Interesting facts about the joker that you didn't know. Who is Joker

", we want to remind you of the story of one of the main villains of world cinema.

The Joker is an insane psychopath, maniac, supervillain and main opponent Batman. He was first introduced in Batman #1, released in the spring of 1940.


The Joker is over seventy years old, but his past is still unknown. Perhaps even he himself no longer remembers who he was before the night when he put on the Red Hood; sclerosis is a common phenomenon at this age. According to the accepted canonical version, the man who became the Joker (perhaps he was an unsuccessful comedian, or perhaps a gangster) fell into acid, frightened by Batman, when he took part in a robbery of a playing card factory in the Red Hood costume. As a result, he went crazy, got white skin, black shadows around his eyes and green hair, and a smile was forever frozen on his face.

Frame: Warner Bros.

Some time later, a warehouse full of smiling corpses was discovered in Gotham, and a strange character in a purple suit appeared on television screens, announcing who and when he was going to kill. Batman and Commissioner Gordon had to make a lot of efforts to stop the Joker, who dealt with the owners of the ill-fated factory and intended to poison the Gotham reservoir. As a result, the villain ended up in Arkham Asylum.

Later, the Joker got a partner - a girl dressed in a harlequin costume and madly in love with a maniac. Also (according to an unconfirmed version) he had a pregnant wife, Jenny, who died in an accident, and the Joker sometimes worried about her.

The Joker's image has undergone some changes in the comic book version. The New 52". Here the homicidal maniac makes his first appearance in Detective Comics, where he is pursued by the entire Gotham police force. The character's appearance in the restarted universe has remained virtually unchanged. After another skirmish with Batman, the Joker is captured and again taken to Arkham. In the clown's cell, a new villain, the Puppeteer, visits him. He declares himself the Joker's biggest fan and then amputates his face. When Harley Quinn hears rumors about the death of a maniac, she loses the last of her sanity and leaves the Suicide Squad to personally see the cut off face of her lover at the Gotham police station. Obviously, she expects to have the opportunity to restore the “beauty” of her beloved.

In the storyline "Death of the Family", the Joker reappears and kills many police officers, and also regains his face, which is now attached to his head with straps. The Joker repeats his very first crime, threatening to kill the mayor but instead eliminating his employees. The villain returns to the place where he was born, the Ace chemical plant, and promises to return his and Batman's previous lives.

The Joker is a self-confident maniac, and despite his obvious insanity, he has a fairly high IQ, cunning, and resourcefulness. Those who consider him an ally tend to simply be used by the Joker. And those who hire him for “dirty work” must be prepared for unpredictable results.

He is ruthless, merciless and insane (this is manifested in an extremely frivolous attitude towards life and reality: he ridicules almost everything in his path and, having ridiculed it, destroys). Dangers, torture and even death do not frighten him at all, although the instinct of self-preservation always kicks in at the right moment.

His crazy brain always suggests unexpected, witty and correct solutions to the owner. He has no equal in his ability to find the weak points of his opponents and use their own weapons against them. The Joker doesn't care about stupid things like whether the fight is fair.

His eerie aura and nightmarish reputation inspire respectful fear and almost reverence among most criminals.

Powers and abilities: unyielding strength will and brilliant intellect. The Joker's madness and the structure of his mind leave him immune to torture. Batman tried to explain this phenomenon by saying that he actually does not realize what is right and wrong, not understanding why he should be judged at all.

The Joker is a skilled chemist and explosives expert. He is immune to all types of poisons, an escape artist, a master of tactical analysis and is quite good in hand-to-hand combat. Although Batman is stronger, the Joker is faster and more agile, and his fighting style is chaotic and unpredictable.

He came up with a poison that makes victims laugh until they die and leaves a creepy smile on their faces, and uses his clown props as weapons, e.g. playing cards and a flower in his buttonhole.


The main Jokers in cinema today are:

Cesar Romero - He played him in the 1966 Batman film and subsequent series.

Frame: 20th Century Fox

Jack Nicholson - " Batman"1989.

Heath Ledger - Nolan's most magnificent trilogy (" Batman Begins», « The Dark Knight" And " The Dark Knight Rises"), the Joker of which became the new canon.

