Natasha Rostova at the bedside of the dying prince Andrei, what did this meeting mean for her and what brings her back to life? L.N. Toltoy "War and Peace"

The poem “Notre Dame” was written by Osip Mandelstam in 1912. It was during this time that a new direction separated from the literary society “Workshop of Poets”. Its authors called themselves Acmeists - “those at the top.” Osip Mandelstam was among the Acmeists. His lyrics declared this before the poet joined the new trend. Mandelstam's poems were never characterized by abstractness and immersion in the inner world, characteristic of the Symbolists.

Every line, every metaphor in his work is a clear line of a whole artistic canvas poetic work. Such is the poem dedicated to the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. It is worth noting that Mandelstam converted to Christianity in 1911. And most of all he was interested in the origins of the Catholic faith. Research in this area inspired the poet to create several works, including “Notre Dame”.

The meter of the poem is iambic hexameter. He gives the stanzas both melodiousness and rhythm at the same time. Hence the feeling of lightness of the lines, as if they really fly up to the very dome of the cathedral. And if for the Symbolists epithets play a “service”, passing role, then for Mandelstam they emphasize and enhance the qualities of the object being described: “... The basilica stands, and - joyful and first - / Like Adam once, spreading out his nerves, / The light cross vault plays with his muscles.” .

U keyword“set” of as many as four epithets and a metaphorical comparison with the first man on Earth. Just as Adam appeared before the Creator, the architectural crown appears before the lyrical hero, who is the author himself. The tension created in the first quatrain dissipates in the second: “...The strength of the girth arches has been taken care of here, / So that the heavy mass of the wall does not crush, / And the ramming ram is inactive on the daring vault.” In essence, dynamic statics are described here.

Strong, expressive epithets - “girthed” arches, “heavy” mass, “bold” vault - paint us a picture of an architectural creation living its own life. And they cope with this better than almost imperceptible verbs - “taken care of”, “crushed”, “inactive”.

In the third quatrain, the poet speaks of the synthesis of antagonistic cultures and religions, from which the incomprehensible beauty of a man-made masterpiece arose: “The Gothic soul is a rational abyss, / Egyptian power and Christian timidity.” In the final quatrain, the poet sums up his observations. Like a nesting doll within a nesting doll, there is a metaphor within a metaphor: the overhanging vault of the cathedral symbolizes a certain threat, which in turn personifies the doubts and creative throwings of the author.

Thinking lyrical hero discovers that the threat is at the same time a stimulus for creation: “But the more carefully, stronghold of Notre Dame, / I studied your monstrous ribs, - / The more often I thought: out of unkind heaviness / And I will someday create something beautiful...” .

Topic: “Life and death through the eyes of Andrei Bolkonsky”

Moscow 2011

Bolkonsky is one of the most significant and unsolved characters in the epic novel War and Peace. He belongs to the number fictional characters, which allows the author to put into it his thoughts about the world, to make him a deep, versatile, contradictory person, containing the most opposite and mysterious qualities, without obliging himself to history. At the same time, Prince Andrei is not divorced from real world And historical events of his era, he lives in real Russia of that time, serves the real Emperor Alexander and even participates in real battles: Shengraben, Austerlitz and Borodino. This connection fictional character With real life and history, his unique and unambiguous views on which he continuously conveys to the reader, allows him to dive deeply into the understanding and misunderstanding of the world by the author, the people of that time, and to think about the unsolvable mysteries of the eternal and the transitory.

Andrei Bolkonsky, in addition, belongs to the heroes searching for the meaning of life. Like Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova, he is constantly in search of himself and the truth, makes mistakes, and his inner self develops. It cannot be said about Prince Andrei that he is ready to unselfishly love the people around him, that he is open to the world and lives by compassion and self-sacrifice, like Princess Marya and Platon Karataev. It cannot be said about him that fame, position in society and personal gain became the goal of life for him forever, like Berg or Boris Drubetsky. Andrei Bolkonsky changes surprisingly radically throughout the novel. Prince Andrei is faced with the two most contradictory sides of existence, similar to war and peace - life and death. No one's life was so filled with searches, no one's death caused such different reactions.

Prince Andrey's life changes dramatically when he has to reconsider his values ​​and change his views. Events such as the death of his wife, the birth of his son, the war, the battles of Schöngraben, Austerlitz and Borodino, love for Natasha, conversations with Pierre and even a “meeting” with an old oak tree greatly influence him. Prince Andrei talked quite differently about life and death at the beginning of the novel, before he had to really fight for life for the first time after being wounded at Austerlitz. Before this injury, the goal of his life was fame, his face was spoiled by a grimace, his look was tired and bored, the people around him were uninteresting to him: “He, apparently, not only knew everyone in the living room, but was so tired of him that he it was very boring for him to look at them and listen to them.” Thoughts of Andrei Bolkonsky during this period, reflecting him internal state, they frighten: “I will never tell this to anyone, but, my God! What should I do if I love nothing but glory, human love? Death, wounds, loss of family, I’m not afraid of anything. And no matter how dear and dear many people are to me - my father, sister, wife - the people dearest to me - but, no matter how scary and unnatural it seems, I will give them all now for a moment of glory, triumph over people...” . But, watching what is happening on the battlefield, he sees that true heroes like Tushin, for whom Prince Andrei stands up, do not find recognition; undeserved fame goes to cunning, crafty people such as Zherkov and Berg. Having been wounded in the head, he looks at the sky and at that moment realizes something eternal, significant, after which he understands the insignificance of his past idol and everything else earthly in comparison with this sky: “Yes, everything is empty, everything is deception, except for this endless sky." At this moment, life and death seem equally insignificant to him: “Looking into the eyes of Napoleon, Prince Andrei thought about the insignificance of greatness, about the insignificance of life, the meaning of which no one could understand, and about the even greater insignificance of death, the meaning of which no one could understand and explain.” of the living."

