What is modesty? Fear of showing everyone that it's not true



adj., used Often

Morphology: modest, modest, modestly, modest And modest; more modest; adv. modestly

1. Modest they call a person who does not boast of his merits, merits and, when communicating with other people, does not like to attract a lot of attention, which is considered a sign of good upbringing.

The entire scientific community was well acquainted with his works, but the professor himself was a modest man and appeared at conferences extremely rarely.

2. Modest called a person who does not spend more money on himself than is necessary in Everyday life.

Modest in your needs.


3. Modest They call something that doesn't attract much attention.

Modest appearance. | Modest colors of northern nature. | He always dressed in a modest gray suit.


4. Modest they call something that consists of the most necessary things and has no excesses.

A modest lunch. | A modest wedding. | Modest furniture. | Modest apartment. | Over the years of farming, the modest house of the former collective farm chairman turned into a three-story cottage.

Simple, ordinary, poor

5. Modest refers to an employee who occupies an ordinary, insignificant position.

A modest employee in the Ministry of the Interior, but what vanity!


6. Modest they call someone's income if it is small or insignificant.

Modest salary. | Modest income.

7. Modest they call something that covers a small part of something in general.

Have modest knowledge. | Set yourself a modest goal. | What we see in museums is only a modest piece of the rich art of the past.

Moderate, limited

8. Modest they call something that is not known popular.

The athlete now plays for a modest Italian club.

modesty noun, and.

modest adj.

modest adj.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


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    HUMBLE, oh, oh; me, me, me, me and me. 1. Restrained in revealing one’s merits and merits, not boastful. The scientist is modest. 2. Discreet, moderate, simple and decent. Modest behavior. Modest appearance. Dress modestly (adv.) ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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Attitudes towards such a character trait as modesty develop differently in many countries. In the United States, the meek person will certainly be pushed into the background by unceremonious and completely shameless careerists, seeking to fill all possible space with themselves. In Norway, the situation is different, since modesty there is regarded not only as decent behavior in society, but also as a lack of desire for luxury and pretentious outfits.

Extreme displays of modesty

Modesty is often confused with its extreme manifestation, namely self-abasement, in which a person belittles his own capabilities, does not seek to prove himself in any way. These two concepts should be distinguished, since a modest person, although he does not put his personality first, does not forget about individual self-development. Usually, unpretentiousness accompanies adequate self-esteem.

Modesty as a character trait acquired at birth

Modesty, as a character trait acquired from birth, provides many advantages in life, primarily freedom from self-confidence and vanity. Possessing such useful qualities as the ability to listen, the ability to self-sacrifice, and charity, a person will be loved not only among family and friends, but also in many circles of society.

In the environment educated people modesty is in no way regarded as some kind of shortcoming, the impossibility of self-expression or, in general, the failure of a person. The latter argument is regularly used by proponents of rebellion and independence to argue that modest people Most often they have average earnings and lead a moderate lifestyle. The essence of such a claim rests on the difference between moral and ethical and moral principles people, in general, they differ life priorities.

Modesty and peer pressure

However, some, under pressure from others or due to growing dissatisfaction with themselves, sincerely strive to suppress modesty as a character trait with other qualities close to arrogance. But in this case, it’s worth taking a closer look at your own self, figuring out why it’s worth changing yourself.

Sometimes people deliberately hide behind a mask of modesty, trying to hide self-doubt and shyness from others. This becomes a convenient form of presenting oneself in society. Such individuals are often unbalanced and irritated, which is especially evident in stressful situations when their inner discomfort comes out.

It is quite simple to distinguish sincere modesty from pretense; it is characterized by simplicity and sincerity. Therefore, you should pay attention not only to people’s behavior and their qualities, but also to look at yourself from the outside as often as possible.

Think about a party you recently attended. I'm sure there was at least one guy among the guests who blabbered non-stop about his accomplishments: about how big his account was and what a huge renovation he was undertaking on his gigantic house. And it doesn’t matter whether you appreciate his achievements, the main thing is that he is absolutely confident in his magnificence! Of course, there were others at the party no less successful people who did not trumpet their achievements at every corner. We highly value such modest people and suspect that they do not have a very high opinion of themselves.

Humble people seem to underestimate their talent and accomplishments, and even deliberately downplay them. If they truly understand how successful they are, why are they so shy? Or is modesty impossible without deception? No, I don’t even want to think about it.

However, Irene McMullin, in her article in Philosophical Quarterly, questions the conventional notion of " modesty" and asks us to think about what we mean by the concept " be modest».

McMullin argues that humble people are aware of their good qualities, that's why they know how to downplay them. For example, imagine Jane, a famous film director. If Jane doesn't understand how amazingly successful she is compared to other filmmakers, she'll likely talk endlessly about her box office films and awards in Cannes, unaware of how people feel when listening to her. This is the paradox of modesty: You must understand how successful you are in order to know how not to offend others.

This position is shared by philosopher (and fellow blogger) Aaron Ben-Zeev, who argues that modesty involves a self-awareness of success with a belief in the equality of people. A humble person knows that he or she has some outstanding qualities, but at the same time knows that these qualities are not particularly important. That's why Bill CEO, included in the Forbes magazine list, talks with John, a janitor at his company. And although Bill earns more money, has more power, and is generally more successful than John, he understands that deep down he and John are equally valuable and significant.

