Message from the water society Princess Mary. Essay by Lermontov M.Yu

2. Lermontov’s interest not in personality as such, but in the “history of the human soul” reflects the tasks and problems of the novel. The soul and character of a person are formed in a constant struggle: on the one hand, according to the aspirations of his will, on the other, by society and the era. Exploring the psychology of the hero, the author considers him as social phenomenon. Pechorin is presented as a hero of our time. In the “Preface” to “Pechorin’s Journal”, through the mouth of the narrator, he notes the shift that took place in the thinking of man at the end of the 30s: the history of the human soul and the history of the people reveal significant differences.

3. The world of the novel's heroes appears as a system of images, in the center of which Pechorin is, and his personality in all its contradictions emerges from the picture of the relationships he enters into with others. Pechorin strives by any means to break through the external mask of the heroes, to see them true faces, understand what each of them is capable of. Each character in the novel acts as a representative of “our time.”

4. Grushnitsky is a typical “hero of the time”: a poser, loves pompous phrases and dreams of becoming the hero of a novel. Grushnitsky's claims lead him to tragedy: he becomes a traitor, enters into dirty game and dies. Society takes people away from themselves and cripples souls.

5. The drama of the relationship between Pechorin and Werner. This is the story of a failed friendship between people who are spiritually and intellectually close. Protecting themselves from the century, Pechorin and Werner hide their ability to love and compassion, and learn indifference and selfishness. Both Pechorin and Werner are terrified of normal human feelings. They bear the cross of their era, which suppresses everything human in people. Werner is a witness to life, but not a participant.

6. The history of the emotional movements experienced by the characters sequentially goes through several stages: from indifference or simple goodwill to a complete break. Each of the heroes reaches climax conflict develops, and everyone fails. The fates of the characters are distorted. The inner spiritual personality leads to victory or defeat of a person.

7. “A Hero of Our Time” is a novel about the self-realization of an individual, his responsibility to people and his own “I.” Pechorin's attempts to get closer to people, to find some kind of harmonious balance in relations with them are fruitless. The depth of the gap between the hero and people. Pechorin is filled with rebellious rejection of the foundations of existing society.

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/ / / “Water Society” in Lermontov’s novel “Hero of Our Time”

“” is a novel in which socio-psychological problems are clearly revealed. The author tries with all his might to convey and describe the content of the novel. inner world the main character, who was the image younger generation those times. M.Yu. Lermontov creates different life scenes and episodes in which he shows the conflict between the main character and the society around him.

In one of the stories of the novel “Princess Mary”, Pechorin’s personality is directly opposed to the participants in the water society. What kind of society is this? This is a circle of people – local and metropolitan nobility, which convey the main character traits and behavior of people of that era. What dominates in such a society is hypocrisy, feigned emotions, feelings of envy of each other, petty affairs and dirty gossip. The “water society” is compared to a secular circle of people.

Spending time in such a society, he opposes almost all of its members. But there is also similar images. For example, it can be attributed to a parody character who tried to imitate Pechorin in everything. He tried to feign feelings of joy and happiness, although in reality he felt neither one nor the other. He tries to create a romantic relationship, but as soon as he gets into it, he is immediately lost. He tries to impress others, and it reaches the point of caricature. Grushnitsky's act in the duel is low and vile. He deprives him of his masculine nobility and honor. His pride overshadows all other emotions.

The image of Werner can be compared with the image of Pechorin. They are both witty, they both have the same views on society. But the inner world of the protagonist rushes forward to meet life. And Werner’s insides are filled with calm and passivity.

Several bright female images were created by the author in order to reveal the character of the main character as deeply as possible. The description is most detailed. The relationship with the princess prompts Pechorin to create deep diary entries, in which he writes about their conversations, in which the hero shares his attitude towards others.

Given incompletely. But it is precisely the relationship with this woman that shows the reader the true fact that Pechorin did not know how to truly love and did not understand the feelings of female love at all.

After Grigory Alexandrovich’s arrival in Pyatigorsk, we can get acquainted with the description family relations that time. A separate class consists of civilian and military men. Particularly passionate speech is made about the youth of the “water society”. It tells about their unknown passion for evening balls, for celebrations at which dirty gossip is constantly being waged. This provincial society was so much like a secular gathering of the same hypocritical and empty people.