Poor Batman. So many years of training, dedication and hard work. He had to endure the loss of his parents, who were shot by bandits. Finally, after a long struggle with various rabble, bandits and robbers, having spent great amount time, energy and money, there comes a time when you want to give up everything and go somewhere. For example, he will go to a comfortable retirement.

But then supervillains appear, such as: The Riddler, Two-Face, other dangerous freaks with an umbrella and a monocle, as well as a wild catwoman and Batman's archrival - the Joker. Therefore, the hero cannot leave the city to be torn to pieces by these scoundrels, and especially by the craziest of them, who appeared as a result of falling into a vat of acid.

This character was created by Jerry Robinson, Bill Finger and Bob Kane in 1940. The Joker had the same rich and varied career as the Dark Knight, only unlike the latter, it was associated with crime and sadism. Only Batman's sworn enemy, like Moriarty in the legendary Sherlock Holmes, knew how to cause real difficulties for the hero.

Whether he's killing Batman's associates, tormenting his friends, or simply terrorizing the people of Gotham, the Joker has indeed caused a lot of trouble in between (and sometimes during) his stays at Arkham Asylum. This article describes the most unpleasant things that the Prince of Clowns of Crime committed.

10. Kidnapping and Brainwashing of Tim Drake

"Batman Beyond" is a children's animated series, some scenes from which were used in the feature-length films about the Dark Knight, including the episode with the inevitable return of the Joker. While battling the resurrected villain, Future Batman learns his secret from the past Bruce Wayne. Batman's investigation leads him to ex-Robin, Tim Drake.

The Joker kidnaps Tim, and his faithful assistant Harley Quinn brainwashes the poor guy and turns him into an obedient puppy. Then, during final battle Joker and Wayne, Tim briefly regains control of himself and kills his new master (in an unusually bloody and brutal manner, you can see this in the uncensored version of the film) before having a mental breakdown.

However, Tim will feel the Joker's influence for a long time to come. He would later actually turn into his captor and confront Batman. Although real Joker had been dead for a long time, he managed to bring many more difficulties to the hero.

9. Emperor Joker

The creation of Jeff Loeb and Ed McGuinness - "Imperator Joker" tells us the story of a world remade according to the concepts and laws of the Prince of Crime Clowns. Having stolen 99% of the power of Superman's enemy Mister Mxyzptlk, the Joker becomes omnipotent and gains dominance over the world. Superman, in turn, tries to restore balance.

Possessing incredible power, every day Emperor Joker tortured and killed Batman and then resurrected him each time to repeat the process. Ultimately, this turned out to be the reason for the downfall of the Clown Prince - Superman noticed the villain's weakness associated with Batman, and skillfully used it to win the fight.

The Dark Knight was so traumatized by these events that he even had to erase his memory so that he could continue to fight crime and evil.

8. Monty loses his skin

The updated image of the Joker, depicted in the film "The Dark Knight", received a more realistic and terrifying look of a real villain (largely thanks to Heath Ledger). Soon after this "modernization" new look The Clown Prince also migrated to the pages of Brian Azzarello's graphic novel, which was called "Joker". This is a more realistic look at the story of the confrontation between Batman and the Joker, who was freed from Arkham Asylum and became involved with petty thief Mister Frost.

The most memorable moment is the visit of the Joker and his companions to a strip club, where he meets his old accomplice Monty. What follows essentially turns The Dark Knight into a bunch of harmless and even cute jokes compared to Azzarello's novel.

After the Joker and Monty retire to their office to talk business, the cruel Clown Prince flays his comrade. In fact, this scene is very reminiscent of one scene from Hannibal, and it is certainly one of the Joker's most brutal acts.

7. Batgirl leaves, Oracle appears

One of the most success stories about the Joker - " Killing Joke", created by Alan Moore, reminds us how dangerous and unpredictable the Joker can be when he's up to something bad. Just one "right" moment, as the supervillain believes, can drive anyone crazy.

After once again leaving Arkham Asylum, the Joker turns his attention to James Gordon and his family. A plan instantly matures in his head on how he will turn the policeman into a madman like himself. The Clown Prince arrives at Gordon's doorstep wearing a funky Hawaiian shirt and shoots the commissioner's daughter Barbara, paralyzing her and thus ending her career as Batgirl (at least in this universe).

Barbara Gordon also appeared in the re-released DC Comics series "52", where she recovers from a spinal injury using a special removable cape.

