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Recipes for currant jam for the winter

“5 minutes” is one of the favorite winter preparations from black currants in many families. Attracted by the available ingredients, simple recipe...

2 hours 15 minutes

225 kcal

5/5 (1)

“Five-minute” blackcurrant among preparations for the winter is like “Olivier” salad at New Year's table. Perhaps every experienced housewife prepares such jam. It’s easy to cook and can be used in winter for a variety of occasions.

Recipe for making Five-Minute blackcurrant jam for the winter

How to cook Five Minute Blackcurrant:

  1. We are preparing the jars. Wash thoroughly. I always recommend washing jars for winter preparations only with laundry soap and soda. Do not use household chemicals. We definitely pasteurize it. This is an important condition for storing this product.
  2. We sort the blackcurrant fruits, clearing them of leaves, twigs and various debris. Rinse in a colander under running water. Dry it a little.
  3. Pour a glass of water into the bottom of the enamel pan. Pour in 6 cups of sugar. Bring to a boil. Cook the syrup for a few minutes to allow the excess water to evaporate. The syrup should thicken slightly.
  4. Pour berries into boiling syrup. Shake the saucepan gently so that all the berries are immersed in the syrup. Put it on the stove again. Bring to a boil. Boil for no more than five minutes.
  5. Pour in the remaining 5 cups of sugar. Mix. Bring to a boil. Collect abundant foam. Remove from the stove. The jam is ready!
  6. Carefully pour the hot jam into the jars. We leave the jars open. We place it in a place so that dust does not get on the jam or cover it with paper sheets. And only when the jam has cooled completely, close with tight lids.

Tip: It is better to pour “5 minute” blackcurrant jam into small jars – 0.5-0.65 ml.

  • It is not advisable to store berries for such jam for a long time. It is better to cook on the day of collection.
  • When sorting the berries, be very careful. You must not allow sour or spoiled berries to end up in the jam.
  • Cooled jam in a jar can be sprinkled with a small amount of sugar to form a sweet crust. Or put a circle of parchment paper under the lid. These measures will help preserve the jam longer.
  • Jars can be prepared in advance to save time and effort when making jam. Especially if before this you have already worked hard on summer cottage. The main thing is to keep pasteurized jars tightly closed. An unclean jar can cause the jam to turn sour quickly.

How to store Five-minute currant

This jam should be stored in a cool place. Better in the refrigerator or cellar. Avoid temperature changes! It is strictly forbidden to allow condensation to appear on inside covers.

If it is not possible to place the preparation in a cold place, then try to use the jam in the first half of winter. It may not last until spring - it will become covered with mold at the neck.

In nature, there are several types of garden currants: red, white, black. And the most useful of them is black currant. They say that it is enough to eat 40 berries and you will be provided with a daily dose of vitamin C.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers may not have known all the intricacies of the composition of these berries, but they were sure to prepare them for the winter in the form of jam. The most widespread and revered method was considered to be the so-called “raw jam”. This is when 2 kg of sugar was taken for 1 kg of blackcurrant, then all this was passed through a meat grinder and laid out in sterile jars. The method is expensive and somewhat fiddly, since the berries had to be spread and dried after washing.

Today, modern housewives, simplifying their lives, are increasingly choosing quick recipes blanks So we decided to offer you an ultra-fast and very delicious recipe– jam from black currant“Five Minute” cooks quickly, turns out tasty and can be stored for a long time at home.

If you have access to this healthy berry, then quickly buy it and prepare excellent jelly jam. Yes, you heard right, using our five-minute recipe, you will not only save time, but also get an excellent result in the form of delicious gelled blackcurrant jam.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • Black currant – 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • Drinking water – 200 ml.

How to make “Five Minute” blackcurrant jam for the winter

On the market you can find both small and large black currants, and sometimes they are also crossed with gooseberries (quite large). For our Five Minute jam, it is better to take not small currants, the berries of which usually contain a lot of debris and little pulp, and not too large, but moderately medium. It is also advisable to taste it; it should not be sour, but rather sweet and sour.

