And Dallas. Allen Dulles' Report on the "Plan for the Destruction of the USSR (Russia)"

On days of celebration Great Victory One cannot help but recall the women warriors who fought side by side alongside men and were almost in no way inferior to them.

46th Guards Taman Red Banner Order of Suvorov 3rd degree night bomber aviation regiment (46th Guards nbap) - women's aviation regiment as part of the USSR Air Force during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War.

The aviation regiment was formed in October 1941 by order of the USSR NKO No. 0099 dated 10/08/41 “On the formation of women’s aviation regiments of the Red Army Air Force.” The formation was led by Marina Raskova. Evdokia Bershanskaya, a pilot with ten years of experience, was appointed commander of the regiment. Under her command the regiment fought until the end of the war. Sometimes they jokingly called it: “Dunkin’s Regiment,” with a hint of completely female cast and justifying himself in the name of the regiment commander.

The party and political leadership of the regiment was headed by Maria Runt. For some time, Maria Alexandrovna Fortus was the chief of staff of the regiment.

The formation, training and coordination of the regiment was carried out in the city of Engels. The air regiment differed from other formations in that it was entirely female. Created under the same order, two other women's air regiments became mixed during the war, but the 588th Air Regiment remained entirely female until its disbandment: only women occupied all positions in the regiment, from mechanics and technicians to navigators and pilots.

Commander of the women's air regiment E.D. Bershanskaya sets a combat mission for her pilots

On May 23, 1942, the regiment flew to the front, where it arrived on May 27. Then its number was 115 people - the majority were aged from 17 to 22 years. The regiment became part of the 218th Night Bomber Division. The first combat flight took place on June 12, 1942. Then it was the territory of the Salsky steppes. It was then that the regiment suffered its first losses.

Flight personnel of the regiment. Assinovskaya 1942.

Until August 1942, the regiment fought on the Mius and Don rivers and in the suburbs of Stavropol. From August to December 1942, the regiment took part in the defense of Vladikavkaz. In January 1943, the regiment took part in breaking through enemy defensive lines.

Faithful friends of T. Makarov and V. Belik. Assinovskaya 1942

By order of the USSR NKO No. 64 of February 8, 1943, for the courage and heroism of the personnel shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, the regiment was awarded the honorary title “Guards” and it was transformed into the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment.

Presentation of the Guards Banner to the regiment. June 10, 1943. Ivanovskaya.

During the war, the pilots of the 46th Guards Night Light Bomber Aviation Regiment traveled a glorious battle path from the Caucasus Mountains to Nazi Germany. The regiment's crews took to the skies 23,672 times and dropped almost three million kilograms of bombs on the enemy! For their fearlessness and skill, the Germans nicknamed the regiment's pilots “night witches.”

A group of female pilots of the 46th Guards Regiment. Kuban, 1943.

From March to September 1943, the regiment's pilots took part in breaking through the Blue Line defenses on the Taman Peninsula and liberating Novorossiysk. From November 1943 to 1944, the regiment supported the landings on the Kerch Peninsula (including the famous Eltigen), the liberation of the Crimean Peninsula and Sevastopol.

Pilots at the front-line dugout in Gelendzhik.
Vera Belik and Ira Sebrova are sitting, Nadezhda Popova is standing.

There were no men in the 46th Guards; all its soldiers - from pilots and navigators to technicians - were women. Yesterday's students, students of flying clubs, factory workers. Young, fragile, at the call of their hearts, they joined the military ranks and walked the difficult road of war with honor until the great Victory Day. 23 of them were awarded the title of hero Soviet Union. Among them are Marina Raskova, Vera Belik, Tatyana Makarova, Evgenia Rudneva, Marina Chechneva, Olga Sanfirova, Marina Smirnova, Nadezhda Popova.

Navigators. R. Gasheva, N. Meklin are sitting. Standing N. Ulyanenko, Kh. Dospanova, E. Ryabova, T. Sumarokova. Autumn 1942. Assinovskaya.

The 46th Aviation Regiment flew U-2 (Po-2) light night bombers. The girls affectionately called their cars “swallows,” but their widely known name is “Heavenly Slug.” Plywood airplane at low speed. Every flight on the Po-2 was fraught with danger. But neither enemy fighters nor anti-aircraft fire that met the “swallows” on the way could stop their flight to the target.

“Our training aircraft was not created for military operations. A wooden biplane with two open cockpits, located one behind the other, and dual controls - for the pilot and navigator. (Before the war, pilots were trained on these machines). Without radio communications and armored backs that could protect the crew from bullets, with a low-power engine that could reach a maximum speed of 120 km/h.

The plane did not have a bomb bay; bombs were hung in bomb racks directly under the plane of the plane. There were no sights, we created them ourselves and called them PPR (simpler than a steamed turnip). The amount of bomb cargo varied from 100 to 300 kg. On average we took 150-200 kg. But during the night the plane managed to make several sorties, and the total bomb load was comparable to the load of a large bomber.” - Rakobolskaya I.V., Kravtsova N.F. “We were called night witches.”

T. Sumarokova, G. Bespalova, N. Meklin, E. Ryabova, M. Smirnova, T. Makarova, M. Chechneva.

The controls were dual: the plane could be controlled by both the pilot and the navigator. There were cases when navigators brought planes to the base and landed them after the pilot died. Until August 1943, female pilots did not take parachutes with them, preferring to take another 20 kg of bombs instead. Machine guns on airplanes also appeared only in 1944. Before this, the only weapons on board were TT pistols.

S. Amosova and T. Alekseeva

We had to fly at an altitude of 400-500 meters. Under these conditions, it was easy to shoot down slow-moving Po-2s simply with a heavy machine gun. And often planes returned from flights with riddled surfaces. Technicians patched them up hastily, and later the wings of many cars began to look like patchwork quilts. In order not to expose the airfield, technicians had to work in complete darkness, in any weather, in the open air.

The division commander presents the military order to navigator N. Reutskaya. 1944

The girls worked simply miracles, as it was often necessary to return a crippled car to operation within a seemingly impossible time frame. Technicians and mechanics - Galya Korsun, Katya Broiko, Anya Sherstneva, Masha Shchelkanova and others - laid the foundation for military success in the sky with their work on earth.