Gordon's torment and torture do not end there. The Joker's attack on the Commissioner's daughter was just the beginning of a powerful psychological attack on James Gordon. The Joker tries to make every next day of the commissioner's stay in Gotham his most unlucky and terrible day in his life. It is worth saying that Gordon had many such days.

James is trapped in the Joker's amusement park, where he is beaten, tortured and humiliated in various ways, then stripped naked and forced to watch his daughter being abused in the same manner. The Commissioner and his daughter miraculously retain their sanity, again and again becoming victims of the Joker's murderous joke.

6. "Do you want to know how I got these scars?"

IN Once again The Joker changes his appearance. The sequel to 2008's "Batman Begins" from Christopher Nolan, which had enough resounding success and well received by critics, introduced the new kind The Clown Prince. This version of the Joker, played this time by Heath Ledger, was simply inimitable and significantly different from its predecessors, played by Cesar Romero and Jack Nicholson. “By firing” an incredibly tense bank robbery scene, Ledger changed the course forever Batman's war against crime. Thus, the Dark Knight now has an enemy to be reckoned with.

The Joker's contribution to the overall success of the film is really hard to overestimate, but the main achievement was probably the darkest scene of the film - the murder of Bruce Wayne's beloved. After poor Rachel Dawes falls out of a window and attempts to kill District Attorney Harvey Dent, the Joker kidnaps them both and imprisons them in mysterious place with several deadly traps.

After a brutal confrontation between Batman and the Joker, the Clown Prince finally reveals the location of the prisoners. The Dark Knight immediately goes to save his love, Rachel, but right before our eyes, she explodes, and Dent turns into a monster called Two-Face. This is probably the most shocking scene in the film. Why did it happen so? The modest and taciturn butler Alfred Pennyworth best described this situation in the words: "some people just want to see the world burn."

5. The Murder of Sarah Essen

The epic plot of "No Man's Land" describes the transformation of Gotham City into a post-apocalyptic desert, the appearance of which was the result of a powerful earthquake that completely destroyed the city. At first, the Joker sat on the sidelines while the Penguin and Two-Face fought among themselves for dominance over this territory. However, after Batman returned to Gotham (after a slight crisis of faith for the hero), the Clown Prince of Crime decided to emerge from the shadows.

After innocent fun with the Huntress and the power-crazed policeman William Petit (the villain kidnapped people and dressed them in Joker outfits), the Clown Prince came up with a truly brutal plan: to kill every newborn child in the city.

Detective Sarah Essen, wife of James Gordon, faced the Clown alone in an irreconcilable battle at police headquarters. She tried to save the children from the Joker's rage, but ended up getting shot in the forehead herself.

4. No face

DC Comics re-released their creations in new series comics "New 52", so their characters received a completely new look. Always one step ahead, the Joker also decided to change his appearance with the help of a criminal puppeteer surgeon, who completely removed his face. The Joker planned to go deep underground and whole year stay out of sight. When he returned, he immediately began searching for his face, and also thirsted for revenge.

Scott Snyder's Death in the Family crossover witnessed the brutal return of the Joker. The villain broke into the Gotham City Police Department (GCPD), killing everyone he met there, and also took his face, thus signaling to Batman that he was back in the city. The Clown kidnaps the butler Alfred, as well as some members of the Bat-family, and sends a letter to his “favorite” enemy.

In any case, everything that happened in this story before the exciting fight between two eternal rivals simply loses its meaning, because that’s exactly what it was all leading to. After ending the battle by falling into a waterfall in Batman's cave, the Joker was left with nothing. Probably, at the next meeting he will not stand on ceremony with the Dark Knight.

3. Breaks his own spine to spite Batman

Frank Miller's classic Batman story follows an older, grumpier Batman who decides to return to fighting various villains. After he once again thwarted Two-Face's evil plans and machinations and stopped a huge mutant teenager, the aged Batman seemed to have taken full control of the situation in the city again.

However, as soon as the Joker learns of the return of the Dark Knight, he comes up with a cunning plan: giving others the impression that he is sane, the Joker fights his way to a television show, where he kills everyone present and quickly escapes. Batman and Robin catch up with the villain at an amusement park (a traditional setting for superhero showdowns), where the two sworn enemies once again engage in a thrilling battle (this time in the Tunnel of Love). During the fight, Batman receives a serious stab wound, and the Joker loses eyeball as a result of a precise hit from a batarang.

