In which city is the State Historical Museum. History of the museum's creation

AND Historical Museum. It is these four buildings that surround main street Russia. And the museum can be considered the main entrance to Red Square. It is no coincidence that it is from this side that foot troops and heavy equipment come out during the annual May 9 Parade.

The Historical Museum is rightfully considered to have the richest collection of exhibits not only in Russia. Just think about it - 4 thousand square meters, more than 20 thousand permanent exhibits and 5 million items in the museum collections. It is not surprising that the Historical Museum, even for those who visit it regularly, each time opens from a new, previously unknown side.

And by the way, it’s not just the interior spaces and exhibition halls that look attractive. The building itself is a work architectural art. It is no coincidence that it is included in the list of World Heritage Sites. cultural heritage UNESCO.

History of the museum's creation

The idea of ​​founding the Historical Museum was born in 1872. And the initiator of its construction was Emperor Alexander II himself. The first exhibits were military trophies accumulated after Crimean War. The sovereign, thus, wanted to perpetuate the memory of the glorious past. it was decided to build it near Red Square. Before this, the Zemstvo Prikaz was located here - in a modern manner it can be called the Ministry of Regional Development).

A competition was announced among architects. The main condition is that the building had to be maintained in general style, which by that time had already developed around Red Square. The winners were V. Sherwood and A. Semenov, although the former subsequently refused to complete the project. And at the final stage, the construction of the museum was led by Alexander Popov. The construction of the building lasted almost 6 years - from 1875 to 1881. It took another two years to decorate the interior and fill the exhibition with exhibits. And thus, the date when the Moscow Historical Museum first opened its doors to visitors was May 27, 1883.

After the Revolution, there was a serious danger of looting the exhibits of the Historical Museum. But among the Bolsheviks there were connoisseurs high art and antiques. The exhibits were taken under the protection of the People's Commissariat, and even plans arose for further expansion of the collection. Thus, in the period 1922-1934, objects that were previously in St. Basil's Cathedral, and a number of churches and small storage facilities were added to the exhibition.

True, the communist era did not pass without a trace. Firstly, some of the images were painted over or destroyed as propaganda. decorative finishing, since it symbolized the royal system. For example, the Bolsheviks dismantled beautiful sculptures of lions, unicorns and, of course, double headed eagles, which decorated the façade of the building.

The modern history of the Museum is connected primarily with large-scale reconstruction, because of which visitors could not see the collection for 11 years (1986-1997). But as a reward for your patience, you can now see the building as it was originally intended. Thus, the spiers of the towers are again crowned with gilded sculptures of lions and eagles. Of course, these are not the same ones that “disappeared” in Soviet time, but their exact copies.

And inside the Historical Museum now looks like a real one royal palace. Suffice it to mention that the main entrance is a huge “Family tree of Russian sovereigns”, on which portraits of 68 tsars, emperors and grand dukes are presented in gilded frames. As for the rest of the collection, for better perception it is divided into 39 rooms, and each tells about a specific era of the country’s development. And among the most valuable exhibits it is worth highlighting - an 8-meter boat made with stone axes back in prehistoric times, knightly armor from the time of Alexander Nevsky, the icon of “Our Lady of Kazan”, the globe of Peter the Great and his ceremonial camisole.

In 2017, the State Historical Museum celebrates the 145th anniversary of its founding. On February 9, 1872, Emperor Alexander II decided to create a museum in Moscow national history Russia. To this memorable date was prepared for the Historical Museum official video, which was filmed creative Group Media 1 company from St. Petersburg.

The museum's funds grew rapidly due to gifts from monasteries and libraries, various institutes, universities and publishing houses. Members of famous noble families They also acted as patrons of the arts, donating their most valuable collections to the Historical Museum. The museum is rightfully proud of the Golitsyn library, numbering more than 9,000 volumes on the history of Russia, and the Chertkov collection, which contains more than 300 ancient manuscripts, in particular, the famous correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with Andrei Kurbsky. In addition, the Chertkov family donated one of the best collections of Russian coins in the country to the museum. Other representatives of the nobility also made valuable contributions: the Bobrinskys, Obolenskys, Kropotkins, Uvarovs, Masalskys donated their collections of things related to Russian history to the museum.

