Article: Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. Saints Cyril and Methodius Day

And it all started with Cyril and Methodius...

Kirill(in the world Constantine, nicknamed the Philosopher, 827-869, Rome) and Methodius(in the world Michael; 815-885, Velehrad, Moravia), brothers from the city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki), therefore also known as the “Thessaloniki brothers” - reformers of the Slavic alphabet and creators of the Church Slavonic language, preachers of Christianity.

Cyril and Methodius are canonized by the church and are revered as saints in both the East and the West. In Slavic Orthodoxy, “Slovenian teachers” are revered as saints, equal to the apostles; The order accepted according to church customs is “Methodius and Cyril,” although “Cyril and Methodius” has long been established.

Glagolitic and Cyrillic

Konstantin was a very educated man for his time. It was he who first began to translate books into Slavic, without which Divine services could not be performed, incl. Gospel, Apostle and Psalter.

In 856, Constantine (Cyril), together with his students Clement, Naum and Angelarius, came to the monastery, where his brother Methodius was abbot. In this monastery, a group of like-minded people formed around Constantine and Methodius (Gorazd, Clement, Savva, Naum, Angelyar) and they conceived the idea of ​​​​creating a Slavic alphabet.

Cyril and Methodius first did a titanic job of isolating the sounds of the Slavic language, that is, main part any work to create a new written language. Then, to record church texts in the Slavic language, they developed a special alphabet - the Glagolitic alphabet.

The oldest surviving Glagolitic inscription with precise dating dates back to 893 and was made in the church of the Bulgarian Tsar Simeon in Preslav.

The Cyrillic alphabet, in turn, was created on the basis of the Glagolitic alphabet and Greek alphabet. Alphabets were created based on the Cyrillic alphabet Belarusian language, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Ruthenian language/dialect, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Montenegrin languages.

Thanks to the activities of the brothers, the alphabet became widespread in the South Slavic lands, which led in 885 to the prohibition of its use in church services by the Pope, who was struggling with the results of the mission of Cyril and Methodius.

The widespread spread of Slavic writing, its “golden age,” dates back to the reign of Tsar Simeon the Great in Bulgaria (893-927). At the end of the 10th century it became the language of the church in Kievan Rus.

The Old Church Slavonic language, being the language of the church in Rus', was influenced by the Old Russian language. It was Old Slavonic language Russian edition, since it included elements of living East Slavic speech.

history of the holiday

The history of the holiday goes back a whole millennium and goes back to the church tradition that existed in Bulgaria in the 10th-11th centuries.

The earliest data on the celebration of the day of the Equal-to-the-Apostles enlightenment saints Cyril and Methodius on May 11 (May 24, new style) date back to the 12th century, although they were recognized as saints at the end of the 9th century. Separately, the memory of St. Cyril is celebrated on February 14, St. Methodius - on April 6, the days of their deaths.

During the Bulgarian Renaissance, the general holiday of Saints Cyril and Methodius turned into a holiday of the alphabet they created.

In old times, all Slavic peoples celebrated the day of remembrance of the holy brothers, but then, under the influence of historical and political circumstances, they began to forget about it. But in early XIX centuries, along with the revival of the Slavic peoples, they also remembered the creators of Slavic writing.

In 1863, a resolution was adopted in Russia to celebrate the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius on May 11 (May 24, new style).

In 1863, the Russian Holy Governing Synod established the celebration of both saints annually on May 11 (according to Julian calendar) “in memory of the completion of the millennium from the initial consecration of our Russian language the Gospel and the faith of Christ"

By a decree of the Holy Synod in 1885, the memory of May 11 was classified as a middle holiday with a vigil. In 1901, the Synod decided to perform annually in churches in front of all educational institutions spiritual department solemn all-night vigil the day before and a liturgy followed by a prayer service to Methodius and Cyril on the very day of May 11, with the release of students from classes. By May 11th church schools The annual graduation ceremony also took place.

In mid-July 1869, in the centuries-old forest across the Tsemes River, Czech settlers who arrived in Novorossiysk founded the village of Mefodievka, which was named in honor of St. Methodius.

The holiday in honor of Cyril and Methodius is a public holiday in Russia (since 1991), Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Republic of Macedonia. In Russia, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia the holiday is celebrated on May 24; in Russia and Bulgaria it is called the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature, in Macedonia - the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia the holiday is celebrated on July 5th.

Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

Day of Slavic Literature and Culture (Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius) is the Russian name of the holiday.