However, Batman still cannot take the initiative and deal the final blow to the villain, so the Joker does it on his own. He begins laughing maniacally and turning his neck to spite Batman. As a result, he finally breaks his spine and dies; this was truly the last laugh of the villain.

2. The figurative death of Superman and the literal death of the Joker

In the video game "Injustice: Gods Among Us", based on the alternate reality of the DC Comics Universe, the Joker gives Batman a short break and goes off to "play a little" in Metropolis. He drugs Superman with the hallucinogenic Scarecrow gas, causing the Kryptonian to have visions of Doomsday attacking his lover Lois Lane and their unborn child. In a rage, Superman deals with the villain, throwing him into open space.

However, it is soon discovered that Doomsday is actually his beloved Lois. And now the worst part: imagine what kind of torment a person who was thrown into outer space by Superman could experience. But that's not all. The villain had previously connected the explosive to the explosive, and he also synchronized Lois's heartbeat with the detonator, so the moment the heart stopped automatically triggered the action of the explosive and led to the destruction of Metropolis. After this, an enraged Superman killed the Joker.

Despite the fact that there are too many deaths here, the Joker still managed to arrange the death of Lois Lane, destroy Metropolis and completely undermine all moral principles. In fact, in this case, the Clown Prince of Crime was once again the one who had the last laugh. Once again.

1. The Murder of Jason Todd

This event was quite predictable, but it still amazes with its audacity. The story, described in the comic book "Death in the Family", created by Jim Starlin and Jim Aparo, tells about one of the most dramatic moments of Batman's life - brutal murder member of the Bat-family - teenager Robin.

Of course, it is worth considering that Jason Todd was far from the most beloved character in the Family, but the murder of a teenager is very cruel. The Joker managed to hit the poor guy in the head more than once before leaving him unconscious next to the ticking explosive device. Literally a moment later, the guy was torn into pieces, and Batman, unfortunately, did not have time to save him.

This may have been Batman's fatal mistake. It is likely that to this day this loss remains a heavy burden on the Dark Knight’s soul. Of course, Jason Todd was later resurrected by the authors (in the cartoon "Batman: Under the Red Hood") and left alive, but still everyone still persecutes and hates the Joker for his terrible crimes, including this.

Where is the climax? Robin's death was not the result of a decline in popularity this character. So who is the real monster? This is definitely the Joker. After all, just imagine: he beat a poor teenager with a baton and left him for dead next to an activated explosive device.

What do you think about Joker? Write your comments below!

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The Joker is the quintessential underworld of the DC Universe. He is also one of the most famous villains in all of comic book literature and the reason many people are afraid of clowns. He is the Ace of Dodgers, Batman's archenemy, he is the Joker.

1 The Joker was created as a one-off character

The Joker was created by Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson and appeared in Batman #1, released in April 1940.

There, the Joker was a thief and murderer who used Joker toxin to commit crimes. At the end of the issue, he was supposed to have been killed by a blow to the heart. The creators thought that a recurring villain would make Batman boring. Luckily, he was saved by then-editor Whitney Ellsworth, cementing the Joker as a permanent villain and later Batman's greatest nemesis.

2 The origin of the Joker is unknown

In the movie "The Dark Knight" the Joker always said different stories the appearance of a scar on the face. Even in the comics, there is no information about the origin or true backstory of the Joker. He himself stated that he definitely did not remember his previous life, recalling various versions of what happened to him.

3 Conrad Veidt became the prototype for the Joker

Conrad Veidt is a German actor who played mainly in silent films. In the film “The Man Who Laughs,” based on the novel by Victor Hugo, the actor plays the ever-grinning Gwynplaine. Gwynplaine was kidnapped as a child by Comprachicos bandits, who disfigured his face beyond recognition by cutting his mouth from ear to ear.

4 He's not as crazy as he might seem

The Joker has always been associated with madness. He's always been portrayed as a crazy sociopath who kills people because it's fun. Yet he is quite normal. In the graphic novel “Arkham Asylum” Grant Morrison suggested that mental condition The Joker was a previously unprecedented form of “super sanity.” The Joker sees the world around him like no other comic book character. There is even an assumption that he understands that he is a comic book character.

