How to draw a sheep with a pencil step by step. How to draw a lamb

Since we are learning to draw various animals, the most comprehensive approach would be honest: learning to draw an animal not only at rest or in motion or in the most characteristic pose, but also at different periods of life. It's worth learning to draw baby animals too.

Today we will draw... well, who?


But words rule the world. I look at the Yandex statistics: 28 people a month are interested in how to draw a lamb. Poor lamb is completely unpopular. A request for “lamb” gave zero results. Soooo, what if they are synonyms...? How to draw a lamb - Oh! - 400 requests per month. But this is the same lamb. But people apparently agree with the Little Prince - everyone needs a lamb. Okay, let's draw a lamb.

Drawing a lamb - lesson 1

Let's start with the torso. The back is sloping, the tummy is tucked, but the chest protrudes strongly.

The lamb...uh...that is, the lamb stands calmly: its legs are set straight, stable. The joints on them stand out quite clearly. There are double hooves at the ends of the legs . Who knew, but forgot, let me remind you: sheep are artiodactyls.

The head is large, as usual in baby animals, raised.

The muzzle is directed towards the viewer. Let's put it bluntly: animals with elongated muzzles look a little strange when you look at them point-blank. The expression on the lamb’s “face” is now quite comical. But we will draw with all seriousness and observing the symmetry of the features. The eyes, like those of other herbivores, are set wide apart, the forehead is low, and the ears are turned to the sides. Such a lamb is simple and righteous and far from evil.

I answered the question “how to draw a lamb”?

What? - Too young? Okay - here’s a more impressive lamb: there are no horns yet, but it’s already clear that it’s an Aries! And the fur coat is a fur coat!

Let's draw a lamb - lesson 2

So, let's draw it step by step. The body is large, although, of course, this is not fat, but long hair that hides the contours of the body and neck: the lamb can be said to be thickly overgrown with fur right up to the ears.

The hind legs have characteristic bends, the front legs are straighter.

And now - the lamb's head:

The muzzle is elongated, we can see it in three quarters and there is an expression of meekness on it. The picture turned out great - you can use it as a Lamb coloring book.

Well, I offered you two options on how to draw a lamb.

But there is another option - with a pencil! I like to work with a felt-tip pen, but I shouldn’t forget the pencil either. Another possible answer to the question.

How to draw a lamb with a pencil

And now let's look at it step by step:

Long hair hides the contours, the lamb looks... like a fur toy.

The illustrated descriptions that the master class website has for children and their parents will help your child draw a sheep with a pencil step by step, possibly with your participation. Look at the drawn pictures of sheep and choose the option to draw:

  1. The first option, a sheep drawn in pencil with a flower;
  2. The second option, a sheep drawn in pencil with candy.

How to draw a sheep with a pencil with a flower

1. For drawing sheep drawn in pencil with a flower in its mouth You will need a landscape sheet of paper and a simple pencil.

2. We start drawing the sheep with clouds. We draw the first cloud with a pencil with a convex front part - the face of a sheep. Above the face we draw another cloud, only with small curls. This is a head with curls. Below, starting from the face and up to the head, we sketch another cloud, on which there are larger curls - the body of a lamb.

3. Under the body we draw the legs of a sheep. We draw four parallel lines with a pencil, which are connected in two. At the end of the lamb's legs we draw hooves in the shape of a roof. At the back we draw the tail in the form of a small straight line at an angle. We attach a very small cloud to it.

4. At the next stage of work, we finish drawing the sheep’s face. Draw eyes in the shape of two bold dots. A little lower on the convex part we draw two nostrils. In the mouth we draw a line with a flower of five petals, in the middle with a core. Parallel to the eyes, draw an ear in the shape of a triangle. Draw the legs with a pencil.

5. Draw the contours. We sketch the ears with a pencil.

You can draw this kind of sheep with a flower in its mouth with a pencil.

How to draw a sheep with a pencil and candy

We will draw a sheep with a pencil and candy step by step.