Technical composition of the regiment. 1943

One day, two pilots returned from a mission in a completely destroyed plane: as soon as their “swallow” reached the airfield?.. Thirty holes, the landing gear was broken, the center section and fuselage were damaged. The friends were sure that they would have to be horseless for three days. But imagine their surprise when the plane was restored in 10 hours!

Before flights. A meteorologist reports to the regiment's flight crew about the weather. Peresyp. Spring 1944.

Our little Po-2s gave the Germans no rest. In any weather, they appeared over enemy positions at low altitudes and bombed them. The girls had to make 8-9 flights per night. But there were nights when they received the task: to bomb “to the maximum.” This meant that there should be as many sorties as possible.

Vera Khurtina, Tanya Osokina, Lena Nikitina, Tonya Rozova, Shura Popova, Masha Rukavitsyna. 1944-45.

And then their number reached 16-18 in one night, as was the case on the Oder. The breaks between flights were 5-8 minutes. The female pilots were literally taken out of the cockpits and carried in their arms - they fell off their feet. During interrogation, one captured German officer complained that the “Russfaner” did not give them rest at night and called our pilots “night witches” because of which they could not sleep.

For flights. N. Studilina, N. Khudyakova, N. Popova, N. Meklin, J. Glamazdina,?, S. Akimova

We had to fly mostly at night, approaching the target with the engine turned off. These were dangerous flights in the night sky, cut by the blades of searchlights, pierced by tracer shells. These were risk and courage, overcoming one’s own weakness and fear, an indispensable will to win. Each flight was difficult for them in its own way, and therefore memorable. But among them there were those that are especially remembered, those when minutes are worth weeks and months of life, flights after which the first gray hair appears.

Pilots Tonya Rozova, Sonya Vodyanik and Lida Golubeva before a combat flight.

The regiment's combat losses amounted to 32 people. Despite the fact that the pilots died behind the front line, not one of them is considered missing. After the war, regimental commissar Evdokia Yakovlevna Rachkevich, using money collected by the entire regiment, traveled to all the places where planes had crashed and found the graves of all those killed.

Seated from left to right: pilot Anya Vysotskaya, photojournalist for Ogonyok magazine Boris Tseytlin, navigator Irina Kashirina, squadron commander Marina Chechneva; standing: squadron navigator and adjutant Maria Olkhovskaya and flight navigator Olga Klyueva. A few days before the death of Anya and Irina. July 1943 Kuban.Ivanovskaya.

However, in addition to combat, there were others. So, on August 22, 1943, the regiment’s communications chief, Valentina Stupina, died of tuberculosis in the hospital. And on April 10, 1943, already at the airfield after the next flight, 3 girls died: one plane, landing in the dark, landed directly on another, which had just landed. Crews died even before they were sent to the front, in accidents during training.

The crew of a combat aircraft

Since May 15, 1944, it was part of the 325th Night Bomber Division. In June-July 1944, the regiment fought in Belarus, helping to liberate Mogilev, Cherven, Minsk, and Bialystok. Since August 1944, the regiment operated in Poland, participating in the liberation of Augustiv, Warsaw, and Ostroleka. During the liberation of Crimea in May 1944, the regiment was temporarily part of the 2nd Guards Night Bomber Air Division.

Heavenly slug over the defeated Reichstag.

In January 1945, the regiment fought in East Prussia. In March 1945, guardsmen of the regiment took part in the liberation of Gdynia and Gdansk. In April 1945 and until the end of the war, the regiment helped break through enemy defenses on the Oder. During three years of fighting, the regiment never left for reorganization. On October 15, 1945, the regiment was disbanded, and most of the female pilots were demobilized.

Natalia Meklin (right, 980 combat missions) and Rufina Gasheva (left, 848 combat missions).
The photo was taken after the victory.

According to incomplete data, the regiment destroyed and damaged 17 crossings, 9 railway trains, 2 railway stations, 46 warehouses, 12 fuel tanks, 1 aircraft, 2 barges, 76 cars, 86 firing points, 11 searchlights. Now, looking back, it is difficult to imagine that these young, fragile girls brought down a deadly load on the enemy and destroyed the fascists with targeted fire. Each flight was an exam - a test of flying skill, courage, resourcefulness, and endurance. They passed it with "excellent" marks.

“Group portrait of heroine pilots of the 46th Aviation Regiment.” 1985 Sergey Bocharov.

The Germans called them “night witches”, and Marshal Rokossovsky called them legends. The marshal was confident that the pilots would reach Berlin, and he turned out to be right. Slow night bombers PO-2 “night witches” bombed the Germans, regardless of weather conditions and all air defense systems, and a woman was invariably at the helm. About the most effective aces of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment - in the material “Defend Russia”.

Irina Sebrova, Natalia Meklin, Evgenia Zhigulenko. They served in the legendary women's air regiment of Marina Raskova (46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment), and their front-line biographies are in many ways similar. Each of them was passionate about aviation and from the first days of the Great Patriotic War strove to go to the front; each had three years of war and a journey from the Caucasus to Germany. The pilots even received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on the same day - February 23, 1945.

But at the same time, the exploits of the “night witches” are unique - the bombers accounted for about 1000 sorties and tens of tons of bombs dropped on enemy positions. And this was on wooden PO-2 biplanes, which were not created for military purposes and could do little to answer the German air defense forces!

“Without radio communications and armored backs capable of protecting the crew from bullets, with a low-power engine that could reach a maximum speed of 120 km/h. (...) the bombs were hung in bomb racks directly under the plane of the plane,” pilot Natalya Kravtsova (Mecklin) recalled after the war.

Irina Sebrova, 1004 combat missions

“Ira Sebrova made the most sorties in the regiment - 1004, it’s scary to even say. I think that in the whole world you won’t find a pilot with so many combat missions,” wrote fellow pilots Irina Rakobolskaya and Natalya Kravtsova (Mecklin) in the book “We were called night witches.”

Irina was one of the first who turned to Marina Raskova with a request to enroll her in the emerging women's air regiment. And the girl had arguments - even then, in October 1941, Sebrova was an experienced pilot: she graduated from the Moscow flying club, worked as an instructor and graduated several groups of cadets before the war.

The battles in the Donbass region in May 1942 became a baptism of fire for the bombers. Using PO-2 light bombers, regardless of the weather, they made several sorties per night. This is how Irina’s everyday life at the front passed, this is how she gained experience.