IN Soviet time the communists did not want to celebrate at all church holidays, but it was also impossible to ignore such a significant event, therefore in 1986, when the 1100th anniversary of the repose of Methodius was celebrated, the day of May 24 was declared in the USSR “a holiday of Slavic culture and writing,” and on January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted resolution on the annual holding of “Days of Slavic Culture and Literature”.

It was then established that every year some new city became the capital of the holiday. locality Russia (except for 1989 and 1990, when the capitals were Kyiv and Minsk, respectively, then still part of the USSR).

All educational institutions And educated people celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, let's talk more about this holiday.

When is the date of the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius

The holiday of Slavic writing and culture is celebrated annually by Slavic states. It falls on May 24, is cultural and religious, dedicated, in part, to Cyril and Methodius, who became the founders of Slavic writing.

History of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

Constantine, who was given the name Cyril at baptism, and his brother Methodius belonged to a noble Slavic family. They lived in the 9th century, were born in the city of Thessaloniki, and were Orthodox. In the middle of the 9th century, the Byzantine monarch sent the brothers to the Khazar Khaganate to convert people to Christianity, which they succeeded in doing. Later (862) the Moravian monarch invited them to Moravia, where the Slavic alphabet was developed. Cyril and Methodius translated the most important religious books into Slavic - the Gospel and the Psalter. The church canonized the brothers in the 9th century, and in Russia they began to celebrate the day of their memory only in 1863, setting it on May 11 (according to the new style - May 24). The holiday of Slavic culture and writing in the USSR acquired its name in 1985, but its date remained unchanged. Bulgaria was the first to introduce the tradition of celebrating this holiday, which even today honors it more than other countries.

The basis of Greek writing was the Phoenician alphabet, which, in turn, was taken as the basis for the Latin alphabet. Greek writing became the basis of Slavic writing. A special contribution to its creation was made by Konstantin (Kirill). Methodius was a devoted assistant for him.

It is known that the brothers invented two types of alphabet - Cyrillic and Glagolitic. The second one was created earlier, but due to its complexity and ornateness, it did not take root, unlike the Cyrillic alphabet, created a little later.

The Slavic language quickly spread among the southern Slavs - Serbs, Bulgarians, Croats; Eastern Slavs– Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians; Western Slavs- Slovaks, Czechs. He became the progenitor of all modern languages Slavic group.

With the invention of writing, Cyril and Methodius brought greatest contribution in the development of culture and literature of the Slavic peoples.

In Russia, a city was chosen annually for the celebration, which is the symbolic capital of the celebration. This continued until 2009, when the Moscow Patriarch made a proposal to celebrate the holiday on a larger scale. Since 2010, Moscow has become the capital of the holiday of Slavic literature and culture.

Traditions of celebrating Memorial Day in memory of Cyril and Methodius

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is usually celebrated with cultural and scientific events - festivals, scientific forums, exhibitions, poetry evenings, book fairs, concerts, etc.

The celebration does not bypass educational institutions where quizzes, competitions, literary readings. Seminars and forums are dedicated to this day, dedicated to history Slavic peoples.

On this holiday, pupils, students, and adults honor the memory of Cyril and Methodius by laying flowers at their monuments. A mandatory event on this day is listening and singing the anthem in honor of the enlighteners.

The memory of Cyril and Methodius is also honored in churches, where services dedicated to them are held on May 24. On this day, restored churches and monuments to educators are opened.

Day of Slavic Literature and Culture - a kind of recognition Soviet power merits of two outstanding Orthodox saints: Cyril and Methodius.

Cyril and Methodius were born in the 9th century in the city of Thessaloniki, and by origin they were Slavs from a noble family. Both became Orthodox monks (Cyril and Methodius are their names after tonsure). In 857, the Byzantine emperor sent the brothers to the Khazar Khaganate to preach the Orthodox faith there. As the story goes, they successfully convinced the Khazar prince and his entourage to accept Christianity, and even took 200 Greek captives from captivity. In 862, preachers came to Moravia (at the request of the Moravian prince) - here they created the Slavic alphabet, translated the Gospel, Psalter and other liturgical books into Slavic.

Cyril and Methodius were recognized by the church as saints back in the 9th century, but in Russia the memory of the enlightenment brothers began to be celebrated in 1863 - this was the decision of the Russian Holy Synod, which set the date for this as May 11 according to the old style (May 24 according to the new style).

On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted a resolution to annually celebrate the days Russian culture and writing. Each year a different city became the capital of this holiday.

We remember familiar sounds from childhood:
This is Az, and this is Buki.
Glory and honor to Cyril and Methodius
Because Slavic writing exists!
And the whole world appreciates our culture,
He reads our literature avidly.
Let the years pass, let the centuries pass,
Slavic culture will always exist!
Brothers Slavs, happy holiday to you.
Keep and appreciate the cultural reserve!

