Dying light mouse works. Dying Light won't launch? Does it slow down and lag a lot? Character doesn't move? Doesn't the language change? Multiplayer not working? - Problem solving

Don't get along with zombies? Does going outside bring you a lot of inconvenience, beatings and bites? Are you afraid to even stick your nose out of the house at night? Well, no one said Harran was a friendly place. Just for you, beginners and those having difficulty, we have put together a few little tips that will certainly help you survive in the harsh world of Dying Light.

In particular, what is stated below concerns the initial stages of the game, which are rightfully considered the most difficult. The more effort you put in in the first hours, the easier and more interesting it will be in the future - a kind of test of endurance.

Clear the shelters

As we already said, the ubiquitous roadblocks from Ubisoft games have made their way here too. By capturing such a point, you get a safe corner where you can hide or be revived in case of death. Considering the lack of fast travel and the scale of the map, it makes sense to provide yourself with as many shelters as possible in different parts of the city, so as not to howl like a wolf from untimely death and distant respawn. This is especially true during night races: you will breathe a sigh of relief more than once, jumping over the life-saving fence at the very last moment.

In addition, for clearing such points they give a good bonus to survival points, which at first can greatly help in leveling up.

Don't push the plot

Really, to hell with it. The main story is quite short-lived, and with an over-emphasis on story quests, you can finish the game in about six hours without seeing the real fun. The whole point lies in the additional tasks, many of which are well thought out and worth checking out. Without MMO husk with collecting plants and pressing buttons, of course, nowhere, but thanks to a successful navigation system you can deal with it along the way, without being distracted from more interesting activities.

The ideal option would be to alternate story missions and third-party assignments - you’ll have enough time to play with all the functionality, and you’ll see much more content and gain useful experience.

Constantly line your pockets

Use every opportunity to replenish your inventory, and you are already halfway to success. Don’t neglect the chance to rummage through cars, search corpses and junkyards, regularly checking the surroundings using the Q key - the little things you find will provide you with useful upgrades and decent capital for exchange.

From traders we mainly need first aid kits, crafting ingredients, master keys and firecrackers. When regularly traveling between local stores, it will not be difficult to constantly have about two dozen medical bags with you. But it is not recommended to buy weapons, because would-be merchants charge outrageous prices with a very lousy assortment.

Don’t forget to also visit the quartermaster in the Tower - he is often ready to generously pour out assorted items. Even if you come across outright junk, absolutely everything is suitable for resale.

Watch your weapons

Perhaps this is the first thing you need to learn from the section “This is not Dead Island.” Any weapon (with the exception of firearms) is repaired only a certain number of times, after which it becomes unusable. Therefore, it is better to use the potential of each repair cycle to the maximum, especially since you can patch equipment directly in battle: only when the game tells you that your ax has turned into a useless bouquet of wood chips, you can safely step aside and “refresh” it.

If there is no way to fix it, but you don’t want to part with your favorite weapon, random escort missions will come to the rescue. As a reward for accompanying some survivors, you are offered to restore the weapon, which is very useful in the case of extremely powerful and rare samples.

It would be reasonable to think about improvements - it is undesirable to distribute them anyhow. It’s stupid to add upgrades and modifiers to “gray” weapons that will break on the very first skull. It's best to save the expensive bells and whistles for the purple and orange models with increased durability.

Use the night to level up

As scary as Hunters prowling the dark streets can be, nighttime is a great source of experience points. Double “exp” allows you to relatively quickly raise a couple of levels, making the usual body movements for noon: you will most likely emerge from a meat grinder with ordinary zombies with new combat skills, and chasing with ferocious mutants will instantly pay off with increased agility. If you want something really extreme, try surviving the night right on the street, for which you will receive a gigantic increase in the survival branch.

Level up evenly

Despite the wide selection of skills, the Dying Light role-playing system does not allow much variability - all three skill trees are equally important. It is strongly not recommended to focus on one thing, given the variety of game situations and the skills used in them.

In this regard, it is a little problematic to highlight specific abilities that should be paid attention to, but it is still worth naming a couple of particularly outstanding ones.

Survival branch, first of all, you will be pleased with the increase in inventory, the chance for “free” weapon repairs and the ability to disguise yourself using the insides of killed zombies.

Branch of power provides access to stunning enemies, increasing maximum health and reducing weapon wear.

Agility branch- a real holiday. Here you have tackles, counterattacks, health regeneration, jumping over opponents, and tons of other useful tricks. We cannot help but note the particular effectiveness and efficiency of the local dropkick, from which the undead scatter like skittles.

