Report concert of the folk choreography department. Dance mosaic - scenarios - assol

Our story will help give children an idea of ​​various musical instruments. From birth, a person is surrounded by music. Listen and you will find that music is everywhere in the world. It is in the chirping of birds, in the sound of the sea, the chirping of a grasshopper, the blowing of the wind... You just need to be able to listen. To extract sounds and create music, people have invented and created many musical instruments, you can’t count them all. We will get to know only a small part of these amazing inventions.

The noisiest, oldest and most numerous group of musical instruments is the percussion. The most famous of them is of course the drum. It still looks the same as it did many centuries ago. Have you ever wondered why the drum is round and not square? It turns out that the skin is stretched evenly, and this is only possible on a circle. Play the drum wooden chopsticks. With their help you can call the most different sounds- from a faint rustle to the sound of thunder, but the most important thing is the drum roll! The drum is indispensable in any orchestra. HE emphasizes the rhythm of the music, gives the sound of the orchestra great strength, and its colors are more diverse.

Brass - Derived from the old Russian word “spirit”, which means air, and maybe from the word soul. After all, in order for the sound to become truly musical, you need to play with your soul, put your whole soul into it. The solemn jubilant voices of these instruments, shimmering with the brilliance of the sun, open parades, processions, Olympic Games. They welcome guests and honor the winners.

Horn (forest horn) is a wind instrument. Modern horns are a copper or brass tube bent into a circle, more than three meters, with many curls, with a wide bell. It is distinguished by its softness and fullness of sound, with an unusual muted timbre. They play the horn in a very unique way. When playing, the buttons are pressed with the left hand, and the right hand, clenched into a fist, is placed in the bell and moved inward and back to give the music special shades.

SAXOPHONE is still a young wind instrument. It was designed in 1841 in Paris by master A. Sax, after whom the instrument was named. And now, when performing jazz and blues, this unusual instrument simply irreplaceable.

And here is the king of all wind instruments - the ORGAN. By the way, the word organ is Greek and means “instrument.” The organ is very large, complex and beautiful instrument. It is installed in large halls and consists of a whole system of wind pipes different sizes, air pumps, keyboards and register knobs... In terms of sound strength and volume of sounds, the organ is equal to an entire symphony orchestra! Can you imagine such power!? Musicians who play the organ are called organists. This is still a very difficult and rare profession.

Accordion, harmonica... not a single performance can be performed without this instrument, as well as its varieties - button accordion and accordion. These instruments are extremely popular among people. It seems that accordion has always existed. Meanwhile, this is one of the youngest musical instruments. The harmonica was invented in 1822 by Friedrich Buschmann. From there it spread very quickly throughout the world. All types of keyboard harmonica wind instruments. Only the accordion has buttons on one side, and the button accordion has buttons on both sides instead of keys. The accordion's furs are bred by hand. By simply pressing a key or button, you can extract not just one sound, but an entire chord from a harmonica, button accordion and accordion. Therefore, on the harmonica you can play a melody with your right hand and finger the chords with your left. These are the rich possibilities this instrument has, it sounds like several instruments at once! And you can play it comfortably while sitting, standing, and even on the go.

HARP - what a sonorous name! She appeared at the dawn of human civilization and became the progenitor of all string instruments. She occupies a special place in the orchestra. Her voice usually sounds when something unusual happens. The harp can represent both a gentle breeze and menacing gusts of a storm. All the loud instruments fall silent when her wondrous voice begins to sound. And although she was born in ancient times, they say she was created by one of ancient gods, she still remains young and beautiful. Only true virtuosos can play the harp solo.

Queen of the orchestra VIOLIN very popular string bowed instrument. The body of the violin is very elegant, with smooth curves, thin waist. The top deck has beautiful cutouts called f-holes. Attached to the body of the violin is a neck that ends in a curl. The violin has four strings and they are named after the sounds to which “E” “A” “D” “G” are tuned. The violinist changes the pitch by pressing the string against the fingerboard with the fingers of his left hand. To make it comfortable to play, he places the violin on his shoulder and supports it with his chin. IN right hand the musician holds the bow and moves it along the strings.

They say the violin sings... and it really sounds like a quivering human voice. But she can not only sing; in the orchestra she is entrusted with very important etudes. We hear the singing of the violins, sometimes broad and calm, sometimes excited, and sometimes dramatically tense. The history of music knows many names of famous violinists. Legendary name Nikola Poganini, he was accused of witchcraft, because in those days when he lived it was not believed that ordinary person alone without help magical power, so can play the violin!