Cyril and Methodius once upon a time
They created an alphabet for us,
We saved these letters
And we use them now,
On the day of writing we wish everyone
Don't forget traditions
Protect your language and culture
Preserve for generations!

Today is a significant day - the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature. This holiday unites all Slavic peoples, because for all of us Slavic culture is native. Thanks to the emergence of writing, we can touch the origins of our cultural heritage. Let's cherish and honor what our ancestors passed on to us, support and revive forgotten traditions, and be proud that we are Slavs!

Today we celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature.
The bright day of culture has come to us today.
We congratulate you on this bright holiday.
May everything in your life be good.

Let the Slavic spirit, bright, help you,
Sincerity always gives you hope.
May literacy and knowledge flourish forever,
Your life is illuminated like a star in the darkness.

Happiness, light, joy, eternal luck
On this wonderful day we wish you.
Don't lose hope, faith, inspiration.
So that a bright angel protects you.

Cyril and Methodius tried their best,
Now we have the alphabet,
Today we will glorify their feat,
Happy writing day to you.

Let culture flourish
Long live the Slavic people,
I wish you this holiday
I never know adversity.

On the day of Saints Cyril and Methodius,
We congratulate you with all our hearts,
After all, for us they sound like a native melody
Languages ​​dear to the heart.

Slavic languages ​​and writing,
Our speech, culture and words
And the soul is wide, and sincerity,
We will be united for centuries.

I sincerely congratulate you on Culture Day,
And Slavic writing you,
We congratulate everyone mentally
And, of course, in writing now.

Creation of the Slavic alphabet
We are celebrating today, friends.
And this moment is a reminder
That you can’t forget your language!

Happy Culture Day to you! Just remember
How amazingly big
Filled with goodness and warmth of hearts
Our amazing language!

Slavic writing
They brought it to us
Saints Cyril and Methodius,
We will dedicate the day to Slavic culture,
Let him be honored among the people.
Know and protect your native culture
On this day I wish everyone
Centuries-tested writings
They call for unity of the Slavs.

Cyril and Methodius - two holy brothers,
What an alphabet they created for the Slavs!
We need to celebrate a wonderful date,
After all, how would we all live without the alphabet?

Without the alphabet there would be no literature,
And no one would know about the letter!
Let's appreciate all the origins of culture,
So that everyone hears about the great brothers!

Let's say thank you to the two saints -
Cyril and Methodius!
Our culture was laid
Glorifying our homeland!

For Slavic writing
We will give them honor.
Their feats are more beautiful
We won't trace it anywhere.

Let the Slavic languages
And writing lives on,
Since the last ones in heaven
The luminaries will not die!

Slavic speech sounds
Just like a melody.
Let us remember today the saints
Cyril and Methodius.

Native speech and culture
Let it be held in high esteem
Never her basics
We will never forget in life.

Congratulations: 53 in verse, 8 in prose.

The Day of Slavic Writing and Culture is a holiday that calls for paying tribute to Slavic writing, the customs of our ancestors and honoring the memory of the creators of the Slavic alphabets, Cyril and Methodius. Celebrated on May 24th.

Why is this holiday important?

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is not celebrated as New Year or March 8. And in general, only schoolchildren, language and literature teachers, librarians and some officials know and remember about it.

However, the emergence of our own writing system plays a big role for us. It doesn’t matter what language we write in - Ukrainian or Russian, they are both created on the basis Slavic alphabet Cyrillic alphabet.

Cyril and Methodius did great job, giving the sounds of the Slavic language a graphic form. Thanks to their work, knowledge and translations began to spread church books, which were previously only available in foreign languages. The creation of the Slavic writing system gave impetus to the development literary language and book publishing among many nations.

The history of the holiday

In ancient times, this holiday was celebrated by all Slavic peoples. But over time, as a result of various historical and political events, it was no longer celebrated. At first, Cyril and Methodius were revered only by the churches, as saints equal to the apostles who made a huge contribution to the development of Christianity.

We resumed the celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture Slavic countries V different time: Czechs - in the 14th century, other peoples around the 19th century. In Ukraine, the event was legalized in 2004, although back in the 19th century the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood recalled the role of Cyril and Methodius in the development of culture and education of Kievan Rus.

How to celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

In addition to Ukraine, this holiday is celebrated by 8 other countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Russia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

On this day, various events are held in educational institutions and libraries: laying flowers at the monument to Cyril and Methodius, conversations, conferences, quizzes and concerts.

