"Alien: Covenant": what the film's ending reveals. "Lost heaven"

In 2019, the Alien franchise will turn 40 years old, and it is possible that Fox will celebrate the anniversary in a big way.

In any case, the press credits the studio and Ridley Scott with developing the film Alien: Awakening, which will connect the events of Prometheus and Covenant.

This British director let slip his desire to direct it even before the start of “Testament” in the box office.

"Prometheus" and "Alien: Covenant"

For a long time, Ridley Scott had no intention of returning to Alien, believing that he had fully expressed himself in the 1979 film. Without any of his participation, James Cameron directed Aliens (1986), David Fincher directed Alien 3 (1992), and Jean-Pierre Jeunet directed Alien: Resurrection (1997).

If Cameron's sequel is praised by critics and the public, then the third and fourth parts are usually ignored. Already in the 2000s. Scott became interested in xenomorphs again and decided to return to the old material.

"Prometheus" was a prequel to "Alien". Scott is not interested in what his followers have filmed - he doesn't even take Cameron's Aliens into account.

In Prometheus, the action develops at the end of the 21st century - Peter Weyland, head of the Weyland Industries corporation, sponsors a space mission to a celestial body where the Creators, also known as Engineers, presumably live, a race “responsible” for the emergence of humanity. Weyland is dying and hopes to learn from the Engineers the secret of eternal life.

The crew discovered the Makers' ship destroyed by a mysterious pathogen, but in the end, all members of the expedition died, except for archaeologist Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and the android David (Michael Fassbender). They went to the homeland of the Engineers - the planet Paradise...

It's interesting to note that "Prometheus" and "Covenant" are the names of spaceships from their respective films.

And here we come to the events of “Covenant”. Initially, the film was called “Alien: Paradise Lost,” but for distribution it was renamed to the shorter and more sonorous “Alien: Covenant.” This is a sequel to “Prometheus”, adjusted for the past 10 years.

The focus is on new characters played by Katherine Waterston and Billy Crudup. There was also a place for Fassbender, but this time he appeared before the audience as the android Walter. Robot David also appeared in the frame - as an antagonist.

In "Covenant", it turned out that Shaw and David's ship finally arrived on the planet Paradise, where the android used a pathogen that instantly brought the Engineers to the grave. Then he carried out experiments, trying to breed a new creature - and finally brought out the xenomorphs familiar to the audience, who killed the crew from the Covenant.

Alien: Awakening and other Prometheus sequels

Since 2012, when Prometheus was released, Scott has reinvented the universe associated with it more than once or twice. By the way, it does not include the Queen of Aliens and the adopted daughter Ripley, introduced into the plot by Cameron.

In 2017, the director announced that if “Covenant” was successful, he would take on the film that would act as a link between “Prometheus” and “Covenant” - “Alien: Awakening.”

The performance of “Prometheus” and “Covenant” at the box office, alas, was not very convincing:

  • “Prometheus”: $130 million (budget) and $403 million (grossings),
  • "Alien: Covenant": $97 and 241 million.

So now the fate of the franchise depends on the patience of the Fox studio.

Who will star in Alien: Awakening?

There are only two obvious candidates:

  • Michael Fassbender - Android David
  • Noomi Rapace is Elizabeth Shaw's archaeologist.

It is unlikely that Ridley Scott will refuse to film artists with whom he has worked well.

Alien 5 by Neill Blomkamp

The film “Alien: Awakening” should not be confused with “Alien 5” by Neill Blomkamp, ​​who became famous for the science-fiction films “Elysium”, “Chappy the Robot” and, of course, “District No. 9”. Alien 5 is a direct sequel to Cameron's Aliens, not taking into account the films of David Fincher and Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

Blomkamp agreed to participate in the filming of Sigourney Weaver (Lieutenant Ripley) and Michael Biehn (Corporal Hicks). According to the script, however, the war with biomechanical creatures was mainly carried out by the grown-up Newt, Ripley’s adopted daughter.

