How to introduce France. Scenario for the speech "Peoples of the World"

Elena Ivanova
Holiday script in French “Walk into the fairytale forest” in the senior group (based on the fairy tale by C. Perrault)

Holiday script in French

« Walk into a fairy forest»

V senior group"Spring"

(By based on the fairy tale Sh. Perrault"Little Red Riding Hood")


Development of children's communicative competence

Learn to establish contact with communication partners in game situations

Development of children's play and creative activities;

Introducing to the culture of the country being studied language.


1. Formation of skills of correct pronunciation: pronouncing sounds in isolation, in separate words and phrases.

2. Develop speaking skills French: learn to name objects, describe them, answer questions and ask them.

3. Build vocabulary French.

4. Expand children’s horizons by introducing them to the country they are studying language.

5. develop the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music, conveying emotional and figurative content in dance;

Create festive cheerful mood, create a desire to study French.


hall decorated according to scenario - trees, grandmother's house, flowers, costumes for characters, recordings of songs performed.

Preliminary work:

reading the work of Sh. Perrault"Little Red Riding Hood", introduction and study of new lexical units, text by role, memorization of poems; learning songs and dances for the matinee.

Our characters - nos personnages:

la mere – Seitova’s mother Maria;

la grand-mre – grandmother Slukina Tatyana;

le Petit Chaperon Rouge – Little Red Riding Hood Bylinkina Angelina;

le loup - wolf Kurmaev Kirill;

le papillon bleu - blue butterfly Alekseeva Victoria,

le papillon rose – pink butterfly Kinzhibaeva Kamilla

le papillon vert – Polina Kosolapova

la fleur blanche – white flower Anna Makeeva,

la fleur jaune – yellow flower Munkeeva Adeliya,

la fleur rouge – red flower of Frost Lera;

le lapin - rabbit Volkova Anastasia;

le chasseur – woodcutter Artem Sukhorukov.

Celebration progress:

- Educator:

Hello dear parents! Today is our debut. Please, do not judge us too harshly - after all, we are still small actors, but I think that we all undoubtedly have talent. And so we invite you to our fairy forest, but this is an extraordinary forest - it is located in French fairy tale! (Music sounds.)

L'auteur (author): Il etait une fois une petite fille, la plus jolie du monde, habitait un village. Elle s'appellait Le petit chaperon rouge. (Once upon a time there was a little girl in the world, the most beautiful. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood)

La mere (Mother): Ma petite fille, ta grand-mre est malade. Va chez elle. Porte lui une galette et ce petit pot de beurre. (My girl, your grandmother is sick. Go to her. Take her a pie and a pot of butter.)

L'auteur (author): La fille prend son sac et va chez sa grand-mre. Elle va dans la fort. La fille s'amuse avec les papillons et fait le bouquet. (The girl takes the basket and goes to her grandmother. She walks through the forest. The girl plays with butterflies and collects a bouquet.)

Les fleurs (Flowers): Je suis la fleur blanche. Moi, je suis trs belle. (I am a white flower. I am very beautiful.)

Je suis la fleur jaune. Moi, je suis admirable. (I am a yellow flower. I am delightful.)

Je suis la fleur rouge. Moi, je suis parfum. (I am a red flower. I have a wonderful scent.)

Les papillons (Butterflies):Je suis le papillion bleu. Je suis magnifique. (I am a blue butterfly. I am magical.)

Je suis le papillion rose. Je suis parfait. (I'm a pink butterfly. I'm perfect.)

Je suis le papillion vert. Je suis formidable. (I am a green butterfly. I am beautiful.)

Le petit chaperon rouge, les fleurs et les papillons dansent et chantent le chanson

“Fre Jagues.” (Little Red Riding Hood, flowers and butterflies dance and sing a song "Brother Jacques")

Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques,

Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?

Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!

Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.

Little Red Riding Hood continues on her way through the forest and meets a little rabbit on the path.

Le petit chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood): Qui est-tu? (Who are you)

Le lapin (Rabbit): Moi, je suis le petit lapin. (I'm a little bunny).

Le petit chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood): O vas-tu (Where are you going)

Le lapin (Rabbit): Je me promne dans la fort. (I'm walking through the forest)

Tous les enfane chantent le chanson “Mon petit lapin” (The characters already involved perform the song "My little rabbit" performing dance movements during the song performance):

S'est sauv dans le jardin

Je suis ass sous un chou

Cherchez-moi! Coucou, coucou!

Je suis ass sous un chou

Il se moque du fermier

Cherchez-moi! Coucou, coucou!

Je suis ass sous un chou

Cherchez-moi! Coucou, coucou!

