What does Dashi Swami do after the battle? What do we know about the mysterious Swami Dashi

The mirror is one of the most mysterious and mystical objects that man has invented. Hundreds of signs are associated with them, and popular rumor has awarded the mirrors with truly magical properties. Any person who is at least superficially familiar with the mystical side of mirrors knows that a mirror accumulates negative energy and can even transfer it. In other words, if the mirror hung in a room in which major quarrels or scandals regularly occurred, someone was seriously ill or even died, and after some time it ended up in another family, then conflicts will begin to occur in the lives of the new owners or they will become seriously ill.

Is it possible to throw a mirror out of the house?

When a mirror breaks, it releases the negative energy that has accumulated in it. It is for this reason that it is worth getting rid of damaged, cracked, broken mirrors. Perhaps, by getting rid of negative energy, you can significantly improve your life. So, if you are wondering whether it is possible to throw away mirrors that are unusable, remember - not only is it possible, but it is also necessary.

But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. You need to get rid of mirrors wisely so as not to bring trouble on yourself. Even if you don’t really believe in omens, still think about it: are you ready to risk your well-being and thoughtlessly throw an unusable mirror into the trash bin?

Is it possible to throw away an unbroken mirror?

Sometimes, due to circumstances, it becomes necessary to part with a mirror that does not have any visible defects, but, for example, simply does not fit into the interior after renovation. And then the question arises: is it possible to throw away old mirrors from the house that have not been damaged? It’s definitely possible, you just need to take a few tips into account.

How to properly throw away mirrors?

Before you say goodbye to the mirror, you should clear it of information about you. To do this, the mirror is buried in the ground face up. After three days, the mirror will become “clean” and can be sent to a landfill. In addition, an old mirror can be cleaned using running water - just leave it under running water and in this way all information about the previous owners will be “washed off” from it.

But even a cleaned mirror should not be thrown into a trash bin or bin to prevent it from breaking. It must be wrapped in thick dark cloth or paper and left near the urn. Perhaps someone will want to take an old mirror for themselves.

In addition, you can find a new owner for the mirror by posting an ad and selling or gifting it to anyone who wants it.

But if you still want to be sure that no one will use the mirror after you, bury it in the ground. To do this, again wrap it in thick black material or paper, take it to the forest and bury it under any tree except aspen.

What to do with cosmetic mirrors?

Many women who constantly use cosmetics wonder whether it is possible to throw away the powder mirror? Should you keep old powder compacts or is it better and easier to get rid of them? Of course, it is better to remove items that have expired from your home. To do this, you need to collect all the unnecessary mirrors in one plastic bag and leave them somewhere near the bench - your mirrors will probably find new owners. Or you can bury them in the ground if you don't want to hand things over to new owners.

How to properly throw away broken mirrors?

A broken mirror should be thrown away in a canvas bag, because the plastic bag may immediately tear. In order to avoid failure, you need to approach the mirror from the left side and collect the fragments without looking at them and reading a prayer. Remember, seeing your reflection in the shards of a broken mirror is a bad sign.

General rules for getting rid of any mirrors

Whatever the reason that forced you to part with the mirror, you should follow a number of existing rules:

  • You can only throw out a mirror during the waning moon, and under no circumstances should you do this on a full moon or a waxing moon.
  • Only one person should carry the mirror, if its dimensions allow. If the mirror is very large or heavy, you need to wrap it in a dark cloth and leave it like that for several days, and then take it out with someone else’s help.
  • If you decide to simply throw away the mirror or leave it near the trash can, then be sure to throw three pinches of Thursday salt on it.
  • It is also advisable to treat the place where a mirror hung or stood in the house with Thursday salt, and then place a church candle there every day for seven days.
  • A new mirror can be hung in place of the old one no earlier than seven days later, or even better, wait two weeks. During this time, all the energy from the previous mirror should disappear.

How to clean and preserve an old mirror?

We have already found out that nothing bad will happen if you throw away the old mirror, is it possible to leave it at home - that is the question. If you have purchased an old mirror or you need to preserve a mirror with history, you should definitely cleanse its energy.

