Difficult conversation: how to ask for a salary increase? How to ask for a salary increase.

If you increasingly have a desire to discuss the prospects for your promotion, then this means that it is time for you to stop being a simple ordinary performer, it is time to move to a new rung of the career ladder.

Ideally, management itself should notice the current state of affairs, then all you have to do is discuss the working conditions in the new position with your boss. But this, of course, is ideal, but in reality the boss may not notice your desires, since he is constantly busy. That is why you will have to start the conversation yourself, but remember the basic rules.

Learn the language of your boss. If you are a woman and he is a man, then make sure that your conversation is in the same language. Do without emotions, memories and retreats. The conversation should be linear, that is, your monologue should be like a straight line, and not like a zigzag, which is typical for many women.

Understand yourself.

Before you open the door to the director's office, answer yourself the question: what do you want? If you are dissatisfied with life, but cannot say for sure that this is happening precisely because of work, then it is better to cry to your best friend, relatives or colleagues, but not to your boss. It won't be a good situation if you distract the director from important matters because of poorly formulated complaints, for example, “I'm bored with my work, I feel like I'm fully realized.” It’s better to leave these phrases to your friends.

Forget about your own benefit. Remember that most bosses are not interested in your career plans; they only care about what benefits the company. Since you are proposing your candidacy for promotion, structure the conversation in such a way that the company’s benefit appears more obvious than your benefit. Voice the position you would like to have, name the qualities that correspond to the position, and clarify that you have them. Two-thirds of the conversation is for the benefit of the company. Say everything without emotion, reasonably and clearly.

Don't give a chance for a "no". Almost all people can be programmed. Try to structure your speech so that the director cannot say “no.” Remember that if during a conversation the boss says “yes” often, then by the end it will be harder for him to jump off the wave and answer you with a refusal. You need to neutralize the boss’s obvious objections, and to those that may or may not be heard, just prepare an answer. That is, you should not get ahead of those events that may not occur, but do not yawn where this is unacceptable.

If the time for a meeting is good, then you cannot miss it. There is no need to start a conversation at a time when the director is all on edge, something is not working out for him. They might look at you like you're crazy, and crazy people are more likely to be fired than promoted. Turn on your intuition and choose a time when the boss is in a good mood.

You should not blackmail the director by leaving if you are not promoted. If you are aggressive, then the answer to you will sound in the same tone. And you will simply be fired.

Be sure that you have every right to what you are asking for. Your weakness is doubt and nervous tension. You won't be able to convince your boss if you don't have confidence in yourself.

So, the conversation took place, but you did not achieve the desired goal? Don't worry, just wait and take the next step after some time.

If you think you're doing a perfect job, don't be afraid to ask your boss for a pay raise. Many people are afraid to ask for a raise even if they know they deserve it, using excuses like “The economy is not good right now” or “I just can’t find the right time.” If this sounds like you, then it's time to stop adjusting to the situation and start planning the necessary actions to get that well-deserved promotion. If you want to know how to ask for a raise, then check out the steps below.


Part 1

Collection of information

    Make sure you have sufficient justification. Getting a raise is a difficult task in most industries unless you have a strong case. This could be, for example, receiving a better offer from another employer or consistently and efficiently performing work beyond the scope of assigned duties.

    Be realistic in your expectations. If the company has already exceeded the budget and is in a deplorable state as a result of a recession, production cuts or other reasons, then it is safer to wait for better times. During a recession, some companies will not be able to provide a salary increase without risking your job. However, this doesn't mean you should use it as an excuse to put off the conversation indefinitely.

    Review your company's policies. Read the house rules. Study the company's corporate website (if there is one) or, the most reliable option, talk to someone on the staff. Below is a list of issues that need clarification:

    • Does the company require an annual appraisal for salary revision?
    • Is the salary increasing according to the established plan or level of the position?
    • Who makes the decision or initiates its adoption?
  1. Objectively evaluate your “worth.” It's easy to believe you're worth more, especially if you feel like you're giving 110% every day, but you need to show your value relative to similar positions in the same field. Many employers say they won't increase wages until the employee is doing 20% ​​more work than he was doing when hired. Below are important details you should consider when assessing your worth:

    • your job description;
    • your responsibilities, including managerial or supervisory responsibilities;
    • work experience and status in the company hierarchy;
    • the level of education;
    • your place of residence.
  2. Find information on the market for similar positions. While this may be something you consider when you first negotiate your salary increase, your role and job responsibilities may change. Research similar jobs in your industry to get an idea of ​​what others are paid for similar work. Determine the typical pay range for similar positions in your area. Getting information about similar positions will help you feel more confident when you go talk to your boss. You can check salary levels on sites like Salary.com, GenderGapApp, or Getraised.com.

