Private entrepreneurs in Finland make money from children. Attitude towards Russians

Representative of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies in countries Northern Europe Finnish political scientist Johan Beckman told the Izvestia newspaper about the features of Western juvenile justice. But it must be recognized that all the technologies and juvenile organs listed in the article are already present or are in development in Russia.

A brief analysis of justifications for reducing criminal liability. Establishment of general rules governing rights, obligations and guarantees, such as mental, physical and educational development, showing respect for the dignity of the child. In the face of an apparent increase in juvenile crime, society, gripped by fear and uncertainty, is discussing the possibility of reducing criminal liability. Authors promoting this thesis say that it will reduce crime, thereby apologizing for juvenile delinquency.

If you live with children in the West or even travel there, you have no guarantee of protection from persecution by the guardianship authorities - juvenile justice.

The most characteristic and terrible thing in juvenile justice is the removal of children. Since social services declare that the main goal of their activities is the well-being of children, and these children should be isolated from possible threats as quickly as possible, in many countries it is allowed to remove minors from their parents without a court decision, based on the subjective assessments of social welfare officers, that is, just like that.

Some of these advocates seek to use the insecurity and unrest of the average citizen to justify lowering the age of crime. The lack of information and clarity in some legal nomenclatures makes the majority of the population believe that these juvenile offenders go unpunished before the law, rather than every citizen who understands the feeling of uncompromising as some of them are a sign of the absence of law. We know that this understanding is completely at odds with reality because a different type of rule is applied to these minors, which may not be the most effective, but tends to hold them accountable.

For example, in Finland, the child protection law states that the grounds for removing a child may be the concern of a social services employee, that is, again, his subjective opinion. And it could turn out to be anything, because different people can evaluate certain situations completely differently.

For example, if parents do not work, this may concern social services, since non-working parents are not able to properly provide for their children. But if parents work, this can also be a cause for concern. social workers, because working parents do not have the opportunity to devote enough time to their children.

In fact, what is intended with such justifications is not to resist true reasons violence. These arguments are illusions created to convince society that a problem has been solved in one way. However, if we are satisfied with this proposal, the consequences will be as varied as possible, because if the weakening retirement age is the solution, the day will come when the unborn child will be punished even if it is in the "mother's belly" because it is potentially overdue.

The focus of attention is often on Russian families living in the West. We remember the well-known case of Alexandra Fomina from Helsinki: her daughter disappeared - she simply did not return home from school. According to social services, which decided to seize her, they received a denunciation from a neighbor - the mother allegedly spanked her daughter.

Juvenile justice is the sword of Damocles. In many countries, social services have the right to make surprise visits and remove children from families at any time, without a warrant or court decision. They usually come with the police. Moreover, any confrontation between parents is classified as a serious criminal offense. Parents have no right to protect their children.

At short-term analysis From the above arguments we can check how fragile the justifications for reducing the criminal majority are based. As a college you will only get the right to vote at the age of 18. He makes it clear that they cannot be voted, while remaining ineligible until they reach 18 years of age. An illiterate person himself can vote even without access to the means of education and without even having the first source of the process of awareness.

As Professor Mariangela Soares Marques Pereira explains, every legal order requires an age to acquire or lose a right, for example, marriage is possible only after 16 years and with parental permission, absolute civil incapacity even at 16 years and from 16 to 18 years to hold public office in from the age of 18 to be mayor only at the age of 21.

Recently, Finnish father Jan-Erik Kurhala posted a video online about the seizure of his own children: the police, together with a social worker, came to the house and forcibly took his seven-year-old twin sons. When the boys were taken away, they shouted that they wanted to live at home. All this happened in front of the sisters and brothers, who remained with their parents.

Therefore, in the journey of life, a person must respect the maturation of a person and the formation of personality before punishing them as criminals. No criminal liability. The false assertion that teenagers over 12 years of age and under 18 years of age are incomplete must be eradicated. Because when they commit crimes, they do not go unpunished, but only minors will be punished under juvenile law, although it is different from the situation of adults, mainly because it comes from the principle of holistic protection and has pedagogical content.