5 The Joker has the most kills in the DC Universe

Every DC villain commits murder from time to time, but not as often as he does. For the Joker, murder is an art. He always gets creative with his kills. In Batman Confidential #11, the Joker launches a detonated balloon over Gotham. When it explodes, a shower of poison-coated glass falls on one of Gotham's neighborhoods, which, when hit, not only kills people, but also distorts their faces into a creepy smile, reminiscent of the Joker's smile. The attack left a tenth of a city the size of modern Chicago dead. Back in the “Emperor Joker” series, he practically destroyed the entire Earth.

6 Even the most notorious DC supervillains are afraid of the Joker

It is not surprising that he became the most terrible supervillain; even other villains are afraid of him. Some antagonists, such as Lex Luthor and Bane, are extremely wary of him and generally try to avoid any contact with him, while others, such as the Trickster, are openly afraid of him. The Trickster even said that “when supervillains want to scare each other, they tell Joker stories.”

7 Maybe the Joker's name is Jack

It is believed that the Joker's real name is Jack Napier. In the comic book series Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, the Joker's cousin Melvin almost called him by his real name. But the Joker interrupted cousin on the first syllable and threatened to never say it again. Joker also used the name Jack as code name for many of its schemes.

8 The Joker was cured of madness twice

In Batman: Endgame, Bruce Wayne and the Joker are buried by a collapsed cave vault. But later, thanks to a regenerative substance called dionesium, the Joker became alive again.

After being restored, the Joker forgot everything he had ever done. He became just a depressed man who works in a butcher shop and contemplates suicide. On this moment he is completely healthy, although the creators hint that the Joker will soon become himself. There was also an instance where Martian Manhunter used his telepathic abilities and cured the Joker of madness. But the state of rest was short-lived and he soon returned to his normal state.

9 He took control of the Justice League

Using his new and improved Joker Toxin, he captured and brainwashed half of the Justice League members in order to kill Batman. He mind-controlled Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, and finally Superman to the point of complete dominance. Bruce Wayne emerged victorious in this battle, but the fight was extremely brutal. After this A.R.G.U.S. sent the Justice League for emergency treatment.

10 He has no concept of good and evil

It is common knowledge that the Joker views his actions as a way to make Batman best hero. In the same “Endgame” storyline, he describes his actions as a “helping hand” to Batman. Still, this is the tip of the iceberg. The Joker sees no evil in his actions. He views his killing, theft, and torture as purely noble and altruistic actions. Spectrum, one of the most strong creatures in the DC Universe, the Vengeful Wrath of God was unable to punish the Clown Prince of Crime. This happened because divine punishment works on those who, at least deep down, admit their sins or who have a concept of morality but choose to ignore it. The Joker has none of these aspects.

Photos from the filming of a new film about a painted psychopath have leaked online. There is a possibility that this is not the final look of the image, and they are just cleverly throwing dust in our eyes. If this is not the case, then it’s a shame that the intrigue didn’t work out. I wanted to remember how over the past ten years the Joker has been made into the most desirable character that everyone, it seems, wants to play.


I still remember how the Internet went wild in 2007 when the handsome Heath Ledger was appointed to play the role of Batman’s main enemy. Then everyone was just whining about how the “gay cowboy” was no match for the great Nicholson. This is understandable, at that time Hit had just shot with a scandalous "Brokeback Mountain"(in 2006, took the Oscar for Best movie with such a film it was much more impudent than the victory of some "Moonlight" in 2017). It is understandable why Nicholson was considered the unshakable pinnacle of the character’s embodiment.

Cesar Romero, 1966
Jack Nicholson, 1989

Before Burton's film, the world knew only the clown (in literally) The Joker played by Cesar Romero in the comedy-acid series about the adventures of Man Bat. It’s clear that Nicholson was fucked up not only because he’s great and the roles of psychos are prescribed to him in genetics, but also because of the bright contrast between the clownery of the series and the gothic darkness of Tim Burton... And then some handsome guy with a perfect smile "Knight's Stories" And "10 Reasons I Hate You". It's clear that Heath had serious roles, but the Internet community in general is not often distinguished by its competence.

First photo of Heath Ledger as the Joker

Then the first promo photo with Nolan’s Joker came out and everyone turned a little white with horror and gasp. The dissatisfied remained, but their army began to decrease. Then the teaser came out "The Dark Knight" without a single frame, and at the end of the video the titular antagonist’s laughter could be heard in the background. Almost instantly, the army of hate dropped to a minimum and everyone quietly waited for full-fledged trailers, after which, of course, the hate disappeared completely. Everything that happened next - you already know very well.