“She loves flying, she is attentive when flying, self-possessed, demanding of herself, disciplined,” Sebrova’s description said.

It soon became clear that there were no impossible tasks for the girl: continuous fog, rain, lack of visibility, mountains, enemy searchlights and anti-aircraft guns - she did not care about any difficulties.

Over Donbass, Novorossiysk and Eltigen, in Belarus, Poland and Germany, Sebrova raised her plane against the enemy. During the war years, she rose to the rank of guard senior lieutenant and went from a simple pilot to a flight commander. She was awarded three times the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star and the Patriotic War, 2nd degree, and many medals, including “For the Defense of the Caucasus.”

The pilot received the Order of Lenin and the gold Star of Hero on February 23, 1945 for 792 combat missions. There were less than three months left until the end of the war and the brilliant result of 1000 sorties (1000-1008 - the number varies depending on the source; 1000 is indicated in the submission to the Order of the Red Banner dated June 15, 1945...

Natalya Meklin (Kravtsova), 980 combat missions

Natalia grew up in Ukraine, in Kyiv and Kharkov. There she graduated from school and the flying club, and in 1941 she moved to Moscow and entered the Moscow Aviation Institute.

The war began, and the girl, along with other students, went to build defensive fortifications near Bryansk. Returning to the capital, she enrolled, like other future “night witches,” in Marina Raskova’s women’s aviation unit, graduated from the Engels Military Pilot School, and in May 1942 went to the front.

She was a navigator, and later retrained as a pilot. She made her first flights as a pilot in the skies over Taman. The situation at the front was difficult, German forces desperately resisted the Soviet offensive, and the air defense on the occupied lines was saturated to the limit. In such conditions, Natalya became a real ace: she learned to steer the plane away from enemy searchlights and anti-aircraft guns, and escape unharmed from German night fighters.

Together with the regiment, guard flight commander Lieutenant Natalya Meklin traveled a three-year journey, from Terek to Berlin, completing 980 sorties. In February 1945, she became a Hero of the Soviet Union.

He is a brave and fearless pilot. He devotes all his strength, all his combat skill to completing combat missions,” says the presentation to main award countries. “Her combat work serves as a model for all personnel.

After the war, Natalya Kravtsova (husband's last name) wrote novels and short stories about the Great Patriotic War. Most famous book- “We were called night witches. This is how the women’s 46th Guards Night Bomber Regiment fought,” was written jointly with her front-line friend Irina Rakobolskaya.

Evgenia Zhigulenko, 968 combat missions

“The Germans called us ‘night witches,’ and the witches were only between 15 and 27 years old,” Evgenia Zhigulenko wrote in her memoirs.

She was 21 years old when in May 1942 she went to the front in the 46th night bomber air regiment formed by Marina Raskova.

She made her first combat missions in the skies over Donbass as a navigator, working with Polina Makogon. Already in October 1942, for 141 night flights on a PO-2 aircraft, she received her first award - the Order of the Red Banner. The submission said: “Comrade. Zhigulenko is the best marksman-bombardier of the regiment.”

Soon, having gained experience, Zhigulenko herself moved into the cockpit and became one of the most effective pilots in the regiment.

In November of the 44th Guards, Lieutenant Evgenia Zhigulenko was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The pilot’s combat description noted “high combat skill, perseverance and courage,” and described 10 episodes of dangerous, but always effective sorties.

“...When my combat missions began as a pilot, I stood first in the ranks as the tallest in height and, taking advantage of this, managed to be the first to reach the plane and the first to fly out on a combat mission. Usually during the night she managed to complete one more flight than other pilots. So thanks to your long legs I became a Hero of the Soviet Union,” Zhigulenko joked.

In just three front-line years, the pilot made 968 missions, dropping about 200 tons of bombs on the Nazis!

After the war, Evgenia Zhigulenko devoted herself to cinema. In the late 70s she graduated from the All-Union state institute cinematography, made films. One of them, “Night Witches in the Sky,” is dedicated to the combat activities of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment.

“American doctrine of the struggle against the USSR,” 1945.
Allen Dallas

“The war will end, everything will work out somehow and we will throw everything we have, all the gold, all the material power, into fooling and fooling people. The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and make them believe in these values.
How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies and helpers in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out. Literature, theater, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the most base human feelings. We will support in every possible way everyone who will plant in human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in short, all kinds of immorality.

We will create chaos and confusion in government. We will quietly, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, and unscrupulousness. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, betrayal, nationalism and enmity need to be instilled into people's consciousness. And only a few, very few, will guess what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, we will turn them into a laughing stock, we will find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society.

We will tear out spiritual roots, vulgarize and destroy the foundations folk morality. We will thus undermine generation after generation, we will take on people from childhood and teenage years, we will always place our main emphasis on youth. We will begin to corrupt, corrupt, corrupt her. We will thus undermine generation after generation... We will make young cynics, vulgarities, and cosmopolitans out of them. This is how we will do it.”

(A. Dulles, - Director of the CIA. From a 1945 speech before a special commission of the US Senate, which became Doctrine 200)


The legendary “Dallas Plan,” which has been discussed in Russia for many years, is the most blatant fake. There is no documentary evidence of its existence. Moreover, the project of the collapse of the USSR attributed to Alan Dallas could not even belong to him chronologically. Then where did it come from, and who benefits from replicating this reprint in Russia from one very popular literary work? (Allen Welsh Dulles)

The Dulles Plan dates back to 1945. This is a text in Russian attributed to Allan Dallas (as it is written - the director of the CIA), outlining general principles subjugation of the USSR through the ideological corruption of the population.
This document is circulating on the Internet, it is read out by politicians and people in major general uniforms, it is referred to as the Alan Dallas doctrine.

Let's start with the fact that in 1945 there was no CIA, it was created on July 26, 1947, and Dallas became director of the CIA in 1953, this is easy to check. (1953–61 - Director of the CIA). He obviously did not create any doctrines, especially since in 1945 such documents simply could not appear, America was busy with something completely different, and relations with the Soviet Union were completely different then.
But what’s interesting is that neither I nor those who studied the problem of the origin of the Dallas Plan were able to find a single reference anywhere to the original text on English language.
Maybe this is due to the top secrecy of the document? But here's another example. In 1949, the US military drew up a plan for war with the USSR, codenamed “Dropshot”. Among other things, they envisaged dropping 300 atomic bombs. The date of the preventive strike was chosen as January 1, 1950, then it was postponed to 1957, and subsequently canceled altogether. Needless to say, this document was not for general use. However, the USSR knew about it, and in 1978 the Dropshot plan was published in the US in the open press.