The most terrifying video about the forcible abduction of children caused international scandal. It has received millions of views on all continents. As a result, the Finnish Ombudsman for Children, Maria Kaisa Aula, was forced to resign.

But soon Jan-Erik Kurhela received a notice from the prosecutor's office that a criminal case had been initiated against him on several counts because he had filmed the seizure of his own children and subsequently made this recording public. Firstly, according to the social worker who decided to remove the children, the video allegedly constitutes a violent act against her, because at that moment she was very upset and was not ready to become a “YouTube star.”

Children under the age of eighteen are subject to criminal prosecution in accordance with the rules of special legislation. Minors under the age of 18 are criminally liable and subject to the rules established in special legislation.

The same minimum age limit for criminal responsibility is set in most countries. In the Child and Adolescent Statute, socio-educational measures are applied to those who contravene the norm, thus being a manifestation of the state in response to violation, which has the same purpose as the criminal code, that is, to prevent recidivism and impose which has pedagogical and educational characteristics, so that the offender can understand the illegal nature of this fact.

Secondly, the father allegedly did not have the right to film his children in own home, therefore one of the criminal cases was initiated under the article on distribution personal information. Of course, the “bouquet” also included articles about insulting the honor and dignity of employees of Finnish social services. The case is still being considered, but the father who filmed the seizure of his children faces a real prison sentence.

It is important to remember that some of the measures provided for in the Statute in Article 112 are equivalent to those provided for in the Criminal Code for adults, for example: imprisonment is similar to internment of a juvenile regime, semi-freedom. It is absolutely true that when creating social and educational measures, the legislator paid special attention to minors, recognizing in them a unique state of people in development, based on integral protection, which regulates all the laws of minors.

Obviously, any child knows what is right or wrong, but this does not mean that this child has complete physical and psychological maturation, since he is in the developmental stage. restructuring of education, government agencies and decent employment opportunities that will play important role in the fight against social inequality, which reflects a reduction in crime.

Initiating a criminal case in this case is most likely an attempt to stop the practice of filming the actions of social services. The human rights organization “October Movement” was created in Finland. The first step of this organization was a letter to Pavel Astakhov asking for help. The Russian Children's Ombudsman and his staff have been monitoring events in Finland for several years and responding to them in accordance with Russian laws and international agreements.

Now, in a country that falls under precarious conditions regarding health and education, it would be infeasible to use such a complex experience to find out whether a child would be able to understand the illegal fact that he was engaged in; it is much more plausible for the country to invest in social improvements and research. to understand the conditioning factors of this crime, to assert the rights and responsibilities of all.

Increasing number of young people in crime. In print and electronic media, images of children who have committed crimes are broadcast on a daily basis, which makes us think that there is a significant increase in the involvement of these minors in criminal activities, but if we analyze coldly, we can understand why the emphasis on the child's problem is not here we're talking about about the possible increase in specific crime, but about inducing the population to make a mistake, again throwing the blame on the law and forgetting about social factors who kill our youth every day.

Another aspect of the issue is, so to speak, the phenomenon of privatization of juvenile justice. In Finland, for example, most orphanages are private. For one child, foster parents or companies can receive several thousand euros per month.

Juvenile justice is a huge business with an annual turnover of hundreds of millions of euros. Children removed from their families actually become prisoners in private orphanages, and it is extremely difficult to get them out of there.

According to a survey carried out by the Ilanuda Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, the violations of crimes committed by teenagers do not reach 10% of all crimes committed in Brazil, and all the acts practiced, only 8% amount to crimes against life. The vast majority of these acts, about 75%, are heritage crimes, of which 50% are robbery, that is, a crime in which there is no element of "violence".

According to the above statistics, it must be admitted that the number of teenagers involved in some kind of “crime” is not insignificant, but it is lower than the number of adults who commit criminal acts. Neglect of political entities that do not invest in programs that ensure social inclusion, overcrowded and unstructured internment centers without minimum living conditions are factors that limit the non-socialization of the young offender.

Often, social services make decisions to prohibit children from communicating with their families, and then the removed children do not have the right to call their relatives, write letters, or maintain any contact with their parents. This practice is often used “in the interests of the child”: if a child lives in confiscation until adulthood, he can bring hundreds of thousands of euros to private firms.

