Symbolism in the modern world. Big original

Faktrum invites the reader to virtual walk to the past. Let's start with the very moment of the birth of the Statue of Liberty.

3. Photo from the Library of Congress: workers in Bartholdi's workshop in Paris assemble the first model of the statue, the left arm and quarter-size head. Winter 1882.

4. Work on the statue in the workshop of the sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi in Paris, 1876.

5. Work on creating a statue in the workshop of the sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi in Paris, 1880.

6. The Statue of Liberty rises above the rooftops of Paris, 1884.

7. The head of the Statue of Liberty in Paris in early 1884 before being sent to the USA.

8. View of Lower Manhattan, New York, 1928. Woolworth Tower is visible to the right, and the Statue of Liberty is visible in the center left. Manhattan Bridge on foreground, Brooklyn is in the center of the photo.

9. American actress and aviator Ruth Elder, who would attempt to become the first woman to fly from New York to Paris, flies past the Statue of Liberty in her American Girl plane, October 4, 1927.

10. Scaffolding around the Statue of Liberty, built to carry out waterproofing work at its base, 1930. For years, rainwater seeped through cracks in the pedestal and damaged the structure.

11. The ocean liner Queen Mary passes the Statue of Liberty into New York Harbor during its maiden voyage to the United States, June 1, 1936.

12. President Franklin Roosevelt speaks at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the installation of the Statue of Liberty in New York, October 28, 1936. He declared that “to the word of freedom which America brings to all the earth must be added the word of peace.”

13. Fifty Jewish refugee children arrive in New York from Hamburg on the President Harding, June 3, 1939.

14. Celebration of the 55th anniversary of the installation of the Statue of Liberty, October 28, 1941. The pedestal of the statue is decorated with a flag measuring 7 by 13 meters - a gift from the Veterans of Foreign Conflicts Organization.

15. Tourists study the inscriptions on the inside of the crown of the Statue of Liberty, August 4, 1946. Many visitors leave signatures to commemorate their visit to New York.

16. Merchant ships at anchor in New York Harbor, September 16, 1946. The ships are at anchor due to a strike in the port. Only a few ferries and tugs are moving.

17. Tourists from the United States and many countries line up to get to the Statue of Liberty, August 4, 1946. To protect the 34-meter-tall statue from the winds in the bay, a 47-meter pedestal was needed.

18. Three tourists from Detroit, Michigan, look at Manhattan from under the Statue of Liberty, July 12, 1948.

19. Helen Foster and George Clancy sit on a railing over the water on Bedloe's Island, New York, July 2, 1949. July 4, 1949 marked the 65th anniversary of France's gift of the statue to the United States.

20. Oklahoma City University Choir traditional costumes serenades a girl with a torch, August 16, 1955. In the front row, in the center, between the two girls, sits Professor James Nielsen, under whose leadership the choir came to perform at the competition in New York.

21. The Stockholm liner, damaged in a collision with the Italian liner Andrea Doria, on its way to dry dock in New York Harbor, July 27, 1956. The Statue of Liberty is visible on the horizon.

22. Herr and Frau Roerich from Bavaria arrive in New York on board the ship General Langfitt along with 1,267 refugees from Europe, October 28, 1956. This elderly couple will settle in Ohio.

23. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip aboard a military boat carrying the royal couple from Staten Island to Manhattan during a one-day visit to New York, October 21, 1957.

24. View of the Statue of Liberty and Liberty Island from the air.

25. Flute players and drummers from the 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Myers, in their 18th century uniforms at the Statue of Liberty, October 28, 1962. Celebration of the 76th anniversary of the installation of the statue and the beginning of construction of the Immigration Museum, scheduled to open in 1964.

30. Warships pass the Statue of Liberty up the Hudson River for Operation Sail exercises, July 3, 1976. On the horizon - Manhattan and the Twin Towers of the World shopping center, the spire of the Empire State Building is visible on the right.

31. Women's demonstration on Liberty Island, August 10, 1970. Various groups Women's rights advocates supported the gender equality amendment proposed to Congress. That same day, the police forced them to remove the banner from the statue's pedestal.

32. Los Muchachos International Men's Circus performs at the foot of the Statue of Liberty on September 17, 1973 during a 24-city tour of the United States.

33. Captain Buck Gilbert in the cockpit of a 1929 biplane over New York Harbor, June 4, 1976. Gilbert, a United Airlines DC-8 pilot, restored a biplane that had not flown in 45 years.

34. A girl takes a photo of the Statue of Liberty, September 7, 1976. All tourists coming to New York simply must visit this statue, 225 tons of copper and steel. Some take the return ferry straight away, while others stay to view New York Harbor from the statue's crown.

35. Visitors begin climbing the stairs to the top of the Statue of Liberty, September 8, 1976. The signs on the left warn that it is very cramped upstairs, hotter than outside, and the view of New York Harbor is limited due to the small size of the windows.

36. Visitors jostle for a view of New York Harbor from the crown of the Statue of Liberty on September 7, 1976. On weekends, when about 14,000 tourists visit the statue, it takes about an hour to climb up and down the 108 steps.

37. Helicopter over the Statue of Liberty in New York, October 25, 1977. More than two dozen protesters captured the statue and affixed the Puerto Rican flag to its forehead. They demanded the release of four Puerto Rican nationalists serving time for the shooting of five congressmen in 1954. After a nine-hour siege they were arrested.

