Theater projects in kindergarten. Project for children and parents “Theater for everyone”

Svetlana Sulakina


teach children to reflect impressions received during observation winter nature, based on the content of familiar works and reproductions of paintings; develop the ability to compare trees, see similarities and differences between them; improve relief modeling by stretching; develop the ability to work in a team.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher draws attention to the picture depicting a winter forest.

Children, look at the picture. Tell me what is shown on it?

Children: This is a winter forest.

How did you know what it was? winter forest?

Children: This is a winter forest, because there is snow everywhere.

Indeed, this is a winter forest. The sorceress, winter, did her best and wrapped the forest in a blanket of snow, placed huge snow caps on the tops of pines and spruces, and silvered the branches of trees and bushes. The winter forest fell asleep. Who lives in the forest?

Children: Wild animals live in the forest.

Why are these animals called wild?

Children: Because they live in the forest, get their own food and take care of their young.

Guys, why is it so quiet in the forest? You can't hear the birds singing.

Children: The birds flew south. And those that remain are very few in number and they move closer to human habitation because there is food there.

What happened to the insects?

Children: Insects hid under the bark of trees and under fallen leaves of trees from the cold.

What happened to the animals?

Children: The animals hid from the frost and cold in their holes, the squirrels hid in hollows or hid in deep snow.

You can't hear the birds singing, just snow falling from the trees. Look at the squirrel getting his winter supplies and feast on them. But the bunny jumped out from behind the bush and left its tangled footprints in the snow.

Physical exercise.

We've been sitting too long, let's go ice skating.

I rush like the wind on skates

Along the forest edge.

Mittens on hands, hat on top of head.

One-two! So he slipped.

One-two! Almost tumbled.

One, two! - stand tight on your toes!

Sit down at the tables. Let's create a picture of a winter forest together.

Look, I have a background for our painting. The top is blue blue sky, below there is white snow.

Children, we need to sculpt trees from plasticine. What colors of plasticine do we need?

Children: brown - trees, green - spruce, white - snow.

To make a tree, you need to roll out a cinnamon-colored sausage. This is a tree trunk, you need to press it tightly onto a sheet of paper and smear it to create a tree trunk. And now we will sculpt the branches of our tree. To make a Christmas tree, let's take green color. Pinch off a piece and crush it with your fingers. This is the paw of a spruce tree; the higher the paw, the smaller it is.

Before we get started, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Find the animals.”

We will quietly go into the forest. (fingers walk on knees)

What will we see in it? (one palm covers the eye, the other covers the ear (change)

Trees grow there

The branches are directed towards the sun (they clench and unclench their fingers, slowly raising their hands up)

Tiki-ti, tiki-ti, (we hit the knees with the edges of our palms twice, twice with our fists)

We want to find animals. (one hand is an edge, the second hand is a fist (and vice versa)

The children get to work.

At the end of the lesson, a work analysis is carried out

Guys, you are so great! Everyone did their best, look what a wonderful forest we got. We will stage our work in the locker room so that your parents can watch our work.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities on environmental education in the secondary group “Winter in the Forest” Summary of direct educational activities in environmental education V middle group“WINTER IN THE FOREST” 1. Integration of educational.

Notes on relief modeling in the first younger group Subject: " Autumn trees" Tasks. Enrich children's understanding of appearance autumn

“Leaves are falling, falling...” Purpose: to teach children to create relief images from plasticine - pinch off pieces of yellow, red, orange.

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Valentina Zyuzya

Direct educational activities “Lepka”

Topic: “Winter trees”

Program content. Cultivate a love for nature.

To consolidate knowledge about the structure of a tree and the life of plants in winter. Develop skills in sculpting images from plasticine on a plate. Improve the skills of smearing plasticine on a plate to create a general background for the composition, smearing techniques, and fastening parts of the image.

Promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands and accuracy of movements. Develop Creative skills children.