Oh GUITAR, guitar! How many sublime words have been written and spoken about her. The guitar is perhaps the most beloved and popular instrument. And this is no coincidence. The guitar accompanies the musician everywhere. On the guitar you can play ancient Russian romances, passionate gypsy songs, and classical music. This instrument seems to merge with the musician. She is always next to him in sorrow and in joy, on a hike, on vacation and at home.

They say the guitar was born in Spain. The first mentions of it date back to the 14th century. Modern guitars differ from each other. There is a Spanish six-string guitar, a Russian seven-string and a special Hawaiian six-string. The guitar is a plucked string instrument. It will take many years to master the true art of playing the guitar.

But musical instruments have only three strings. What can you play on them? It turns out there are a lot of different melodies. These instruments have a long, narrow neck called the neck. There are only three strings stretched along it. If you press the string to the fingerboard in certain place, then you can make the sounds longer and shorter. It's about about domra and balalaika. These are plucked string instruments. Most often they can be heard in the Russian orchestra folk instruments.

The domra appeared in the sixteenth century, and the balalaika in the seventeenth. Domra is lyrical, melodious, tender, and the balalaika easy character. No matter what you play on it, everything will turn out fun, carefree, and sometimes silly. These musical instruments are loved by cheerful, energetic performers, and they are much loved by the people.

This is where our acquaintance with amazing musical instruments ends. Or maybe it has just begun? After all, this is only a small part of a huge country where Her Majesty Music rules. You can travel in this country for a long and exciting time. Here you can meet many more interesting, mysterious, even mysterious inhabitants. “Music is like the ocean, and musical instruments are like islands scattered in the ocean,” said the famous Spanish guitarist Andres Sigovia.

Look, friends, for your island! Have a nice trip!

Albina Androsova
Abstract music lesson“Acquaintance with Russian folk instruments and their sound” senior group

Target classes: development musical And creativity children, through exposure to Russian folk art.

1. Introduce children with a history of occurrence.

2. Develop children's ideas about folk music and folk instruments;

3. Develop emotional responsiveness;

4. Sensory abilities and pitch hearing;

5. Develop a sense of rhythm, fine motor skills hands;

7. Foster love and interest in music.

Corrective goals:

1. Development of auditory attention, active fixation of gaze.

2. Develop the tracing function of the eye and auditory attention, fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Develop the ability to localize the work of vision and hands.

Materials and equipment:

2 boxes with musical instruments, musical instruments, presentation "History of origin Russian folk instruments» , laptop, projector, screen, screen, refreshments.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about musical instruments with illustrations, listening Russians folk songs , learning Russian folk songs, round dances and musical and didactic games, individual work on teaching children to play musical instruments.

Progress of the lesson:

(slide number 1 and sound 1)

Under Russian folk melody"The moon is shining" children enter the hall and form a circle.

Music manager: - Guys, I’m very glad to see you so beautiful, kind, and in a good mood!

(sings) Let's stand in a circle together,

We need to say hello.

I'll sing to you "Hello!".

Smile back at me.

Hello right hand,

Hello left hand.

Hello friend, hello friend,

Hello to all our friendly circle!

Music manager: - Guys, today a lot of new and interesting things await you, but first try to guess riddle:

I'll tell you, my friend, in ancient times

A quiet breeze blew into the reed tube.

The man suddenly heard a melodic sound,

And was born at that moment


Music manager: - Guys, would you like to know interesting story about how you were born Russian folk instruments? (Yes) Well then, listen carefully. Look what a beautiful box I have in my hands. But what is this, the box is empty! Where did everyone go? tools?

(Russian round dance song sounds“There was a birch tree in the field”)

Music hands - You hear music? Same our lost instruments sound, and they perform Russian folk song.

Listen to how smoothly and tenderly the melody flows. How beautiful Russian folk instruments sound. Do you want to know how they appeared in Rus'? musical instruments? Hold hands, I will lead you along magical paths.

(Musical The leader starts a round dance with the children. Children move in a circle, snake, diagonally, stop in front of the screen)

Slide number 2 and SOUND.

Music hands - Guys, we found ourselves in the forest. Sit in the clearing at your convenience. Do you know that this is where my homeland is located? folk instruments? After all, a person always tried imitate the sounds of nature.