It is from such black currants that you can make delicious jam, which you can treat your friends with a sense of dignity while drinking tea together.

By the way, a jar of such a healthy treat, properly packaged, can serve as an excellent gift. So make blackcurrant jam, and it will definitely serve you well.

First of all, we put the purchased berries in a bowl and pour cold water. We do this in order to get rid of debris that will immediately float to the surface. By carefully draining the water we can easily get rid of it.

The next step is to make syrup from water and granulated sugar. It couldn't be easier to do this. Pour the amount of water specified in the recipe into the pan, let it boil and immediately add about half the sugar.

Cook, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Now add black currants into the finished syrup.

And as promised at the beginning, let the jam boil over medium heat for exactly five minutes. At the same time, the berries retain their integrity and do not wrinkle.

Remove the jam from the heat and add the remaining granulated sugar. Stir gently until the sugar has completely melted.

Now our five-minute blackcurrant jam is completely ready.

All that remains is to pour it into prepared (still hot) sterile jars and seal with clean lids. There is no need to turn it over and wrap it up.

The quantity of berries specified in the recipe yields 2 half-liter jars and a little more for testing.

Vitamins for the winter - the best preparations blackcurrant jelly. Simple step by step recipes in our selection.

The blackcurrant jelly recipe has a very attractive aspect. The berry has high gelling properties that can turn liquid jam into jelly, and there is absolutely no need to add gelatin or any other thickeners.

This jelly retains about 80% even in winter. beneficial properties, so it is rightly considered a real storehouse of vitamins. During winter and spring vitamin deficiency, it perfectly supports the body.

It is believed that what is healthy is not always tasty. This is where this rule doesn’t work. With intense bright color and with its soft consistency, blackcurrant jelly has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. With such a berry dessert, any tea party turns into a real celebration.

  • Black currant – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 300 g
  • Purified water - 2 tbsp.

To make jelly, you need to sort the berries, removing the twigs, leaves and tails.

Then rinse the currants with cold water. And put it in a colander. Drain off excess water.

To do this, you can use a meat grinder, blender, or simply mash with a potato masher.

Place the ground berries in a saucepan.

We put it on fire. Add water to them. Bring the whole mass to a boil. We turn down the flame. Stirring over low heat, cook for about ten minutes.

As a result, we get pure currant juice.

Pour the juice into a saucepan. We put it on the smallest fire. Bring to a boil and begin to reduce.

During the cooking process, do not forget to remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Stirring constantly, add sugar little by little. And continuing to cook, bring the berry juice until it thickens. Twenty minutes will be enough.

Place hot jelly on pre-sterilized glass jars. Let's roll up.

Store the preserves in a cool place.

Blackcurrant jelly is ready!

The dessert has a wonderful aroma and extraordinary taste.

Recipe 2: concentrated blackcurrant jelly for the winter

Guided by this step by step instructions with photo, you can cook very rich and concentrated blackcurrant jelly for the winter. There is no water in the recipe. Instead, natural currant juice is used. This provides the delicacy with a brighter taste and a pronounced berry aroma.

  • black currant – 1 kg
  • blackcurrant juice – 200 ml
  • sugar – 1.5 kg

Wash the berries thoroughly and place them on the table to dry.

Pour blackcurrant juice into a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, add berries and cook for another 10 minutes.

Then remove from heat, cool slightly and rub the currants through a sieve.

Throw the berry cake aside, and return the liquid part to the stove, heat it up, add sugar and evaporate over low heat for half an hour. When the mass has reduced by one third, pour into sterilized jars and roll under tin lids. Store in a pantry or cellar until winter.

Recipe 3: five-minute blackcurrant jelly (with photo)

  • Black currant - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg
  • Water - 3 cups.

I want to warn you right away that not every berry is suitable for it. After all, the density of the jelly depends on the amount of pectin in them. Therefore, we take “real” currants, that is, not hybrid ones. Of course, she doesn't look so chic. Small, sour, but so fragrant. No hybrid has such an aroma.

The berries were selected, washed and MUST be dried. Now let's take a look at the banks. They need to be thoroughly washed and sterilized so that by the end of cooking the jam they are dry.