Neill Blomkamp worked on the script and concepts for Alien 5 for a long time, but in 2016–2017. Fox deliberately delayed the film's development in order to let Covenant and Awakening pass ahead. Perhaps now the management is clutching its head - was the right decision made?


In the prequels to Alien, Scott focuses not on horror and xenomorphs, but on artificial intelligence and religion. It is possible that this is precisely why they are less popular with viewers.

There is almost no doubt that Alien: Awakening will take place - with a reduced budget, but Ridley Scott will still direct the picture. Fox's future plans, if the latest rumors are to be believed, are to restart the sci-fi saga from scratch, in a different timeline and with new characters.

Video: trailer, fan teasers

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

Ridley Scott says the sequel will begin filming "within 14 months."

Ridley Scott

Ridley Scott is wasting no time in starting work on the next Alien sequel. Alien: Covenant has just been released, but as you probably already know, Covenant is just the first in a series of films that will tie the mythology of Prometheus into the classic 1979 film. The script for the follow-up to “Covenant” has been in development for some time. Speaking to IGN UK, Scott revealed that they are currently writing the script and the plan is to begin production next year.


“We are currently writing the script for the sequel. I'll be filming it for 14 months," Scott said. Production schedules shift all the time, and this isn't exactly an official confirmation from the studio, but this is the second time the director has said he plans to return to work on Alien next year.


Scott also talked a little more about Neill Blomkamp's rejected Alien sequel, which was titled Awakening. Scott had previously suggested that "Awakening" was a movie title to tie in with "Prometheus" and "Covenant," so that remains to be seen. Awakening certainly fits into the themes Scott is considering developing in his prequels. But it's probably a working title anyway.

By the way, before we forget. There are not many resources on the Internet now that provide meaningful analytics on films and TV series. Among them is the telegram channel @SciFiNews, whose authors write the most useful analytical materials - analyzes and theories of fans, interpretations of post-credit scenes, as well as the secrets of bomb franchises, like films MARVEL And " Game of Thrones" Subscribe so you don’t have to search later - @SciFiNews. However, back to our topic...

“They wanted to do Alien: Awakening. - “I said, okay. I was going to become a producer. If I could, I would,” Scott said. “Also, I asked the question: why are they considering both projects (Blomkamp's Alien and Scott's Alien)? It looks like you're shooting off your thumb - it doesn't make sense. But they didn't go for it, so I just pulled away from it."

After Alien. Resurrection" and "Prometheus" I didn’t have much hope for a good continuation. But not by the same amount. After watching this film, I had a desire to hug the unfortunate xenomorph, sobbing in despair on my shoulder, to console and stroke it. I don’t understand at all why and why it was necessary to stick this white abomination into the film? He rather reminded me of a drug addict who had not eaten or left the house for a long time. Of course, in the alien universe it has been mentioned more than once that this species can mutate. But there is no need to develop this topic so much. Everyone loves a stranger the way Hans Rudolf Giger created him, for which he became a world celebrity. This is one of the most beautiful invented monsters in its ugliness; you can immediately see the decline, real power and intelligence in him (thank you for at least showing him like that at the end of the film). Again, in the film the topic of mutations was not really explored, despite the explanations. Nobody is interested in her. Did you want to add variety and interest the viewer? It would be better to surprise with a well-developed plot.

Computer graphics and beautiful pictures are always pleasing to the eye. But not in the case of the alien universe. The gloomy and cold world of space in the first three films makes the atmosphere unique, emphasizing the importance of our planet and the fact that we must protect and appreciate it. Every fantasy universe should have its own style. "Prometheus" and "Alien" Testament" completely killed the style of this world.