The tragic death of Heath, a brilliant performance as the Joker, an impeccable film, the title of one of the best movie villains in history. The bar has been raised so much that even Nicholson is not often remembered. Now everyone wants to play the role of a “crazy clown”, with all this expression and outrageousness, but who the hell would dare - comparisons with Heath are impossible to withstand.


However, in the industry all these years, in parallel, there was another “ideal Joker”, who generally relied on Ledger’s divinity, because he himself played the role at the level of a higher being. It's about about Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), who voiced the character in the Tom-Most-Cartoon-On-STS - "Batman" (Batman: The Animated Series, 1992-1995). Of course, we couldn’t appreciate Hamill’s power in the dubbing.

The guy is so good at voicing the Joker that he voiced him in all subsequent years, starting from the animated series "Superman", ending full-length cartoons, like the recent film adaptation of the great "Killing Joke". Among other things, Hamill voiced the arch-villain and played in all the episodes Batman: Arkham Asylum, Arkham City,Arkham Knight.

Hamill in The Flash as James "Trickster" Jesse

The guy periodically appears in TV series ( "Flash") and cinema ( "Sushi Girl"), playing joker-style psychopaths, which wildly pleases fans, but hardly satisfies himself. However, Hamill is not without work and the role of Luke Skywalker does not feed him the way voice acting in games and cartoons has fed him for decades.


When was filming announced? "Suicide Squad" then Jared Leto was approved somehow without any fuss. Two years earlier, the guy won an Oscar for his role as a transvestite in "Dallas Buyers Club", and the Internet community has already been taught by the experience of the win-win formula “ good actor = good Joker" Everyone waited quietly. The very first promo of the actor in the image divided opinion into two camps - some were delighted with the change of reference point (the glam punk image seemed like a good idea), while others were against such a violation of the canon (tattoos, grillz, co-co-co).

On the right is the first photo of Jared as the Joker.

Then endless rumors began about how Leto got used to the character, how he gives people creepy gifts on set, how he doesn’t communicate with his colleagues on set, and in general, that this is a brilliant performance (the director actually swore that they filmed divine material with Leto) . Later, a promo video was released at Comic-Con, where you could enjoy some really creepy footage of the Joker and everyone felt a little better. What happened next - you know very well.

The film was cut to hell, almost all the scenes with Leto were re-edited, making the Joker-Harley line romantic, not canonical. For example, in the original version, it was he who pushed her out of the helicopter, but they re-edited everything as if an enemy missile had hit the helicopter and Mr. Jay tragically watched his passion fall down. It's disgusting. But kids all over the world were delighted.

As a result, according to interviews and witnesses, everything that Leto played went into the trash and in general all his work was completely and irrevocably fucked up. There was no limit to disappointment - it seemed that the Joker was the only one worth watching "Suicide Squad"- but the comrade almost left the worst part this circus tent.


In general, everything is complicated here, but "Gotham" There is no other way - this is the strangest show in the universe. The series has its own Joker, who is actually another character - Jerome. They constantly play with the viewer, making Easter eggs and references to the famous maniac clown, but they never dare to name the character of the red-haired gay from "Shameless"(Cameron Monaghan) In That Name.

What’s funny is that Jerome’s first appearance as a psychopath occurs during interrogation, where the boy gave a monumental performance, mixing the habits and intonation of Heath Ledger, Nicholson’s facial expressions and Hamill’s style. It’s impossible to describe in words what they subsequently did to his character; it’s better to see this fucked-up thing with your own eyes (if you’re a pervert, of course).

It’s strange to recognize Monahan as a cool Joker, when even the creators of the series try not to do this, however, in some individual episodes the guy plays no worse than the rest of his colleagues involved in the image, or even better. It's even a shame that such an acting potential was used in such a perverted way.


Happy new "Joker" Everything happened somehow surreally quickly. The project was announced as standalone film with an adult rating that will in no way relate to the DC Cinematic Universe. Then there were rumors about Leonardo DiCaprio in leading role and few people did not take these stuffing seriously - it was too good to be true. A little later it became known that the Joker would be played by Joaquin Phoenix, who until the very end refused to confirm the rumors. Again, few people reacted well to this announcement (especially after the story with DiCaprio).