Material. Hard cardboard plates measuring 6x8 cm (for each child); plasticine of various colors; stacks, boards, napkins.

Move. 1. Conversation.

What time of year is it now?

Do you think trees continue to grow in winter?

What conditions are necessary for plant growth?

Are all the conditions necessary for plant growth present in winter?

If trees don't grow in winter, doesn't that mean they've died?

What is proof that the trees did not die, but only fell asleep in the winter frosts?

2. Today I invite you to draw winter trees using plasticine. Think about what kind of tree you want to depict, what its trunk and branches look like, and how you can show that the trees are winter.

First of all, you need to create a background for your composition. Choose a color for the background, carefully smear the plasticine so that there are no light spots left on the plate. Try to make the layer of plasticine as even as possible.

3. Independent work children.

Remind about the most appropriate sequence of work (trunk, branches, other details - for example, berries, if the tree being sculpted is rowan, the need to attach the parts to the background using smearing.

4. Offer to decorate the image and sculpt snow lying on the branches; draw a snowdrift under a tree.

Bottom line. After finishing sculpting, place the children’s work in an exhibition and invite them to talk about their tree.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group.

The theme of the week is “Winter”. Modeling "Snowflake" (technique - molding).

Goal: to teach children how to imitate a snowflake.


Educational: continue to teach children to divide plasticine into parts, roll sausages and construct from them the intended object in the form of a bas-relief (the image protrudes above the background plane).


Educational: cognitive interest of children, fine motor skills fingers, eye and imagination.

Preliminary work: looking at paintings with winter landscapes.

Handout:circles or squares made of cardboard blue, dark blue, violet and gray colors 12-15 cm in diameter according to the number of children, modeling board, white plasticine, stack, musical accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, please listen to the riddle:

The forest is covered with a white blanket,

And the bear is sleeping in the den.

Snow like a white border.

Who was in charge?

Children: Winter.

Educator: That's right guys, winter has come. What do you think is the most popular color in winter? Why?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Do you like winter?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Why do you love winter?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: I have another riddle for you, listen:

Stars are flying from the sky

And they sparkle in the sun.

Just like a ballerina dancing,

Spinning in winter...

Children: Snowflakes.

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed correctly.

Let's play a little. Now we will all turn into snowflakes.


We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,

We don't mind spinning around.

We are snowflakes - ballerinas,

We dance day and night.

Let's stand together in a circle -

It turns out to be a snowball.

Educator: What beautiful snowflakes flew in our group. And now I suggest you make a snowflake. Look what beautiful snowflakes you can make from plasticine, let's try it.

Showing some samples. Poem reading:

Snowflakes – pictures,

Take a quick look.

Each has six

Silvery rays

And every jagged ray -

Winter's enchanted key. L. Shekhovtsova

Modeling: Roll several balls of the same size and roll them into thin sausages. The teacher shows the children how to make a snowflake out of sausages intersecting in the center on round or square cardboard and decorate it with short sausages or in another way.

Lesson summary: Guys, look what beautiful snowflakes we have made. You are all great guys.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Compiled by: senior teacher of preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 7 compensating type

Kineshma, Ivanovo region Shilova O.G.

Subject: "Wonderful transformation"

Educational area : “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Software tasks:

Educational: introduce children to the technique of making thread appliqué. To form initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, about the properties of surrounding objects (color, size, shape). Develop readiness for joint activities.

Developmental: improve children's skills in appliqué techniques; develop fine motor skills, develop horizons and lexicon children; develop free communication skills with adults and children, develop emotional responsiveness, logical thinking

Educational: to cultivate interest in understanding the world around us and reflecting received ideas in art activities;

Integration educational areas : “Social and communicative development”, “ Speech development», « Cognitive development", "Physical development"

Vocabulary work: unwell, health, personal hygiene, vitamins, transformation.

Equipment and materials:

Demonstration: knitted toy rabbit Krosh, Christmas tree, stump, balls of thread for each child, tray, “garland” of icicles.