Place the currants in a bowl and fill with water. Someone will say - why dry it if we then fill it with water? The answer is - to prevent the increase in plain water due to the water that drains from the berries. This may have a detrimental effect on the density of the jelly in end result. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for exactly 10 minutes.

Then very quickly add sugar and mix. Bring to a boil and cook at a low simmer for exactly 5 minutes. And we film.

Pour into jars; personally, I pour the berries and syrup into separate jars, cover with a cloth and let cool completely. After that, cover with lids and put in the refrigerator for a week. This is a must.

But after a week we put it in the cellar or any cool place. Here you can see what a difference it makes after a week.

Recipe 4: how to make blackcurrant jelly

Blackcurrant contains a lot of pectins, due to which it gels perfectly without the additional addition of gelling agents.

  • Approximately 2 kg of black currants or 1 liter of currant juice,
  • 450 g sugar.

It is quite problematic to obtain the juice necessary for making jelly from blackcurrants; not all juicers can cope with this - they become clogged with skins and numerous seeds. Although, a juicer is most preferable - it makes it easier to squeeze out the juice and thereby loses a minimum of vitamins.

If you don't have a good auger juicer, it's best to grind the currants in a food processor first.

But even after this, the ground mass is viscous enough to pass through a sieve or gauze. I dilute it a little with boiling water (100 milliliters per 2 liters of mass), bring it to a boil.

It becomes easier to rub the currants through a sieve. We wipe and get thick juice with pulp. Don’t throw away the cake, it will make an excellent compote.

Add 450 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice and bring to a boil again. If more water was added, heat the juice for 15 minutes in a wide bowl to allow the excess liquid to evaporate. Pour into sterilized jars and close. Do not tip the jars during the gelling process! The jelly is ready the next day. It turns out very thick and, unlike, not transparent.

If you have the opportunity to store the jelly in a cool place, simply dissolve the sugar in currant juice and pour into sterilized jars (without heating); it will be stored well in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5, step by step: currant jelly in a slow cooker

This blackcurrant jelly, prepared in a slow cooker, is ideal for tea drinking. You can use it to prepare fillings for various baked goods. One such half-liter jar is enough for a considerable amount of flour products. Rolls and croissants will turn out especially well, since ordinary jam simply pours out of them, and jelly will become an excellent filling that holds its shape.

Currant jelly in a multicooker Redmond 4502 (power 860 W). Use in in this case“Stew” mode, which is most often suitable for making jam. But you can also make jellies and jams using the Multicooker program, setting the temperature to 100-120 degrees, depending on the power of the multicooker. In my case, 100 degrees is not enough for boiling. Therefore, they often use stewing or 120 degrees in a multicooker.

  • black currant – 1100 gr
  • sugar – 550 gr
  • water – 150 ml

Prepare currants, sugar and water. Now we can start the process.

We thoroughly wash the berries and sort them. Pour into a bowl and crush with a crush.

Place the resulting currant mass into the multicooker bowl. Pour 150 ml of water. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 10 minutes.

During this time, the berries will boil and cook for several minutes. Turn off the multicooker. Let the mixture cool a little.

Now let's filter in a convenient way. You can squeeze the juice through gauze or other suitable cloth, or rub through a fine sieve. I squeezed the juice with my hands through the cloth. The cake turned out to be quite wet. I think if you use a sieve it will be of better quality. 1100 grams of berries yielded 650 ml of juice.

Now we need to take the same amount of sugar. I use cups. In total, I used 550-560 grams of sugar.

Pour the juice and pour the sugar into the multicooker bowl. Stir thoroughly. Turn on the “Quenching” program for 20 minutes.

I do not close the lid of the multicooker and I do not advise you to do so, otherwise the jam may run out of the bowl. Stir occasionally and remove foam from the surface. In the stewing mode, my jam bubbles quite strongly and rises almost to the very top mark of the bowl. Therefore, I do not recommend using more ingredients at one time so that the jam level is not exceeded.