Aristotle wrote that virtue lies in the “golden mean” between two extremes. Humility is about the same balance between bragging about your accomplishments and hiding them. These extremes have one common feature: They deny other people the respect they deserve. A falsely modest person makes others feel awkward when he feigns virtue by boasting about his accomplishments. For example, when someone we know received an MBA education in Harvard says with a wink that he attended "a little college in Cambridge," we cringe at his false modesty. He knows that everyone knows where he studied, but nevertheless he spreads his feathers like a smug peacock.

Moreover, when excessive humble person sincerely avoids talking about his or her success, he or she understands that it is difficult for others to hear about it. For example, Jane, a director, dinner party. When the topic of discussion was her recent film, what should she say, like a truly humble person? Of course, she shouldn't quote rave reviews or mention the sold-out box office. But she shouldn't deny her accomplishments with comments like, "Oh, it's not that good." No matter how sincerely she says it (unlike the winking Mr. Harvard), the other guests will likely feel offended, as if Jane doubted their sincerity.

Instead, Jane should acknowledge her success, not minimize it (“Thank you, I've been trying for years to achieve this”), show her appreciation to others (“I get so much support from my friends, their faith means so much to me”), or change topic of conversation (“Thank you, but what about your new book, I would like to write like you!”). Any of these techniques will show that she is calm about her success. She doesn't deny it, but admits that it doesn't make her the best person than anyone else. Yes, she achieved success with this film, she is better than some in this, but worse in others.

On the surface, modesty seems to be an inward-centered thing, the way people think about themselves. But, as it turns out, modesty is the way a person sees and respects others. To be truly humble, don't deny your own triumph. In fact, you have to be aware and accept it.

After all, virtue is truly impossible without honesty.

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Personality, which is expressed in the fact that a person comes into a state of extreme awkwardness from some life events. Characteristic Features modesty is a person's intense concern about what other people will think of him. Such a person most often avoids talking about himself or does it very little. In a conversation with him, one gets the impression that he puts the needs and needs of the interlocutor much higher than his own. We can say that this person is overly concerned about others, about what opinions people have about him from the outside.

There is such a thing as false modesty. They talk about it when anxious feelings prevent a person from leading a full life. Excessive modesty can significantly harm a person. Missed opportunities, constant stress, loss of interest in your favorite activity - these are the main consequences. That is why it is so important to learn to separate all sorts of fears from your own personality, to allow your inner content to manifest itself in the outside world.

Reasons for modesty

The concept of modesty originates from childhood. If a child is constantly pulled back, not allowed to realize his dreams, scolded for showing a bright individuality, then he will not develop the habit of realizing his goals. But it is so important in our lives to be able to express our desires, to know what you want to achieve as a result of certain efforts. A modest person will hardly allow himself to somehow stand out from the crowd, and this is extremely necessary if we are talking about a mature, accomplished person.

You should never hinder a child’s new beginnings or tell him that nothing will come of a new venture or idea. Children are extremely sensitive to various comments, so you should choose your words with caution and common sense.

Character trait - modesty

What is a modest person like? He probably lowers his eyes often and is embarrassed to say superfluous word, estimates his own capabilities very low. In fact, such an attitude towards oneself cannot be called adequate, because it completely does not take into account individual abilities and talents that, without a doubt, each of us possesses.

You need to understand that modesty blocks a person’s capabilities and forces him to keep his prospects to himself. It is certainly convenient for people around you to be around a modest person. He does not cause inconvenience, does not pester you with questions, and, as a rule, is very delicate in communication. But you need to understand that modesty harms the individual itself, does not allow her to be herself, to develop her own capabilities. Such behavior can lead to very sad results when talents and abilities turn out to be hidden inside and cannot find a way out into the world.

Modesty of a woman

Female modesty has at all times been considered synonymous with humility and easy character. It is believed that natural delicacy and reluctance to interfere in the lives of others are characteristic of the fairer sex. There is a widespread belief that modesty, to one degree or another, adorns a woman. She becomes soft, pliable, pleasant, and will not contradict anyone. Meanwhile, not all women who express obvious modesty in communication really agree with everything that others say. It’s just that these women, for one reason or another, have a strong fear of being misunderstood and offended. They try their best to hide their own position, so that when you look at them, it is sometimes impossible to imagine what they really think. Modest women, as a rule, underestimate themselves, and therefore are often forced to play other people's roles in society.

How to overcome modesty?

Those who want to get rid of the habit of living by the needs and desires of other people need to reconfigure their own perception of reality. It is important to learn to look at things differently, at life around you. It should be remembered that excessive modesty and shyness always harm personality development. In other words, we can say that modesty is synonymous with self-doubt ( read an article about). Below are useful tips, helping to minimize the appearance of modesty.

Thus, modesty is not so much a natural quality of a person as a habit of acting and behaving in society in a certain way. Of course, it needs correction, so that the person begins to realize his own value and significance.