Aim for the head

The unforgettable rule of fighting zombies also applies here, so you shouldn’t neglect it. Hitting the rotting turnips precisely does the most damage, which not only saves your effort, but also keeps the weapon in better shape. This is doubly effective in the case when the enemy is sprawled on the ground - and for this...

Kick often

It’s an interesting thing, but while exhausted from a couple of attacks with a small knife, Crane at the same time never gets tired of fighting with his feet. With well-aimed kicks, you can win a few precious seconds at the moment of respite, escape from the encirclement, push the enemy off a cliff, or simply knock him to the ground for further finishing. Plus, you can kick (if you have the appropriate skills) in a tackle, breaking your enemies’ limbs, and in a jump, sending them into a long flight. Well, and the legs obviously don’t wear out over time.

Avoid battles whenever possible

Not the most expected advice, but the most sensible. Believe me, during the time spent in the game, you will still have plenty of chopping carrion and shooting bandits, but for now it’s pointless to just get involved in mass battles - a pitiful handful of experience is not worth a broken arsenal and a spent supply of first aid kits. Look for workarounds, navigate the flow of walkers, distract them with noise and lure them into traps. There are a huge number of ways to show your superiority without getting involved in risky fights.

Don't abuse firearms

Alas, Dying Light in its relationship with firearms almost literally repeats the fate of Dead Island: as soon as the first rifle falls into your hands, the entire value system in the game world collapses and turns into formless despondency. It turns out that insurmountable crowds of zombies are cleared out in a couple of seconds with precise headshots, and hitherto almost immortal Hunters turn into harmless puppies in the lead rain.

Therefore, do not try to quickly get something that shoots, it will be worse for you. Moreover, the last quarter of the plot is devoted to shootings, and let's be honest with you - it can hardly be called a worthy ending.

This makes it even sadder that you can actually acquire your first gun at the very early stages. For example, here is the simplest way:

Don't play with friends

Seriously. Only surviving alone makes Dying Light an interesting, challenging, frightening and versatile game. And when a friend is jumping by your side, ready to endlessly revive you after another failure, this, to put it mildly, is not the same. The cooperative mode ruins a good half of all impressions from personal acquaintance, and you should only resort to it when repeating the game or in extremely advanced cases of helplessness.

That's all. The above tips are enough to form your own play style and get an idea of ​​what Dying Light is and what it comes with. If you have your own recommendations for beginners, we will only be happy to add to the list.

The long-awaited parkour action game with elements of a shooter and RPG about zombies is finally here. Dying Light. However, many players encountered a number of problems immediately after installation. Most often, the game lags and slows down a lot, but it happens that character control does not work or something even worse. We will tell you how to solve these and other problems in this article.

  • OS: Windows 7 SP1/8/8.1 (x64 only);
  • CPU: Core i5-4670K @ 3.4 GHz | AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 16 GB;
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 2 GB | AMD Radeon R9 290 4 GB;
  • HDD: 40 GB;
  • DirectX version: 11;
  • Sound card: DirectX 10 compatible.
It would be a good idea to update the contents of game files via the Steam client, as well as reduce the load on RAM. We would like to especially note that Dying Light need a lot of RAM and the more you have, the better the game will work.

Files, drivers and libraries

Before you start looking for your problem, you need to update your video card driver to the latest version. How is that Nvidia GeForce, so AMD Radeon.

It is possible that you will need to update supporting software such as DirectX, Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual C++:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of any game is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to easily and quickly download the latest drivers and install them with one click:

  • download Driver Updater and run the program;
  • scan the system (usually it takes no more than five minutes);
  • Update outdated drivers with one click.
Helper DLLs:
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
If you have done all this and the problem remains, you can look for it in the list below!

Dying Light is very slow, even though I have a powerful computer

Techland is working at full capacity to optimize Dying Light. Currently, even owners of powerful machines note that the game can be very slow in places. Some players note that the video card is Dying Light loads at only 50%, so if you notice something like this, this indicates either shortcomings in driver optimization, or problems with the game itself - you should wait for new drivers and patches!

I lowered the Dying Light settings to minimum, but it still slows down

In this case, most likely the problem is a lack of RAM or video memory. For comfortable work Dying Light requires at least 7 GB of free RAM space, as well as 3 GB of video memory. With lower values, performance drops are quite possible even at minimum settings. The game is also very demanding on the swap file - at least 5 GB is required, preferably on an SSD drive.

In most cases, FPS stays around 60, sometimes it drops dramatically to 0-20. What to do?

This is definitely a problem with the game itself and such lags can only be solved by the developers. Probably the first patch for Dying Light will solve this problem. For owners of Nvidia video cards, we especially recommend disabling proprietary “green” technologies like HBAO+ or DOF, as they “eat up” a lot of computing power.