38. A policeman on the parapet (bottom left) tries to persuade the people above to leave the statue. On May 10, 1980, demonstrators climbed onto the statue and placed a banner on it that read, “Liberty Locked Up - Free Geronimo Pratt.” Geronimo Pratt served time for the murder of a schoolteacher in 1969.

40. Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan points to the Statue of Liberty behind him during a speech in a park in Jersey City, New Jersey, September 1, 1980.

41. Police officers stand near the torch and crown of the Statue of Liberty after the arrest of Arthur Allen, who was scattering election leaflets from the top of the statue on September 14, 1981.

44. The torch flame, removed from the Statue of Liberty on December 16, 1984, is being installed on a new base for shipment to California, where part of the sculpture will become the backdrop for the Rose Bowl Game in Pasadena. A new “flame” has been installed on the torch of the Statue of Liberty.

47. Workers remove the first of the seven spikes on the crown of the Statue of Liberty during restoration work, April 5, 1985. Each of the seven three-meter spikes, symbolizing the seven continents and seven seas, weighs more than 100 kilograms. Manhattan and the Twin Towers are in the background.

48. Installation of a golden flame on the torch of the Statue of Liberty, November 25, 1985. The process is led by Terry McCabe, (center, without headdress).

Another interesting detail: Independence Day in the United States is celebrated on July 4th. This day marks the appearance of Sirius above the horizon, which in ancient religions was associated with God giving people knowledge, light, fire (the tempting serpent or its prototypes Thoth, Prometheus, etc.). This God was also considered the guardian of Isis. Therefore, Sirius was the most important star in the sky, and at least seven major Egyptian temples were focused on him. It is curious that the 12 main buildings in Washington DC, taken from the Senate building by a Masonic compass from the streets, and the US Senate itself is located on the image of a large Owl (the Owl is the image of Ishtar, Isis or Pallas Athena) from a bird's eye view. All these 13 buildings are also oriented towards the star Sirius.

The famous Washington Monument would have been designed by Robert Mills, an architect and freemason, with a flat top surrounded by a colonnade of statues of the Founding Fathers. At the top Mills wanted to place a statue of Washington seated on a chariot (Like the god Apollo or Helios on chariots) and above the entrance an Egyptian symbol, the winged sun. (Collins T. “The Lost Symbol: What I Was Silent About” Dan Brown? 2010 p.130) But now he is just a pillar (phallus) of the god Osiris.

The White House building in the United States is located on top of a giant five-pointed star lying down the city streets, which in turn the US Congress has named the 38th religious symbol of the Satanic religion in the United States.

1. The central streets of Washington DC form a five-pointed star in a written pentagon with a vertex on The White house USA.

2.The Senate building on the Owl symbol, a Masonic compass from the streets, 12 main buildings and the Washington Monument.

3.The Senate building on the Owl symbol.

It is curious that there are such obelisks in France, England, as well as in Italy and the Vatican. Everywhere in these countries there are monuments in the form of the phallus of Osiris. And not just anywhere, but in capital cities: Paris, London, Rome, Vatican, Moscow. There must be a reason they put these pillars in major cities peace. There is a reason, but more on that later.

That's not all. Cult of Prometheus, as a symbol of Lucifer, who asked for a challenge to God the Father and is considered the first apostate and revolutionary, and who brought light, knowledge, enlightenment and the fire of revolution to people so that they would become like Gods, knowing good and evil, was very popular among the Russian intelligentsia and during the 1917 revolution. Even the members of the provisional government themselves did not hesitate to demonstrate this on the Field of Mars during a group photo.

The cult of Prometheus itself is expressed as follows: Prometheus (Lucifer) helps people find light, knowledge of good and evil, fire - contrary to the will of the gods, and for this he is chained in the Caucasus mountains. After which he expects liberation and says in his heart: “By mastering fire and crafts (Freemasonry - approx. Mironov A.), a person will become like the gods. And if so, let the eagle fly, let him peck my liver, thought Prometheus, this will not last long. Fire (Light of Knowledge) is already in the hands of people, and the gods have no power to change anything here. The time is approaching when man will become powerful with the help of fire and the crafts that I have given him, he will become powerful like the gods. And then he will come and free me. And when the time comes and man frees me, then I will become his, man’s, god” - taken from the book by Lajos Meshterhazy: The Riddle of Prometheus. Ed. Lajos Mesterhazy. Favorites. - M.: Progress, 1977.

And indeed the time has come, according to myth, Prometheus (Lucifer) is freed by Hercules - a half-man half-god, that is, a man initiated into the mysteries and possessing secret knowledge. From now on, there appear in the world secret societies and the goal of gaining world domination through secret knowledge and revolutionary processes. The first torch of Promethean fire was raised by the Great French Revolution.

The same Prometheus symbol was chosen to create Rockefeller Center in New York in the 1930s. Now this center is a city within a city, a major global financial center of the world consisting of 19 buildings that did not belong to any state in the world except the financial world ruling elite. This is the reason that there are pillars of Osiris in major cities of the world, but these cities are cities within a city, that is, world financial centers and essentially belong to the world financial elite, that is, the world government in the shadows.