P All you need is a pencil and a sheet of paper

Steps drawing a sheep with candy:

Step 1. Initial sketch looks like a hunk white bread on an airy curly cloud. Let's draw the contours of the sheep's body, similar to a cloud, and its head.

Step 2. Two oval eyes with brightly dark pupils, located at the very top edge of the head. The sheep's eyes, slightly cunning, squint to the side.

Cute sheep ears, with pointed tips, slightly curled into tubes. We mark the paws with small paired arches and finish them off with a neat manicure-pedicure.

The upper hooves of the sheep gently squeeze the candy. We draw the most delicious candy - chocolate. The lower hooves of the clubfoot dance. We paint all four legs of the sheep at the ends thickly with the color of a pencil.

Step 3. Add relief to the sheep’s face: lightly emphasize the cheekbones, using small semicircles just below the eyes; draw confident parallel curls of the nostrils; While touching the nose, we add a couple of curls to the sheep’s fur. Now the sheep with candy drawn in pencil is ready.

Drawn pictures of a sheep can be scanned onto a computer, then processed in a graphics editor, and adding additional pictures to get a new image. IN in this case grass and the sun have been added to the image of the sheep.

When a child likes to engage in artistic creativity, he should be encouraged in this activity as much as possible. If your child is interested in how to draw a sheep, goat, kitten or puppy, go to accessible level explain the process of creating an image. This will be useful for children not only from the point of view of hand development, but also the baby will remember the parts of the animal’s body and understand that any complex shape always consists of simple ones.

Performing tasks with children of different ages

Children learn to portray animals as early as kindergarten, however, at this stage the forms look very simplified, often even disproportionate. Schoolchildren are able to draw a more realistic picture. Tasks and samples should be selected according to the child’s age.

The baby is interested in doing everything game form. You can offer to create your own farm, make simple animal figures. For the guys who go to the art studio, it is better to immediately explain that you should always outline the contours with general form, gradually drawing out the details. For ordinary schoolchildren who do not plan to draw professionally, the method of assembling the figurine in parts will be enough, that is, adding a torso to the head, then legs, tail, and so on.

Lessons with stencils

If you want to figure out how to draw a sheep in a simplified way, the easiest way to do this is by tracing an outline finished sample. Kids especially like this method. After all, a little artist wants his animals to look like real ones. Working with stencils, in which you can use the external or internal outline of the shape, will stimulate children to be creative. In addition, the baby will immediately begin to perceive how the animal should look correctly, that the paws, for example, are not sticks, but a specific shape. Completing such tasks will help your child understand how to draw a sheep with a pencil, a cow, a pig - any animal on their own. Having learned to work with stencils, your child will easily move on to the next level.

How to draw a sheep step by step

First learn the principle of a professional approach. It consists of completing the general shape, positioning the object correctly on the sheet, and then working out the details. So, the stages of creating an image will be as follows:

1. Plan thin lines animal size. In this example would be better suited horizontal format. As you can see, the body is made in the form of a rectangle, the head is made in the form of a triangle, and the paws are made in the form of stripes.

2. Round simple geometric shapes, transforming them into recognizable contours of a sheep.

3. Gradually draw out all the details. Remove construction lines.

The resulting picture can be painted or drawn

Transferring the texture of wool

If you want to receive realistic image, you should think not only about how to draw a sheep linearly, but also do, for example, tonal elaboration. The most important thing here is to naturally and naturally show the numerous curls of the lamb’s soft fur coat. The best texture is in the form wavy lines. They can be either separate elements or cover the animal’s body like a continuous “web”. Don't forget that in this curly cloud there is also light and shadow.

It is interesting to make a sheep in color. You can give your child the opportunity to dream up and be creative in coloring the picture. It is interesting to try to convey the texture of the fur using a bristle brush, trying to move your hand in a spiral. This way you can get a lot of small curls. Another option is to dab a piece of cotton wool soaked in paint, or use the spraying method, where small colored droplets are sprayed through a comb with a brush. You can even use the applique method of curls of colored paper and threads. The child will be happy to make a relief from bright plasticine. So there are a lot of opportunities for creative activities with your baby.

