Panels in the terra marine style technique. Beautiful volumetric panels using the “terra” technique, MK

Let me tell you about how I make paintings, panels in a collage terra technique. This fascinated me at one time; everything that was at sea, in the forest and at home found its application there.

Therefore, if you have, as you think, all kinds of garbage from branches, leaves, dry grass, shells, pieces of porcelain and other rubbish, and you want to throw it out, don’t rush, you’re just not familiar with the Terra technique. Collages from natural materials will help create a special atmosphere of comfort in your home.

By the way, your children will be delighted to create magnificent paintings and it will be a kind of therapy, it is calming and inspiring!

Compositions in the “terra” style are made using collage techniques. A color tone is applied to the dried solution. Or we “implant” materials into the raw solution, and when it dries, we apply a background.

Tone is the main color of the entire composition or any part of it.
Great importance in collages, “terra” is given to texture: the nature of the surface, the method of processing.
To work you will need a container for mixing the solution, a spray bottle for wetting, a spatula, latex gloves for work, a palette or disposable plate for diluting paints, brushes for applying paint. Painting and art kits of different sizes for recording details and small fragments of compositions.

You can apply the solution different ways with a palette knife, a spatula, a brush, and your hands. Even gloves will have a peculiar pattern.

An awl, wire, paper clips, scissors, and pliers will come in handy. Of course, you will have to use various “garbage”, the choice of which will depend on your vision of the picture. It could be dried leaves, scraps of paper, a piece of glass, a shell, a button, a ribbon, or a string. It’s even difficult to predict what can be used in a creative impulse.

Collages are often heavy, so you need to choose a thick base (plywood, MDF, hardboard). Of the paints, gouache is the most suitable. But I also work with acrylic with great pleasure.

Only dry plants can be included in the collage. You can’t dry it under pressure, as the plants and leaves lose their shape and volume. Therefore, air dry the plant material. Bizarre shapes will even be to your advantage.

Light materials are attached using a solution, heavy materials: nuts, cones, chestnuts, acorns are tied with thin wire (it is advisable to purchase floral wire).
Material such as fabric is rich in its expressiveness. With its help you can create a texture for the future background.

Distribution feature additional material in collages, “terra” is that it is not pasted on or secured with special devices, but is “smeared” into the solution and introduced into the background. After this, the excess solution is carefully removed and the collage dries.

As a solution, you can use putty diluted with PVA, textural and structural, relief and volumetric pastes.

Basic work techniques

Modeling technique involves working with the solution itself, creating shapes and objects with your hands, without additional material.

The base solution is characterized by plasticity, which allows you to create volumetric images. Additional portions of the solution are applied to the applied base and the intended shape is formed. The photo shows my very first terra - on it I sculpted a ship and a chest. In the photo gallery below it is already in finished form. Hangs at home and makes me happy :-)

When composing compositions various plants are used: leaves, flowers, bark, branches, berries, etc. In “terra” collages, natural material is not glued to the base, but is fixed with a solution. You need to work with natural elements very carefully in order to preserve the texture of a leaf or flower, since the solution hides the relief of the material. If you fill them with solution, the work will become poorer and lose its expressiveness and liveliness. Therefore, they use the indentation technique, which requires special care, thoroughness, and experience.

Interesting patterns, textures, reliefs are easy to create using impression technique.

A variety of solid materials that can be fixed by pressing into the solution are suitable: and pasta, and dry berries, cereals, seeds, and beans. Since this material contains moisture or easily absorbs it from a wet base, after drying it easily falls out, leaving a very interesting relief pattern.

Frames with complex relief are suitable for “terra” collages. At the same time, a baguette should not distract from the work itself; rather, it should emphasize its advantages.

In general, try, create and inspire others with your works! :-) Everyone chooses their own technique, their own shades, colors and styles.

Terra collage with your own hands. Master class with step-by-step photos

Floral collage “Orange mood” using the “terra” technique. Master class with step by step photos.

Tatyana Stepanovna Dymova, labor instructor of the MKU "SRC for minors" of the Tashtagol region, Kemerovo region.
The master class is designed for older children, teachers, parents and simply creative people.
Purpose: for interior decoration, as a gift option for any celebration.
Target: development creativity within the means of creating a collage with your own hands.
1.Teach the basic techniques of working in the “terra” technique.
2.Develop fine motor skills hands and skills in working with natural materials.
3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy and patience.

