Alexander Petrov in his parents' apartment. Alexander Petrov: revelations on Instagram

Actor Alexander Petrov’s mother, Alevtina Anatolyevna, admitted that she dreamed of having a girl, but quickly agreed to have a son, especially since he grew up independent and capable.

Naturally, at the very beginning I would like to ask you about Sasha’s childhood.

Sasha is my second child, and he was born six years after his sister Katya. I’ll say right away: I really wanted another girl to be born. I even came up with a name - Tanechka. However, on January 25, Tatiana’s day, Sasha was born.

When I found out it was a boy, I cried. I was depressed for several days. But when the doctors, having mixed up, on the first day brought me someone else’s child to feed, I felt it and even screamed in a voice that was not my own: “Give me mine!”

When we were discharged home, I was still crying - I wanted a girl so much. And then I suddenly thought: “My son was born! I already have a daughter, and now I also have a son. Isn’t this joy?”

Compared to his sister, Sasha turned out to be very calm and attached to me. I often left my daughter with my grandmother, but my son never left my side. My friends even laughed: “Sasha, go play in the sandbox with the guys, why are you still sitting next to your mother?”

Has his affection for you remained the same as he grew older?

Yes, but it grew into concern. At the age of five he began going to the store. We gave him money and he bought milk. I remember one day he left and didn’t return for a long time. I waited, then dropped everything and went to look for him.

I go into the store and ask the salespeople - yes, they say your boy came in. I went to a nearby store... In the end I found it. It turned out that one store had run out of milk and he looked for it until he bought it.

Mother of actor Alexander Petrov Alevtina Anatolyevna

Did Sasha help you around the house?

Around the house too. His dad and I didn't want him to grow up a slacker. Therefore, already in early age he had simple household duties. Sasha was doing the cleaning.

His father taught him to do some men's things - together they made something at the dacha. I always instilled in my son that he should be responsive, not ignore someone else’s misfortune, and be sure to help. He grew up kind and polite.

For example, when he, as a little boy, was getting ready to go to bed, he carefully folded his clothes on a high chair and wished everyone Good night and only after that did he go to bed. At one time he lived in our passage room, then we thought that he was uncomfortable there and moved him to his sister’s room, and Katya moved to Sasha’s room.

Katya wasn't offended?

Not at all.

How was his relationship with his sister?

They were always very trusting. But, of course, conflicts occurred. The Internet appeared in our house when Sasha was still little. Katya turned to Sasha for help so that he could show her how to use it; he understood this better than her.

And Sasha could say in his hearts: “Well, you’re stupid, Katka!” – but still helped. And it still helps.

Did Sasha really not allow himself to be hooligan?

At first, no. He has good company too. They often went on hikes with the class. But if they went on a hike, then my dad and I drove 20–30 km by car and watched how he behaved there. He started acting out when he was in fifth grade. I didn't want to study. But I didn’t let him relax too much; I’m a vigilant mother.

When did his creative abilities begin to manifest?

At school - 5th, 6th, 7th grades. Katya’s friends often visited us, Sasha came after lessons and started making them laugh, telling them all sorts of things. school stories, depicted teachers, students...

Graduation in kindergarten, 1995

Did Sasha’s friends come to see him?

Certainly. Especially for birthdays. It was always a lot of fun: balls, competitions, attractions. He was never reserved, he always easily found mutual language, liked the teachers.

When Sasha left his native Pereslavl-Zalessky for Moscow, was the house empty?

Of course, friends began to come less often, but Sasha often invited classmates to visit us in Pereslavl-Zalessky. I'm all his comrades theater institute liked it. I myself often visited him in Moscow. Especially when he and a classmate began renting an apartment.

I took a vacuum cleaner with me, helped them clean, and brought flowers to their house. My husband and I wanted our son to have cleanliness and comfort even in this rented apartment. That’s why we bought curtains, runners, dishes, and everything we needed for this apartment.

