Mexican hat 8 letters. Sombrero - the story of the big hat. Getting to know the plant.

The Mexican sombrero is a practical and very atmospheric accessory

We are accustomed to thinking that a sombrero is a Mexican hat. When you mention it, your imagination involuntarily pictures a landscape with a hot desert, tall cacti, cowboys in wide-brimmed hats galloping on horses. But the roots of this headdress are found in the Spaniards. It was they who first put on a hat that protected almost the entire body from the scorching rays of the sun. After all, the word “sombra” means “shadow” in Spanish. Hence the name of the national wardrobe item.

The warm hat is native to Tlapehuala, Guerrero, a place where artisans develop them with natural fiber real palm; also use Chilapa's green palm. The cost of this type of hat varies depending on how it is made, if it is hand stitched and has more circles than regular ones it will be more expensive.

In Bekal, in the municipality of Campiciano in Calkini, you will find. The charlo hat is usually characterized by being made of wool or wool, although there is also a palm that is harder and less heavy. In the north of the country the most popular style The hat is a Northern, Western or Texan type and is distinguished by its use in northern Mexico and the southern United States.

A little history

Over time, the sombrero acquired many varieties. Each nation created it for itself, subject to its own traditions and characteristics of the region of residence. It is logical that the hat begins its march around the world from hot countries.

Find the perfect travel hat

This hat is made from filter, wool, rabbit or beaver or chinchilla fur. If you go on a trip, feel free to bring a hat. These clothes can be very useful, especially if you are traveling to a destination with a hot climate. We are sharing this video with some tips for you to choose the one listed.

What's your favorite hat? The Mexican hat is closely associated with Mexico. In fact, famous broad-brim has become a stereotype in modern times, but that hasn't stopped him from becoming a proud part of Mexican culture. The cap consists of a conical cap over a very large and rounded wing. Some of them have decorations such as handkerchiefs, printed designs and hanging beads.

In hot weather, a wide-brimmed sombrero will replace your beach umbrella

In Spain, a sombrero is any hat with a wide brim. IN classic version It is characterized by a high crown and ties under the chin; sometimes the edges can be slightly turned outward. Both the poor and the rich wore the hat. But if the former could only afford a headdress made of straw, the latter wore sombreros made of all kinds of expensive fabrics (felt, velvet and others). This item has only one thing in common: it has always been made by hand.

A real Mexican hat usually consists of two different materials. They are functional but inexpensive and are often made from straw. Some more durable and decorative hats are made from starched felt. The hat originated in Mexico and gained popularity among the mestizo peasant during the Spanish conquest. Its use has become popular throughout the country and in the southern United States.

The wide-brimmed hat is made to shade the face, neck, shoulders and back of field workers. The characteristic curved wing helps make it more rigid, giving greater protection. The hats are known to be used in the "tapato syrup", which is known among Americans as the "Mexican hat dance". The icon depicts a charr and a woman dancing in a circle around a hat.

Straw sombrero can be dyed in different colors

Luxurious velvet sombreros

Stage III. Connecting parts

But have you ever thought that a hat can also be a great souvenir? Here you have a list of 8 traditional hats from different countries world, so your trips never leave you! Sombrero is a traditional Mexican hat. Its name comes from the word "shade" and refers to something that provides protection from the sun, which is very useful in a country with such high temperatures, especially among peasants who spend many hours in the sun.

These hats have a long cone and wide flaps and are usually made of straw or felt.

Fez is also known as tarbush, shaped like a cone-shaped hat with a rumpled tip. It arose and became popular during Ottoman Empire. This hat is exclusively for men, mainly Muslims.

In honor of the sombrero, a hat festival is held in the state of Texas, USA. Since 1986, the Sombrero Festival has been held annually in February. Leading designers don't forget about the sombrero either. Made from natural materials the hat often complements exclusive designer collections, adding splendor and chic to them.

Sombrero Festival in Texas

In this case we can say that this name is misleading because this famous model The hats are actually made in Ecuador. And since that day it has not ceased to be fashionable!

It means "hat with leaves." It is mainly used as sun protection and against monsoon rains, but also in rural areas of Laos and border areas of Cambodia. It is also sometimes used to transport water, fruits and vegetables. There are areas of Vietnam where these hats are deactivated, turning them into real works of art.

How the sombrero was used

In its homeland, the hat played the role of protection from the sun, wind, dust, rain and other weather conditions. In addition, thanks to its wide brim, the hat also served other functions. For example, it is convenient to use it to knock down a fire that has started or, conversely, to fan the smoldering coals of a fire. You can protect yourself from a poisonous snake by throwing a sombrero over it. Cowboys watered their horses from their hats; this was very convenient in places where there were no rivers or streams.

We travel now to where it is quite common to cover your head in cold winter This type of cover is covered with hairs. Ushanka, the word translated into writing, would mean "hat with dark circles", made from animal skin and usually tied to the chin, thereby protecting the entire face.