    Keep up with industry trends. Subscribe to and regularly read at least one industry magazine and try to discuss the future with colleagues.

    • You should also look ahead and envision where your company and the industry as a whole are heading. Make time in your schedule at the end of each month to take stock of a possible path forward.
    • The habit of looking to the future will serve you well in your daily work and salary negotiations. You will be one of those who moves forward and increases the value of the company in changing market conditions.
  3. Make sure your boss keeps his promise. If the answer was yes, the result could be an actual wage increase. But refusal of promises, as well as simple forgetfulness, are also possible. Don't jump to conclusions if the increase doesn't happen immediately. Sometimes events do not develop as planned, for example, the boss did not find support from higher management or faced budgetary problems.

    • Make your boss feel bad about going back on his word (for example, mention someone you know who asked for a raise when his boss went back on his word, and how morale has deteriorated). This must be done discreetly and tactfully.
    • Ask when your boss plans to start raising your salary. A non-intrusive way might be to ask if you need to sign any paperwork to complete the promotion.
    • Take it a step further and tell your boss, “I believe you can do this by the end of the month, once all the necessary paperwork is completed.” This will put the plan into action so your boss doesn't have to.

Part 4

Accepting Rejection
  1. Don't take rejection personally. If you let rejection dampen your mood or affect your performance, your boss will likely think he did the right thing. If you get a reputation for being difficult or unable to take criticism, your boss will be even less likely to give you a raise. Once you have received the boss's final decision, behave as honorably as possible. Don't rush out of the room or slam doors.

    Ask your boss what you should do differently. This will show your willingness to take your boss's opinion into account. A possible option would be for both of you to agree to increase responsibilities over a period of time, gradually leading to a new role and salary increase. It will also demonstrate your dedication to your job and your ability to work hard. Your boss will see you as an energetic employee, and you will be on his pencil for the next pay raise.

    • If you are a key worker, continue to work at the same level and repeat the conversation in a few months.
  2. Follow up the conversation by sending an email to say “thank you.” This will provide you with dated documentation that you can use to remind your boss during your next negotiation. It will also show your boss that you are grateful for the conversation and know how to get things done.

    Be persistent. Your desire for a promotion is now obvious, and your boss should be concerned that you may start looking for work elsewhere. Set a date for when you will talk again. Until this time, try to raise your level of work as much as possible. Don't shirk your responsibilities just because you're upset you won't get a raise.

  3. Consider looking for a new job if the situation does not change. You should never accept getting less than you deserve. If you want more than the company is willing to pay, it may be better to try for a more senior position with a higher salary - either at your company or another. Think carefully about this option; there is no need to burn bridges just because the conversation with the boss did not go well.