Floral collage has such an arsenal expressive means, so many techniques and creative techniques that, perhaps, no other species has visual arts.
Many people probably still have dried flowers, twigs, seeds of various plants, shells and acorns, eggshell and many other little things that at first glance seem unnecessary. Don't rush to throw them away. Try making a collage using the terra technique.
Terra (from Latin terra - earth) The founder is an artist and florist from Germany - Friedhelm Raffel.
Compositions in the “terra” style are made using collage techniques. Much that is perceived as trash in everyday life has a place in collages. The charm of the “terra” technique lies in its ambiguity. With its help you can reproduce volume, depth, color, play of light and shadow, and variety of texture. There are many things that connect terra collage with painting. A color tone is applied to the dried solution. Tone is the main color of the entire composition or any part of it.
Collages are usually heavy, so you need to choose a thick base. The most suitable paints are gouache and acrylic paint.
Only dry plants can be included in the collage. You can’t dry it under pressure, as the plants and leaves lose their shape and volume. Therefore, air dry the plant material. Bizarre shapes will even be to your advantage.
Working in this technique, immersing yourself in the solution, laying out simple compositions, it’s as if you turn into a wizard who has control over all the elements.

Materials and tools:
wooden frame,
fiberboard sheet (to fit the frame size),
acrylic putty,
white acrylic paint (you can also use regular paint,

Gouache paints,
glossy varnish,
a patch for mixing the solution,
PVA glue,
putty knife,
dried flowers (at your discretion),
orange peels,
pine nuts (can be replaced with others),
sesal fiber.
Manufacturing process:

1. The fiberboard sheet must be covered with one layer of PVA glue on the rough side. This must be done so that the solution holds well.

2. Let the sheet dry for about 10 minutes. In the meantime, proceed to the next stage.

3. In a tray, mix putty and PVA glue in a 4/1 ratio (for this job, 4 tablespoons of putty and 1 tablespoon of glue were used).

4. The solution should have the consistency of thick sour cream. If it is made too liquid, the sheet will absorb moisture and become deformed.

5. Take a spatula and apply the solution in a chaotic manner onto the sheet.

6. The location of the solution on the sheet depends on what texture you want to achieve (it could be waves, or lines reminiscent of a mountain range...)

7. Circle the place where the sun is located and the lake. Around the lake, use a light touch with a sponge to create an imitation of earth and grass. And now comes the most interesting point– creating the composition itself from dried flowers. Cut the twine and lay out the branches, pressing them into the solution. Place an orange (tangerine) at the top of the sheet.
8. Then attach large and small nuts to the branches. In the lower left corner - dried orange peel. If the solution is not enough for the dried flowers to “drown” in it, you can still add it.

8. Gradually add seeds and fruits of different plants, pressing them into the solution.
Let your imagination run wild!!!

9. Leave the collage to dry for a day.

10. Then mix acrylic and gouache paints desired colors and start painting the background.

11. Gradually color the sky, sun and grass.

12. Let dry and varnish.

Every detail in your collage will sparkle with new colors.
Place the collage in a frame.

Thank you for your attention!
I wish you creative success!!!

So, today I will talk about the technology of creating a floral collage using the Terra technique. This technique allows you to create voluminous textured and interesting works from available plant material that grows in every forest and lies in your literally words underfoot. These can be sticks, twigs, dried moss, leaves of various sizes and textures, pebbles, blades of grass, fruits, shells, and much more.

To get started you will need:

1Organite or fibreboard. 2 Wood putty (besh or white) alabaster or plaster. 3 pva glue. 4 spatulas different sizes. 5 paint brushes. 6 scissors. 7 knife 8 sprayer.9 sand and fine soil for aquariums. 10 Acrylic paints. 11 floral material (leaves, rags, driftwood, grass, shell rock, etc.)

Before work, you need to prepare the base. For better adhesion of the hardboard base to the material, it is necessary to apply PVA glue in advance and let it dry, then scratch the surface with a knife. Spray the other side with water.

Now prepare the mixture. Mix putty and sand in a 1:1 ratio, then add PVA glue 1/4 hour of the total mass. Using a spatula, apply the mixture evenly over the surface of the hardboard.