Still from the filming of "Joker"

And then the fucking date of filming. Joaquin talks about the project in one of his interviews and confirms his participation. Huyax. Skinny Phoenix in promo photos. Huyax - he walks around in the image of the Joker film set. And everything is somehow too fast and you don’t even know how to feel about it.

On the one hand, this can only hint that the comrades are making a really serious movie and no one cares about the reactions of the geek community this time. God forbid. On the other hand, I won’t be surprised if, months later, new promotional photos appear, where Joaquin will already be in a new, updated image - with scars, smudged makeup and a gloomy fucker.

According to the creators, we are waiting for a very stylish and dark movie about the development of a psychopathic maniac. No superhero stuff - just a crime thriller, just hardcore. Director Todd Phillips does not inspire much confidence as a playwright, however, the guy is friendly with the visuals ( "Guys with Guns"). IN in this case In general, everything depends on the quality of the script. There is no doubt that Joaquin will be able to act like a god, and Phillips will be able to film everything beautifully.

Looking at all this, I can’t help but feel sad to mention how in 2012 director Joe Carnahan ( "Trump Aces") suggested that FOX studio make a movie about Daredevil in the spirit "Taxi Driver": so that the action takes place in the seventies, so that there is ultra-violence, no superhero flair, only gloom, gore and cruelty. I remember he even released a trailer in which he wanted to convey his vision to the studio bosses. But in 2012 the whole world was bending over "The Avengers", and FOX studio didn't have the balls to greenlight it similar project. Then the statute of limitations expired and the rights to Daredevil went to Marvel Disney. What happened next - you already know.

FOX releases after years "Deadpool" And "Logan" with ultra-violence and gore, making a lot of money from it. Marvel is giving Daredevil to the mercy of Netflix, who are making the best superhero series of the decade - with ultra-violence, darkness and gore. And now - "Joker" filmed in exactly the same setting - the eighties, violence and crime.

Somewhere in the world, Joe Carnahan is sad right now because he was too bold and rushed his ideas a few years ahead. I hope that Todd Phillips will avenge him and release a powerful film about the Joker, so that everyone will go crazy, and Warner Brothers will then launch a separate DC Cinematic Universe, following the path of Nolan - darkly and leisurely. We'll find out in exactly one year.


Thank you for your attention


What can be said about the Joker that hasn't already been said? The Joker has been everywhere since the early days of the Dark Knight back in the 1930s. Over the years, there have been very few (if any) incarnations of Batman that didn't feature an evil clown.

As Joker likes to point out all the time, the two characters are two sides of the same coin; all it would take for Bruce Wayne to descend into the madness of his nemesis is "one bad day." The crazed criminal mastermind was locked in an endless battle with the Dark Knight for decades and became one of the greatest villains in comic book history!

With a character as crazy as the Joker, there's bound to be a lot of deception when it comes to him personal information. Seventy years later, and even the most hardcore comic book fans have no clear idea of ​​the villain's origins, true identity, or history!

Here are 10 crazy facts about the Joker.

1. The Joker was a martial artist

Remember The Batman? This attempt to create a successful sequel to the Batman animated series in the early 2000s lasted four years. The series was quite popular for the first season or two, but then quickly fizzled out.

The version of the Joker that appeared in The Batman was a bit similar to previous versions. He had the look of a joker straight jacket with long, dangling arms that dangled as he spun around and fought. In this universe, Mr. J was actually a martial artist and fought Batman in one-on-one combat. He was also somewhat of a pervert, writhing his body like no other normal person could not.

2. The Joker does his own makeup

Perhaps the greatest thing about Joker is the fact that there is no true "final version". Most people think of Robert Downey Jr. when they hear Iron Man or Christopher Reeve when they think of Superman, but when you hear "Joker" you can argue that Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, Mark Hamill or Cesar Romero are all were the best, and you will be right! Ledger's incarnation of the character was more of an anarchist who committed crimes to prove a point.

Almost everyone knows the story of how Ledger got used to the role, but few people know that Ledger insisted that he not sit in the makeup chair except to apply scars.

The actor felt that the Joker should do his own makeup every day, using what he could find; Ledger would go out and buy cheap makeup products and then do it himself every day while filming!