What are the most resource-intensive graphics settings in Dying Light?

In addition to the HBAO+ and DOF mentioned above, try reducing the “Draw Distance”, “Field of View” and motion blur, which for some reason is called “Shuffle” in the game.

How to run the game in a window?

Some players note that after launch Dying Light the image becomes square or a black screen appears. You can fix this by launching the game in a window - use the key combination Alt+Enter or Alt+Esc, which will automatically switch the image output from full screen to window.

Dying Light won't start, crashes

Most likely, the path to the game contains Cyrillic characters. You will have to reinstall the game into a folder, the path to which will only be in English letters. Russian letters are not supported by the game at all. If the game crashes during playthrough, then this is obviously a problem of the developers, which can only be fixed with the help of patches.

The controls don't work - the character doesn't move, what should I do?

There are two options. In the first case, you need to reassign the controls from WASD to arrows, in the second you need to set the English keyboard layout in Windows by default. This can be done through the “Control Panel”, the “Regional and Language” item, the “Default input language” tab.

There is no sound in the first video or there are problems with the sound in general

This problem has no solution yet. Its insidiousness is that it may not appear immediately, but after several hours in the game, and it will remain so. The sound will click, grate your ears, or become “robotic.” You need to wait for the game update from the developers - only this will fix this error.

Has the game been translated into Russian at all? How to change the language in it from English to Russian?

Yes, Dying Light has been completely translated into Russian. To change the language, find the steam_api.ini file in the game directory, open it with Notepad and change the Language parameter to Russian.

Dying Light controls are slow and the game does not respond immediately to the mouse

Try turning off vertical sync.

Can I play co-op with Tungle?

Yes, such an opportunity exists, but we will not talk about all the intricacies of working with Tungle within the framework of this article.

How to remove graininess from graphics?

Unfortunately, this is not possible since grain is an inherent feature of the game. The developers decided that this is the visual style their game needed.

May the force of Gabe Newell be with you and may all technical problems bypass you! Have a good game!

In recent years, the zombie apocalypse has literally taken over the entire world. You can see the living dead in cinemas, zombies travel in droves on TV screens, as well as on the pages of books, and most importantly, on the screens of gamers' monitors. The popularity of the topic has had the greatest impact on computer games: several dozen projects dedicated to the living dead have been released recently, but at the same time, as one would expect, many of them are not of the highest level of quality. If you want to try a really good and high-quality zombie game, then you should pay attention to Dying Light. This project was released quite recently, so it implements all the modern technologies that will amaze you. However, this can also cause problems. Many gamers report that Dying Light slows down and freezes. How to deal with this problem, because everyone wants to enjoy smooth gameplay, and not frame-by-frame slideshows?

System requirements

If Dying Light is slow on your computer, then naturally you should start by checking the system requirements. As mentioned earlier, this game was released quite recently, has very advanced graphics and other aspects, and therefore requires a fairly powerful machine to run. managed to scare many gamers no less than the zombies themselves, who jump out from around the corner and rush towards you to attack. The fact is that you will need both a six-core processor and a modern video card that supports all the latest technologies. But the most important thing is RAM, of which you need at least six gigabytes. But if you just want a comfortable game at maximum settings without glitches and brakes, then below eight gigabytes of RAM is not considered at all. Thus, the system requirements of Dying Light make you think about making it as it is a game that should not be missed.

Reducing graphics settings

Lags in modern games are often caused by very high graphics technology. If in your case in Dying Light the minimum system requirements were met, but something was not enough for you to meet the recommended ones, then you should try lowering the graphics level as a means of combating the “brakes”. Head to the game menu and lower all graphics settings by at least one notch and then check to see if performance improves. You can reduce all settings to a minimum, and also disable some parameters with which this can be done. The most important thing is the viewing range. If you have it at maximum, then the game will consume a lot of resources. The environment is designed in great detail, and if it is loaded many meters ahead, it takes up quite a lot of RAM, which leads to “brakes”. You should try reducing your viewing range to at least 50 percent. Of course, this will lead to some inconvenience, since you will not be able to look into the distance, but the game may stop glitching. After all, if Dying Light slows you down, then you are unlikely to get enough pleasure from the gameplay.

Reducing resolution

One of the most common problems with this game is freezes when you turn the camera. It's not very pleasant. Dying Light is sluggish, which can prevent you from concentrating on the gameplay. You can try to get rid of this in a fairly simple way. You need to find out the recommended resolution for your screen, and then lower it in the settings by one level. After this, there is a fairly high percentage of the probability that the freezes will disappear and the “brakes” in the game will decrease or disappear altogether. However, if Dying Light still slows down, then you need to try other options.