Therefore, the topic of “water society” was not in vain touched upon by M.Yu. Lermontov. He tried to reveal and show the essence of the relationship between an individual and an entire society of that time and era.

On business main character works of Lermontov, Pechorin, found himself in Pyatigorsk, a Caucasian resort town. At the first meeting with the city, Pechorin identified three groups into which the population of the town was divided.
The first group included families of steppe landowners. One could guess this from their appearance and activities.
The second group included local ladies - wives of the authorities. These are typical representatives of the provinces, who in no way want to lag behind the ladies of the capital. They have many admirers, who are replaced by new ones every year.
And the third group with which Pechorin was to spend time was “a special class of people among those who expect the movement of water.” These in Pyatigorsk include men on vacation, military and civilians. These young people are dandies. They spend time walking around the city and in the mansions of Princess Ligovka, who came to mineral springs together with his daughter.
Outwardly, these young dandies are decent people and look decent. But under the attractive appearance hide intriguers and hypocrites, sycophants and braggarts. These are spiritually impoverished people. They do not know how to see “simply beautiful”; these people are looking for the extraordinary, obeying fashion. They get bored and complain about boredom, they play gambling and attend all the local balls. Their whole life proceeds monotonously, everything repeats itself day after day. This is the way of life of any secular society, be it in St. Petersburg or in another Russian city that time. Pechorin is also one of these people, but he stands above the surrounding noble environment. He is smart, educated person unable to find use for his abilities. He is fed up with all secular customs and strives for a hectic life. But even when he gets to Pyatigorsk, he encounters the same rules here as in the capital. He sees that in the Caucasus life is moving along the same rut. And therefore, disgust brews in him for those people among whom he is forced to be. He angrily ridicules the moral squalor of the “water youth,” although he does not understand why he is seeking this. And in general, Pechorin is a man full of contradictions. His inconsistency is manifested even in his appearance and, even more so, in his character, in his relationships with people. That's why he has many enemies.
I came to the conclusion that Pechorin, like Onegin, lost himself, suffocated in secular philistine society. Just like his “older brother” Onegin, he tried to break out of this vicious circle. Without losing faith in his own abilities, Pechorin tried to find himself in literature, science, in any other work, but gradually he got bored with it, then coolness and indifference to life set in. Many smart people At that time, for the same reason, they could not apply their knowledge to the benefit of people.
Comparing Pechorin with the heroes of the works of writers of that century: Pushkin, Griboedov, Gogol, Tolstoy, I was convinced that almost all the leading writers of that period were worried about this social theme: a hero of his time and his relationship with society.

Collection of essays: Pechorin and “ water society” in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”

“A Hero of Our Time” is a socio-psychological novel in which the author set himself the task of revealing the inner world of the hero, “exploring the human soul.”

Lermontov is a romantic, so the problem of personality is central problem romanticism in the poet's work. However, the innovation of “A Hero of Our Time” lies in the fact that the conflict between the individual and the surrounding world is resolved using a variety of means, both romantic and realistic.

Pechorin, the main character of the novel, is social type. Traditionally, following Onegin, he is placed in the gallery of “extra people.”

The images of Pechorin and Onegin have a lot in common, from details, character traits, to the situations in which they find themselves. However, the conflict between the individual and society in “A Hero of Our Time” is more acute than in “Eugene Onegin,” since Pechorin “frantically chases after life,” but receives nothing from it, and Onegin simply “goes with the flow.”

Subordinated to the main task that the author set for himself - solving the problem of personality. In Pechorin’s journal, the central story is “Princess Mary,” in which the character of the hero is revealed from the inside, that is, Lermontov uses such artistic device like a confession. All artistic media– portrait, landscape, dialogues, details – worn psychological character. In the story, with the help of an expanded figurative system The secret of the hero's character is revealed.

Lermontov, like many romantics, contrasts the individual and society, and he places his hero in different environments, pushes him against different people. We can see this in the stories “Bela”, “Taman” and “Princess Mary”.

