The former band members are brilliant. All clips

Professional ballerina Oksana is a star debut video group "Not Given". Oksana worked in the group for 2 years - from 2003 to 2005. During this time, the artist managed to divorce former member group “Na-Na” by Vladimir Levkin and marry millionaire Anton Petrov (the one who left the pregnant MakSim in 2014). Out of desire to become a mother, the artist left the team. Oksana and her second husband had two daughters, but later the couple separated, and Oksana has a son from her next relationship with businessman Sergei Tsvitnenko.

Polina Iodis and Varvara Koroleva, “Brilliant”

In 1995, Polina Iodis abandoned her studies at law school and began a stage career. Polina sang in the first cast of “Brilliant”. Tours, videos, fans, fees... But one day Polina realized that all this was not for her. She was attracted by the ocean and surfing! The decision was made: a break with my past life, and a little later - a move to Bali. Polina became one of the founders of the Surfing Federation and the Russian Championship in this sport, which she herself won for three years in a row. Polina organizes events, surf camps in Europe, writes articles and films what she loves so much and what she lives by. Nicole, Polina's daughter, appeared in Bali. Varvara lasted even less in “Sparkles” and also preferred sports to music. But instead of waves, the girl chose mountains and began to climb professionally.


Alena Vinnitskaya, “Via Gra”

“Alena, save yourself before it’s too late!” - this phrase from the song “Attempt No. 5” was picked up by the whole country. Alena (whose real name is Olga) in a duet with Granovskaya took on the leading solo parts, so Nadezhda, without a twinge of conscience, decided to improve her personal life, but returned to the group a few weeks after the birth of the baby. After this, the fickle Granovskaya left VIA Gro and returned again, so she became a real star team. And Vinnitskaya, having survived four more personnel changes, left “ VIA Gra» in 2003, starting solo career. Now Alena lives and works in her homeland - Ukraine. For many years Alena has been faithful to her husband, producer Sergei Alekseev, whom she married back in 1995. The couple has no children.

Maria Alalykina, “Factory”

Masha left the group quite quickly (in August 2003) to devote herself to her family. But few people know that the former artist not only got married, but converted to Islam! This was demanded by Masha’s husband, lawyer Alexei Zuenko, to whom Alalykina gave birth to a daughter. True, family happiness did not last long: the man left Masha for another. Alalykina did not take off her hijab and is now raising her daughter Katya in the traditions of Islam.

Elizaveta Rodnyanskaya, “Hands Up!”

“Student”, “Move your body” and, of course, “Song” from the first album “Breathe Evenly” were recorded with the participation of Lisa. Together with the guys, she also starred in the insert of the debut cassette, where she was listed as a member of the group. Rodnyanskaya regularly performed with Zhukov and Potekhin, but Elizaveta no longer worked on the second record. The singer began to develop own project MeliSSa, where he still works.

In 2018, one of the most popular musical groups in the country turns 20 years old. During this time, the composition of the “Brilliant” group changed several times. Today we remember all the participants and the most famous songs, which the whole country sang.

The first composition of the group "Brilliant"

In 1995, Andrei Grozny was so inspired by success American group"Space Girls" that he decided to create a girl group. He didn’t have to look for a vocalist for long - he already had Olga Orlova in mind. A beautiful brown-haired woman with a gentle voice suggested that the producer take her friend Polina Iodis into the team, who did not have good vocals, but looked very harmonious in the frame. The third place was the talented dancer Varvara Koroleva. Two blondes and vociferous Olga became a spectacular trio and shot the first video for the song “There, Only There.”

After release debut album the group lost one member - Varvara left to build a personal life. Irina Lukyanova was taken in her place. Red-haired beauty with big eyes I quickly got used to both touring and the hectic life on wheels.

At the end of 1996, an artistic director appeared in the group. The fatal brunette Zhanna Friske came to choreograph numbers for the girls and take on all the responsibilities for organizing the concert. Thanks to her amazing external data, within six months she became a full-fledged member of the team. Now the line-up consisted of four performers, and it is this one that is still considered “golden”.