Handout: balls, silhouettes of carrots of different lengths and thicknesses, cut threads of red, orange, yellow, green and light green, glue brushes, PVA glue, oilcloths, rags, trays.

TSO: multimedia equipment, tape recorder

Location : group room, the arrangement of children is free.

Progress of joint educational activities.

  1. Organizing time.

Educator: Hello, guys. I came to you from the city of Kineshma. Let's get acquainted.

Game "Magic Ball"

“Catch a little ball - say your name”

That's how we met. I take out the letter.

Someone threw it through my window

Look, the letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What's tickling my face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

Flew and dropped?

Maybe a cat letter,

Like a mouse

Lured to the window?

Let's find out together, guys, who this letter is from?

"Hello guys! I’m feeling a little unwell, come and see me.”

Rabbit Krosh.

Q: Guys, do you know who Krosh is?

Children. (This is a character from the cartoon “Smeshariki”)

Q: Krosh writes that he is “not feeling well.” What do you think it means to be “unwell”?

Children: This is when a person is sick. He has a cough and runny nose.

Q: Yes, that’s right, does that mean the rabbit Krosh is sick? Children, we need to visit Krosh. Do you know where he lives? (in the country of Smeshariki) How can we find our way to this fairyland? Children's answers.

V.: And a magic ball will help us with this. Let's all say the magic words together:

“Roll.” Roll the ball

Past the fir trees, past the hummocks.

Lead us along the road,

Bring Krosh to visit.”

The music is from the cartoon "Smeshariki". The children follow each other.

They approach the Christmas tree. On the stump is a toy Krosh.

Q: Children, who is that sitting under the Christmas tree? (rabbit Krosh)

V.: Hello, Krosh. (silent, doesn’t say anything) Why are you silent and don’t say hello?

Krosh: I can’t say hello, my throat hurts

Q: What happened? Why does your throat hurt? It’s spring outside, the sun is warming up, the snow is melting, and your throat hurts.

Krosh: I saw that a large transparent carrot had grown on the roof of my house. I picked it and ate it. It turned out to be not tasty at all and very cold. After that, my throat hurt and my temperature rose.

Q: I’ve never seen carrots growing on the roof of a house. Children, what do you think is this transparent carrot that grows on the roof? (icicle). Strange, why did Krosh confuse a carrot with an icicle? Maybe they are similar? (Children's answers)

Q: Dear Krosh, you ate an icicle instead of a carrot. Is it possible to eat icicles? What happens to those who eat ice icicles?

Krosh: And I have a lot of these carrots. I can treat you.

Q: Thank you very much, but we definitely won’t eat them. Children, do you think we can turn icicles into something useful? How can we turn an icicle into a carrot? With using what? (pencils, felt-tip pens, paints)

And I know another way to turn icicles into carrots. Do you want to know? Magic balls will help us with this... But to do this, we first need to turn into wizards.

1,2,3 – turn around yourself,

And turn into wizards.

I invite you to the laboratory of miracles...

Choose an icicle for yourself and sit down at the tables, now I will show you how to turn an icicle into a carrot using a magic thread. What color are carrots? (red, yellow, orange).

So, I place an icicle (silhouette of marking) in front of me on the oilcloth... First you need to say the magic words

Focus, bite turn,

And turn into a carrot.

Then I smear the silhouette of the icicle with glue, then take the cut threads (I want my carrot to be orange color), and spread them evenly onto the glue with my fingers. Then I take a cloth and gently press it. Then I take green threads, pour them onto glue, and apply them with a cloth. Now the carrots look like real ones: appetizing, orange, with a green tail.

The orange spine is hidden,

Only the top is visible from above.

And you will pick it up cleverly -

And in the hands of a carrot.

Did you like it? Want to turn an icicle into a carrot yourself?

Well, in order for your dexterous and brave fingers to perform magic, we need to do gymnastics.

Take the magic balls in your hands. Repeat after me.