In Bulgaria this is a national event. There, citizens hang wreaths of fresh flowers on portraits of the Equal-to-the-Apostles saints and remember their hymn. Pass book exhibitions and fairs.

After Bulgaria joined the EU, the Cyrillic alphabet was accepted into the ranks of its official alphabets.

Traditionally great attention This date is devoted to teachers-linguists, writers, librarians, and writers.

Interesting facts about Cyril, Methodius and Slavic writing

1) The Cyrillic alphabet was created on the basis of the Greek alphabet and consisted of 43 letters: 24 Greek and 19 special characters to indicate the sound features of the Slavic language.

2) It is still not known exactly which alphabet was created first: Cyrillic or Glagolitic. Many scholars believe that Cyril created only the Glagolitic alphabet, and the Cyrillic alphabet was written later by Methodius or the brothers' disciples.

3) Methodius outlived his brother by 16 years. The location of his grave is unknown.

4) There is an opinion that the Glagolitic and Proto-Cyrillic alphabet existed even before the birth of the Equal-to-the-Apostles saints. The first was used for church services, and the second was used in everyday life. Therefore, the Glagolitic alphabet has more complex and sophisticated letters than the Cyrillic alphabet. The Glagolitic alphabet retained its original appearance, and the Proto-Cyrillic alphabet was changed by Cyril.

5) Due to the lack of writing, the memory of ancient people was better developed than that of modern people. This is due to the fact that our ancestors had to remember a large amount of information.

6) Among the Slavs, writing and reading books had a magical meaning and was perceived as a sacred act. They believed that the use of the sacred alphabet (Glagolitic) in Everyday life leads to the loss of her magical abilities.

Cyrillic alphabets do not support all Slavic languages. Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovenia switched to the Latin alphabet long ago.In such non-Slavic countries as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, the peoples of the North, the Caucasus, Buryatia, Bashkiria, Kalmykia and a number of other nationalities use the Cyrillic alphabet.

Every year on May 24, Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of remembrance of two great enlighteners - Cyril and Methodius. The holiday has not only religious, but also secular significance: on this date the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated.

history of the holiday

The holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius were born in the city of Thessaloniki, into a righteous Greek family gifted with earthly blessings. Among the seven children, Methodius was the oldest, and Kirill was the most youngest child. Both brothers were distinguished by extraordinary talents and gifts from their youth, but initially chose different ways their applications.

Methodius dedicated himself military service. Noticing the warrior’s remarkable abilities, the king placed him at the head of one of the Slavic armies. Subsequently, many saw God’s providence in this: being among the Slavs, Methodius was able to better understand the peculiarities of their language and culture, which played important role in his subsequent development as an educator and mentor. Ten years later, Methodius decided to leave military career and devote himself to spiritual service: he became a monk and retired from worldly concerns, focusing on fulfilling his monastic vow and studying the holy books.

Since childhood, Kirill showed brilliant talents in the study of secular sciences and religious and moral disciplines. Already in his youth he accepted the priesthood. Extraordinary eloquence, brilliant mind and great faith allowed Cyril to win multiple victories over heretics, thanks to which he gained the love and respect of the emperor, who subsequently entrusted him with extremely important spiritual missions.

One of these missions was the trip of Cyril and Methodius to Moravia. In the ninth century, ambassadors from the Moravian prince Rostislav came to the emperor, who asked to send to his state those who could read sermons in the Slavic language. It was decided to entrust this to the educational brothers with a group of students. As a result of the mission, Kirill created the Slavic alphabet, and also translated the sacred books necessary for worship into the Old Church Slavonic language.

The origins of the celebration of the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius on May 24 according to the new style go back to the 12th century. In ancient times, this tradition was supported by all Slavic peoples, but later, for various reasons, the celebration was eliminated. The tradition was revived in the second half of the nineteenth century. And in 1991, a corresponding secular holiday was established - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.

Memorial Day of Cyril and Methodius in 2017

In the temples in honor of the holiday there is a special solemn service, during which special prayers glorifying the holy brothers are read. Believers must visit church service: on this day it is customary to pray to Cyril and Methodius for help in teaching, to strengthen faith, to find one’s destiny and true path.

On May 24, various social events are held in honor of the Day of Slavic Literature: scientific conferences, exhibitions, presentations, concerts dedicated to the memory of the invaluable contribution that Cyril and Methodius made to the development of Slavic culture.

Get support Higher powers on this day you can read a prayer in front of the icon of Cyril and Methodius. It is believed to especially help those who are in the process of learning. Appreciate the rich cultural heritage, which we got, honor important dates church calendar and don't forget to press the buttons and

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