Modern Russian composers, songbooks for children. Songs and music for children

Quiz game “Experts” Traffic rules ”.


1. Consolidation of students’ theoretical knowledgeaccording to the rules traffic, received during the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”.

2. Propaganda withthe social significance of the life safety course.

3. Instilling in students a culture of behavior on the road.


    Org. Part

    Guys, today we are holding a quiz game on the rules of the road “Traffic Experts”.

Every day more and more cars appear on our roads. High speeds and traffic volumes require drivers and pedestrians to be very careful.

Discipline, caution and compliance with traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians are the basis for safe movement on the street.

    Hear a little about the history of traffic rules.

In Russia, the rules of the road for horseback riding were introduced by Peter I on January 3, 1683. The decree sounded like this: “The Great Sovereign, aware of the fact that many people learned to ride in sleighs on reins with large whips and when driving along the street carelessly beat people, then from now on you should not ride in sleighs on reins.”

The first traffic light was invented in 1868 in London. It was a gas lamp with two filters: green and red. The colors were changed using a hand crank operated by a policeman.

The first traffic signal appeared in the USA in 1919.

    Main part

Stage 1: "Crossroads of Mysteries"

Participants are invited to guess road-themed riddles.

A miracle house on wheels,

They go to work in it,And for rest, for study.And he's called...(Bus)

I'm dashing down the street,But the driver holds the steering wheel tightly.I don’t eat porridge, but gasoline.And my name is...(Automobile)

On the asphalt road, the cars have shoes on their feet. Let them be too rubber, very strong...(Tires)

Red circle and triangle, Blue quadrangle, We help, we forbid, We all know about the road, Where the danger is, where the ravines are. Let's just call ourselves...(Signs)

A thread stretches, winding among the fields.
Forest, copses without end and edge.
Neither tear it nor roll it into a ball.(Road)

Two pairs of legs on the pavement,
And two hands above your head.
What is this? (Trolleybus)

Two brothers run away, but two catch up?
What is this? (Wheels)

Our friend is right there -
He'll finish everyone off in five minutes.
Hey, sit down, don't yawn,
Heading off... (Tram)

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer: this is mine...

I am at any time of the year
And in any bad weather,
Very fast at any hour
I'll take you underground. (Metro)

We are necessary machines
Call us for help.
On our side door
Written - 03. (Ambulance)

We are necessary machines
And if suddenly there is trouble.
On our side door
Written - 02 . (Police)

We are necessary machines
We will defeat the fire
If the flame breaks out,
Call - 01. (Fire engine)

Little hand,
What are you looking for in the ground?
I'm not looking for anything
I dig and drag the earth. (Excavator)

One-armed giant
Raised my hand to the clouds
Does work:
Helps build a house. (Crane)

Stage 2: "Understand me"

In this competition you just need to guess the word that the teacher has in mind.

1. People walk and drive along it.(Road).

2. Antique vehicle for princesses.(Coach).

3. Two- or three-wheeled vehicle.(Bike).

4. Prohibitory, informative and warning images along the roads.(Road signs).

5. The place where roads “meet”And.(Pcrossroads).

6. People don’t drive on it.(Sidewalk).

7. It can be on the ground, and under the ground, and above the ground.(Transition).

8. Both the car and the bird have it.(Wing).

9. It detects the speed of the car. (Speedometer).

10 . Rest and storage area for vehicles.(Garage).

11. Traffic controller.(Traffic police inspector).

12. Stopping agent.(Brake).

Stage 3: “Pedestrian ABC”

Testing your knowledge of the basics of the Road Traffic Rules in the form of a test solution " Young pedestrian" 1 point is given for the correct answer. Maximum amount points – 10. Children are given time.

1. A pedestrian is:
1). A man doing work on the road.
2). A person walking along the sidewalk.
3). A person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not perform work on it.
2. Which of the following situations can cause road accidents?

1). Crossing the road in an unspecified place.
2). Games on the roadway.
3). Walking along the roadway.
3. What does the combination of red and yellow traffic lights mean?
1). The transition can begin.
2). The green signal will turn on soon.
4. What does a flashing green traffic light mean?
1). The traffic light is not working properly.
2). Green signal time is running out
3). Movement Prohibition.
5. How should a pedestrian column move along the roadway?
1). Along the left edge of the road, towards moving traffic.
2). On the right edge of the road in the direction of traffic.