For energy cleansing you will need: some Thursday salt, two church candles, red thread, a wooden bowl and new scissors.

Candles should be placed on the sides of the mirror, and in front, place a bowl of salt, on top of which place a thread. Light the candles, stand facing the mirror and say:

“I burn all evil, I throw it out into the chimney,

I lock the clean glass with three locks,

No one can open those locks,

All bad things will burn in the bright flame!”

Wait until the candles burn out, take a red thread, make three knots on it and attach it to the back of the mirror so that it is not visible. The remaining salt and candles must be taken outside and thrown into any running water.

Signs associated with the mirror

  • Everyone knows that a broken mirror promises seven whole years of misfortune. In order to avoid this, you need to collect the fragments and throw them into running water.
  • There is a long-standing belief that it is not advisable for pregnant women and women during their periods to look in the mirror. Of course, it’s a little outdated, but maybe it’s not worth the risk?
  • If a person looks into a cracked mirror or into its fragments, an energy leak occurs.
  • You should not allow other people to look in your mirror, this can lead to a quarrel.
  • You should not look at the reflection of your eyes for a long time, this can lead to early aging.
  • At home, the mirror must be placed so that a person fits in it full height- so his energy will be intact, otherwise a person’s health may be damaged.
  • A mirror should not be hung in the bathroom or bedroom in such a way that it reflects a sleeping or bathing person - this attracts failure, illness and even adultery.
  • You can’t look in the mirror with your friend at the same time - she can steal your fiancé or husband.
  • Mirrors should always be clean; they should be wiped especially carefully after guests in order to erase other people’s negative thoughts and emotions.

  • If you left home but had to return, be sure to say hello to your reflection three times, otherwise you may be out of luck.
  • You should not show a mirror to a child under one year old - he may start talking late, and in general he will be shy.
  • The mirror must be purchased in frames, so as not to cause damage to the human energy field.
  • If there is a deceased person in the house, all the mirrors must be covered, so the soul cannot be reflected in them. Otherwise, someone else in the house may die.
  • Give mirrors - Bad sign. If you are given a mirror, wipe it with a damp cloth or rinse it with holy water.
  • Since mirrors accumulate information about past owners, it pays to be aware of the history of old mirrors and antiques. In some cases, it may be wiser to get rid of them.
  • If on the surface of the mirror, for no apparent reason, dark spots, traces or cracks, it is necessary to get rid of it, since the mirror could take on the troubles of its owners. If you don't throw away such mirrors, you can invite trouble on yourself.
  • It's better to look in the mirror good mood, with a positive attitude, speak kind words to your reflection, because the mirror remembers not only the bad, but also the good.

In any case, remember, only you can decide whether to throw away the mirror or leave it, which signs to believe in and which ones not to, because the main thing is to think positively, and then everything will definitely be fine for you.

Have you ever wondered how to properly throw away mirrors? Why are there so many superstitions around mirrors? Yes, because this subject has long been attributed magical properties! Do not neglect the main points that can be gleaned from this article on the correct ejection of a mirror, as well as clearing its energy field.

A mirror is a powerful energy storage device. It is believed that our double, our reflection, lives in it. The mirror absorbs all the energy: quarrels, tears, joy - in general, all kinds of emotions experienced by the people reflected in it. Mirror B is a special item. Many ancient fortune tellings are performed with mirrors. During this period, it absorbs the spectrum of emotions of entire generations: joy and sadness, disappointment and hope, love and hatred. That’s why they need to be cleaned periodically to remove energy heat, but more on that later.
A mirror is a carrier of information about the owner and his home. It has long been considered another world. That is why, when someone dies in the family, mirrors and mirrored surfaces are covered so that the two worlds, the living and the dead, do not meet.
You need to treat the mirror wisely and throw it away correctly, because if you do it incorrectly, you can invite disaster. In this article we will talk about how to properly throw away mirrors? How to clean them?
There are a number of important points to keep in mind before throwing away your mirror:
1. Throw away the mirror alone. In no case with your loved one or your husband - this can lead to problems in the relationship.
2. The moon should be in its waning phase. You cannot throw a mirror away during a full moon or a waxing moon.
3. A new mirror is put in place of the old one only after a week. Not earlier!