In the very center of the Rockefeller Center (their main city in the city of New York) there is a golden figure of their god Prometheus (a prototype of Lucifer), inside a golden ring of the 12 constellations of the zodiac, around which stand the flags of 159 countries that are part of the UN (here the image of the ring of omnipotence immediately comes to mind from The Lord of the Rings: "And One Ring to the Lord of Darkness on the black throne, In Mordor, the kingdom of Shadows, where Darkness reigns. One Ring will conquer them, one will gather them, One will attract them and bind them in a black chain. In a country called Mordor, where darkness spread). The desire of Prometheus (Lucifer) was fulfilled to become the only god for man, enlightened by the light of wisdom, reason, knowledge and freedom, so that he would no longer know other gods.

Drawings of the image of Prometheus




1 Golden Prometheus on the Ring of the Zodiacs at Rockefeller Center in New York, is especially popular among New Yorkers and tourists.
2 The Great Architect in the image of the Titan Kronos opposite Prometheus is located on the main building of the Rockefeller Center of GE - General Electric. This same company owns banks in the world and Russia called GE Money Bank. She also financed Lenin in 1922 to create Soviet industry and Stalin in 1929, replacing all outdated equipment with large factories of the USSR.
3 Members of the Provisional Government and the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies against the background of the picture of the liberation of Prometheus in Russia in 1917, after the overthrow of Emperor Nicholas II.

The Statue of Liberty in one hand holds a torch, a symbol of enlightenment and light, that is, Prometheus and the tempter serpent, in the other, the US Declaration of Independence on July 4, the day of the star Sirius. And another coincidence: in Egypt there are seven temples, and here the seven rays on the crown of the statue symbolize the seven seas and seven continents. Plus, the Statue of Liberty has 25 windows in its crown, which symbolize earthly precious stones and heavenly rays that illuminate the world. But this will be discussed further.

So, we found out who is hiding under the mask of the Statue of Liberty in the USA - this is the French Marianne, aka the false Mary (false Mother of God) and the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis or the Babylonian Ishtar.

I recently found information that in the Rotunda of the Capitol building in the United States there was a certain statue of Washington in the image of the Greek god Zeus; people called it “American Zeus.” This statue was located exactly in the center of the Rotunda in the Capitol under famous fresco"The Apotheosis of Washington."

I specially found a photo of the statue, it turned out that the features of the statue are similar to the famous Greek statue Zeus in Olympia, which has not survived to this day, but the image of the statue was not taken from Zeus. The image repeats the occult image of Satan in the form of the goat Baphomet Mendes or Asmodeos - the satanic symbol of the devil.

One might think that this is purely coincidental, but there is another image of Washington in the Capitol, which once again confirms this fact. This image is located in the dome of the Capitol Rotunda in the form of a fresco by a certain Constantine Brumidi “The Apotheosis of Washington”; it depicts Washington sitting on a celestial rainbow, surrounded by Greek nymphs and greek gods. Everything would be fine if there weren’t a lot of symbolism on the frescoes, which will tell us a lot.

Let's start with Washington itself in the center of the mural. Washington is already one hundred percent sitting in the same position as the famous Baphomet of Mendes, and sitting, like the horned one, on a rainbow. Around him were two female figures of divine origin one figure in the form of an angel who blows a trumpet holding an olive branch in his hand analogous to the branch on a large state seal USA, the other holds in one hand a Roman fascina, a bundle of 13 arrows, a hatchet in the middle, in the other hand apparently holds the US Declaration of Independence, or the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789.

If we look at the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789, its official ceremonial design, then there we will also see the same images as in the frescoes, namely two god-like women and a Phrygian cap. Amazing, isn't it? This suggests that the influence of the French Revolution and the Parisian secret societies of Freemasonry greatly influenced the construction of the so-called Christian state of the USA, although in the USA there is nothing Christian in their symbols.

The outer circle begins with the image of a goddess under Washington's feet. This goddess of the French Revolution, the female warrior Marianne, Pallas Athena, the goddess of reason and freedom, she is also Isis and the Whore of Babylon, she is helped by an eagle or a phoenix with a beam of arrows or lightning. The Woman of the Revolution is trampling underfoot the last refuge for salvation from her, the European Monarchies. She holds in her hand the punishing sword of truth (freedom), the shield of Osiris on her head, a crown of stars, most likely 7, like the Statue of Liberty has rays in the crown, and the eagle of Rome on her mother, what can we say about belonging to the cult of the god Mithra or tell us, that only one Empire (the Reich) should remain on earth.

She is flanked by two Greek deities who walk with or behind her. On the right, most likely, it is Demeter and Annon on a cart, and on the left, Minerva (Athena) with a helmet and a spear.

Minerva appropriate Greek Athena Pallas is the Italic goddess of wisdom and war, as well as useful discoveries and inventions. You can see in the fresco how she instructs and teaches scientists and intellectuals to lead people away from God and create various utopian ideas and political parties.

Demeter - in ancient greek mythology goddess of fertility and agriculture, harvest (gathering of the peoples of the world around the image of Democracy). One of the most revered deities of the Olympic pantheon. Her name means "Mother Earth". The cult of the mother goddess, the patroness of farmers who protects all life on earth, goes back to the pre-Indo-European era. She is the “Great Mother,” giving birth to all living things and receiving the dead, the embodiment of primitive creative energy. In Roman mythology, Demeter's counterpart was Ceres, the goddess of the fertile field. In late antiquity, the cult of Demeter was mixed with the cult of Cybele. Sometimes Demeter was seen in the constellation Virgo, that is, also a false virgin, a false god.