A resounding success

In 1997, a video for the song “Clouds” was released, which instantly became a hit. This composition made the girls stars of show business, and Andrei Grozny understood in which direction the group needed to be developed. The songs “Cha-cha-cha” and “Where are you, where” take the band to a new level - “Brilliant” begin to give concerts in large halls. The public is keenly interested not only in the creativity, but also in the personal lives of the soloists. The girls are willing to give interviews, but you can immediately sense who occupies the leading position in the “Brilliant” group. Everyone knows Olga Orlova's last name - after all, it is she who sings almost all the songs, leaving the girls only to sing the choruses together.


In 1998, Polina left the team. She was always interested in extreme sports, to which she devoted her life after leaving the Blestyashchie group. The composition has been replenished former member group "Class". The very young Ksenia Novikova found herself in the hottest time - she just had to shoot a video for the song “Ciao, bambino!” This composition became an all-Russian hit after Alexey Ryzhov made a remix. The clip turned out to be very frank, so it was not released on big screen. Unfortunately, Olga Orlova was not able to fully enjoy her success. Due to pregnancy, she had to leave the Brilliant group. The girl's name and photo often appeared on the pages of newspapers and magazines: there were rumors that she was kicked out of the team for hiding her interesting situation. With a reduced lineup, the group toured until 2001.

Body to work

The fourth “brilliant” girl is Yulia Kovalchuk. Without having outstanding external data and a strong voice, she still occupies a vacant place on for a long time. The next two years were eventful: Irina Lukyanova left the group and the textured Anna Semenovich was taken in her place. The former figure skater amazes the entire male population of the CIS with her forms. Her modest vocals do not confuse the producer - the effect is achieved not only due to her ringing voice. The hot season is coming. Hits follow each other. “Orange Song”, “And I Still Flew”, “Over the Four Seas”, “Ay-Ay” occupy the top lines of the charts. The girls collect well-deserved prizes and awards. To consolidate the result, all four are filmed candid photo shoot for the magazine.

New losses

At the end of 2003, Zhanna Friske announced her resignation. She sets off to build a solo career, and she does it very well, unlike Olga Orlova. In place of the “little little one” they take the no less spectacular Nadya Ruchka. Soon two hits will be released at once - “Agent 007” and “ Oriental tales" These are the last compositions of the group that became hits. In March 2007, Semenovich left the team, and in May, Ksenia Novikova left. Their places are taken by Natalia Asmolova and Anastasia Osipova. The first was unable to find a language with the team and three months later ended her collaboration with Andrei Grozny, and Zhanna’s younger sister, Natasha Friske, was taken in her place. However, after six months she also leaves the group. Kovalchuk also leaves with her.

Fresh faces

This time the producer needed to find two performers at once. He announces the casting and accepts Anna Dubovitskaya and Yulianna Lukasheva. Great success With this composition the group did not achieve success. In 2009, Yulianna gives her place to Ksenia Novikova, who decided to return to the stage after a divorce. A year later, Anna Dubovitskaya left the group. Asmolova takes her place. Soon another soloist appears - Marina Berezhnaya. In 2015, Novikova decides to finally say goodbye to the composition of the “Brilliant” group.

Osipova and Asmolova leave behind her. From that moment to this day, the team has three singers - Nadya Ruchka, Silvia Zolotova and Kristina Illarionova. Despite the fact that the group has not released hits for a long time, Blestyashchiye are always welcome guests at any group concert. They mostly perform old hits, for which they still receive awards.

January 14, 2015

"Brilliant" is a female pop group. It was founded in 1995 by Andrei Shlykov and Andrei Grozny. This is one of the first girls' musical groups in Russia. Over two decades, its composition has undergone many changes. The group "Brilliant" will be discussed in our article.

Original line-up (1995-1998)

In 1995, the producer and composer of the group "MF 3" Andrey Grozny, together with his friend, Andrey Shlykov, decided to create a women's group. They found the first soloist right away. She turned out to be young Olga Orlova. Later, the girl invited her old friend, Polina Iodis, to the team. The third member of the group was Varvara Koroleva, a dancer. Then the group "Brilliant", whose composition was finally determined, recorded the first single. It was called "There, Only There". After the release of the album of the same name in 1996, “Brilliant” went on their first tour.

