Alexey Tolstoy chronological table briefly. Main dates of life and creativity

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy is a Russian writer, poet and playwright. Count Alexey was born on August 24 (according to yul.kal-ryu) on September 5, 1817 in St. Petersburg in the family of Count Konstantin Tolstoy and a pupil of Count Alexei Razumovsky Anna Perovskaya. Tolstoy died on September 28 (according to the legal calendar) on October 10, 1875 in the village of Krasny Rog (Chernigov province).


Immediately after the birth of her son, Anna left her husband. Little Alyosha's father was replaced by his maternal uncle, the famous writer Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky (real name Anton Pogorelsky). It was he who instilled in his nephew a love of books and literature, encouraging the boy’s creative impulses.

The writer spent his youth in the Chernigov province, namely in the village of Pogoreltsy. It later appeared more than once in Tolstoy’s works, when mentioning childhood. Perovsky brings his sister and nephew to St. Petersburg. IN northern capital the future playwright meets Pushkin, Zhukovsky and other writers of that time, with whom his uncle has friendly connections. Alexey shows interest in literature, sneaking into meetings famous poets and writers, listening to the conversations of adults. A little later, Tolstoy meets the future Russian Emperor Alexander II. The boys find mutual language and become good friends, maintaining friendships for life.

In 1827, his uncle arranged a trip for the family to Germany, where Alexei Tolstoy met Goethe and even received a gift from the great writer, who then kept long years like a valuable trophy. In 1831, Perovsky shows the boy Italy; this country fascinates Tolstoy so much that he calls it “ paradise lost" And for a long time sad when he arrived home.

The playwright received his education at home, and in 1834 he entered the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The service takes up a little time from the young man, but it develops his interest in history. The young man is actively involved in creativity, studying literature along the way. He actively writes his own poems, reflecting on various topics. In the future, his works would be appreciated by Zhukovsky and Pushkin. After completing his studies, Tolstoy received a place in Germany and lived there for some time, traveling around Italy and France along the way.

But Alexey did not find himself abroad for long; in 1839 he received the title of collegiate secretary and assignment to St. Petersburg in the department of the imperial chancellery. An ambitious man successfully advances in career ladder upward, receiving new titles. During these years, Tolstoy traveled a lot, was active social life, attends parties and meets women.

In 1850, the writer met Sophia Miller and fell in love, but officially married her only thirteen years later in 1863. After his resignation in 1861, Tolstoy lived in an estate near St. Petersburg and in the village of Krasny Rog.

In 1875, Alexey, taking morphine as a cure for headaches, overdid it. It was a large dose of the drug that caused the death of the writer, who was considered among the people as one of the most strong people that time.


Tolstoy’s first works (“Family of the Ghoul” and “Meeting after Three Hundred Years”) were French, written while living in Germany. Later they were also available to Russian audiences. The first book was published in 1841 and is called “The Ghoul”; when writing it, the writer turns to memories, especially to the time spent in the company of the future heir to the throne.

During his service from 1842 to 1846, Tolstoy looked for himself in poetry, publishing the poem “Serebryanka” in the newspaper, and also tried own strength in prose, writes essays. In 1847, Alexey Konstantinovich began to create Russian ballads, even planning to write a novel about princely life.

After his official retirement, he delved deeper into literature, becoming an author. satirical works, the historical novel “Prince Silver”, the dramatic trilogy “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” and the psychological short story in poetic form “In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance...”.

Throughout his life, Alexey Tolstoy creates many scathing works telling about modern life, therefore, most of the satirical works that ridiculed power and political principles were published posthumously.

1. Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky(pseudonym - Antony Pogorelsky; 1787–1836) - Russian writer, member Russian Academy(1829). Brother statesmen Counts L.A. and V.A. Perovsky, uncle of Alexei Tolstoy and brothers Alexei and Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov.
A notable prose writer of the 20-30s, who published his works under the pseudonym “Antony Pogorelsky”, cultivated a love of art in his nephew and encouraged his first literary experiments. ()

6. Estate "Pustynka"– not far from the Sablino station, on the right, high and steep bank of the Tosny River, there was once the Pustynka estate, bought in 1850 by the writer’s mother Anna Alekseevna Tolstoy.
The stone was built thick manor house in the English Gothic style (architect V.Ya. Langvagen, designed by A.I. Stackenschneider). The ensemble also included an outbuilding for guests, an office, stables, a carriage house, etc., united by a unity of design. Many people often visited Tolstoy here. writers and scientists, including I.A. Goncharov, N.I. Kostomarov, I.S. Turgenev, A.A. Fet, Ya.P. Polonsky and many others. etc. After Tolstoy’s death in 1875, the estate came into the possession of S.A. Khitrovo. In 1912, a fire destroyed almost all buildings; Currently, two ponds and fragments of the park have been preserved. Modern address: Nikolskoye, Tosnensky Leningradskaya district region (