In the psychological story “Princess Mary,” Pechorin’s personality is contrasted with the “water society,” and the hero’s attitude towards this society and society in general is shown. “Water Society” is collective image representatives of the local and metropolitan nobility, in whose behavior and life the features of the described era can be traced. The conflict between the individual and society is embodied not only in revealing the character of the main character, but also in the depiction of the “water society”, their life, interests, and entertainment.

Pechorin, with slight contempt, notices the carefully hidden envy of each other, the love of gossip and intrigue. visitors to Caucasian mineral waters, which both the author himself and the main character are ironic about, are determined by history and traditions. The image of the “water society” is also given in parallel with the image of the secular society, which Pechorin mentions and which has more than once been the object of study in the works of Griboyedov and Pushkin.

In general, the entire “water society” is opposed to Pechorin. However, it is still possible to identify heroes who are not only opposed to Pechorin, but also compared with him.

Grushnitsky is a kind of parody of Pechorin. What for Pechorin constitutes the essence of character, for Grushnitsky it is a pose designed to produce an effect, an impression on others. Grushnitsky is an anti-romantic hero. His penchant for romanticization is carried to the point of caricature. He shows off and often behaves inappropriately for the situation. In everyday life he looks for romantic circumstances, but in truly romantic situations he gets lost. Grushnitsky's participation in the duel is ignoble and vile, but he cannot refuse it, since he is very proud. There are many external details in his image (overcoat, crutch, limp, ring with the date of his acquaintance with Mary). Obviously, the image of Grushnitsky was created not without the influence of Lensky: both are romantics, both were killed in a duel, both are younger than their friend-enemy.

Werner is the only one male image, which is compared with Pechorin, and not opposed. Their similarities are manifested in their relationships with society, skepticism, and wit. But along with general features there are many differences in their characters. Pechorin is “madly chasing after life,” while Werner is passive. Werner is a less deep and complex nature than Pechorin. Before the duel, Pechorin admires nature, and Werner asks if he wrote his will. In appearance Werner can be traced romantic traits, but he is a contradictory nature.

All female images presented in the novel are also subordinated to the main task - revealing the image of Pechorin and showing his relationship to love. Of all the female characters, Princess Mary is depicted most fully. Like Grushnitsky, she is passionate about romanticism, she is young, smart, witty. The purity and naivety of the princess makes Pechorin's selfishness even more obvious. The story of Mary's seduction is the reason for deep introspection and extensive internal monologues in Pechorin's diary. In a conversation with Mary, Pechorin talks about his fate (relationships with society, inclinations, quirks of character).

Faith is the most obscure image, incompletely outlined, and given only hints. This is the only one female image, which is compared with Pechorin. It is in his relationship with Vera that the tragedy of Pechorin’s situation is most fully felt, his inability to deeply and truly love: he doesn’t even need Vera. This emphasizes the loneliness of the hero, his inability to truly feel, reveals internal conflict hero. Romantic irony illuminates the relationship between Pechorin and Vera: Pechorin drives his horse, trying to catch up with Vera, and then falls asleep to Napoleon at Waterloo.

In addition, Lermontov pays attention a large number others, less noticeable, but also very important for creating more full picture society, heroes, who are all, without exception, subject to the principle of typification, which speaks of the realism of the novel. In this case, the author proceeds from traditional types, relying on the creative experience of his predecessors, Griboyedov and Pushkin.

As soon as Pechorin arrives in Pyatigorsk, he becomes acquainted with the customs of the families of the steppe landowners: “... the St. Petersburg cut of the frock coat misled them, but, soon recognizing the army epaulettes, they turned away indignantly.”

Here we learn about the wives of local bosses, “mistresses of the waters”: “...they pay less attention to the uniform, they are accustomed in the Caucasus to meet an ardent heart under a numbered button and an educated mind under a white cap.”