We lay out the prepared material. If your floral collage involves different textures and surfaces, you can use different natural fabrics, linen, coarsely woven matting. Depending on the idea and composition, we distribute the fabric, mount it tightly into the solution, and press it down using a brush and spatula. It is advisable that the cloth be moistened with water before use. The arrangement of fabric, paper or matting should not be voluminous. When setting movement, lay out the material in a soft form, generalized with elements. Don't forget also about the compositional center.

Taking into account the laws of composition, lay your floral material on the base, apply the solution on top, distributing it with a brush and spatula. For larger items, more solution is required. During the work, it is necessary to observe the measure and evenly apply the putty to the floral material.

Now it's time to leave your work to dry. Depending on the thickness of the solution, drying time can be up to 20 hours.

After drying, we begin painting. Set the main tone of the work. Apply the first layer and let the work dry again.

If you have leftovers from children's crafts - dry branches, leaves and plants, fruits, shells, acorns, fragments of porcelain and glass - this does not mean that they should be thrown away. You are simply not familiar with the Terra technique. Collages made from natural materials will help create a special atmosphere of comfort in your home.

Compositions in the “terra” style are made using collage techniques. Much that is perceived as trash in everyday life has a place in collages. Objects that seem uninteresting in themselves, when built into the work, become part of a kind of mystery, game, performance in which they are assigned a significant role. The charm of the “terra” technique lies in its ambiguity. With its help you can reproduce volume, depth, color, play of light and shadow, and variety of texture. There are many things that connect terra collage with painting. A color tone is applied to the dried solution. Tone is the main color of the entire composition or any part of it.

Great importance in “terra” collages is given to texture: the nature of the surface, the method of processing.

To work, you will need a container for mixing the solution, a spray bottle for wetting, a spatula, rubber gloves for work, a palette for diluting paints, and brushes for applying paint. Painting brushes with artificial bristles of sizes 20, 20, 58 mm are used to paint the background; with art brushes from sizes 2 to 12, details and small fragments of compositions are painted.

You will also need an awl, wire, paper clips, scissors, and pliers. Of course, you will have to use various “garbage”, the choice of which will depend on your vision of the picture. It could be dried leaves, scraps of paper, a piece of glass, a shell, a button, a ribbon, or a string. It’s even difficult to predict what can be used in a creative impulse.

Collages are usually heavy, so you need to choose a thick base. Of the paints, gouache is the most suitable.

Only dry plants can be included in the collage. You can’t dry it under pressure, as the plants and leaves lose their shape and volume. Therefore, air dry the plant material. Bizarre shapes will even be to your advantage.

Light materials are attached with a solution, heavy materials: nuts, cones, chestnuts, acorns are tied with thin wire (it is advisable to purchase floral wire).

When composing compositions experienced artists Even insects are used. Dried, of course. For these purposes you will need entomological pins. Regular needles and pins are not suitable. It is easier to use rag insects in your work.

Beads are used in a bunch, since individual peas will be “lost” in the plot.

Material such as fabric is rich in its expressiveness.

Background making technique

The main techniques are grattage, fottage and decalcomania.

Scratching is a way to “translate” the pattern of any surface - wood, metal, textured glass: randomly rolled strings, etc. - onto canvas. Having spread the canvas over the object, you need to apply paint to it - and the texture of the material will be imprinted on the base. The resulting abstract drawing gives clues to the plot or theme of the future painting. The artist completes a random pattern in accordance with his associations.

The decalcomania technique is used in a similar way. The paint is poured onto a sheet of paper, covered with a second sheet on top, and then separated. Peering at the abstract drawing printed on paper, you can see figures, landscapes, and images.

Frottage is another way of making a print. Paper is placed on a textured surface rubbed with graphite and an imprint is obtained on it that repeats the texture pattern. The techniques described for creating a background are used in many floral collages. For example, on a base created by the decalcomania method they glue plant materials, forming a panel harmonious in color.

Otherwise, a background is created in “terra” collages. The base used is not fabric, paper or glass, but a sheet of fairly heavy building material(hardboard, plywood, etc.). The working solution is applied to it. You can apply the solution either with a spatula or with your hands, either in a fairly thick layer or in a thin one.