    • It's best to wait a little longer to try to earn a promotion. But if months have passed and you still haven't received fair recognition for your hard work, then don't feel guilty about considering offers from other companies
  • It’s not a good idea to justify a salary increase with an argument like “I need money.” It's much more effective to prove that you deserve a promotion by justifying your value to the company. Documenting all your accomplishments can be very helpful in this situation. For example, you could list your accomplishments as part of a letter requesting a meeting to discuss it, or as a presentation to show your boss, like a cheat sheet during salary negotiations. Be very clear and use examples.
  • Negotiate a pay raise, don't demand one. For example, you can tell your boss that you'd like to know what you should do to increase your salary or hourly rate in the near future, rather than asking for a pay increase based on past performance.
  • Before asking about a salary increase or compensation changes, be sure that you have completed all projects, assignments and resolved all problems that arose before you. Asking for a raise when you're in the middle of a project is rarely successful. Remember that timing can make all the difference!
  • Gather reliable information in advance (for example, from salary surveys) and be prepared to negotiate. Be polite but firm during negotiations and don't let your emotions get out of hand. (Remember this is business only and nothing personal). If your employer is not willing to give you a satisfactory raise, try to negotiate alternatives, such as a performance bonus, or additional overtime pay, additional benefits or bonuses. Whatever you say, ask for a supporting document signed by an authorized person.
  • If possible, try to improve your qualifications. You should not wait long or base your request solely on personal gain. Higher qualifications mean you can give more to your employer. Take training, get a certificate or license, or try to take the initiative and learn new skills on your own. Then use this as an argument that you are worth more than before.
  • Consider increasing your responsibilities to increase your salary. This will be more effective than simply asking for a salary increase. Especially if your current duties require nothing more than formal performance, and your employer thinks he is paying enough.
  • Review your current job responsibilities and expectations. Be sure that you complete everything completely, without reminders, and that your colleagues are not forced to correct your mistakes. From this point of view, you will analyze which areas of work can be improved through updating, other systematization or process changes. Remember that managers view salary increases as rewards for excellence, not for time spent meeting minimum standards.
  • Follow the internal hierarchy when asking for a salary increase. For example, if your immediate superior is only a manager, don't jump over his head to the department director. Instead, contact your supervisor first and let him or her make the decision on how to approach management.
  • Review your employer's internal policies (or other documents) for information regarding salary increase procedures. For example, if the policy clearly states what needs to be done for this, then strictly follow the procedure. But if the policy clearly states that the employer does not issue unscheduled salary increases, then it is better to wait to ask for a raise until the next performance appraisal and ask for a larger than usual salary increase.
  • Many companies subscribe to salary surveys in this field. Ask your boss to consult the review when determining your new compensation, especially if you think your pay is much more modest than similar positions. This will give you points for your ability to analyze data well.


  • During the conversation, focus on the work and your value. Never use personal problems, including financial difficulties and other needs, as a basis for asking for a promotion. This is a business and what shows personal weaknesses is not the most necessary thing to know the boss. Speak based on the value of your work.
  • Keep in mind that your boss has deadlines and budget constraints.
  • Think twice before threatening to quit if you don't get a pay rise. This rarely works. No matter how valuable you think you are to an employer, don't make the mistake of thinking you're indispensable. They can easily find a replacement in your place for less money. If you do leave the company after not receiving a promotion, be careful about what you write or say in your resignation letter so it doesn't hurt you in the future.
  • The employer usually has more experience in negotiations. Therefore, the biggest mistake you can make is to come into negotiations unprepared.
  • Stay positive. Not Use this time to complain about the organization, colleagues, working conditions, etc. And do not mention your colleagues for comparison. It will be like a fly in the ointment, even if you praise them. If something needs to be addressed, present it in a softer manner and suggest ways to improve the situation at a time other than during the salary increase conversation.

Almost everyone has had a situation in their life when they wanted to get more money for a job than usual. You see your own potential, work hard, but your bosses do not notice your efforts and do not in any way distinguish you from the crowd of the same hard workers. We are afraid to approach the boss and talk about a salary increase. There are a lot of excuses: “nothing will work out anyway,” “You weren’t promoted and I won’t be promoted,” “a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky,” etc. Fear is to blame for everything. We are afraid of being misunderstood, ridiculed, afraid of punishment. But if you still decide to take this step, then clearly think through your behavior strategy in communicating with your boss in advance.


Don’t rush to run to your boss and beg for a promotion.

What is needed for this:

Abstract yourself, imagine yourself in the boss’s place so that your thoughts are objective.
Assess your professional skills and salary level.
Compare your skills with the skills of colleagues in the same specialty and category.
On specialized websites, look for salary data for your position and determine, compile statistics, and analyze whether your income is really less than the average for the city or region.

To make a proper impression on management, it is worth taking care of specific facts, supported by data from the Internet or official statistical sites, where the boss can clearly see the picture that has developed in the labor market. Praying about a difficult life situation, “seven people on the bench” and an alcoholic husband are unlikely to make the right impression, so in this case you will not get a promotion.