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This is the name that has stuck with us for the poem by Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, which he wrote in 1868. This poem - clearly humorous, even satirical - sets out the basic facts in an assertive style Russian history and therefore, it can probably serve as an invaluable tool for today’s schoolchildren on the subject “History of the Fatherland.” In any case, I myself learned history from Tolstoy’s poem. By the way, studying history is an extremely useful thing. I’ll just give you one pretty famous example. The husband bursts into the house and shouts to his wife from the threshold: “I know everything, this is how you are!” And in response he hears the imperturbable: “Yes? You know everything? But when was the Battle of Grunwald? Most likely, after this, the husband will immediately understand that he got a little excited. Returning to the poem by A.K. Tolstoy: probably the ability to be a guide to national history- this is not its only advantage, otherwise it is difficult to explain why it has been extremely popular for almost a century and a half. And this despite the fact that a certain level of education is still required from the reader: Count Tolstoy, a child of his enlightened age, is not at all embarrassed in choosing a language if he needs to rhyme something. Therefore, no edition of the “History of the Russian State” is complete without commentary. From time to time we will stop reading to coordinate our understanding of the underlined words and expressions. So, let's get started? Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, “History of the Russian State from Gostomysl to Timashev.”

Count, Russian writer, corresponding member St. Petersburg Academy Sciences (1873). Ballads, satirical poems, historical novel "Prince Silver" (published 1863), dramatic trilogy"The Death of Ivan the Terrible" (1866), "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich" (1868) and "Tsar Boris" (1870). Heartfelt lyrics with a pronounced musical beginning, psychological short stories in verse (“In the middle of a noisy ball, by chance...”, “That was in early spring”). Together with the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers, he created a parody image of Kozma Prutkov.


Born on August 24 (September 5 n.s.) in St. Petersburg in a noble noble family. The parents separated immediately after the birth of their son; he was raised by his mother and her brother, the writer A. Perovsky (pseudonym A. Pogorelsky). Childhood years were spent on the estates of his mother and later his uncle in Northern Ukraine. Received a good home education.

At the age of 17, he was enrolled in the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then was in the diplomatic service in Germany. In 1843 he received the rank of chamber cadet.

Tolstoy was engaged in literary creativity with early age, encouraged by his uncle. He wrote poetry and fantastic stories, and already his first story, “The Ghoul,” published under the pseudonym “Krasnorogsky” in 1841, was noticed by Belinsky.

In the 1840s he began working on historical novel"Prince Silver", completed in 1861. During the same period he wrote a number of ballads and lyric poems, which became widely known and were subsequently set to music by Russian composers ("My Bells", "You know the land where everything breathes abundantly", "Barrow", "Among the noisy ball...", etc.).

In 1854, together with his cousins Zhemchuzhnikov created the satirical literary mask of Kozma Prutkov and a collection of his works, which is still popular in Russia.

Service at court (adjutant wing of Alexander II, then huntsman head of the royal huntsmen) gave the writer the opportunity to stand up for people close to him (he worked for the return of Shevchenko from exile, for Aksakov, Turgenev).

In 1861, he achieved his resignation (“Service and art are incompatible...”, he wrote to the Tsar) and began to devote all his energy and time to literature.

IN last years turned to poetry (wrote ballads and political satires in verse).

After retiring, he lived mainly on his estates, paying little attention to farming, and gradually went bankrupt. His health condition worsened. At the age of 58, A. Tolstoy died on September 28 (October 10, n.s.) 1875 on the Krasny Rog estate in the Chernigov province.

Dates are given in old style

1817, August 24- In St. Petersburg, a son, Alexey, was born to the adviser to the State Assignment Bank, Count Konstantin Petrovich Tolstoy and his wife Anna Alekseevna, nee Perovskaya. October- Departure of A. A. Tolstoy with his son from St. Petersburg.

1826, August- Alexei Tolstoy was “chosen as a playmate” for the heir to the throne, the future Tsar Alexander II. Autumn- A. S. Pushkin often visits A. A. Perovsky, uncle and teacher of Alexei Tolstoy, in Moscow, who witnesses their conversations.

1827, summer- A trip with my mother and A. A. Perovsky to Germany; meeting with Goethe.

1829-1830 - Tolstoy lives in St. Petersburg with V.A. and A.A. Perovsky and often sees Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Krylov, Vyazemsky, Pogodin and others there. A.S. Pushkin reads “Boris Godunov” from A.A. Perovsky.

1831 - A trip with his mother and A. A. Perovsky to Italy. Meeting K. P. Bryullov.

1835, December- Passes exams at Moscow University “from the subjects that make up the course of the Faculty of Literature, to obtain an academic certificate for the law of first-class officials.”