Je suis ass sous un chou

Frisant ses mustaches

Le fermier ass et repasse

Mais ne trouve rien du tout

Le lapin mange le chou

Mais ne trouve rien du tout

Le lapin mange le chou

Le loup (wolf): Bonjour, je suis le loup. Qui est tu (Hello, I'm a wolf. Who are you)

Le petit chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood): je suis le petit chaperon rouge (I am Little Red Riding Hood).

Le loup (wolf): Ou va tu (Where are you going)

Le petit chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood): je vais chez ma grand-mre (I'm going to my grandma's).

Le loup (wolf): O habite ta grand-mre? (Where does your grandmother live)

Le petit chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood) Au de la foret. (Behind the forest.)

Tous les enfans chantent le chanson Promenons-nous dans les bois. (The wolf and all the guys sing a song « Let's take a walk through the forest» performing dance moves as the song progresses.)

Promenons-nous dans les bois

Pendant que le loup n"y est pas,

Si le loup y etait,

Il nous mangerait,

Mais comme il n"y est pas,

Il nous mangera pas.

Le loup: Je met ma chemise!

Je met ma veste!

Je met ma chaussette!

Je met ma lunette.

Je prend ma fusille! Je veux vous manger!

Toc-toc-toc. (The wolf comes to grandma. Knock-knock-knock.)

La grand-mre (Grandmother): Qui est l (Who's there)

Le loup (wolf): C' moi, Le petit chaperon rouge. (It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.)

La grand-mre (grandmother): Entre, ma petite! (Come in my baby.)

Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood): Toc, toc, toc. (Knock-Knock.)

Le loup (Wolf): Qui est l? (Who's there)

La fille (girl): C'est le Petit Chaperon Rouge. J'ai une galette pour vous. (It's me, Little Red Riding Hood. I brought a pie for you.)

Le loup (Wolf): Entre ma petite. (Come in my baby.)

La fille (girl): Ma grand-mre, que vous avez de grandes dents (Grandma, why do you have such big teeth)

Le loup (wolf): C'est pour te manger (To eat you)

Un chasseur (woodcutter): Je veux voir si la grand-mre n’est pas malade (I want to see if grandma is sick.)

Le chasseur (Woodcutter): Ah! Te voila, vieux gris bandit. Je te cherche longtemps! (Ah! There you are old gray bandit! I've been looking for you for a long time) (The wolf and the woodcutter run away behind stage.)

Tous les enfans dansent “Sur le pont d’Avignion.” (All participants a holiday song is sung"On the Pont Avignon" and dance)


Sur le pont d'Avignon,

On y danse, on y danse

Sur le pont d'Avignon,

On y danse, tout en rond.

Les belles dames font comme a,

Et puis encore comme a.

Les beaux messieurs font comme a

Et puis encore comme a.

Les cordonniers font comme a

Et puis encore comme a.

Les blanchisseuses font comme a,

A wedding is a wonderful and long-awaited holiday for two loving hearts. It is on this day that they will become official husband and wife and will be able to continue sailing together on the waves of love, and I really want to make the beginning of this journey beautiful, original and romantic, so that both the heroes of the occasion and the guests will remember it. We offer a wonderful idea - to organize and conduct it in the French style. We hope that Wedding scenario "Parisian Tango" will help you arrange a bright and beautiful holiday.

Stylistic design of the hall;

Decorations in the form of many balloons and flowers;

A model of the Eiffel Tower, which can be miniature and installed near each guest seat, or in the form of one large sculpture on the table of the newlyweds;

Tablecloths with French landscapes, phrases, croissant designs or city landmarks;

It is advisable to keep the groom's suit and the bride's dress in the French style;

The menu includes dishes of real French cuisine;

Inform guests that the holiday will be themed and appropriate outfits for the ladies and suits for the gentlemen are desired.

Wedding scenario "Parisian Tango"

Solemn music sounds as the newlyweds enter the hall

Presenter: Dear guests of our city, your plane has just landed at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. We are glad to welcome you to our city, where the weather is always clear, the mood is great and romance is in the air.

A waltz performed by Mireille Mathieu starts and several couples of the guests who were already present in the hall go to waltz. If necessary, you can connect professional dancers.

Presenter: I am glad to welcome you, dear newlyweds and distinguished guests, to the most famous city of France - Paris. We invite you to take your seats for a walk around the capital, filled to the brim with romance, love and anticipation of happiness. Together with our newlyweds, we will have to visit the most remarkable places of the city, but first, we would like to hear instructions from the parents of our main travelers.

The parents of the young people give their speech, preferably prepared in advance, in order to eliminate the awkward moment on this exciting day - the children.

Table competition of wishes "Love in French"

Presenter: Since our holiday is taking place in France, I suggest everyone present learn a little about the language of this country.

(hands out pre-printed wishes to the newlyweds in French, written in Russian letters, to several guests).

