Veronica Andreeva chanson biography. Veronika Andreeva - the most interesting things in blogs

Popular singer, author and performer Veronika Andreeva became the host of a regular column in the morning show on Radio Chanson. Now, every weekday at 7:55 and 9:55, as part of the “Adjustment” program, an astrological forecast will be released from Veronica, who has been a certified astrologer for many years. Veronica does not hide the fact that in life she always follows the stars, checks the transits of the planets and builds her professional activities and personal relationships according to astrological forecasts.
“In fact, I live by the stars and came to this in a very difficult way. “I started studying astropsychology about 5 years ago to help myself,” said the singer. “I do astrology, psychology, astropsychometry, conduct consultations, draw up a natal chart, calculate what psychotype a person belongs to.”
Veronica Andreeva - Bachelor of Astrology, graduate of the School of Scientific Astrology.
She always plans her performances and even the colors of her concert outfits in accordance with specific days of the lunar and solar calendar.
Anyone wishing to receive a personal astrological forecast or draw up a natal chart can make an appointment with Veronica Andreeva on the website

Monday, October 03, 2016 17:27 ()

This coming Wednesday, October 5, in Voronezh, in the Event-Hall concert hall, a concert of chanson stars “Ehh, take a walk!” will take place. This is a grandiose musical event that allows you to plunge into an atmosphere of joy and carefreeness and hear popular hits! It is at this holiday that favorite artists perform songs that have won the hearts of millions of Russians.
The concert will feature singer Veronika Andreeva, who is well known to audiences with her sensual and heartfelt songs, including such hits as “For Those I Loved” and “Love, Flowers and Wine.”
Veronica Andreeva is one of the most mysterious singers on our stage. Appearing once again after creative searches with new, very unusual hits, interesting musical discoveries, she is in no hurry, does not compete with anyone, lives in harmony with her credo, choosing a comfortable speed in life. Being the author of the words and music for her songs, she admits that she is always in a creative flow and songs come to her from above as a gift for yet another overcoming of life’s difficulties, conflicting feelings and difficult decisions.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 19:19 ()

The beginning of autumn turned out to be very busy for Veronica Andreeva. Returning from Sochi, where the singer shone on the stage of the Velvet Chanson music festival, Veronica presented her new video for the song “Beautiful Couple” to the audience. Work on the video took place in Kyiv, where it was possible to do location and pavilion shooting in one day. The director of the video was music video director Viktor Skuratovsky, who very clearly captured the plot ideas of Veronica Andreeva and the mood of the song itself. In it, the singer sings about the relationship between a man and a woman, about romance, love and devotion.
“I am very glad that we were able to show a beautiful love story in this video,” says Veronika Andreeva, “it turned out to be both sad and cheerful, like our life, because anything can happen in it, but it is love that helps us overcome difficulties and feel happy."
Already, the video clip “Beautiful Couple” can be seen on the Music box Russia channel, and it is also available for viewing on Youtube.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 19:03 ()

The Velvet Chanson music festival, which this year was held for the first time on the Black Sea shore in Sochi, extended the feeling of summer to its guests by giving them a meeting with their favorite pop artists.
Alexander Rosenbaum, Sergey Trofimov, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alexander Buinov, Vladimir Presnyakov, Natalya Podolskaya, Mikhail Bublik, Alexander Marshal, Veronika Andreeva, Evgeny Kemerovsky, Alexander Lominsky and other chanson stars shone on the festival stage. Listeners especially liked Elena Vaenga’s duets with musician Mikhail Yatsevich, whom she introduced behind the scenes not only as her stage partner, but also as her godfather.
And the most pleasant surprise for the audience was the performance of Andrei Pavlovich, who presented his hits “Butterfly”, “I was coming to you” and a duet with Olga Serdtseva “We Met” from the stage.
“This is an incredible feeling!” shared Andrey, “standing on the same stage with the masters of our stage is already a great honor, and if we add to this the hospitable, Sochi-style warm welcome that the audience gave me, then it’s not surprising that I am overwhelmed with emotions! "
At the end of the festival, Andrei Pavlovich went to Gelendzhik, where he was to perform at a concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Nadezhda hotel complex.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016 19:20 ()