Now about the human characters. How many times have they told the world From film to film about science fiction, where the characters must show common sense, professionalism and courage, we see nonsense. Have any filmmakers ever been interested in how people are selected and trained on whose work the lives of others depend? About pilots, machinists, and the same surgeons. Can you imagine a surgeon performing a complex operation during which complications arose and the doctor began to panic? Or the subway driver who pinched the door of a passenger and began to rush around the cabin? I know such people, I know the most severe selection and training they undergo. Yes, any professional knows. in an emergency. anything but panic. And here, even though in the world of the future, space travel has become much more accessible, but still, these are astronauts, pilots, officers, scientists, engineers and doctors. And everyone should be a super professional in such an important mission, and not just a specialist. We are talking about huge amounts of money. Of course, there is no salvation for all humanity, but this is still the most important factor for the development of civilization. And here we see people recruited from an ad on the fence “Work in space. The pay is high." Everyone knows the safety rules in the new world. No matter how cool the sensors scanning the planet are, only time and repeated and extensive research can give a complete picture of whether it is safe or not. Bacteria and allergens are one of the most important factors. And here we see a walk through a nearby forest park. They sniff with reverence the incomprehensible black pollen from incomprehensible mushrooms. There were so many reproaches against Prometheus for removing the helmets. Panic and stupid running around at the first “birth” of a xenomorph from a human is something. The stupidity of all the characters just hurts the eye. Did the filmmakers want to show that they are ordinary people? They are not ordinary people and it would be much more interesting for the audience to see people who are masters of their craft. This is already lacking in our modern life. Even the fights between the xenomorph and humans, the killing of people, look pathetic and not interesting. Is there really not a single normal fighter on such a mission? Ripley didn't look like a real fighter or super heroine. On the contrary, she was not a military man, but a person forced to fight for life, whose main weapon was character and the instinct of survival. They tried to match the new heroine to Ripley's appearance (short hair, simple appearance). Except Ripley had charisma. And this is some kind of propaganda of feminism (very often they began to make female characters “either a woman or a man”, supposedly tolerance). Well, excuse me, it couldn’t have happened without a hint of homosexuality. Even just a glimpse, even robots, but it definitely had to be shoved in. And, oh horror, they forgot about African Americans!!! Well, what would we do without them?

Philosophy and morality of the film. Of course, the film should not consist of murders and running from strangers. But attempts to show the morality of androids look unconvincing, drawn out and out of place. And Devin’s scene with the albino stranger, the stranger is a killing machine, he didn’t lose the trust of such a flea in any way. The heads of alien androids were torn off like this, and only then they concluded that it was tasteless. “It is better to be a master in hell than a servant in heaven”? A flea commands a pack of wolves, yes, I believe, I believe...

The great civilization that created people and strangers looks funny and helpless. A few streets in the crater represent all their greatness on the scale of not just their planet, even a city. And why is this virus scary? Where did he go afterwards?

Well, in general, nonsense at every step, the destroyed idea and style of the world of strangers. And the xenomorph is the only intelligent creature in the entire film.

And that's out of respect for old films.

As a lifelong fan of the Alien/Aliens/Prometheus franchise, it's hard to be objective about Ridley Scott's new film. Of course, like many other viewers, I see ridiculous inconsistencies and stupidities happening on the screen, and it’s also difficult for me to find excuses for the fact that a reconnaissance mission lands on an uncharted planet without spacesuits and helmets. I also humbly accept the critics’ complaints about the ragged narration and strange directorial moves like the drawn-out prologue with the participation of Peter Weyland and David - when I first watched Alien: Covenant, I sometimes wanted to stand up and apologize to the rest of the audience present for the failures in dynamics and dubious branches of the plot. But today I won’t defend a new chapter in the history of Aliens, the film doesn’t need it, I suggest looking ahead. Scott has announced a whole series of sequels to Covenant, and therefore I propose to look into those dark corners of the xenomorph universe that could become interesting branches for future sequels or spin-offs. This is not an attempt to predict the plans of the author of the popular series of films, but rather to outline those blank spots that I would like to fill first. So, what remains unknown and incomprehensible after the events on one planet of Engineers...