It is impossible not to mention the precious deposits of the merchants. The Bakhrushins, Burylins, Sapozhnikovs, and Postnikovs donated more than 300,000 various exhibits to the State Historical Museum. Among them were Russian icons, ancient manuscripts, textiles and furniture, as well as objects of decorative and applied art.

One of the most valuable contributions was the collection of the famous merchant, collector and philanthropist Pyotr Ivanovich Shchukin. He was the founder of the private museum of Russian Antiquities. Over time, the collection grew so large that it became cramped even in a building specially built for it. In 1905, Shchukin donated it to the Historical Museum. Until the end of his life, he was the custodian of his own museum, which was called the “Department of the Imperial Russian Historical Museum named after the Emperor.” Alexandra III- Museum of P.I. Shchukin."

Alexander Andreevich Catoire de Bioncourt, leader of the nobility Nizhny Novgorod, donated his collection of hunting weapons and pistols, merchant Vakhrameev - books and manuscripts, representative famous family Dashkov - works of art. In short, people from all walks of life Russian society considered it their duty to replenish the museum’s collection.

Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya, the writer's widow, being an honorary member of the Historical Museum since 1906, donated the archives of her late husband, books and photographs, letters, as well as some things. The writer’s room was recreated in the museum, called the “Museum of Memory of F.M. Dostoevsky."

After the revolution, the funds were replenished from disbanded museums, such as the Rumyantsev Museum, the Military History Museum, “Old Moscow,” as well as from the State Museum Fund, which accumulated items from private collections. A collection of manuscripts from the Moscow Diocesan Library and a collection of church utensils and fabrics from the Olovyashnikovs’ store were transferred for storage.

The exhibition dedicated to ancient times, from the Stone Age to the Russian Middle Ages. Soviet archaeologists and paleontologists who carried out excavations in the country donated the material they found to the museum.

After it was liquidated in 1993 central museum Lenin, his exhibition also took place in the Historical Museum.

The State Historical Museum conducts important scientific and research activities. Its exposition and funds are an invaluable source for artists, historians, restorers, scientists, cultural experts, costume and furniture researchers.

Museum building

The museum's large and representative exposition required a special building. For its construction, Moscow city ​​council donated a plot of land on Red Square to the city.

The foundation of the building took place in 1875.

As a result of the competition, the project of the architect V.O. won. Sherwood and engineer A.A. Semenov. The red brick building fits perfectly into the ensemble of Red Square, stylistically echoing the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral.

It must be said that even at the design stage the main idea of ​​the exhibition was developed - this is the merit of historians and museum managers Uvarov and Zabelin. Each hall was designed taking into account the exhibits that will be located in it. In finishing interior decoration, paintings and creation decorative elements Great Russian artists took part - Aivazovsky and Vasnetsov, Serov and Korovin.

In 1936, it was decided to destroy the halls dedicated to pre-revolutionary period. The paintings were painted over, the stucco was chipped off, and the gilding was removed. For more than 15 years, starting in 1986, the museum underwent a comprehensive restoration, and now its interiors have been recreated in their original form.

Historical Museum in Moscow (Moscow, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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Operating mode:

Main building of the museum, Museum Patriotic War 1812 and Exhibition complex: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday - from 10:00 - 18:00, Friday, Saturday - from 10:00 - 21:00. Closed on Tuesday.

New showroom: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday - from 10:00 - 19:00, Friday, Saturday - from 10:00 - 21:00. Closed on Tuesday.

Cost: 400 RUB, students and pensioners 150 RUB, family ticket (for two adults and two children under 18 years old) 600 RUB. Children under 16 years of age have the right to visit the museum for free.