A special class in the “water society” is made up of men, civilians and military (Captain Dragunsky, who with his participation in the duel resembles Zaretsky). The “water youth” stands out separately. In general, it is difficult to imagine anything new that has not yet been depicted in the works of Griboyedov and Pushkin. The same passion for rank, sycophancy, the same balls, gossip, idle pastime, emptiness, which reign not as vices of society, but as elements public life. Everything is the same, only with the difference that there we saw a secular society, and here a provincial one, which is trying with all its might to resemble the capital. Against the background of all this, it is impossible not to note with what irony not only specific images are drawn, but also the entire atmosphere.

Thus, the “water society” is not an accidental theme in the novel. The problem of the individual, her relationships with others are the main task of Lermontov’s entire work. At the same time, he is a continuator of the traditions of Russian literature of the 19th century century.

Roman M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” is one of best works Russian literature. This novel is on a par with such masterpieces as “Woe from Wit”, “Eugene Onegin”, “The Inspector General”. The novel was written in the era following the December uprising. At the center of the novel is a man who is superior in development to the society around him, but who does not know how to find use for his abilities. The author accurately brought out the image young man, personified in the work by Pechorin. This is a smart, well-educated young officer who serves in the Caucasus. He's tired of social life who spoiled him. The hero suffers from his restlessness, in despair he asks himself the question: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born? Pechorin – typical hero time, the best representative of his era, but the price for this is his loneliness. In the first chapter of the novel, we see Pechorin through the eyes of Maksim Maksimych, an old officer: “He was a nice guy, just a little strange.” Maxim Maksimych himself is not able to understand complex nature a hero whom he loves and considers his friend. In “Bela” the hero’s inconsistency is manifested. His character is complex. The hero himself says about himself: “There are two people in me: one lives in literally of this word, and another thinks and judges it...” In his words he hides the essence of his
character: his soul is “spoiled by light.” By nature, Pechorin is an egoist, we learn about this from the first story of the novel. This quality is manifested in love for Bela, as well as in the relationship with Mary. In the story “Maksim Maksimych” the author gives a portrait of Pechorin. Describing the hero's appearance, the author emphasizes his aristocratic origin. Pechorin is a representative of secular society and lives by its laws. If in
Pechorin's first story is described by Maxim Maksimych, but here the narrator changes. “Itinerant officer: a subtle and observant man, draws psychological picture hero, notes the main thing about him: he is entirely woven from contradictions and contrasts. “His figure and broad shoulders proved his strong build,” and there was something childish in his smile, some kind of nervous weakness”; "despite White color his hair, mustache and eyebrows were black.” Special attention is given to the description of the hero’s eyes: ...they didn’t laugh when he laughed! Because of their half-lowered eyelashes, they shone with some kind of phosphorescent shine: it was a shine similar to the shine of smooth steel, dazzling, but cold.”
In “Princess Mary” we meet a person capable of introspection. Here Pechorin characterizes himself, he explains how his bad qualities were formed: ... this has been my fate since childhood! Everyone read on my face signs of bad qualities that were not there; but they were assumed - and they were born... I became secretive... I became vindictive..., I became envious, I learned to hate, I began to deceive, I became a moral cripple. He realizes that he has lived an empty and aimless life: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born?” The hero does not see the meaning of life. This is an understanding of your purpose in life a few hours before possible death is the culmination of not only the story “Princess Mary”, but also the entire novel.
Pechorin is a brave man, which was demonstrated in the duel. TO positive traits The hero can also be attributed to his ability to understand and feel people. Pechorin - honest, honest man. Despite the unpleasant story of Princess Mary, Pechorin decides to tell the truth, although it was not easy. And in this episode his willpower was revealed. V.G. Belinsky compared Pechorin’s soul to heat-dried earth, which, after blessed rains, could give birth to beautiful flowers. The novel by M.Yu. Lermontov poses one of the problems - the inability of the people of this time to act, generated by their
own environment. Pechorin is a hero of his time. I think this is an honorary “title”, because the very word “hero” implies unusualness, exclusivity. In his novel, Lermontov managed to show not only the image of the hero, but also reveal the history of the human soul.”
Roman M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of our time - complete work, all parts of which are united by one hero, and his character is revealed from part to part gradually, revealed from external to internal, from effect to cause, from epic - through psychological - to philosophical. The novel was immediately ranked among the masterpieces of Russian literature.