There was even a case: when we arrived, Sasha was not at home, and neither was the neighbor. We cleaned up, prepared food, but the guys never returned. And we went home.

You were probably terribly worried when he passed entrance exams in Moscow?

How else? I am a suspicious mother. And when Sasha went to Moscow to submit documents, she was very worried. In addition, that day he had a cold, with a temperature of 40°. He didn’t tell me anything then, he only admitted it later, but I felt it myself.

At the same time, I always believed in Sasha. I knew he was special, he had talent. In high school, he already performed a lot in our city, hosted holidays, and he did it well.

Nevertheless, Sasha first went to study as an economist?

Yes, but I didn’t study there for long. After the first year, I became interested in KVN and began playing in the theater-studio "Entreprise". And he quickly realized that studying economics was not for him. I soon realized this too. Later he entered GITIS. Tours appeared in his life, and I began to miss him very much. I spend a lot of money on the phone, but I still call him.

Are you still taking care of Sasha now?

Now he’s no longer there, he’s independent for me – he does everything himself.

Sasha starred in the series on the STS channel "While the Fern is Blooming" and in the feature film "The Habit of Breaking Up", which will be released in the fall. How did your family and friends perceive its success?

Differently. In general, I try not to tell or prove anything to anyone; I prefer to avoid this topic when communicating with people. I think that among our friends there are those who believe that Sasha entered the institute for a bribe and did not achieve anything at all.

Let them think what they want. I and the people close to Sasha know what kind of person he really is, we appreciate his abilities and want him to remain as kind and - most importantly - healthy.

Has your relationship changed since Sasha started living separately?

I am pleased that my son shares everything with me. It was always like this: no matter what happened at school, in the company of friends, he always told me about it. He even said about his first love. Sasha was 14 years old at the time; he started dating a girl from school.

Many people think that 14 years is too early for any relationship, but I think there is nothing wrong with that. The girl he met was very nice, and that’s the main thing. Modest, shy, I remember that at first I was even afraid to go into the apartment.

Are loyalty and affection your family traits? You, too, have been together with Sasha’s father for many years.

We met 32 ​​years ago and have been together for 31 years. We met at a pioneer camp where we worked as counselors. We boarded the buses that were supposed to take us to the camp, exchanged glances, and I immediately realized that this was my future husband.

And so it happened. Although there was no marriage in my plans at that time. I had just graduated from medical school, I wanted romance, I was going to leave for BAM. And after this meeting on the bus, plans changed. We met in the summer and got married in January.

How did you manage to be together for so long?

We're not bored together. Last year my husband was hospitalized and this was our first separation. But I can’t go a day without him.

In general, has your life changed in any way after an artist appeared in your family?

I have acquired various new hobbies. For example, I suddenly started reading magazines about the lives of stars - it turned into my hobby. Although Sasha tells me that I don’t need to read all this, I’m still following it. When the fire happened at GITIS, I found out about it before my son.

Then I read that Oleg Menshikov, artistic director Theater named after Ermolova, where my son serves, suffered a hypertensive crisis. I asked Sasha how he was feeling, and Sasha said: “Mom, that’s not true, he’s just overtired.”


At home, the actor had an atmosphere of love and care. The parents instilled in the boy how important it is to always stay a good man, react to someone else’s misfortune and not be indifferent.

ABOUT theater stage Alexander never dreamed, because there were no actors in the Petrovs’ house. Like most boys in school years was fond of football. “I definitely didn’t dream of the stage since childhood, I was a normal street guy,” Sasha comments on his childhood years. There was some success in sports, so the boy dreamed of big football for a long time. But these dreams, alas, was not destined to come true due to a serious concussion. Alexander was forced to leave the football team.

Family and friends always noticed that Alexander likes to be the center of attention, he has a great sense of humor and a love for noisy companies. This began to manifest itself especially clearly at the institute.