I'm rolling in circles in a ball,

I drive him back and forth,

I will stroke their palm,

It's like I'm sweeping away crumbs,

And then I’ll squeeze it a little,

How a cat squeezes its paw

I'll press with each finger,

And I'll start with the other hand.

And now the last trick!

I roll the ball between my hands.

V.: Well done. Now you will try to make carrots yourself. But first, let’s remember again where to start our work? First let's say the magic words:

Focus, get a bite,

And the icicle turns into a carrot

V.: Now you can start working on your own.

The children do the work, the teacher helps, gives hints, comments, talks about carrots and their benefits...)

After finishing work, shake off excess threads and tidy up workplace. Now our transformation has happened, it’s time to please our Krosh and treat him to carrots.

To the music from the cartoon “Smeshariki” they go to Krosh.

Krosh: I've already been waiting for you (coughs)

Q: Dear Krosh, we brought you real, healthy carrots, help yourself, get your vitamins and get well soon.

Krosh: What wonderful carrots you have turned out, multi-colored, this one is long, orange, and this one is small, short with a fluffy tail.. Oh, yes, well done. They made me happy. I even started to feel better. How did you get such delicious carrots? What did you do with my icicles?

V.: Let's tell you how we got such carrots? What materials did we use? (wonderful transformation, magic threads)

Krosh: Thank you, children. I learned a lot of new and useful things today. I invite you to watch the cartoon and once again remember what you need to do to be healthy.

- Healthy food;


- maintain hygiene.

When we are healthy we are in a good mood!

Children did you like ours? magical journey? What was the most interesting for you?

I turn on the music “Sunny”

V.: Children, thank you for your cooperation and, as a keepsake of our meeting, I want to give you little suns and treat you to carrots.

Title: Summary of GCD for modeling in the middle group " Miraculous transformations»

Position: senior teacher of higher education qualification category
Place of work: MDOU kindergarten No. 7 compensatory type
Location: Kineshma, Ivanovo region

Program content: make children want to convey the image of a girl in sculpting. Learn to identify parts human figure in clothes (head, fur coat widening downwards, hands), convey them in compliance with proportions. Develop figurative representations, aesthetic perception. Develop children's creativity. Cultivate accuracy when performing work. Introduce children to the fine arts.

Materials and equipment: doll in winter clothes, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, napkins, record player, recording of the music “Winter”.

Activities: communicative, musical, cognitive, productive, perception of fiction.

Preliminary work: observing seasonal changes in nature during a walk in winter, observing the clothes of adults and children in winter, looking at pictures of winter fun.



GCD - Modeling. Topic: “Sculpting a girl in a winter coat”

(senior group)

Program content:make children want to convey the image of a girl in sculpting. Learn to highlight parts of the human figure in clothing (head, fur coat widening downward, arms), convey them in compliance with proportions. Develop figurative ideas and aesthetic perception. Develop children's creativity. Cultivate accuracy when performing work. Introduce children to the fine arts.

Materials and equipment:doll in winter clothes, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, napkins, record player, recording of the music “Winter”.

Activities:communicative, musical, cognitive, productive, perception of fiction.

Preliminary work:observing seasonal changes in nature during a walk in winter, observing the clothes of adults and children in winter, looking at pictures of winter fun.

GCD move:

Children sit on chairs, the teacher sits in front of them.

Educator. Guys, guess the riddle:

The cold weather has set in, the water has turned to ice,

The long-eared gray bunny turned into a white bunny,

The bear stopped roaring: the bear fell into hibernation in the forest.

Who can say, who knows when this happens?

Children. In winter.

Educator. Yes that's right. Please name other signs of winter.

Children. Snow falls from the sky to the ground.

The sun is not warm enough.

The sky is often covered with clouds and clouds.

Frost outside.

The trees stand bare - they sleep.

The grass doesn't grow.

Some animals hibernate.

Educator. Well done boys. What do people do to avoid freezing in winter?