The next step: write down on paper your own merits to the enterprise. Maybe you recently came up with a sensible proposal that increased profits, or you personally drew up the company’s long-term budget and concluded a profitable deal. Support your words with specific figures: by what percentage did the company’s income increase, how many people were retained to further carry out production tasks, for how many years the government contract is planned to be completed, etc.

Next, clearly define your qualities. But phrases like: stress-resistant, non-conflict, disciplined are unlikely to be suitable for such a case. Again, start from your position and professional skills. Perhaps you recently received additional education that your boss does not yet know about. Or would you like to improve your skills? The management should know about this first of all. Then it will think about the value of your stay in the company and, as a result, reinforce cooperation with an increase in wages.

After the above, start monitoring in the media: the Internet, newspapers, etc. At enterprises, salaries for one position differ. It all depends on the status of the company and the value of the employees. Try to compare all the points and calculate how much increase you can actually get.

How to write a request for a raise

For your request to be successful, it is better to combine oral and written influence on your boss. Verbally state the main points, a clearly formulated request, and the amount. In the letter, describe all the data that you have studied, calculated, your strengths, and achievements.

It is better if these are separate numbered lists, so the information is easier to perceive.

Why written form is more effective:

Speaking verbally, from excitement you can forget half of what you have been meaning to say for so long.
During an oral conversation, the boss will most likely forget most of what you have been saying for so long. But you need 100% hit on target.
If you started this conversation a long time ago, due to numerous worries and worries, you may simply not be able to restrain yourself and say too much and be rude to your interlocutor.

Letter outline

First: the right approach to the leader. During your work, you have already been able to study its weaknesses and strengths, positive traits. Indicate them in the letter, write about the importance of your boss for the company, for the employees, what respect he commands from his subordinates.

Second: clearly state the problem and wishes.

Third: list the factors, facts, advantages, privileges, numbers.

Choosing the right moment

When the previous points have been completed, the letter has been composed, you need to choose the right moment and place to talk with your boss.

If times are not the best at the enterprise at the moment, then your request will not be successful. During this period, all the efforts of workers are aimed at getting out of the hole and getting back on their feet. Therefore, for now it is better to wait out the difficult times and wait for the company to prosper.

The first half of the day is not suitable for such conversations about salary increases. Especially if it is Monday morning, when work tasks are distributed for the week, the boss is busy solving current problems. The best time is after lunch. Food makes us kinder. A full stomach calms your nerves and lifts your mood.

Before going to see your boss, make sure he is in a good mood. Find out from colleagues who have already communicated with him whether there were any unpleasant moments, quarrels, or shouting.

Don't catch the boss in the corridor. Firstly, he is unlikely to understand anything and will not comprehend it properly, and secondly, it is inconvenient: someone might hear the conversation, unpleasant gossip and gossip will start.

If the holidays are approaching, then in an informal setting you can “throw a bait” to the boss, and after the completion of the events the next day, bring a letter that you prepared in advance, while reminding the boss of your phrase yesterday.

What not to tell your boss

There are some points that should never be mentioned in a conversation about a salary increase with management:

If you have loans, large debts, medical expenses or necessary equipment for your home, this is not a reason to tell your boss about the details.
Complaints about difficult financial situation.
Colleagues who have already been promoted.
Blackmail by physical force, termination of contracts that have already been concluded and in other ways.
Report the threat of leaving the company if refused.

All this will negatively affect your boss’s opinion of you. There is a chance that he will not show you his negative attitude right away, but later he will want to test your strength by issuing more and more new work tasks that, quite possibly, you will not be able to complete. Which will ultimately lead to dismissal.

A properly structured conversation will definitely lead to positive results. The increase may not follow immediately, but after a while. The boss will make a note to himself, and when the right time comes, he will financially thank you for your services to the enterprise.


It is necessary to prepare for a conversation not only by constructing your speech correctly, but also by thinking through an impeccable appearance.

If your company doesn't have a dress code, today is the time to wear a formal suit.

For women, or slightly lower, the top is a blouse. You don’t have to choose the standard: white top, black bottom, but you shouldn’t shock with military colors either. Opt for two contrasting, not bright colors, for example, a dark blue skirt. Wear your hair in an elegant updo. , without unnecessary accents.