It cannot be hidden that the legislation of children and adolescents needs to be changed, but the guidance on the protection, prevention, and resocialization of minors cannot be lost. Suppressing a teenager as an adult criminal and full criminal prosecution does not actually respect the conditions of child development.

Commenting on reciprocity and the young offender, Oscar Vilena, member of Ilanud, said: There appears to be no other way to combat violence and attract young people to crime other than an integral protection model that brings education and responsibility, as legislated for children and young people.

The situation is absurd: social services can use maximum violence against children at any time, up to complete isolation from society - without justification, explanation of reasons and evidence of the “guilt” of the parents.

Moreover, any action of parents aimed at protecting their child can be interpreted as behavior that is “harmful to the health of children.” Fighting against juvenile justice is very difficult. There have been several cases where social services have been fined, but they still continue to operate.

With these arguments we see great concern regarding young man in his development and his recovery. It would be social neglect to place juveniles in the largest "school of crime" in the country that is our penal institutions.

Factors determining juvenile delinquency. There are several factors that contribute to juvenile delinquency. Today, marginalization is in addition to food poverty, reaching cultural, school, moral, civility. On the one hand, we live in a dichotomous world, with wealth, power, ideologies, destruction and technology on the one hand, and suffering, drugs, wars, hunger and moral degradation on the other. Social changes forced women to accept Active participation in the labor market, removing them from their homes where they had worked for centuries to educate their children, and these women did not have time to keep up with the growth of these young men.

Juvenile justice is the Gulag of the 21st century. No one knows exactly how many children are caught up in the network of “children’s camps” in Europe, in what conditions they live, or how many private orphanages there are. Parents and children often cannot understand why children ended up in these private prisons in the first place.

There are several reasons for the existence of such a system.

These are the consequences modern world, in which the dynamism of the labor market and the low wages of these workers are unlikely to support a family. WITH a short comment it was stated that the most immediate reason for stimulating the marginalization of a minor is lack of education, disintegration, and deterioration of the family institution. This is the breakdown of the family, which is often associated with alcoholism and parental dysfunction.

Based on the following assumption, if the family plays decisive role in the personality of children, from the earliest times to the present day, the inadequacy of the family institution, the absence of a family unit, are symptomatic factors of much of the crime. If we look only at the cases that appear in the middle, then we can understand that most of these minors are children of single mothers, orphans, children of separated parents, children of criminals, constituting a high indicator of family structure.

Firstly, there is a liberal law that allows children to be removed from the family without specifying reasons and without a court decision. In addition, anti-family ideology dominates in power, which defines a normal family as an environment harmful to children. Juvenile justice extremists consider even heterosexual relationships undesirable.

In some cases, it is soon possible that family disintegration is due to lack of love between parents and child and lack of parental training. This lack of parental presence for the child's development is another means for disruptive behavior. Doctrinal clarity is an affective relationship that strengthens own existence child, so much so that his mental and emotional neglect is considered material abandonment. Undoubtedly, the absence of one of them leads to the loss of a referent, which such young people require at the stage adolescence for its full development.

But there is also an economic reason. In the juvenile justice industry, every child seized earns their guardians several hundred euros every day. And no one is ready to give up this profitable business yet.

Just as in Finland the topic of juvenile justice is not covered in the media, in the same way it is not raised in Russian society. In the same way, each case of juvenile tragedy in a family, both in Russia and in Finland, is presented as an isolated case, and the destructive anti-family orientation of the work of child protection authorities is denied.