(slide No. 3)– Look, there are dry fruits hanging on the acacia tree, they are swaying in the wind, rustling with seeds. People heard this sound and came up with musical instrument, which is called a rattle. (Slide No. 4 with image Russian rattle) A rattle is a noise tool. Why do you think? (Children's answers) That's right, let's hear how the rattle sounds(SOUND)

(Slide No. 5)- A strong wind blew, the branches of the trees began to beat and rub against each other. A man heard this crack and made musical instrument ratchet. (Slide No. 6). Wooden plates strung on two ropes. They knock against each other and crack. Let's listen to how the rattle sounds(SOUND)

(Slide No. 7)- But a woodpecker is knocking on a pine tree. A man heard this sound and made it out of wood musical instrument which is called wooden spoons (Slide No. 8). Wooden spoons are percussion tool. Why do you think spoons are classified as percussion? tools? (Children's answers) In drums instruments, sound arises when one part tool hits another or when on oneself hitting the instrument with something. Let's hear how spoons sound. (SOUND)

(slide No. 9) Music leader: - We went to the river bank. Hear the wind humming in the reeds. If you cut this stem and blow into it, you will get musical instrument, the man thought, and made a wind instrument musical instrument which is called - pipe and horn (slide No. 10) Why do you think the pipe and horn are wind instruments? tools? (Children's answers) Let's listen to these magical sounds of the pipe. (SOUND)

(Slide No. 11)- But a hunter came out into the clearing with a bow in his hands. He pulled the string and let go. And the bowstring suddenly began to sing and ring. (Sound)“But you can pull the bowstring different thicknesses onto the board and play on it music", the hunter guessed. And the man got something like this tools like balalaika and gusli (slide No. 12). Balalaika and gusli are plucked strings tools. Why do they have such a strange name? (Children's answers). That's right, they have taut strings that start "sing", if you touch them or pinch them with your fingers.) Guys, the balalaika has become a symbol of our country and musician who plays the balalaika is called a balalaika player. Today the young balalaika player Anton came to visit you. He will perform for you on the balalaika Russian folk song“Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”.

Guest from music school balalaika player.

Performs “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”

Music manager: - It’s so good that in old times people knew how to listen to the sounds of nature. They gave us such amazing musical instruments. And once they were invented and made Russian people, Russian people, then they called these Russian folk instruments.

Knock on the door music The guy Andryusha enters the hall with a box in his hands.

Andryusha (bows): Hello guys,

Snub-nosed girls, perky boys.

Music manager: - Hello, who are you?

Andryusha: - I’m Andryusha, a funny fellow – everyone knows that!

I will play with you and help the guys!

Music manager: - Well then, Andryusha, the guys and I will now greet you Russian folk song. Listen and tell me whether you liked it or not.

Music the leader performs the r. n. P. "Andrey the Sparrow".

Music manager: - Andryusha, did you like this song?

Andryusha: - I’ve known this song for a long time, but for some reason I didn’t hear the guys.

Music manager: - But now we’ll quickly fix it. Come on, guys, first I’ll talk alone, and then we’ll all talk about it together... (pronounced).

And now let’s sing and tap our hands at the same time this song.

Andryusha: - Now it’s a different matter! And I know too Russian folk song.

Learning r. n. P. “Like ours at the gate”.

Music manager: - Andryusha, what kind of box do you have?

Andryusha: - Yes, I was walking through the forest, and that’s where I found him.

This box is not simple, this box is painted

Fabulous, beautiful, and with a surprise inside.

Music manager: - Oh, how interesting! Andryusha, open your box quickly!

Andryusha: I’ll open it if you guess the riddle.

And they make noise, and they strum, and they clap, and they ring.

Painted and bright ones entertain the whole fair.

Children: Musical instruments!

Andryusha: Oh, how quick-witted!

Music hand: Come on, come on, show me!

(Andryusha takes out a rattle, rattle and spoons from the box)

Music manager: Yes, these are the ones tools, which disappeared from our box, but how did you find them?

Andryusha: And I went out into a forest clearing and saw ants playing instruments. Look how it was...

(Children watch an excerpt from a cartoon « Russian nursery rhymes» 1969)

Music manager: - Guys, did you like how the forest guys played? musicians? (Yes) And what tools you learned? (rattle, wooden spoons, balalaika, harp, horn, etc.) Would you like to become musicians? (Yes) Then let's play a game "Guess what I'm playing"

Andryusha: Exactly! Listen carefully! If the rattle rattles, let your feet stomp, and if the rattle rings, then rub your ears. Well, if the spoons rattle, clap your hands loudly. Does everyone understand the game? Let's start, kids!