If your look is radically different from your everyday look, then it’s better not to show up in it right away. Prepare your colleagues and management, start dressing this way at least a week before the planned X-day.


So, you came to your boss to talk to him about a salary increase. There are some nuances that will help in constructing a competent conversation.

First, remember that no manager will fall for it when he hears such phrases: “I would like to talk about raising my salary,” “my salary is lower than others,” and stuff like that. Approach this issue subtly. Start your story about the indexation of prices and, accordingly, wages.

Even if you do work evenings and weekends, this does not mean that only you deserve awards and praise.

The conversation should flow calmly and reasonedly, no shouting, indignation or pounding on the table with fists. Otherwise, at best, the boss will kick you out of the office, at worst, from work.

Don’t forget to say that increasing your income directly affects your productivity and desire to prove yourself in the future. Give clear arguments about what you have already done for the company, how much the company’s performance indicators have increased.

If you are denied a salary increase, do not be upset, but continue to show good results at work. Someday your manager will see you as a truly valuable employee.

December 28, 2013, 16:29

After working in one place for some time, a person begins to think about how to achieve a promotion. Of course, this opportunity does not always exist: sometimes the company simply does not provide for career growth from a given position. However, you can always ask for at least a salary increase.

Getting a promotion isn't always easy, but it is possible. The main way is to talk to your superiors. Most workers are afraid of him. Making this conversation effective is the main task of an employee hungry for a promotion.

Correct position

The main prerequisite for career growth is working in a company where there is room to grow. And if not by position, then at least where you can expect an increase in salary. If neither one nor the other is expected in a given company, then there is only one way out - change jobs. Moreover, change either immediately to a higher paid and more prestigious one, or to a job in a similar position with a similar salary, but with prospects for growth.

Quality work

The other most important prerequisite is the quality of your work. That is, you must analyze your current and previous activities. Were there any mistakes, and how serious? Have you fixed them? In any case, even if there were any, try to concentrate now on performing your duties perfectly. Be a punctual worker, don't be late. It is better to leave work a little later than the end of the working day. Try to take fewer days off and sick leave. Keep track of the deadlines for completing all tasks and plans, if possible, try to take on some new, interesting and more responsible task (if you are sure that you will cope with it well). However, those who decide on a promotion should know about your good work, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. How you do this is up to you. Maybe it’s worth talking more about the work done, explaining, and sometimes asking about the quality of the task completed.

There is a downside to performing your duties diligently. By working too well, putting in more effort than necessary, you can thereby show your superiors that you are indispensable. In this position. Therefore, do not overdo it: you should not suddenly start staying late at work and overfulfill the plan. Just do your job well and on time.

Constant development

The third prerequisite is the acquisition of new skills. If you are aiming for a specific position, then find out what qualifications the person in this position must have. Perhaps knowledge of a foreign language is required there, but this is precisely what you lack. If no additional qualifications are required, still do not hesitate to acquire new skills. Take seminars that are useful for your work, advanced training courses, and so on. Additional education has never interfered with career growth.

Building relationships

The fourth important component of career advancement is good relationships. Unfortunately, no one may appreciate your efforts if people don’t like you. Not only to the bosses (although to him in particular), but also to other employees. If you've never thought much about your place in the team and about building good relationships with other employees, then it's time to do so. The key to success is politeness, good mood, smiling, participation in the life of the team. But remember: no gossip.

Your relationship with your superiors may be affected by your suggestions for improving the quality of work. If possible, show your interest in the development of the company and make some useful suggestions. For example, how to attract clients.

The right attitude

Let's say you are a respected person in the team, you work well, you have improved your skills, and there is room for growth. It seems like it’s time to go talk to the authorities. But it's still scary. It's a matter of psychological attitude. It is important to understand that you are not a slave who goes to beg your owner for an indulgence. You are a worker, and your labor is nothing more than a commodity. And now you must discuss with your boss new conditions under which you are ready to sell this product to the company. If you have all the prerequisites for career growth, why not increase your price? And if you soberly assess the situation, then nothing bad will happen after talking about a promotion. Any company needs valuable personnel, so there is a high probability that they will at least promise to consider your request, and not send you away in disgrace.