6. What should a pedestrian be guided by if the traffic controller’s gesture contradicts the traffic light requirement?

1). A traffic controller's gesture.
2). Traffic light signal.
3). Use your own discretion.
7. Where is sledding and skiing allowed?
1). On a road intended for pedestrians.
2). On the right side of the roadway.
3). In parks, squares, stadiums, i.e. where there is no danger of leaving the roadway.
8. What requirements of the Traffic Rules must a pedestrian comply with when crossing the road?
1). Go at right angles.
2). Don't stop on the road unnecessarily.
3). Don't eat ice cream.
9. What is a sidewalk?
1). Road for cyclists.
2). Road for pedestrians.
3). Road for transport.
10. Is it dangerous to walk along the edge of the sidewalk?
1). Not dangerous as the sidewalk is intended for pedestrians.
2). Not dangerous, since vehicles should not drive close to the sidewalk.
3). Dangerous, as you can be hit by nearby vehicles.

Stage 4: "Talking Signs"

Participants are asked to guess riddles about road signs and show the sign on the poster.

If you're in a hurry on your way
walk across the street
Go there, where all the people are,
where the sign... (Crosswalk)

And under this sign for nothing in the world
Don't ride a bike, kids.
(Bicycles are prohibited)

All engines stop
And the drivers are attentive,
If the signs say:
“School is close! Kindergarten!" ( Children)

If you need to call your mom,
Call the hippopotamus
Along the way, contact a friend -
This sign is at your service! (Telephone)

Miracle horse - bicycle.
Can I go or not?
This blue sign is strange.
There is no way to understand him! ( Bike Lane)

Everyone knows stripes

Children know, adults know.

Leads to the other side( Crosswalk) .

Apparently they will build a house -
Bricks hang all around.
But in our yard
The construction site is not visible.( No entry)

So it's not dangerous to go.
Maybe it’s hanging in vain?
What do you say, friends?( Movement Prohibition)

Hey driver, be careful!

It's impossible to go fast

People know everything in the world:

Children go to this place.

( "Careful, children!")

In cars here, friends,

No one can go

You can go, you know, children.

Only by bicycle.( "Bike Lane")

I didn't wash in the road of hands,

Ate fruits, vegetables,

I'm sick and I seeparagraph

Medical assistance.

What should I do?

What do i do?

I need to call urgently.

Both you and he should know -

In this placetelephone .

What is this? Oh oh oh!

The passage here is underground.

So go forward boldly!

You are cowardly in vain,

Knowunderground crossing

The safest.

Look, this is a dangerous sign -

The man in the red circle

Crossed in half.

He, the children, himself is to blame.

Here the cars are rushing fast,

There might even be misfortune.

On the way here, friends,

No one can go.

("No Pedestrians")

Here's a fork, here's a spoon,
We refueled a little.
We also fed the dog...
We say: “Thank you to the sign!”(“Food station”)

White circle with a red border -
So it's not dangerous to go.
Maybe it’s hanging in vain?
What do you say, friends?(Movement Prohibition).

Stage 6: Competition - quiz

    What kind of traffic is there in Russia: left- or right-hand?( Right-handed) .

    Is it possible for a pedestrian to walk if the yellow light is on?light? ( No, necessarystand)

    Where can you cross the roadway? ( At the traffic light, where the sign " crosswalk", there are road markings for a pedestrian crossing (zebra crossing) along the underground passage) .

    If the traffic light is on at the crossing and the traffic police inspector is also directing the traffic, then whose signals will you listen to?( Traffic police inspector) .

    What is the purpose of the “safety island”?

    Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on?

    Where should you walk on the street or road if there is no sidewalk?

    Who is responsible for maintaining order on the roads?

    At what age can you ride a bicycle on the street (road)?

    What is the purpose of the roadway?

    Who is the sidewalk for?

    What is the name of the part of the road located on both sides of the roadway and used to stop cars and pedestrians?

    A device for the movement of cyclists?

    What streets are called one-way streets?

    What does a green traffic light mean?

    Which direction should you look when you reach the middle of the street?

    What is the landing pad used for?

    Who does the pedestrian traffic light give commands to?

    What does a red traffic light mean?

