Vladislav Ramm. Ex-soloist of MBAND Vladislav Ramm and his musical career

According to friends of Vladislav Ramm, rumors about his close relationships with men were spread by an offended woman

According to friends of Vladislav Ramm, rumors about his close relationships with men were spread by an offended woman

Before the boy group “MBAND,” created as part of the NTV project “I Want to Meladze,” had time to celebrate its first anniversary, news spread about the departure of one of its four soloists, 20-year-old Vladislav RAMMA. He himself announced on Instagram that he had decided to start a solo career. However, the group's producer Konstantin MELADZE said on Love Radio that Ramm was fired for professional incompetence and would not be able to work independently on stage until the end of the contract concluded until 2021. In music circles, other versions of what happened were also expressed - more intricate and scandalous.

- Fans have long noticed a very ambiguous relationship Vlada Ramma with the youngest lead singer of the group - 17 years old Nikita Kiosse, - said Mara Belyak, member of the online community dedicated to “MBAND”. - Many people had the impression that they were not just friends, but lovers. Of course, the guys clearly didn’t show it. But by their looks, gestures... And when it became known that Vlad had left MBAND, assumptions immediately arose that this was the reason for his dismissal. “Ramm burned their relationship with Kiosse, and hit him in the ass with a stirrer,” fans wrote. - Meladze there is no need for a fuss that the boys in his group are gay.”
True, it is not entirely clear why one was kicked out and the other was left. After all, you could just ask them not to show anything unnecessary in public. The two-faced behavior of Kiosse, who, together with other members of “MBAND”, hastened to accuse Ramm of betrayal, is also incomprehensible. How could he renounce a person so quickly, when just recently he hugged him in a completely unbrotherly way, stood up for him different situations and told how he loved him and how they lived together with his friend Vlad Andrey Vitvitsky?!

“Yes, after the project, Vladislav and Nikita really stayed with me,” confirmed Vitvitsky, a participant in the shows “I want to go to Meladze” and “Dom-2”. - The guys are not Muscovites. They have not yet acquired their own housing in the capital. Then Kostya helped them rent an apartment. They couldn't take the first one they came across. They needed something good. And while they were looking for a suitable option, I gave them shelter. But Vlad and Nikita have no other relationship except purely friendly and working ones. Everything else that is said about them is unsubstantiated Internet rumors. The guys are completely normal, traditional. Meladze, who already had a sad experience with one of the soloists of the BiS group, selected them precisely on this principle.
Nikita is generally a schoolboy. He hasn't been with anyone yet Serious relationships. And Vlad is dating Misha Romanova from the new composition of the VIA Gra group. This is not PR at all. They are all for real. Vlad also has a child - daughter Nicole. With the baby's mother - Veronica Generalova- He recently broke up. The love just passed. Maybe she is now spreading rumors about his relationships with men? An offended woman always says that she was abandoned not because she is somehow different, but because the man is not like that.
As far as I know, Vladislav made the decision to leave the group himself. You see, all the participants in “MBAND” have complex characters. Everyone is actually trying to pull the blanket over themselves. It’s just that someone continues to play a game called “We’re such cool guys, we’re all together.” And Vlad had the courage to openly declare his ambitions.

Misha ROMANOVA from " VIA Gra" Photo:

Vladislav Ramm broke into domestic show business by descending from the roof of a building on a rope balloons. So the young man appeared at the casting of the show “I want to see Meladze” and immediately aroused great interest in his person.

Vladislav Ramm: biography

Despite his stellar popularity, about the singer's life before creative career little is known. Here are a few facts from the guy’s personal life. He was born in Kemerovo on September 17, 1995. Since childhood, the boy dreamed of becoming a singer, attended music school and did vocals. At the time of Meladze’s participation in the project, the guy had already completed his studies at the local Lyceum No. 89; according to some sources, he did not graduate. Vladislav Ramm was also married. More precisely, he came to the show in the status of a “unfree guy,” but the singer’s future career put everything in its place.