Preparing for a conversation with your boss

It is important when, where and how to ask for a raise. The right time is the key to success. This means, first of all, an assessment of what times the company is experiencing now. If the time is a crisis, the company is at a loss, it is unlikely that your request will be granted. Maybe it’s worth waiting a little until the company’s position improves.

But the specific time of day is also important. A conversation at the very beginning of the working day can turn into a failure. The boss may be in a bad mood because he didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t have breakfast, and then urgent matters piled up in the morning. The end of the workday is also not the best time to talk about a promotion. The boss may already be too tired, or in a hurry to get somewhere, and his thoughts are occupied with something completely different.

Perhaps the ideal time to talk to your boss about a promotion is after lunch. As a rule, the most important things are done before lunch. And after lunch, the boss will be more relaxed, well-fed and kind. But it’s better to pay attention to the mood of your superiors in general in advance. Wait for a day when it is clearly in a good mood.

When talking about the timing of the conversation, it is important to keep in mind your previous conversation about the promotion, if any. If such a conversation took place less than six months ago, and you were refused, it may be better to wait.

Where to ask for a raise? The answer to this question is almost obvious. In the boss's office, best of all - face to face. And making sure that the boss is going to be in his office for a long time, and is not going to an important meeting soon.

And now a little about how exactly to ask for a promotion. The worst method is to drive your bosses into a corner and demand something in the form of an ultimatum, threatening to leave. The most likely outcome of such a conversation is not promotion, but dismissal.

Bad arguments:

  • fatigue from constant delays at work (for your superiors this can only indicate your choice or your inability to complete the work on time);
  • pressure on pity (your small children, elderly parents and loans are unlikely to interest your bosses);
  • a long time of work in the company (this does not mean anything);
  • display of envy (that is, comparison with other employees who were promoted, unlike you).

Even worse than all of the above is the lack of argumentation. The conversation needs to be structured logically, explaining why you deserve a promotion. And then with a high probability you will achieve what you want. But even if you did everything for a promotion, and you were refused, don’t be upset. Ask your boss in a gentle form for reasons for the refusal. Perhaps it is not you who is a bad employee, but the company has such a time that it cannot now promote someone or pay more wages. And if the problem is still with you, then discuss with your boss what shortcomings in your work you need to eliminate.


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Deciding to go to your boss yourself and ask for a salary increase is not so easy. But what to do if the employer doesn’t see your achievements and doesn’t even think about revising your motivation? Long gone are the days when salaries could only be increased upon transfer to another position.

“If you have an increased number of responsibilities, you are forced to do the work of other employees, you have received new subordinates, or you are mastering new areas - this is a good reason to ask for a salary increase,” says Maria Zhukova, head of the personnel department of the Begun company.

Step one. Prepare yourself mentally

Experts say that the value of an employee is determined by three factors: the significance of his work for the company, real and potential skills and the average market value of specialists in his profile. You need to have a clear understanding of these components - then you will be able to evaluate yourself from the employer’s point of view and successfully build a dialogue with him.

“The manager goes for an increase in compensation only if he is sure that the employee deserves it,” says Anna Lenda, head of the HR department of Creative Media CJSC. “In order not to look unfounded, it is necessary to back up your words with documents and specific figures confirming your success.” .

Anna Babakina, HR manager at Syngenta, agrees with this: “You need to prepare for a conversation with the employer in advance. To do this, you need to answer the question for yourself: why should I actually get a salary increase? And the best answer to this question is support with facts confirming that you are truly a valuable employee. Remember your achievements, initiatives, proposals that were accepted and benefited the company. You can also note what you learned while working in this organization, what new tasks or activities you mastered , that is, how much you have expanded your functionality as a specialist."

“Secondly, assess whether your salary really lags behind the market,” continues Anna. “This can be done by looking at the vacancies that are published on job search sites.” “You can collect information by interviewing friends from other companies, as well as by studying advertisements in newspapers and the Internet. There is no point in asking for a raise if your current salary is already higher than the market average,” advises Anna Lenda.