Prince Andrei believed that, seeking glory, he lived for others and thereby ruined his life. But is it?

Andrei Bolkonsky does not believe in God; he finds the faith of his sister and the wanderers visiting her funny. But he agrees that virtue only makes sense if God exists and eternal life. After talking with Pierre on the ferry, for the first time since Battle of Austerlitz sees the sky. Afterwards he meets Natasha and finally sees an oak tree in lush dark greenery. From this moment on, Andrei Bolkonsky is again ready to live and search for the meaning of life. Now he believes in the opportunity to influence the future and is interested in Speransky’s activities. But this won't last long.

The culminating war in every sense - the war of 1812 - marked the beginning of the end of the life of Prince Andrei. Now war is not a way to achieve glory, now he talks about war: “War is not a courtesy, but the most disgusting thing in life, and we must understand this and not play at war. We must take this terrible necessity strictly and seriously. That’s all there is to it: throw away the lies, and war is war, not a toy.” Now death has come very close to Prince Andrei, he sees it immediately, looking at a fragment of a grenade: “Is this really death?... I can’t, I don’t want to die, I love life.” Now comes the real struggle of life and death, and not discussions about them, now they are no longer insignificant. Prince Andrei understands that he loves life and wants to live, understands everything that he tried to understand all this time, he realizes too late what he could not understand long years. And Princess Mary’s Christian love for people, and forgiveness of the enemy. From this moment a long, incomprehensible, mysterious struggle begins in the minds of Andrei Bolkonsky. But he knew from the very beginning that death would win in her.

Everyone perceived the death of Prince Andrei in their own way, which once again characterizes this character in a special way: Nikolushka cried from the painful bewilderment that tore his heart. The Countess and Sonya cried out of pity for Natasha and that he was no more. The old count cried that soon, he felt, he would have to take the same terrible step. Natasha and Princess Marya were also crying now, but they were not crying from their personal grief; they wept from the reverent emotion that filled their souls before the realization of the simple and solemn mystery of death that had taken place before them.” No one's death in the novel is described with such detail, through the eyes and thoughts of the people around him, with such a deep study of the clouded consciousness of the dying person. In the end, after a long, tedious absorption of Prince Andrei into death, he turns everything upside down. After his last dream, Prince Andrei understands that for him death is an awakening from life. “Yes, it was death. I died - I woke up. Yes, death is awakening!”

The internal monologues of Andrei Bolkonsky, his actions, relationships with others and his perception of life and death largely help to understand the perception of the author of the novel. His ambiguous life, contradictory thoughts, simple but also mysterious, long haul to death - all this is a reflection inner world many people searching for meaning life and the key to solving mysteries human mind, the way he sees it.


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  • Literature lesson in 10th grade.

    Topic: “Natasha Rostova on the path to happiness”

    I. Calling stage.

    The teacher reads a poem...

    Bolkonsky walks along a dark alley,

    Thoughtful, pale...

    Dreams of fame

    He lives only for her alone...

    Death and wounds

    Loss of wife -

    Nothing is scary for him...


    ups –

    all this will become his fate...

    And the prince will understand that in the world, vast and eternal,

    What could be more valuable than his glory:

    This is the SKY in its bottomless blue infinity,


    Pierre is rushing about,

    Looking for truth in the world...

    In human generosity,

    Decency sincerely believing...

    These are the questions that torment his soul:

    What's wrong? And what's good?

    What should you love and what should you hate?

    What is life, what is death?

    Why do you need to live?

    Oh, how painfully he suffers from pain

    Universal grief and loss,

    And with all my being, by force of will

    Waiting for change

    To be quite good, to be without any collateral,

    without ransom from God and fate...

    He hates those

    Who lives by playing with betrayal,

    whose impudent compliance is endless,

    whose malicious contempt is bottomless...

    And, comprehending the truth in torment,

    He himself will understand, suffering, tormenting, loving:

    There is no greatness only there,

    Where there is no place for GOOD,

    Where to feel life in all its colors

    DEATH interferes

    And the TRUTH dies...

    Natasha's window is open at midnight...

    The garden breathes with wonderful charm,

    And the moon shines thoughtfully...

    And Natasha is ready to fly high, high

    Above the mysterious land,

    To the stars, distant and bright...

    Life won't be easy for her

    In search of peace and happiness in the world...

    Oh, how difficult it was for her!

    But she didn't forget

    The separations that were so hard

    And meetings with love...

    They were joyful like spring...

    She learned to love and forgive,

    Loving is easy, rejected and sad...

    What is the beauty of her secret?

    It’s not at all difficult for us to figure it out:

    BE IN LOVE…. She carries her cross

    Through life as much as possible...

    A strange world of such a distant century and

    the threat of a distant harsh war

    They're breaking into your world and mine

    from the pages of the greatest book of fate...

    Silence outside the window...

    Nobody bothers us.

    And we again leaf through the time-worn volume...