An interesting fact is that Vladislav Ramm, whose real name is Ivanov, has already become a father; his ex gave birth to his daughter Nicole. The media does not know whether the singer communicates with his ex-wife and daughter.

Debut in show business

Since childhood, Vladislav Ramm, whose biography after arriving in the capital began to interest great amount his fans, dreamed of a “star” career pop performer. There is information that the young man even tried himself in several musical projects, but without success.

That the guy was seriously targeting musical Olympus, evidenced by the change of his surname at the age of 18; before that he was Ivanov. About the show “I want to Meladze” and the search for new artists for teenage music men's project The guy heard it quite by accident, on radio “Chanson”. Without thinking twice, he decided to try his luck and set off to conquer the capital.

Vladislav Ramm appeared in the show very impressively, which immediately made him a favorite among other participants. He descended onto the site with a bunch of balloons and a bouquet of roses. He dedicated this gesture to the casting host Vera Brezhneva. After the first selections and getting to know the participants more closely, it turned out that the young man was married, and this became “his thing” on the project.

Moreover, initially he told his friends that his significant other fully supported him. But as it turned out, Vlad could not remain faithful to Veronica and during the project he cheated on her with one of the dancers. The real thing played out right on the show family drama. Veronica came to the project and admitted to Vlad that she was pregnant, but this did not stop him from breaking up with his former lover.

Work at MBAND

After three months of personal and group castings, Konstantin Meladze decided on the composition of the members of the new team; they were Vladislav Ramm, Nikita Kiosse, Anatoly Tsoi and Artem Pindyura.

On November 22, 2014, the creation of a new team MBAND under the leadership of Konstantin Meladze was officially announced. The guys signed a contract with the producer until 2021. A busy schedule of concerts and studio work immediately began. Rehearsals gave way to filming, and so on day after day.

It turned out that the singer’s job is not only about a sweet voice and pretty appearance. The main component is enormous efficiency. During the year, the guys released several videos and became the group of the year, and then rumors spread in the press about difficult relationship members within the team. And they were connected precisely with the extraordinary Vladislav. The denouement was not long in coming.

Scandalous departure from the group

On the eve of the band’s first anniversary, information appeared on Ramm’s Instagram page that he was leaving the band and going “on a solo voyage.” A few days later, comments were received from the group’s producer, who stated that Vladislav Ramm was fired from the team due to professional incompetence.

The guy will not start a solo career, since he has a contract with the Meladze production center until 2021. Vladislav Ramm, whose photos now appear quite often in the press, said that it was he who initiated leaving the team, no one fired him.

An interesting fact is that former colleagues The Ranmas are not eager to communicate with their friend, much less resume work with the guy. There are rumors that Vlad was overtaken by " star fever" He simply ignored the work process, showing absolute disrespect for his colleagues.

Ramm himself in an interview talks about his enormous affection for his colleagues and gratitude to Konstantin Meladze. Despite such frank statements, the guy is confident that he will be able to challenge the contract with the production center in court.

Vladislav Ramm and his solo project

There was information in the media that the guy wants to start a solo career without the support of a producer, but some have already approached him famous people metropolitan show business. Vladislav talks about contacts with Igor Matvienko, but he himself does not want to cooperate with any of the producers, considering this to be wrong.

On the way to solo career Ramm has some obstacles, namely the current contract. The guy hopes to have it terminated in court if the problem cannot be resolved “amicably.”

Meladze himself has already declared the absolute unprofessionalism of his former ward and the absence of any moral principles and normal human qualities. Konstantin was also supported by his wife Vera Brezhneva. The producer has already stated that going to court will not help Ramm terminate his contract, much less become a successful singer.