Studying at a university

Alexander's dreams of a football career are a thing of the past, and the guy enters Pereslavl University. A.K. Ailamazyan at the IPS RAS at the Faculty of Economics. However, the young man he soon realizes that boring numbers and ponderous economic theories are not his path at all.

He finds an outlet in student KVN and university performances. The theater studio "Entreprise" becomes his second home. As a member of the troupe, Alexander attends the theater festival in Samara region, where GITIS teachers give master classes.

Meeting famous teachers theater university country becomes a turning point in the life of the future actor. He decides to leave the economics department and try your luck in the capital.

Moscow and the beginning of a career

Natural talent does not go unnoticed, and the very first attempt to enter GITIS ends in success! He enrolls in the 2008 course under the guidance of L.E. Heifetz. Sophomore Alexander’s film debut was an episodic appearance in the TV series “Voices.”

In 2012, the actor received a diploma vocational education. As a person who showed himself well even during his studies, Alexander is in great demand. Directors of famous Moscow theaters entrust him with leading roles on their stages - Alexander Kalyagin invites Sasha to the Et cetera theater, and Oleg Menshikov to the theater named after. Ermolova.

In addition to the theater, Petrov shows interest in cinema and TV series, where he is actively being invited. At first these were small roles, often episodic. But what more of an actor appears on the screen, the more willingly famous masters invite him to more serious and responsible positions.

Regarding filming in TV series, the actor noted the following: “At the institute, I remember, no matter who you ask, everyone said that they would act in films of directors of the level of Fellini and Tarkovsky, no series, only films for a narrow circle of connoisseurs. I was like that too, but this, of course, was youthful maximalism. We have to play different things." The first serious work on big screen for Alexander Petrov was the series “While the Fern Blooms.” Later, director Sergei Mayorov compared him in terms of type and strength of acting talent with such artists as Evgeny Mironov, Boris Plotnikov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky.

Further more! Projects on TNT, filming in the series “Method”, appearance in the show “Dancing with the Stars”, series “Farza” and much more. 2017 was especially rich in films with the participation of Alexander Petrov. Among them it is worth noting:

  • Series on STS “You all piss me off”
  • "Eclipse" by Artem Aksenenko
  • “Attraction” by Fyodor Bondarchuk
  • Historical drama "Mata Hari"
  • Mysterious thriller “Gogol. Start".

Without pretense, we can safely say that the actor looks very attractive. Blonde hair and bright Blue eyes coupled with the correct facial features melted the hearts of many Russian women. Playing sports in his youth was not in vain, because Alexander is quite well built. With a height of 174 cm, he weighs 75 kg, which allows him to look fit and energetic on camera and at social events.

Many fans are interested in the question, what is Alexander Petrov really like outside the camera? The actor speaks about himself without embellishment: “I a common person. I don't try to be like anyone. I'm just who I am."

Alexander Petrov photo

Appreciate the actor's appearance, whom fans nicknamed the Russian Brad Pitt, can be seen by looking at these photographs from numerous photo shoots.

Alexander Petrov personal life

School love Dasha

Like his hero from the t/s “Hugging the Sky,” Alexander Petrov from school was faithful to only one girl. It is known that he met his first love in his native Pereslavl-Zalessky. For a long time, fans could not find out the girl’s name and her exact status in relation to the young man, and made numerous guesses . The actor's lover turned out to be Daria, with whom he dated for 10 years and even moved her to Moscow when his career took off in the capital.

Alexander Petrov and Irina Starshenbaum

Sasha’s filming in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s blockbuster “Attraction” became fatal for the couple. Alexander was attracted not only by the tempting role, but also by his partner in the film, Irina Starshenbaum. It was for her that the artist abandoned his school love. For a long time neither Irina nor Alexander gave official confirmation to your relationships. But cunning paparazzi and curious fans quickly figured out the fact that the actors were together.

Rumors about Starshenbaum’s pregnancy have been circulating online for a long time.. Someone even saw a rounded tummy in the photographs of Ira in loose clothes. However, time has shown that this was nothing more than gossip. Alexander and Irina do not have a child.