Well, the main thing is that the style of the text is in no way similar to a plan, directive, doctrine, or a CIA report. The text reminds - piece of art. And the style of the text is Soviet.
This text contains a lot of semantic and stylistic expressions that are completely uncharacteristic of American documents and statements of American politicians.
This plan contradicts the position that America took towards the USSR at that time. But the main thing is that many people come to America, including Russian historians. Nothing ever stopped them from going into the archives and finding it if they wanted to. I understand that during the Cold War it could be said that America hid this document while the USSR existed, but now who’s stopping you from going to the archives? In America there is a freedom of information law, you can request it for free, any archivist will provide this information, but no one has done this in 20 recent years, which means it is impossible to do this, there is simply no such document.
It is known that in Russian sources even the first and last name of Dallas is spelled differently everywhere, not to mention the dates of the appearance of this plan.

For the first time, statements similar in meaning to the quote from Dallas appeared in the USSR in fiction in the late 1960s.
In 1965, Dolt-Mikhailik’s novel “And One Warrior in the Field” was published in Kyiv. In its second part, “Captured by the Black Knights,” the American General Dumbright utters words that can be considered as a free statement of Dallas’s guidelines for launching an ideological war against the USSR. Later, someone else says something similar. literary character, bad guy novel by Anatoly Ivanov “Eternal Call”. So, what does Anatoly Ivanov write in the second volume of “Eternal Call”: Quote:
“How to say, how to say,” Lakhnovsky shook his head, “because your head is not filled with what, let’s say, mine, you haven’t thought about the future.” Next is the fragment: “And the war will end, everything will somehow settle down, settle down, and we will throw everything we have, everything we have, all the gold, all the material power, into fooling and fooling people. The human brain, people’s consciousness is capable of change, having sowed chaos there, we will imperceptibly replace their values ​​with false ones, make them believe in these false values” - EVERYTHING goes word for word and textually coincides with this “plan”. Then again Ivanov “How, you ask, how?” Lakhnovsky, as he spoke, began to get excited again for the umpteenth time, running around the room “We will find our like-minded people: our allies and assistants in Russia itself,” Lakhnovsky shouted breaking down . And again there is a 100% match, and then there are paragraphs that completely match word for word.
But some Russian politicians quoted this as a real document.
Lakhnovsky: “I am Pyotr Petrovich, I opened only a corner of the curtain for you, and you saw only a tiny piece of the stage, (further text:) on which, episode by episode, the grandiose-scale tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth will be played out, about the final, irreversible extinction his self-awareness."
Since it was necessary to modernize all this, because the tragedy was that Ivanov, unfortunately, used the wrong words, so the next topic comes. “We will tear out these spiritual roots (thrown away) of Bolshevism (throw away) vulgarize and destroy the main foundations of people’s morality, we will corrupt, thus generation after generation (throw away) erode this Leninist fanaticism.” But since Alan Dallas (in the minds of the Russian falsifiers) did not care about Leninist fanaticism, they threw it out.

“We will take on people from childhood and adolescence, we will place the main emphasis on youth, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them,” it is further thrown out: “Lakhnovsky’s wrinkled eyelids quickly and often twitched, his eyes became round, a fierce fire splashed and puffed in them , he began to speak louder and louder, and in the end he literally shouted “Yes, corrupt, corrupt,” and at the end “We will make cynics, Bolsheviks, cosmopolitans out of them.”
In the first edition of this book on pages 510/517 you can find all this for yourself. Just don’t look in other publications - this conversation between Lakhnovsky and Polipov has already been removed there. In the second edition of the novel, this conversation is already “spread out” over a dozen pages and somewhat smoothed out.
And most importantly, this completely contradicts the real documents that were created at that time by the United States in the confrontation with the Soviet Union. For example, the whole policy of the United States was not to turn the Soviet Union into cosmopolitans, but rather to try to restore national roots, especially of national minorities. Under no circumstances should there have been any cosmopolitanism there. And the fact that in the 60s the Soviet Union began to fight cosmopolitanism is probably where it came from in Ivanov’s novel.
At the turn of the 1980-1990s, the “Dallas statement,” with a direct indication of the authorship of the CIA director, appears in socio-political articles by opponents of Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. At the same time, the title of the document, dated December 1945, was heard for the first time: “Reflections on the implementation of the American post-war doctrine against the USSR.” But what it is - an article, a chapter from a book, a memo or an oral presentation - is not indicated anywhere.
And the main thing is the idea itself. Some believe that Anatoly Ivanov took it from Alan Dallas. You have to be completely naive to suggest such a version. Because Dallas clearly did not write in Russian. And at least three paragraphs of the “plan” coincide verbatim with the text of the “Eternal Call”. That is, the KGB could not be found, but Anatoly Ivanov succeeded, and for some reason he had to rewrite it all literary hero- to the Russian gendarme-traitor... moreover, word for word in good Russian, in which it was difficult to suspect Dallas. It is clear that this is an untranslated text.

Moreover, there is English text, translated from Russian. This is one of the propaganda brochures that were published in the Soviet Union, apparently for the English-speaking allies somewhere in Africa. It is clear that this is a translation from Russian into English. Because you need to know the style of language, the style of political American documents. They are easy to see. There are a lot of them on the Internet now.
Further, in Russian literature there are references that this is supposedly from a book by Dallas, which has never been published, that allegedly from an article by Dallas, which no one has ever seen, supposedly from a speech by Dallas in the US Congress, which is generally complete nonsense, because all speeches in The US Congress must be published. There are, after all, a lot of people sitting there, and someday someone would know this.
If you do a forgery, do it professionally. I understand that during the Cold War many things were difficult to verify; it was possible to cobble together something like the Dallas plan with a huge amount contradictions, inaccuracies, factual errors. But now, at least, it was possible to edit Dallas’ plan before quoting it to serious people, including it in a book, or quoting it in the media.

