Interesting statements on status. Statuses with meaning: smart sayings about life, people and love

We are drawn to another reality. Dreams, memories... 57

If the problem can be resolved, there is no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying about it. 57

Take care of your relationships so that you don’t have to take care of your memories later. 127

The best kept secret is the one who doesn't know it at all. 98

Will is what makes you win when your mind tells you that you are defeated. 55

Dreams become reality when thoughts turn into actions. 53

Time is an amazing phenomenon. There is so little of it when you are late and so much of it when you are waiting. 87

Everyone tends to see their own reflection in the world. To a tired person, everyone seems tired. To the sick - sick. To the loser - losers. 26

Look forward with hope. Back - with gratitude. Up - with faith. On the sides - with love. 49

Errors are the punctuation marks of life, without which, like in the text, there will be no meaning. 41

It's too late to go back to start things right, but it's not too late to rush forward to finish things right. 30

What is more difficult to obtain is more valuable. 96

If you have nothing to do, take care of yourself! 74

A person is worth something only when he has his own point of view. 32

Do not be sad about anything in advance and do not rejoice at what does not yet exist. 32

We think one thing, say another, mean a third, do a fourth and are surprised when the fifth comes out... 52

Imagine how quiet it would be if people only said what they knew. 68

Everything will not be the way we decide. Everything will happen when we decide. 47

You are so eager to judge the shortcomings of others, start with your own - and you won’t get to others. 55

A person can do anything. Only he is usually hampered by laziness, fear and low self-esteem. 79

and let’s not stir up the past, that’s why it’s the past, so that they don’t live anymore. 25

A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do and to insist on your own. 40

If you missed something, don't miss the lesson from it. 42

We do not see everything as it is - we see everything as we are. 28

Humans are 80% water. If a person has no dreams or goals in life, then he is just a puddle. 33

Learning to say “NO” decisively to small things will give you the strength to say “YES” to something truly worthwhile. 14

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference. 25

What irritates us in others is not the lack of perfection, but the lack of similarity to us... 19

You laugh at me because I am different from you, and I laugh at you because you are not different from each other. Michael Bulgakov 38

A master at making excuses is rarely a master at anything else. 29

It's possible if you believe in it. © Alice in Wonderland 29

Everything a girl does around the house is unnoticeable. It becomes noticeable when she doesn't do this. 43

Words are like keys. With the right choice, you can open any soul and close any mouth.

God said: “Fear the tears of a person offended by you, because he will ask me for help, and I will help.”

Light disperses darkness, but it cannot disperse the stench.

How you look determines what you see.

“You got out of rags to riches, but quickly becoming a prince... Don’t forget, so as not to jinx it..., princes are not eternal - dirt is eternal...” Omar Khayyam

When you fly off a bridge, you realize that all your problems can be solved. Except one. You're already flying off the bridge.

Failure does not mean that God has abandoned you. This means that God has a better way for you.

He who has abandoned once will be abandoned... Even if not immediately... Perhaps much later... But the deed will be returned... He who has not forgiven will not be forgiven... He who has deceived will be deceived... The deeds will not go anywhere... He who has made a low agreement will himself receive the same sentence

In a cabbage bed, a rose is a weed.

But there are no chance meetings... This is either a test... or a punishment... or a gift of fate...

Trust is when you give a man a knife and turn your back...

A rich inner world, of course, is more important. but for some reason everyone wants to fuck someone who is slim and beautiful... character is heavy...because...golden?

You often hope that a person is covering your back, but it turns out that he is simply hiding behind it.

A DIAMOND that falls into the dirt will always be a DIAMOND! And the dust that rises to the skies will remain dust!!

We must learn to live for today and not turn it into a meaningless past, but remember that just yesterday it was our future... and so it is every day

The grievances will pass over the years. Even faces will be forgotten. You can’t be good to everyone, even if you have to say goodbye to someone. Don't you dare regret the past... WHOEVER SHOULD BE NEAR! You can’t be good to everyone, and most importantly, you don’t have to!

When you learn to let go.. And not to hell, but with God..... You will feel a slight grace... From the fact that the unnecessary is beyond the threshold...

Even if you are an angel, there will always be someone who does not like the rustling of your wings.

Most saints were poor, but it does not follow from this that most poor people are saints.

But in fact, we are all equal! There is no one better or worse... It’s just that someone doesn’t need us... But someone has fallen in love with us!

There was splendor and wealth, the power of the throne, worldwide fame, praise and honor... And King Solomon had a ring, with the inscription on it: “This too shall pass!”