Juvenile justice in Finland

Alexander Institute specialist Hannah Smith considers Finnish juvenile justice methods to be sovereign and responsible highest standards. Hannah Smith considers the visit to Finland of the Russian Presidential Commissioner for Children, Pavel Astakhov, “not in keeping with good diplomatic manners.” Ms. Smith also calls on the President of Finland to clearly indicate to the Russian leadership the inadmissibility of such interference in the future, recalling that in Finland such conflicts are resolved in accordance with Finnish legislation, without the participation of government leadership, that this is a matter for the relevant authorities.
Also, the Minister of Basic Social Services of Finland, Paula Risikko, stated that “in the activities of the Finnish social service authorities in the situation discussed in Lately in the public, no illegal actions have been identified that would give the Ministry of Social Welfare and Health a reason to take action.” At the same time, not a single case of Russian-speaking parents turning to child protection societies that have extensive experience in resolving situations is known.
President Niinistö directly stated that “children are not a political instrument” and the Russian side’s demand for the creation of a joint commission for the protection of children is impossible because it is illegal.
At the same time, on May 29, 2012, the State Audit Office (VTV) (fin.) Russian. published a report criticizing the Finnish child protection system, pointing out a number of existing problems. Thus, in 2012, despite 11 complaints of child abuse, social care authorities did not take appropriate measures, which led to the death of an 8-year-old girl.

It is used as the last form of protection of the rights of the child and is used only in cases where there are no mechanisms for caring for the child, as well as the necessary living conditions, or in circumstances where the behavior of the child himself threatens his health and safety (the latter refers to the use of narcotic drugs by minors, criminal acts and related aspects). An additional factor for removing a child from the family is the inability to implement the program recommended by the social service to stabilize the situation. Before removing a child (over 12 years old), interviews must be conducted with him and his relatives. If one of the parties is against the measure of removal from the family, the decision of the social service on removal must be confirmed by the administrative court (a child over 12 and any of his guardians have the right to challenge this decision in a higher authority, up to the highest court).
Subject to the fulfillment of the above prerequisites, social service workers of the regional community are obliged to remove the child and provide him with decent living conditions, which is implemented either as an urgent protective measure or ordinary removal (the latter is a longer stay of the child outside the home or place of social stay). Seizure, as the execution of a decision by a social service bureau, can be carried out against the will of the recipients, but is often made with the consent of both parties. The placement of a child outside the family is terminated if the reasons that gave rise to it have disappeared, as well as when the child reaches the age of 18 (until the age of 21, the social service is obliged to provide support to those under guardianship).
Urgent cases of removal of a child include a situation in which: the apartment has been turned into a brothel, or the mother is engaged in prostitution, as well as in cases where traces of beatings are clearly visible on the child (in such a case, state care is guaranteed to all children of the family), while the circumstances of the removal are never issued for public discussion, and controversial issues are resolved in court, in a closed meeting. There is no concept of “deprivation of parental rights” in Finnish legislation, so parents always remain parents.
In his article, the chairman of the Anti-Fascist Committee of Finland, human rights activist Johan Beckman, states that “juvenile justice is one of the main weapons for the fascistization of society and the destruction of the family as the main institution public life" As of 2011, there were 17,409 children in public care in Finland and the number is increasing every year. In addition, the Finnish researcher notes that “juvenile justice is a weapon in the hands of atheists, used by them for new persecution of Christianity.” As an example, Beckman cites cases of oppression that Orthodox Christians are subjected to in Finland: one of the victims of this persecution was, for example, Rimma Salonen. The case of Anton Salonen, widely discussed in the Russian media, during which Russian and Finnish citizen Rimma Salonen was deprived of her maternal rights due to a dispute over child custody, according to Johan Beckman, revealed a number of aspects in juvenile justice in Finland that destabilize Finnish society.
Similar controversial methods of applying juvenile justice are considered the case of Robert Rantala, in which in February 2010 the boy was isolated from both parents at once, and the case of Yulia Putkonen, in which Finnish social services removed the child from his Russian mother and placed him under the guardianship of his Finnish father, working in Russia. . In 2012, a wide public outcry both in Finland and in Russia was caused by the Case of Anastasia Zavgorodnyaya, from whom the guardianship authorities seized four children at once, including a newborn.


3 years

Comments 5

Juveniles, in principle, are not obliged to love anyone, so they are not going to replace parents for selected children. They don’t give a damn what happens to these children later, unless of course they confiscated them for resale.

The more families are destroyed, the better the juvenile works.

Juveniles are only engaged in terrorizing prosperous families, since they have no profit when working with alcoholics, and they extort bribes from prosperous families.