Presenter(addresses those who received postcards): Dear guests, you have the honor of being the first to congratulate the newlyweds, and even in the language of the country that hospitably received us on its territory.

(Guests say wishes to the newlyweds in French; it will be funnier if you ask them to do this with candies, marshmallows or marmalade in their mouths).

Presenter: Did everyone understand what our guests wished the young couple? I congratulate you and sincerely join in the congratulations.

Mini-quiz "Sights of Paris"

Presenter: How nice it is to hear such warm words, I hope they will accompany (names of newlyweds) throughout life. And now I propose to go on a tour of the beauties of Paris. (addresses the bride and groom) Don't the young people mind? Then let's go! But first, it would be nice to remember the main ones. I have a number of questions prepared, and those who know what we are talking about, feel free to raise your hand to answer.

Most famous museum? (Louvre)

The name of which cathedral is mentioned in the romantic love story of a hunchback and a gypsy? (Notre Dame Cathedral)

The name of the most popular cabaret? (Moulin rouge)

What are the most common foods in this country? (croissants, cheese, wine)

The most visited place for children's entertainment in Paris ? (Disneyland)

Correct versions are awarded with small prizes and the winners are given the right to congratulate the newlyweds.

Toast and shouts: “Bitter”

Presenter: After such a kiss, a romantic mood involuntarily rolls over and we also want love, kisses and compliments, right? Why deny yourself this pleasure - a competition is announced for the best compliment.

Auction "French Compliment".

The male half of the guests is invited to compliment the bride, then the groom is invited to do the same.

Presenter: Now it’s clear why (groom’s name) chose (bride’s name). She is truly the best! Simply “unearthly beauty”, let’s tell her about it in unison

Table chant "Bride of unearthly beauty"

Mini-quiz "The meaning of a kiss"

Nice music sounds , the presenter speaks in her background.

Presenter: Paris is a city of passions and love. Here on the streets you can meet hundreds of thousands of couples who are madly in love. Do you see how happy our newlyweds are? Our newlyweds deserve to be in the center of this wonderful city. But they say that everyone who truly loves is ready to do the craziest things for the sake of love. Not paying attention to the people around them, they can kiss each other without stopping, because every kiss, touch and even just a look gives them a lot of unforgettable sensations. What do you think is the meaning of every kiss?

The presenter asks questions guests:

What does a kiss on the neck mean? (I want you)

What does kiss on the lips mean? (I love you)

What does a kiss behind the ear symbolize? (I'm flirting with you)

Can you name the meaning of a kiss on the shoulder or hand? (You are the lady of my heart)

(those who guess correctly are encouraged)

Presenter: It is absolutely clear that the kiss of the newlyweds at a wedding means all of this combined. That’s why I want to see it again! Bitterly! (hall support)

Music competition "Songs about kisses"

Presenter: For the French, every kiss is a “kiss of the soul”, because with its help it is easiest to confess your feelings and tell a person about what is happening inside, what emotions and storms are raging in the chest. When that very union of souls occurs, each of the lovers has their own song about love and a kiss. By the way, how many songs do we know about kisses? Does everyone remember their contents? Now songs about kisses will be played, while the song is playing, you pass a heart to each other, whoever is caught with a heart in his hands when the music stops, must sing the next lines of the stopped song.

The game is being played. They alternately play the song “Kiss, Kiss” performed by P. Narcissus, “I Kissed Him” by A. Pugachev, “I’m Ready to Kiss the Sand” by V. Markin, “Autumn Kiss” by A. Pugachev and others.

Competition "French Breakfast"

Presenter: In the morning, Parisians prefer to drink coffee or juice, while tasting croissants with jam. We have everything you need to prepare breakfast, and we offer our girls to make breakfast for their other halves as quickly as possible, with an easy French gait and so that the contents of the tray look very attractive. Whoever is the most skillful and feminine Parisian will win.

A competition is being held. An incendiary musical excerpt is played for each participant, the newlyweds choose the best “Parisian”

Presenter(addresses guests): Dear travelers, which of you can name the famous symbol of the most romantic country in the world? Right! Eiffel Tower. Now it’s hard to believe, but at first this building terribly irritated the Parisians and several times the city’s residents decided to demolish it, but fortunately for travelers around the world, and the French themselves, it never came to this and, soon, the Eiffel Tower became a real attraction and place of pilgrimage for all lovers.

Eiffel Tower Competition

Guests are divided into two teams and given a variety of uninflated balloons, tape and scissors. The number of teams and people in them is not limited, and the task is to inflate balloons and form them into a structure in the form of the Eiffel Tower using tape. Whoever builds the air building first wins.

Presenter: Our teams did an amazing job, don't forget to take a selfie with the landmark in the background.