1836, beginning- K. P. Bryullov paints a portrait of Tolstoy. July 9- In Warsaw, A. A. Perovsky dies in Tolstoy’s arms.

1838-1839 - Stay in Germany, Italy, France. Work on the stories “The Family of the Ghoul”, “Meeting after Three Hundred Years”, and the story “The Ghoul”. Meetings abroad with N.V. Gogol.

1840, March 9- Promoted to collegiate secretaries. December- Moved as a “junior official to the second department of His Own Imp.” Vel. Offices."

1842 - The “Journal of Horse Breeding and Hunting” No. 5 contains the essay “Two days in the Kyrgyz steppe.”

1843, May 27- Awarded the title of chamber cadet. Autumn- The poem “Serebryanka” (“A pine forest stands in a lonely country...”) was published in “Sheet for Secular People” No. 40.

1845 - The literary collection “Yesterday and Today” by V. A. Sollogub contains the story “Artemy Semenovich Bervenkovsky”.

1846 - In the second book of the same collection, “Amena” appears - an excerpt from the unsurvived novel “Stebelovsky”.

1847-1849 - He is working on the ballads “Kurgan”, “Prince Rostislav”, “Vasily Shibanov”, “Bogatyr”, conceives the novel “Prince Silver” and sketches the first chapters. The emergence of the “Prutkov circle”.

1850, April 28- Sent to Kaluga. Summer- Meets with N.V. Gogol at A.I. Rosset-Smirnova and reads him ballads and excerpts from “The Silver Prince.” Visits Kozelsk and Optina Pustyn. Autumn- Returns to St. Petersburg and works with A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov on the comedy “Fantasy.”

1851, January 8- Scandalous premiere of “Fantasia” at the Alexandria Theater. January- Meeting with Sofia Andreevna Miller.

1852, spring- The arrest of Turgenev and Tolstoy’s efforts for his release.

1854 - Publication in Sovremennik of poems by Tolstoy and Leisure by Kozma Prutkov. Summer- forms a detachment to fight the Anglo-French landings.

1855, March 25- Enlisted in a rifle regiment, appointed company commander and promoted to major. May- June - He undergoes military training in the village of Medved. December- Joins the regiment near Odessa.

1856, February- Sick with typhus. March- S. A. Miller comes to Odessa. Summer- A trip with S.A. Miller and V.M. Zhemchuzhnikov to Crimea. August- Coronation of Alexander II and appointment of Tolstoy as adjutant. Autumn- Draws closer to Slavophiles. Publishes “Crimean Sketches” in the Sovremennik magazine. Appointed as clerk of the “Secret Committee on Dissenters.” December- Meets with L.N. Tolstoy.

1858 - In the first issue of “Russian Conversation” the poem “John of Damascus” is published. Autumn- Trip to Crimea.

1859 - Lives and works in Pogoreltsy. 5th of March- Dismissed from service “on indefinite leave”, working on the poem “Don Juan”.

1860 - A trip with S.A. Miller to France. And in August- Meeting in England with Herzen, Ogarev, Turgenev, Annenkov, Botkin and the founding of the “Society for the Spread of Literacy and Universal Education.”

1861 - Returns to Krasny Rog and tries to become a “good farmer.” July- He’s going to St. Petersburg. September 28- Decree on dismissal from service.

1862 - Working on “The Death of Ivan the Terrible.” In No. 4 of the magazine “Russian Herald” it is published dramatic poem“Don Juan”, and in Nos. 8, 9, 10 - the novel “Prince Silver”. Autumn- Departure for Germany.

1863, April 3- Gets married to Sofia Andreevna in Orthodox Church in Dresden. December - Trip to Rome, meetings with Liszt, completion of work on The Death of Ivan the Terrible.

1864, summer- Spends time in Germany and reads the tragedy to Karolina Pavlova and Goncharova.

1866 - The tragedy is published in the first issue of Otechestvennye zapiski.

1867, January 12- Premiere of the tragedy at the Alexandria Theater. Publication of the first collection of poems by A.K. Tolstoy.

1868, January 30- The premiere of “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” took place in Weimar in the presence of the author. The tragedy “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich” is published in “Bulletin of Europe” No. 5. March 14th- Gives a speech at a dinner in Odessa.

1870, spring- The tragedy is published in the “Bulletin of Europe” and separate publication. July- The idea of ​​“Posadnik” arises.

1871-1874 - Publishes ballads “Gakon Blind”, “Borivoi”, “Rugevit”, “Ushkuinik”, “Flow-Bogatyr”, “Ilya Muromets”, “Sometimes Merry May...”, “Alyosha Popovich”, “Sadko”, many poems, translations.

1875, September 28- L.K. Tolstoy died. He was buried in a crypt near the Assumption Church in Krasny Rog.