How to draw a sheep with a pencil step by step

Another example shows a completely different approach to creating an image. The animal's body is made up of individual parts, by gradually adding them. Working with this method is convenient for beginners using an auxiliary grid. It allows you to get a proportional image. When building by eye, you may end up with legs or a tail that won't fit on the sheet if you make other parts too big to begin with. It is better to immediately evaluate the entire object and approximately determine the ratio of elements. How to draw a sheep in this way, see below. The work consists of the following steps:

1. Outline the head with ears.

2. Detail the muzzle, add the body.

3. Draw the nose and begin to create the texture of the fur.

4. Outline the tail and both pairs of paws.

5. Finish the fur and paws.

6. Finish the image.

Picture for a preschooler

If you are looking for information on how to draw a sheep for kids younger age, then you can take a simple sample, mentally break it down into parts, as in the previous examples, and explain to the child the scheme of work. This option is also perfect as a coloring book.

Funny faces

Very often it is necessary to depict not the entire animal, but, for example, only the head. This can make the task much easier. Invite your child to show on a piece of paper an animal that looks out of a window or from behind a fence. In this case there is no need to do complex formations, it is enough to draw literally a few lines. If a child asks how to draw a sheep’s face, it’s easy to explain to him using ready-made examples.

The first sample shows a simplified but more realistic image than the others. It's very easy to make. Build a vertical one. Focusing on it, on the left and right you draw the same shape of the head, ears, circles of eyes and pupils, curls of the nostrils, ears. On top add a “light cloud” of the sheep’s bangs. like this simple form can even be used as a stencil.

The second sample looks more cartoonish, but still quite acceptable. It's easy to do. To simplify the construction, mark the vertical axis of symmetry. Draw an auxiliary circle or ellipse. Draw a stylized hairstyle. Make ears, eyes and a simplified lower part of the muzzle at an equal distance from the center line.

The third option is done in the same way easily and quickly. The child will be able to independently make any of his choice.

So, you have learned how to draw a sheep with a pencil step by step. Using the ready-made step-by-step instructions, you can do this easily. The sequence of actions will be the same when creating a realistic and simplified version, as well as a separate animal’s face. The creative process will definitely bring pleasure to both you and the baby.

If a child comes up and asks how to draw a lamb, and you don’t know the answer, then read the article. Using step by step instructions and recommendations, you can easily help a preschooler. This way you will provide for your baby interesting thing, have a good and fun time together.

The benefits of creative work

Any kind artistic creativity has a positive effect on personal development. Parents should begin to introduce children to paints, pencils, modeling early childhood. Stimulation methods fine motor skills have a beneficial effect on the development of speech and thought processes. Color, make animals, birds, flowers, fruits from plasticine. If you are teaching groups of preschoolers, you can conduct a separate lesson on how to draw a lamb. Children will be interested in any creative process.


When working with children, you need to try to make everything as simple and interesting as possible. Kids want everything to work out beautifully and correctly right away. The sheep, goat, and dog should look like real ones. To help your child, you can buy special manuals that explain how to draw a lamb with a pencil step by step (or any other animal). The most simple method is the use of stencils. You can buy them ready-made, but it’s even more interesting to make them yourself. Drawing every time, even according to the instructions, the child will not be able to make two pictures exactly the same. If the child wants to create an image of not just one sheep, for example, but a whole flock, you can suggest first making a stencil with the outline of the animal.

Benefits of step-by-step drawing

Sometimes adults don’t have drawing skills either. For example, for beginners who at first glance find this activity difficult, instructions have been developed that explain step-by-step the process of creating an image. The challenge is to difficult subject decompose into simple lines. Gradually completing them, you get the necessary picture. This allows even a beginner to make a realistic, proportional image.

How to paint

If your child loves animals, he has probably already asked about how to draw a lamb. The most interesting thing is to try to convey the texture of the animal's fur. When you have your outline ready, it's time to start the creative process. Here you can use any material: whatever your imagination suggests. Combine different techniques: paints, crayons, felt-tip pens. Interesting effect It works if you spray paint with a brush through a comb. The lamb will be soft and airy thanks to the texture of small colored droplets on the paper. To ensure that the paint does not fall beyond the desired contour, you will have to place a second one on the sheet with the design, where the image of the original object is cut out.