So, the roots of the Dulles plan ideologically grow from Soviet propaganda, the purpose of which was to provoke hatred Soviet people to the Americans.
In addition to the “Dulles Plan,” you can also find the “Dallas Doctrine” on the Internet. This is a real-life US National Security Council Directive 20/1 of August 18, 1948, “Tasks Concerning Russia.” This directive was published in the open press. There is nothing sensational in this document, and the main tasks are outlined as follows: “Reduce the power and influence of Moscow to such an extent that it will no longer pose a threat to the peace and stability of the international community.”
However, Allen Dulles had nothing to do with Directive 20/1 - it was drawn up by high-ranking officials, among whom Dulles was not listed, since he returned to government service only in 1950, becoming the CIA Deputy Director for Planning.
Who benefits from the spread of this false information?

This has to do with the absence of some kind of ideology, value system in Russian society. And, apparently, there are forces that are interested in shaping this value system in certain direction. What these forces are is easy to guess.
Or we can assume that the sinister plan was concocted by people who have a tendency to blame everyone except themselves for their troubles and failures. Like, it’s nice to console yourself with the hope that everything is bad in your country not because we ourselves can’t do anything, but because it’s the evil Americans who are ruining everything for us, although we do everything to the highest standard. After all, the evil Americans will still come and destroy and ruin everything.

Well, as for the fact that the events taking place in Russia are going exactly according to Dallas’ plan—take any country. There are drugs and bad habits, and prostitution…. and much more. But the difference between these countries and Russia is that the governments of those countries are working hard to minimize all negative phenomena. What is our government doing? So, for your troubles and misfortunes, you should not blame other Americans, but YOUR own rulers. The authorities in Russia, speaking about patriotism and getting up from their knees, are doing a lot and consistently to destroy the economy, social sphere, morality, science, defense industry and the country's army.

That's how things are.

“We will throw everything we have, all the gold, all the material power and resources, into fooling and fooling people.

The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed chaos in Russia, weWe will quietly replace their values ​​with fake ones... We will find our like-minded people, our assistants and allies in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final extinction of their self-awareness, will play out.

We will... gradually erase their social essence from literature and art, wean artists, we will discourage them from engaging in depiction, research... of those processes that occur in the depths masses. Literature, theater, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality.

We will create chaos and confusion in government. We will quietly, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, and unscrupulousness. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and no one will need it; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, animal fear... and enmity of peoples, above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people - we will cleverly and quietly cultivate all this.

And only a few, very few will guess or understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughing stock, find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society...

We will undermine this way generation after generation... We will fight for people from childhood and adolescence, we will alwaysto place the main emphasis on youth, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt to pity, to corrupt her. We will make cosmopolitans out of them."

Improving the Dulles Plan

Goals regarding Russia were formulated in Directive of the US National Security Council 20/1 of 08/18/1948.;

« Our main goals regarding Russia, in essence, boil down to just two;

a) reduce Moscow’s power and influence to a minimum;

c) carry out fundamental changes in theory and practice foreign policy, which are adhered to by the government in power in Russia.”

“Our efforts to get Moscow to accept our concepts (and not use its own COB) are tantamount to a statement; our goal is overthrow Soviet power. Starting from this point of view, we can say that these goals are unattainable without war and therefore we hereby recognize; our ultimate goal in relation to the Soviet Union is war and the overthrow of Soviet power by force.

Firstly, we are not bound by a specific time limit to achieve our goals in peacetime.

Secondly, we should rightly feel absolutely no sense of guilt in seeking the destruction of concepts that are incompatible with international peace and stability, and replacing them with CONCEPTS of tolerance and international cooperation. It is not our place to think about the internal consequences that the adoption of such concepts in another country may lead to, nor should we think that we bear any responsibility for these events. If Soviet leaders consider that the growing importance of more enlightened concepts of international relations is incompatible with maintaining their power in Russia, then that is their business, not ours. Our job is to work and ensure that internal events.(“CIA against the USSR.” N.N. Yakovlev).

Harvard Project.

In the early 80s, Soviet intelligence managed to obtain materials from the so-called "Harvard Project" It consisted of three volumes: "Perestroika", "Reform", "Completion".

At the beginning of the first volume there is a large preamble, which states that on the verge of the 20th-21st centuries, humanity is facing a terrible crisis due to a lack of raw materials and energy resources. Anglo-Saxon environmental analysts came to the conclusion that the salvation of humanity depends on the extent to which common problems can be resolved after the destruction, as then US President Ronald Reagan said, of the “Evil Empire,” that is, at the expense of the USSR, with planned population reduction by 10 times and the destruction of the nation state. The program is designed for three five-year plans.

In the first five years from 1985 to 1990 will take place " Perestroika"" with its glasnost, the fight for socialism "" with human face"," preparation of reforms "" from socialism to capitalism "". Perestroika should be led by one leader, presumably the Secretary General.

Second volume was dedicated to " Reform", its time is 1990-1995, and its goals are the following:

1. Elimination of the world socialist system.

2. Liquidation of the Warsaw Pact.

3. Liquidation of the CPSU.

4. Liquidation of the USSR.

5. Elimination of patriotic socialist consciousness.

The “reform” was supposed to be led by a different leader.

Third volume was called " Completion“, it was supposed to be led by a third leader, his time was 1996-2000. It contained the following points;

1. Liquidation of the Soviet army.

2. Elimination of Russia as a state.

3. Elimination of the attributes of socialism, such as free education and medical care, and the introduction of the attributes of capitalism; you have to pay for everything.

4. Elimination of satiety and peaceful life in Leningrad and Moscow.

5. Elimination of public and state property and the introduction of private property everywhere.

“Completion” was accompanied by the freezing out of the hungry population of Russia, construction good roads to seaports through which Russia’s raw materials and wealth were to be transported abroad.

At the expense of Russia, the West hoped to solve a lot of things and squeeze it like a lemon, and the territory “to be given to the Anglo-Saxon race”. That's what it says!


“Russian life becomes easier from year to year,

our drinking house is brighter and more cheerful,

because you are an unprincipled idiot

much safer than the ideological one.”

I. Guberman.

“People are not bastards, people are idiots”


What is happening to Russia is not accidental! A full-scale war is being waged against us for our complete destruction. According to the Harvard project, the USSR - Russia should be divided into 30 - 40 small states, and the population should be reduced to no more than 15-50 million slaves, idiots who do not understand anything, involved in raw material plantations (mines, mines, oil and gas production) .