Step two. Choose the right moment

Preparing for a conversation should not be limited to just systematizing your knowledge and arguments in favor of promotion. Half the success depends on the right choice of moment and time for conversation. Psychologists advise not to pester your boss with a request for a raise in the first half of the day, since this is when the most work is done. It’s better to do this after lunch: there are fewer urgent matters, and a well-fed person is in a more complacent mood. If you look at it more broadly, it hardly makes sense to stutter about a promotion when the company is not doing well. In addition, you should not ask for a raise on payday.

“Have you successfully completed the probationary period and fulfilled all the requirements and tasks assigned to you for this period? At this moment, you can safely apply for a salary increase,” says Anna Lenda. “However, you should not talk about an increase if recently (less than 6 months ago ) you have already made this request, and the issue has been resolved in your favor." Maria Zhukova adds that if an employee applying for a promotion has made a serious work error on the eve of a scheduled conversation, the conversation should be postponed until the situation is resolved positively. Also, do not discuss salary increases casually - wait until the manager has time for full communication.

Olesya Milekhina, general director of the recruitment agency Helion Image, believes that it is imperative to ask for an increase in “the salary or bonus part of compensation after several years of work in one company, if during this time the motivation system has not changed.”

Step three. Choose a place to talk

It is best to talk to the boss in his own office: he feels on his territory and is completely relaxed. According to Maria Zhukova, resolving issues about salary increases at corporate parties is a common mistake. At such holidays, the manager, of course, is often in a good mood, but is clearly not in the mood to resolve work issues. He will listen to your request and your arguments, but most of the information will fall on his ears.

Step four. Decisive conversation

Finally, you come to the main point: the conversation with the manager. Psychologists try to reassure: “An increase in salary or promotion is not a matter of life and death, but just the acquisition of another life experience, and, of course, a way to improve your financial and social situation. Do not forget that there are always a lot of alternative opportunities achieve what you want. You just need to learn to see and use them."

But their beliefs rarely work: at the most crucial moment, the employee begins to worry, and the conversation may turn out to be crumpled or even simply not take place.

Make a plan in your head of what you want to say. Experts advise that instead of saying that you are not satisfied with your current salary or position, as most people do, you need to take a different approach. For a successful outcome of salary negotiations, you can demonstrate to your boss your own achievements or market dynamics, as a result of which similar specialists in competing companies began to earn more.

We asked our experts to simulate the situation of a conversation with a boss.

Anna Lenda: “Ivan Ivanovich, I wanted to discuss my work with you. I really like working in our company, and I want to bring maximum benefit. Therefore, it is important for me to understand how you evaluate me. What do you think I still need to work on? Do you think I have prospects for a promotion or salary increase (of course, if the company has such an opportunity)? I want to present my chances and your assessment of my work. After all, salary is also an assessment."

“You shouldn’t justify your desire to get more money with the words: “I’ve been working for two years, I’ve never been on vacation and I’ve never taken sick leave,” or “I spend all weekends in the office,” continues Lenda. “Such arguments are nothing but You will not cause irritation." Under no circumstances give an ultimatum: “Either you raise my salary or I quit.” The most likely answer would be “Quit.”

And here is an example of Olesya Milekhina’s answer: “Ivan Ivanovich! Could you give me a few minutes? I really like working in our company. I am interested in the tasks that I solve, I have good relationships in the team, and I see future prospects for myself professional and career growth. The only thing I know is that the level of income of specialists with my education and experience last year on average in the market increased by 20%. In this regard, could you think about revising my motivation system or listen to my suggestions about this question?"

What if it’s a refusal?

Psychologists are again trying to console: refusal is not a reason for depression. If you are denied a promotion, talk to your manager about giving you more responsibilities that will be rewarded. If this option does not suit you, then directly ask what is involved in this decision. “Even if the employer wants to increase your salary, he cannot always do this,” says Anna Lenda. “In this case, ask when you can return to this conversation. If you were refused because the quality of your work does not meet the requirements of management, ask "What you need to change to improve your results. Make a list of goals and objectives so that both you and your manager clearly understand what you agreed on."

Olesya Milekhina and Maria Zhukova agree with this opinion: “If an employee is generally satisfied with his current place of work, you should not make a hasty decision to leave the company. It will be appropriate to return to the conversation about promotion in a few months.”