“Annona is a goddess in ancient Roman religion and mythology who blessed and protected the harvest. In works of art, Annona was often depicted together with the patroness of the harvest and fertility, the goddess Demeter (Ceres). In one hand, the goddess Annona usually holds a cornucopia or a sheaf of grain, and in the other hand she usually holds a ship's rudder or anchor. Marine attributes were a kind of blessing for safe transportation and uninterrupted supplies of grain to Ancient Rome by sea" ( encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg: 1890—1907). It is clear that for them the grain is an image, a metaphor, in fact, a goddess to lead the supply of the ideas of democracy, freedom, liberalism to old Mother Europe. The Statue of Liberty helps to bring light to the world, to bring democracy to all corners of the world, Bush Jr.'s "Big East" plan is the key to understanding why all sorts of color revolutions happen there.

At the top of the outer circle of the fresco we see three Gods ancient world this is Poseidon or Neptune, Hermes or Mercury, Hephaestus or Prometheus. It is clear that Poseidon symbolizes that the US state was conceived as a second Atlantis, an ideal and free state for all the humiliated, insulted and outcasts from the great continent. Hermes or Mercury symbolizes that the United States will be a great tempter in the field of trade relations, financial transactions, the world financial center, its power in this depends on the patronage of this God. Hephaestus or Prometheus symbolizes the military power of the US state, a symbol of the US motto: for my offense, no one will remain unpunished. At the center of the Mural is the US motto: “Out of Many, Unity.”

If we figuratively draw lines to the tops of the heads of the Greek gods, we will get two mutually intersecting triangles: the shield of David, the key of Solomon, the image of satanic dialectics: what is below is also above. It should be clear to the reader that the peaks of this figure indicate the main figures in the faith of the Founding Fathers and the modern American elite. And the center of their faith is not Washington at all, but the goat Baphomet of Mendes, that is, Satan (Lucifer).

After this, some dare to claim that these are just coincidences or that the world elite does not believe in this, in their symbols and their gods? What, they say, is it atheistic or conscientious freedom (secular humanism) or an example of Christianity, as we are led to think. No, it should already be clear that it is mostly satanic.

What main meaning Satanic religion? This meaning is not about showing off young people playing at worshiping Satan, as we are led to think, Satanic faith and religion are in fact an illusion, for us who are not initiated into these matters, it supposedly does not exist. But for those who have wisdom, they will understand its reality in the world. Satanic faith and religion have always existed throughout humanity. The main task of its servants is to convince us mere mortals that it does not exist in reality, and all youth games of devil worship are from their narrow-minded minds. But people initiated into the Satanic faith know it sacred meaning in history. Main feature Satanic faith is to infiltrate religious cults different nations and distort the meaning of certain deities to suit their own semantic load. Satan, he is not a creator and cannot create his own religion, but he is like a monkey that can imitate this or that religion. Simply put: Satan made sure that other pagan religions of antiquity quietly served him and his purpose. He penetrated the environment of those pagan religions, through his followers, and adopted from there those images and symbols that were necessary for him to achieve dominance over humanity. He is the father of lies. Therefore, all the superficial images of pagan gods and goddesses that are presented to us today are initially false, and for the initiated, they already carry what was put into them by Satan. I say this because the ancient Greeks and other peoples with their pagan gods, or at least Christian Catholics, were not originally Satanists, but their images were stolen and used for the Satanic religion.

But the Orthodox cannot relax either, because if until 1917 they managed to restrain their faith and religion from the followers of Satan and Lucifer, then since 1917 Orthodoxy, as well as Catholicism, was subjected to the introduction of these forces, which led to the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church supported the overthrow of God's anointed Emperor Nicholas II and departed from her sacred vows given to him at his crowning, thereby departing from God and Christ. After which the Russian Orthodox Church is no longer a pure faith and religion without a satanic element in it.

The whole point is that the Russian and Western Orthodox Church has now become dependent on the image of the beast (democracy, false Mary, false Virgin, false Mother of God), which has closed its eyes and alienated it from the people. There is a prophecy about this by the Elders of Optina Hermitage from their appeal to the Laymen and Monks: “And so, as a result of the impoverishment of piety, heresies and schisms will arise in the Church, and then, as the Holy Fathers predicted, there will not be experienced and experienced people on the thrones of the saints and in the monasteries. skilled in spiritual life. Because of this, heresies will spread everywhere and deceive many. The enemy of the human race will act with cunning in order, if possible, to persuade the elect to heresy. He will not rudely reject the dogmas about the Holy Trinity, about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, about Mother of God, and will imperceptibly begin to distort the teaching of the Church, handed down by the Holy Fathers and from the Holy Spirit, its very spirit and statutes, and these tricks of the enemy will be noticed only by a few, the most skilled in spiritual life. The heretics will take power over the Church, they will place their servants everywhere, and piety will be neglected."

To my deep regret, I have to admit that in the modern Orthodox world this prophetic instruction has already been fulfilled in our time. We see this not only in examples modern behavior laymen and monks of many parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church, but also in monasteries.

But what about violation of the purity of faith? The Russian Orthodox Church has tied itself with ties of love, trust and friendship with Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism. I'm not even talking about their silence about Lenin's mummy, nanochips and all sorts of other things from modern life that in no way fit into the Russian Orthodox world.