Yeah, it's all complicated. Yes, and we are heading towards this... children are unpredictable creatures, with increased anxiety and maximalist views. I think every child, even in the most prosperous family, wanted to someday run away from my parents. Only someone only dreamed about it, and someone realized it. And now, if a child leaves home twice, the parents are deprived of parental rights... And these bans on punishment? Well, if he doesn’t understand differently? On early stages You can only knock the crap out...

Everything is complicated. Difficult ((((

Caution: children!

When moving abroad, especially to Britain and Scandinavian countries(including Finland and, in many respects, Estonia), it is worth understanding that there is a completely different understanding of family, marriage and relationships than in your homeland. Yours soul feelings, suffering and other emotions will be incomprehensible. Most likely, all your emotionality will be attributed to mental instability - and this means a potential danger for your child. And now it’s not far from parting with him.

Therefore, first of all, when going to live (work, get married with plans to have a child) abroad, you need to study the living conditions in that environment. You, dear ladies, go to a antenatal clinic before the birth of a child - why don’t you consult before the change of the world? Understand that all your ideas about good and evil are relative.

And there is no malicious intent towards you: in Finland, for example, more than 2,000 children are taken away from their parents a year, and in 99 percent of cases this happens to Finnish families. It doesn’t matter what your nationality is: problems can arise in any case - you are Latvian, Polish, Russian or Tatar. Or even an ethnic Finnish woman, but raised in the USSR.

Whose child?

Problem family conflicts between people different cultures also that women from the ex-USSR and countries of Eastern Europe most often they want, on the one hand, to be treated like a knight, even patronizingly, and on the other hand, they want to command their patrons, and they are infuriated when a man begins to treat her as an equal, without making allowances for the weaker sex.

Russian consuls at meetings with the Russian-language European press always try to clarify an important thing. Russian women (as well as Ukrainian women, and Moldovan women, etc.) for some reason believe that if they themselves have Russian citizenship, then in some mysterious way this extends to their children, beyond the wishes of their fathers.

Which is not true at all. Parents must obtain Russian citizenship, the child must receive a passport. If the child is from a foreign citizen, then you need to obtain the appropriate permission from the father. But mothers, having quarreled with the fathers of their common children, leave for their homeland, without thinking that they are committing a crime under the laws of the country they left, and violating the rules of their own homeland - often overstaying their children’s visas.

Nowadays it is easy to find women's clubs in all Nordic countries. Contact them, read the forums and for God’s sake don’t think: “This happens to others, but it won’t happen to me.” Spend a few evenings to at least know that putting pressure on pity with tears there will only aggravate your situation.

Most likely everything will be fine. But prepare seriously for the move - and then it will truly become the beginning of a new and happy family life.

Why are our women being taken away from their children?

ABOUT similar cases they tell in Finland, Norway, France. Why do they manage the destinies of mother and child in this way and is this system aimed only at immigrants from Eastern Europe, says our colleague, journalist Konstantin Ranks, who works in Northern Europe.

This is a typical story: our women come to the West and find themselves in conflict with the law - and as a result lose their children. They are in despair and do not understand how the system can be so cruel, how the bond between mother and child can be broken.

We only learn about these cases when they affect our women. In fact, this is a typical story that is repeated several hundred times a year and which surprises no one. I know a British citizen living in Helsinki who lost two children. The reason for taking away the children was the disorder in the apartment.

The flip side of equality

The most typical case of family conflicts is bad marriage with a foreigner who ends in divorce.

Our women are accustomed to the fact that the child almost always remains with the mother. But this is ours. Everything looks different there. For example, in Finland, women received equal rights with men back in 1906. Equal rights- equal responsibility. Both for men and women. And if the father fulfills all the duties of a parent, it means that he has the same rights to the child as the mother. The state, represented by the court, which acts as an arbiter in the dispute, does not give anyone an advantage. Otherwise, the court will be accused of sexism, that is, discrimination based on gender.

That is, any of our women who marries a citizen of the Nordic countries or Western Europe should remember that there the mother does not have a priority right to the child over the father. There they perceive the child not as a continuation of the mother (“you are my little blood”), but as an independent fruit of the love of two people. That is, in this moral system parental love and the fact of birth are two different things.