We need to include this fact in the circle of our concepts, only incomplete or false information is used as a weapon, which is intended to distort our understanding of the world, destroy our culture, education system, Army and Navy, and economy. The whole savagery of the Harvard project is that we destroy ourselves with our own hands. As evidenced by the statements of foreign high-ranking officials.

“...Russia’s task after losing the Cold War is to provide resources to prosperous countries. But for this they only need fifty to sixty million people.”

British Prime Minister JOHN MAJER

“We spent trillions of dollars over forty years to win the Cold War against Russia.”

US Secretary of State J. BAKER

“The West must do everything possible ... otherwise the United States and the West risk losing their grip on victory in cold war which will result in defeat... Russia is the key to success. This is where it will be won or lost last fight cold war. There can be no higher stakes."

US President R. NIXON

“... I prefer chaos and civil war in Russia to the trend of reuniting it into a single, strong, centralized state.”

Member of the Trilateral Commission, head of B'nai B'rith


“Russia is a defeated power. She lost a titanic struggle. And to say “it was not Russia, but the Soviet Union” means running away from reality. It was Russia, called the Soviet Union. She challenged the US. She was defeated. Now there is no need to feed illusions about Russia’s great power. We need to discourage this way of thinking... Russia will be fragmented and under tutelage.”

Secretary of the Trilateral Commission

Zbigniew Brzezinski

(Reference: in 1972, David Rockefeller decided to become the de facto ruler of the non-communist world. His tool for this is the Trilateral Commission... In 1973, David Rockefeller asked Zbigniew Brzezinski to create a tripartite commission, a closed club of multimillionaires and their advisers, to rule the world." ( CIA against the USSR. N.N. Yakovlev)).

They gave up on us, believing that we would not rise from our knees. Yes, we are losing battle after battle in the information war, but it’s too early to call it a day... Who needs this war, because there are specific people behind it!

The Rators agency dated June 15, 1996 published information that 358 families live on earth and 22 of them are the richest and most influential, who own 45% of all material goods produced on the planet and have concentrated the main productive forces in their hands:

Rothschild, Montefiere, Oppenheimer, Rockefeller, Goldschmidt, Bleichrode, Mendel, Wallenberg, Warburg, Sassoon, Morgan, Dupont, Stern, Heine, Krupp, Mellon, Cohen, Flip, Ford, Sachs, Deutschi, Loebs, Kuhns, Cannes, Teiners, Weiners, Meiers, Ostriches, Sumgis, Baruchs, Limens, Lazars, Paynels, Mkiffs, Fischers, Warbergs, Mordochs, Boyers, Schiffses, Abrahams Kalmans, Goldmans, Brosers, Lazaruses, Balusteins, Guggenheims, Seligmans, Kauchmans, Harrimans, Dreyfuss, Morgenthows , Weinbergs, Blumenthals, etc.

These families divided spheres of influence among themselves. Some deal with the arms market, both legal and illegal, others with the raw materials market, others with the drug market, and others with global financial flows and global banking. For them, being the president of any country is not a very high level. It is appropriate here to quote Rothschild’s words when he answered the question of one correspondent, “Are you the King of the Jews?” replied “No, I am a Jew of kings.”

These families have been building a global governance scheme for more than one century, and today there are international military, economic, political, and other organizations, funds, alliances, such as the UN, CSCE, NATO, UNESCO, IMF, GATT, EBRD, ILO and etc., which these families control both structurally and non-structurally. Thus, they can, as they say, “put in place” any president of the country, influencing him with both economic levers and political ones through these organizations, and if these levers are weak, then they can turn on the military, even to the point of physical destruction, as was the case done, for example, with Kennedy. It is these families who are waging an information war against Russia, they are the ones who need our raw materials, energy resources, but they don’t need us!

The Harvard project is carried out entirely by these families. It provides six generalized controls, in other words, six types of information weapons, which can be represented as nesting dolls.

There is the biggest one - this is the most powerful information weapon that kills a colossal number of people, but this is done over a long period of time, for centuries. There is a sixth - the smallest nesting doll, which destroys much fewer people, but in short time- one, five, ten years. The main purpose of using these six types of information weapons is to distort the correct understanding of the world, not to provide a holistic view of the world, and to hide from people the methodology for understanding current phenomena.


So, let's start with the weakest sixth priority, conventional weapons. At this level of influence, the illusion is created that with the help of force it is possible to solve any problems, social, economic, political and others. At the local level, in the huge stream of action films, serials and other similar programs and films on TV, the same type of plot can be traced, some kill others for the sake of money, ambitions, social status, etc. Thus, the information is transferred to the subconscious level of our youth that with the help of force one can easily solve any problems. And when at the global level everyone sees how the United States shamelessly solves its “various difficulties” by sending troops into any country, then this information is consolidated. For young people, this state of affairs is becoming the norm. And when circumstances develop such that there is simply nothing to live on (for various reasons), then from the level of the subconscious this information reaches the level of awareness. A young man commits a robbery in order to improve his financial situation, and as a result, he ends up behind bars. Another case is when young people become ordinary killers; there are many films that tell us about the life of killers (the same films are action films). As a rule, such people have a lot of money, but live little. While perceiving information about one side of the coin, they do not pay due attention to information about the other side of a killer’s life. Therefore, the result, often sad, is that such young people are found with a hole in their heads, the same one that they professionally made to others. Or in best case scenario end their lives disabled in places not so remote.

It is also necessary to realize and include in the circle of your concepts that there are families that are involved in the global arms market, both legal and illegal. It is these families that are the third force that is rocking more and more “hot” spots on the planet. And when it is announced to all nations that two religions, Islam and Christianity, collided in Chechnya, showing a page from the Koran (the first company) on the news in the screensaver on the TV screen, then, by default, this third force, which is outside the conflict, launders huge amounts of money for illegal sale of weapons, drugs, conquers the economic space of Russia (after all, where there is a military conflict, as a rule, the local currency (ruble) falls in value, the financial and economic infrastructure is destroyed) and there is access to raw materials (Chechnya has good oil reserves). Today Russia is pouring colossal budget funds into the restoration of Chechnya, but only the “chosen ones” know where these resources are spent (chosen by whom? Families!) We are shown only a small part of the “reclaimed” rubles.


