, travel, enjoy the sky. We are confident in the future: if war happens, the famous Tupolev bombers and fighters will defend the country with dignity. Tupolev aircraft are our pride, support and protection. What kind of person was capable of building machines for such tasks? What did he do for the Motherland? How did you work? Who loved him and who hated him? What helped him move forward? The answers to these and many other questions are on the pages of the book.

A series: Great minds of Russia

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Andrey Tupolev (A. L. Nurmukhametova, 2016) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Where there is courage, there is victory

As a true professional, Andrei Nikolaevich always relied on the experience of the past. When creating the first airplane, he remembered how the glider and snowmobile were built. Now it was necessary to develop a model of a new aircraft - stronger than the ANT-1.

The designer came to the conclusion that the car needed a more powerful motor - made of metal.

The stubborn struggle for metal began again. Tupolev was even accused of sabotage, they said that he wanted to weaken the country's defense capability. They used the Moscow Dux plant as an example, which produced up to 60 wooden aircraft per month.

Tupolev’s support and support in these difficult days of constant resistance and misunderstanding was the metallurgist I. I. Sidorin. Together with him, they achieved their goal: stubborn innovators were supported in the Supreme Economic Council and the Red Army Air Force.

Construction of ANT-2 began. Under the canopy of the tavern, sparing no effort, Tupolev’s design team worked - people who were sincerely interested, who had found their calling. They were inspired, because behind them were four significant victories: an snowmobile, a glider, the first airplane and a victory in the fight for metal. But such a friendly team would not have formed in the Tupolev Design Bureau if it were not for his organizational skills.

The design of the ANT-2 was in full swing. ANT-1 drawings were used, but still a metal plane is completely different. No one knew how to work with metal; they learned it through trial and error. Andrei Nikolaevich actively participated in the assembly, taking on the most important tasks. It was freezing. Almost every day there is a snowstorm. But Tupolev Design Bureau did not stop construction.

On January 21, 1924, V.I. Lenin died. The Tupolev team was preparing a metal monoplane as a gift for him, because it was he who helped organize TsAGI and called Zhukovsky the father of Russian aviation. Andrei Nikolaevich saw off the leader of the people on his last journey.

But the plan had to be brought to life. All over Moscow they were talking about Tupolev's victory in the fight for metal, people came to the tavern - everyone wanted to see the first all-metal aircraft.

The engine was installed three times more powerful than that of the ANT-1. The estimated speed was 170 km/h, the height was almost 3.5 kilometers. The car was a three-seater - one seat for the pilot and two seats for passengers. But in the cramped cabin you don’t particularly enjoy the view of the earth from above: the passengers sat closely opposite each other, with their knees pressed together.

The famous pilot M. M. Gromov came to admire the “sensation”. He carefully examined the plane and said: “It will fly. But the car needs to be finished.” Tupolev, of course, was hurt by this, but he listened to the criticism and corrected the defects.

On May 26, 1924, the all-metal ANT-2 took off for the first time. To play it safe, two sandbags were placed instead of passengers during test flights. The day before, Tupolev dismissed his subordinates early so that they could rest and gain strength before the important day. And he himself spent the night in a hangar not far from the Khodynsky airfield. There was no point in returning home - after all, his thoughts would still be with ANT-2.

After testing the car, pilot Petrov said: “The flight went well, the car is strict, but obedient. The motor is working fine."

A month later, ANT-2 had the honor of participating in a rally dedicated to Lenin. On this day, Tupolev was the center of attention. The creator of the first all-metal aircraft was praised, thanked, and a golden future was predicted for him.

A total of 5–9 ANT-2 aircraft were produced; it was assumed that it would participate in the record flight. Although the flight was never organized, the very fact of preparation for it already confirmed the excellent flight qualities of this machine.

The newspaper Pravda supported the Tupolevites, journalists wrote about them with admiration. Correspondent M.E. Koltsov noticed that in the conversation Tupolev constantly used the word “will”, talking with inspiration about plans to expand TsAGI.

After the rally, the head of the Red Army Air Force, Baranov, ordered a metal reconnaissance plane from Tupolev, and even ordered him to think about a bomber.

As an innovator in Russian aircraft construction, Tupolev was invited on his first foreign business trip - to Germany and France.

Andrei Nikolaevich was happy. Everything seemed to work out. His tenacity, courage, and perseverance were appreciated; incredible prospects opened up for him and his design team.

To the question: Essay-reasoning based on a proverb. Please briefly explain the meaning of the proverb where there is courage there is victory. given by the author Laila Salamandra the best answer is For my centuries-old history the peoples of our country created great amount proverbs and sayings. Sharp and imaginative, these little pearls folk wisdom passed down from one generation to another for centuries, preserving the depth of thought and artistic power. In a brightly chased form they depict the rich life experience people, their high moral qualities. Since time immemorial they have lived in colloquial speech, in a unique form expressing the thoughts and aspirations of ordinary people.
Popular proverbs cover a huge range of phenomena and events, talk about social relations people in society, the national liberation struggle, the spiritual qualities of the people. They “exemplarily form the entire life, socio-historical experience working people", said A. M. Gorky. In figurative and expressive sayings, the people embodied their ardent love for the Motherland and hatred of its enemies - foreign invaders.
Folk sayings are closely related to history. They depict military-historical events and many years of military experience.
During the days of the Great Patriotic War, a huge number of new proverbs and sayings arose. The people imprinted in them their patriotic enthusiasm, their merciless fight against the enemy, and the glory of their weapons. Soldiers, commanders, political workers, workers of front-line clubs and front-line press lovingly recorded them in dugouts, on campaigns and at rest stops. Further channels for their distribution were platoon and company combat leaflets, as well as divisional, army and front-line newspapers. Commanders used them in conversations with soldiers, folk sayings were passed on from mouth to mouth during rest periods at rest stops and in dugouts after the battle. Proverbs, sayings, soldiers' songs were companions front-line life fighter. Together with the combat regulations and combat orders, they served as instructions and reminders to the Soviet soldier. Often a saying, born of an event in the life of one unit, quickly spread throughout the entire front.
At the fronts, special leaflets were often issued dedicated to heroic deeds fighters, commanders, political workers, leaflets about Red Army ingenuity, dexterity, leaflets before an offensive or storming of cities. And all of them could not do without proverbs, apt words taken from living folk speech. Inscriptions and slogans were often made from proverbs and sayings along front roads; many of them served as original advice and teachings in Everyday life soldier: “There is no life in war without digging”, “To tear off a trench is not to drink tea”, “Hit so that no cartridge is the enemy.” During the war, the relevance of certain proverbs changed. Thus, at the beginning of the war, proverbs about perseverance were especially popular. And when the war came to an end, proverbs about victory began to sound. Soviet army struck the enemy with increasing force along the entire front. The powerful offensive impulse of our army is reflected in the proverbs: “It is not enough to wait for victory - we must take victory,” “Where there is courage, there is victory,” “A step forward is a step towards victory.”