    We are reading a novel

    and on each page we summarize,

    We are looking for a continuation

    Favorite heroes of fate...

    Then we come back again and again

    to the house of the hospitable Rostovs,

    then we are carried away to the Bald Mountains,

    to the heroes

    over which time has no power,

    ready for feat, ready for passionate impulses...

    We are so sorry to say goodbye to them...

    And, closing it, we dream of our own HAPPINESS,

    About bright LOVE

    and about the SKY, in its blue infinity...

    Silence outside the window

    Nothing stops us...

    A gentle spring day flows through the windows...

    But through the shadows of centuries,

    And through the same whisper, and the same breath

    Suddenly you hear the echo of important words,

    What beautiful people said

    And they sound like a spell,

    In the unchanging language of love,

    All the same confessions:

    "Need to live,

    We must believe

    We must love...”


    Do you remember Tolstoy's heroes? Learned?

    Their fate, according to the critic Bocharov, “is only a link in the endless experience of humanity, of all people, both past and future.”

    We talked about Pierre and Andrei Bolkonsky. The heroine of today's lesson will be Natasha Rostova.

    ^ Problematic question.

    Leo Tolstoy stated:

    “A woman is better off the more she puts aside personal aspirations to place herself in the maternal vocation.” (Write on the board).

    The writer of the 6s of the 19th century in the article “Our Grandmothers” reproached Natasha Rostova for complete indifference to the problem women's emancipation. Who is right, the author of the novel or the critic? I will ask you to answer this question at the end of the lesson.

    ^II. Conception stage.

    Conversation on questions:

    1. What female characters did we encounter while studying 19th century literature?
    2. What are they? (Remembering the heroines, students note: romantic, spiritual, know their place in life, strong natures, can sacrifice themselves, restless hearts, etc.).
    3. There are many female characters in the novel. Name them. What are they? Who is Tolstoy's favorite ideal?
    4. Why does the author love Natasha most of all?
    5. “People are like rivers,” Tolstoy noted. How do you understand these words?
    (The guys also talk about the “dialectics of the soul”, starting from the image of Natasha)


    To correctly understand the meaning of Natasha’s image, to understand her actions, to more clearly imagine her desire for happiness, to understand why exactly she Tolstoy’s ideal, let us turn to the most striking moments of her life, when the “dialectic of the soul” is especially noticeable

    So, the first meeting ( Students work with volume 1, part 1, chapters 7-11, read Natasha’s portrait).

    Is Natasha beautiful? What is its charm?

    /Students note the heroine’s simplicity, naturalness, cheerfulness, sincerity - the main thing in her charm! She has some kind of inner fire, a special spiritual overflow. "She's gunpowder!" - her mother says about her. Natasha is filled with thirst

    Second meeting. The thirst for life somehow influenced the people who were next to her. Here Prince Andrei goes to the Rostovs in Otradnoe on economic matters. He's disappointed. It seems that nothing can bring him back to life. He is convinced: there is no need to start anything, there is no need... he must live out his life without doing evil, without worrying and without wanting anything. And suddenly…

    (Students read vol. 2, part 3, chapter 2. pp. 454-455 episode of the meeting with Natasha on the way to Otradnoye)

    The student recites by heart the episode “Night in Otradnoye” (vol. 2, part 3, chapter 2, p. 455) to the sounds of Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”.


    Light, happy world Natasha will help Prince Andrei feel and experience the world in a new way.

    How did you feel about her enthusiasm? Stupidity?

    How do they evaluate

    ^ CROSSING TOPICS (reception)

    Teacher: here is another page in literature where heroes meet under the moon.

    W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet".

    I swear to you

    Holy moon

    What silvers the flowering trees...


    Oh don't swear by the moon


    The moon, changing its appearance

    So often,

    So that your love too

    Hasn't changed...


    The moon, the cold moon - it’s still sign, that love will break, that it is not destined to be...

    How did you feel about her enthusiasm? Stupidity?

    How do you evaluate Natasha Berg’s behavior, Pierre? Faith?

    /Berg: “She has an unpleasant character, and no intelligence... and this kind of thing, you know... unpleasant...”

    Pierre (in conversation with Marie Bolkonskaya): “Is she smart? I think no. She doesn’t deign to be smart... She’s charming, and nothing more...” To Vera, sister. She also seems stupid.../

    What would your attitude be towards Natasha if she were your classmate?

    -What moral criteria does Tolstoy evaluate his heroes by?

    /Evaluates them by one thing: how close they are to the people and nature. We will never see Helen, Anna Pavlovna Scherer, or Julie Kuragina among the meadows, in the fields, in the forest. They seem frozen in their immobility, the concept of “people like rivers” hardly concerns them.

    ^ Students read the episode “At Uncle’s.”(vol. 2, part 4, chapter 7 p. 551)

    Why does everyone admire Natasha?

    / The main idea of ​​this episode: what is valuable and beautiful in a person is his unity with other people, the need to love and be loved. Tolstoy defines it this way life path: “The essence of her life is love.” She lives by love, waiting for it, even when she becomes a wife and mother.

    Natasha's first ball.


    These are my favorite pages in the novel. Why?

    Excitement, anxiety...Who hasn't experienced them when going to the first ball in their life? The first exit, the first expectation of HIM, the desire to be invited to dance by HIM!

    Watching the episode “Natasha’s First Ball” from the video film “War and Peace” (7 minutes).