The peculiarity of the distribution of additional material in “terra” collages is that it is not pasted on or secured with special devices, but is “smeared” into the solution and introduced into the background. After this, the excess solution is carefully cleaned off and the collage dries.

Basic work techniques

Modeling technique involves working with the solution itself, creating shapes and objects with your hands, without additional material.

The base solution is characterized by plasticity, which allows you to create three-dimensional images. Additional portions of the solution are applied to the applied base and the intended shape is formed.

When composing compositions various plants are used: leaves, flowers, bark, branches, berries, etc. In “terra” collages, natural material is not glued to the base, but is fixed with a solution. You need to work with natural elements very carefully in order to preserve the texture of a leaf or flower, since the solution hides the relief of the material. If you fill them with solution, the work will become poorer and lose its expressiveness and liveliness. Therefore, they use the indentation technique, which requires special care, thoroughness, and experience.

Interesting patterns, textures, reliefs are easy to create using impression technique. A variety of solid materials that can be fixed by pressing into the solution are suitable: pasta, dry berries, cereals, seeds, and beans. Since this material contains moisture or easily absorbs it from a wet base, after drying it easily falls out, leaving a very interesting relief pattern.

Frames with complex relief are suitable for “terra” collages. At the same time, the baguette should not distract from the work itself; rather, it should emphasize the merits and individuality of the composition.

Collage gallery

We have touched upon only a small part of the basics of making collages using the terra technique. But this, at first, is quite enough to evaluate new technology. Then it's up to you. Try, experiment, search.

Workshop "terra" - collage.

Creating a "terra" collage with your own hands.

Sedykh Nina Pavlovna, teacher of the correctional group of the MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 7" combined type, Perm region, city of Aleksandrovsk.
Target: To introduce the terra-collage technique using the example of creating collages by children of senior preschool age.
Purpose: This material can be used by teachers in working with children. preschool institutions, teachers of additional education.
One of the types unconventional ways An image that can be used when working with children is a collage.

Collage- this is an image on paper, not only drawn (with a brush, pen, stick, chalk, wax, etc.), but also created by assembling pieces of various colored and black and white materials. Collage - (from the French collage, literally - sticking) technical technique in art, gluing onto any base materials that differ from it in color and texture; also a work made using this technique. It is used mainly in graphics to enhance the emotional expressiveness of the texture of the work, the unexpectedness of the combination of dissimilar materials.
One of the first and most famous masters collage - Pablo Picasso. His “Still Life with a Wicker Chair” and “Aperitif Bottle” inspired many other artists to engage in what is essentially a child’s game: cutting and pasting seemingly incompatible things. Henri Matisse’s collage “Snail” is generally similar to creativity five year old child: ordinary paper cut-outs filled with colored paint. The most interesting thing about collage is that during the process it is not always clear what the full picture will be.
Such a trend in the art of collage as floral collage is experiencing its peak of popularity in our country and abroad. Most well-known representative This type of creativity is the German florist Friedhelm Raffel.

Magnificent decorative decoration Any interior can be decorated with paintings made using the floral collage technique. Also in ancient China compositions of colored paper and dry leaves and flowers were common
The variety of materials used, both natural and inorganic, combined with unique techniques allow you to reveal your individuality and translate the most fantastic ideas into real works of art. Collage techniques, in addition to abstraction, also make it possible to turn to the genres of still life, landscape, graphics or architectural motifs. The process of creating such paintings can confidently be called an art therapy session, during which the mechanisms of the unconscious are activated and the disclosure of the inner harmony of the human creator is stimulated.

Your feelings and experiences will forever be preserved in the picture created with your own hands, heart and soul. Creating a collage is a labor-intensive process, but accessible even to a beginning artist and extremely exciting. In skillful hands, materials of different colors, textures, and volumes form amazing panels and paintings. The collage has gained fame not only among connoisseurs contemporary art, but also has many followers and fans of preschool age.
What is the reason? It’s all very simple: this technique is very close in spirit to little artists, because children endlessly gush with ideas, are not afraid of bold combinations and are always ready for the most incredible experiments. Don't strive for perfection, to create masterpieces, or to focus on how to get the job done rather than on what is important to you to express. When starting to create a collage, it is often quite difficult to predict what the result will be: it is always improvisation, the work of imagination, associations. This explains the special charm of the collage technique, which certainly requires creative effort and at the same time is accessible to everyone.
Where to start? What first steps should a collagist take in his work to avoid disappointment? You need to start by searching for a topic. Look around - ideas for your future collages are nearby, you just need to look at them. Having understood what will be the basis of your plot, decide how you want to present it: realistic or fantasy?