Let's finally find out how to throw away mirrors.
If we are talking about large mirrors, that is, full-length, before throwing them away, the mirror should not reflect you, your family, any emotions and feelings. Place this mirror in your basement or other secluded place, where it will reflect the wall. It should not display anything, no events or living beings. Just stand and reflect the wall. In terms of time it should stand for about 2-3 weeks, and better month. During this time, its information code will be erased. The mirror will become as if with clean slate. You can’t bring anything on you through him, you can’t do anything with him. It is then wrapped in thick fabric, carefully take it out of the house and put it in the trash. Then you need to sprinkle salt both on the place where it stands and on the object itself. Thus, you will completely clear the mirror of your energy.
Some people break mirrors before throwing it away. This is strictly forbidden. Since it is believed that all negativity comes out. We all know that a broken mirror promises misfortune. Many people carefully cut a mirror with a glass cutter, wrap each piece and throw it away. Still, this is not the same as breaking it.
But how do you throw away the small cosmetic mirrors that are found in powder compacts? We often look into it and also broadcast our information. Small mirrors are no exception. You can’t just throw it in a bin. There it will most likely break into fragments. A broken mirror is not good. Bury the mirror, mirror side up, in the ground for three days. An ordinary pot with soil is perfect for these purposes. Then we dig out the mirror and rinse thoroughly with cold water without looking into it. Then wrap it in a paper napkin and say: “You served people with faith and truth, now it’s a different century - it’s time to retire.”

By the way, you can bury large mirrors in this way. This is especially true if you don’t want anyone to take advantage of it in the future, we bury it in the ground forever. This is done in a little-travelled place where there is a lot of land. A clearing in the forest is ideal for this.
Let's say a few words about cleaning mirrors. No, it’s not about dirt or dust, although that goes without saying. We will talk about energy cleaning of mirrors. Mirrors must be cleaned once a year, more often if you often have quarrels. The mirror, as we said, accumulates information, and for some people it remains from their great-grandmothers and has seen more than one generation, more than one tears, more than one sorrow. Some generations die and others come to replace them. The mirror accumulates not entirely favorable energy and needs to be cleaned. For this we need: cold water, sea salt and candle. Sprinkle the mirror with water, sprinkle with salt and cross church candle. Mentally say goodbye to him, thank him for his service and wrap him in cellophane or paper. Then throw it in the trash.
Even now, in our modern and seemingly knowledgeable time, one can see how incorrectly and thoughtlessly a mirror is thrown into the trash. – a fragile and delicate object in every way. Now you know how to throw away a mirror, observing all the rules. Do this wisely so that no one can use the power of the looking glass and bring trouble to you.

One of the most important and fragile things in Everyday life, of course, a mirror. Such decorative items in the interior are different types- from built-in ones in your closet, to pocket-sized ones that you can carry with you wherever you want. Without a mirror a person cannot select attributes everyday, such as clothing or jewelry. Some may see not just their reflection, but also a reflection of the state of their soul. It can charge you with some energy that will be with you for the whole day. Also, an old mirror is a barrier from some negative consequences or influences. But sometimes it can be quite dangerous, and not only because you can get hurt by it. Why can an old mirror be dangerous for humans? How to properly throw away an old mirror? This is exactly the question we will try to answer today.

Why can a mirror be dangerous?

Basically, the reason for the danger lies when you keep an old mirror with cracks in your house. According to an old legend, an old mirror can store a small particle of the soul of the owner. If you have something in your soul that is worth worrying about, then it is better not to keep it cracked in the house, otherwise negativity may enter the house.

You've probably heard something about the “corridor of mirrors”? This phenomenon occurs if you hang one mirror opposite another. It is extremely rare and quite dangerous for humans for two reasons:

  • The most main reason lies in the fact that when a person looks at these mirrors, he gradually begins to lose strength.
  • Energy protection is disrupted and an “energy draft” begins to circulate around the house.