First changes (1999-2000)

Varvara was the first to leave the group. Irina Lukyanova took her place in March 1996. Some time later, Zhanna Friske appeared in the team. At first she was artistic director groups. Later, the producers decided to take a fourth soloist and offered this place to Zhanna. In May 1997, the girl starred with the rest of the group in the video "Flowers". She has since become a full member musical group. The girls themselves jokingly called the changes in the group “brilliant.” And they were right. Over the course of two years, they shot several bright videos (“Cha-cha-cha”, “Clouds”, “Where are you, where”) and achieved enormous popularity. However, this did not end the changes that the “Brilliant” group underwent. Its composition changed at the end of 1998, when Polina Iodis left to devote herself to her family.

Video on the topic

New reshuffles (2001-2003)

In 1999, in August, the group appeared new soloist- Novikova Ksenia. Her arrival was marked by the appearance of new songs: “Ciao, bambina”, “Winter will come after autumn”. Later came out music album"About Love" and a collection of the most best compositions"White snow" In 2000, Olga Orlova left the team due to pregnancy. In her absence, Zhanna Friske became the leader of the group. This ambitious girl soon (in 2001) launched solo project, however, continued to work in the group. Soon the charming Yulia Kovalchuk joined the team. Another pretty blonde has joined the "Brilliant" group. Photos of the girls appeared on the pages of famous glossy publications.

In 2003, this team was recognized as one of the brightest Russian musical projects. However, Irina Lukyanova soon left the group. She worked as a soloist for seven years. The girl was replaced by former figure skater Anna Semenovich. The "Brilliant" group, whose lineup was replenished with a new bright member, recorded the song "Orange Song" and shot a video for it. In the summer of 2003, Zhanna Friske left the team. In December of the same year, the group “Brilliant” was photographed for FHM magazine. The photographs of the beautiful girls (Semenovich, Kovalchuk, Novikova and Friske) were very frank.

The further fate of the group (2004-2009)

Until the spring of 2004, Anna, Yulia and Ksenia worked together. Then they got new colleague- Nadezhda Ruchka. The debut of this soloist took place in the video " New Year's song". With the updated lineup, the girls recorded several new singles, released in 2006, in January, new album"Oriental Tales" and shot two bright videos. One of them (the song “Oriental Tales”) even displeased the chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia, Heydar Jamal.

In 2007, in March, Anya Semenovich went on a solo swim and left the group. She was replaced by young Anastasia Osipova. The group "Brilliant" re-recorded the single "Agent 007" with her. Team composition in this option didn't last long. After a couple of months, Ksenia Novikova left him. The girl was replaced by a new soloist - Natalya Friske. It was presented to the public in 2007, on October 4, at the prestigious music award. In the summer of the same year, another member appeared in the group - Natalia Asmolova. She lasted only three months due to disagreements with the producers of Brilliant. At the end of 2007, Yulia Kovalchuk’s contract with the group expired. The girl did not extend it.

At the beginning of 2008, to replace the departing Yulia Kovalchuk and Natalia Friske, the producers chose new soloists - Anna Dubovitskaya (dancer) and Nadezhda Kondratyeva (singer and model). However, Nadya did not work in a team. In June 2008, Yulianna Lukasheva took her place.

Latest changes (2009-2014)

In 2009, in mid-November, Yulianna Lukasheva announced her resignation. At the Golden Gramophone the musical group presented updated composition with Berezhnaya Marina. In 2010, in January, “Brilliant” recorded the single “Ball”, and later shot a video for it. In November of the same year, the group presented the song "Morning". At the beginning of summer 2011 she returned to the team legendary participant- Novikova Ksenia. "Brilliant" immediately recorded a new single, "Love". In October 2011, Anna Dubovitskaya left due to pregnancy. On November 11, 2014, the debut broadcast of the video for the song “Lose” took place on the RU.TV channel. On November 14, the group “Brilliant” held a presentation of this video at the Stakan restaurant. The composition of 2014 is Nadezhda Ruchka, Anastasia Osipova, Marina Berezhnaya, Ksenia Novikova.

As you can see, the members of the musical group often replaced each other. The lead singers of the group "Brilliant" are always sweet and charming. I would like to wish this project creative longevity and new popular songs.

November 12 and 13 - two significant dates for popular women's group"Brilliant." On November 12, one of the brightest ex-soloists of the group, Yulia Kovalchuk, turned 32, and on November 13, the very first prima of “Brilliant” Olga Orlova celebrates her 37th birthday. the site found out what the stars are doing now, whose start in life is connected with participation in a popular Russian girl group.