Branches of the Historical Museum

  • Intercession Cathedral (is integral part St. Basil's Cathedral) - The central church of the Cathedral is not available for inspection due to restoration work. Cost: 500 RUB, students, pensioners - 150 RUB
  • Chambers of the Romanov Boyars; Address: st. Varvarka, 10; Opening hours: Every day - from 10:00 - 18:00, on Wednesday from 11:00 - 19:00, closed on Tuesday. Cost: 400 RUB, students, pensioners - 150 RUB, children under 16 years old - free
  • Exhibition complex; address: Revolution Square, 2/3; prices vary depending on the exhibition
  • Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812; address: pl. Revolutions, 2/3; cost of visit: 350 RUB, reduced price 150 RUB

Prices on the page are for October 2018.

The State Historical Museum is one of best museums country, is located in the very center of the capital on Red Square.

The unique exhibition reflects all the milestones of Russian history from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century; the museum collections contain more than 5,000,000 exhibits. State Historical Museum is the most major museum Russia.

The museum was founded by decree of Emperor Alexander II on February 21, 1872, and received its first visitors on May 27, 1883. The building for the Historical Museum on Red Square was built according to the design of outstanding architects V.O. Sherwood and A.A. Semenov in pseudo-Russian style with elements of tower architecture, interior decoration was completed famous artists Aivazovsky, Repin, Vasnetsov, Korovin and others.

In 1990, the State Historical building as part of the Red Square objects was included in the UNESCO List of World Cultural Heritage Monuments.

In the years Soviet power the interiors of many halls were changed: the paintings were whitewashed, details were destroyed decorative design. In the 1990s, the building and interior were restored and brought back to their original appearance.

The front porch with rich wall paintings and lions. On the ceiling is the “Family Tree of the Russian Sovereigns”, 68 portraits of the Grand Dukes, Tsars and Emperors.

The permanent exhibition is located on two floors in chronological order, each hall corresponds to a specific historical era. At the beginning of the path there are exhibits from the times of the primitive communal system - stone tools labor, authentic mammoth tusks, sculptural portraits ancient people.

Found on site Voronezh region a huge 7.5-meter canoe, hollowed out with stone axes from solid oak:

Hall Bronze Age. In the center there is the “Kolikho” dolmen, which was relatively recently transported to the State Historical Museum from near Tuapse - ancient building from stone slabs.

Bronze idol discovered in the Galich treasure in Kostroma region, is considered an attribute of the shamanic cult. The second photo shows bronze women's forehead decorations found near the Murom village of Podbolotye.

Transition from the hall early Middle Ages of Eastern Europe and Asia to the hall with exhibits of the Old Russian state.

The museum helps to remember dramatic events Russian history: fragmentation, Mongol invasion, the war with the Swedes and the Battle of the Ice, the Battle of Kulikovo and the Time of Troubles.

Showcase with armor and weapons of Russian warrior times Battle on the Ice, the seal of Alexander Nevsky and the helmet and shield of a Western European knight.

The second photo shows the steel armor and saber of the Polish Winged Hussar. Behind the armor was a “wing” with swan feathers, giving the rider a spectacular and menacing appearance. I saw reenactors in similar attire last year in Kolomenskoye.

Hall “Russian culture in the 16th-17th centuries”.

Icon “Our Lady of Kazan” with gold and silver frame, precious stones– sapphires, emeralds, rubies, pearls, spinels and almadines.

Especially valuable exhibit- a globe from the Dutch company Blau, acquired by Peter the Great during a trip to Western Europe.

Another floor shows politics, economics and culture Russian Empire from Peter the Great to Alexander the Third.

First Russian Emperor- a casting made from a mask taken by the sculptor Rastrelli in 1719.

Camisole of Peter the Great.

Halls from the reign of Catherine the Second and Alexander the First.

The museum regularly hosts interesting thematic exhibitions. One of them is “Gold. The metal of the gods and the king of metals." Here you can see luxurious gold objects and jewelry, coins and orders, exhibits religious nature East and West two last millennia from the funds of the Historical Museum.