    1. Why do you think the author resorted to internal monologue in this scene?
    2. What will Natasha's fate be like next, after the ball? /The ball is the beginning of her and Prince Andrei’s love/
    3. Why did she captivate Andrei?
    / “The whole world is divided for me into two halves: one is she, and there is all the happiness, hope, light; the other is everything where it is not there, there is despondency and darkness. I can’t help but love the world, it’s not my fault. And I’m very happy.” He fell in love with her for her naturalness. He loved to meet in the world that which did not have a general secular imprint on it. And that was Natasha/.

    4. What made Prince Andrey postpone the wedding for a year? A mature man, Andrei could disobey his father. Or didn't you want to? Could he disagree with the opinion of old Bolkonsky?

    /he seems to be fixated on himself, on his feelings, and what Natasha feels does not interest him. He acted selfishly. Is it possible to think only about yourself in love?

    Truly, the pride of the Bolkonskys and the simplicity of the Rostovs are incompatible. That is why Tolstoy will not leave our heroes together for the rest of their lives. It’s hard for Natasha to be separated from Prince Andrei.

    How did she feel? what were you worried about? /moral illness/.

    ^ The guys listen to the poem by the poet Kochetkov “Don’t part with your loved ones.”

    And even though the heroes of the poem are separated from Natasha and Andrei by more than a dozen years, people experience love, meetings and separations in the same way.


    Why did Natasha become interested in Anatole?

    How do you evaluate Natasha's action? Do we have the right to judge her?

    ^ Analysis of the episode “Natasha at the bedside of the dying Prince Andrei.”

    Working with reproductions of Shmarinov’s paintings /student’s performance/


    Reads volume 4, part 4, pp. 493-495 “Natasha after the death of Prince Andrei.”

    What brings Natasha back to life?

    /What? Her suffering was great. She's lonely. Sonya, mother, father - everything is as usual with them. She doesn't have HIM! The irreparable has happened.

    But then grief fell on the family: Petya, a boy who played war during the war, died. At first Natasha does not understand her mother's feelings. But who else can help mom? Natasha is her support. By supporting her mother, she herself was revived to life.

    “Love for her mother showed her that the essence of her life - love - was still alive in her. Love woke up, and life woke up,” writes Tolstoy. Love for people and the desire to be with them wins.

    Is Natasha a Russian character? Russian soul?

    Does it meet the criteria with which Tolstoy evaluates his heroes?

    Epilogue of the novel.

    How do we see Natasha in the family?

    /Student's retelling/

    III. Reflection stage.

    Let us turn to the epigraph: who is right: Tolstoy or the critic who asserted that Natasha had no desire for emancipation? /the guys speak out/

    - What did the heroine come to?

    - What have you achieved in life?

    / Natasha has been through a lot. Mental suffering, of course, changed her: she began to feel deeper, they became more restrained, and outwardly she changed. The woman we see before us at the end of the novel is indifferent to the problem of emancipation. But we see her at the most beautiful moment of her life, when nothing is more important than a child. And her attitude towards her husband? She did not understand everything about his activities. But for her he is the best, the most honest, the most just. Pierre is engaged in activities that can lead him to Senate Square. And we have no doubt that Natasha, abandoning everything, will follow him to Siberia.

    The teacher reads the essays the children completed as homework:

    The boys wrote on the topic: “What is my ideal woman,” and the girls – “Where do I see my happiness?”

    “Happiness is already in the fact that I live... but to love and be loved - this is what every girl dreams of...”

    “To be happy means to be recognized in society, to have many friends, to never lose self-control, to believe in goodness and justice, and to make the people around you happy...”

    "Happiness is having Good work, that your loved ones are always healthy. To be loved... and understood...".

    “The happiness of any woman lies in the well-being family life. work will then be captivating when you have a strong rear and you know what you are working for...”

    “Happiness is to be successful in everything, to be successful. If this is achieved, then love and respect will be attached to it...”

    “I don’t know what happiness is... So I got up - it’s a sunny morning, my mother said a kind word... I feel good, good... it’s good that I live, that I am loved and appreciated...”

    “A woman’s happiness is in her children...”

    "Ideal? Now there are none. We are ready not to get off the guys, figuratively speaking, to sit and creak all our lives: this is not the case, but this is not the case...”

    “I want my future wife to be beautiful not externally, but internally. She was always faithful to me. She loved me and the children. She was a housewife, knew how to cook, plant beds, grow flowers, and I would process them. And to work and have good health… ».

    « Ideal woman- this is the one for whom the main thing is home, family, in which she creates comfort and takes care of the family hearth. Loyalty, devotion and love must reign in this family. The rest is secondary...”

    Teacher: Our ideals do not quite coincide. Natasha is different, she lived in a different time. But from her you can learn the ability to do good, the ability to live, love, feel the beauty of the world around you, be faithful wife and a loving mother, to raise worthy daughters and sons of the Fatherland.

    Essay – reflection “Why is Natasha Rostova – Tolstoy’s ideal?”

    / / / Analysis of the episode “Natasha at the wounded Prince Andrei” (based on Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”)

    In Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" the reader meets many characters whose fates are completely different, whose actions are completely extraordinary. Summarizing the behavior of his heroes, the author tries to derive a certain moral formula that applied to all people of that time.