(you can invite everyone to kiss in front of the Eiffel Tower)

Competition "Tango on the Champs Elysees"

Leading: Another landmark of Paris and a favorite place for tourists to visit is the Champs Elysees, and it is along its expanses that I invite our couples to stroll to the rhythms of tango.

While the music is playing, couples waltz, and as soon as the signal sounds, they freeze, while bending their lady over for a kiss. The couple that can stand for as long as possible in an unusual position will win.

All participants are awarded small prizes, and the winning couple is given the right to invite the newlyweds to walk with them under the Arc de Triomphe.

Entertainment "Walk under the Arc de Triomphe"

The presenter quickly builds a living corridor of guests (several couples), the couples stand facing each other and join hands. The newlyweds pass under it, each of the guests tells them their wishes. The winning couple solemnly accompanies them.

The scenario should be supplemented with traditional wedding moments, games with the newlyweds, congratulations, dance entertainment - at the discretion of the organizers.

Perhaps the ideas for the script “On the French Side” will also be useful for the entertainment program for the wedding “Parisian Tango” (thanks to the author E.A. Potanina)

(download the document by clicking on the file)

Outline of extracurricular activities in French

Topic of extracurricular activity:

"Virtual tour of France"

Goal: sociocultural development of students

    educational: at the end of the lesson, students will be able to name the main attractions of Paris, symbols of France;

    developing: contribute to the development of students' horizons; develop the ability to analyze;

    educational: fostering a respectful attitude towards the country of the language being studied; developing students' curiosity, increasing motivation to learn French.

    sociocultural: to form students’ ideas about the culture of France, to summarize linguistic and cultural material on the topic: Paris is the capital of France.

Lesson equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, Power Point presentation, background music, map of Paris.

Form of the event:

A conversation with children is organized based on a presentation created as a visual accompaniment to an extracurricular activity.

Progress of the event:

Bonjour mes enfants! Je suis ravie de vous voir. Comment ça-va ?

Cheres amis! Aujourd'hui nous faisons une excurtion à travers la France. Tout d'abord nous faisons connaissance avec les symboles nationaux de la France. Regardez au tableau. Le drapeau français est tricolore: bleu, blanc, rouge. Cet animale représente la France. Qui est-ce? Oui, bien sûr. C'est le coq. L'emblème national française est le coq galois. Chaque pays a son l'hymne national. En France l'hymne nationale est la Marseillaise.

So, we found out that the national emblems and symbols of France include the tricolor flag, the anthem of the Marseillaise, and the Gallic rooster.

The blue, white and red flag of France was born from the combination of the royal colors (white) and the colors of the city of Paris (blue and red).

As for the French national anthem, the La Marseillaise was born as a military revolutionary song in 1792 after the king declared war on Austria. The French officer Rouget de Lisle, who served in Strasbourg, composes the "War Song of the Army of the Rhine", and its popularity is such that on July 14, 1795, it was proclaimed the national anthem. At the same time, during the French Revolution, the first images of a woman wearing a Phrygian cap, which is an allegory of Freedom and the Republic, appear. Her name is Marianne and today she takes on the faces of the most famous French actresses. At different times, Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve, Sophie Marceau and Laetitia Casta, Patricia Kaas posed for Marianne's portrait.

And finally, the Gallic rooster, whose image can already be seen on ancient coins. It became a symbol of Gaul and the Gauls as a result of a play on words, since the Latin word "gallus" means both "rooster" and "gaul". The Gallic cockerel is a symbol of French national pride.

The Gallic rooster has been used as a symbol of French national teams in various sports for almost a hundred years.

Cet animale représente la France sur l'émblème de l'équipe nationalle de football. Le talisman de l'équipe de football est le coq galois Footix. Savez-vous le nom de ce célèbre footballeur? Zinedide Zidane. C'est un personnage legendaire! Il a été le capitin de l'équipe nationalle. En 1998 l'équipe française est devenue le champion du monde. En cette année Zidane a été déclaré le meilleur joueur au monde. Il a reçu le ballon d’Or du meilleur joueur en Europe. L'étoile sur l'émblème de football symbolise cette victoire. After the French victory at the 1998 World Cup, an asterisk was added to the rooster, symbolizing the world champion title.

Pour moi la France et la culture française s’associent aveс la musique française. Quels chanteurs français savez-vous?

E 1: Stromae "Alors on danse".

Oui cette chanson est en français, mais son chanteur est belge d'après la nationalité. This is a modern Belgian singer. Est-ce que vous avez encore quelques variantes? Regardez le tableau. Et pour moi la France c'est plutôt les chansons d'Edit Piaf, de Charle Aznavour. Qui est-ce?

E 1: Patricia Kaas

M: Oui, c'est ça. Qui est-ce?