    Where should students in grades 1-6 ride bicycles?

    Is it possible to ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars?

    How many wheels does a car have?

    In what places is the “Caution, Children!” sign installed?

    Where does a pedestrian look when crossing the street?

    How many people can ride on one bike?

    Passenger pick-up and drop-off location?

    Why are vehicles equipped with traffic lights?

    A pedestrian who violated traffic rules?

Stage 5: Game “Traffic Light”

We invite everyone sitting in this room to play,

and we will obey traffic lights together!

Red - we are all standing,

Yellow - clap your hands,

Green - stomp.

Rewarding children.

Quiz for junior schoolchildren"Road signs"

Goals and objectives: consolidate children's knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop the ability to independently use acquired knowledge in Everyday life.

Equipment: road signs; traffic light; posters “On the street - not in the room, remember that, guys”, “Remember, the traffic police rules are your rules.”

Quiz progress

I. Speech by the “Traffic Light” propaganda team.

1st student.

The pavement is seething with movement:

Cars are running, trams are rushing,

Everyone be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

Leading. You should only cross the street in places where there are pedestrian paths or crossing signs.

2nd student.

Go across the street there is a pedestrian

Where the sign indicates the transition for you!

Leading. When crossing a two-way street, look left first, and when you reach the middle, look right.

3rd student.

Where should you cross the street?

Remember this simple rule:

Look to the left first,

Look to the right later.

Leading. You only need to get on and off a tram, trolleybus or bus at the stop.

4th student.

When leaving the tram platform, don’t forget

Look to the right to see if the path is safe.

Don't go around the back of the tram,

It's easy to get hit by an oncoming tram.

Leading. Riding bicycles on the street is very dangerous. Never forget this, guys.

(Three boys come out. They depict the colors of the traffic light, and each holds a circle of their own color in their hands)

To help you

The path is dangerous

They burn day and night

Our house is a traffic light,

We are three siblings

We've been shining for a long time

On the road to all the guys.

We are three wonderful colors

You see us often

But our advice

Sometimes you don't listen.

1st boy.

The strictest is red light,

The path is closed to everyone.

2nd boy.

So that you can cross calmly,

Listen to our advice:

You'll see yellow soon

There is light in the middle.

3rd boy.

And behind it is a green light

Will flash ahead

He will say:

There are no obstacles

Feel free to hit the road!

If you do it without arguing

All traffic lights

You will get home and to school,

Of course, very soon.

To live without knowing grief,

To run, swim and fly,

You need traffic rules

Always and everywhere comply.

Three girls come on stage. Each one holds in her hands a sheet of thick paper on which is drawn road sign.

1st student.

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can.

What is this sign?

(Children answer)

2nd student.

We were walking home from school,

We see a sign on the pavement:

Circle, inside a bicycle,

There is nothing else.

What is this sign?

(Children answer)

3rd student.

The cars are racing at full speed,

And suddenly a sign comes towards us:

It shows a fence,

I rub my eyes and look straight ahead:

Is the highway closed?

What kind of sign is this?

(Children answer)

II. Quiz.

The host asks the quiz participants the following questions:

1. What is the name of the sign that depicts running children?

2. Does the “Children” sign give any advantage over oncoming traffic?

3. What will you do when you see that the baby is ready to rush onto the pavement after the ball that has rolled out there?

4. What do the traffic lights with the little people on them mean?

5. In what places are pedestrians allowed to cross the street?

6. How should pedestrians cross the street at intersections where traffic is not regulated by a traffic light?

7. To cross a country road, you often need to go around a bus that has stopped at a stop. What's the safest way to get around it?

8. Why is a longitudinal marking line (center line) placed along a street or road?

9. What danger does the “Railway crossing without barrier” road sign warn drivers and pedestrians about?

10. At what position of the traffic controller is pedestrian traffic allowed?

11. Why is it dangerous to cross the street diagonally?

12. Why are bushes and trees along the street or on the side of the road dangerous?


1. "Children."

2. No, it doesn’t. The sign warns drivers that children may suddenly appear on the roadway near the school or kindergarten where it is placed.

3. We need to stop the baby and not let him onto the roadway.

4. The light comes on with a red man, which means stop, with a green man - go.

5. Only at intersections, along pedestrian crossings, in places marked with a “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign.

6. Pedestrians must first let vehicles pass, and then, after making sure that the crossing is safe, begin moving, strictly observing the rules of the crossing.

7. You cannot go around a stationary bus either from behind or in front to cross the carriageway of a street or road. We must wait until he moves away from the stop, and the roadway will be clearly visible in both directions.

8. Center line divides a street or road into two parts, into two lanes: on one side cars go in one direction, and on the other - in the opposite direction.

9. The sign “Railway crossing without a barrier” warns that this crossing is not equipped with a barrier, an alarm system, and is not guarded by a person on duty. Drivers and pedestrians here need to be especially attentive and careful.

10. Pedestrian movement is permitted if the traffic controller is facing us sideways, with his arms extended to the side or lowered.

11. When a pedestrian walks diagonally, he does not see the car from behind. In addition, the pedestrian's path becomes longer.

12. The danger is that they get in the way. good review streets or roads. Because of them, the pedestrian cannot see moving vehicles, and his exit onto the roadway turns out to be unexpected for the driver.

III. Competition for assembling road signs.

The presenter announces a competition between two teams to assemble road signs (10 people from each team) Each captain receives a box with a set of road sign blanks different groups. Some of the blanks are backgrounds of road signs, the other part of the blanks are images that need to be placed on the appropriate background. In addition, the boxes contain strips of paper with the names of road signs, which must be assembled from blanks. Each box contains the same number of blanks.

IV. Summarizing.

The presenter sums up the results of the quiz and awards the winners.

The purpose of the rules is clear to everyone,

The whole country does them.

And you remember them, friends,

And do it firmly.

You can't walk the streets without them

Walking in a huge city.

Scenario of a traffic rules quiz for schoolchildren

"Pedestrian ABC"

Goals and objectives:consolidate children's knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Equipment:road signs; traffic light; posters “On the street - not in the room, remember that, guys,” “Remember, the traffic police rules are your rules,” m/m projector, laptop, glue, road sign puzzles.

Organizing time

Leading: Hello our dear friends!

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear teachers and students!

Leading: We are pleased to welcome you to our quiz on traffic rules. We hope the most resourceful, smart and savvy guys have gathered here.

Progress of the event

Every day more and more cars appear on our roads. High speeds and traffic volumes require drivers and pedestrians to be very careful.

Leading: Today we will try to find out what you know about the rules of the road. It's no secret that a large number of road traffic accidents occur due to the fault of pedestrians and drivers who do not comply with these rules.

Presenter: And the better we know the rules of the road, the safer our lives will be.

Leading: Our quiz consists of several rounds and a captain competition. There will also be a game with spectators. But first I would like to introduce you to our jury.

(The composition of the jury is announced)

Presenter: Two teams take part in our quiz: the “Cyclists” team and the “Skateboarders” team (divided into teams)

So here we go!

Leading: First round – theoretical"Question answer". I will ask questions and name three possible answers to them. After you have discussed for a while, at my signal you need to raise the sign with the number of the correct answer. The team that gave the correct answer receives 1 point.

(Asking questions)

I. What color of traffic light means “Attention! Get ready to move!"?
1. red;
2. yellow;
3. green.

II. At what age are children allowed to sit next to the driver in a car?
1. from 12 years old;
2. from 14 years old;
3. from 13 years old.

(If there is a special seat for a child - from any age, without a special seat (like a regular passenger) - from the age of 14.)

III. At what age is it legal to drive a motorcycle?
1. from 14 years old;
2. from 15 years old;
3. from 16 years old.

IV. Which direction should you look first when crossing the road?
1. to the right;
2. to the left;
3. straight.

V. At what point can you cross the street?
1. along the zebra crossing;
2. wherever you want;
3. where the “pedestrian crossing” sign is installed.

The judges give the floor: results of the 1st round

Presenter: So, we move on to the second round."Restore the road signs." Teams must reconstruct a road sign from the cut pieces and name it. Whichever team does it faster will receive 5 points.

The judges give the floor: results of the 2nd round

Leading: The third round is called"Blitz survey on the road." Which team gives the most answers to questions within one minute, that team receives the most points. If the correct answer comes from another team, then the answer is read to the team that answers. For each correct answer 1 point.

1. Self-propelled four-wheeled vehicle. (Automobile.)
2. It runs on rails - it rattles when turning. (Tram.)
3. Multi-seater vehicle for transporting passengers. (Bus.)
4 . A favorite vehicle for desperate boys, you have to push off with your foot to ride it. (Scooter.)
5. A car that is not afraid of the most bad roads. (All-terrain vehicle.)
6. House for a car. (Garage.)
7. A man walking along the sidewalk. (A pedestrian.)
8. Road for tram. (Rails.)
9. Part of the road along which pedestrians walk. (Sidewalk.)
10 . Man driving a car. (Driver.)
11. A place on the road intended for pedestrians. (Transition.)
12. Striped transition markings. (Zebra.)
13. Place for boarding and disembarking public transport passengers. (Stop.)

14. Loud beep of a special machine. (Siren.)
15. Place of intersection of streets. (Crossroads.)
16. A policeman regulating traffic at an intersection. (Adjuster.)
17. Durable wide strap, ensuring the safety of the driver and passengers in passenger car. (Safety belt.)
18. Protective headgear for motorcyclists. (Helmet.)
19. Stowaway. (Hare.)
20. A person riding in a vehicle, but not driving. (Passenger.)
21. When traveling on public transport, hold on to... (handrail).
22. Who sells tickets on public transport? (Conductor.)
23. Bicycle driver. (Cyclist.)
24. Intersection railway tracks with a highway. (Moving.)
25. Lowering and rising crossbar for opening and closing the crossing. (Barrier.)
26. “Legs” of the car. (Wheels.)
27. “Eyes” of the car. (Headlights.)
28. Underground structure for traffic. (Tunnel.)
29. Pedestrian or driver who does not comply with traffic rules. (Violator.)
30. Punishment for violating traffic rules. (Fine.)

31. At what light should you cross the street? (On green)

32. At what light can cars move? (On green)

33. What danger do they pose to pedestrians? winter roads? (On a slippery road, the braking distance of cars increases, roads are narrowed due to snow, snow drifts, ice interferes with the movement of cars.)

34. Does the cyclist have a braking path? (Yes. No vehicle can stop immediately while moving.)

The judges give the floor: results of the 3rd round

Presenter: Fourth round "Puzzles". I start reading the riddle - you continue. For each riddle solved, the team gets 1 point.

He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how,
You're on your way...(Road sign).

What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green light to flash
So this is...( Transition).

Standing at the edge of the street long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converge
Helps people cross the road. ( Traffic light)

The house on rails is right here,
He will kill everyone in five minutes.
Sit down and don't yawn,
Heading off…( Tram).

Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people
You are familiar with her, of course.
He wears shoes made of rubber, called...( Car).

The judges give the floor: results of the 4th round

Leading: Game for teams “Cross the street”

The presenter holds 2 mugs in his hands:
the first is green on one side and yellow on the other;
the second is red on one side and yellow on the other.

Players stand 7-10 steps apart from each other along parallel lines (this is a street). The leader makes a wave with a green circle - the players take a step forward, red - a step back, yellow - stand still. The presenter alternates colors. Those who make a mistake are eliminated from the game. The team whose player crosses the “street” first wins. (2 points)

The judges give the floor: results of the 5th round

Presenter: Let's move on to the captains' competition. I ask the captains to come to us. Attention, captains! Now you will be asked 5 questions. The first person to raise their hand and give a complete answer will earn their team 1 point. Ready? Then go ahead.

1. What reasons can lead to accidents on the road?
2. Why is the traffic police inspector wearing a yellow vest?
3. Why are bushes and trees along the street or on the side of the road dangerous?
4. What pedestrian traffic lights do you know, what do they mean?
5. How should pedestrians cross the street at intersections where traffic is not regulated by a traffic light?

The judges give the floor: results of the captains' competition


Leading: We've reached the finish line. Judging by your answers, you know the rules of the road well. And therefore, I can say with complete confidence that there are no losers in our quiz. And the names of the winners will be announced by our strict and unbiased jury.

The jury gives the floor: results of the game (presentation of certificates)

Presenter: The purpose of the rules is clear to everyone,

The whole country does them.

And you remember them, friends,

And do it firmly.

You can't walk the streets without them

Walking in a huge city.