The state takes full responsibility for raising its new citizen. Parents must help the state in this matter, and if they do not fulfill their purpose, then the child is taken from the parents and transferred to another family, which will follow the instructions for raising children. The rights of children are protected by the so-called juvenile justice system.

This terrible concern

Juvenile justice, judging by the Russian press, is some kind of gloomy creation of the West, directed against family and childhood. But the truth is, as always, more complex and multi-colored. We should not forget that three and a half centuries ago, neither in Russia nor in Western Europe there was no concept of childhood as such.

Wars led to the formation of a huge mass of street children who had no prospects. And in 1619, Sweden for the first time passed a law on the creation of orphanages for every municipal formation, having the status of a city. Three decades later, schools appeared in the cities of Sweden, in which children of the poor and graduates of orphanages were taught crafts. Poor people themselves sent their children to state provision: It was easier to live this way.

Sweden in the 17th century was one of the most important countries in the world, a powerful military and political power. Her example of working with children was an example for all of Protestant Europe - including Britain.

TO end of the XVIII centuries in Sweden and Denmark came to the conclusion that best place to raise children is their own family, and measures have begun to be strengthened financial assistance poor families. But it took another century for the first laws restricting child labor to appear. In 1909, for the first time in the world, an appeal was published in Finland to pass a law banning domestic violence against children.

Picked up the baton Soviet authority, when in 1918 the decree on commissions for minors was adopted. The fight against homelessness was won by the mid-20s. But Soviet law did not go any further. In Europe, these ideas were further developed, and already in the early 80s, all corporal punishment of children was prohibited, and rules for the upbringing and care of children were formulated, which in 1989 were included in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Childhood experts say that even in the most democratic countries of the world, every year there is one case per two to three thousand inhabitants when the living conditions of a child in the family become unacceptable. For example, in Russia, according to official data, more than 2,500 children die at the hands of their parents every year.
This different mentality

During World War II, neutral Sweden took in several hundred thousand children from warring Finland and occupied neighboring countries. Children were brought from the Baltics, Denmark, and Norway. The adoptive parents broke themselves into pieces to give the arriving children at least a little warmth. After the war, children returning to their homeland remained in close contact with their adoptive (temporary) parents. In general, we can say that in the Nordic countries the principle “The whole nation, the whole country is one big family for the child and the old man."

In the countries of Eastern and Southern Europe a completely different attitude towards family. If in Scandinavia children go to school early Big world, live separately, and in old age calmly move to comfortable boarding houses, then in our opinion, sending parents to an almshouse is a shame.

In our society, the family is essentially a closed system. The state is not considered "home" - rather it is a hostile environment from which one should stay away.

People lack the skills to interact competently with the government. In fact, other than humiliated petitioning and bribery, we do not represent any of the tools for interacting with the bureaucrats - unlike our northern neighbors, who understand perfectly well how to communicate with the state.

The story of Irina Bergset, who tried to take her 13-year-old son to Russia after her divorce from her Norwegian pedophile husband, is noteworthy. Norwegian social authorities saw Irina as a hysterical woman who cried(!) during the inquiry, and did not understand how sending her son to a foster family could harm him. But the Polish court, which heard the case of Irina and her son (they tried to escape through Poland, where they were detained), sided with the mother and released the mother and her son to their homeland, Russia. The Poles easily understood Irina’s arguments: for Polish society they are understandable, but the arguments of the Norwegian side are completely alien.

Of the 97 children who took part in the study, only 11 returned home after five years in state custody.
THL Health and Wellbeing conducted a study which found that only 10% of children taken into social care care returned home due to a change in health. life situation however, of these, a third were later placed back into care.

According to research, most often a child, after reaching adulthood, begins his own life, where custody ends.

It also turned out that 2/3 of the children needed psychiatric and psychological help.

Social workers assessed that for 86% of children, social services interventions met the children's needs. Social workers also believe that the situation of most children has changed for the better compared to the situation in which the decision about custody was made.

The THL Health and Wellness Office analyzed the situation of 97 children from 2006 to 2011.