While residents of most of the country are trying to warm themselves with dreams of Indian summer, in sunny Sochi there is no hint of autumn and the weather continues to please numerous vacationers. Recently they were joined by music lovers who arrived in the southern capital for the Velvet Chanson festival, the grand opening of which took place at the Frunze Summer Theater. This evening, all fans of the genre were able to see Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alexander Buinov, Sergei Trofimov, Evgeny Kemerovsky, Mikhail Bublik, Alexander Lominsky and others on the same stage.
The public’s favorite singer Veronika Andreeva presented her fans with two songs at once, performing the hit “For Those Whom I Loved” and the already beloved composition “Love, Flowers and Wine” from the soundtrack to the series “My Favorite Mother-in-Law.” And the very next morning, Veronica Andreeva, together with the author of this song, Ilya Zudin, became guests of the live broadcast of the Radio Chanson visiting studio. In the “Tuning” program, the artists talked about their creative plans. Inspired by the success of their duet “Love, Flowers and Wine,” Veronica and Ilya are planning to record another song in the near future. At the end of the interview, Veronica Andreeva received a pleasant surprise - another guest appeared in the studio - Mikhail Shufutinsky, who presented her his new album “I Just Love Slowly” live on air.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 19:23 ()

Some people believe in omens, some trust solely their intuition, others believe in the magic of numbers.
For singer Andrei Pavlovich, the number 2 has always been a happy number. Coincidentally or not, the upcoming event in the life of the chansonnier is connected with the deuce - on September 22 at 22:00 Andrei Pavlovich will perform on the stage of the concert hall in Sochi, where the Velvet Chanson festival will be held. The singer will perform the public’s favorite “Butterfly”, and will also present his new song “I was coming to you”, which has already gained popularity among listeners of Radio Chanson, and other tracks from the album “I Dream of Cities”, such as “Spring Love”, “Summer” in half”, “You are everything to me”, “Rainbow” and “Flow of roses”. Guests of this evening will be Alexander Rosenbaum, Sergey Trofimov, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alexander Buinov, Vladimir Presnyakov, Natalya Podolskaya, Mikhail Bublik, Alexander Marshal, Veronika Andreeva, Evgeny Kemerovsky, Alexander Lominsky.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 18:34 ()

Very soon, in sunny and hospitable Sochi, the Velvet Chanson festival will be held, which will bring together under one roof the audience’s favorite performers, such as Alexander Rosenbaum, Sergei Trofimov, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alexander Buinov, Vladimir Presnyakov, Natalya Podolskaya, Mikhail Bublik, Alexander Marshal, Evgeniy Kemerovo, Alexander Lominsky.
As part of this celebration of chanson, singer Veronika Andreeva will present to the public a new composition “Who, if not him?” together with the author of the song Ilya Zudin, and will also perform the beloved “For Those Whom I Loved” and her other hits.
Veronica Andreeva is one of the most mysterious singers on our stage. Appearing once again after creative searches with new, very unusual hits, interesting musical discoveries, she is in no hurry, does not compete with anyone, lives in harmony with her credo, choosing a comfortable speed in life. Being the author of the words and music for her songs, she admits that she is always in a creative flow and songs come to her from above, as a gift for yet another overcoming of life’s difficulties, conflicting feelings and difficult decisions.
True connoisseurs of chanson cannot help but know that “Velvet Chanson” is far from a new festival, but this year it will be held for the first time in the southern capital of Russia - Sochi. The musical event has existed for several years now, and over the years of its work it has managed to gather a solid army of fans, because it’s not very often that you get the opportunity to personally enjoy the work of all your favorite stars on one stage. And if until this year not everyone could afford to become a participant in the festival, which annually travels to the most popular resorts in the world, then “Velvet Chanson 2016” in Sochi is a pleasure available to everyone!

Patriotic songs are in particular demand in our difficult times. Yulia Andreeva often performs in Russia and the CIS. She is often compared to Joan of Arc or Anne Marley. It is listened to by everyone who believes in the greatness of the Russian people and remembers its history. Julia called one of the albums “Get up, Russia!”, and, indeed, the audience greeted it only standing.

Works of Yulia Andreeva

The difficult genre “patriotic rock” has become the singer’s favorite; she performs less and less with Sergei Volokamsky, who sings genre songs and chanson. But with the group “Archipelago” Yulia Andreeva traveled all over the country. For their work, the group received the title of a legendary group, because their songs cannot leave anyone indifferent. Cossacks, military men, and people of all ages gather for concerts.

The only thing Yulia Andreeva regrets is that she cannot get rotation on the radio. The songs are considered off-format, so they are not allowed on the air by any station. Nevertheless, strong vocals, a harmonious musical basis and modern arrangements do not allow the compositions to lag behind the times.