Thus, the highest Hierarchs and some monks, as well as many laity of the Russian Orthodox Church, betrayed their Orthodox faith to democracy (the image of the beast). For serving the democratic authorities of this world, hoping that thereby they would be guaranteed freedom, the right to preach and a piece of power over the people, which they dreamed of receiving after the overthrow of the Emperor Russian Nicholas II, where the Russian Orthodox clergy played not the last, but perhaps the first role. But for this, the Russian Orthodox Church promises to remain silent and not to interfere in the affairs of the state, ideology, culture, or issues about the Russian people.

This conclusion can be made by looking at everything that happens during the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia after the 90s of the 20th century, but in reality there is no such revival. There is only appearance, or rather flesh: Churches, Monasteries, Laity, Monks, Patriarch. But there is no spirit in this body, there is no people and no living faith. Therefore, a body without a soul is still dead. Thus, the church has forgotten its purpose and who it serves. For the Bible says: “Not everyone who says to Me: “Lord, Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven. Many will say to Me on that day (the day of judgment): Lord! God! Have we not prophesied in Your name? and was it not in Your name that they cast out demons? and did they not perform many miracles in Your name? And then I will declare to them: I never knew you; Depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness” (Gospel of Matthew). These lines concern our and the Western Orthodox Church, which are confident in their truth, because Christ did not say who exactly would be rejected by him, but named the reasons that there will be evil ones among those who supposedly serve God.

The Satanic religion also needs its own idols, rituals, sacraments, prayers, shrines, etc., in short, everything that ordinary religion has. But they have all this hidden from the majority of humanity behind images that at first glance are harmless for our time, such as Ishtar, Isis, Athena, Virgin Mary, Prometheus, Hermes, Hercules, Aurora, Pyramid, Eye, Compass, Five-pointed Star , Shield of David, Seven Candlesticks, Torch, Rose, Cross, Swastika, Worker and Collective Farm Woman, Titan, mausoleums, Hammer and Sickle, etc. But for the faith and religion of Satanists - all these images are holy and sacred, it seemed from different religious cults, but in fact united by one cult of Lucifer (Satan).

Satan and Lucifer are also a reality, just like God. Satanism (Luciferianism) is also a religion, and no less in scale than Christianity. The most important thing is that just as Christianity breaks up into many different movements and sects, so Luciferianism also breaks up into many movements and sects, but the goal and essence is one faith in the Devil, or rather not faith in the literal sense of the word, but service to him. Atheism is precisely one of the directions of Satanism, since in essence the representatives of this movement in the world deny God, scold him, but do not touch Satan and the Devil. In politics, too, almost everything is determined by a person’s faith, what a politician believes in political activity: in God or the Devil - there is no third option. That is, in politics there are correct forms of expression of political ideas that are pleasing to God, and there are also political heresies. And all are modern political concepts take the form of religion, belief in their infallibility - this also applies to socialism, communism, democracy, monarchy, Nazism, fascism, republicanism. All known political movements, except the Monarchy and the Republic, were born during the Great French Revolution from the depths of secret societies, mainly of the Masonic persuasion, and they, in turn, did not hide their commitment to the Devil, Baphomet, that is, the worship of the Supreme Being, as they called him.

It is not surprising that even the French historian of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Augustin Cauchin, felt when investigating the causes and circumstances of the French Revolution that the roots of its occurrence went not to the material world, but to the spiritual world, that all those processes that took place then could be repeated already at the beginning of the 20th century, and they were repeated, to our regret. The main thing is that the ultimate goal of these forces is: “... the coming of a new Messiah, a tangible, actual intervention in our random world of some absolute being, whose will is above all justice, whose protection justifies any deception and any cruelty - the People, or, as ours said freethinkers, democracies. This phenomenon is not an intellectual chimera (the reign of Terrorism confirmed this (for example, September 11, 2001 - author)), not an invention practically limited by law: it is a concrete, active reality and it is on this very factor of the “real presence” of God that new morality and law are based . In this regime, powers are not limited and merged together, since the embodiment of god (their god is the author) is real and complete; and it is complete because permanent societies rule (secret societies of family clans - author).” (Augustin Cauchin “The Small People and the Revolution” IRIS-PRESS 2004 p. 158)