(Means of genocide).

The machinations of the chief of American intelligence or a fake?

“The war will end, everything will somehow settle down, settle down. And we will throw everything we have - all the gold, all the material power - to fool and fool people. The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the tragedy of the death of himself, grandiose in scale, will play out. rebellious people, the final, irreversible extinction of his self-awareness.

From literature and art, for example, we will gradually eradicate them social essence, we will wean artists, we will discourage them from engaging in depictions... in the study of those processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and glorify the so-called artists who will plant and drum into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality. We will create chaos and confusion in government. We will quietly, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, and unscrupulousness. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal. Nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people - all this will bloom in full bloom. And only a few, very few, will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughing stock, find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society. We will tear out spiritual roots, vulgarize and destroy the foundations of spiritual morality. We will take on people from childhood and adolescence, we will place the main emphasis on youth, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them. We will make cynics, vulgarities, and cosmopolitans out of them.

Allen Dulles, 1945.”

This quote has already been worn out. It has been used many times by the “patriotic” press. Various Nazis and fascists read it during trials - in their justification. Well, of course: here it is, this sinister plan of the Russophobes! We must resist him, fight the Jewish Freemasons and American Zionists who act in Russia according to this plan...

IN last time“plan” appeared in “Moment of Truth” - as, so to speak, bold dot at the end of the program. Andrey Karaulov read this text measuredly and soulfully, giving it a fair amount of credibility with his name.

I have known Karaulov for a long time. I'm calling.

I remember both the program and the text very well. Only now I don’t remember where I got it,” Andrey told me. - It seems like in one of Viktor Suvorov’s books.

Do you know that this is fake? - I asked.

Can't be! - said Karaulov.

Parsing the text attributed to Dulles is a tedious and futile task. Just pay attention to the last phrase:

“We will make cynics, vulgarities, and cosmopolitans out of them.”

The word “cosmopolitan” comes from the Greek words “kosmos” (universe) and “polites” (citizen): “citizen of the world”, “citizen of the universe”. Famous explanatory dictionary in EnglishThe New Bantam” gives two meanings to this word:

"1. One who feels at home everywhere in the world;

2. One who is free from provincial narrow-mindedness.”

As you can see, in English the word “cosmopolitan” does not have an interpretation that would allow it to be placed in one semantic series with a cynic and a vulgar. But it is in Russian. Dictionary edited by Ozhegov (1984):

“Cosmopolitanism is a reactionary bourgeois ideological movement, which, under the guise of the slogans of a “world state” and “world citizenship,” rejects the right of nations to independent existence and state independence, national traditions And national culture, patriotism.”

Perhaps Mr. Dulles, specializing in the USSR, knew Russian and was able to read somewhere a similar definition of cosmopolitanism?

No, that doesn't work either. The fact is that this word has been interpreted in this way only since 1947 - with the beginning of the struggle launched by Stalin against “rootless cosmopolitans”. And the quote attributed to Dulles dates back to 1945. At that time, the Generalissimo had not yet declared war on cosmopolitanism, so the definition of the concept was quite neutral:

"Cosmopolitan. A person who does not consider himself to belong to any nationality, who recognizes the whole world as his fatherland.” (Explanatory dictionary edited by Ushakov, 1940)

It is curious that in post-Soviet times, Ozhegov’s dictionary (2000 edition) gives a completely different (compared to 1984) definition of cosmopolitanism - also absolutely neutral, matching Ushakov’s. Therefore, the wind of change has a beneficial effect on linguists.

In short, a superficial analysis of just one word - and the conclusion is obvious: fake. Mr. Dulles never wrote or said anything like this. And I didn’t even think in such expressions as are attributed to him.

Well, my strongly patriotic comrades will tell me, I stuck to my word. Moreover, philology is by no means an exact science...

It's right. Rather, it is subtle, highly dependent on the current political moment and the “general line.” So I turned to historians.

The historians were angry with me. They complained that I was taking them away from serious work. Famous historian, Professor Utkin, to whom I read the “quote from Dulles,” laughed and advised me to forget this nonsense.

But if not Dulles, then who? Someone had to come up with this nonsense?

Let's go downward. As they say - in the depths of time.

The last person to use this quote was the famous Nazi Korchagin. At the trial, where this Mr. appeared as a defendant and, accordingly, a victim of the Zionist-Masonic conspiracy, Korchagin read “from Dulles,” referring to the authority famous TV presenter Andrey Karaulov.

The moment in which Karaulov quoted “Dulles” turned out to be far from the truth, which, in my opinion, I managed to convince Andrey of. He promised to make a correction and kept his promise: reputation is more important than fake, even if this latter comes in handy.

A little earlier, the same quote appeared in Vladimir Karpov’s two-volume book “The Generalissimo”. I hope it’s clear to whom this two-volume book is dedicated. The author of this thousand-page eulogy is a Hero of the Soviet Union, a high-ranking official from literature: from 1986 until the collapse of the USSR, Karpov headed the Union Soviet writers, was a member of the CPSU Central Committee. A.N. Yakovlev (“big Yakovlev”) told me that Karpov was nominated as the first secretary of the USSR SP for his dullness and inconspicuousness: they say, he won’t bother anyone...

Having cited - completely and verbatim - the ominous “Dulles plan”, Comrade. Karpov concluded with his own comment:

“It is not difficult to understand that this Jesuit program is carried out by the “fifth column” and anti-Soviet natives. And the main striking force, well disguised in the text of the directive, is the Zionists.”

Really well camouflaged. You won't find it without Karpov.

No archival or other historical references Comrade. Karpov, of course, doesn’t provide them - there’s nowhere for them to come from. However, in the list of references given at the end of “Generalissimo”, the author refers us to the brochure by V. Lisichkin and L. Shelepin “The Third World Information-Psychological War. M., 1999.”

“V.A. Lisichkin is a full member of four Russian and five international academies of sciences. As a State Duma deputy, V.A. Lisichkin is widely known both in Russia and abroad. He developed more than 150 laws. Vladimir Alexandrovich - lieutenant general of the Cossack troops.”