Worked in the group from 1995 to 2000

After leaving Blestyashchie, Olga Orlova managed to prove herself in completely different creative fields. Ex-soloist popular group released two solo album, shot 8 videos, played in 10 films, and not at all in episodes. And, of course, she has numerous appearances on the top TV shows: from “ The last hero" before " Culinary duel" Now the singer has new hobbies.

"I slowed down singing activity, I tour less now. Actor career I’m still attracted to it, but I’m not involved in filming yet. I have a new hobby - I do interior design and at the same time I produce theater projects. I help actors promote their enterprises. A solo work I’m not giving up, I’ve recorded several songs and am preparing a big and interesting project..

According to the singer, previously everything in her life revolved around her career. However, now Olga is trying to spend as much time as possible with her loved ones: her 13-year-old son Artem is growing up from her first marriage to businessman Alexander Karmanov. The boy, unlike his mother, is indifferent to creativity, he has completely different hobbies.

“Artem is obedient, good boy, not capricious at all, is growing into a real man. He is interested in sports - he played tennis, ping-pong, and chess with me. However, I encountered a problem that probably all modern parents now face. My son is interested in gadgets. Of course, I try to limit it. But on the other hand, I understand that it is impossible to ban Artyom from something that has captured the whole world...

Her boyfriend, whom the singer has been dating for 4 years, is helping Orlova raise her son. The only truth that is known about Olga’s chosen one is that his name is Peter and he is a businessman. According to the ex-soloist of “Brilliant,” she is now hiding her relationship. But he willingly talks about the ideal man.

“A man must have, first of all, a sense of humor. It is very important for me to have a cheerful and a positive person who will accept any difficulties with a smile on his face. I'm the same person, I need a soul mate...

the site sincerely congratulates Olga Orlova on her birthday and wishes her creative success, happiness and family well-being!

Yulia Kovalchuk

Worked in the group from 2001 to 2006

In 2006, Yulia’s contract with the producers of the group “Brilliant” expired, which she did not renew. Since 2008, the singer has been engaged solo career. On this moment, Kovalchuk has already released 5 videos and one album. The second one is getting ready to go out. But now Julia appears more and more often on the TV screen in various projects, both as a participant and as a presenter. For example, a girl won the show “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season"paired with Pyotr Chernyshev and in the show " glacial period. Fairytale continuation" with Roman Kostomarov. However, the singer spent the last month and a half on film set new film “I’ll Get Married Urgently”, where he plays the main role.

“I am, first and foremost, a musician and singer. It’s just that fate favors me so much that my desire to realize myself as an actress comes true. Usually I am invited to play myself. True, I have already acted in leading role V feature film, but it never came out...

According to the plot of the film, Zhenya Krapivina, the heroine of Yulia, wants to become the editor-in-chief of a family magazine. But there is one condition - the girl must be married. 32-year-old Yulia Kovalchuk will have a wedding on screen with her real husband, singer Alexei Chumakov.

“It doesn’t bother us that we now appear everywhere together. We have unspoken rules that allow us not to get tired of each other. For example, separate dressing rooms. After spending 17 hours on the set, Lesha and I go to different trailers - each of us needs personal space..

According to Kovalchuk, her last joint projects with my husband - an accident. On the “Yu” channel, Alexey and Yulia have been hosting the “Who’s on Top?” program since 2013, and in the fall of this year they launched another show, “Our Way Out” on “Russia 1.”

“To be honest, Lesha and I try to avoid the same projects as much as possible. But it turns out that they are calling to work together. For example, the show “Our Way Out” is a family music project. The producers needed presenters - a singing family. We even recorded a duet only 6 years later,” the charming blonde admitted to us.

Irina Lukyanova

Worked in the group from 1996 to 2003

This charming blonde left the group in 2003 when she found out she was pregnant. Now Irina is raising 4 children. The eldest are 21-year-old Mikhail and 20-year-old Denis from the first marriage of her husband, businessman Mikhail Sinitsyn. The couple also has 11-year-old daughters Anna and 7-year-old Alexandra. Lukyanova’s children are already quite old, so the ex-soloist of “Brilliant” decided to return to where she started - dancing. After all, Irina initially came to the group as a choreographer.