Besides Russia, you can find similar hats in countries like China, North Korea, former members Soviet Union or in US cities with harsh winters such as Chicago or Illinois.

It now exists in a wide variety of colors and shapes. The women's version of this hat is called "Tammy" or "Tam".

Depending on the design, the hat could be used for different purposes

By covering yourself with a sombrero, you can remain incognito in crowded places.In bullfighting, the hat is used to tease the bull. Also, this headgear is an excellent protection against his horns and good protection for the head when the rider falls to the ground.A real sombrero can save the life of its owner; a hat can protect you from being hit by a machete or knife.

This cap comes from the Andes and is used as protection from the cold, especially in higher areas. You can find it in countries such as Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina or Ecuador. Depending on the region, they are often used as a symbol of social status.

A rastacap is a colorful hat, almost always made from crochet, that resembles a large, voluminous and floppy beret. As the name suggests, it is commonly associated with the Rastafari community, originating from. It is used mainly by men and was one of Bob Marley's favorite accessories, which couldn't have happened.

The image of a Mexican bandit in a sombrero has become a kind of stereotype.

Types of sombrero

Born in Spain, the fashion for wide-brimmed hats migrated to Mexico. There, the appearance of the hat was slightly transformed, the brim became even wider, and the crown elongated and began to look like a truncated cone. While the Spaniards wore a hat with a low, flat crown.

Flowering plant: lantana

Sometimes called the Star of Texas, this sparkling flower impresses and graces our garden every season. Sun and moisture are key to the success of this perennial shrub. If you have this little gem of nature, it's time to cut it off, cut the stem with hard wood, dip in hormone powder and cover it warm shade and it is covered with a plastic bag or bottle to retain moisture.

Stage I. Making a crown

Still in bloom at this moment, it's full season to reproduce them. Nothing more simple, just cut the stem about fifteen centimeters. The flowers, terminal bud and lower leaves are removed to retain only four of them. These cuttings are planted in the shade in soil mixed with sand that remains slightly moist.

An interesting fact is that the Spaniards have the term Sombrero russo - this is what they call the Russian earflaps.

Wide brim hat and fashion

What suits you is fashionable. This famous phrase has both supporters and opponents. Only famous couturiers do not listen to anyone and create new images inspired by the awakening nature. Now it is difficult to say what is fashionable and what is not. Collections are created to suit every taste. Even the most fastidious fashionistas find something interesting for themselves in them.

Common Plant: Cane of Provence

Although it is drought tolerant with reserves in the rhizomes, it is good to water it at this time to prevent the foliage from drying out. It can be used to lay down old cane to make cuttings to be taken in the spring. should be covered with a little soil.

Amazing flower: toad lily

If you have a shady and humid place and you like orchids, do not deprive yourself of this perennial plant that will fill you with the delicacy of its flowers! This is the most frequently asked question when you return from a trip to Mexico. Yes, we cannot deny it, violence is one of the realities of Mexico. Facilities mass media it wasn't invented.

Real fashionistas can afford bright experiments

A recent discovery in the fashion world is the sombrero. It would seem, what do, for example, urban style and this hat have in common? Designers have proven to everyone that the Mexican accessory can be combined with a large number of clothes, creating the brightest and most noticeable ensembles. The hat goes well with a sundress, a short dress, a baby doll style dress, a tunic with ethnic motifs and a poncho.

However everyday life Many Mexicans are far from the violent scenes seen on television. Firstly, Mexico was 3.5 times larger than France. Thus, there are areas that should be avoided, such as the border with the United States. But, for the rest of you, you feel comfortable in most areas. Additionally, drug traffickers tend to kill between cartels and law enforcement.

All Mexicans have a sombrero, a mustache and a guitar

Those who regularly follow blogs have probably already discovered this. But beer is mostly drunk. In addition to local drinks, young people in major cities They drink exactly the same alcohol as in France: vodka, rum and whiskey. This cliché, of course, refers to the portrayal of mariachis, those Mexican musicians that exist and who come and bring the vibe to your table or straight to your home for a few pesos.

Choosing pantsuit and wearing a sombrero will make you look elegant and sophisticated. Everyone around you will notice and appreciate your inherent sense of style.

Wicker sandals and maximally open sandals complete the Mexican look.A hat is not worn in the cold season.

Stage II. Making fields

With exceptions, Mexicans do not wear sombreros. The only sombreros seen are for decoration, hanging on the wall or in the gift shop. On the other hand, cowboy hats, santiagos and other outfits with similar styles are legion in the country, especially in the north and more remote regions. Jeans, basketball and cap are also fashionable.

Mexicans are the most beautiful women in the world

As for mustaches, there are clearly more mustaches here than in France, but this is not a trend of the moment. I'm afraid I need to break the myth. The problem is obesity. Note that poverty and obesity are linked. The most popular categories tend to consume more nutritious, but high-calorie foods.