Now the actors appear together at social events and publish romantic photos on social networks, without hiding their love. There is even talk about weddings and meeting parents! But neither Alexander Petrov nor Irina Starshenbaum still want to advertise family matters too much. Let's hope this beautiful couple has an equally beautiful future.

Friends and family of the actor

If we talk about Petrov’s personal life out of context love relationship, it is known that he maintains friendly relations with many actors younger generation. Alexander's faithful friend is his classmate from the time of GITIS, Alexander Pal - another young domestic actor who is predicted to have a great future.

Free time from work Alexander Petrov he tries to dedicate to his family and friends - whenever possible, he comes home to his native Pereslavl, helps his parents support their business, enjoys meeting old friends and spending time with his beloved sister Katya.

Let's hope that Alexander Petrov will continue to delight film and theater lovers interesting roles and talented performance!

Alexander Petrov

FULL NAME: Petrov Alexander Andreevich

DATE OF BIRTH: 01/25/1989 (Aquarius)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl region


HAIR COLOR: fair-haired

FAMILY STATUS: not married

FAMILY: Parents: Andrey Petrov, Alevtina Petrova

HEIGHT: 175 cm



Russian theater and film actor. Parents of the star - simple people, whose lives are not connected with cinema. Talent and craving for creativity appeared in the fifth grade, when future actor He performed humorous performances in front of his older sister’s friends. The guy channeled his irrepressible energy into sports, taking up football. He played so well that he was invited to show his skills in the capital. Unfortunately, all hopes for a sports future were dashed by an injury - a serious concussion during an accident. After graduating from school, Alexander entered the economics department of a local university. After his first year, Alexander Petrov became interested in participating in KVN, and only when he started playing in student theater"Enterprise", all doubts about vocation young man disappeared. The final decision to leave the university was made when life path GITIS teachers met the young man. After attending their master classes, Petrov realized that he wanted to connect his life with theater and cinema. His first attempt to become a student at GITIS was crowned with success. Alexander moved to the capital. Already in his second year, Alexander Petrov played cameo role parkour artist in the TV series “Voices”. Two years later, the actor managed to work with the director of “The Turkish Gambit” Janik Fayziev as part of the filming of the film “August. Eighth." During the same period, Sasha played his first leading role in fantasy series“While the Fern Blooms,” which was warmly received by the audience. Since then career young artist began to advance by leaps and bounds: he collaborated with venerable artists, his fans became more and more, and his roles became larger and more diverse. In 2016, the premiere of the series “Policeman from Rublyovka” took place, in which Alexander Petrov played the main role. In August 2017, the series “Gogol” was released. young director Egor Baranov, where Petrov plays the main role of the young Nikolai Gogol.
Little is known about the personal life of Alexander Petrov - the actor avoided this topic in all interviews, declaring that he perfectly understands what he wants from life, and is not going to start a family until he achieves all his goals. For a long time on the actor’s personal page in social network The Facebook status was “Dating”. For more than ten years, the actor dated a school friend named Daria. In the press, Alexander was called a monogamous man and set him up as an example to other representatives of show business, like changing partners with gloves. But in 2016 it became known that Alexander Petrov became interested in Irina Starshenbaum, his partner in film set fantastic film "Attraction".

Alexander was born in the small picturesque and ancient city of Pereslavl-Zalessky in the most ordinary family, not related to acting profession. The boy grew up surrounded by love and care, was strongly attached to his mother, however, this did not turn him into mama's boy- Alexander grew up purposeful, ambitious and confident in his abilities. Since childhood, the future actor did not dream of the stage; his goal was football, to which he dedicated most time. At the age of 9, Petrov’s parents sent him to the football section. Almost at the same time, a creative streak awoke in the guy: he performed humorous performances in front of his older sister’s friends. In addition, Petrov adored being the center of attention and always chose noisy companies for parties.