Since I work with “special” children, we decided in our workshop to focus not on depicting the shape of an object, but to feel the beauty of nature and create a beautiful composition. It's not difficult. Children are always ready to experiment. They enjoy participating in the collage creation process. After all, you don’t need a lot of imagination, imagination, but most importantly, desire.
Children should be not just passive observers, but also creators participating in the process of transformation natural materials into wonderful products. We began to master the technique of creating collages using unusual “paints” - flowers, twigs, leaves and other materials.

At the first stage, impressions of bark, leaves and other objects were made. How simply made the collage “Spring has come.” First, we made impressions of the bark, and then, after painting the surface of the leaf with green gouache, we printed it on paper. Then they glued a real leaf, and it turned out to be a spring composition.

The children really liked the “Monotype” technique. With what pleasure they drew colorful spots on the glass.

They themselves came up with a plot, and then looked at the resulting print in surprise.

This is where a collection of dried flowers, leaves, cones, and seeds came in handy. They composed the compositions themselves.

And then they glued the leaves to the background.

Together they picked up pieces of thread and then came up with names for their works.

"Autumn rain"

"Colorful Balls"
The next work in our workshop was creating a collage using the decoupage technique. First, a napkin is glued, which serves as a background for the picture. We chose green napkins. Using PVA glue, carefully glue the napkins onto the cardboard.

Then we think over the composition, arranging the leaves in a certain order.

This usually requires the help of a teacher.

Then the leaves are glued using PVA glue and placed under pressure. The work is ready.

The most popular among florists is the “terra” technique. Compositions in the “terra” style are made using collage techniques. Much that is perceived as trash in everyday life has a place in collages. There are many things that connect terra collage with painting. A color tone is applied to the dried solution. Tone is the main color of the entire composition or any part of it.
As a basis for the “terra” collage, a plastic hardening mass is used, for example, construction putty or plaster with the addition of dyes and various fillers (shells, small pebbles, etc.). The peculiarity of the distribution of material in “terra” collages is that it is not pasted on or secured with special devices, but is “smeared” into the solution and introduced into the background.
To make our collage using the terra technique, we used various materials and tools. Materials for collage: shells, pebbles, twigs from various trees, dried herbs, nuts.
2. Putty.
3. A sheet of cardboard.
4. Container for mixing the solution.
5. Rubber spatula for applying the solution.
6. Paints, colors of various colors.
7. PVA glue
8. Sand.
9. Bronze and silver paint, diluted with varnish.
The sequence of making the collage “Crimean Spring”.
1. Select material that corresponds to the given topic
2. Cover the base (sheet of cardboard or fiberboard) with a layer of PVA glue (for better adhesion of the solution to the base), leave for 15 minutes to absorb.

3. Mix the solution: add PVA glue, sand with small pebbles, color to the construction putty of blue color. Mix everything thoroughly. The color of the solution should be pale blue.

4. We create an approximate composition of our picture, placing elements in certain places.

5.Apply the resulting solution to the base using a spatula, distributing it evenly over the entire surface. The layer thickness should be approximately 0.5 cm. You can use a spatula to create waves.
6. While the solution has not dried, we try to quickly introduce all the elements of the collage.

7. First, we decorate the work with shells, creating a certain movement.
8. Then we place the pebbles in a random order on the picture.
9. Then we decorate the work with twigs, nuts, and dried plants.
10. Cover the resulting composition with a mixture of putty and PVA glue, diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream.
11. Leave our painting to dry for 1-2 days. You can use a hairdryer, then the work will speed up.
12. The next stage of our work was applying accents. These are shadows under sand-colored shells. We painted our branches dark color. For work we used gouache.

13. At the final stage, we painted the protruding elements with silver and bronze paint and inserted the work into a frame. It can also be decorated with shells, glass, and rhinestones.

We called the second picture “Lighthouse”. It is made using the same technique, but using other natural materials.