After 20 minutes we do a hardening test. Drop the future jelly onto a saucer and let it cool completely, putting it in the refrigerator. If it has hardened well, then the blackcurrant jelly in the slow cooker is ready!

Since my jelly had boiled down quite well, there was only enough of it to fill just one half-liter jar.

Be sure to sterilize the jar and lid together in advance. Fill it with hot currant jelly and let it cool without covering it with a lid. I covered it lightly with a napkin to prevent any debris or insects from getting into the jar, and to avoid any unnecessary exposure to air.

When the jelly has hardened and almost cooled, I check it by turning the jar on its side. See how it holds its shape perfectly? Now you can roll it up with a hot sterile lid and put it in the pantry until winter or spring.

Currant jelly is stored very well. If it is possible to store the workpiece in a dry, dark room, you can use a paper lid instead of a tin lid. A piece of parchment can be soaked in alcohol, covered the neck of the jar and tied with a rope. However, such a jar should not be in the basement, because it is damp there and the jelly can deteriorate under the paper, saturated with moisture.

Recipe 6: blackcurrant jelly with cooking (step by step)

  • Black currants - 5.5 cups
  • Sugar - 7 glasses
  • Water - 1 glass

Rinse the currants in running water and sort them, removing the stems and leaves. If you remove the stalks first, you can lose a lot of juice when washing.

Pour water over the berries and add half the sugar, that is, 3.5 cups.

Place the pan on the fire and boil the currants for 15 minutes, stirring.

While the currants are cooking, prepare the jars - sterilize them in a convenient way, they should be dry and hot.

After boiling the jam for 15 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and add the other half of the sugar. We don’t put any more jam on the stove, just stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour hot jam into prepared jars. Don’t worry that it will seem runny; the jam-jelly will thicken as it cools. I usually don’t immediately cover the jam with lids, but cover it with gauze to prevent condensation from forming.

Very delicious jam-blackcurrant jelly is ready, enjoy!

Making incredibly tasty blackcurrant jam for the winter has long become a tradition. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not particularly understand chemical composition black currant. They just knew that this was a very healthy berry, it would relieve fever and give strength. Therefore, they prepared black currants in the form of jam, and carefully stored each jar of healing potion.

Now we know what the power of blackcurrant is. And every year we try to preserve it with the least loss of vitamins. I also really want to add a modern twist to old traditions. Therefore, recipes for currant jam prepared different ways and with all sorts of additives will come in handy.

It is no secret that more vitamins remain in jam that is not heat treated. Therefore, the most popular method of making blackcurrant jam is grinding it with sugar.

There is no need to roll up this delicacy with an iron lid. A large number of sugar and correct execution technological process will ensure reliable storage even in apartment conditions.

Necessary equipment

  1. Meat grinder or blender.
  2. Deep bowl for stirring jam.
  3. Convenient large spoon or wooden spatula.


  • Black currant berries - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 2 kg.

Step by Step Actions

That's the whole simple process. And the result is a treasure trove of useful things and goodies in your own pantry. The owner has something to be proud of.

The simplest blackcurrant jam for the winter

Many housewives cook currant jam in the most in a simple way. Same a good option. The jam turns out thick and rich. The recipe is also good in cases where there is a bountiful harvest of berries.

Required Ingredients

  • Blackcurrant – 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 800 gr.

Making jam

  1. Sort the berries, wash them thoroughly, and place in a colander.
  2. Pour boiling water over it. You can also immerse a colander with berries in boiling water for a few seconds.
  3. Wait a little until the water runs out.
  4. Place the berries in an enamel bowl, cover with sugar, and set aside for a while. The berries should release juice.
  5. After a while, carefully mix the mass with a wooden spatula. This will speed up the process of juice secretion. The procedure must be repeated from time to time until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is best to put the berries overnight and return to the process the next day.
  6. Then the basin should be placed on low heat.
  7. While stirring, let the mixture boil.
  8. Boil the jam for 15-20 minutes, turn off the heat.
  9. Distribute into sterile containers and roll up with iron lids. Allow to cool and store.

Such jam, and a soft top - you can lick your fingers! The cookies rest nervously on the sidelines. And the benefits of drinking tea with jam are incomparably greater.