At the age of 15, Alexander was invited to train in Moscow - he turned out to be such a talented football player. The whole family was happy about such successes, reacted positively to the news and prepared the guy to leave. However, all plans were ruined by an injury... The young man was given the task of moving bricks, but he did not calculate his strength, lifted more than required, as a result of which they fell, and Alexander received a serious head injury. At the insistence of doctors, I had to forget about sports.

After receiving the certificate, Alexander Petrov entered one of the local faculties, the Faculty of Economics. After several months of grueling classes and lectures, the guy realized that he was most attracted to KVN and student activists, including theater. During theater festival and participation in master classes professional teachers Alexander finally decided that he would become an actor. Having dropped out of university in his second year, Petrov went to Moscow and without any problems entered the RATI-GITIS directing department, from which he graduated in 2012.

Alexander Petrov began acting in films from the beginning of his studies. So, at first he participated in studio productions, and in his second year he made his debut in the television series “Voices”, playing in two episodes. While studying at GITIS, the actor appeared on the big screen quite rarely, and after graduating from university he also did not call great interest for cinema. But the guy was fascinated by the theater - he played in the Et cetera theater, where he was noticed by Oleg Menshikov, who became a “pass ticket” to best paintings and productions.

In 2012, Alexander Petrov appeared in three significant paintings: “While the fern is blooming”, “Abkhazian fairy tale” and “August. Eighth." This marked the beginning of a great acting career.

In 2013, Alexander appeared in ten projects at once, but the most notable in his career during this time was the melodrama “Hugging the Sky.” A year later, the actor starred in the films “Fridge”, “Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure” and “Crime in Focus”, and in 2015 he was involved in seven films. In 2016 he starred in leading role series “Policeman from Rublyovka”, where Alexander Petrov got the image of the ungodly policeman Grisha Izmailov. In 2018, viewers saw the third season of their favorite series; it is planned to be released in 2019 fourth season. Also in production stage feature film“A policeman from Rublyovka. New Year's chaos."

In 2016, Alexander Petrov took part in the tenth season entertainment project“Dancing with the Stars” paired with Anastasia Antelava. The most significant films in the actor’s career are considered to be the films “Attraction” and a series of films about Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Already in August 2018, the third part about the great writer “” will be released.

Personal life of Alexander Petrov

Not much is known about the actor’s personal life. For more than 10 years, Alexander dated a girl named Daria Emelyanova ( school love). The relationship ended, and Petrov turned his attention to the young actress Irina Starshenbaum, whom he met on the set of the film “Attraction.” The young people are still dating, they are not in a hurry to get married, they dedicate nice words to each other on their pages on social networks and regularly attend social events together.

For several years now, Alexander Petrov has been labeled a sex symbol. The actor himself has admitted more than once that he does not consider himself a macho. Petrov became a favorite of women after the series “Policeman from Rublyovka”, and the male half joined the actor’s fan club after the release of the film “Attraction” and the series “Method” on Channel One.

Biography of Alexander Petrov

Alexander Petrov was born on Tatiana's day. The doctors accurately indicated the date, but they made a mistake with the gender. They were waiting for a girl whose name they came up with - Tanechka. A strong and charming boy, Sasha, was born. He immediately won the sympathy of all family members: mom, dad and older sister Katya. Alexander Petrov grew up in an atmosphere of love and harmony. They always baked blueberry pies for dinner, celebrated holidays noisily, and watched TV series in the evenings. Later, having moved to live in the capital, Sasha recalled that he missed this quiet and comfortable life that took place in the ancient Russian town of Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl region.