    No, one of the participants of the new youth group M-band Vlidislav Ramm never became a father. The guy is still young. Yes, the guys themselves, when giving interviews, do not hide the fact that they enjoy the company of girls, they even moved out of their parents into a rented apartment and live together. And what about his wife? strange story. It turned out that she was not his wife at all, but a fake actress. Now they are throwing mud at each other.

    A member of Konstantin Meladze’s band MBAND named Vlad Ramm, at the young age of 19, managed not only to get married, but also to get divorced. He exclusively told Viva magazine about this. Here's what he said about his marriage:

    There is not a word about the child, which means that he does not exist and never existed.

    IN last show A meeting took place between Vladislav and his wife. Ramm walked with a clear goal - to tell the girl about the breakup. And said. And he even talked about how he cheated on her on the project. And his wife said that Vladislav will soon become a dad. He didn’t understand right away. I am amazed at the endurance of this girl. She stood up and walked away proudly.

    Although this point is not entirely clear. She said she was already 6 months pregnant. Have they really not seen each other for so long? The project did not proceed for six months.

    So we can to some extent say that Ramm is already a dad. Although he is not going to take any part in raising the child. Not a good reputation for a beginning artist.

    On final show project I want to Meladze 18-year-old Vladislav Ramm left his wife, but before that he admitted that he had cheated on her. In response, his wife admitted that she was pregnant, but said goodbye to the guy, saying that she would not forgive him for cheating. Whether this was just a backlash or whether this is the truth, there is no such information yet.

    Vladislav Ramm broke up with his wife. Although it is still unclear whether his marriage to Veronica was official. However, during the dramatic and public announcement of the breakup, initiated by Vladislav himself, she announced that she was expecting a child. Now the girl has already been born, she was named Nicole. Her father does not intend to communicate with her.

    Both of them do not behave very nicely - one gets the feeling that Vladislav is promoting himself in this way, and Veronica is throwing mud at him on social networks.

    It is quite possible that Vladislav Ramm’s wife is pregnant, there is some kind of muddy story. Or she lied to keep the guy. Anyway, we'll find out soon. So far, Vladislav Ramm is aiming for a divorce; he has not passed the test of fame, but at the beginning of the project, Konstantin Meladze admired Vladislav Ramm for being married.

    The information that Vladislav Ramm, one of the members of the youth group, became a father, has not been confirmed. Even more interesting is that after the show he began to say that this was not his wife at all, but an ex-girlfriend who was angry with him for publicly leaving her. In general, he did not become a dad. Maybe for the better.

    Hardly. The fact is that both Vladislav himself and his wife are very young, they are 18 years old. Moreover, there is very little information about his wife; for example, on his Vkontakte page it is not indicated that Vladislav is married. Yes, and it’s not really clear, either he was married, or they seemed to have divorced. And if you look at his wife’s page, it becomes clear that this girl does not have any children. Unless we assume theoretically that Ramm has a child from some kind of extramarital affair....

Those who closely follow news in the world of domestic pop culture are probably aware that the Meladze brothers have decided to significantly update the composition of the wards of their own production center. This is how the television project “I want to see Meladze” started on NTV. After going through a tough casting process, few made it to participate in the project.

One of the most bright participants the show became a young guy with beautiful eyes and in a very melodic voice - Vladislav Ramm. The guy captivated the audience and the jury with his spontaneity and stubborn will to win. As a result, Ramm ended up in the finals, and together with other members of the MBand group he became the winner.

Naturally, after the triumphant finale, fans and journalists began to take an active interest in the lives of the young talents from the group. It turned out that of all the participants, only Vlad Ramm was married. His charming wife Veronica steadfastly withstood the onslaught of fans and actively supported her husband throughout the project.

At the same time, the popularity that Veronica Ramm gained on Instagram also increased. Many were eager to see a photo of the idol in home environment. Even more followers joined Veronica when it became known about, to put it mildly, “unsportsmanlike behavior” of her husband. Already three months after the start of the project, Vlad admitted to cheating, then announced that he would soon gain bachelor status. Even Veronica's pregnancy didn't stop the guy.