Jelly-like blackcurrant jam

Very good recipe. The berries turn out soft and tender. The jam is delicious and the price is good. Try it and see for yourself.

We will need

  • Prepared currants - 4 cups (sorted, washed, dried)
  • Sugar - 6 cups
  • Water – 2 glasses.

Making jam

  1. Pour the water into an enamel pan or basin.
  2. Add half the sugar, boil, stirring.
  3. Place all the berries in the boiling syrup, stir and bring to a boil.
  4. Cook for 7 minutes.
  5. Add the remaining sugar, stir, cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Place hot in sterile jars and seal with iron lids.

It won’t take you much time to prepare, and you’ll get a lot of pleasure.

Advice just in case. To prevent the jam from molding, you need to cut out a circle from tracing paper to the size of the jar. Soak it in alcohol or vodka, put it on top of the jam, and then roll up the jar. There will never be mold.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam

Wonderful jam with many advantages. Fast – the name refers to the speed of preparation. Healthy – the vitamins and microelements we need are preserved as much as possible. Finally, it's just absolutely delicious.


  • Water – 1.5 cups
  • Black currant – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg (can be reduced to 1.3 kg).

Step by step process

That's it, quickly and tastefully. Enjoy your tea!

Recipe for blackcurrant jam with raspberries without cooking

Not jam, but double pleasure. In addition, a double blow to vitamin deficiency. Raspberries will slightly dilute the specific taste of currants and add their sour flavor to the jam.

How many raspberries can you add? Yes, as much as you want, but no more than the currants themselves. The ideal option is the same amount of currants and raspberries. But even if you have at least a handful of raspberries, add it. You will not only feel the difference, but next time you will definitely prepare currant jam with raspberries.

Preparing the ingredients

  • Blackcurrant – half liter jar
  • Raspberries - half liter jar
  • Sugar - two liter jars (weight approximately 2 kg).

note that total berries should be 2 times less than the amount of sugar.

Making jam

It is better to store this jam in the refrigerator. Still, it is not possible to remove all the water from raspberries after washing. If there is not enough cold, the finished product may deteriorate. And the jam will be guaranteed to stay in the refrigerator - tested for personal experience method.

Rumor has it that raspberries don't need to be washed. But this is a purely personal matter.

Blackcurrant jam with dried apricots for the winter without cooking

Dried apricots can change your favorite jam beyond recognition. This is, well, very tasty and interesting. Dried apricots, no less healthy, will join the vitamin army of currants.


  • Black currant berries – 800 gr.
  • Dried apricots – 200 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 kg.

We prepare an unusual yummy

Your household will be delighted with the amazing jam. You can enjoy drinking tea with it, add it to your oatmeal in the morning, and serve it with pancakes.

Jam – five-minute blackcurrant with ginger

Delicate ginger flirts with rich currants. The result is an exquisite taste and extraordinary aroma of jam. To appreciate it, you just need to cook and try.

Let's prepare a set of ingredients

  • Blackcurrant – 500 grams
  • Sugar - 750 grams
  • Small ginger root
  • Water – 250 – 300 ml.

Making jam

We fantasized a little and diluted the traditional classics. Our currant jams have taken on new notes.

Still, this is a good thing, old traditions in modern design. Is not it?

5-minute currant jam, the recipes of which I offer you for consideration today, is one of my favorites. To be fair, I must say that I am still Carlson, and I love almost any kind of jam. But there are two favorites - five-minute currant jam, the recipe for which I will give below, and jelly-like currant jam. I tried this jam, similar to thick jelly, while still a student, from the landlady from whom I rented a room. It was so delicious, simply incredible! Nobody cooked this at home, so I remembered the taste and consistency for the rest of my life. And, to my joy, I recently found a recipe for this wonderful jam online, so I’ve been preparing it myself for the second year now. That’s why I’m sharing with you some currant deliciousness. In addition, I can’t help but tell you about the most vitamin-rich preparation - blackcurrant jam without cooking tastes like summer itself!