E 2: Mireille Mathieu

M: JoeDassin. ses chansons les plus connues sont: A Toi, Et Si Tu N "existais Pas, les Champs-Elysées, Salut, l'été indien. C'est Lara Fabian, voici Dalida. Jean-Jacques Goldman, le chanteur et le compositeur français .C'est Alizée.C'est un chanteur contemporain français Benabard.Modern and popular French singer.C'est Celine Dion.

We introduced you to the legends of French song. What else certainly comes to mind when you start talking about France?! Of course, its famous capital. What sights of Paris do you know?

E 1: Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame

Yes, indeed, these are symbols of Paris. And the Eiffel Tower is not only the visiting card of the capital, but of the whole of France. Do you know what the city emblem looks like? This is a boat on a red background, with lilies at the top, symbolizing royal power. The city has its own motto. In Russian it sounds like this: “It swings on the waves, but we don’t sink.” The city's flag, as you can see, consists of two colors: blue and red. The Eiffel Tower needs no special introduction. This is the calling card of Paris. The tower was built for the opening of the World's Fair in 1889. After 20 years, the French engineer Gustave Eiffel, the author of this fantastic project, promised to demolish it: there were many opponents of this iron “cuttlefish”. But he saved his brainchild by finding an important use for it, installing a radio broadcaster and a weather station. Today there is also a television signal coming from here. To the delight of tourists, the observation deck of the tower offers a magnificent view of the Champ de Mars park and Paris. Now we will take a tour of Paris, and in order to orient ourselves well in this amazing city, I will give you its plan. During the excursion, you can write down the names of the attractions you like, and at home color in those attractions on this plan where you would like to visit first.

Et maintenant, nous faissons une promenade à travers la capitate de la France. Comme vous voyez la Seine divise Paris en deux parties: la rive gauche et la rive droite. Les monuments les plus connus de la rive gauche sont: la Tour Eiffel, le Quartier Latin. Latin Quarter. The oldest university in Paris, La Sorbonne, is located here, which is why the Latin Quarter is also called the student quarter. Luxembourg Palace and Park Complex in the center of Paris, a famous landmark of the city. The former royal and now state palace park in the Latin Quarter of Paris covers an area of ​​26 hectares. The park contains the Luxembourg Palace (le palais du Luxembourg) and the Luxembourg Gardens (le Jardin du Luxembourg). La tour Montparnasse, elle est ici. The Montparnasse Tower is the only skyscraper located inside the city limits of Paris. From the height of this tower there is a panoramic view of most of the city. There is an ironic saying that the most beautiful view of Paris is from the top of this skyscraper, since then the skyscraper itself will not be in sight. Since the construction of the Montparnasse Tower in the historical part of the city, the construction of skyscrapers was stopped, and a decision was made to create a business center in the Paris suburb of La Défense.

On appelle l'île de la Cité le berceau de Paris. Regardez il est ici. L'ile de la Cite. The Ile de la Cité is called the cradle of Paris, the heart of Paris and the place of its founding. Since time immemorial, people have settled on the island of Cité; even before Caesar, the capital of the Celtic tribe of the Parisians, Lutetia, was founded here. There are no residential buildings on the Ile de la Cité. This is a tourist area. Here stands the majestic Notre Dame Cathedral, the Palace of Justice. Je veux parler des curiosités de la rive droite. Voici L'Arc de Triomphe, Les Champs-Elysées, la Place de la Concorde, Le Louvre, la Basilique du Sacré Cœur, l'Opéra.

M: Je donne la parole à E 1. Il est notre guide.

E 1: Je veux parler de Notre-Dame. Notre Dame is the most famous cathedral in Paris, made in the Gothic style, built on the Ile de la Cité back in the 12th century. Opposite this cathedral is kilometer zero, the starting point of all kilometers in the country.

M: Merci à E 1 .Maintenat, je donne la parole à E 2 .

E2: I'll tell you about Sacre Coeur. It is the second most popular church in Paris after Notre Dame. There are always a lot of tourists around Sacré-Coeur, especially everyone loves to take pictures on the long staircase at the foot of the church. Sacre Coeur ("sacred heart") is located on the Montmartre hill near the center of Paris. There are always a lot of tourists here, since in addition to the magnificent cathedral, Montmartre is also known for the artists' square.

M: Not far away, in the wall near the house where Marcel Emme, the French writer and playwright, lived, there is one of the most original sculptures in Paris. It depicts a man half emerging from the wall. The monument is an illustration to the story of M. Eme about a man who knew how to pass through walls and one day lost this ability.

Notre excursion continues. E 3 prend la parole.

E3: One of the richest museums in the world, the Louvre dates back to the 12th century. In 1190, King Philip Augustus built a powerful fortress along the Seine River for defensive purposes. In the 14th century the fortress was turned into a royal residence. At the end of the 19th century, the Louvre acquired the appearance that has been preserved to this day. Nowadays it is a world famous museum with a unique collection of works of art.