    The relationship between the main character and the prince is incredibly fascinating. When a girl finds out that her loved one is injured, that she should visit him in this moment It’s impossible, all sorts of thoughts and plans appear in her head. When Natalya heard groans, although not from Andrei, but from the same suffering person, she shed tears. Perhaps this happened because of a feeling of deep compassion, or from helplessness, from inaction. Therefore, in spite of everything, the heroine was determined to visit Andrei.

    She expected her mother and Sonya to fall asleep. The hut was filled with strange knocking sounds. It was the girl's heart beating with excitement. Natasha was not afraid to see the crippled people who were next to the prince. She looked for familiar features in the exhausted faces.

    A week has already passed since Bolkonsky came to his senses. However, the doctor was completely unhappy with the state of his injuries. The wounds were very serious. The doctor admired how the prince tolerated such unbearable pain, and Andrey, in turn, also joked that he wanted to receive a book for free reading. He tried to create an atmosphere of his good health. Only the desired book was the Gospel. I think that Bolkonsky also realized the seriousness of his wounds and wanted to cleanse his soul before his death.

    Andrei's meeting with Natasha calmed him down. The prince's heart was filled with real feelings. Now he was able to rethink his love for this girl in a new way. Of course, Natasha, all exhausted from torment and swollen from tears, did not look in better light. However, Andrei paid attention only to the eyes sparkling with happiness.

    From that moment on, Natasha never left the prince’s side. The doctor was surprised by such an attraction to care for the wounded. The girl’s mother did not oppose the lovers’ meetings. They were extremely happy!

    This episode of the novel shows Natalia at her best. She is a loving girl, ready for anything, who is trying in every possible way to help her loved one get out of trouble, get better and get back on his feet. And the prince, in turn, responds with mutual feelings and sincere love.

    Throughout this episode, the reader can watch the heroine grow up. She knows how not only to love, but also to care and look after the wounded Andrei. In such difficult situation Natasha shows all her kindness, tenderness and tenacity of character.

    Target: carry out a synthesis and deepen knowledge about the image of the main character of the novel, prepare students for writing.

    Equipment: USC; video fragments, illustrations, Beethoven sonata " Moonlight Sonata", article by T.I. Shevchenko “The Image of Natasha Rostova”; article by Tsebrikova - Nikolaeva “Our grandmothers”.

    Decor: number, topic on the board. Portrait of Leo Tolstoy. Portraits of girls: Ilyinskaya, Larina, etc. in the center is Natasha Rostova and quotes “I have not lived before. Now only I live” (Andrei Bolkonsky). "This girl is such a treasure... This rare girl" “I absolutely don’t know what kind of girl this is; I can't analyze it at all. She's charming. Why, I don’t know: that’s all that can be said about her” (Pierre Bezukhov)

    OSK on the screen - diagram.

    On the screen lexical meaning words:

    Synthesis- unity (method of unity - one whole)

    Emancipation– liberation from dependence, oppression, and prejudice; lifting restrictions. Equalization of rights.

    "Dialectics of the Soul"- (the art of) conducting an argument, a conversation.

    During the classes:

    Teacher's opening remarks:

    Again and again we leaf through the pages of “War and Peace”, read and reread scenes that remain in our memory for a long time, which brought to life many poetic lines. Among them are the following:

    walks dark alley
    Thoughtful, pale.
    At Natasha Rostova's
    The window is open at midnight.
    And no one bothers
    Bell on the tree of the poor,
    Like a count - a lover of truth,
    I left the estate a long time ago...
    Rises with the sun
    This plowman -
    Writer of Russia,
    And, like the sun, it brings us
    And the light
    And it's warm
    And good.

    A portrait of Leo Tolstoy is displayed on the screen

    We continue the conversation about the characters in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy, whose fate, according to the critic Bocharov, is “only a link in the endless experience of humanity, of all people. Both past years and future ones"

    The heroine of today's lesson is Natasha Rostova.

    A portrait of N. Rostova is displayed on the screen

    The purpose of our lesson: we have to carry out synthesis and deepening knowledge about the image of the main character of the novel, Natasha Rostova, so that this material will help you when writing final stage works - essays.

    The lexical meaning of the word “SYNTHESIS” is displayed on the screen

    (The teacher draws students’ attention to the lexical meaning of the word “SYNTHESIS”)

    L.N. Tolstoy argued: “A woman is better the more she discards personal aspirations in order to position herself in the maternal vocation.”

    And the talented writer of the 60s of the 19th century Goths Tsebrikova-Nikolaeva, in the article “Our Grandmothers”, reproached Natasha Rostova for complete indifference to the problem of women's liberation and emancipation.

    The lexical meaning of the word “EMANCIPATION” is displayed on the screen

    (The teacher draws students’ attention to the lexical meaning of the word “EMANCIPATION”)

    How do you understand the word problem?

    Students' response: This complex issue, task requiring resolution, research.

    Teacher: So, let's start with a conversation about the issues. Let's remember what female images we encountered while studying literature of the 19th century century?

    Students' response: Tatyana Larina, Olga Ilyinskaya, etc.

    Teacher: Pay attention to the board, there are portraits of those girls who were ideals of Pushkin, Turgenev, Goncharov, Chernyshevsky.

    What is the ideal of women for these writers? How did they imagine their role in society?

    Students' response: The ideal of Turgenev, Chernyshevsky, even Goncharov - free woman who knows how to love and loves herself, strives to become an ally of her husband. It is she who can determine her place in life, decide her destiny, and dispose of herself in the best way for the benefit of society. This strong nature capable of self-sacrifice to achieve high goal. She's romantic. The women writers Turgenev and Chernyshevsky are characterized by an intense life of spirit and restlessness of the heart.