Important! You should not be careless about a mirror that you are completely unaware of; the nature of its origin is unclear.

If you have an ordinary old mirror, then you shouldn’t keep it in your house at all, because it has a special memory. It can remember everything that happens in your life - both good and bad.

Energy cleaning of an old mirror

If you have a desire to leave the old glass due to a certain coincidence, then you definitely need to carry out energy cleaning.

To do this, you need to prepare in advance:

  • church candles;
  • just a little Thursday salt;
  • a little thread from a red ball;
  • scissors with wooden bowl.

To clear the mirror of bad energy, you need to arrange objects in this way:

Light the candles and say out loud:

  • I burn evil, I throw it out into the chimney,
  • I lock the glass with three locks,
  • And no one can open those locks anymore,
  • The bad will burn in the flames.

Important! Do not blow out the candles under any circumstances; let them burn out and go out on their own.

Once your candles have gone out, tie and secure three knots of red thread on the back of the mirror. Everything that remains after this event can be thrown into running water.

What to do with old broken glass?

If you break an old mirror, then you should definitely throw it away. Do not try to convince yourself that it is dear to you and helps in spiritual or material well-being.

Important! Under no circumstances should you try to assemble a small mirror from pieces of one large one, because such pieces have some memory, while remaining “destroyed”. This approach will not lead to anything good.

What to do with an old and someone else's mirror?

Are you planning a move? At the same time, a mirror from the old owners awaits you in your new home? Where to put it and what to do with it? Many experienced psychics there is talk that we need to get rid of him as soon as possible.

Why? This is because, as we said above, it has a special memory - both good and negative. This is the main reason for getting rid of glass.

Are you planning to throw away your old mirror? Then we will help you do it right. In order to throw away such a piece of furniture and not harm yourself, you need to know some rules:

  • Under no circumstances should you throw this item into the full moon or on the waxing moon. This should only be done during the waning moon.
  • Throw it away alone.
  • If you can't personally pick it up and throw it away, wrap it in cloth.
  • Sprinkle salt on the area where your reflective item was and is now.

Important! Installing a new one is possible only a week after parting with your old item is over.

Throwing away the mirror correctly - the best ways

If you perceive this element of the interior as a store of spiritual and energetic information, then you probably decided to throw out your mirror to install a new one? Or do you want it not to have this same spiritual and energetic memory? That is why you need to be able to throw it away correctly.

Method 1

One option is to bury the mirror so it can go to rest. Of course, this method is quite radical, but also fast:

  • Take the item and wrap it in some clothing.
  • Then take the swaddled object into the forest, dig a small hole and throw it there.
  • It is advisable to mentally say goodbye to the already unnecessary thing.

Important! The procedure must take place in inclement weather.

Method 2

The second option is energy purification. We talked about this above. The process is quite lengthy, but if the item is very dear to you spiritually, then it's worth a little effort.

Basically, furniture placement is done today according to Feng Shui. This is not only a tribute to fashion, but also the right approach, if you are still sure that there is different energy not only in every person, but also in every home.

We propose to consider some facts regarding the installation of reflective objects.

Biography of psychic Swami Dasha

Swami Dashi

Participants in the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics” are people with unusual abilities, which allow them to go beyond the boundaries of everyday reality and receive information that is inaccessible to natural perception.

Season 17 of this television project was illuminated by the appearance of an incredible strong character, who immediately attracted a lot of attention from a very sophisticated audience thanks to his extraordinary techniques, which ensured the psychic’s victory in the final.

The mystery of the name

The man known to the public as the psychic Swami Dashi leads quite active work V different cities Russia, aimed primarily at helping people in need of spiritual healing. The forms of this activity are varied: seminars, trainings, master classes, lectures, which include elements individual approach to each participant, as well as joint meditations.

For a long time, nothing was known about Swami Dashi’s real name or his personal life, since the medium carefully hid them from the ubiquitous media, which were still able to get a little information.

As it turned out, Swami Dashi is not an ordinary pseudonym, but a spiritual title that was awarded to a native of Kazakhstan, Peter Smirnov, during his stay in India for outstanding achievements in mastering various techniques yoga It was not possible to establish the exact age of the master; it is only known that he is about 60 years old.