Member of 9 academies, author of 150 laws, Cossack general... “Thirty-five thousand couriers alone.” In his brochure (and Shelepin, who joined him), the same Dulles quote is given. And again - no documents or archives. There is a link, however. And do you know who this multiple academician is referring to? On V.V. Zhirinovsky and his book “The Last Strike on Russia” (LDPR publisher, 1995).

Vladimir Volfovich needs no introduction. His reputation as a true scientist and lover of truth speaks for itself. But with the quote “from Dulles” he made the same mistake as the others: there is no link to archival storage, but in the “Bibliography” section a certain B. Oleinik and his “work” called “Prince of Darkness” are mentioned.

This is how this sinister “Dulles plan” is transmitted - from one to another. From hand to hand. And, as often happens in this case, the pattern “ folk art” is undergoing some changes. For example, the Radyansky writer Mr. Oleinik attributes the following words to Dulles: “We will tear out the spiritual roots of Bolshevism, vulgarize and destroy the foundations of people’s morality. We will thus undermine generation after generation, eradicate this Leninist fanaticism... We will make spies and cosmopolitans out of them.”

Subsequently, words about Bolshevism and Leninist fanaticism disappeared from the “Dulles Plan”: apparently, someone considered these roots worthy of destruction. And instead of “spies,” “cynics” and “vulgarians” appeared - which, you see, is not at all the same thing, and such a substitution cannot be explained by the difficulties of translating from English.

But Mr. Oleinik has a very specific reference to the original source from which this sacramental quote was taken. This link is worth quoting in full:

“The writer Anatoly Ivanov, as we know, included these ominous words in the text of the 2nd book of the novel “Eternal Call,” published in 1970. But for more than 10 years, these words were removed from all publications by censorship under Kremlin-Zionist control. The author managed to publish them for the first time in 1981. However, no one except ordinary readers paid attention to this warning from the writer about the intentions of the Zionist forces towards our country.”

Don’t laugh, citizens: “Kremlin-Zionist control” is what our national patriots say in all seriousness. There was censorship, of course, but it doesn’t seem like writers like Anatoly Ivanov had to complain about it. On the other hand, it is completely incomprehensible why “Kremlin-Zionist control” existed in 1970, but for some reason it suddenly disappeared in 1981.

It is curious that Mr. Oleinik’s “Prince of Darkness,” along with the “Dulles quote” and a footnote to it, was published in 1993 in the “Young Guard” magazine. Who was the editor-in-chief of this magazine then? Yes, here he is, indicated on the last magazine page: Anatoly Ivanov.

In short, we seem to have finally gotten to the source.

Indeed: comrade has. Ivanov in “ Eternal call” these ominous words. Not in a row, not in a single fragment, but there. But what is not there is a mention of Allen Dulles. Why not? Yes, all because: the then-deceased chief of American intelligence never said or wrote anything like that. For the writer Ivanov, this whole terrible plan is outlined by a certain Lakhnovsky - a former gendarme rank in Tomsk, and during the Great Patriotic War (it is then that the events of the 2nd book of the novel take place) - an SS Standartenführer. This, of course, is a special song: for an emigrant from Russia, a Slav, to receive one of the highest ranks of the SS - an elite Nazi order, whose members could only be “ true Aryans”, - not everyone is capable of inventing such a thing. But then attributing the words of “SS Standartenführer” to Dulles is easy.

This is how this fake was launched.

Where is Dulles from? Why Dulles? Why not leave the authorship to Ivanov, and with the help of Oleinik and other associates (their name is Legion) regularly bring this sinister plan of the Russophobes to the attention of the public?

No, you can’t: the reliability is not the same. Of course, Ivanov and Oleinik are Great Writers of the Russian Land, but there is no unconditional faith in them. But Dulles with his evil “plan” has complete trust. What else can we expect from the CIA and its chief?

Let's be objective: not everyone believed in Dulles' authorship. For example, our famous deputy, whom it is difficult to suspect of lack of patriotism, Alexei Mitrofanov, did not believe it. Said: “The words attributed to Allen Dulles, in last decade became “desktop” for Russian “patriots”. They are quoted at rallies and party congresses, in television and radio broadcasts. We have witnessed the birth of another myth. From the very beginning, I considered the “Dulles Plan” to be a fake. Any Americanist will agree with me.”

And our other patriot, the famous film director Nikita Mikhalkov, didn’t believe it either. True, he scared the readers of the magazine “Iskusstvo Kino” (No. 8, 1999) with that plan, but did not mention Dulles. And why? Yes, because in his, Nikita Sergeevich’s, enlightened opinion, that unfortunate quote is from “US National Security Council Directive No. 20/1 of August 18, 1948.”

This “Directive” is no longer a top-secret document. It is included in the collection “Containment.” Documents on American politics and strategy 1945-1950. Columbia Universiti Press, New York, 1978), and this collection is quite accessible to readers of, say, the State Historical Library. Neither in the text of the Directive nor in other documents in the collection is there a word from the quote attributed to Dulles. Although it is not clear how the US National Security Council was able to do without the writings of Comrade. Ivanova.

So Mr. Mikhalkov was clearly deceived by someone. With his knowledge, I suppose.

It is of course: Nikita Sergeevich is a creative person. Sublime and emotional. Not some scientist crackpot who needs to give dates and documents. But sometimes scientists play the same games. I know of one such case. The case is serious.

Famous scientist, dean of the history department of St. Petersburg University, leading specialist in history Kievan Rus Igor Froyanov in his book “October the Seventeenth” cites the same unfortunate quote. Following this, one would expect a detailed link from such an authoritative scientist: the archive, its location, document number, storage sheet, etc. Instead, the historian Froyanov refers the reader to the book of His Eminence John, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, “Overcoming the Time of Troubles.”

In a word, the main thing for this historian is not truth, but ideology. And for one of the highest hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church?

Vladyka John, quoting “from Dulles,” does not bother himself with any references at all. They say that everyone should believe him, His Eminence...

An interesting detail. Metropolitan John quotes “Dulles” immediately after extensive excerpts from the infamous “Protocols” Elders of Zion" Moreover, John’s attitude towards the “Protocols...” is clearly respectful, not burdened with doubts. Although it has been known for almost a hundred years (confirmed by the research of many scientists) that the “Protocols...” are an outright fake.

So these two forgeries (old and new) were happily combined in the book of His Eminence John.