M: Merci, prends ta place. Regardez le jardin des Tuileries.

The Tuileries Garden connects the Louvre and the Place de la Concorde, from which the Champs-Élysées begins. The Tuileries is a garden of indescribable beauty with ponds, parks, attractions and benches. Place de la Concorde - one of the most beautiful in Paris - occupies a vast area between the Tuileries Garden and the Champs Elysees. The obelisk decorating the square is a gift from the Egyptian Viceroy Mehmet Ali. It was brought to Paris from the Temple of Amun in Thebes. The age of the monument is approximately 3600 years. The obelisk is carved from pink granite. Its height is 23 meters, weight is 230 tons. On four sides it is covered with hieroglyphs glorifying the pharaohs Ramses II and Ramses III. Look, in the distance you can see the famous Arc de Triomphe, which E 4 will tell us about.

E 4: The Arc de Triomphe is located in the center of Place Charles Degaulle or Place des Stars. Twelve wide avenues converge at this point in Paris and form a star.

M: Merci, prends ta place. Maintenant nous jouons avec vous. J'ai préparé une victorine pour vous. Repondez à mes questions.

. La quiz

1. Paris est la capitale de:

2. Le symbole de la ville de Paris est:

3. Le fleuve qui traverse Paris s"appelle:

4. Quel est le nom de l'hymne national?

b) La Marseillaise

5. Quel animal représente la France?

6. Je suis l "hymne national de la France. Qui suis-je? La Marseillaise.

7. Je suis un personnage de bandes dessinées. Mon meilleur ami s"appelle Obélix. Nous sommes deux Gaulois très forts et très courageux. Qui suis-je? Astérix.

Les curiosities de Paris

1. C "etait une fortresse, puis le palais des rois de la France. Aujourd"hui c'est le plus grand musée de la France. (le Louvre)

2. C "est la plus grande avenue de Paris, ou ce trouvent des grands cinemas, des restaurants, des banques et des magasins de luxe. (Les Champs Elysees)

3. C "est une des plus belles et des plus grande places du monde. Elle est célèbre pour son obélisque egyptien. (La place de la Concorde)

4. C "est un monument sur la place de Charles de Gaulle (Place d" Etoile). De la place il y a douze avenues qui font une etoile. (L" Arc de Triomphe)

5. C "est une belle eglise sur Monmartre. D"ou on voit le panorama de Paris. (Sacre Coeur)

Vous avez bien travaillé aujourd'hui. Au revoir et bonne chance.


french song festival

"Under the sky of Paris"

French teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 22

city ​​of Stavropol

Davanova Valentina Viktorovna

The song “Waltz about a Waltz” by Jacque Brel is playing, from the program “The Voice” the same song performed by Vorobyova

1st presenter: Bonsoir, Mesdemoiselles! Bonsoir, Mesdames et messieurs!

Nous sommes ravis de vous voir à notre soirée, consacrée à la chanson française.

2nd presenter: Good evening, dear friends!

Today you can not only have a pleasant evening, but also perform your favorite songs in French.

1st presenter: Franz. language is the language of love, romance, tenderness and charm.

2nd presenter: Do you know what the French say when you need to express your feelings to your loved one?

When they want to talk about strong and passionate love, they say...

Je tʼaime.

When they want to express their sympathy, they say... Jetʼ aimbien- I like you, Jetʼ aimbeaucoup- I really like you.

c ʼ estmonpetitami (mapetiteamie) - this is my boyfriend (my girlfriend);

c ʼ estmonché ri (maché rie) - dear (darling);

monamour- My love,

moncoeur- my love (my heart),

montré sor- my treasure,

mabiche- my beauty

1st presenter: What would the phrase sound like in French:

« Loving you is easy, admitting it is difficult, but forgetting you is impossible.”

2- thleading: T'aimer c'est facile, te le dire c'est difficile, mais t'oublier c'est impossible.

(Backup option: “It’s better to die in my arms than to live without you”?

- Jepré fè remourirdanstesbrasquede vivre sans toi.

- Love is like a rose, its beauty makes you forget about thorns - Lʼamour est comme une rose, sa beauté nous fait oublier ses épines.

- I like your eyes, but I like mine more because without eyes I wouldn’t be able to look into your eyes.

-Jʼaime bien tes yeux mais je préfère les miens car sans eux je ne pourrais pas voir les tiens.)

1st presenter: Who knows poems about love? .... Jacques Prévert Pourtoi, monamour and Diana Arzumanyan.

A student reads a poemJacques Prévert

Pour toi, mon amour”

Je suis allé au marché aux oiseaux,

Et jʼai acheté des oiseaux

Pour toi, mon amour .