All photos 10

Sasha began to show creative abilities in the fifth grade: his classmates always applauded when Alexander read poetry. Petrov often staged original humorous shows for his older sister’s girlfriends. Then Sasha didn’t think about his theatrical future; he dreamed of football. Petrov served big hopes. At the age of 15, Sasha planned to continue sports career already in the capital, but in the end the Russian national football team lost an excellent player due to a fatal mistake by the builders. During summer school practice, a mountain of bricks literally fell on Sasha’s head. The guy spent several days in the hospital with serious injuries. Upon discharge, I received a verdict from the doctors: you can forget about big-time football. Sasha had no idea what to do next, oh future profession I didn’t think about it, I chose what I heard. So Petrov became a student at the Faculty of Economics. Sasha ran away from lectures to theater studio"Enterprises". Its director, Veronika Alekseevna Ivanenko, convinced Alexander that he had incredible talent and his place at GITIS. It was like nothing: in 2008, Petrov entered the RATI on the course of Leonid Kheifetz on his first try. At the institute, Petrov thought about how to stay in Moscow. The guy from ordinary family there was no reliable parental support. Sasha clung to all offers and roles. In 2012, Petrov had just received his diploma, but had already played leading roles in the TV series “While the Fern Blooms” and war drama"August. Eighth." The directors filled the young and talented guy with scripts. Producer Sergei Mayorov even loudly announced that a new Smoktunovsky had appeared.

Sasha's theater career is also successful. First, the GITIS graduate moved to the Et Cetera theater troupe, where Petrov brilliantly played Gratiano in the play “Shylock.” Exactly a year later, Oleg Menshikov lured the actor to his place. On the day of his 24th birthday, Petrov was enrolled in the troupe of the theater. Ermolova. Here Sasha was offered the role of Hamlet.

Every year Petrov’s rating is growing at incredible speed. The actor gained popular love for his role as the charming cynic Grisha Izmailov in the TV series “Policeman from Rublyovka.” “I didn’t have comedic roles before this project,” the actor admitted. – Everything I played was very dramatic and serious. It's great that not a single one is mine screen image not similar to the previous one. This way I will be interesting to the audience. Of course, for myself too.”

And in 2017, Petrov already took aim at Gogol. The director of the sensational film about the mystical writer Yegor Baranov offered Petrov the role of Nikolai Vasilyevich for the sake of experiment.

“I took the camera and we went to film on the streets of St. Petersburg. We liked the result,” recalls Baranov. – The only question that remained was the similarity, so in Moscow we tried other actors. And still they returned to Sasha. They gave him plastic make-up, but it was very disturbing - we had to abandon it. But, in my opinion, " wax figure“kills the actor’s charisma and live emotions on his face.”

After such films as “Gravity” and “Ice” were released, film critics and journalists began to predict Alexander Petrov the role of the main domestic star.

Personal life of Alexander Petrov

Petrov dated a girl named Daria for ten years. They met in Pereslavl-Zalessky. And when Petrov entered GITIS, Dasha followed her beloved to the capital. All the handsome man’s fans bit their elbows - it seems that nothing can destroy such a strong and strong union: if Petrov is not on set, then he is with a girl - photos on social networks testified to this.

But no matter how it is, in 2016 it became known that Petrov had left his lover... for 24-year-old actress Irina Starshenbaum. It was she who inspired Petrov to make his directorial debut. Petrov created a unique one-man show #BE BORN. The production was based on poems written by the actor. Their main character, performed by Petrov, reads from the stage to the music of the Ocean Jet group, and a live camera records his every movement. The “lyrical inspiration” for Petrov was Irina Starshenbaum, whom the actor began dating on the set of the film “Attraction.” Irina appears in the production as main character, but only on screens. “I was happy as an actress, working with director Alexander Petrov on the video clips that were included in the play. He knows me very well. And now I understand actresses who act only with their director husbands. This is pampering and flying. You understand 100% what he needs from you in the frame,” says Irina Starshenbaum. – If you feel that your man brings light and truth, then you need to hold on to him. I’m very lucky with Sasha, he doesn’t let me get sad and behaves very like a man.”

Poems written for the production, stories and interviews resulted in a full-fledged book - Sasha Petrov’s first collection “#BE BIRTH. Incredible story love”, which included the actor’s thoughts and revelations.