3. Over the years, the Joker has lost almost all his teeth

When the first photos of Jared Leto's Joker hit the Internet, fans speculated about his false teeth. Some thought it was only because this version was supposed to be more "gangster" than the previous ones, while others simply assumed that they were replacing teeth that Batman had knocked out over the years.

The Joker probably has a great dentist, because even in the comics there's no way he's supposed to have real teeth. Artists often like to depict the Joker being beaten by showing his teeth flying out of his mouth.

The most brutal thing was when Barbara Gordon finally took revenge by knocking out all his teeth with a crowbar!

4. His spine was broken by Batman

Batman Returns Dark Knight is one of the greatest comic book stories ever. When it came out in 1986, the Dark Knight was seen as a more humorous character thanks to the huge success of Adam West's show.

Of course, what is good story Batman without the Clown Prince of Crime? The Joker makes a brief appearance in the story as a rehabilitated man who returns to his old ways when he sees himself back. IN climax Batman, finally having enough of the Joker's antics, grabs him by the spine.

5. Jared Leto's Joker Uses Tattoos as Memorabilia

We couldn't help but touch on Jared Leto's version of the character. One of the big gimmicks of Suicide Squad was his version of the Joker, which went from a playful but evil clown to an outright gangster criminal, complete with piercings, gold chains and tattoos galore.

There was some method to the character's madness.

Director David Ayer confirmed that each tattoo on the Joker's body tells a very specific story, such as the Jester on his torso (symbolizing his love for Harley). The creepiest of them all has to be the bird with an arrow through its chest, a reminder of what he did to Jason Todd.

6. The Joker drove Batman crazy

There have been many different versions of Batman over the years, but none have been as scary as The Batman Who Laughs.

After meeting the Joker, Batman loses his mind and goes on a violent rampage, taking out every member of his brotherhood as well as destroying Gotham City. Like the Batman Who Laughs he holds all three of his former Robins zombified in a chain and uses them as weapons.

How did this happen? Because the version of the Joker in The Dark Knight: Metal Universe had a poison pill. When Batman finally snapped and ended the villain's life, the device in his heart released a powerful strain of Joker-Venom that slowly turned the Dark Knight into a madman.

7. The Joker has different interpretations

Every time when new writer decides to write the Clown Prince of Crime, he naturally wants their own version of the character. While this is generally good news, leading to many different iconic iterations of the villain over the years, it can also spell disaster when a writer has the Joker do things that are out of character.

There are literally dozens of different interpretations of the Joker, all of which have their positive and negative aspects.

During the DC Rebirth, Batman discovers a shocking twist through Morbius's powerful chair: The Joker wasn't just one man.

Rather, the chair revealed that there are three different Jokers!

8. Joker - a thousand-year-old demon

Scott Snyder's Batman Endgame was one of the best. It was supposed to be the third part of a huge trilogy storylines Joker, and it didn't disappoint!

The story follows the Joker as he returns to torment Batman, revealing that he knows the Knight's true identity and that no one is safe from his wrath.

The weirdest part? Heroes reveal that the Joker may be much older than originally thought. Gordon finds a picture of the villain from an old newspaper.

The Joker himself teases that he may or may not be an immortal demon destined to fight Batman for eternity.

9. The Joker once had the power to bend reality

The Joker is one of the most manipulative characters in all of DC Comics. No matter how well Batman or other heroes think they know him, the Joker will always find a way to surprise everyone with his evil plans. Almost every character in the DC Universe has been a victim of the Joker at some point.

One of the biggest tricks the characters ever played was the villain Mister Mixyspitlick when he tricked the character into giving him universal powers. This led to a timeline in which the Joker was immortal and could bend reality to his will. He used these powers to conquer the world, turn the Justice League into a team of villains, and plunge Batman into a constant state of torment.

10. The Joker really believes his past is multiple choice.

When you first hear the word "Joker", what do you think? It's always an evil, maniacal laugh and a terrible grimace. This guy is one of the scariest characters in comics because he's just so unpredictable and takes some sick pleasure in what he does. Nobody knows how the Joker became such a maniac.

Even the Joker himself doesn't know what his origin story is!

In Batman: The Killing Joke, he tells Batman, "If I'm going to have a past, I'd rather it be multiple choice."

It is not simple clever saying. really believes that his past could be one of many options, and he uses what is appropriate at a certain time.

If we missed any weird details about the Joker, let us know in the comments!