5. How are things with the earthlings?

Still from the movie "Alien: Covenant"

This may seem strange in the context of the fact that over the entire period of the franchise, only a few minutes were devoted to Earth in the beginning of “Prometheus” (I am deliberately discarding any mention of “Alien vs. Predator”, we will do without fan fiction, especially since these two films have no useful information are not carried), but what is happening on our planet all the time that terrible events are developing in space is important for understanding the actions of the crews of spaceships with a mission similar to the “Covenant”. As you know, "Prometheus" went into deep space with a single important mission: to find the place indicated in the cave paintings and meet the creators of mankind. This seems to indicate that everything is fine on Earth, and you can safely explore the surrounding universe. But the flight of the “Covenant” is no longer so serenely pure - the crew of the new ship is looking for a replacement for their home planet, intends to colonize a distant planet and distance themselves from Earth. What changed during the time between the flights of Prometheus and Covenant? Has the earth lost its habitability? Weyland-Yutani has made a breakthrough in technology that allows it to colonize surrounding planets? Judging by the first three films of the franchise, colonization was not particularly successful - there are alien mines, there are settlements isolated from the outside world of the conquered planet, there are prison settlements, but nothing is said about beautiful wonderful worlds like the home planet of the Engineers or at least the level of LV-223 . This is interesting and important, it can explain the impulse of the “Covenant” crew to land on an unknown planet: a pleasure voyage a la “Passengers” is one thing, and saving the gene pool is another. By the way, what about wars on earth? In the future, do we live in a beautiful, united world where science and technology have replaced the hotheads with war and murder? Or is humanity still on the verge of suicide, because biological weapons are being developed for something in Alien: Resurrection? It may sound banal, but the origins of the massacres taking place in deep space with hordes of xenomorphs lie in the situation on the home planet of humanity. And we should know as much as possible about it.

4. The role of Engineers is never revealed.

Still from the movie "Alien: Covenant"

The other side, remaining in the shadow of the “Covenant,” is the actual race of Engineer-Creators. It would seem that, based on the plot, we had to find out all the most important things about the mysterious humanoid aliens, because both the remnants of the Prometheus crew and the new colonists arrived at the very heart of the mystery - on the home planet of the Engineers. But what has been added to our knowledge after the final credits of the new film? But nothing. We cannot say how advanced the alien race was - yes, they made space flights, but that’s where our knowledge ends. How older are they than earthlings and are we really their descendants? Or maybe we are their genetic experiment, the same as breeding xenomorphs? Is the city where David landed the only one on the planet? What about other planets, since traces of “space jockeys” were found not only on their supposed homeland? It would be naive to believe that David’s sabotage destroyed an entire civilization, especially one as developed as that of the Engineers, who successfully expanded the scope of their expansion thousands of years ago, judging by the fact that we supposedly should be grateful to them for our appearance. Regarding the origins of humanity, however, there is an interesting theory, which is that people and Engineers are actually two independent experiments conducted by some third force. According to this hypothesis, unknown gods created the Human race and the Engineer race in different parts of the galaxy, gave them different directions of development and monitored their growth. The engineers were more focused on genetics and the study of living things - they eventually came to the pinnacle of evolution, the practically invulnerable and cruel xenomorph. People are “fixated” on reproducing “their own kind” and mechanics - their highest achievement was androids, indistinguishable from people. It is curious that both “supreme beings” one day rebel against their creators and begin to methodically destroy them. The version is controversial and far-fetched, I understand, but you can’t dismiss it out of hand - unless you have another way to explain why there are so many sculptures depicting a human face on the planet of Engineers and in the urn storage on LV-223. Precisely human or close to it, but not “engineering” - do they consider us gods? Or are the gods more like earthlings?

3. The mystery of the first planet.

Still from the movie "Alien: Covenant"