When you run a game on your computer that requires high power from it, you should immediately think about the fact that such a process will seriously load the CPU and, accordingly, heat up your computer. And when such heating occurs, Dying Light slows down. What to do in such a situation? You just need to make sure that a high-quality one is installed on your computer. It will make your life easier not only with this project, but also with all other computer games that have high system requirements and seriously load your PC. If you play on a laptop, then you should make sure that the device is well cooled and has constant access to cold air, otherwise you may encounter serious problems. However, these are not all the ways to solve the problem that Dying Light is slow. What to do if all the methods described above did not work?

Increasing the swap file

As mentioned earlier, the game Dying Light consumes a very large amount of computer resources, accordingly, it uses an impressive part of your RAM memory. However, not on all computers the paging file is set to such a level that it is enough to support the functioning of such a powerful game. Accordingly, if your RAM cannot cope and the game slows down, then you need to manually increase the size of the paging file. This can be done in Windows settings. After this, you can safely run the process and enjoy how the Dying Light game works without any technical problems.

Disabling background programs

As you have already noticed, in the game Dying Light the minimum system requirements imply the presence of a powerful computer, let alone the recommended ones. Accordingly, you need to make sure that the game itself is practically the only application that you run on your computer. To do this, you need to open and conduct an audit. Disable those processes that were launched not by the system, but directly by you, so as not to harm the operation of the operating system. This will free up enough RAM memory for the game to run smoothly. In Dying Light, cheats most often run in the background as well, so you will have to put up with them if you want to get serious and impressive features during the game.

Run as administrator with high priority

Launch options also often play an important role in how your project will continue to function. Therefore, you should first try to always run the game as an administrator, as this can seriously affect how the game launches and runs. And secondly, you can increase the priority of Dying Light, thereby ensuring that the game will be allocated more RAM than other running programs. This is very convenient when there are no longer applications that you could disable, but you realize that they do not require as much memory as the system allocates to them by default.

Additional settings

You should definitely pay attention to the fact that in the game itself you will not be able to customize absolutely every aspect of it. For deeper customization, you will need to dig into the game files and change some of them. But this will seriously help you in the fight against “brakes”. The fact is that in this way you can disable shadows from the sun and many other effects that are active in the game by default, but at the same time consume quite a lot of resources.

Installing drivers and distribution

You've already learned quite a few ways to deal with slowdowns in Dying Light. Weapons, as you can see, come in a wide variety. But so far nothing has been said about one very powerful device in the fight against “brakes” and freezing. You definitely need to make sure that your video card has the latest drivers, which you can find on the website of the creator of this model. The downloading is always quick and painless, as is the installation process, but there will be a lot of benefits from it. Moreover, you should always check that you have the appropriate distribution on your computer and that it is up to date. DirectX, nVidia PhysX and so on are no less important programs than the game itself. And without them it is unlikely to work. And if they are too old a version, then it may well start, but this will cause a lot of “brakes” and glitches. So install the entire necessary distribution, update it and video drivers, and then the problems will be solved very simply. You should never allow your computer to have outdated versions of drivers, as well as programs that are constantly used by the system, such as distribution files. And then your problems will be solved once and for all.

On this page we have collected solutions to the most common problems with Dying Light.

Dying Light Minimum System Requirements

In order for your game to launch normally and work stably, your computer must meet the game’s hardware and software requirements:

OS: Windows 7/8/8.1 64-bit

CPU: Intel Core™ i5-2500 @3.3 GHz / AMD FX-8320 @3.5 GHz


Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 / AMD Radeon™ HD 7870

DirectX: 11

Dying Light won't launch

If Dying Light does not work for you and perhaps an error appears when you try to start the game, then we will try to help you solve this problem.

As you know, the game may throw an error when you try to launch it.

In some paragraphs below, we wrote in parentheses words that may occur in an error, which this paragraph corrects well.

0. First, see if your computer meets the system requirements of the game, which are presented in the previous paragraph!

1. Let’s put the software in order:

Did your computer turn off while playing Dying Light?

For some, after 15-30 minutes of playing Dying Light, the computer reboots/turns off. This may be the result of overheating - Clean your computer. If you play on a laptop, make sure that everything inside is not clogged with dust and that you have cleared the holes on the bottom and sides for air.

Sometimes the problem may lie in the power supply. Look at how much it is designed for and calculate how many watts your processor + video card consumes at peak loads (you can look at the manufacturers’ websites).

Player not moving in Dying Light?

If your character does not move - you cannot walk because the game does not respond to keys, then go to Control Panel-Language. Set your keyboard to default language English.