Je suis allé au marché aux fleurs,

Et jʼai acheté des fleurs

Pour toi, mon amour .

Je suis allé à la ferraille

Et jʼai acheté des chaînes

De lourdes chaînes

Pour toi, mon amour .

Et je suis allé au marché aux esclaves

Et je tʼai cherchée

Mais je ne tʼai pas trouvée

2nd presenter: What lyrical words about love! Really,

No one sings about love and life more sensually and emotionally than the French.

1st presenter: For this they have a melodic language and Paris, which many recognize as the most romantic city in the world.

2nd presenter:- So, we invite you to immerse yourself in the mysterious atmosphere of eternal and fabulous Paris,

1st presenter:- where the spirit of pristine freedom and all-consuming love is in the air,

2nd presenter:- where, walking along the endless streets of Montmartre, you can go crazy from the smell of coffee and fresh croissants,

1st presenter:- where the luxury of night cabarets blinds the eyes,

2nd presenter:- where a lonely poet sings his life and lovers walk.

1st presenter: This was a fairly well-known song performed by Yves Montand. The song “Under the Sky of Paris” was written for the film of the same name. It was first performed by Edith Piaf, after which it was sung many times by Juliette Greco, Jacqueline Francois and others. Everything is very simple: The sky of Paris, a song, two lovers, Mirabeau Bridge, Notre Dame. Happiness is in the little things. It is impossible to imagine Paris without this light waltz.

2nd presenter: Other lyrical songs will be featured in the French chanson hit parade today.

1- thleading: For example: " Tombe la neige" in performed by Salvatore Adamoet "Les parapluies de Cherbourg".

2nd presenter: Yes, the song “Snow is Falling”, although performed by a Belgian singer, is strongly associated with France.

1st presenter: For those who are familiar with the plot of the film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”, the words of the song are clear even without translation - it sounds at the moment of separation of Genevieve and Guillaume. “A whole life is not enough to wait for you, my life is lost if you are not there. You are in a distant land, don’t forget me, wherever you are, I’m waiting for you.”

(performers: Danielle Licar et José Bartel)

2nd presenter: The best and most touching songs about beautiful and contradictory love can be listened to endlessly.

1st presenter: We present to your attention the song “Paroles, paroles”.

2nd presenter: This hit was performed in almost all languages ​​of the world. And the original belongs to the Italians and was first performed in 1972.

1st presenter: However, the most popular was the composition performed by the dramatic Dalida and sex symbol Alain Delon.

2nd presenter: The success of the song exceeded all expectations, and the French version became more popular than the original.

1st presenter: Another French hit, also known to us, performed in Russian, “Eternal Love”.

2nd presenter: You are offered an original performed by a romantic with Armenian roots, Charles Aznavour and the legendary Mireille Mathieu.

1st presenter: The original version of “Eternal Love” is heard in the film “Tehran-43”. After the film's release, the song became a ballad about tragic love, which was translated into several languages ​​and became popular with many artists.

2nd presenter: It is impossible to imagine today's hit parade without EdithPiaf and her songs Non, jeneregrettedrien

1st presenter: The text was written in 1956 and became popular in her performance. This composition became one of the last recorded in the life of the great singer,

2nd presenter: And essentially describes her own life. After all, no matter what happens, the main thing is to love.

2nd presenter: So much has been written and sung because of this feeling called LOVE.

1st presenter: We continue the Francophone repertoire, exclusively fun, exclusively in pleasant company.

2nd presenter: Incendiary songs from you, tea and coffee from us.

1st presenter: Today you will hear surprisingly simple and sincere songs from the repertoire of the singer and film actress, Marie Laforet. Her most famous song is “Tenderness” (La tendresse), and the prayer song “Come back, come back” (Viens, viens) literally shocked the whole of France.

2nd presenter: So, meet: (girl’s last name, first name) with a song Marie Laforet "Ivan, Boris et moi"

1st presenter: The most popular song in our school was « Monamour, monami" We invite 8th grade students to the microphone.

2nd presenter: Voice of Isabelle Geffroy, better known by her pseudonym Zaz, immediately recognizable and remembered. Isabelle mixes many genres in her work: folklore, jazz, French chanson. This is a real anthem of youth and joy.

1st presenter: At the microphone Zaz, (last names of four girls) and everyone who wants to join

2nd presenter: Her deep and expressive voice captivates hundreds of thousands of fans of Lara Fabian's talent. Refined, stylish, gentle, singing from the heart, she carries vibes of love, bliss, and happiness.

1st presenter:(English and French teacher) is invited to the stage. Today she will perform a song from the repertoire of Lara Fabian ( LaraFabian)"Je tʼaime"

2nd presenter:

Karaoke, karaoke, karaoke!