    Teacher: What kind of female image do you think Tolstoy loves?

    Students' response: Natasha is the ideal writer.

    Teacher: Why? Why did L.N. Tolstoy love Natasha more than all the heroines?

    To understand this correctly, in order to reveal the image of Natasha, we must dwell on the scenes that show the heroine at her most bright moments her life, when the “dialectic of the soul” is especially noticeable. (We talked about dialectics in previous lessons).

    The lexical meaning of the word “Dialectics of the Soul” is displayed on the screen.

    “Dialectics of the soul” is:

    Dialectics is the art of conversation and argument.

    1. A method of understanding reality in its inconsistency, integrity and development.

    2. The process of development of something in all the diversity of its forms.

    Question for the illustration that is on each student’s desk

    Teacher: Tell me, did the artist manage to convey what the writer thinks about her?

    Do you agree with the interpretation of the image of Natasha by the artist Shmarinov?

    Students' response:

    The artist Shmarinov sought to show the inner fire, a special spiritual overflow. He depicted what Tolstoy himself felt. His Natasha has her own life, unknown to anyone. But the light of this inner life extends to others: Sonya, Boris and the rest of the children depicted by the artist Shmarinov.

    On the screen is thirteen-year-old Natasha. Natasha's first ball.

    Natasha's waltz from S. Prokofiev's opera "War and Peace" sounds quietly. Against the background of music, the student reads the episode of the heroine’s first appearance (vol. II, part III.)

    Gradually the sounds of the waltz increase and stop.

    Teacher: So, for the first time we meet Natasha, a thirteen-year-old girl, when she “accidentally, in an unplanned run” ran into the room where the guests were sitting. Read the description of her behavior, portrait characteristic, look carefully at the illustration of the artist Shmarinov “Children of Rostov” and answer the question: “What, in your opinion, is the charm of the heroine, her charm?” Look, is Natasha beautiful?

    Students' response: Outwardly - no! L.N. Tolstoy emphasizes this many times. But her charm lies in her simplicity, naturalness, cheerfulness, and spontaneity. Natasha is completely filled with a thirst for life, in one day of her name day she manages to experience and feel so much that sometimes you even wonder: is this possible? She strives to do everything herself, feel for everyone, see everything, participate in everything. This is exactly how Natasha appears to us when we first meet her.

    Teacher: What about the second meeting?

    Students' response: Prince Andrei comes to Otradnoye, the Rostov estate, on business matters. He is going through a severe mental crisis; it seems that nothing can bring him back to life. But suddenly something happens. The world seems to awaken him from sleep. This meeting of Prince Andrei with Natasha speaks of the heroine’s ineradicable thirst for life, which influenced the people around her.

    Work with text:

    (Vol. II, Part III, Chapter II.) and comment on this passage.

    Students' response: Having met Natasha for the first time, he is surprised, alarmed: “Why is she so happy?” He envies the girl’s ability to be happy thoughtlessly, like the birch tree that he meets on the way to Otradnoye, like everything that lives and loves life. Bolkonsky was sincerely convinced: “he doesn’t need to read anything, he should live out his life without doing evil, without worrying and without wanting anything.” But Natasha helps Andrey take a new look at the world.

    Teacher: Yes! Bright, happy, poetic world Natasha helps Prince Andrey feel and experience life in a new way. The night spent in Otradnoye played a big role in the fate of Bolkonsky. She (the night) sharpened the perception of what he saw and felt during the day.

    Let's read the excerpt “Night in Otradnoye” (vol. II, part III, chapter 2) and listen to “Moonlight Sonata”.

    Children read the passage; music sounds "Moonlight Sonata"

    Teacher with music in the background:

    You and I sympathize with Prince Andrei, who is upset that this girl “doesn’t care about his presence,” and Natasha’s ability to see and feel the beauty of the world around us helps us look into ourselves, into the innermost corners of our soul.

    Teacher: L.N. Tolstoy noted that people are like rivers...

    How do you understand these words? Why like rivers? Most likely, for Leo Tolstoy, a river is life that flows and changes. Can we apply this definition to Natasha and Andrey?

    Reading an episode of "Uncle's"

    Teacher: What moral criterion does the author evaluate his characters? Have you noticed that they are close to the people, to nature? Do you think that without the episode “At Uncle’s” it is impossible to imagine the essence of the main character?

    Assignment to students:

    Analyze the scene “At Uncle’s.” (vol. 2, part 4, chapter 7) and explain Natasha’s words about the happiness of staying with her uncle?

    There is a dance scene on the screen

    Analyze the dance scene (vol. II, part IV, chapter 6) and trace how Natasha’s character manifests itself in her dance?

    Teacher: This episode reveals one of the the most important ideas writer:

    “What is valuable and beautiful in a person is his unity with other people, the need to love and be loved.”

    “The essence of her life is love!” – writes L.N. Tolstoy. Love determines her life path both when she is just living, waiting for her, and when she becomes a wife and mother.

    Remember Natasha's first ball - one of bright scenes novel. The heroine’s excitement and anxiety, her first appearance in public, the desire to be invited by Prince Andrei and dance with him. It’s so good when there is a person nearby who understands you.

    In Natasha's life, Pierre became such a person.