But first, just try changing the language in the game by pressing Alt+Shift.

Black screen in Dying Light

Those who experience a black screen in the game can try the following:

1. Run as administrator

2. Launch the game in the window (Alt+Enter).

4. Change the graphics settings downward.

Where are the saves for Dying Light?

Saves are stored in your file system at:

Repacks RELOADED: C:\ProgramData\Steam\RLD!\239140\storage\out\save

By the way, if you want to download the save, then you can go here.

Save corrupted in Dying Light

In some situations in the game, the save is actually permanently damaged. If you have it damaged, you don’t have to waste time trying to return everything - it’s in vain. As a preventive measure, you can manually copy your save files somewhere else every hour of play, for example. As you can imagine, this is long and tedious.

Another option to continue playing now from wherever you want along the storyline is to install a save with 100% completion of the game. You can choose which mission to start playing with.

How to play Dying Light online on a pirate?

Many players have a question about how they can play co-op in Dying Light as a pirate. In this part of the material we will try to help you.

1. Download the game.

We need a game that will work consistently in multiplayer.

2. We go through a few missions.

To open up Online game in Dying Light, you need to complete missions Awakening And Emergency blackout.

3. Download the fix.

It's time to get a fix that will allow us to successfully play online via Steam or a local network.

Place the fix with a replacement in the game folder.

4. Launch Steam.

Launch one of the network emulation programs: Tunngle,GameRanger.

Inside the program, we enter the game room or the corresponding network.

5. Launch the game and start having fun in the online game section.

Attention! To avoid sad faces, if you have simulated progress and value it, it is better to copy your save files to another location.

How to enable Russian language in Dying Light?

If your game is in English, then:

Steam: Change the language in Steam to Russian.

Pirate: Open the file in the game folder steam_api.ini, where change English on Russian at the parameter Language.

How to play as "Zombies" in Dying Light?

This can only be done in multiplayer. You won't be able to play as a zombie in the single-player campaign. And in multiplayer you will see the “I am a Zombie” tab.

In the comments, you can add something of your own to solve existing problems.

Another project from Techland has hit the shelves of digital computer game stores. Unfortunately, the game was not without problems, and in particular the problems affected the optimization of the game, which was very weak, which is why many gamers encountered freezes in Dying Light and slowdowns.

For a large number of players, even on top-end machines, the game can produce 30 fps far from maximum settings, which is very sad for the gaming community. Dying Light also freezes due to an optimization curve, but some freezes can be removed yourself.

You will learn from this material how to get rid of brakes in Dying Light, freezes, and situations where the game simply freezes.

In order for players to spend less time fixing problems with game optimization, we decided to aggregate several ways to increase performance in Dying Light in this material.

Brakes in Dying Light

Reduce viewing distance by 50%.

Try lowering the resolution 1 level below the resolution of your monitor - this may help get rid of stuttering when rotating the camera.

If you play on a laptop, then provide a good outlet for hot air and enable high performance mode in the Energy Saving settings.

The game requires a fairly impressive amount of Gigabytes of RAM to run successfully. If you have less than 8 GB, we recommend increasing the page file.

It is for this same reason that before starting the game, turn off all open programs and background applications that eat up memory or load the processor.

Run Dying Light only as a system administrator.

1.1. Turning off shadows from sunlight will also improve game performance on your computer. To disable you need to open the file using notepad Documents\DyingLight\data\scripts\varlist_performance.scr

In the file you will find a line starting with VarInt("i_shadows_sun_on", 1). Just put 0 instead of 1.

Install the latest drivers for your video card. New versions include optimization of driver components for individual games, which overall results in increased performance in Dying Light.

To avoid problems, first remove the old drivers, and then install new ones “cleanly”.

In order for physics to work as it should in the game, install nVidia PhysX.

The so-called antifreeze helped many people get rid of freezes and FPS subsidence. Unpack the archive with the DLLs into the folder with the game exe file.

Check if any process is loading your CPU in the Task Manager. If there is one, then complete it by first determining its location. Most likely these are Bitcoin Miners, which have been very popular among virus types lately. If the file has a meaningless name, then most likely it is a virus. In this case, after the process is completed, physically delete the file and it is advisable to scan your PC with an antivirus.

4. Freezes?

Freezes occur both due to problems within the core of the game, and due to problems on the part of the user. We'll talk about the latter.

Dying Light may freeze if you are playing from an external hard drive, or if your drive is old and has fairly low bandwidth.

Increasing the page file can have a beneficial effect on Dying Light freezes that are caused by low RAM on your PC.

Many people find that updating DirectX helps them get rid of freezes in the game.