“Now the children have grown up, there is a little more time. I'm slowly returning to my profession. My body remembered everything I once did. It's so amazing! And by the way, just recently I had a performance at the House of Music. After 16 years, being on stage and dancing is such an emotion! Even my loved ones did not expect to see me on stage. The children said: “Mom, wow! What was it?.

Irina does not intend to teach children to dance - everyone in the family has their own hobbies and interests.

“Misha graduates from Moscow State University, Institute of Asian and African Countries. Denis is studying economics at MGIMO. The girls are still schoolgirls. Anya, for example, has no interest in choreography. But she is simply raving about wakesurfing (wakesurfing is a type of riding behind a towing boat on a board, an imitation of classic surfing - website note). She is making progress and participating in competitions. The youngest, Sasha, enjoys spending all her time on the ice - she is already more than a year does figure skating...

While Lukyanova’s husband is engaged in the pharmaceutical business, the ex-soloist of “Brilliant” gives choreography lessons and master classes. As it turned out, Irina is quite good at home economics. difficult relationships.

“I don’t know how to cook at all. The whole family knows that if the kitchen or the frying pan needs to be ruined, it’s me! (laughs) I can feed you, but it won’t taste good. It’s good that we have an assistant, she is my rear, my salvation. I can do everything at home: rearrange furniture, drive a nail...

As it turns out, 38-year-old Irina’s beautiful figure is helped not only by dancing, but also by discipline and a strict regime. Former soloist“Brilliant” admitted that she prefers simple dishes hodgepodge, and simply doesn’t eat many foods.

« Special diets I don't adhere to it. I just don't overeat. I try to follow the regime. Although sometimes I have “zigzags”, as I call it (laughs). I really love fast food - it's incredibly tasty and fast. And you drive past the restaurant, smell it and realize that you can’t deny yourself now. And the children are also provocateurs: “Well, please, let’s stop by, we haven’t been for a long time.” And you won’t sit and wait for them in the car like a fool. In any case, eat something...

Natalia Friske

Worked in the group from 2007 to 2008

Natalia Friske - younger sister Zhanna, was invited to the group “Brilliant” in order to replace Ksenia Novikova, who had gone on maternity leave. But 28-Friske Jr. did not have the same successful career as her famous sister. After working in the group for a year, Natalya chose to leave the team.

In the summer of 2013, Natalya Friske married Emergencies Ministry employee Sergei Vshivkov. The ceremony took place at the Kuskovo estate. But family happiness the couple did not enjoy it for long. Six months later, everyone learned about Zhanna’s illness. The singer's relatives lost peace.

Natalya supported her sister in every possible way and, without children of her own, became the second mother to her nephew Plato. Most recently, Natalya posted on her Instagram photo with him. True, the child’s face is not visible in the picture - Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske always hid the heir from the public.

Singer Olga Orlova was one of the first soloists of the group “Brilliant,” which is already 22 years old. She worked there from the founding of the team in 1995 until 2000. After which she sang alone until 2007, then there was a period of calm, and the singer returned to the stage in 2015.

Olga Orlova with her son. Photo:

In addition, Olga actively acted in films (“Anna Karamazoff”, “Carrot Love - 1, 2, 3” and other films), and played in enterprise performances.

And in March 2017, she decided to try the role of co-host of the reality show “Dom-2”. By the way, 16-year-old Artem, Olga’s son from businessman Alexander Karmanov (the marriage broke up in 2004), supported this decision. Rumor has it that Olga fought off her ex-husband Alexander is with another singer Natalya Lagoda, but Orlova herself denies these rumors: they say that Alexander left Natalya before Olga began dating him.

One way or another, when Olga became pregnant with Artem, the group’s producer Andrei Grozny asked her to leave the group.

Polina Iodis - singer and athlete - was the lead singer of the group for only three years: from 1995 to 1998. After leaving Blestyashchiye, Polina took up extreme sports, and in 2010 she left for Bali, where she lives to this day, surfing. There, in Bali, her children were born.

Polina Iodis. Photo:

With my husband and children. Photo:

Varvara Koroleva is the third soloist from the very first lineup of the group. But she was in this capacity for only a year: from 1995 to 1996. After which she was replaced by Irina Lukyanova and Zhanna Friske. After leaving the group, Varvara completely switched to sports, namely rock climbing. And she never returned to show business.

Irina Lukyanova was part of the group from 1996 to 2003.