    Prokofiev's waltz sounds

    Against the background of music, the episode of the heroine’s first appearance is read (i.e.II, part.II, ch. 16-17)

    The heroine's first ball was the beginning of the love of her Prince Andrei, the love of two very different people. Bolkonsky was captivated by Natasha’s naturalness. So what made Prince Andrei postpone the wedding for a year?

    Students' response:

    His father set strict conditions: to postpone the wedding for a year, go abroad, and undergo treatment.

    Teacher: A mature man did not disobey his father or did not want to? Why couldn't he disagree with his father's condition?

    Students' response: He could, if he was confident in Natasha, if he understood Natasha more. The girl's feelings were of little interest to him. He does not understand that in love you cannot think only about yourself.

    Student and student read a poem

    Kochetkova “Don’t part with your loved ones”

    On the screen episode “In the Theater”. Work with text. Assignment to students:

    Analyze the episode “In the Theater” (vol. II, part V, ch. 9-10) and answer the question:

    1. Why does Natasha perceive the opera as if she was listening to it for the first time?

    Students' response: After the village, the dance at her uncle’s, everything seemed “wild” to her: “... it was all so pretentious - false and unnatural that she felt either ashamed of the actors or funny for them” (beginning of Chapter 9). But everyone around her likes the opera, and gradually Natasha begins to understand: “This must be so necessary!” Right now she is losing the criteria of beauty, good and evil.

    Teacher: In description theatrical performance L.N. Tolstoy uses special welcome detachment - describes a familiar phenomenon as seen for the first time and therefore perceived by the heroine as unusual, strange. Gradually, Natasha finds herself at the mercy of the world that was so alien to her, and in which she found herself. And again, under the influence of Helen, what seemed terrible seemed simple and natural. “Natasha no longer found this strange. She looked around her with pleasure, smiling joyfully” (end of chapter 9). In this state, she became interested in Anatoly Kuragin and refused her fiancé.

    Questions: 1. Why do you think Natasha became interested in Anatoly Kuragin?

    2.What attracted Natasha to Anatol?

    3. How does Natasha perceive Anatole?

    Students' response: Having fallen in love, she wants happiness now, immediately. He should be with her always, everywhere. Loving every minute and being loved is her only need. Prince Andrei is not around, which means time stops. Days pass in vain. Tolstoy's heroine is not the type to wait in the wings. She must fill every second of her life with something. Feeling free (Prince Andrei told her about this so many times), seventeen-year-old Natasha is not afraid of anyone, she is not afraid of getting into a situation that could bring suffering. She doesn’t know people, doesn’t imagine how treacherous and base they can be. The Kuragins' brother and sister, Helen and Anatole, for whom nothing was sacred, took advantage of Natasha's gullibility. Pierre, who still lived under the same roof with Helen, also played a negative role in this. But Natasha believed him, believing that a person like Count Bezukhov could not join his fate with a bad woman. So, having found herself surrounded by this beautiful lioness, Natasha involuntarily succumbs to her influence, loving Bolkonsky, is carried away by Kuragin, believing that he is a noble man and will definitely marry her.

    Teacher: Now we must understand or condemn Natasha. How do you evaluate Natasha's action?

    Students' response: Tolstoy himself said that Natasha played such a joke on him unexpectedly for him. The passion for Anatoly occurred due to ineradicable need The heroines live fully, love, be loved, and this is another proof that we have a living person in front of us. It is common for him to be mistaken, to search, to make mistakes. This is Tolstoy - genius artist words, these are his heroes whom he leads along the river of life.

    Natasha judges herself. She feels that she has crossed a moral line. She acted badly, wrongly. But I can no longer change the circumstances.

    And the heroine writes a note to Princess Marya, in which she writes that she cannot be the wife of Prince Andrei. She will never be able to forgive herself for that moment when she could not mentally overcome the feeling that destroyed her. This is her essence: everything she does, she does sincerely and honestly. She will never be able to live submitting to the dark and funny forces within herself. She is her own merciless judge.


    (episodes: “At the bedside of the dying Prince Andrei” and “after the death of Prince Andrei”)

    Teacher: What do we see on the screen?

    Students' response: Suffering, loneliness. Mercy was inherent in a Russian woman who lost relatives and friends in the war.

    Questions: 1. What did this meeting mean for Natasha?

    2. What brings Natasha back to life?

    Students' response: Natasha knew that the date would be painful, and yet she was convinced that it (the date) was necessary. It is love that brings her back to life. Grief fell on the Rostov family at a time when Natasha was alone and suffering. Brother Petya died, still just a boy. And, supporting her mother, Natasha realized that the essence of her life is love, that she is still alive in her, as the author shows Natasha’s love for her mother. The death of her brother, oddly enough, brought Natasha to life. Natasha wants to be close to people. Natasha is a real Russian soul, she tries to be useful to people, she knows how to empathize.

    Teacher: Let's prove that Natasha Rostova is a real Russian character, a real Russian soul.

    Students' response: The courtyard servants treat Natasha well, despite the fact that it is she who gives them most of the instructions. Natasha is happy when mummers come to the house; remember her dancing, her admiration for her uncle, who “sang the way the people sing.” This girl knew how to understand everything that was in every Russian person.