For a true self-respecting Christian, the Statue of Liberty should not be a prototype of Democracy, Freedom or Republicanism, but the Biblical Whore of Babylon from the Apocalypse of John the Theologian. There are several things that support this. The first one, which we have established, is that she is the French Marianne, that is, the false Mary, that is, the false Mother, the false God of the “savior” (Antichrist). From here it should be clear that Democracy and Republican ideals are the Mother, that is, the base and soil (Image of the Biblical Beast) for the appearance and reign in the world of the false God of the “savior” - the Antichrist and his reign on earth. Second, Biblical Description The Whore of Babylon and the Statue of Liberty, as a symbol, coincide 100% in a symbolic sense. John the Theologian gives us a comprehensive description: “And he led me in the spirit into the wilderness; and I saw a wife sitting on a scarlet beast, filled with blasphemous names (usually it is supporters of Democracy and Republican ideas who blaspheme our God and our Faith - approx. Mironov A.) with seven heads and ten horns. And the wife (the statue of liberty, she is the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, that is, the Babylonian harlot, she is the Egyptian Goddess Isis, she is Pallas Athena, she is the French Goddess of Liberty Marianne, as a symbol of democracy and freedom - approx. Mironov A.) was clothed in purple and scarlet, decorated with gold, precious stones(let us immediately remember the symbol of the 25 windows in the statue) and pearls, and held a golden cup in her hand (the original plan of the architects was not a Torch, but a Cup-Bowl in the hand of the Statue of Liberty - approx. Mironov A.), filled with abominations and uncleanness her fornication and on her forehead is written the name: mystery, Babylon the great (Modern Babylon recognizes New York as the capital of the world and the USA, as a multinational nation - author's note.), mother of harlots and abominations of the earth (Everything dirty and contrary to the spirit comes with West, even in Orthodox Church The West is the image of the Devil - approx. Mironov A.) I saw that the wife was intoxicated with the blood of the saints and the blood of the witnesses of Jesus, and seeing her, I marveled with great surprise.” (Revelation chapter 17 verses 3-6). “The seven heads are the seven mountains on which the woman sits (Statue of Liberty, Whore of Babylon).” (Rev. Chapter 17, verse 9) I remembered that the city of Paris, the birthplace of the Statue of Liberty and Marianne, is located on seven hills. “And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings (ten presidents), who have not yet received the kingdom, but will take power with the beast as kings for one hour” (In one hour, the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 occurred, after which The United States joined the European Union, the symbol of which is ten stars - kings, author's note) (Oct. chapter 17, verse 12). “They (ten kings - the European Union) have the same thoughts (on democracy and the rule of law) and will transfer their power and authority to the beast (Antichrist, as ruler). And the ten horns that you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot (Democracy), and will destroy her, and make her naked, and eat her flesh, and burn her with fire; because God put it on their hearts to fulfill His will, to fulfill one will, and to give their kingdom to the beast (Antichrist, as the ruler of the future Roman Empire in the form of the European Union - author's note), until these words of God are fulfilled. The wife you saw is great city reigning over earthly kings (Presidents) (Rev. chapter 17 verses 16-18).. Previously, such a city was Paris, after the appearance of New York, which took the baton from Paris and became a new prototype of Babylon.

Here, it would seem, such a harmless thing as the Statue of Liberty in the USA stands by itself and does not bother anyone and least of all worries anyone, but it regularly fulfills its purpose in the world. Its adherents bring people the light of reason, freedom and truth, as well as equality and brotherhood in the world of Lucifer (Antichrist). But only those who accept: the image of democracy, the thinking of republicanism and the ideology of the world order of the Antichrist, the rest will be killed.

Although it’s funny, of course, to us who are not privy to these matters, mere mortals, that it seemed like smart adults, 20 years old and older, take all this seriously, in suits and ties, but they believe in it and worship it with all their hearts and conscience. And it turns out that some “Thomas who are not believers” say: well, this is all nonsense, there is neither God nor Satan, Religion is nonsense, etc. But still, it’s not nonsense and not nonsense if they are smart and far from last people in history, they are not fools, they have believed all this for hundreds and thousands of years, especially those who are seriously involved in politics, and not in politicking. Politics, it is only secular in appearance, in fact it is all religious, only some serve Satan, others God, Still others most often scold God, but recognize Satan, that is, atheists. So Religion governs Politics, and not vice versa.

The Statue of Liberty, whose official name is “Liberty Enlightens the World,” hides many secrets. The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island, Manhattan, in New York City, USA. The main material used in making the Statue is copper.
The statue was presented to America as a gift from the people of France. It reaches a height of 46 meters, but if you count from the top of the pedestal on which it stands to the tip of the torch, then it is all 93 meters. The development was carried out by two people: Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, a French sculptor, and Gustave Eiffel, whom everyone knows as the creator Eiffel Tower.
The idea of ​​creating a statue was first voiced in 1875 and it took about a year to complete it. Grand opening The statue took place on October 28, 1886. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom, which everyone sees as a woman dressed in a robe. This is a reflection of the Roman goddess Libertas.
In her left hand she holds a tablet on which is engraved the date of the Declaration of Independence of the United States. With her right hand, the goddess raises a torch above her head. The statue rests its feet on broken chains, which symbolize freedom.

Hundreds of copies of the Statue of Liberty exist all over the world. 2 replicas of the Statue of Liberty, 9 meters high, are located on top of the Liberty National Bank in Buffalo, New York. A 3-meter replica in San Marcos, California, the statue holds a Bible instead of a tablet. Las Vegas is famous for its own Statue of Liberty, and Memphis, Tennessee has exact copy(7 meters high), who holds a cross in her hands instead of a torch.
She is known as the Statue of Liberty in Christ. Outside the United States, there is a 35-meter-tall statue in an amusement park in Soltau, Germany, and another in Seine, France, which was unveiled three years after the official Statue of Liberty appeared in 1889.
Other copies can be seen in England, Norway, Argentina, the Republic of Kosovo, Australia, China, Israel, Taiwan, Japan and Ukraine.

The manager's residence on Liberty Island is a simple brick building. two-storey house. It was built in the early 1950s to house the head of the Statue of Liberty National Monuments as well as his entire family. This house was such for all managers, as well as members of their families from October 1952 to October 2012.
David Luchsinger was the last manager to live on the island who was responsible for the Statue of Liberty. Due to Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Lachsinger's family had to evacuate their home, which suffered extensive damage. The manager's house has since been located in a different location.