New photos on Ramm Veronica's Instagram are full of love confessions to her husband

Be that as it may, the couple is still together. What it was - a PR campaign or a consequence of the guy’s hormonal explosion - is not for us to judge. Currently, Veronica's photo blog is full of pictures where she still declares her love for her husband and actively posts photos with her little daughter Nicole, floridly commenting on such photos as Ms&Mrs Ramm.

However, joint photos with Vlad do not appear on Instagram. And recently Veronica burst out with an angry eulogy, claiming that she did not even think about taking her own life, was not sick and had an accident, and was completely alive, healthy and happy.

Veronica Ramm Instagram updates infrequently. At most 5-6 new photographs appear per month. What is to blame for this is unknown. Either the girl is busy as a young mother, or has an active social life.

If you want to know how the wife of the MBand lead singer is doing and what she’s doing, you can find Veronica Ramm’s Instagram page at @veroonica__.

Vladislav Ramm is a handsome and talented young man who gained fame thanks to his participation in the boy band МBAND and collaboration with such famous composer as Konstantin Meladze. Being part of a youth group created as an analogue of a group One Direction of Anglo-Irish origin, the singer received prestigious awards and public recognition.


Ramm Vladislav Alekseevich was born on September 17, 1995. On this moment The singer is 23 years old. The performer's homeland is the city of Kemerovo in the south Western Siberia. Ramm is the pseudonym that Vladik chose in the project “I want to go to Meladze”. Real name guy - Ivanov.

The singer's mother worked as an actress in a local musical theater. The woman did everything to instill in her son a love of music and aesthetics. Thanks to maternal efforts, young man Since childhood, the desire to perform on stage arose.

The first step was enrolling in a music school. There Vladik took piano lessons. However, this activity did not impress the boy - he wanted to sing. Then his mother took him to a vocal teacher.

The father developed the masculine component in the boy. He introduced him to the responsibilities and hobbies that are characteristic of the stronger half of humanity. As Vladislav will say in an interview, dad has always been a friend, support and support for him.

After graduating from Kemerovo gymnasium No. 89, the boy followed his mother’s path. He entered the Oleg Tabakov Theater College at the Moscow Theater, where his mother studied.

However, Vladislav did not finish his studies. Without even finishing his first year, he dropped out because unrequited love to a classmate.

Creative career

Vladislav tried himself in several musical groups. However, he didn’t stay in any of them. A fateful decision in Ramm’s life was participation in music project“I want to go to Meladze.”

Project “I want to go to Meladze”

In 2014, Vladislav learned that a casting had been announced on the NTV channel. Then Konstantin Meladze was looking for young and talented guys who could sing. People from Russia and other countries took part in the casting. Therefore, the competition was impressive.

Ramm understood that thousands of guys were vying for one place in the show, but he decided to take a risk.

As part of the “I want to go to Meladze” project, a new boy band was created. The team is aimed at a young and advanced audience.

The performers were then evaluated by the jury:

  • Polina Gagarina;
  • Anna Sedokova;
  • Timati;
  • Sergey Lazarev;
  • Vladimir Presnyakov.

Arriving at the casting, Vladislav was confused. The thought was constantly spinning in his head whether he should give up the idea. However, inner confidence allowed him to go on stage and be among the audience and the star jury.

No one thought then that Vladislav there will be a casting and will become a full participant in the project, and then its winner.

Konstantin Meladze himself spoke of Vlad as a controversial personality. The composer noted: “Despite his young age, he is a charismatic, brutal young man, like a “cute goofball.” The young man sings beautifully, hears music and passes the song through his heart and soul. Vlad knows how to look good and helps his band colleagues dress. And it is only at first glance that it seems unassembled, chaotic, no. Ramm a kind person, who will become a famous artist in the future."

On the project, Vlad Ramm surprised the audience more than once. Before his first performance on September 13, 2014, he came down from a height with an armful of roses and balloons in his hands. Then the guy expressed sympathy for the host of the show, Vera Brezhneva. Moreover, Ramm was married at that time. Vera Brezhneva appreciated the young man’s action and let him onto the stage first.

During the show, Vlad was in the teams of several star performers. First he went to Timati, and then moved to Sergei Lazarev. Since the remaining members of his team left the project by decision of the jury, Ramm became one of the winners of the show.

The names of the remaining triumphants are no less known to the public:

  • Nikita Kiosse;
  • Artem Pindyura;
  • Anatoly Tsoi.

The victory was marked by a wonderful performance of Alexander Ponomarev’s composition “I’m crying so loudly.”


After the end of the show, Vladislav Ramm signed a contract with Konstantin Meladze and became a participant musical group MBAND.

The group's first song is "She'll Come Back." The composition took leading positions in all Russian charts. From that moment on, the guys gained popularity, they had an army of thousands of fans. The video for the song “She’ll Come Back” alone collected 15 million views on the YouTube channel. Also for this song the guys received 2 awards: “Favorite Artist of the Year” and “Discovery of the Year”.

On February 14, 2015, the group made its debut on the stage of the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in a concert dedicated to the Day Saint Valentine's. Then the boy band went on a tour of Russia.

In May, 2 more compositions were released: “Give me”, “Look at me”. It is noteworthy that the singer Nyusha participated in the video for the second song, and Konstantin Meladze played the role of a mustachioed gardener.

In June it was announced that the team was looking for girls to star in the reality show “One Day with MBAND on STS. As a result of the casting, 8 participants were selected.

In the same month, the group performed at the birthday party of Konstantin Meladze. There they presented new song- “Do it right now.” The composition was included in the album dedicated to the producer’s 50th anniversary.

In October 2015, the group performed solo at the Bud Arena nightclub.

Later in an interview, Ramm stated that he would not have left the team even if Fyodor Bondarchuk himself had offered him the role of “In an Inhabited Island-2.”

However, in November 2015, rumors spread about Vladislav's departure from the group. The reasons are Ramm’s desire to perform solo, as well as a conflict with Konstantin Meladze.

Scandalous dismissal from the group

Vladislav Ramm did not last long in the group. The departure from the team occurred due to disagreements with Konstantin Meladze. A serious scandal erupted around this story. The public could not understand where the fourth participant had gone.

Meladze officially commented that he fired Ramm due to incompetence. The decision was made by him and the MBAND members. According to the star producer, Vlad behaved disrespectfully towards the team.

Konstantin also noted that Ramm, according to the contract, is bound by certain obligations with him and the rest of the boy band and cannot perform solo until 2021. The guy, in turn, replied that all legal issues would be considered in court.

After the conflict leaked to the press, the Internet was filled with rumors and speculation that Ramm was fond of illegal drugs and narcotics, had an affair with Nikita Kiosse, and so on.

Later, the singer’s Instagram posted his appeals to the group and
Konstantin. He thanked them for giving him a start in life. Then he wrote that he would soon return to the stage, but as a solo performer.

And so it happened, a year later fans saw the singer on stage again, although Meladze threatened that he would not be able to sing until the end of 2021.

In the conflict, Konstantin was supported by Brezhnev and producer Max Fadeev. Vera then said that Ramm does not value the people he works with. She stated that many would dream of working with Konstantin and are doing everything to make this happen.

Have spoken on this subject and once former friends Vladislav - Kiosse, Tsoi and Pindyura. They said that Ramm's departure could have been foreseen, because every day he behaved worse and worse and it was difficult to work with him.

Maxim Fadeev also shared his opinion on Instagram. The fact is that there were active rumors circulating online that he offered Ramm cooperation. The producer denied these rumors and recommended Meladze not to pay attention to the current situation.

Later, more information regarding the star boy appeared on the Internet. He started a rumor that Igor Matvienko’s team had contacted him. However, this, according to Maxim Fadeev, turned out to be a lie.

In an interview with one of the magazines, Ramm said that he could not imagine himself in the team. He is a loner and wants to perform as a solo unit.

In addition, on his Instagram page, Vlad wrote about the hypocrisy of some people. Journalists became interested in this statement and were curious about who it was intended for. However, Ramm said that he does not want to wash dirty linen in public and those to whom the words are addressed will definitely understand.

Solo project

Skeptics did not believe that Vladislav would be able to go on stage again. However, the assertive guy not only began to sing again, but also signed a contract with Dima Bilan’s producer, Yana Rudkovskaya.

Together with her son Nikolai Baturin, Ramm recorded the song “Enough Spirit.” Vlad’s fans liked the composition.

When journalists asked who took the first step towards cooperation, Ramm named Yana’s son, Nikolai Baturin. When Vlad released the first one in 2017 solo album, Kolya brought it to his mother.

Then the producer met Vladislav and offered cooperation, but with one condition: Vlad and Nikolai would write a good song.

Literally overnight, Ramm composed the composition “Enough Spirit.” Then they, together with Kolya, recorded it, and later shot a video (Aleksey Golubev helped the guys with this). Yana liked the song and agreed to sign a cooperation contract.

On September 1, Vlad again recorded a song with Baturin called “Neither I nor You.” Later a video was shot for this composition. The song was first presented on New Wave.

In December, Dima Bilan's album was released, which included 2 compositions written by Vladislav.

On February 20, 2018, Yana organized a concert in honor of the release of the new album “Lu4she”, which included the following songs:

  • "I want you, baby!";
  • "Not from the area";
  • “Eyes are clean”;
  • "Tag" and so on.

As the concert guests noted, Vlad - good artist, he has excellent stage presence and communicates with the audience. It is noteworthy that he has a variety of songs to his credit, ranging from rap to romantic confessional ballads.

It is worth noting that in Lately Guys are getting insulted on social networks. This hurt Yana Rudkovskaya so much that she decided to respond to the “couch critics” on her Instagram page. In the message, she asked not to insult her protégé and son, since they are hard workers. And she advised her ill-wishers to do something useful.

Personal life

The personal life of Vladislav Ramm is always visible. The guy was credited with numerous novels, including with star girls. There were also rumors. There is information spread online that Vlad is having an affair with a member of the group MBAND by Nikita Kiosse. Whether this is true or not, and who Vladislav is dating now, is of great interest to fans.

Veronica Generalova - ex-wife

No one would have thought that after such bright recognition in sympathy with Vera Brezhneva on the show, Vladislav Ramm will be married.

Name ex-girlfriend singer Veronika Generalova. They met at a party in a nightclub. The relationship developed so rapidly that after 3 weeks Vlad proposed to Veronica.

After Ramm’s successful casting on the show “I want to go to Meladze,” both were happy. Then Vlad dreamed of the stage and fame, and Veronica dreamed of wealth and family life.

However, fate decreed otherwise. Only one of them got his wish fulfilled. Having won the project, Vlad stated that he wanted to devote himself to music, but he had no time for his personal life.

At this moment, Veronica was pregnant. Having learned about this, Ramm said that he did not want to associate his life with diapers and undershirts.

However, this did not bother Vlad at all. Moreover, there were active rumors that the guy cheated on his wife during the casting of the show “I Want to Meladze”, and then started an affair with one of the dancers.

Daughter Nicole

In 2014, Veronica gave birth to a girl. The daughter's name is Nicole. Unfortunately, neither the girl nor Ramm's ex-wife are interested.

Veronica claims that her feelings for Vlad have evaporated. Moreover, she hates him, as well as the group “MBAND”, in which her lover performed.

Misha Romanova

In 2015, rumors appeared that Vladislav Ramm had an affair with one of the soloists of the ViaGra group, Misha Romanova. And this despite the fact that the girl is 5 years older than him.

Misha and Vlad even went on vacation together and shared photos on their own Instagram pages.

They met on the project “I want to go to Meladze”. The guy courted the girl beautifully and, finally, she succumbed. There are photographs online that show that the young people are in a romantic relationship.

However, the relationship between Misha and Vlad did not last long. After leaving the MBAND team, the couple broke up.

Miranda Shelia

Before Ramm's fans had time to forget about Romanova, new story. Vladislav began an affair with the model, former wife of Russian football player Fedor Smolov, Miranda Shelia.

The same girl became the reason for Fedor’s separation from Victoria Lopyreva.

In 2017, Miranda was invited to shoot a video for Nikolai Baturin and Vlad for the song “Neither I, nor You” and “Enough Spirit.” The girl noticed the handsome man tall. Vlad also did not stand aside and paid attention to her at every opportunity. After 2 days, Ramm invited the girl to spend the evening together, to which Miranda agreed.

After the date, the couple never separated. The photo on Instagram shows that the relationship between the young people is developing rapidly. They went on holiday together in America.

Having learned about the affair between the model and Vladislav, Yana Rudkovskaya was surprised, but took it calmly. She is sure that their love will last a long time.

Like any celebrity, Vladislav Ramm was not spared rumors and speculation.

Relationship with Nikita Kiosse

Gossip about Nikita and Vlad's romance is still circulating. They arose after the scandalous dismissal of Ramm from MBAND. Fans of the singer drew attention to his overly friendly attitude towards the youngest member of the group. There was a suspicion that Vlad and Nikita were not just friends, but lovers. From their looks and gestures it is clear that the guys are breathing unevenly towards each other.

When it became known that Vlad was fired from the group, headlines appeared online, the meaning of which boiled down to the fact that Ramm and Nikita Kiosse were having a gay affair. Allegedly Meladze did not want the fuss due to the fact that his protégé is non-standard sexual orientation, and therefore drove Ranma out of the team.

However, it is not clear why one was kicked out and the other was left. Maybe Kiosse is more talented and promising than Vlad? And why should Meladze be cut off from the shoulder, because he could have asked the guys not to take the secret outside the group.

Nikita's behavior is also incomprehensible. After Ramm left, he, like other participants, accused him of betrayal. How could he renounce his “beloved” when he recently held him tightly in his arms.

Vlad’s friend Andrei Vitvitsky helped clarify the story. According to him, the guys lived with him until Meladze rented an apartment for them. The guy claimed that they were not connected by any relationship other than friendship. Rumors that they were gay were started by “angry women.” Andrei noted that Meladze selected guys with a normal traditional orientation, so as not to again encounter a situation similar to the “BiS” group.

The PR agent of the MBAND group, Denis Orlov, finally put an end to this story. He answered the question why he left the Ramm group. Denis stated that Vlad’s dismissal from the team was not due to the fact that the guys were lovers, but because of the young man’s professional incompetence. The man was angry with the journalists for the provocative information and called it complete nonsense.

Who is the father of Misha Romanova's child?

Misha Romanova recently left the ViaGra group. The reason is the girl's pregnancy. As soon as the singer posted a photo with a rounded belly on Instagram, rumors immediately spread that Misha Romanova was pregnant from Vladislav Ramm.

However, Misha is pregnant not from him, but from Max Barskikh, a Ukrainian singer. Joint photos young people often post on Instagram.

Recently information appeared on the Internet that Misha gave birth. Journalists rushed to ask the couple about their first child. However, Romanova and Barskikh refuse to talk about the child and his date of birth.

Singer today

Vladislav Ramm continues to write songs and perform at celebrity events together with the son of Yana Rudkovskaya.

Recently a photo of his girlfriend in wedding dress. However, Miranda just starred for the Moscow wedding salon. To do this, she tried on 3 dresses. Perhaps this is a small hint of serious circumstances.