Another mystery related to the race of aliens and not explained in any way in either Prometheus or Covenant is the tragedy on LV-426, which launched the franchise. As we all remember, the crew of the Nostromo, with the help of the android Ash, in the beginning of Alien, found themselves in orbit of a planetoid from which a mysterious radio signal emanated. An alien spaceship was discovered on the surface of a cosmic body, the “hold” of which was filled with Alien eggs. For the first and second paintings in the series, this place was very significant, but no one particularly asked the question of the origin of the ship and its cargo. Now, after the release of the prequels, the mystery of the planetoid has begun to go beyond the logic of things, and something needs to be done about it. What's wrong with LV-426? Much! Let's start with the fact that the very presence of the Jockeys' ship in this place is illogical. Yes, there is a “base” nearby where the earthly “Prometheus” found its last refuge, but LV-223 has a much more developed “infrastructure”, there is a grandiose underground pyramid, an urn storage facility, a control center, and here, finally, the ship is parked for the flight home. Why did one of the Engineers need to land on the neighboring “moon”? Was this ship escaping from LV-223 when the pathogen was released? But why not home, but to a neighboring planetoid? Next, was there another Engineer base on LV-426? Nothing is said about this in “Aliens,” but such a possibility cannot be ruled out. Next: where are the eggs in the “hold” of the alien “donut”? As far as the xenomorph's reproductive cycle is known today, the eggs are laid by the Queen, or Queen of the "hive". Does this mean that on LV-426, even before people built their colony on it, a tragedy occurred with the colony of Engineers? Many people involved in the creation of Alien tried to clarify the origin of these eggs with face-huggers, but a clear version has not yet emerged. Isn't it time to talk about this in detail?

2. What if Walter is alive?

Still from the movie "Alien: Covenant"

The final twist of “Covenant” is as predictable as it is promising, and from a variety of angles. And let's start from afar - let's talk about Walter. It should be immediately noted that Walter is not a canonical android in the sense that his name is out of line, which is sacredly revered by fans of the franchise. Let me remind you for the uninitiated: “Alien” - A - Ash, “Aliens” and “Alien 3” - B - Bishop, “Alien: Resurrection” - C - Call, “Prometheus” - D - David It is logical to assume that in “Covenant” there should have been a robot whose name would begin with the English “E” - Eric, Evan, or even Eve. But we were given Walter and David, and therefore it is not clear how to relate to one of Michael Fassbender’s heroes. I'll venture an unpopular opinion and say that I would have liked the idea of ​​Walter being alive and abandoned by David on a desert planet. What is so good about it? Well, nothing prevents the android from establishing a colony there, which in the future may welcome new guests - more careful and professional compared to the crew of the Covenant. Or Walter can learn to control the “donut” (David did it) and fly away from the infected planet - in pursuit of the “Covenant”, back to Earth, or even to the already mentioned planetoid LV-426. Finally, if a xenomorph was able to infiltrate the Covenant, then why shouldn’t Walter be able to catch hold of the departing cargo elevator at the last moment and not get on board? It’s not that the latest model of the android was particularly attractive to me, but the confrontation and influence of David and Walter on each other was almost the most interesting line in “Covenant” - it’s a pity to give this up.

1. David and his “greenhouse”.

Still from the movie "Alien: Covenant"

Finally, I leave for last the most obvious line for continuation - a direct sequel to “Covenant” with events inside the ship and/or at the travel destination of Origae-6. Who we can definitely say goodbye to today is Daniels - she knows too much for David to leave her alive. Most likely, she is destined for the fate of her husband burned in the cryosleep chamber, although it is possible that Dani will follow in the footsteps of Elizabeth Shaw and become a breeding ground for the development of one of the xenomorphs. Tennessee has a better chance of surviving until landing; David may need him to control the ship, and he may know more about the mission than Mom’s memory contains. But we can’t vouch for him either, the number of survivors and the number of facehugger embryos delivered to the “Covenant” are too symmetrical. However, here it is more interesting to speculate about what made David such a misanthrope and what kind of relationship he has with the xenomorphs. The introduction of Alien: Covenant, although a little long, answers many questions left over from Prometheus. We saw that from the very moment of initiation, David was strictly assigned his place: ask no questions, make tea, play the piano and recite poetry according to the will of his Creator. However, following man in his biblical understanding, the android receives the same “defect” as his creators - he is “capable” of making mistakes, he is not infallible. This is the deep meaning of Scott's philosophy - the director is looking for the answer to the question of what distinguishes man from God, and finds it in a simple and understandable formula. David is not only mistaken in the authorship of the poems he quotes, he believes that he initially chose the wrong side, that he believed too much first in the man, and then in the Engineer, he can’t bear the thought of unrequited love for Shaw. There were enough mistakes in his short history to doubt his destiny and begin to take revenge on the offenders: David consistently destroys the race of Engineers, Elizabeth, and the crew of the Covenant. Further everywhere. But is this process irreversible? David knows about this problem, knows how it differs from subsequent models - what will he do? Will the destruction continue or will the flywheel turn back? This is an interesting premise for the continuation of “Covenant”, because nothing prevents David from destroying the colonists and embryos without waiting for awakening and landing, but the Creator has awakened in the android - he is now more interested in creating new forms of monsters.