Although designers use sombreros even in autumn shows

Sombrero for a Mexican party

In the modern world, real sombreros are popular among tourists. In addition, a light hat with large brims is a salvation in the summer heat. To protect yourself from the sun with this hat, you don’t have to go to Mexico; you can make a sombrero with your own hands.

Finding: 75% obesity for women and 70% for men. In addition, it should be noted that physical types in Mexico vary greatly due to mixtures associated with colonization. If it's 2 - 3 times cheaper than France for tourists, that's probably not the opinion of the average Mexican. Compared to average wages The cost of living in Mexico is relatively higher than in France. For a specific food budget.

Mayan temple at the water's edge

You will find several in this blog. This photo, which everyone has seen at least once, is something to dream about. In short, there is something for every taste. After all, Mexico is, according to years, the 10th most visited country in the world. If you still don't know?

Tourists often choose a larger sombrero

Sold annually in Mexico great amount these hats

Very Catholic and conservative people

90% - 95% of Mexicans are Christians, and mostly Catholics, no doubt. But it should be noted that Catholicism in Mexico is a syncretism, halfway between classical Catholicism and Indian beliefs deeply rooted in popular culture.

It often occupies the cab of bus drivers and serves as the body under the rearview mirror of many Mexicans. The Mexicans' devotion does not make them an ultra-conservative people. If girls remain primarily with their parents until the rules of marriage and machismo are met, homosexuality may be legal in the federal district.

For this you will need:

  • thick paper/cardboard;
  • tape or glue;
  • scissors;
  • dye;
  • decorative cord.

Stage I. Making a crown

There are two ways to make this element.

  • Roll a paper cone and cut off the top. Learn a hat with a high crown.
  • You can use plastic as a crown flower pot suitable size. If you choose this option, then the pot must first be painted in White color and leave until completely dry.

Stage II. Making fields

For this part, you can use colored paper or white paper, and then paint it in the desired colors.

  • In the center of the sheet we draw a circle equal to the diameter of the crown (you can simply trace it along the contour).
  • Inside the resulting circle we draw another one, moving 3-4 cm from the edge.
  • The third circle determines the width of the margins.
  • Cut out the most small circle. We make cuts every 1.5-2 cm from this edge to the borders of the middle circle. The resulting cloves need to be folded upward.
  • We make teeth along the edge of the future hat, but the cuts should be at a distance of 4-5 cm. We bend it up and glue the places where the teeth intersect.

Simple cardboard sombrero

Stage III. Connecting parts

Everything is simple here. Using double-sided tape, attach the crown to the brim so that the teeth are inside. The sombrero is almost ready!

All that remains is to apply the patterns. These can be zigzag lines running along the entire circumference of the brim or crown, or ordinary colored lines. The hat is decorated with fringe, appliqués, small pompoms, and everything you can imagine.

Mexican traditions allow for a combination of the brightest colors

Now you can safely go to themed party or just play cowboys with the kids. And it doesn’t matter if after the games the hat turns out to be a disposable craft, because now you know how to make a sombrero. Maybe next time it will be stronger?

Sombrero – great option for relaxing on the beach or fun company. In a straw hat, you can take an evening promenade without attracting the attention of passersby hurrying towards you. Without chasing style, realizing the appropriateness of each item in the image, even the most fashion-averse person will be able to express his individuality.

Every year I prepare New Year's costumes for my son. As a matter of principle, I don’t buy or sew custom suits from city dressmakers, because I don’t think that you need to pay that kind of money (for a suit) for 30-40 minutes of celebration. It’s a completely different matter to sew a suit yourself or rent one.

Since our entire class represented Mexico this year, all the kids had to wear Mexican costumes. It is clear that the box office could not provide such a number of similar costumes. But sewing a suit (trousers, vest and belt) was not difficult. The main decoration was to be a Mexican hat.

It took a little effort to make it. But, as often happens, I was pleased with the result, and my son was pleased as well. We got a real Mexican hat, even today in Mexico. We decorated it with cactus drawings and colored appliqué.

To make a Mexican hat with your own hands, you need the following products:
- 1 sheet of cardboard Brown
- colored paper
- red satin ribbon
- stapler
- glue
- scissors
- white corrector

To begin, take a pattern and cut out cardboard parts using this pattern.

You should end up with pieces like this made from brown cardboard.

The top of the hat needs to be rolled into a cone. To prevent the edges from coming apart, we lubricate them with good glue.

We cut out triangles from colored paper and glue them onto strips of brown cardboard from our pattern.

Glue the brim of the hat to the cone and attach satin ribbons on both sides using a stapler.

We cut out long triangles from colored paper and glue them at equal distances to the brim of the hat. We glue strips of cardboard to the brim of the hat, to which we glued the triangles.

Using a corrector, we draw several cacti in random order on the cone of the hat to make this hat more Mexican.

So the hat is ready, which made the image of the son on New Year's holiday completed. We were all very pleased with the result. I hope you enjoy the Mexican hat too.