Irina Lukyanova. Photo:

Now the family of Irina and her husband, businessman Mikhail Sinitsyn, has four children: Misha and Denis - the sons of Mikhail, as well as common girls Anya and Sasha. Irina devoted herself to her family.

Irina with her daughters. Photo:

Irina with her daughters. Photo:

Zhanna Friske performed in “Brilliant” from 1997 to 2003. After leaving the team, she continued to be friends with Olga Orlova. Therefore, it is not surprising that Zhanna and her husband Dmitry Shepelev chose Olga as godmother for their son Plato. After leaving Blestyashchie, Zhanna began a solo career, but in 2013 the singer fell ill and passed away in June 2015.

Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev. Photo: East News

Zhanna Friske, Irina Lukyanova,
Ksenia Novikova, Yulia Kovalchuk. Photo: Global Look Press

Ksenia Novikova joined the team in 1999 - she replaced Polina Iodis. And immediately after Zhanna left, Friske became the leader of the group. In 2007, she left “Brilliant” and gave birth to businessman Andrei Sereda two boys - Miron and Bogdan. But four years later she returned to the team, while simultaneously building her solo career. In 2015, she married businessman Alexei Sorokin.

Ksenia Novikova with her husband Alexei Sorokin and sons Bogdan and Miron. Photo:

And in January 2016, she finally said goodbye to the group, in which she had worked for a total of about 12 years.

Yulia Kovalchuk joined the group instead of Olga Orlova. She worked as part of the team for about six years, and then also took up a solo career and mastered the role of a TV presenter. Yulia married singer Alexei Chumakov in 2013, and more recently, on October 13, 2017, this couple gave birth to a girl. So Julia is enjoying motherhood for now and is in no hurry to go to work.

Yulia Kovalchuk with Alexey Chumakov Photo:

Anna Semenovich is a former figure skater who worked for several years on various television channels. Once, when Semenovich was interviewing girls from “Brilliant” on Muz-TV, the group’s producers Andrei Grozny and Andrei Shlykov had the idea to invite her to join the girls’ team. As a result, Anna quit journalism and became a singer, working in this capacity from 2003 to 2007. Then Anna returned to TV: she was busy in the programs “Stars on Ice”, “Ice Age”, “The Young Lady and the Cook”, “Traffic Rules”.

Anna Semenovich. Photo:

Nadezhda Ruchka joined Blestyashchiye in 2004 and might have continued to sing in the group if she had not become pregnant and given birth to her son Leva in August 2017. And Nadya’s chosen one was an oil company employee, Denis Boyarko. Before “Brilliant,” Ruchka was part of the group Party.

Nadezhda Ruchka with her husband Denis Boyarko. Photo:

Anastasia Osipova was a member of Blestyashchie from 2007 to 2015, and before that she was the lead singer of the Strelka group. They took her instead of the departed Anna Semenovich. In parallel with musical career Anastasia graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Institute foreign languages and even practiced at the Basmanny Court. In 2016, she married lawyer Alexander Malakha, and in April 2017, a boy, Mark, was born into their family.

Anastasia Osipova. Photo:

Anastasia with her husband Alexander Malakha. Photo:

Natalia Friske with her sister Zhanna Photo: Global Look Press

Anna Dubovitskaya joined the group after Yulia Kovalchuk left in 2008 and stayed in the team until 2011. Anna has three degrees: she is an economist, a clothing designer, and also a dancer. Dubovitskaya married businessman Sergei Anokhin. The couple is raising two girls: Dasha from Sergei’s first marriage and their common daughter I love you.

Anna Dubovitskaya. Photo: Global Look Press

Anna with her husband Sergei Anokhin. Photo: Global Look Press

Yulianna Lukasheva spent about a year in the team: from 2008 to 2009. And before that she was working ballroom dancing and was even the vice-world champion in them. After leaving the group, Lukasheva became a TV presenter on the RU.TV channel. Now he continues to perform solo. They say that the singer and TV presenter had an affair with Sergei Zverev. Sergei himself confirmed the rumors.

Yulianna Lukasheva. Photo:

Yulianna and Sergei Zverev. Photo: East News

And here is today’s lineup of “Brilliant”: Marina Berezhnaya, Silvia Zolotova, Kristina Illarionova, Natalia Asmolova.