    Students' response: The Russian character is characterized by deep patriotism. Episodes in which Natasha develops this primordial feeling of love for her homeland: Sonya’s reading of the Tsar’s manifesto and Natasha’s excitement, her words “this is not a joke at all,” making one believe in the power capable of saving Russia from Napoleon. And with what face she ran into the room, ugly, even ugly, demanding that the carts be given to the wounded. It is not easy for her parents to decide on this. On the carts it was necessary to bring at least something from the modest dowry for the daughters. But Count Rostov could not do otherwise. And the daughter is sincerely happy that the wounded will be taken out of Moscow.

    Teacher: So, we see that Natasha meets the criteria with which Tolstoy evaluates his heroes. They are living people. “People are like rivers...” They are close to the people, to nature. Natasha Rostova is simple, kind, natural, music and singing are her symbols, she merged with nature.

    But we never saw Helen, Scherer, or Julie Karagina among the meadows, in the fields or in the forest. They seem to be frozen in immobility, the concept “people are like rivers” does not concern them. In this they are absolutely opposite to the main character.


    (episode: “Natasha demands that the carts be given to the wounded”)

    Teacher: Well, we have come to the epilogue of the novel.

    Tell us how Natasha is shown in the epilogue? What did you come to? What have you achieved in life?

    And right now we can answer problematic issue: who is right: those who blame Natasha for the lack of desire for emancipation, or L.N. Tolstoy?

    Students' response:

    Natasha has been through a lot; mental suffering, of course, changed her appearance, feelings became deeper, their appearance more restrained. The woman we see at the end of the novel is indifferent to the problems of women's emancipation.

    L.N. Tolstoy showed Natasha at a wonderful period in her life, when more important than a child there is nothing for her!

    Students' response: And her attitude towards her husband? For her, he is the most honest, the most fair, the best. She will follow him even to Siberia, to hard labor.

    Teacher: Do you agree with Tolstoy in the interpretation of this image, which was his ideal?

    Students' response: Not really, but Natasha Rostova teaches us to do good, to love, to feel the beauty of the world around us, to be a faithful wife, mother, to simply live, and I think that’s great.

    Support SCHEMATIC - NOTES "Natasha Rostova"

    (approx. You can familiarize yourself with the outline diagram in the attachment to this author’s work)

    Teacher: Now we will look at the reference diagram and try to comment on it.

    In the center is Natasha herself, she is like a spring clean water in the swamp - everything rotten and unhealthy is pushed to the shore:

    Who - right away?

    Berg, who said about Natasha: “She has both a bad character and no intelligence. And something like that..."

    Anatol Kuragin interferes with her destiny for some time, but he too is doomed...

    Boris Drubetskoy, brother Nikolai, Princess Marya do not make a difference in her life, but they are next to her, they feel good around her.

    Boris wanted to forget Natasha, but after the separation he saw him and couldn’t.

    Brother Nikolai admires her Russian nature all her life;

    Princess Marya is pleased with her, and later they will develop a strong friendship.

    The princess’s dependence on Natasha is stronger, so their orbit of the arrow denoting her is supposed to be larger, Nikolai’s is supposed to be smaller, Boris generally loses in comparison with everyone.

    Andrei and Pierre, with the help of Natasha, are revived, stand firmly on their feet, helping Natasha get stronger. Natasha is truly happy with Andrei and Pierre. True, her path with Andrei is not that long, so the bend of the arrow is shorter compared to the line of Pierre, who will go through life with her to the end.


    Tell me, why do we need this scheme?

    Students' response:

    To see that being with Natasha is good for those who appreciate her sincerity, spiritual openness, that Natasha helps people with her love.

    Verification work

    Teacher: Look carefully at the questions that are on your desk. You are given the main features of the image of Natasha in the novel. Which of them most closely correspond to our impressions and why?

    Students have questions on their desks:

    1. “Natasha, like almost all Rostovs, is characterized by spiritual openness and clear sincerity. In addition, she has priceless gift, which belongs only to her, is a huge spiritual generosity and sensitivity..."

    2. “The essence of her life is love. Love that does not require self-sacrifice, like Sonya’s, requires tireless manifestation and satisfaction, but also gives immeasurably much, awakening the best, the “real” in the souls of other people.”

    3. The image of Natasha embodies one of the main ideas of the novel: “There is no beauty and happiness where there is no goodness, simplicity and truth. Natasha’s happiness is vital and humane, because it excludes “the possibility of evil, misfortune and grief” for everyone. Her naive egoism is not calculating. Generous and wise."

    Video film. Epilogue episode of the novel: “Pierre in the nursery”

    One student briefly retells the epilogue of the novel

    Teacher: So we have come to the solution to the question that we raised with you at the beginning of the lesson. What do you think: in the epilogue, Natasha changed only externally or internally as well?

    And who is right, Tsebrikova - Nikolaeva, who reproached Natasha for the lack of desire for emancipation, or L.N. Tolstoy?

    The students' answers varied: someone condemned Natasha, someone admired the main character, someone confidently stated that at the end of the novel Natasha appears before us as a woman who is indifferent to the problem of women's emancipation. And although we may not agree in everything with the author of the novel L.N. Tolstoy in the interpretation of this female image, which was his ideal, but we can say with confidence that many generations will learn from Natasha Rostova, her ability to do good, her ability to live, love, feel the beauty of the world around her, to be a faithful wife and loving mother.


    Show how Prince Andrei and Pierre become full-fledged heroes folk epic. Why does L.N. Tolstoy highlight two main characters, and not one.

    Lesson grades


    L.N. Tolstoy. Novel "War and Peace"