Perhaps times are no longer the same. The conditions are dictated by a hurrying age, but the heart is so sad about kindness... unfashionable, sincere and real...

Strange people... They do nasty things to each other, and ask GOD for forgiveness...

Prayers should always remain unanswered. If they were fulfilled, they would not be prayers, but business negotiations.

A person has the right to look down on another only to help him get back on his feet.

We speak the most important words in life silently...

In everyone's soul there is a quiet corner where we do not allow anyone..... and at the same time... we anxiously dream that someone will cross the threshold there!

And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone simply cannot understand me... They often tell me that I am beautiful... I would like to exchange beauty for happiness...

The past is history... The future is a mystery... The present is a gift...

This article of our resource contains a large number of different beautiful quotes and unique statuses. Their main goal is to help you express yourself, reveal your inner state, feelings, emotions that are unbearable to restrain in yourself, and which you so want to tell the entire population of the globe. Here you can see only the best and freshest beautiful statuses and quotes, which contain the deepest meaning and involuntarily force you to think about real life values. In most cases, these are the thoughts of those people who have gone through certain life trials and were able to learn from them some important and instructive lesson for us.

Perfume is an invisible but unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory that announces the arrival of a woman and continues to remind her after she has left.

The best friend is one who understands and knows how to listen.

It is not easy to be a person, but to remain one is even harder.

It's amazing how the song changes the mood.

One woman is not enough for someone, and he switches to the second, fifth, tenth. And for some, life is not enough to love one and only one.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of dreams.

Everyone is sure that he is not everyone.

We are all equal - no one is worse or better. We are simply not suitable for some people, but we have sunk into the soul of others.

The sea never hides the state of its soul...

Reality is not always what you imagined it to be. But she also knows how to surprise - you just need to be open to it.

If there is no chance at all, then there is one last chance that they will appear.

It’s a strange state when you walk around the city and hope to meet someone.

Frustrated hopes are avenged only on stage. They leave life with a heavy emotional aftertaste.

If someone says that it is stupid to hope, I will answer that it is not true. And I will always answer like that.

It is necessary to always live in love with something unattainable. A person grows because he reaches upward.

If you wake up every morning with the thought that something good will definitely happen today, so it will be.

Are you near an angel and your wings grow?

Darkness has a limit, any sadness can be overcome if a bridge is built.

Grief has a bottom, pain is exhaustible if you dare to stand up and reach for happiness, since it is within reach, and its recipe is extremely simple.

Luck is a funny thing. It's easy to accept her when she's on your side. If not, call it injustice and treachery.

This world is drowning the wrong people in a puddle.

There will always be a person who will do to you the same way you did to others.

It’s somehow unfair - miracles spread to everyone, but I only get the remnants of someone else’s happiness.

When you love for a long time, people stop noticing it. When you forgive for a long time, people begin to take advantage of it. When you are ready for anything, they simply stop appreciating. And only when you leave do they understand how dear that person was who cannot be returned.

Learn not only to hear yourself.

Before drawing conclusions about a person, try to simply communicate with him. You know, it helps...

Sometimes you look at people and you feel sick. Why don’t they do anything, but only shout about injustice on all corners.

How I want flowers, but with our men there is only one way to get them - to die.

No one is obligated to treat us the way we treat them. You should understand this once and stop being disappointed in people, expecting a lot from them.

It's good to be a sock. You lie somewhere, people are always looking for you, no one will go anywhere without you. Plus, there is always a second half.

In active search - how is it? Running down the street, pestering all the guys with the request “fall in love with me, please!?”

How few are those with whom you want to dream, watch clouds run across the sky, write love words on the first snow -

I'm looking for happiness. Google won't help here.

I'll drink some hot coffee, loneliness isn't so bad, it's just that there's a sweet smell of spring in the air.

I'm looking for a good guy, when I find him I'll ruin him.

It's easier that way. Don't expect anything, just live. Don't look around, hoping not to miss -fate-.

Don’t show it if something hurts you, just smile and silently draw conclusions.

Why show weakness? To hit you harder?

As long as you care what others think, you are at their mercy. Only then will you become your own master when you lose the need for approval from others.

You shouldn't cling to people. People are the most short-lived thing in this life.

Due to lack of happiness, people interfere in other people's lives.

Nothing in life is more inspiring than being shot at and missing.

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and a high level of income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and a high level of income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and a high level of income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and a high level of income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and a high level of income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and a high level of income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and a high level of income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and a high level of income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and a high level of income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn’t matter whether you now have initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples where a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read correctly, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create a capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles monthly in the form of interest.

This money may not seem so impressive to some, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and a high level of income,