Along with all of the above, it is worth keeping in mind the fact that the events of “Prometheus” and “Covenant” unfold long before “Alien,” which means that some forecasts for the development of the plot of Scott’s new film will inevitably run into the canons established back in the 1970s-80s. X. But space will not only hide any cry, it is vast and mysterious, and therefore the history of xenomorphs can be developed endlessly. Yes, Ridley Scott's films are imperfect, his films have flaws, but what in this world is perfect? Perhaps a beautiful adult Alien, practically invulnerable, aggressive and graceful. We will always be happy to see him again on screen, no matter what the subsequent films are about.

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  • Original project name : Alien: Awakening
  • Country of Origin : USA
  • Premiere : 2019-2020
  • Genre : horror, fantasy, thriller, adventure
  • Director : Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, The Martian)
  • Producer
  • Cast : Noomi Rapace (rumors), Michael Fassbender (rumors), etc.

The film “Alien 5: Awakening” will be released in 2019-2020. At this time, a new chapter in the story of space explorers coming face to face with a deadly alien danger in the form of bloodthirsty monsters is expected to premiere. The original name of the project is Alien: Awakening. For now it is like this, but there is a high probability that closer to release it will be changed, as was the case with the same “Testament”.

Alien: Paradise Lost

In 1979, Ridley Scott released his second feature film, which forever entered the history of cinema. The slogan of the film, “In space, no one will hear you scream,” is still quite frightening, and the film itself still looks great against the backdrop of modern blockbusters and imitators of that same Alien.

Ridley Scott personally did not want to build an entire cinematic universe on the history of Space Jockeys, Engineers and alien explorers, but this work was entrusted to James Cameron, who directed the sequel to the original film called “Aliens”. After that there were two more: one directed by David Fincher, the second by Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

Today it is generally accepted that only “Alien” and “Aliens” can be watched, as they say, forever, although the third and fourth parts are quite watchable, and this despite the fact that he himself is by no means delighted with his previous involvement to this franchise.

Up to a certain point, the film remained a quadrology. Of course, there was also his collision with the Predator, but for obvious reasons we do not take this fact into account. Then Ridley Scott wanted to return to the Alien film series, but he definitely came from afar. His “Prometheus” gave more questions than answers, so many people, with all due respect to the master, would like someone else to take up the development of the “Aliens” universe. Such a person was found, and he became Neill Blomkamp (“District No. 9”, “A Robot Named Chappie”, “Elysium: Heaven Not on Earth”).

The acclaimed South African director (even if he is not a director on the level of Ridley Scott) has been developing the fifth part of Alien for a long time. Of course, as a true fan of the series, he would like to ignore the existence of the third and fourth chapters and continue the story exactly from the moment where Cameron's Aliens ended. But the influence of the author of “Blade Runner” in the film industry turned out to be noticeably greater, so at a certain stage of production, the producers switched to the ideas of Ridley Scott.

This is understandable: Sir Ridley has planned to film several sequels at once in the future. He started with the sequel to his “Prometheus,” which was originally called “Paradise Lost,” but then changed the name to “Testament.”

Both projects were designed to expand the world and smoothly lead the viewer to the events of the original science fiction horror film.

It is now known that this will not be the end of the matter. Ridley Scott is planning to make Awakening in the future, which will take place between Prometheus and Covenant. Thus, as you can see, a whole trilogy of prequels is planned, after which, according to the author of Gladiator himself, another one will be put into production. Both of them will lead the viewer exactly to the moment from which this whole story began back in 1979 - to “Alien”.