The fastest and thickest five-minute currant jam

This jam is cooked so quickly that there is practically no time to lose vitamins. Try making just 2 liters of jam first, and if you like it - I think you will definitely like it - just double or triple the amount of ingredients. So, to prepare such jam in the amount of two liter jars, you will need to take the following products:

  • Black currants – 5 glasses without a slide;
  • Filtered water – 2 glasses;
  • Granulated sugar - 7 glasses.

Yes, there is quite a lot of sugar, but it makes an excellent sugar syrup. In addition, currants for this jam can be used either very ripe or medium ripe, in any case, the taste will be very balanced. You can make jam either from freshly picked berries or from frozen ones, the same thing happens. First you need to sort out the currants. We remove all the branches, wash the berries thoroughly several times to remove all the debris, of which there is usually a lot.

Place the berries in a colander and let the water drain off a little. Now take a saucepan or your favorite enamel bowl in which you prepare the jam. Pour the required amount of water there. After which you will need to pour the currants there - immediately into cold water. We wait until it boils. As soon as it boils, add granulated sugar and mix everything quite quickly, but carefully so as not to crush the berries.

We are waiting for it to boil again. By this moment, dry and sterilized jars should be waiting for us on the table. Pour the jam hot and roll up the jars immediately.

We take into account important point– currant jam is prepared only in small portions; if you cook the whole harvest at once, the currants will overheat while they boil, the pectin will be destroyed, and the jam will not be so thick!

Currant jam 5 minutes

Very similar to the previous recipe, tasty, thick, with whole beautiful berries. The proportions of the products and the method of preparation are slightly different, try making a little jam, I think the result will not disappoint you. Again, the same rule applies here as in the previous recipe - in order to prevent pectin from being destroyed by overheating, cook the jam in small portions - boil quickly, pour quickly - and voila, everything is ready. To prepare you will need to take the following products:

  • Currants – 5.5 cups;
  • Water – 1.5 cups;
  • Granulated sugar -7 cups (divide into 2 servings).

First, let's prepare the berries. We sort the currants very carefully, making sure that branches and other debris do not get into the preparation. Then we take cold filtered water and pour it into the container in which we will cook the jam. Add currants and half the sugar there. Mix everything, put it on the fire and wait for it to boil.

As soon as it boils, set the timer for exactly 5 minutes. After this time, add another half of the sugar, 3.5 cups. Stir until the sugar has just dissolved. There is no need to wait for it to boil again.

The jars should already be prepared, sterilized, clean and dry, and the lids too. Immediately pour the hot jam into the jars with a ladle and seal everything up. Don't turn it over, it's not necessary. Just wrap it up until it cools down. It can be stored well for up to 3 years; it won’t even become candied.

Currant jam without cooking

Super simple jam, it really takes 5 minutes to prepare, no more. The proportions are incredibly simple, 1:1, in addition, you can make such jam even from frozen berries. If you cook according to all the rules so that the vitamins are preserved, then you will need to mash the berries with a wooden spoon. But then there is no talk about cooking speed. But real lazy people like me prefer a meat grinder or blender. To prepare you will need:

  • Granulated sugar – 500 grams;
  • Currant berries – 500 grams.

It’s prepared like this: first you need to sort out the blackcurrant berries and remove all the debris. After that, you need to rinse the currants a couple of times and pour them into a colander so that the water drains. Since the jam is “raw”, there should be no water in it; the berries are needed, although not dry, but still well dried.

After which the berries are crushed - as already written above, either with a meat grinder or a blender. And then the berry mass is covered with sugar. We're not rolling anything out yet; some edits may be needed. First, leave the bowl of jam at room temperature under a towel and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. Once it has dissolved, try it. Perhaps there is not enough sugar for your taste, then add more, and wait and try again.

You don’t have to roll up the jam, but simply cover it with dry lids. It is stored exclusively in the refrigerator and can last up to a year. If you are afraid that it will spoil or become moldy, you can sprinkle 1.5-2 cm of sugar on top, then nothing will happen to it. A small remark - this raw jam can be made from any seasonal berries, be it raspberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn and so on.