Children. Turn on the heating in the houses, dress in warm clothes: pants, jackets, fur coats.

Educator. People also warm up by running or playing games. Let's play the game "Mousetrap".

Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller one (about a third of the players) forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest represent mice and are outside the circle. Children depicting a mousetrap hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, left and right, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

It was just passion that separated them.

Everyone gnawed, everyone ate,

They are climbing everywhere - here is a misfortune.

Beware, you rascals.

We'll get to you.

Let's set up mousetraps,

We’ll catch everyone at once!”

At the end of the poem, the children stop and raise their clasped hands up. The mice run into the mousetrap and immediately run out the other side. At the teacher’s signal: “Clap!” children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap is slammed shut. Mice that did not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. They also stand in a circle (and the size of the mousetrap increases). When most of the mice will be caught, the children change roles, and the game resumes.

At the end of the game, the teacher marks the most dexterous mice that never remained in the mousetrap.

Educator. Well, while we were playing, a guest came to us (shows a doll in a long fur coat, hat and boots). Do you think it was cold for her to get to us? (children's answers). Why do you think so?

Children. She is dressed very warmly.

Educator. Guys, she didn’t just come to us. She is very sad to play outside alone, her friends are afraid to go out because of the cold. Can we help her? (children: yes). How can we help? (children: make her girlfriends). Well, then let's think about how exactly we will sculpt the girl friends. From what parts?

Children. Torso, head, arms.

Educator. Let's look at the shape of these parts. What does the head look like? Torso? Hands?

Children. The head is on a round ball, the body is on a cone, the arms are on thin cylinders.

Educator. That is, our dolls will consist of several parts. What should you do first?

Children. Divide a piece of plasticine.

Educator. We divide a piece of plasticine into several parts. 2 parts are small: for the arms and head, and one part is large – for sculpting the body in a long fur coat. We set aside the smaller pieces, and begin to shape the larger piece. First we make a thick sausage, and then we begin to stretch it so that one side becomes narrow and the other wide. What is this figure called? (children: cone). When we have finished sculpting the body, we need to put it on the board and check if it is stable. Then we take one set aside piece of clay and sculpt a head from it. Please show me, Veronica, how to sculpt a head.

Child. You need to roll a ball out of a piece of clay, place it on top of the body, lightly press down and smooth the joint with your fingers.

Educator. Well done, thanks. Now we just have to make the hands. Divide the last piece of clay into two equal parts. Kolya, how can we continue sculpting our hands now?

Child. You need to roll both pieces of plasticine into sausages so that they are the same length and thickness. Then place them on both sides of the body and apply a little pressure. Then smooth the joint.

Educator. Very good thanks. Guys, when all the parts are connected, inspect the entire doll - smooth out all the irregularities, check the connections of the parts and at the end, using a stack, make a face for your dolls: eyes, mouth, nose. All clear? Then you can take your seats and start sculpting the dolls.

The music is played in the recording “Snow Was Falling”.

The children do the work. The teacher approaches each child individually and helps with advice or praise. When all the children have completed the dolls, a round dance of dolls is held, during which the children themselves evaluate their crafts.

The teacher summarizes the GCD.

Educator. We've been sitting too long. Let's show our dolls what games you can play outside to stay warm.

Outdoor game "Two Frosts".

Two parallel lines are drawn. According to the counting, two drivers are selected, they are located on the platform between these lines. The rest of the children are in the city, behind one of these lines. The drivers address the players:

We are two young brothers,
Two Daring Frosts:
I am Frost Red Nose,
I am Frost Blue Nose.
Which one of you will decide
Set off on a path?

Residents of the city answer in unison:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost, -
and begin to run from one city to another. Frosts are trying to catch defectors. The one whom the Frosts caught is considered frozen. He remains in the place where he was caught and must, with his arms outstretched, block the path of the players during subsequent runs. When there are so many frozen that it becomes difficult to run through, the game ends. Those who are not frozen win.