THE GAME IS BEING HELD "Guess what I'm playing"

(Russian dance music sounds)

Music manager: - Listen! This Russian folk dance music. Your feet are just asking to dance! Come out, kids. Convey all the brightness, all the fire with your dance Russian dance.

(Children improvise a dance.)

Andryusha: - Oh yes, well done kids, everyone danced with all their hearts.

Music manager: - Andryusha, what else do you have in the box?

Andryusha: - There’s still a lot in my box different instruments. The tools are good, play from the heart! Don't leave your guests, let our orchestra play.

Music manager: - Guys, what is an orchestra, who can tell me? (children's answers)

Music manager: - Who leads the orchestra?

Children: - Conductor!

(Giveaway tools)

Music manager: - Loudly, don’t knock too hard, take care of your tools! Music listen carefully!

Be sure to get into the rhythm!

ORCHESTRA "Oh, you canopy".

Music hands - Guys, did you like our trip? What did you like most? For the fact that you have now become real experts Russian folk instruments, I present you with medals.

Come on, Andryusha, what else do you have in the box?

Andryusha: - A treat for the guys, I’m happy to treat the children.

Gingerbread for you Russian sweets, mint,

A noble treat to go with aromatic tea.

Handing out treats.

Music hands and Andryusha: Guys, thank you very much. Goodbye.

(Children under music p. n. m. leave the hall)

Summary of direct educational activities
"Introduction to wind musical instruments"

From a music project
"What do we know about musical instruments"

Ganicheva Tatyana Avenirovna,
musical director of MBDOU No. 25,

Samuseva Yulia Nikolaevna,
teacher of MBDOU No. 25,

1. To form basic ideas about wind musical instruments.
2. Develop perception of music.
3. Introduce students to classical music through learning tools symphony orchestra.

Children enter the hall and perform the greeting “Hello” by M. Yu. Kartushina.
Educator: Take one card each, now we will play with you.

Game "Musical Instruments", Ukrainian people melody
Part 1 – children with musical instrument cards run in a circle.
Part 2 - springs, hands with a card right - left, circling.
At the end of the music, the children take turns (to whom the teacher points) name the instrument and which group of the symphony orchestra it belongs to.

The children sit down at the piano.
Musical director: Look how unusual the bird is (blows on a whistle). What is this, guys? The whistle is a folk wind instrument. Why brass? Because they blow into it! What does the shepherd boy play? (show illustration). That's right, on a pipe or pipe. Listen.

Performed on audio recording "Flute Concerto No. 1" V.A. Mozart.

Musical director: What does a musical instrument sound like? The sound is light, graceful, whistling. This is played by a flute (illustration).
The flute is a wind instrument, very similar to a pipe.
Today we will introduce you to the wind instruments of a symphony orchestra. Name the groups of instruments that you already know? (Poster - instruments of a symphony orchestra).
Children name instruments.
Musical director: First of all, know that there are 2 groups of wind instruments, depending on the material from which these instruments are made. Woodwind instruments (children say: wooden), copper (children say: copper) wind instruments.
The group of woodwind instruments includes: flute, bassoon, clarinet and oboe (showing cards).
The flute has the highest voice. The flute is a woodwind instrument, but now it is most often made of metal, sometimes plastic and glass. Listen to the flute.
On the screen there is a slide - a flute (from musical presentation"Wind instruments").

Corrective exercise "Connect the dots"(flute outline).

Musical director: The oboe has a lower voice than the flute. Oboe’s voice is a little nasal (like that of a person who speaks “in his nose”) (slide – oboe). Listen.

Performed on audio recording "Concerto for oboe and orchestra in E flat major" V. Bellini.

A game « Musical pictures» (find the oboe silhouette in the picture) photo.

Musical director: The clarinet (poster) has a soft, warm, gentle timbre (voice). Can sing both high and low (slide – clarinet). Listen.

Performed on audio recording "Concerto No. 1 for clarinet and orchestra" Weber.

Show “symphony orchestra instruments” on the poster.
Musical director: Bassoon is a woodwind instrument with the lowest voice (sound timbre), plays bass parts in an orchestra (slide - bassoon). Listen.

Performed on audio recording "Bassoon Solo", Petr Stoyanov.

A game "Labyrinth"(draw along the lines leading to the woodwind instruments).