How Swami Dashi came to extrasensory perception

Dashi formulated the main motive of his life as follows: “Every person is given the opportunity to change his life in better side, but not everyone will see it. I am called to help those who need insight


To comprehend his true calling, Peter Smirnov had to do long haul, which began from the moment he decided to stop studying at the Institute of Pediatrics, where his parents sent him. The price for independence was the loss parental support. In some interviews, the master mentioned that after leaving the institute, he was briefly associated with certain criminal circles in post-perestroika Russia. Of course, such connections are associated with high risk: the life of the future yogi could end prematurely more than once. Realizing that this way of life was destructive, Peter set out to change it. Just how?! The answer was found quickly. Even as a child, Swami felt his involvement in certain supernatural processes occurring in our world hidden from ordinary eyes. Even then, he could find things lost several years ago and predict important events for his family. Remembering his gift, Swami Dashi rushed to Asia to find himself in communication with great sages.

Teachings of Swami Dasha

Peter Smironov made his first stop in Samarkand (Uzbekistan), where he first studied and then accepted Sufi Islam, receiving the name Muhamed Al Hadi. After this, the master went to India, where he spent a total of about 20 years, studying the basics of yoga, body-oriented techniques, and delving into various mystical teachings. One of Peter’s spiritual mentors was Chandra Mohan Jein, better known as Osho, the founder of a system of ashrams (communities) in several countries around the world, who preached the doctrine of “neo-sannyas”.

Swami Dashi also had extensive experience communicating with Filipino healers and was present at their operations.

Having reached a certain point spiritual growth, Swami returned to Russia. Its further development is connected with the study of the practices of Western spiritual movements, which left a noticeable mark on the consciousness of the psychic: Wilhelm Reich’s technique, stone therapy, etc.

Thus, at the heart of Swami Dasha’s “Spirit-Soul-Body” project, Eastern and Western approaches to solving issues are intertwined spiritual healing and development. Within the framework of the project, a method independently developed by a medium called “Spiritless Spirituality” is being implemented, allowing a person to release negative energy, remove blockages at all levels, return the true feeling of your physical body.

Amulet of Swami Dasha

The master’s memorable attributes on the TV show “Battle of Psychics” were a Sufi robe and a pendant with a blue crystal. This robe tunes the psychic to perceive subtle energy flows. About the pendant arises more questions, as Swami took it off before performing certain tasks and held it in his tightly clenched hand. Swami Dashi explained this action in the following words: this pendant is not just a decoration, but a container for his soul. An analogy with Koshchei the Immortal automatically comes to mind. However, the care with which the psychic handles the pendant suggests the veracity of his words. By removing the crystal from his neck and holding it in his fist, Swami Dashi hides his soul from the influence of the spirits to whom he turns.

Swami Dasha's predictions for 2017

Comprehending numerous spiritual practices that make it possible to feel people more subtly and heal them, Swami Dashi did not ignore his gift of predicting the future and achieved significant success in this direction. His forecasts for this year look credible.

The entire year of 2017 will be oversaturated with energy, which is fraught with radical changes both in society and in personal life individual. Swami Dashi notes that such changes can be positive character, if they are fully conscious and thoughtful: the possibility of renewal should not cause a total collapse.

Rooster in eastern tradition is the patron family values. Swami Dashi confirms this: love, marriage, childbirth, maintaining family ties - these are the main guidelines for this year.

The psychic asks not to forget that the Rooster is a bright individualist who does not take into account other people’s opinions. Many people can succumb to its influence. Such thoughts should be cut off immediately, because uncontrolled egoism can lead to the rupture of the strongest relationships.

The rapidly changing situation in financial sector will create fertile ground for doubts about future success. Only those who learn to make balanced decisions in such conditions will survive.

Psychic Swami Dashi emphasizes that no matter what the circumstances, you should always be ready to help your neighbor, and also be ready to show mercy to those who deserve it.

We invite you to watch a video in which Swami Dashi talks about his life position and attitude towards spiritual practices