I read the lines from the songs screen.

I sing into the microphone along with the soundtrack,

And I imagine myself as a pop star.

1st presenter: And now, a song will be performed by our stars « Atoi"

2nd presenter:

To end the evening well, I suggest everyone sing 2 songs: « Salut" And "LesChamps- Elysé e»

1st presenter: At the end the song “Belle"from the musical"Notre - DamedeParis" and we move on to the dance program.

Scenario of the holiday “Peoples of the World. France".

Part I

(1st group of children leaves)

1st reader:

In the center of Western Europe,

It's a beautiful country.

Paths lead to her from all over the world,

It's called France!

The country is immensely interesting

It attracts tourists like a magnet.

To guests - friendly, kind,

She will surprise anyone.

2nd reader:

Border with Andorra and France.

And with an Italian boot.

With Monaco also, (Nice there too),

With the Spanish sea coast.

There is access to the North Sea,

The English Channel is a little to the left,

In the south - Mediterranean

And there is a way to the Atlantic.

3rd reader:

Paris is the French capital.

This is not a city, but a dream...

We cannot imitate French charm,

French style as a standard.

Paris will seem like Paradise to you

In the middle of reality, Paris is like a dream.

4th reader:

There the Eiffel Tower is waiting for you.

Loire castles, Fontainebleau.

Ile-de-France awaits you,

De-Fansa blue glass.

The Splendor of Versailles

And the Champs Elysees.

The taste of fresh oysters, Provencal...

Emotions are right - voila.

5th reader:

"Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" -

This is France's motto.

Fought a lot for freedom

For centuries.

Fruit of the French Revolution

The famous tricolor:

Freedom, equality and brotherhood

He means.

Mime) :

I am also a symbol of France,

I'm the sad clown Mim.

Unhurried strokes

Putting on makeup

I'll draw a smile

And there's a tear on my cheek...

I'll repeat after you

Everything is ready - everything in the world...

For this, both adults and children love me.

Part II

(The 2nd group of children comes out in costumes - The Three Musketeers, Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, The Little Prince, Cinderella...)

(They say - Three Musketeers)


Bonjour! You probably already guessed that we are literary characters!

We all come from France, but we are known and loved by adults and children in all countries of the world!

"One for all-

(together) And all for one!”

We are the king's musketeers -

This is our motto!

He wrote a novel about us

Dumas with his own hand.


No need for shoulder length curls,

Neither a big sword nor a spur -

If only the musketeer knew how to take care

The combat rank of a musketeer...

The Musketeer is not known for his cape

And not with a sword as sharp as a needle,

Musketeers can be anything:

In dusty sneakers and T-shirts.


Honor and courage will not come on their own,

At least put on any weapon.

After all, the Colt is on a leather backside

Doesn't make a cowboy by itself...

Lace and curls are nothing.

The main thing is not to lose courage, -

And a worm is still a worm,

Even if it is straight, like a sword.

Little Red Riding Hood

I'm walking along a path through the forest,

Knowing no sadness at all.

I carry gifts in a basket.

To whom? Have you already been told?

By the river in a neighboring village

It's worth my grandmother's house.

The birds sing to me in the trees

And all their songs are familiar to me.

Here they jump from branch to branch

Baby squirrels hide under the tree

Your naughty secrets.

Oh, if only I wouldn’t meet a wolf!

Gray wolf:

There are rumors about the Gray Wolf:

How evil and treacherous wolves are,

What without special ideas

They eat old women and children!

Yes, he can attack a horse

Eats three piglets per minute,

He'll eat about seven kids at a time...

But the Gray Wolf will not touch you.

Puss in Boots:

Charles Perrault invented it for me

Boots on paws,

My feather is sticking out

In a smart hat!

I'm a cat in boots!

I know no fear in a fairy tale!


The famous story about Cinderella

Everyone loves and knows for a long time.

And I told it to the guys

The great Frenchman - Charles Perrault.

Once upon a time the glass slipper

I forgot on the stairs of the palace.

But kindness conquered everything, -

The Prince and my Fairy Godmother helped me.

A little prince:

I've flown to other planets

From dawn to dawn

And I came up with this fairy tale

Pilot, Saint-Exupery.

I am a small, naive prince,

Very kind, sweet, wonderful.

Part III

(A boy and a girl come out)

1 Reader:

I love France very much

I am a true Frenchman.

And I find places in it

For a variety of tastes.

In the wonderful city of Plombières

We came up with an ice cream

And from Roquefort, for example

The famous cheese went.

Reader 2:

I like this country

Eclair and creme brulee...

I'll be happy to post them

On the festive table.

France is pleasant beyond measure,

Its people are hardworking,

Your everyday life will not be gray,

If the path leads you there.

Part IV

(Musical number)