During World War II, the Statue was not illuminated at night for blackout purposes. However, it was open to tourists. On December 31, 1943, the statue was illuminated; on June 6, 1944, the light from the torch flashed in accordance with Morse code, symbolizing victory.
Between 1944 and 1945 more powerful lighting was installed and turned on for several hours after sunset for several nights in a row. Since 1957, the torch has illuminated the statue at night.

During World War I, German saboteurs organized a large-scale explosion in Jersey City on Black Tom Island (now Liberty State Park). The remaining explosives and dynamite were sent to France and Great Britain and resulted in the death of 7 people.
The right arm of the Statue of Liberty, holding a torch, sustained many minor injuries. Visits were closed for 10 days while renovations were carried out.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift that the United States received from France to celebrate the centenary of American independence and to commemorate the abolition of slavery. The installation of the sculpture was financed by both sides: French and American. However, in 1885, the process of collecting money began to stall, threatening the installation of the monument.
Joseph Pulitzer, newspaper publisher The New York World, organized a fundraiser to support the installation of the Statue of Liberty. Pulitzer attracted about 120 thousand volunteers, each of whom donated about a dollar. In 6 months, the amount of $100 thousand was raised, which made it possible to fully cover the costs of installing the sculpture.

Initially, tourists were allowed to climb to the torch, which was used as an observation deck. However, after the explosion that occurred in 1916, for the sake of public safety, the path to the torch was closed. Observation deck never reopened.

The Statue of Liberty, designed by Auguste Bartholdi, symbolizes the Roman goddess Libertas. Many countries pay respect to the goddess as a symbol of freedom. This can be seen from the broken chains on which it stands. Goddess who was worshiped in ancient Rome, personified freedom.

Due to the death of Eugene Viollet-le-Duc, who was chosen as the first architect to create the statue, the project was handed over to Gustave Eiffel, a pioneering architect. Gustave later became known as the creator of the Paris Eiffel Tower. He immediately began working with design engineer Maurice Koechlen.

The color of today's Statue of Liberty is different from what it was originally when it was erected. In fact, the color was originally bronze, but over time it became greenish-blue due to oxidation of the metal. The United States government chose not to update the statue with a different metal in order to protect the sculpture from subsequent damage. The public protested against painting the outside of the statue, so it was refurbished and only painted on the inside.

Before the appearance of its current name, the Statue of Liberty was called “Liberty Enlightening the World.” This is the very name that its architect, Auguste Bartholdi, originally intended to give it. This name can be translated literally into French. The new name has been adapted to make it easier to pronounce.

The famous Statue of Liberty, which invariably greets all those arriving in New York by sea, was presented as a gift to the American people by France in honor of the 100th anniversary of the independence of the United States of America. The free inhabitants of the New World did not remain in debt for long - less than three years had passed since the opening of the New York statue created by the French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, when the Americans took a reciprocal step - on November 15, 1889, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, they presented In Paris, a smaller copy of the famous lady, made by the same Bartholdi. Grateful Parisians installed it near the Grenelle Bridge, becoming the first, naturally, after New Yorkers, to be the happy owners of the symbol of Democracy and Freedom. And not the last...

Originally titled "Liberty Lighting the World," the statue was intended to stand majestically above the New York pier and hold a torch to greet people arriving from all corners of the world. The seven-rayed crown on her head symbolizes the 7 oceans, as well as the 7 continents. The 25 windows located in the crown correspond to the 25 natural minerals, the toga is a symbol of the Republics of Ancient Greece and Rome, and the torch in right hand— Enlightenment. On the left is the Book of Laws, the broken chains lying at its feet are identified with the triumph of victory over tyranny. Until 1899, the Statue of Liberty remained the tallest structure in New York. In September 1972, the Museum of the Settlement of America was opened at the base of the statue, which traced the history of the country, from its first indigenous inhabitants, the Indians, to the numerous immigrants who arrived on the continent from the beginning of the 20th century.

If you set yourself the goal of comparing the painting by the French painter Delacroix “Liberty Leading the People to the Barricades” with the statue of the “American Lady” standing at the entrance to New York Harbor, you will find an undoubted similarity in the images of both “freedoms”. And the point here is not only in similar motives, but also in the fact that the history of these two states at a certain point in time was so closely intertwined that it could hardly have been otherwise.

To begin with, without the support of France, the North American colonies of the British Empire might not have received their long-awaited independence. Not only was Great Britain an eternal rival of France, but the latter, being committed republican ideas, strongly supported the anti-British sentiments of the inhabitants of the 13 North American colonies, not only in words, but also in deeds: in right time V in the right place turned out to be an extremely influential and active Frenchman, who became a very significant figure in the war of liberation waged in North America.