In one of his interviews, Scott let slip: “If Covenant is a success with audiences, we will release the next film, and then 3 more.” If everything works out as planned, then the first “Alien” will receive 6 prequels, the action in which will take place before the events of the very first film in 1979, among which the part “Awakening” will take pride of place.

Film project director

The new chapter in the Alien series will, of course, be directed by Ridley Scott.

Awakening will be both a sequel to Prometheus and a prequel to Covenant. It's called an interquel. This term refers to films in which the action takes place between the events of films that have already been released on the big screen.

The British master, who previously forever inscribed his name in the history of cinema, now, apparently, simply films for his own pleasure. Even if many do not share his enthusiasm, in particular when watching the maestro’s next cinematic creations, at the same time one cannot exclude the fact that, in general, everything turns out quite organically in the end. If there's one thing Ridley Scott excels at, it's the visual design of his films. At least he has no complaints about this part of his work. Well, the beginning of a story and its denouement is a matter of everyone’s taste.

As for “The Awakening,” the winner of the Cannes Film Festival prize for “Best Debut,” which he received for the film “The Duelists,” says that he already has a ready-made script for the project in his hands. All that remains is to film the events captured in it and show it all on the big screen. If everything goes well, then after the chapter called Awakening, Ridley Scott will happily begin developing a new trilogy, the events of which will continue everything that was previously shown in “Covenant.”


Since Awakening takes place after Prometheus but before what happened in Covenant, it gives us every reason to believe that we will eventually see the long-awaited return of those actors from the appearance of which again, it seemed, we no longer counted on when watching “Alien”.

So, on the set of Awakening the following will probably be involved:

  • Noomi Rapace (“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows”)
  • Michael Fassbender (Shame, Steve Jobs, X-Men: First Class).

As we all remember, their heroes at the end of Prometheus went to the planet of the Creators in search of answers to the questions of why they once ignored the education of the human race, which they themselves created. Let us remember that their characters were named Elizabeth Shaw (archaeologist) and David (android robot), respectively.

Story line

The plot of the film can easily be determined in advance. Archaeologist Elizabeth Shaw and the android robot David are heading towards the planet of the Creators. Here, in their homeland, they are trying to find answers to eternal questions. And although the robot is not so interested in the people whom he, however, serves, the person is extremely interested in why the Engineers, aka Space Jockeys, visited the Earth in the distant past to lay the foundation for humanity on this planet, and then moved away from their original plan.

But in an interview with Empire, Ridley Scott hinted that the evolution of the Alien is “almost over”, and in “Awakening” the main focus will be not on xenomorphs, but on another story dedicated to artificial intelligence. Thus, we are talking about the android robot David, played by Michael Fassbender, and what kind of world he can create on a new planet if he can act without restrictions and external instructions. Perhaps, on a free planet, a robot with artificial intelligence will create its own Xenomorph empire.

Additional comments from the director also raise speculation about the possible return of the Engineers' ship. This means that in fact their race is not destroyed - they will see what happened in Paradise and will want to take revenge on David.

The director also made it clear that the film will once again touch upon the theme of the arrogance of a person who is so confident in his own high destiny that sometimes he dares to play God and create similar “second-class” people, but often forgets that they sometimes superior to their creator. Such comments once again confirm the version that David may become the central character of “The Awakening”. But in the Universe of Space Jockeys and Xenomorphs there will probably still be many questions that will have to be answered.

The ending of “Awakening” will have to smoothly lead the viewer to the events with which he was already familiar after watching “Covenant”.

Movie release date

The release date for the film “Alien: Awakening” is 2019-2020. There are no specific data regarding the release of a new chapter in the Alien film series yet.

I would like to believe that this part of the movie franchise will be much more informative and, finally, will shed light on that same ill-fated act of the Engineers. It will be scary, it will be interesting, it will be beautiful. We are looking forward to "Awakening" in the Alien film series, for which fans have high hopes.

Trailer The film "Alien: Awakening" is expected in the near future, but for now let's look at the video from fans: