The main purpose of the works of ancient Russian literature. Features of Old Russian literature

Grammatical means of expressiveness are less significant and less noticeable compared to lexical and phraseological ones. Grammatical forms, phrases and sentences correlate with words and, to one degree or another, depend on them.

Therefore, the expressiveness of vocabulary and phraseology comes to the fore, while the expressive capabilities of grammar are relegated to the background.

The main sources of speech expressiveness in the field of morphology are forms of a certain stylistic coloring, synonymy and cases of figurative use grammatical forms.

A variety of expressive shades can be conveyed, for example, by using one form of number of nouns instead of another. Yes, forms singular personal nouns in a collective meaning vividly convey generalized plurality. This use of singular forms is accompanied by the appearance of additional shades, most often ¾ negative: Moscow, burned by fire, was given to the French (M. Lermontov). Expressiveness is characteristic of plural forms, collective names, used metaphorically to designate not a specific person, but a typified phenomenon: We all look into the poleons (A. Pushkin); Silent people are blissful in the world (A. Griboyedov). The usual or occasional use of the plural noun singularia tantum can serve as a means of expressing disdain: I decided to go to courses, study electricity, all sorts of oxygen! (V. Veresaev).

Pronouns are characterized by a richness and variety of emotional and expressive shades. For example, the pronouns some, some, some, some, used when naming a person, introduce a shade of disdain into speech (some doctor, some poet, some Ivanov).

The uncertainty of the meaning of pronouns serves as a means of creating a joke, comedy. Here is an example from V. Pikul’s novel “I Have the Honor”: His wife had Astrakhan herring. I think ¾ why would a lady drag around Europe with our stinking herring? He cut her belly (not a lady’s, of course, but a herring), and from there, dear mother, diamond after diamond ¾ fell out like cockroaches.

Special expressive shades are created by the opposition of the pronouns we ¾ you, our ¾ your, emphasizing two camps, two opinions, views, etc.: Millions of you. We are ¾ of darkness, and darkness, and darkness. Try it and fight us! (A. Blok); We stand against society, whose interests you are ordered to defend, as irreconcilable enemies of it and yours, and reconciliation between us is impossible until we win... You cannot refuse the oppression of prejudices and habits, ¾ of the oppression that has spiritually killed you , ¾ nothing prevents us from being internally free, ¾ the poisons with which you poison us are weaker than those antidotes that you ¾ unwittingly ¾ pour into our consciousness (M. Gorky).

Verbal categories and forms with their rich synonymy, expression and emotionality, the ability to figurative use. The possibility of using one verb form instead of another makes it possible to widely use in speech synonymous replacements of some forms of tense, aspect, mood or finite forms of the verb with others. The additional semantic shades that appear in this case increase the expression of the expression. Thus, to indicate the action of the interlocutor, the 3rd person singular form can be used, which gives the statement a disparaging connotation (He is still arguing!), 1st person plural(Well, how are we resting? ¾ in the meaning ‘resting, resting’) with a shade of sympathy or special interest, an infinitive with a particle with a hint of desirability (You should rest a little; You should visit him).

The past tense of the perfect form, when used in the meaning of the future, expresses a particularly categorical judgment or the need to convince the interlocutor of the inevitability of an action: ¾ Listen, let me go! Drop me off somewhere! I'm completely lost (M. Gorky).

There are many expressive forms of moods (May there always be sunshine!; Long live world peace!). Additional semantic and emotionally expressive shades appear when some forms of mood are used to mean others. For example, the subjunctive mood in the imperative sense has a connotation of a polite, cautious wish (You should go to your brother)", the indicative mood in the imperative sense expresses an order that does not allow objection, refusal (You'll call tomorrow!)); the infinitive in the imperative sense expresses categoricalness (Stop arms race!; ban testing atomic weapons!). Strengthening the expression of the verb in imperative mood particles contribute, yes, let, well, well, -ka, etc.: ¾ Come on, isn’t it sweet, my friend. // Reason in simplicity (A. Tvardovsky); Shut up!; So, say!

The expressive possibilities of syntax are associated primarily with the use of stylistic figures (turns of speech, syntactic constructions): anaphora, epiphora, antithesis, gradation, inversion, parallelism, ellipsis, silence, non-union, polyunion, etc.

The expressive capabilities of syntactic constructions, as a rule, are closely related to the elements that fill them, their semantics and stylistic coloring. So, stylistic figure antithesis, as noted above, is often created by using antonym words; The lexical basis of antithesis is ¾ antonymy, and the syntactic basis is ¾ parallelism of construction. Anaphora and epiphora are based on lexical repetitions:

In the silence and darkness of the forest

I think about life under a pine tree.

That pine tree is clumsy and old,

That pine is harsh and wise,

That pine tree is sad and calm,

Quieter than the streams in a big, big river,

Like a mother

me with a pine palm

Carefully strokes his cheek.

(V. Fedorov)

Stringing synonymous words can lead to gradation, when each subsequent synonym strengthens (sometimes weakens) the meaning of the previous one: She [the German woman] was there in hostile world, which he did not recognize, despised, did not see (Yu. Bondarev).

The expressiveness of speech depends not only on the semantic volume and stylistic coloring of the word, but also on the methods and principles of their combination. See, for example, how and what words V. Vysotsky combines into phrases:

Trusting Death was wrapped around his finger, She hesitated, forgetting to wave her scythe.

The bullets were no longer catching up with us and were falling behind.

Will we be able to wash ourselves not with blood, but with dew?!

Death is ¾ trusting; death was wrapped around the finger (i.e. deceived); the bullets did not catch up, but lagged behind; wash with dew and wash with blood.

The search for fresh, apt combinations, expansion, renewal of lexical compatibility are characteristic primarily of artistic and journalistic speech: She is a ¾ young woman, Greek, suspected of loving freedom (from newspapers). The phrase suspected of loving freedom gives a clear idea of ​​the situation in which love of freedom is considered a very suspicious quality.

Ever since Ancient Greece a special semantic type of phrases is known: ¾ oxymoron (Greek.

Oxymoron ¾ witty-silly), i.e. "a stylistic figure consisting of a combination of two concepts that contradict each other, logically excluding one another" ( hot Snow, ugly beauty, truth of lies, ringing silence). An oxymoron allows you to reveal the essence of objects or phenomena, emphasizing their complexity and inconsistency. For example:

(V. Fedorov)

A widely used oxymoron in fiction and in journalism as a bright, catchy headline, the meaning of which is usually revealed by the content of the entire text. Thus, in the newspaper "Soviet Sport" a report from the World Team Chess Championship was entitled "Original Template." The original template is the attempt of grandmaster Polugaevsky to make wider use of the typical positions that appeared on the board, analyzed in detail in textbooks on chess theory, knowledge of which makes it easier for the athlete to find a way out.

According to the apt definition of A.S. Pushkin, “language is inexhaustible in combining words,” therefore, its expressive capabilities are inexhaustible. Updating connections between words leads to updating verbal meanings. In some cases this manifests itself in the creation of new, unexpected metaphors, in others - in an almost imperceptible shift in verbal meanings. Such a shift can be created not by short-range, but by long-range connections of words, individual parts of the text, or the entire text as a whole. This is how, for example, the poem by A.S. is constructed. Pushkin’s “I loved you”, which is an example of expressiveness of speech, although it mainly uses words that do not have a bright expressive coloring and semantic connotations, and only one periphrasis (Love, perhaps, // In my soul has not completely faded away). The poet achieves extraordinary expressiveness through the methods of combining words within the entire poem, organizing its speech structure as a whole and individual words as elements of this structure.

The syntax of the Russian language, in addition, has many emotionally and expressively colored constructions. Thus, various modal-expressive meanings characterize infinitive sentences that have a colloquial coloring: You will not see such battles (M. Lermontov); You can’t hide // You can’t hide your amazement // Neither forges nor masters (V. Fedorov).

An emotional-evaluative attitude to the content of a statement can be expressed using exclamatory sentences: How beautiful life seems to me when I meet in it restless, caring, enthusiastic, seeking, generous in soul of people! (V. Chivilikhin); sentences with inversion: Fate has reached its conclusion! (M. Lermontov), ​​segmented and parceled structures: Winter ¾ is so long, so endless; Tal, where we will live, is a real forest, not like our grove... With mushrooms, with berries (V. Panova), etc.

Enlivens the narrative, allows you to convey the emotional and expressive features of the author’s speech, and show it more clearly internal state, attitude to the subject of the message, direct and improperly direct speech. It is more emotional, expressive and persuasive than indirect. For example, compare an excerpt from the story of A.P. Chekhov" Dear Lessons"in the first and second editions:

They give liveliness to the statement, emphasize the dynamism of the presentation of definitely personal proposals; Nominatives have great semantic capacity and expressiveness; various emotions are expressed by vocative and other sentences: The people of the whole earth // Let the alarm sound: // Let us take care of the world! // Let's stand as one, ¾ // Let's say: we won't let // The war start again (A. Zharov); Oh, roads! // Dust and fog, // Cold, anxiety // Yes, steppe weeds (L. Oshanin); ¾ Verochka, tell Aksinya to open the gate for us! (Pause.) Verochka! Don't be lazy, get up, honey! (A. Chekhov).

The expressive capabilities of syntactic (as well as other) means of language are updated thanks to various stylistic techniques of using them in speech. Interrogative sentences, for example, are a means of expressiveness if they not only contain an incentive to obtain information, but also express a variety of emotionally expressive shades (Is it morning?; So you won’t come?; Again this nasty rain?); awaken the recipient’s interest in the message, make them think about the question posed, emphasize its significance: How far will you swim on the wave of the crisis?; Is the postman's bag heavy?; Is it warm for us?; Will the CIS strengthen its position? (these are some article titles). Rhetorical questions, widely used in public speaking, help attract the attention of the addressee and enhance the impact of speech on his feelings: Don’t we have overflowing creativity? Do we not have an intelligent, rich, flexible, luxurious language, richer and more flexible than any of the European languages?

Why should we creak our feathers in a boring way when our ideas, thoughts, images should thunder like the golden trumpet of a new world? (A.N. Tolstoy)

The practice of oratory has developed special welcome use of interrogative sentences ¾ question-and-answer move (the speaker poses questions and answers them himself): How did these ordinary girls become extraordinary soldiers? They were ready for heroism, but were not ready for the army. And the army, in turn, was not ready for them, because most of the girls went voluntarily (S. Alexievich).

The question-and-answer course dialogues monologue speech, makes the addressee an interlocutor of the speaker, activates his attention. Dialogization enlivens the narrative and gives it expressiveness.

Thus, the expressiveness of speech can be created by the most ordinary, stylistically unmarked linguistic units thanks to their skillful, most appropriate use in the context in accordance with the content of the utterance, its functional and stylistic coloring, general expressive orientation and purpose.

Deviations from norms are deliberately used as means of verbal expressiveness in a certain situation. literary language: the use in one context of units of different stylistic colors, the collision of semantically incompatible units, non-normative formations of grammatical forms, non-normative construction of sentences, etc. Such use is based on a conscious choice linguistic means based on deep knowledge of the language.

It is possible to achieve speech expressiveness only with the correct correlation of the main aspects of speech - logical, psychological (emotional) and linguistic, which is determined by the content of the statement and the author’s goal setting.

Lexical diversity of a language The richness of a language is judged by: its vocabulary available expressive possibilities In all Russian language dictionaries Soviet era, published over 70 years, contains a total of about 125 thousand words. For comparison: V. Dahl’s Dictionary contains 200 thousand words. In modern English there are approximately 750 thousand words: in the third edition of Webster's (1961) 450 thousand, in the complete Oxford (1992) 500 thousand, and more than half of the words in these dictionaries do not match. In modern German, according to various estimates, from 185 to 300 thousand words.

Synonyms Synonyms are words that have the same meaning and differ in additional semantic shades or stylistic coloring. The use of synonyms allows you to avoid repetition of words and make speech expressive, bright, and varied. Example: walk, wander, wander, stagger, wander around Enemy, adversary, adversary.

Polysemous words The polysemy of a word (polysemy) is the ability of a word to be used in different meanings About 80% of Russian words are polysemous. A word can have a basic and derivative meaning. Name the basic and derivative meanings of the adjective “quiet”

Homonyms Homonyms are words that have the same sound and spelling and are different in meaning. Varieties of homonyms: Homophones sat - turned gray Homoforms of pigeons (r.p. from the word dove) and pigeons (average degree of the adjective blue) Homographs castle - castle, mugs- mugs

Play on words Using the meanings of words to create paradoxical and unexpected expressions Pun - playing on the meaning of a word Headlines from newspapers: “Veterans shook a string”, “Political meat packing” Radio awakens thoughts even in those hours when you really want to sleep Children are the flowers of life, don’t let them , however, to blossom. But an atmosphere of unprecedented warmth (it was already +30°C) reigned in the ranks of the official delegations. Occasionalism

Antonyms Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Good - bad, true - false. The use of antonyms underlies a variety of stylistic devices“War and Peace”, “The Living and the Dead” Antithesis - negation of contrasting features For example: Where there was a table of food - there is a coffin Oxymoron - the creation of a new concept by combining words with contrasting meanings For example: sworn friend

Paronyms Paronyms are words of the same root, similar in sound, but not the same in meaning. For example: dress - put on, signature - painting, businessman - business trip. Typical lexical error: confusion of words of paronyms Reason: failure to distinguish the meanings of words This is an outstanding political figure

Emotionally expressive coloring of words Emotionally expressive coloring is an element of the meaning of a word. Containing certain emotions or giving the word additional expressiveness For example: white, blond, blond, white, lily. Cry, sob, roar Varieties of emotional-expressive coloring: solemn poetic disdainful ironic, playful contemptuous vulgar abusive familiar, etc.

Stylistic coloring of words Stylistic coloring is an element of the meaning of a word that limits its use in a certain area. Types of stylistic coloring: colloquial colloquial official clerical high book, etc. For example: say, announce, proclaim, blurt out, blurt out

Paths Epithet is a word that defines an object or action, and emphasizes some characteristic property or quality in them. For example: A sad roar, soars proudly, frost-warlord Comparison is a comparison of two phenomena in order to explain one of them with the help of the other. For example: The ship seemed to be struggling Living being. Snow dust stands in a column in the air Metaphor - a word or expression that is used in figurative meaning based on the similarity in some respect of two objects or phenomena. for example: Here the wind embraces the flock of waves in a strong embrace.

Paths Metonymy is a word or expression that is used figuratively on the basis of an external or internal connection between two objects or phenomena. For example: I ate three plates. Synecdoche is a type of metonymy based on the transfer of meaning from one phenomenon to another based on the quantitative relationship between them. For example: Above all, save a penny. Everything is asleep - man, beast, and bird. Allegory is an allegorical depiction of an abstract concept using a concrete lifestyle. For example, cunning is shown in the form of a fox, greed in the form of a wolf, deceit in the form of a snake, etc.

Stylistic figures Anaphora and epiphora are the repetition of individual words or phrases at the beginning or end of the passages that make up the statement. I swear by the first day of creation, I swear by its last day, I swear by the shame of crime and the triumph of eternal truth. Parallelism is the same syntactic construction of adjacent sentences or segments of speech. We hold the young dear, we honor the old everywhere. Antithesis and oxymoron are a turn in which opposite concepts are sharply contrasted to enhance the expressiveness of speech. Where there was a table of food, there is a coffin. Silence is a deliberate break in the statement, adding emotionality, excitement to the speech and suggesting that the reader himself will guess what exactly remains unspoken.

Stylistic figures Inversion is the arrangement of the members of a sentence in a special order, violating the usual order, in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech. For example: He set excellent lunches. The soul reaches for the lofty. A rhetorical question is a figure in which a question is posed not with the goal of getting an answer, but to attract the reader’s attention. For example: Did you know Ukrainian night? Parcellation - syntactic highlighting individual parts or words of a phrase (most often homogeneous members) as independent sentences in order to enhance their semantic weight and emotional load in the text. For example: “And his shadow dances in the window // Along the embankment. In the autumn night. // There. Beyond the Araks. In that country” (P. Antokolsky). Gradation is a stylistic figure consisting of such an arrangement of words in which each subsequent one contains an intensifying meaning of the impression they make. For example: In autumn, the feather grass steppes completely change and take on their own special, original appearance, unlike anything else.