Marquis Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roche du Motierre Lafayette - an outstanding military and statesman, who belonged to the highest strata of the French aristocracy, resigned from the French army in 1771 specifically in order to take part in revolutionary events in North America. There he, having received the rank of general, acted under the direct command of George Washington. The military genius of the Marquis was very useful during the war of liberation, especially clearly in the battles of Brandywine and Yorktown. The latter was so successful for the Americans that it prompted the start of peace negotiations between the British King George and the rebel forces. In addition, the French government provided the rebels with massive military and financial support. The result of the 8-year struggle was the Treaty of Versailles in 1783, according to which Great Britain was forced to recognize the full independence of the United States of America. And in 1776, still during the war, during the 4th Continental Congress of representatives of the English colonies, the famous Declaration of Independence was adopted, which marked the beginning of the formation of a new independent state. The Declaration was based on the draft of Thomas Jefferson, drawn up in a republican and democratic spirit and proclaiming the equality of all people before the law and their inalienable rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

...Almost 100 years after these events, a small group of French intellectuals opposed to the regime of Napoleon III, gathered together one evening, wildly admired American freedoms. The host of that memorable evening, a French historian, lawyer and passionate admirer of American political system Edouard Rene Lefebvre de Lebail, who called France and the United States “two sisters,” expressed a very original idea that it would be nice to give America a statue symbolizing Freedom for the centenary of its independence. Among those present at Lebeil's evening was the 31-year-old French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, who found the idea of ​​​​creating a statue very interesting. But, as often happens, even the most sincere impulses expressed in moments of spiritual uplift are not always, or at least not immediately translated into action. So here, even the sculptor, who was very interested in this idea, reminded Lebeil about it only a year later. But this reminder was not destined to sink into oblivion.

Lebeil, with new strength fired up by the thought of implementing the project he had proposed, he got down to business. First of all, due to the colossal expenses that its implementation would lead to, he proposed to give America a statue on the condition that the Americans themselves would build a pedestal for it and install the donated monument. This proposal was approved by both parties, and in 1875, fundraising began in France for the construction of the statue. Unfortunately, Lebeil himself never managed to see it in its finished form; he died in 1883...

Bartholdi visited America in 1871 and, meeting there with President Ulysses Grant and famous poet Henry Longfellow, having made the most favorable impression on them, was literally fascinated by this country. Returning home, he enthusiastically worked on the design of the statue of the Marquis Lafayette, which 5 years later was donated by France to New York. Finally, the time came when Bartholdi began work on the project of the Statue of Liberty entrusted to him. And since its gigantic size and colossal weight dictated the need to develop and create powerful supporting structures that could withstand tons of copper and maintain the stability of the statue during considerable strength wind, a very good engineer was brought in to work - Alexandre Gustave Eiffel. The future creator of the world-famous Parisian tower completed the task assigned to him brilliantly.

And yet, it soon became obvious that, contrary to the original plan, it was not possible not only to deliver to America, but simply to complete the statue by the 100th anniversary, and therefore it was decided to send only the hand of Liberty holding the torch to the New World by this date. But despite the fact that several dozen workers were engaged in assembling it 10 hours a day and 7 days a week, even this part of the statue was not ready on time and arrived in New York only in August 1876, when the Philadelphia International Exhibition dedicated grandiose event, has almost finished its work. The Statue of Liberty was completed on May 21, 1884, and on June 4 of the same year it was formally handed over to the American Ambassador to France, Levi Parson Morton, by the head of the Franco-American Union, Ferdinand Lesseps, the builder of the Suez and organizer of the construction of the Panama Canal.

The “American” period in the history of the creation of the Statue of Liberty began on February 22, 1877. On that birthday day national hero America George Washington, Congress approved the use of Bedloe's Island, chosen by Bartholdi as the site for the monument.

The first stone at the base of the monument's pedestal was laid on August 5, 1884. It rested on the foundation of Fort Wood, built here in 1811. At first, the money needed for the construction of the pedestal was extremely difficult to collect - well-known American millionaires were not eager to spend a single cent on this enterprise, and most Americans generally believed that since the statue was a gift to the city of New York, then its residents should take upon themselves all expenses. The situation began to take on threatening forms. And then Joseph Pulitzer, the man who is known as the founder of the prestigious international award, named after him and awarded for achievements in the field of journalism. On the pages of the World newspaper, which he owned, Pulitzer launched an unprecedented critical and propaganda campaign, sharply condemning citizens, and especially wealthy people, for unforgivable passivity and lack of proper patriotism, and calling on everyone who was not indifferent to the idea, designed to symbolize freedom so revered in America, to donate to the construction of the pedestal. . The result of this newspaper propaganda was the fact that by the summer of 1885 the necessary amount was collected, amounting to 225,000 dollars, of which 125 thousand were collected by the American Construction Committee and 100 thousand by Joseph Pulitzer.

And finally, in June 1885, the Statue of Liberty arrived from Rouen to New York. Its 350 parts, packed in 214 boxes, were delivered to the city port on the frigate Isere. The assembly was carried out over four months, during which time, without the help of any external structures, workers attached the bronze parts of the statue to the metal frame erected at the first stage using 300,000 bronze rivets.

On October 28, 1886, President of the United States Grover Cleveland officially accepted the statue presented by the French people as a gift to the American. In his speech dedicated to this event, there were these words: “We will never forget either that Liberty chose her home here, or that her chosen altar will never be abandoned.”

Before the outbreak of World War I, the symbol of America was the figure of Columbia. But when the US Treasury Department, in the hope of covering at least part of military expenses, authorized the printing of posters depicting the Statue of Liberty, receiving sales revenue that amounted to almost half of the military budget, it became clear what exactly was the true symbol of Freedom and Independence of the country. On October 15, 1924, the Statue of Liberty was declared a National Monument by the 30th President of the United States, Calvin Coolidge.