Musical director: The loudest section in a symphony orchestra is the brass instruments. Today I will just introduce you to them (poster). Which instrument are you familiar with? That's right, it's a pipe.
The trumpet is an instrument with a high, clear sound. Trumpets come in different sizes, each with its own timbre (voice).
Horn (horn) - its sound can be soft, maybe creaky. She is not alone in the orchestra (from 2 to 8).
Trombone - often performs not a melody, but a bass accompaniment. Only the trombone has a special retractable part, with the help of which the sound of the instrument changes (show).
The tuba is the lowest voice, like the double bass of string instruments. The timbre of the tuba is harsh and massive.

Musical director: Remember, we watched the fairy tale “The Musical House”. Let today in our musical house Only wind instruments will settle.

A game “Find the card of the given instrument and place it in the window of the tower”(children do one at a time at will, the rest of the children check the correctness of the task and help).

Musical director: Listen.

Performed "Oblivion" A. Piazzolla (Spanish Veronica Kozhukharova (saxophone) and Moscow Symphony Orchestra).

Musical director: This is the sound of a saxophone. It has a melodious vibrating sound. The saxophone is one of the woodwind instruments, although it is made of metal. This instrument is only sometimes included in the symphony orchestra. More often it sounds in jazz and on the stage.
Musical director: We had a wonderful time together. Did you like it? Which symphony orchestra group did we meet today? What wind instrument did you like? (Children answer one at a time at will). We have prepared cards for you with a riddle that you will try to solve with your mom or dad and draw the answer (on the back there is a silhouette with dots). Please come to me, I want to thank you and say goodbye (the children close their eyes, the music director strokes their heads).

Musical lesson with presentation

"Journey to the Land of Musical Instruments"

Description of material: I present to your attention a summary of a music lesson using the presentation “Journey to the Land of Musical Instruments.” This lesson is intended for children 4-5 years old ( middle group). The material will be useful for music directors and kindergarten teachers.

Event duration: 20 minutes

Target: Form the foundations musical culture preschoolers. Draw children's attention to musical instruments.



  • To form basic ideas about wind musical instruments;
  • Fix the names of the instruments.


  • Develop attention, musical memory and pitch hearing.


  • Fostering interest and love for music;
  • Fostering interest in playing simple musical instruments.

Technical means:

  • Music Center;
  • Projector (for showing presentations and videos);
  • Computer.

Equipment and materials:

  • Table (for musical instruments)
  • Musical instruments
  • Cape

GCD move

In the middle of the hall there is a table, on it there are musical instruments, covered beautiful cape. The projector shows slide number 1.

To the march (I. Kishko) children enter music hall Marching, they walk in a circle and sit on chairs.

Music hands: Hello guys. Today we will take you on a journey through the country of musical instruments. We are already familiar with some tools, and we will get acquainted with some only today. Tell me guys, what instruments are you already familiar with?

Children: Answer

Music hands: Well done, you know a lot of instruments, I am very proud of you! Guys, it seems to me or you really want to find out what is hidden under the cape.

Children: Answer

Music hands: Then it's time to take your seats in our magical train and go on a journey.

The song “Locomotive Bug” is playing

(Music: Alexander Ermolov. Lyrics: Alexander Morozov).

Fields and forests float past the window.

We are going to where miracles await us.

And the sun is shining and the river is shining,

And our little train flies so fast!

Chug, chug, chug, tu, tu, tu -

White lambs

Blows out on the go

Steam locomotive - Bug!

Chug, chug, chug, tu, tu, tu -

White lambs

Blows out on the go (3 times)

Music hands: Well done! You sing and play very beautifully! And look how bright and colorful whistles are.

Slide No. 5 is broadcast on the projector

Music hands: Let us listen to how it sounds.

The recording sounds like a tune played on a whistle

Music hands goes to the table where all the instruments are and takes the harmonica.

Music hands: And here we have a look - harmonica.

He gives the accordion to the children to examine, and slide No. 6 is shown on the projector.

When the children examined the accordion, the music. hands announces the contents of the slide to the children.

Music director: Now, let's listen to how it sounds.

The recording sounds like a harmonica playing

Music director: Look, there's still one here interesting tool, let’s get to know him too, so... (music director announces the contents of the slide to the children).

Slide No. 7 is broadcast on the projector

Music director: Guys, do you want to see how they play this wind instrument?

Children: Answer

The video “Game on Triol” is broadcast on the projector

Music director: The artists produced a beautiful performance in the video recording. Now let's remember what tools we considered...