What inspires the singer

Yulia Andreeva often calls Anna Marley her reference point in creativity. The great Frenchwoman with Russian roots was able to inspire people in occupied France, where she sang her self-composed “Hymn of the Resistance” on the barricades.
She is also inspired to create songs by the history of Russia and acquaintance with active officers who have passed through more than one hot spot. It was for them that she wrote several songs about comrades in arms, which the public greeted especially warmly.

Yulia's performances

Unfortunately, you will never hear Yulia's songs on the central channels. Yulia Andreeva and the Archipelago group distribute their works via the Internet.

Together with the Center for Patriotic Song, Yulia attends a variety of events, for example, she performed in Crimea and the DPR. In addition, the singer actively tours and gives concerts in hospitals, military units and clubs.

Singer Veronika Andreeva - about the new album, relationships with colleagues and the secret of youth.

The presentation of the new album of singer Veronica Andreeva “Love, Flowers and Wine” took place at the “Chanson” karaoke club. Not only fans came to congratulate the singer, but also star friends - People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Arkady Ukupnik, Rodion Gazmanov. The men complimented the artist’s work and presented flowers to the hero of the occasion.

- Veronica, this is your fifth solo album, how long did you work on it?

It took me a long time to create my album; I recorded a lot of songs. I wanted to do something special that people would like. I am very critical of my creativity, so the selection of songs for the album was very strict. Before recording the solo album, I traveled around the country, analyzed what people listened to, absorbed all opinions like a sponge.

- For many, Veronica Andreeva is a mystery. Tell me, are you a professional musician?

I have been studying music since I was five years old, first at school, then at music school. Then I graduated from Maslyakov’s All-Russian Creative Workshop at the Green Theater at VDNKh, where I learned stage movement, acting, choreography and even tap dancing! All this, of course, came in handy when staging numbers: for example, I have numbers where I dance with the Todes ballet. It seems to me that every creative person should develop himself in different directions, this is his responsibility.

- Your holiday today was a success. All the guests are very happy.

I am incredibly grateful to everyone who came to my celebration. It was very difficult for me to sing in front of such monsters, I was very worried. Singing live in front of Arkady Ukupnik, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Igor Sarukhanov is a great responsibility, it’s like an exam that I successfully passed. They said kind words to me, but they have no need to lie.

- But you have an ace up your sleeve, you recorded a duet with...

This is a secret for now. I’ll start with the fact that Vyacheslav Dobrynin is a walking legend for me, we communicated warmly, but I could never dream of working together with him. But I had a glimmer of hope that someday I would be able to sing with him. And when several of my songs became popular, I took a risk and approached him with a proposal for a duet. He did not refuse, and we recorded with him a very beautiful, bright song called “Happy Love.” We're playing a couple there. We are still working on the song, but we hope that by the New Year we will be able to show the result of our work. And if the stars align, and Vyacheslav and I (he is a very demanding musician) like everything, then we’ll think about the video. I would also like to sing with Igor Sarukhanov, he has an incredibly beautiful voice. And I already pestered Arkady Semenovich with the desire to sing together. I think everything is ahead.

- On stage you are bright and sexy, but at home?

At home I am a wife and mother. I have a 20-year-old son, he is now studying to become a doctor. Sometimes we are mistaken for brother and sister, but this no longer bothers him and me. We are used to it and even joke about it.

-You really look very young. Share the formula for youth.

Unfortunately, there is no secret. I am a hard worker and devote a lot of time to sports. I don’t go to the gym, I don’t like to lift, but I walk at least 3 km every day, I love yoga, stretching, strength exercises for beautiful arms, because I want to wear open dresses. My body is not just like that, it is my daily work.
- Your repertoire includes both comic and lyrical songs.

I am a passionate person, I have a lot of everything. I am a completely contradictory person, and my album reflects my character. I can dance, be sad, laugh, or just write songs for the soul. My songs are all about me, my whole life! My father died early, my mother is a history teacher. She raised the three of us alone, and she instilled in us strong concepts of what is good and what is bad. Now for some people these lines have been erased; they sincerely do not understand that it is impossible to speak or behave like them. It's not beautiful. I don’t know why this happens, maybe tolerance has an effect? And I go against such people.
- Where do you see yourself in five years? They may have to stand in line to interview you.
- I will never have star fever, even if huge success awaits me! I will remain as I am now! I'm sure of that. I hope I will be healthy and slim, that I will have a wonderful personal life, I hope for happiness. Like all.