Leading: Our quiz “Pedestrian ABC” has come to an end. I want to wish you all good health, and that you always, in any weather, different time days, at all times of the year, they followed the traffic rules, and did not endanger their lives and the lives of those around them. Thank you!

Olga Konovalova
Composers for children

Composers for children.

Children's music surrounds the young generation everywhere, from their first games to everyday trips on public transport. However, what children will listen to at the age when they can choose for themselves depends largely on their parents, so it would not be a bad idea to instill aesthetic culture, beginning with preschool age– this is the emphasis of both teachers and psychologists. In addition, researchers have long proven that classical music has a beneficial effect on the creative and mental abilities of the child.

Children's interest in music can be noticed with early age. At the same time, often issues related to the development of the baby’s world practically do not concern their parents. In fact, it is very important for preschool children to develop musicality and a love for music.

The world of childhood is very large and full of fantasy, so the musical Child's world is also vast and varied. These include songs, symphonies, operas and ballets, and many, many plays.

Composing music for children and youth, composers care about that so that its plot is interesting and understandable for a small creature. IN different countries behind long years a lot has been created outstanding works children's music.

Children's music in the works of many composers always had special meaning. She reflected the memories associated with herself beautiful times in the life of every person - childhood.

In our time musical works for children are very relevant and have important educational, social and professional significance. They help develop imagination imaginative thinking, personality development, choice of profession, etc.

For the children of my group, I made a catalog of famous composers.

Publications on the topic:

"Composers joke." Music listening lesson for older preschool children“COMPOSERS ARE JOKING” Lesson on listening to music for children of senior preschool age Goal: Development of musical responsiveness to humorous ones.

Poems “Dedicated to Children” Author's poems. "Dedicated to children." Even though everything is perishable in this mortal world, We are only guests on the planet, But the unshakable refrain remains: “Happiness.

Children about cats To those who are kind and gentle with a cat, the cat can become a friend, but to the offender, however, the cat can give back. All domestic cats are so different.

Card index of children's composers in kindergarten helps teachers and music directors V short form introduce children to

Summary of the lesson “Kuban composers and their work” Goal: getting to know musical creativity fellow countrymen, composers of Kuban Objectives: development of the skill of listening to music; - nurturing love for children.

Project “For children about space” Project “For children about space” Relevance of the topic. One of the stages cognitive development preschoolers is an introduction to the concept of “planet”.

Project "Composers-storytellers" Relevance of the topic Currently great attention is devoted to the moral and patriotic education of the younger generation. From early.

Songs and music for children have their own character. When listening to children's music, a certain feeling of carelessness and protection arises. Even on the faces of adults, when they hear a familiar melody from a cartoon or a program from their childhood, a sparkle appears in their eyes, a smile appears on their face, which brings warmth and real joy. That is why it seems that such songs and music are written by people who were able to preserve that childish innocence and carefreeness inside.

Writing a children's song is a very responsible activity. After all, it is under the first verses that children dance and sing that the memory of carefree childhood. Therefore, when writing children's songs, attention is paid to Special attention the image that is created by us, adults. In a song, it is necessary not only to create a beautiful text, but also to convey a moral that will help the child build a good worldview and become moral principle. Accordingly, only a person who loves children, knows how to approach them and has a subtle psychology will be able to write such masterpieces.

Every parent tries to make their child happy. To do this, from birth they try to buy only best clothes, buy only natural products and give the most best gifts. A children's song should also be kind and bright, funny or serious. In addition to the fact that this kind song will become a symbol of childhood, it will also be a warm memory from the past.

A children's composer is a person who creates unique masterpieces. Such a poet is remembered for many years, since he created a beautiful good image any character. Not everyone can write such airy, kind and simply fabulous texts. After all, being in the role of a children's composer, it is necessary not only to have good command of the pen and the word, but also to understand the child's worldview. This is why a children's composer cannot write novels; they forever remain small children living in their own world. This is what makes their lyrics unique.

Music for a children's party gives an atmosphere of happiness, even adults begin to smile. And, in order to fill and bestow such warmth on everyone present at the holiday, music is selected for the children's party, which is written for fairy tales and songs. After all, children's music has a pure, light and attractive aura that has no equal. It is enough to put on a cheerful and kind song about Funtik, and all the children will happily start dancing, and the adults will smile and sing along. It is precisely these, correctly selected chords and words, that give children's party firecracker mood.