Another option is to create the texture of sheep's wool by applying a piece of cotton wool, previously soaked in the appropriate paint, to the image. This creative activity It will be useful and interesting for the baby.

Where can I use the image of a lamb?

If you have ever played “Farm” with your child or looked at pictures of domestic animals together, your child was most likely interested in how to draw a lamb, cow, or goat himself. You can offer interesting activity: Create your own toy barnyard. Let your child draw his favorite animals on a thick piece of paper or cardboard. You cut them out and use them to play. You can even make them double-sided and strengthen them on a special base so that they can be in a vertical position. Then all the animals can be rearranged, for example, along the plane of the table.

In addition, the sheep is a symbol of the coming 2015. Invite your child to make gifts for relatives. You can make postcards with the image of a lamb, double-sided figures to decorate a window, table, or doorway. This creative process is interesting for both kids and adults.

Practical lesson

Now let's get to the lesson itself. Below are two sketches of funny sheep. Each one is done quite simply.

How to draw a lamb with a pencil step by step

This is the easiest option. The basis of the image is geometric shapes, which can be made using a stencil. The work sequence is as follows:

1. Make a circle for the muzzle, outline the features, add ears and an oval, which you turn into a stylized bang.

2. Using a compass or using a stencil, draw the circumference of the body and outline it with an openwork outline that imitates the curly nature of the coat.

3. Remove the auxiliary line and make simplified front legs.

4. Detail the ears and eyes, complete the hind legs.

5. Color the picture in any way.

How to draw a lamb for a fun farm

In the second example we make a side view of the animal. This also uses a simplified form based on geometric shapes. The execution steps are as follows:

1. Make two ovals, determining the size of the sheep’s body and the lower part of the muzzle.

2. Using auxiliary lines, add part of the head outline to the left.

3. Designate the same thing symmetrically on the right, remove the excess from the oval.

With just a few steps this lesson We will draw with you the symbol of the new coming year 2015 - a sheep (goat). Sheep by eastern horoscope is a symbol of female happiness and love. The sheep is not an aggressive symbol of the year, so in 2015 everyone is advised to be calm, quiet and not make any drastic changes in life.

This drawing is quite easy, any child can draw it in 10 minutes. Before we move on to drawing the symbol of the year 2015 - a sheep, we need to prepare everything that we will need during drawing, namely: a blank piece of paper, an eraser, simple and colored pencils and a ruler. When you have prepared everything you need, you can start drawing a sheep.

Our lesson consists of 8 consecutive step-by-step tips. Follow the instructions for each stage and keep all the proportions exactly as shown in the figure for each stage, and then you will succeed. So let's get started!

Stage 1. At the first stage of our lesson, we draw not the sheep itself, but auxiliary lines for it. First we draw the most small circle, then two large ones, notice that these two circles are equal in size, and the distances between all the circles are also approximately equal. Next, draw one line that connects all these three circles and two more from it vertical lines, extending down.

Stage 2. Now we move on to drawing the sheep. In all stages, what needs to be drawn will be highlighted in red. We look down at the auxiliary drawing and see that the sheep’s face is highlighted in red here, so at this stage we will draw it.

Stage 4. Let's start drawing the main part of the sheep's body, two auxiliary circles that we drew earlier will help us with this. Also at this stage, don’t forget to draw a small, cute, fluffy tail for our sheep.

Stage 5. So, the main part of the body is ready. Let's look at the picture below to see what we have to draw next. In the picture, the sheep's hooves, which are located on the foreground(one back hoof and one front), which means we’ll start drawing them now.

Stage 6. Now we draw those hooves that are located in the background (also one front and one back), and move on to the next stage.

Stage 7. Now we will carefully erase all unnecessary lines and circles with an eraser...

Stage 8. ...and paint the sheep like this: