Alex from home 2 biography. The muddy story of Alex Guliyev? Life before the project

Added: 6-02-2017, 17:55

Happy Birthday to my brother Igor. Please, dear, get well. All the best to you, I believe and know that everything will be fine. Miracles happen, and this miracle will definitely happen. God exists in the world and he sees everything.

I would like to say something about the money that “House 2” allegedly gave for my brother’s treatment, and I left the project. I ask the competent media to pay attention to this, the TV project, other than making it on this show, did not give me any money, there were only promises from the General Producer of “House 2”. And they presented everything in a way that was beneficial to this project. Until recently, I believed that Alexei Nikolaevich had humanity, but it turned out that he was just waiting for everything to calm down and he could tactfully send me away! But the project is giving away millions, supposedly helping young people! And when they really needed help, for some reason they quickly dumped me and blamed it on the fact that Alex took the money and left the project! And I’m wondering why they didn’t want me to come back and tell it like it is!

Alex called Georgy Malinovsky in the afternoon, who on a talk show promised him money in the amount of 500 thousand rubles for Alex to go to the Seychelles to see Ruslana. The plane ticket has been purchased, but there is still no money. Malinovsky said that this was a provocation, and he wanted to check what Alex would do for money. Timur tried to calm Alex down, advised him to get ready, fly to the islands, and then look for money elsewhere. At the place of execution, Ksenia Borodina told the participants that the car from the project took Alex to the airport, he got out there, changed into another car and drove away, leaving the ticket in the back seat of the car. The presenter said that the flight was not cheap, they were waiting for Alex in the Seychelles, everyone was ready to help him, but now he is not a participant in the project. Ruslana was waiting for a guy in the Seychelles, and transferred him 6 thousand rubles for small things, which he promised to buy and bring to her. Ruslana said that the situation with Alex was unexpected for her; she and Kolya began to communicate well after breaking up, sang together, swam, played volleyball. Dolzhansky said that he loves Ruslana and promised to decide on the status of his couple with Mishina in the coming days. Christina also ordered perfume for Alex, but did not send money in advance. Regarding her brother, Christina said that Alex’s brother had been sick for six years; before the project, Alex hung out in nightclubs, drank alcohol and didn’t think about his brother. Marina Afrikantova said that Alex advised her mother to the denture clinic of his close friends on Kutuzovsky, Tatyana Vladimirovna loves to talk and said there that Alex is a good guy and it’s a pity for his brother, to which these friends replied that they know Alex well, but nothing about his brother did not hear.
Evgeny Kuzin returned to the project. Artemova greeted her boyfriend coldly, as she was offended by him. At the place of execution, Kuzin admitted that during a quarrel behind the canopy he kicked Sasha in the stomach, this made her so depressed, he apologized, he was to blame, because he could not restrain himself and responded to the girl’s provocations. Zhenya believes that all this happens due to the fact that there is no development in their relationship, life is given for procreation, and not for sorting out relationships, he is constantly trying to remake Sasha, and she accepts him for who he is. Kuzin believes that there are two ways out of the situation: either get married or separate. Zhenya doesn’t want to leave, so he invited Artemova to submit an application to the registry office tomorrow. Sasha agreed.
Vladimir Gauti goes on tour, everything is ready, the hotel has been booked, but his girlfriend Katya Guzhvinskaya does not want to go with him. Katya wants to see her mother and other relatives. In Vova’s group there is his ex-girlfriend, a vocalist, she will be present on the tour and this was Gauti’s trump card so that Katya would still agree to go with him. Tata suggested that Vova refuse the services of his ex-girlfriend, then Katya would go with him. Vova agreed, but Katya did not.

Highlights for the day:

Alex Guliyev escaped from the airport, leaving a plane ticket to the Seychelles in the car, and left in an unknown direction; now he is not a participant in the project.
. Evgeniy Kuzin suggested that Sasha Artyomova submit an application to the registry office tomorrow.
. Katya Guzhvinskaya refused to accompany her boyfriend Vova Gauti on tour.

The further into the forest, the angrier the wolves. It was this phrase that came to mind while watching tonight’s broadcast of House 2. It’s just a detective story called, as a participant in House 2. It’s just not entirely clear - who “dumped” whom and in what?

The muddy story of Alex Guliyev began with his unexpected statement that his brother urgently needed medical help and a lot of money was needed for this. It was for the sake of money that Alex agreed to fly to the Seychelles to see Ruslana Mishina. For this he was supposed to receive 100,000 rubles, but he received only 50,000 and not from Mishina, for not flying to Ruslana.

In addition to Artyomova, some other participants in House 2 gave some money, but the story did not end there. On a talk show, charlatan magician Georgy Malinovsky offered 500,000 for Alex to fly to Mishina and the guy agreed. According to him, he again sacrificed himself for his brother. But when it became clear that Malinovsky was not going to give any money, Guliyev still planned to fly to the Seychelles.

Several more interesting facts have surfaced... Alex's best friends do not know that he has a disabled brother, although they are wealthy and could well help Guliyev in a difficult situation. Moreover, before his appearance on House 2, Alex hung out at clubs and led a riotous lifestyle, but his brother became disabled 6 years ago and he needed help not yesterday...

Fraudster or...?

And the most interesting thing in this story is the ending. The general producer of House 2, Alexey Mikhailovsky, having learned that one of the former participants needed financial help, promised to allocate funds for the treatment of his brother Alex. But if Guliyev is a fraudster and cheated the authorities, then why does Mikhailovsky give him money? And if he is an honest guy who wanted to help his brother, why is he so hated all over the country? And one more thing - how much money does Alex really need? He received about 100,000 from the participants of House 2, about 100,000 was collected by viewers of the TV show, and Mikhailovsky is ready to give approximately the same amount...

Those who have been watching Dom-2 since its creation (in 2004) do not need to explain who Alexander Materazzo is. A well-groomed and confident young man appeared on a reality show and conquered many girls. However, he met his love outside the perimeter. Want to know more? Then we recommend that you read the article.

Beautiful legend

Our hero claims that he was born in one of the most beautiful cities in Italy - Palermo. There he spent his childhood. Alexander inherited his dark skin and dark hair from his father, who is half Gypsy and half Turkish. And his mother is a purebred Italian. She inherited her assertive character.

Let's assume that all this is true. But how does the guy know Russian so well? There is another story about how a family from prosperous Italy moved to a small village in the Volgograd region, where there are practically no jobs and prospects.

Alexander Materazzo: biography (reliable)

He was born on June 2, 1980 in the city of Akhtubinsk, in the Astrakhan region. I was brought up in an ordinary family with average income. He has no Italian, Gypsy or Turkish roots.

Alexander Kuryshko is the real name of our hero. He has a younger brother, Dmitry, who also came to Dom-2. To “play along” with Sasha, he temporarily took the surname Materazzo. And many viewers believed in the beautiful legend of Italian origin.

Life before the project

In his youth, our hero had a complex about his appearance. He didn't like thin lips, thin shoulders and the shape of his chin. The boy swore that he would grow up and fix all this. And he kept his word.

In high school, Sasha became interested in sports. He spent his days in the gym, pumping up the muscles of his chest, abdomen and arms. As a result, the guy got the sculpted body he dreamed of.

Upon graduation, Materazzo (see photo above) went to Moscow. There the guy got a job at a strip club. A young and muscular handsome man undressed to the music. And he did it in such a way that all the girls present in the hall squealed with pleasure. Thanks to striptease, Sasha was able to earn a decent amount of money in a short time. And then he was able to fulfill his old dream - to change his appearance. The young man went to a plastic surgeon. He underwent surgery to change the shape of his chin and enlarge his lips.

To keep her face in perfect condition, Materazzo regularly visits a cosmetologist. He gets facials and other beauty treatments.

Participant of "House-2"

In the winter of 2007, a bright and tall guy wearing a chic fur coat and earrings appeared on a famous television project. It was Alexander Materazzo. He called himself an “Italian stallion” and a successful businessman. Our hero expressed sympathy for Olga, nicknamed the Sun. But the girl immediately cut off all the guy’s attempts to court her.

The new object of Materazzo's affection was the blonde Olga Buzova. The young man tried to show her his pumped up and tanned body as often as possible. He hoped that the beauty would fall in love with him. But that did not happen. Outwardly, Olga liked Alex. However, the girl considered his intentions insincere. Materazzo was soon sent home in a men's vote.

The second arrival of the “Italian stallion” at Dom-2 took place in May 2009. He became the producer of the Istra Witches project group. But he didn’t last long in this position.

Later, Alexander brought his beloved Svetlana Davydova to the project. They met in one of the capital's clubs. The long-legged brunette didn’t want to go to Dom-2. But the guy managed to persuade her.

The couple spent only a month on the reality show. Other guys (Gena Dzhikia and Gleb Klubnichka) drew attention to Sveta. Alexander was simply going crazy with jealousy. One day he simply took his beloved and left the set with her.


For their celebration, Alexander Materazzo and Svetlana Davydova chose a beautiful date - 09.09.09. They believe that these numbers will bring good luck to their union.

On the specified day, the lovers in a snow-white Hummer drove up to the Civil Registry Office No. 4, located on Butyrskaya Street. There they signed, exchanging gold and platinum pendants (instead of rings). The outfits of the bride and groom deserve special attention. Sasha put on white trousers and Sveta was wearing an unusual dress created by her designer friend.

Then the newlyweds, together with friends and relatives, went to celebrate the wedding in one of the elite. The wedding had many “star” guests, including musician Alexey Potekhin (from the group “Hands Up”), former member of “House-2” Stepan Menshchikov and stylist Sergei Zverev .

Present tense

Many fans of “House-2” would like to know about the fate of Alexander. Everything is fine with him - both with business and with his personal life. For 7 years now he has been happily married to his beloved girl, Svetlana Davydova. They can afford to shop in the best supermarkets in Moscow, travel and dress expensively.

Materazzo Alexander organizes show programs. He also continues to work as a stripper and model. His wife supports him in everything. If you think that Sveta is sitting idly by, you are very mistaken. She recently became a collaborator with the capital's clothing designer Natalia Richi. Their joint collections are popular among Moscow fashionistas. Svetlana and her colleagues have immediate plans to enter the foreign market.

After the Gusev family left the Doma-2 project, the organizers contacted Alexander and his wife. They were invited to again become participants in the reality show. But the guys refused. They no longer want to live under the guns of cameras and create scandals for the sake of high ratings.


We reported where Alexander Materazzo was born and worked. His real name and origin story are now also known to you. Be that as it may, our hero is an interesting and extraordinary guy. Let's wish the mind good luck in all its endeavors!